Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

It is high time Israel to forget the US blackmail monies and defeat the savages once and for all. A lot of us will pray Bibi does the right thing for his country and the world.

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

We have jihadists in the universities and throughout our society because white liberals, including the vast majority of Jews, have been arguing for open borders for at least 4 generations. So we have allowed millions of people, all of whom want to live like us but who are very different in almost every way religiously and culturally, to move here and bring their hatred and prejudices with them.

That being said, the Israelis, with our support, need to destroy Hamas/Islamic Jihad in Gaza specifically, Hezbollah at least as far north as the Litani River in Lebanon (and maybe farther north), and large parts of the Iranian material capabilities, both economic and military, in Iran. This will be very difficult but is possible. In the meantime, we have allowed large numbers of Muslim Brotherhood, which is a Sunni fascist organization but is supported by the Shite Iranians, to deeply infiltrate our DHS and other intelligence services, as the book "The Memo" pointed out 5 or 6 years ago. (BTW, the author, last name Ritchie, was cashiered by another one of Trump's atrocious appointees, General McMaster, for calling attention to the fact that Islamists were controlling large parts of the personnel decisions in DHS and elsewhere. You can't make this up). These people are working hand-in-hand with communists and anarchists to bring about as much destruction on us possible, as all three groups, while very different, have the same goal: bringing down the U.S. of A. by any means possible.

Place your faith in God, but keep your powder dry, as Lord Protector Cromwell said. We are going to have some very tough sledding this year and into next. And stay out of blue cities if you can.

Danny Huckabee

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

"If you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time - a tremendous whack".

.....winston churchill

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

If I were Israel I would be finding a new source for weapons.

Unfortunately Israel can no longer depend on the Great Satan …. at least with the sock puppet and his handlers in charge.

If I were Israel I would be contacting every Jew in America about how this next US election is of importance for the survival of Israel as Sock Puppet and his handlers have demonstrated they consider Iran less of an evil than they consider Israel an ally and friend.

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

The ME is a complicated and treacherous place. What makes it worse is a USG that gets it wrong nearly every time. There is no benefit to America to have a nuclear islamofascist Iran, a terrorist superstate that calls us the Great Satan, that chants Death to America, that unilaterally has destabilized the ME for decades, and that started the latest war in Gaza via their scumbag Hamas proxies. Yet we fund them and appease them.

Whatever happens to Israel happens here. Read that again. If Israel loses, we are next. Why do you think you will get better treatment? The borders are open. The Islamists hate Christians and secular Westerners as much as they hate Jews. Look at the violent demonstrators in our streets. Look at Europe which is farther down the same road. There are many areas in Europe and the UK where Non-Muslims can’t go, and the police don’t go except in massive shows of force. We are headed for that here. The Democrats are funding, appeasing, emboldening the radical elements in Iran and elsewhere. Why? Why are they doing it? Because to a Marxist, the enemy of America is their friend. Obama started this crap en masse and Biden is just following through.

The ME is changing. Most of the Sunni states have better things to concentrate on than killing Jews. In fact they want to integrate economically with Israel. Which is why Iran started this war. The trouble spots are all associated with Iran. What you saw two nights ago was revealing. Saudi, Jordanian and other Arab elements cooperating in Israel’s defense. The princess in Jordan as an officer of the Jordanian Air Force helped shoot down Iranian missiles. The world is changing.

This is an opportune moment to rid the world of a cancer. It won’t happen with Biden in office. As long as that snake Obama is pulling the strings the world will prevaricate. Trump had the mullahs on their heals. Sanctions were working. The Iranian people hate the mullahs and the government. The world needs to wake up. Even Russia which does a lot of business in Iran would breathe easier if they didn’t have a nuclear bomb and maniacs at the helm.

The US emphasis on delaying the elimination of Hamas is wrong. They are doing it for political reasons. To save votes in Michigan - from people who hate America and always will! You can’t make this stuff up. They are also trying their best to overthrow Netanyahu and install a libtard government in Israel. Israeli libtards are as bad as any here. The playbook against Netanyahu is the same playbook being used against Trump. Instead we should let Israel finish what it started and work to politically and economically isolate Iran.

For all the dumbass anti-Semites out there, be careful what you wish for. You may be too stupid to realize it, but life among Jews is generally peaceful. Not so when radical Islam is your neighbor.

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

I agree that the third option is best. I would not let the Biden administration know anything about it until five minutes before the retaliation takes place so that they 1. Cannot let their pals in Tehran know it's coming and, 2. Can let the world know that they informed D.C. prior to striking. Why is No. 2 important? Israel can say that they duly informed D.C. before striking which will, in a small way, make Biden guilty by association in the eyes of the jihadis in Michigan and elsewhere.

Whatever the Israelis do, I hope it does as much damage to Iran's military/industrial complex as possible and the least amount of collateral damage to the civilian population who, I am guessing, would love to see the theocracts that run Iran gone. The last time the people tried to topple the ayatollahs, Obama turned his back on them just like he did in 2014 when the Russians took the Crimea.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

Write in on the poll…

Make Chamberlain and Munich Great Again…

The wreakage from the Iranian Goat F’ers spitballs hadn’t even fallen before the usual suspects started calling for ‘Israeli restraint’… Ha!

But Fuld (people who read this stuff might remember the Israel Rabbi who was stabbed in the back and neck and yet ran down and almost caught the palestian invertebrate before bleeding out…that was his brother) is correct, do it, do it once and get it over with but make sure it doesn’t need a follow up visit, so option 4.

Regardless of what happens, the ME is going to factor heavily in what will eventually be called WW3 and Israel is a big part of the ME.Notice how China has been silent as it casts its covetous eyes on Taiwan, hoping the Israel/Iran drama captures the world’s attention, while it scores a hat trick on the other side of the world… this is also part of the history and legacy of WW3.

In any case, Israel needn’t concern itself with world opinion cause what it should have learned and in fact has learned, much of it the hard way, is that in the ME, the strong horse is the one that is respected the most.

Let it take its time and do it once and for all with Iran. The Jews in ‘The Diaspora’ will have to learn how to finally defend themselves!

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

I thought a long time before I picked, "It's shower time in America." I cannot imagine a more devastating campaign sign to put on the border of my property along the road. A picture of Alleged President Josef Stolen looking lost and confused, a running shower head, and that slogan across the bottom.

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

Israel waited until the stars aligned (5 generals all in the same building) before attacking the consular office in Syria. Waiting allowed them to take out more than just one Iranian bad guy, and also allowed them to plan a strike that would not leave fingerprints -- much like the assassinations they used to take out the Munich Olympics terrorists one by one. All of them. The long game strikes me as a better plan.

So I say let Israel respond to Teheran's attack at a time and place of their choosing. I would hope that would include destruction of the Kharg Island oil terminal, but ultimately the Israelis will know what is the best target, when to hit it, and how. Maybe another Stuxnet worm infiltrated into Iran's computers? Maybe fomenting student unrest on the streets? Maybe wetwork on the Mullahs? I say leave it to Israel to choose the target and the time -- they know what their capabilities are and what their targets look like.

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

Iran is turning this into a humiliating slapfest.

Israel isn't the aggressor but they damn well have earned the right to end it once and for all at the right time to strike. I hope they do.

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

Largely due to the highly unjust and prejudicial (read: anti-Semitic) attitude being demonstrated by this US administration and most of the Western world, Israel finds itself in a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” position, which, in one sense, can be a pretty powerful place to be. There’s nothing more dangerous than an someone who’s got nothing to lose.

Except right now, perhaps even more than ever, they do have their country to lose, and that takes precedence in all their decision making.

Israel could take out Iran any day of the week it chooses to do so. I think every single government in the world, including Iran knows that.

The bigger problem Israel actually faces right now, more than Iran proper, is Lebanon and Hezbollah in the North. If they had joined Iran in that barrage on Saturday it would have been a far more horrific event than it turned out to be. Hezbollah has built up, (with much thanks to Iran and the Obama and Biden administrations aid in both dollars and technological warfare assistance), a devastating capability to do enormous damage to Israel and its people, with its vast arsenal of exceedingly powerful rockets, missiles, drones, etc.

Israel should take this time now to not just thoroughly finish the job in Gaza immediately and right now, but at the same time, intensely and most surgically, increasing its most powerful forces to focus on neutralizing their threat from Lebanon to the very greatest degree that can be achieved. There is no other alternative for Israel if it ever wants to reside in any semblance of real security going forward. Then it can turn its attention directly toward Iran.

The question then, should Israel go full force in the North, will be, what position will the Biden administration take in such an event, as Hezbollah, currently on a US leash is another one of their pets, and one of Iran’s more powerful proxies? Will they abandon Israel altogether, or worse, outright threaten her with force of their own to get her to cease and desist, in order to protect their pet?

Regardless, I don’t see what other choice Israel has at this moment, other than totally submitting to Western intimidation and postponing this war today for the inevitable future war for Israel’s survival, with no more favorable conditions than exist today, and possibly even worse, should Iran succeed in getting nukes.

These thoughts and opinions are based upon my vast wartime expertise and military experience which amounts to exactly ZERO.

I just continue to pray for the life, security and peace of Israel. ♥️🙏

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

Well Don,this post served to re-kindle the smoldering anger in me.The a**holes in Dearbornistan and other blue areas allowing this shit to go on all need to board the next plane to Mecca and be dumped at 90,000 feet chuteless to meet muhammed.Ditto for the protesters they are protecting and allowing to disrupt commerce (federal offense?)across the Nation.

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

Without the crusades we would be living in the Stone Age with child brides and be living with sharia law. I would suggest bombing them back to the Stone Age but that would be giving them what they want. Blessed are the peacemakers.

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

The Biden Cabal CAUSED October 7th and the Iran missile attack. It takes money to wage war or terrorism. In January of 2021 Iran was functionally bankrupt. The Iran loving traitors in the Cabal made it possible for Iran to amass the resources to support its various puppets and build up its arsenal. It's just that simple.

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Apr 16Liked by Don Surber

Brandon's should lift a slogan from Mel Brooks' The Producers: "Don't be stupid, be a schmarty. Come on join Joe Biden's party"

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You say, “don’t punish the prostitutes-punish the pimp.” OK. But we might ponder the “real “ issue : who is pimping Iran? We know that answer. And should we cease our denial with an answer, we need to accept that wars are not about whose God is mas macho, even though that is the con for the foot soldiers. At such a crossroad, Biden the cowardly lion won’t even say “just kill the whores”. The blood of pimps flows in his hardened arteries too.

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