Don, the small aside you tossed in about your age and your wife's bedridden status hit home with me. I'm a few years older than you, married to the same woman for forty-five years whose health has taken a turn for the worse. Although not bedridden, her activities are curtailed and she seldom leaves the house, so it's on me to take care of the daily necessaries for both of us. Not easy, but I figure it's God's mission assignment, so I try to do it lovingly and cheerily, as I know you do as well. But we aren't in a position to move anywhere, either (except to the local nursing home, God forbid!) so if the Biden/Harris cabal should decide to relocate a bunch of cat and dog eating Haitians to our locale, we are going to be up against it Fortunately, we have so far escaped their rapacious notice, much like Sam and Frodo marching towards Mount Doom, but should things change for the worse, I'm afraid the proverbial fit may hit the shan. I'm not quite sure what the result might be, but judging by the chatter at the local sportsmen's clubs to which I belong, armed resistance is not out of the question. I think Eastwood captured the sentiment in his movie, "Gran Torino." When a man gets to a certain age, he is capable of things that might give a younger man some pause. Let us pray we are not presented with such situations. I suppose we will once again try to vote ourselves out of it, but as the saying goes, our choice may come to the ballot box or the cartridge box.
Gran Torino was a classic and is totally inappropriate for the progressive generation today. For us (my wife and I) we watch it about once a year and laugh. The end is interesting; sacrifice yourself to get the bad guys and clean up the neighborhood. And the car goes to the good kid.
I agree, whole heartedly, but my optimistic and rational brain thinks the Deep State must know this too, which is why I believe Trump will win, because if he doesn't the pace the cartridge box becomes the alternative, won't help the globalism already here. They have to know it as well.
Fortunately our local Sheriff’s department would stop any such activity here. That said if they did not I’m pretty sure I know how our local community would react to such activity.
Michael Savage said years ago that borders, language, and culture are what makes a nation. The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party’s policies are all dedicated to the fundamental transformation that the Light Bringer promised in 2008. It starts with borders and ends with the destruction of America as exemplified by what is happening in Springfield, Ohio and other towns all a cross the country.
Those same things make civilization possible. Civilization must be defended every single day. There was a reason “colonization” helped: it brought education and clean water and stopped the locals from killing their children and women for ideology. To some civilization is inconvenient since it encourages independence and freedom. The totalitarian crowd hates independence and freedom so it’s encouraging the slide away from civilization.
Growing up in Houston, right downtown, by I-45 is Sam Houston Park park in the 1970s. Had a nice little pond, want to say it has a cameo in Brewster McCloud. Had cute ducks & geese. When Viet Nam fell (kinda like Afghanistan but democrat Congress cut off funding, and Nixon Was fighting for the S Vietnamese until the end) a whole bunch of Vietnamese refugees were placed in the Memorial Village low income housing, right across the freeway. Needless to say, those cute little ducks & geese were gone very quickly, as well as any other friends that dropped by the pond next to Buffalo Bayou.... Had some issues with Shrimp boats back then too. Popular radio guy says, if you bring the 3rd world here, eventually here will become there... (or as others have said Sh-Holes)......still seems to hold true.
That is bigger supporters for PDJT than the Vietnamese. They have fully integrated, but still respect their family, learn as much as they can, and have prospered.
However, Haiti on the other hand, overthrew Napoleon's army and has been a feudal ungovernable state for close to 200 years. (Not counting Woodrow Wilson sending marines to save Citibank's investments and control the country in the early 20th century) Only Bill & Hillary Clinton were able to enrich lives of everyday Haitians in the 21st century. Now, with a SecState NGO contract, the Clinton Global Initiative-US is now resettling deserving Haitians to Springfield and other US Towns worthy of re-development here /s
After Katrina some very fine people were relocated to my home town in Minnesota. In a town full of Norwegians, Swedes and Germans they stood out. Twenty years later they are still there, still on welfare and not assimilated any more than the first day they arrived.
Democrats want to import their values and behaviors into our country? No thanks. We already have enough folks who behave like this flying on Spirit or Frontier airlines.
I don't understand the Frontier Airlines comment, frankly. A good friend of ours is a pilot for them and is a MAGA. Good guy; good pilot; great family; a sense of humor. Perhaps it is something "corporate" I have missed.
Frontier is a 'low cost' airline that often seems to attract customers that are not schooled in the social graces. Videos of arguments and meltdowns on planes are posted on social media, especially Tic Tock.
Thanks for the comment. I fly frequently and it seems there are "lacking social graces" people on all airlines; it is cultural now. I ignore them; hope I don't sit by them; and mind my own business. What a change from years ago when I used to fly internationally all the time. As far as "Tic Tock" goes (or Facebook, Instagram, X, etc-- all social media platforms), I don't participate. And it is not because I am not capable. I grew up in the computer industry working for IBM, Burroughs, Telex Computer etc. And yes, I wrote code and migrated to selling computer systems and peripherals. I understand how destructive social media platforms are; culturally.
I don’t participate either. And I’m old enough to remember when people actually got dressed up to fly and were on their best behavior, almost as if they were going to church.
Agreed. Now many people fly dressed in sweats looking and smelling like they have not bathed in a few days. Most memorable flight for me from years ago was sitting in first class on American Airlines; flying coast to coast. The stewardesses (I know "flight attendants" now) served prime rib; cut in front of you from a rolling serving tray. "How would you like your prime rib sir? So many things would torque progressives today about that; first class, red meat, special treatment etc. The term "whatever" applies. Have a great week.
Follow the money IF WE CAN FIND IT. How much did the county commissioners receive? How much did the city receive? There is no way a rural town of about 60,000 in the middle of farmland Ohio can absorb 10,000 or 20,000 Haitian migrants overnight. With no food, money or shelter the Voodoo Haitians ARE eating cats and ducks.
Where's DeWine? Where are the House and Senate Representatives?
They destroyed East Palestine on the East side of the state. Now, they are attacking Springfield on the west side of the state.
This is an invasion perpetrated by our government.
That part about not being able to absorb the numbers-truth-any dope would realize that. I wonder why the feds chose Springfield (perhaps that’s obvious-payouts), and where does the mayor and his cronies live?
What other small US towns have had this same fate thrust upon them? It’s all coming out now. Timing is everything.
One speaker actually said that - ‘who is getting what here’. I believe it was the woman whose daughter was pregnant, working 2 jobs, & she had to pay $150 because the Medicad apparatus was so far behind. So now in addition to saving the world from Russia, we owe it (per Kamala) to also save the sh*t hole countries too, just because they are sh*t hole countries? Thomas Massie gave a brilliant speech on the absurdity of what is the Congress. If I remember my American history correctly, the real impetus to the revolution was no taxation w/o representation- just sayin.
I googled to see if the Springfield mayor is R or D. Google wouldn’t tell me so I have to assume, based on their partiality, that he’s D. And who are the people/non-profits bringing these Haitians to Spfd? The town went from 4% Latino to 25% since Harris became VP. And it’s not going well, at least for the Americans living there.
Most likely the people who are on the city commission / town “elite” do gooders either own businesses (eg hotels being fully occupied every day with government paid “guests” , or the “free clinic” that saw 150 patients a year pre 2021 and now sees 1500/month—but gets federal $ for it) or are being directly paid by the federal government for their “help” with these “immigrants “. There is nothing else to it than just plain ignorant greed. To include any sense of self respect or preservation. It matters not what their political party may be only that they are enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else. I read somewhere —coffee and covid I think from a commenter that lives in the area that this particular town is a liberal enclave of old school hippie tree huggers paying the price for their lofty liberal leanings.
The lady in Springfield needs to get a lawyer and sue the city/county administrators for causing her property value to decline, the increase in trespassing/squatters, etc.
Before Lizzie, there was John Kerry campaigning in Ohio who walked into a sporting goods store and asked "Can I get me a hunting license here?" Not sure if he dropped the 'g' in hunting just to be sure he fit in with the locals. Kerry was such a phony that I am guessing that Tim Walz probably uses him as a role model.
Trump made them eat your pet because he wouldn’t put them up at Mar-A-Lago and feed them haute cuisine. What a self-centered bastard he is, better send the FBI in for a raid.
Seems unlikely to me a culture would change overnight on a flight to new digs. Maybe the town needs to bring in experts on Haitians such as Hill and Billary manage the culture merger , Good poll with jump out fave so treats are due. I truly enjoy the left/msm/dem hand wringing over Elon .freeing X up as a rebuttal to Zuck and comrade plotters against the voters.Lead on Poca-Man and we shall win a MAGA 2024 vote too big to rig .
Great idea bringing in the Clinton's. They should bring in daughter, Chelsea, too. Doing something like this might boost her credentials for that ambassadorship she wants in the Harris administration.
Haiti with its rich beautiful culture is coming to middle America thanks to FJB. When the average Haitian IQ is 78, what do you expect to happen? Unfortunately Bidens IQ presently is much lower, so to him he’s importing Nobel Laureates. FJB
Was generally the dumbest guy in college. On the other hand, he became president senator vice president and is a multimillionaire. In many ways he’s more accomplished than anybody I know.
Well, if you live in Springfield, OH…they’re probably out looking for “Ms. Kitty-Kitty-Bang-Bang”, as she didn’t come in from her evening constitutional.
So, the police chief denied the stories that the Haitians are killing and eating the local fauna. Maybe he should have checked with this guy first:
Prayers and good vibes for you and your Muse, Donnie Boy...
Kristol... Cheney... Like the end of "Rainbow Six", Clark should fly them into Springfield, OH without clothes...
Isn't it completely amazing(and frustrating) how the 'media' has hidden all of this illegal migration? I have friends who followed orders flying in thousands of Afghanny a$$holes... It is all covered up even in today's media capabilities. Scary.
There are people on the Left who, to this day(!) still have never even heard of Hunter’s laptop!! It astounds me at how effective their propaganda and selective news reporting has been.
Just imagine how utterly different the entire world would be today had we had an honest media.
Indeed. the Heartland Institute has also shown that many folks admit some level of fraud in their 2020 votes. If only a very small percentage DID commit fraud, the 42K vote margin for FJB would have evaporated.
I saw this comment on fecesbook, and have taken the liberty of reposting it here. I thank anyone who reads this for their patience.
Bill Ackman reposted
Dumb Bitch Capital, LLC
They can say *technically* the lady who ate a cat on camera in Ohio wasn’t a Haitian migrant
They can say there are *no police reports* of missing pets in Springfield, Ohio
They can say the photo of the guy carrying the goose by it’s neck *wasn’t a migrant* and was in *Columbus*
They can debunk it all. Go ahead, call us racist bigots! We’re spreading misinformation !!!!!
Because none of that even matters. It was never about the damn cat. The truth is:
-the US Federal Government flew / bussed in 20,000 Haitians refugees to a small Republican county in Ohio of only 50,000. Now, those migrants make up almost 30% of the Springfield population & are overwhelming their limited resources
-Kamala Harris is on camera bragging about importing 100,000 Haitian refugees during her tenure on the Biden administration
-the citizens of Springfield are reporting that they feel unsafe and are desperately asking for help. Not via anon accounts, but in real life under their real names in city council meetings. Its all recorded and It’s falling on deaf ears, while the mainstream media calls them racist and denies that there’s a problem
Meanwhile in New York City:
-20% of Hotel Rooms have been converted to shelters. Not for vets, not for the homeless, not for Americans at all. These are specifically to house undocumented migrants
-Not enough is being done to convert these migrants into productive members of society, and in New York after they are evicted from hotel shelters after a few months, they’re out on the streets… with what other option but to turn to crime?
-By policy, career shoplifters are NOT prosecuted & not even required to put up bail in NYC if the damage is under $1000. Instead, they are set free to do it again
-multiple Key Foods in Brooklyn may shut down because of the shoplifting epidemic
-everything is locked up at NYC drugstores from shampoo to razors
-This information is coming out primarily from citizen journalists. Why? The establishment media, for the most part, does not give a flying f*ck
New Yorkers were dumb enough to vote for this. Many of ones that did have a doorman and live a few floors up. That’s a whole other topic for another day, but TLDR they can tune it out…
Blue collar Americans in red counties in the Midwest cannot. They don’t have summer homes in Montauk. They live in single family homes. They’re on the ground exposed, they didn’t ask for this, and they don’t deserve it.
I’m sure most of the undocumented migrants are good people. But why the hell are they even here?? Who the fuck is bussing them to the middle of the Midwest? Why can’t we send aid to their countries instead of destroying our own, and depleting our limited resources that are meant for citizens?
The establishment media is not asking these questions. They have become nothing but a propaganda arm of a system that hates us, and we’re noticing
We do send aid to these countries but it’s all scooped up by their dictators. We need to stop all foreign aid - I’m sick of supporting all of these shitholes when I could spend that money on my own family.
Don, the small aside you tossed in about your age and your wife's bedridden status hit home with me. I'm a few years older than you, married to the same woman for forty-five years whose health has taken a turn for the worse. Although not bedridden, her activities are curtailed and she seldom leaves the house, so it's on me to take care of the daily necessaries for both of us. Not easy, but I figure it's God's mission assignment, so I try to do it lovingly and cheerily, as I know you do as well. But we aren't in a position to move anywhere, either (except to the local nursing home, God forbid!) so if the Biden/Harris cabal should decide to relocate a bunch of cat and dog eating Haitians to our locale, we are going to be up against it Fortunately, we have so far escaped their rapacious notice, much like Sam and Frodo marching towards Mount Doom, but should things change for the worse, I'm afraid the proverbial fit may hit the shan. I'm not quite sure what the result might be, but judging by the chatter at the local sportsmen's clubs to which I belong, armed resistance is not out of the question. I think Eastwood captured the sentiment in his movie, "Gran Torino." When a man gets to a certain age, he is capable of things that might give a younger man some pause. Let us pray we are not presented with such situations. I suppose we will once again try to vote ourselves out of it, but as the saying goes, our choice may come to the ballot box or the cartridge box.
You are absolutely right about the Lord
A marriage is between three people: a man, a woman and God.
I liked Gran Torino perhaps more than any of his other movies
Mrs. Surber is in my prayers as are you and your entire family. ❤️🙏🙏
I think Clint Eastwood would not move if the Haitians moved into his hood.
But I suspect he wouldn’t take his eye off of his 🐶
Gran Torino was a classic and is totally inappropriate for the progressive generation today. For us (my wife and I) we watch it about once a year and laugh. The end is interesting; sacrifice yourself to get the bad guys and clean up the neighborhood. And the car goes to the good kid.
I agree, whole heartedly, but my optimistic and rational brain thinks the Deep State must know this too, which is why I believe Trump will win, because if he doesn't the pace the cartridge box becomes the alternative, won't help the globalism already here. They have to know it as well.
Fortunately our local Sheriff’s department would stop any such activity here. That said if they did not I’m pretty sure I know how our local community would react to such activity.
Oh I'm in Georgia, just not Fulton County.
This far and no more.
Michael Savage said years ago that borders, language, and culture are what makes a nation. The Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party’s policies are all dedicated to the fundamental transformation that the Light Bringer promised in 2008. It starts with borders and ends with the destruction of America as exemplified by what is happening in Springfield, Ohio and other towns all a cross the country.
Those same things make civilization possible. Civilization must be defended every single day. There was a reason “colonization” helped: it brought education and clean water and stopped the locals from killing their children and women for ideology. To some civilization is inconvenient since it encourages independence and freedom. The totalitarian crowd hates independence and freedom so it’s encouraging the slide away from civilization.
Love Dr. Savage. Think he also coined the idea (or fact) that Liberalism is a mental disorder.
That was Rush.
Actually, it was the name of a 2005 book written by Dr. Savage.
Growing up in Houston, right downtown, by I-45 is Sam Houston Park park in the 1970s. Had a nice little pond, want to say it has a cameo in Brewster McCloud. Had cute ducks & geese. When Viet Nam fell (kinda like Afghanistan but democrat Congress cut off funding, and Nixon Was fighting for the S Vietnamese until the end) a whole bunch of Vietnamese refugees were placed in the Memorial Village low income housing, right across the freeway. Needless to say, those cute little ducks & geese were gone very quickly, as well as any other friends that dropped by the pond next to Buffalo Bayou.... Had some issues with Shrimp boats back then too. Popular radio guy says, if you bring the 3rd world here, eventually here will become there... (or as others have said Sh-Holes)......still seems to hold true.
The BIG difference is that the Vietnamese assimilated, quit eating pets and became wonderful citizens. At least that has been my experience.
That is bigger supporters for PDJT than the Vietnamese. They have fully integrated, but still respect their family, learn as much as they can, and have prospered.
However, Haiti on the other hand, overthrew Napoleon's army and has been a feudal ungovernable state for close to 200 years. (Not counting Woodrow Wilson sending marines to save Citibank's investments and control the country in the early 20th century) Only Bill & Hillary Clinton were able to enrich lives of everyday Haitians in the 21st century. Now, with a SecState NGO contract, the Clinton Global Initiative-US is now resettling deserving Haitians to Springfield and other US Towns worthy of re-development here /s
After Katrina some very fine people were relocated to my home town in Minnesota. In a town full of Norwegians, Swedes and Germans they stood out. Twenty years later they are still there, still on welfare and not assimilated any more than the first day they arrived.
man it's tough out here! it's a Haitian eat cat world now...dogs are down with it though
maybe those cat ladies will see the light
This guy does better Trump than Trump!
OMG, I'll be laughing all day!
"We get along very well with cats. ... We're going to make cats safe again."
Thanks for posting!
Haha--loved the reference to "even Chris Christie wouldn't go that far (eat cats)"!
Are you on GETTR?
Okay, the not Don Surber poll question I have is will this make crazy cat ladies love Trump or hate felines?
That was hilarious!
Yes, he does, it's terrific!!!
LOL! Love this guy.
Estee Palti (Kamala imitator) has a new video today. Also hilarious
cat ladies will just shift to bird cages.
Haitians seem to like birds too. Hence the ducks .
Good name for a band... "Haitian Eat Cat World"... works for me. Now about the music.
Democrats want to import their values and behaviors into our country? No thanks. We already have enough folks who behave like this flying on Spirit or Frontier airlines.
I don't understand the Frontier Airlines comment, frankly. A good friend of ours is a pilot for them and is a MAGA. Good guy; good pilot; great family; a sense of humor. Perhaps it is something "corporate" I have missed.
Frontier is a 'low cost' airline that often seems to attract customers that are not schooled in the social graces. Videos of arguments and meltdowns on planes are posted on social media, especially Tic Tock.
Thanks for the comment. I fly frequently and it seems there are "lacking social graces" people on all airlines; it is cultural now. I ignore them; hope I don't sit by them; and mind my own business. What a change from years ago when I used to fly internationally all the time. As far as "Tic Tock" goes (or Facebook, Instagram, X, etc-- all social media platforms), I don't participate. And it is not because I am not capable. I grew up in the computer industry working for IBM, Burroughs, Telex Computer etc. And yes, I wrote code and migrated to selling computer systems and peripherals. I understand how destructive social media platforms are; culturally.
I don’t participate either. And I’m old enough to remember when people actually got dressed up to fly and were on their best behavior, almost as if they were going to church.
Agreed. Now many people fly dressed in sweats looking and smelling like they have not bathed in a few days. Most memorable flight for me from years ago was sitting in first class on American Airlines; flying coast to coast. The stewardesses (I know "flight attendants" now) served prime rib; cut in front of you from a rolling serving tray. "How would you like your prime rib sir? So many things would torque progressives today about that; first class, red meat, special treatment etc. The term "whatever" applies. Have a great week.
Standards of decency and common sense are SO passe Plays. /sarc
most people don't bother to dress respectfully when going to church
Or when they go to funerals.
Getting dressed up for anything these days is gone.
Reveals the descent of the mind into slovenliness and anti-social behaviors.
Some airlines have more terrible passengers than others.
Follow the money IF WE CAN FIND IT. How much did the county commissioners receive? How much did the city receive? There is no way a rural town of about 60,000 in the middle of farmland Ohio can absorb 10,000 or 20,000 Haitian migrants overnight. With no food, money or shelter the Voodoo Haitians ARE eating cats and ducks.
Where's DeWine? Where are the House and Senate Representatives?
They destroyed East Palestine on the East side of the state. Now, they are attacking Springfield on the west side of the state.
This is an invasion perpetrated by our government.
(Skip through the ads at the front)
That part about not being able to absorb the numbers-truth-any dope would realize that. I wonder why the feds chose Springfield (perhaps that’s obvious-payouts), and where does the mayor and his cronies live?
What other small US towns have had this same fate thrust upon them? It’s all coming out now. Timing is everything.
One speaker actually said that - ‘who is getting what here’. I believe it was the woman whose daughter was pregnant, working 2 jobs, & she had to pay $150 because the Medicad apparatus was so far behind. So now in addition to saving the world from Russia, we owe it (per Kamala) to also save the sh*t hole countries too, just because they are sh*t hole countries? Thomas Massie gave a brilliant speech on the absurdity of what is the Congress. If I remember my American history correctly, the real impetus to the revolution was no taxation w/o representation- just sayin.
I googled to see if the Springfield mayor is R or D. Google wouldn’t tell me so I have to assume, based on their partiality, that he’s D. And who are the people/non-profits bringing these Haitians to Spfd? The town went from 4% Latino to 25% since Harris became VP. And it’s not going well, at least for the Americans living there.
The mayor could also be a Rino; lots of Repubs get tucked in by promises of "financial aid" that comes with these imported illegals. Disgusting.
Heck, the governor of the state is a RINO.
"sucked" not tucked...
just so you know. you can hit those three dots on the right and edit. i found that out by accident. respects because i always read your posts.
Same here, it took me a while to find that out.
Yep I finally read he’s a R on the Victory Girls blog.
Most likely the people who are on the city commission / town “elite” do gooders either own businesses (eg hotels being fully occupied every day with government paid “guests” , or the “free clinic” that saw 150 patients a year pre 2021 and now sees 1500/month—but gets federal $ for it) or are being directly paid by the federal government for their “help” with these “immigrants “. There is nothing else to it than just plain ignorant greed. To include any sense of self respect or preservation. It matters not what their political party may be only that they are enriching themselves at the expense of everyone else. I read somewhere —coffee and covid I think from a commenter that lives in the area that this particular town is a liberal enclave of old school hippie tree huggers paying the price for their lofty liberal leanings.
The lady in Springfield needs to get a lawyer and sue the city/county administrators for causing her property value to decline, the increase in trespassing/squatters, etc.
Kamala eats Doritos like Liz Warren drinks beer.
Before Lizzie, there was John Kerry campaigning in Ohio who walked into a sporting goods store and asked "Can I get me a hunting license here?" Not sure if he dropped the 'g' in hunting just to be sure he fit in with the locals. Kerry was such a phony that I am guessing that Tim Walz probably uses him as a role model.
Yeah, Lizzie gone get herself a beer to go with those gas station nachos. Y'all want one?
Trump made them eat your pet because he wouldn’t put them up at Mar-A-Lago and feed them haute cuisine. What a self-centered bastard he is, better send the FBI in for a raid.
Not true not true, Barry is to blame! The SCoaMF wouldn't share his wagu beef with them. But you demand that Donald give them part of his Whopper?
Liberals, I swear.
Made me finally look up SCoaMF!
You didn't know it was Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure?
I believe it was Schlongy who introduced us to that name.
Seems unlikely to me a culture would change overnight on a flight to new digs. Maybe the town needs to bring in experts on Haitians such as Hill and Billary manage the culture merger , Good poll with jump out fave so treats are due. I truly enjoy the left/msm/dem hand wringing over Elon .freeing X up as a rebuttal to Zuck and comrade plotters against the voters.Lead on Poca-Man and we shall win a MAGA 2024 vote too big to rig .
Great idea bringing in the Clinton's. They should bring in daughter, Chelsea, too. Doing something like this might boost her credentials for that ambassadorship she wants in the Harris administration.
Haiti with its rich beautiful culture is coming to middle America thanks to FJB. When the average Haitian IQ is 78, what do you expect to happen? Unfortunately Bidens IQ presently is much lower, so to him he’s importing Nobel Laureates. FJB
Correction...Biden's IQ was always low.
In the backroom was considered the dumbest senator in Senate.
Was generally the dumbest guy in college. On the other hand, he became president senator vice president and is a multimillionaire. In many ways he’s more accomplished than anybody I know.
Who says crime doesn’t pay?
And Brandon was always nasty.
and FKH and her running buddy!
Did someone say Downfall?
Where are all the crazy cat ladies when you need them?
Well, if you live in Springfield, OH…they’re probably out looking for “Ms. Kitty-Kitty-Bang-Bang”, as she didn’t come in from her evening constitutional.
So, the police chief denied the stories that the Haitians are killing and eating the local fauna. Maybe he should have checked with this guy first:
Prayers and good vibes for you and your Muse, Donnie Boy...
Kristol... Cheney... Like the end of "Rainbow Six", Clark should fly them into Springfield, OH without clothes...
Isn't it completely amazing(and frustrating) how the 'media' has hidden all of this illegal migration? I have friends who followed orders flying in thousands of Afghanny a$$holes... It is all covered up even in today's media capabilities. Scary.
It truly is quite astonishing.
There are people on the Left who, to this day(!) still have never even heard of Hunter’s laptop!! It astounds me at how effective their propaganda and selective news reporting has been.
Just imagine how utterly different the entire world would be today had we had an honest media.
It would be like night and day.
Indeed. the Heartland Institute has also shown that many folks admit some level of fraud in their 2020 votes. If only a very small percentage DID commit fraud, the 42K vote margin for FJB would have evaporated.
I saw this comment on fecesbook, and have taken the liberty of reposting it here. I thank anyone who reads this for their patience.
Bill Ackman reposted
Dumb Bitch Capital, LLC
They can say *technically* the lady who ate a cat on camera in Ohio wasn’t a Haitian migrant
They can say there are *no police reports* of missing pets in Springfield, Ohio
They can say the photo of the guy carrying the goose by it’s neck *wasn’t a migrant* and was in *Columbus*
They can debunk it all. Go ahead, call us racist bigots! We’re spreading misinformation !!!!!
Because none of that even matters. It was never about the damn cat. The truth is:
-the US Federal Government flew / bussed in 20,000 Haitians refugees to a small Republican county in Ohio of only 50,000. Now, those migrants make up almost 30% of the Springfield population & are overwhelming their limited resources
-Kamala Harris is on camera bragging about importing 100,000 Haitian refugees during her tenure on the Biden administration
-the citizens of Springfield are reporting that they feel unsafe and are desperately asking for help. Not via anon accounts, but in real life under their real names in city council meetings. Its all recorded and It’s falling on deaf ears, while the mainstream media calls them racist and denies that there’s a problem
Meanwhile in New York City:
-20% of Hotel Rooms have been converted to shelters. Not for vets, not for the homeless, not for Americans at all. These are specifically to house undocumented migrants
-Not enough is being done to convert these migrants into productive members of society, and in New York after they are evicted from hotel shelters after a few months, they’re out on the streets… with what other option but to turn to crime?
-By policy, career shoplifters are NOT prosecuted & not even required to put up bail in NYC if the damage is under $1000. Instead, they are set free to do it again
-multiple Key Foods in Brooklyn may shut down because of the shoplifting epidemic
-everything is locked up at NYC drugstores from shampoo to razors
-This information is coming out primarily from citizen journalists. Why? The establishment media, for the most part, does not give a flying f*ck
New Yorkers were dumb enough to vote for this. Many of ones that did have a doorman and live a few floors up. That’s a whole other topic for another day, but TLDR they can tune it out…
Blue collar Americans in red counties in the Midwest cannot. They don’t have summer homes in Montauk. They live in single family homes. They’re on the ground exposed, they didn’t ask for this, and they don’t deserve it.
I’m sure most of the undocumented migrants are good people. But why the hell are they even here?? Who the fuck is bussing them to the middle of the Midwest? Why can’t we send aid to their countries instead of destroying our own, and depleting our limited resources that are meant for citizens?
The establishment media is not asking these questions. They have become nothing but a propaganda arm of a system that hates us, and we’re noticing
Last edited
10:58 PM · Sep 9, 2024
We do send aid to these countries but it’s all scooped up by their dictators. We need to stop all foreign aid - I’m sick of supporting all of these shitholes when I could spend that money on my own family.