03/25/24: What a perfect title for such a damned fool. Reminds me of the political prisoner in Moscow justifying his own incarceration in Darkness At Noon (Arthur Koestler 1941). --- Carville "said, 'This was L.S. freaking U., not Oberlin.' " Someone pass the word along to him and the other deluded fools: THEY ARE ALL OBERLIN: Harvard, LSU, community "colleges" (welfare programs). Conformity of thought is the rule, James. Now, dry up and blow away, pal.

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I suppose "Darkness at Noon" served as a good reminder of Stalin's deadly "purification" of some 2 million faithful in the late 1930s, but it was mostly fiction, which precludes basing much on it. Its crowning piece of fiction was the final scene, of the prisoner, after his "confession", being shot in the head by his interrogator, who was walking down the hallway behind him. The tension in that scene is palpable, but that procedure would have made a terrible mess, which is why the KGB had worked out a much cleaner one. All the condemned were shot in the head alright, but in the cellar, by executioners dressed from top to toe in the garb you'd find in big slaughterhouses.

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Ugh, looking at all those pictures of that "woman" held in Russia just spoiled my breakfast. The way she bitched about America, they should have left her in Russia.

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I am very sorry that they didn't do exactly that. On the other hand, Putin's jailers probably threatened "regime change" if she wasn't out of their eyesight by the end of the summer.

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Perhaps Mary Matalin rubbed off on him just a little.

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Doubtful. And BTW, how does a supposed conservative live with a person who is wantonly and enthusiastically privy to the destruction of western civilization?

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She's a fake. Might be conservative but she accomplished nothing as one.

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a lot of so called 'conservative' women are complete bs artists. three more outed themselves just within the last few days and weeks....ronna the mutt, pos murkowski and do nothing haley.

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They were outed by their actions long ago. Why we put up with these people is beyond me.

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Ahhhh. . . Love is blind?

Mary must be sight-impaired to look at his Howdy Doody face each day.

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You're too kind. He's Gollum.

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"It was the heat generated by the TV cameras, your honor!"

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Shiny head with ears that stick out as far as Obama's.

In a wind storm, they both could do a good imitation of Dumbo.

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Well, if you bring up prominent ears, I’ve noticed Rubio looks like Dumbo. 😳

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i happen to think rubio would make an ok vp but i realize he's basically spineless so would probably not make a good potus.

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My observation of his ears literally was just an observation about his ears, however I strongly doubt Trump would consider Rubio. First: they're both residents of FL which is an issue with Delegates voting, is my understanding. Second: Rubio was part of the Gang of Eight (with McCain, good riddance) who wanted to offer amnesty to illegals. No thanks.

This group tells me everything I need to know: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gang_of_Eight_(immigration)

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Your point? "Rubio looks like Dumbo"

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The point is just what my statement said

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what's your point?

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That Rubio has very large ears.

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I always thought of James as The Baton Rouge Louisiana Wind Turbine... apparently, he has caught fire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yYCDmLwMuu4

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It is more likely that she rubbed him off rather than rubbing off on him.

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A side point in the essay is DEI. Could we now call it something I saw this weekend: Didn’t Earn It. It seems to apply across the board in the whole useless ideology. The longer name may be Didn’t Earn It but Want Reparations Anyway.

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Brilliant. "Didn't Earn It" it shall be, henceforth and forever.

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Thank Scott Adams for that turn of phrase.

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Actually he didn’t coin it, but rather applauded whoever did.

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Thanks. I could not remember where I saw it but the phrase stuck. Purely accurate.

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Powerful mocking! That’s gonna leave a mark with the Wokesters!

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And accurate - as we see DEI hires fail over and over again.

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It is not coincidence that Carville has been trotted out at this particular political juncture in 2024. They are desperate.

So they have dragged out one of the vilest, meanest, nastiest, crudest, and most shameless political operatives they ever had to help marshal their troops into the mud and grime of political wargames of which he is master.

He hates DJT with the fire of a thousand suns, (I think he may have even have claimed as much), and all those who voted for him likewise. He is harbinger they will go scorched earth in this campaign, no-holds-barred.

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I don't know if he hates DJT or not but what he does hate are all the people who are moving to Trump. He hates the people being able to choose who they support. Carville is an elite in his party. He disgusts me as much as that little runt Stephonopolis. One of the guys in my Army unit told me he lived for the day he could punch out the little runt. He said he hated his sneer. He said no one with a sneer like that should go unpunished. I told him he should pay better attention as most of the key players in the Clinton machine had that same sneer.

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Here’s a conspiracy theory to consider: Carville is 100% a Clinton strategist. Where you see one, the other can’t be far away. Is he emerging now because Hillary will replace Joe on the ticket? It has been her dream to be the first female POTUS.

I simply can’t believe the dems will actually run Biden and try for re-election. I have always believed the only two powerful enough to super-charge the dems is an Obama or a Clinton.

Call me crazy, but it won’t be Joe in November. Hillary has been preparing for the big surprise.

And, I'll venture one step further: Moochie will be the VP.

Like I said, call me crazy, but after watching the vote on Friday from this Congress, I'm not the craziest.

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...and wouldn't that be that Harridan From Hell's ultimate revenge on the turd-in-the-punch-bowl that robbed her of her turn in '08?

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Yes. Ironically, if it comes to pass, I guess Hussein will be paying her back for '08.

BTW: Thanks for the new vocabulary word today. I always learn good stuff on this site.

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Hillary and Michelle—interesting and possible. Altho the Obamas strongly dislike the Clinton’s. Hillary and Michelle would fight over who gets top billing. And if Hillary gets it and they are “elected”, it’s ironic but Hillary could herself be “Arkanicided”.

More lovely self-destruction by the Democrats to watch.

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Given how much Obama dislikes her it seems unlikely. She’s pretty unlikeable but he’s past the general application of the word I think. He loathes the Clintons as Clintons.

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I can't fathom that the D's would be so desperate to nominate Hillary or that there would be sufficient Americans who would vote for that horrid human, nor would they be able to stuff enough ballot boxes to achieve the desired result

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Ugly thoughts indeed Shrugged.

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Yes, I, too, think it's quite possible.

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Very possibly she’ll try. She’s no spring chicken either

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The way she fumed after losing in 2016 raises the odds that EVEN IF she wins, she'll blow a fuse. I mean, a vital artery.

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That is a scary thought. Worse yet, I believe most Americans are so dumbed down they would vote for them.

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Suzie, that is the perfect description of that SOB. And yes, the Dems will burn & bankrupt the country in order to maintain power. Even if the country looks like a third world nation.

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Don: Sincere thanks for writing Carville's eulogy. He is dead meat.

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When he finally goes I hope both Clintons and their entire administrations con men are in the same car.

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Maher and Carville are speaking up. That’s not by accident. Somebody at the top of their food chain has given them the go ahead. Keep your eyes and ears open

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Agree Dennis. The issue is simple: Democrats have been co-opted by the ultra Marxist left and now the party is Democrat in name only. Sadly, and this is the real irony here, the RINO arm of the GOP is in full view now and they outnumber the conservative faction there. My uneducated prediction here is that if we are all still alive come 2028, the two parties will look vastly different than they do now, especially the GOP. I'm a life long conservative and I no longer have a place in the GOP of today. I'm waiting for the Renaissance to take place and praying the GOP will not lose the House in 2024. The Senate is full of professional GOP Rino's who have convinced themselves that so long as they all speak the same talking points they will be re-elected because they know we understand the alternatives are even worse. Lisa Murkowski just said she would not support Trump if he is the nominee and hinted at leaving the party. Does that sound like a party team player? Frankly, I would hold the door while she leaves and make sure the last thing she feels is my boot in her butt.

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Well put Redd.

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Good point, Dennis. Yes, when you see Democrat has-beens speaking out you know they'er reaching way, way down into their bag of tricks. Another symptom of their desperation.

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I disliked Carville the first time I saw him. I dislike most people who strive to manipulate our political system. To people like him, scheming and lying to voters to sway their votes is perfectly okay. It’s okay to destroy peoples lives to cover up wrongdoing by others. It’s okay to promise certain voting groups favors in exchange for their support. And maybe, in Carvilles and the Clintons case, it is okay to shorten a persons life span if that person strays from your official story line. Carville is scum, not because he supported a “D”, but because he thinks the American elections system is a game to be twisted and used to his benefit. Notice in Carvilles comments to “the Dowd” he never once mentions what is good for the country. That didn’t matter to him. No, Jimmy Carville will someday have a headstone that reads “He loved the game of selling neatly wrapped bags of garbage disguised as good humans”. After all these decades, I was right about my impression of Carville and his talking mutt Stephonopolis.

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Carville is the hood ornament on the Democrat party's hearse.

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Maybe, but right now the left is essentially even with us in both Houses. This election will tell us if we are winning or done. Right now, all the optics are good for our side but I have been fooled before. The present crop of GOP save for a few soldiers needs to go. They are playing a game of mutually assured destruction. If we don't get some type of reasonable term limits this is not going to change.

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J.Crouere has a column today suggesting any rep leaving before the end of their term be made to pay for the special election to fill the seat.Maybe this would stop a rino stampede for the exits.

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Yeah. I just saw where Lisa Murkowski says she will not support Trump and she wishes she had someone she could throw her support behind in the party. She hinted she may leave the party. The RINO's like her think the party is changing. But what is really changing is that party members are no longer putting up with the Dem-enabling GOP leadership. As for Murkowski, looks like she may finally do something good for the GOP............leave.

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Murkowski hasn't supported anything R in years - it's well passed time for her to get the hell out of the way. She's blocked several good candidates from getting elected who could have made a difference in many outcomes - same goes for the old woman from Maine!

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She is part of the problem and yet is clueless about her role in it. She has a lot of company in that regard.

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She is part of the problem and yet is clueless about her role in it. She has a lot of company in that regard.

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If one of them turns the house over to the Dems., I want him perp-walked to the front of the capital, where a bunch can tar-and-feather him and ride him out of town on a rail.

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Just an aside re: “they’re essentially even with us in the House”. That’s only because for the past couple decades they’ve managed to get the census to not segregate illegals when computing population to determine house districts.

Recently it’s been said blue states enjoy 13-20 extra House seats because of illegals swelling their population. And wasn’t it just last week or so Democrats of course voted in a block against fixing that Census practice.

In REALITY, we are beating them solidly in the House by a comfortable margin, if illegals were not included

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I agree and am shocked that there is no law that prevent this from occurring. Who on earth thinks it a good idea to count illegal invaders in our population census? More specifically, who in the GOP is going along with it?

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It is outrageous. Here in West Virginia, we used to have 3 House Reps; after the last census we lost one and only have 2 now.

Not one peep from our RINO Senator Shelly Moore Capito, nor from mostly-self-focused Senator Joe Manchin. Disgusting.

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That's because the country looks very different to them from the Country Club porch. I swear, they must vaccinate every new member of congress with some mind altering drug to make them all forget where they came from as well as making them all speak and sound identical. Just listen to someone running for office and how they sound, and then listen to them after they are sworn in and have received the "shot".

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GMTA Redd.

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Carville’s politics are symptomatic of an angry, crass, covetous, self-loathing boor, who, among the seedy, low-minded company he keeps, has easily passed “smart aleck” off as smart.

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I would add “misogynist” to that list of evil attributes. Remember “drag a $100 bill through a trailer park” and his efforts to snuff out “bimbo eruptions?” Rush didn’t call him Serpent Head for nothing.

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He says elites in the party are the problem. Complete lack of self-awareness. He is a member of the left's elite, and he reminds us of that fact every time he tells us he is smarter than the rest of us and pretends to have all the answers. He's scum.

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Haven’t heard yet about what he thinks of Proverbs….

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Does anyone in politics today look past the next election? God forbid. And if they do they will be forced to resign.

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For the political class, it's all about winning and keeping the grift going. The fate of the nation never enters the equation.

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Exactly. Thing is though do not the Swamp scum have children and grandchildren? Do they not care about them? Or is it just time to lie, cheat and steal enough graft for them to think they can escape the hordes. Will it work like that?

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Mar 25Edited

Oh they have them but they set them up todo more dirty work. Hence, Nancy Pelosi's son getting away with mail fraud and something else. Article was yesterday and gone within a couple hours.


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Many if not most (leftists) do not have children!

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They are more interested in aborting them than caring about their futures.

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Mar 25Edited

Nope or past that Chamber of Congress, hence Harry Reid changing the filibuster and being told then, he would regret it.

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Like Carville, Obama will be complaining about the world he created in a few years, when they start throwing Gays off the top of buildings.

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Perhaps Obama will be one of them . . .

And, Big Mike too . . .

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Moochie is one of the most depressing people I have ever encountered. She has the world by the tail and all she can do is pontificate about what a rotten place this country is, the same one that gave her everything. She epitomizes the left, soulless and miserable but they have no idea why.

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I guess it is difficult to find happiness when you play the “victim” full time

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Happiness is comes from within. So you are right, if you are always complaining you dont have 'whatever' and you got 'robbed', then you are never happy.

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Mar 25
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Well, I wasn't thinking about new revenue streams, but I did spend most of my career in marketing - and gave away truckloads of bling, including t-shirts, at tradeshows.

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can we make requests? Id like a few T-shirts too =p

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Unhappy people on both sides of the aisle are typically Facists.

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You could have out /on both sides of the aisle.

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I would pay a hefty premium to witness that first-hand...

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Another “Ouch!” In today’s comments! (Mark’s comment about it becoming real for Obama when they start throwing gays off the roofs here.)

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Carville represents the Democratic Party perfectly. Power is always the objective. Once obtained, abuse it for personal benefit without regard for the damage you inflict on the country. Anyone who opposes you is a fool who does not comprehend the rules of the game. If those in opposition gain an audience, crush them by any means available. The levels of his arrogance and condescension have always been a wonder to behold.

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Carville is todays democrat. Live vile evil personified.

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In some ways, politics........................professional politics, is a private club and membership is seen as having benefits the rest of us do not.

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Carville should fall through his ass and hang himself. End of report.

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I was surprised to see Carville's face again after all these years. What a clown. Literally.

The Dem strategy of radically changing the demographic is stupidly bold but risky. The more they keep their welcome sign at the southern border, the more African Americans shift to Trump. And, the Dems still have to figure out how to get the illegals "registered" to vote. I suspect they will have a plan to ballot harvest without having to get them to a polling location, but they still need a name and address. I have read that some states are already registering illegals. As for the Queer demographic, it has limits in size and will fall out of style. I see more and more articles about detransitioners - people who regret physically/surgically transitioning.

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Getting them registered to vote will be easy once enough time has passed and Americans resume their lives and get back to work. Then the GOP and Dems will have selective amnesia and say “well there is no way to deport so many mostly peaceful illegals so lets give them a path to citizenship”. Just wait.

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They are already beginning that wind up.

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Mar 25
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I trust the majority of GOP members about as much as the Dems. They would rather punt than work hard for a principle. They are the laziest bunch of federal leeches I have ever seen. Trump needs to deport every illegal. If congress wants them back then they need to do it by changing a perfectly good immigration system. The immigration system isn't broken, it just makes it hard to become an American because being one should not be a freebie.

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Mar 26
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Gayle, you are at same place I am. I was willing to discount the younger generations indifference and Marxist like tendencies as just foolishness at one point but this has gone way beyond the line now. We have a government set on being Santa Claus rather than doing their jobs in a professional manner. I knew he was a fraud, but thought that people needed to find out for themselves when Obama was elected. What an utter waste of a golden opportunity he was for finally putting race behind us. But he didn't just waste the time in office, he ushered in an era of weaponized big government. This government has two goals; set in place regulations to control people and transfer money from people who work to people who don't under the guise of anti-racism. Biden forgiving student loans even after the SCOTUS has ruled it illegal shows you how far the left will go to buy votes thru an otherwise bankrupt ideology. Make no mistake, these people are trying to be so in our faces that there will be a national revolt by our side that they can then use to say "see, the GOP is violent, and we need to disarm them". They are waiting for it to happen. Then will come a limited Marshall Law that will never go away entirely. The federal government today is a giant jobs program and voting block. The bigger you make it the more people vote along federal government benefiting lines. This is going to start to change in 2024 but not easily. Stay safe, and watch the change start happening. Both parties are going to be radically changed by the time 2024 rolls around.

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Long-term, it's hard to see a real political future in the LGBTQXYZ crowd. Unless accidents happen, they don't procreate.

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I just read an article yesterday that a lab is trying to create a baby using genetic material from two males. If that is successful, I can see "baby clinics" springing up like tattoo and vaping parlors.

To your point, hopefully, it is an extinction event in progress.

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No doubt using only male material will appeal to radical feminists and lesbo's, who are filled with anti-male hate. But it could well be a scam appealing to that crowd, but turning out "too good to be true". Wouldn't be the first "high tech" medical racket ...

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Elizabeth Holmes anyone?

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Good observations Wim.

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Western civilization is killing itself.

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Mar 25
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I dunno. They seem to have a lot of fervent missionaries.

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I think they can do it, more or less, in states that give driver's licenses to illegals.

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There was another country shutting down the Trans medical train, no hormones, no surgery for minors. I will find the article, read it in the last day or two.

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First U K now France tj.

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There was another also EU, it is one not in the news much. I would have remembered those two. It wouldnt surprise me, though if the whole EU block went that way. They all put the breaks on that stuff last year for more studies / info.

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Poor James Carville. The boy is deparately trying to remain relevant as a political pundit. He and Paul Begala (the Forehead, per Rush) were the golden boys when Bill Clinton was President. Like Clinton, they were ruthless political operatives and who would stoop to anything to deflect the truth about the Clintons. Now, he rightly claims that his party has evolved such that he has become irrelevant as it relates to party demographics. Too bad, so sad for the Serpant Head. Sadly, Rush is not with us any more, so I am going to give Carville a new moniker. He is a Democrat dinosaur...a Demosaur.

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Rush would be proud of your moniker. . . and probably use it if he were still here.

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Rush was the master at descriptive nicknames.

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With Dowdy pushing CARVILLE’s Gloria Swanson close-up moment, readers get a two-fer front seat in the democrats’ antique auto road show of 2024. Who knew he was an ex- Marine? F. lee Ermy he ain’t: his bad boy punchbowl comments sound more like a wheeze of sour methane coming from a rest home than a Marine Drill Sargeant’s introduction beat-down rant to yet another class of recruits. It was a sputtering wheeze from the past as welcome to today’s dimmie-cons as publication of a defunct Chicago Bath House membership roster.

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Maybe that bunch of carnival hustlers is better-named “gimmie-cons.”

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HEY KIDS!!!! IT’S THE DOWDY HOWDY SHOW!!!! (Bring up the background theme song: “ Silver Threads among the gold.).

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If you don ‘t watch for a while, a carrot-top Hottie becomes a graying Cougar, becomes a barren Spinster. Crooning her wake-up hiss to a hibernating crome- dome reptile.

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I'm gonna hafta owe you for that one, because my eyes hurt and I didn't even look.

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Too good

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Carville also attended a catholic high school. Go figure.

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Anybody ever notice the familiarity between Carville and a skeleton? Looks aside, both are bone heads.

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Carville was is and always will be an evil creature befitting of his appearance and attitude.I give him crredit for service in the Marines and then it ends.Tough poll to start an explosive week ahead?The attacks are ramping up so your students await Professor Surber's assignments.

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Why give Carville credit for the Marines? Lee Harvey Oswald served in the Marines too, and likely a better sharpshooter.

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It is my belief that Oswald was just a willing patsy. Did they ever run balistics from is weapon to see if it matched?

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Oooh. Good one!

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"When he handed the gave over to Newt Gingrich 29 years ago, did Tom Foley realize he may have been the last straight white male to serve as a Democrat House speaker?"

If memory serves, some time after he left congress there was some question as to whether he was closeted, but not from anyone seeking to smear his reputation in any way, but from perverts in the media who, at the time, were claiming almost anyone with a positive public profile as one of their own - Abraham Lincoln, for example - my respect for The Wrestler may be all but nil, but he and his legacy ought not be subjected to such lies.

What strikes me as odd is that apparently, it is just accepted that Serpent Head knows the sound of a satisfied woman - Mary Matalin doesn't count. In fact, her being HW's campaign director and then marrying him is what was the very first inkling that the folks allegedly in charge of the Republican Party were Uniparty apparatchiks, all along.

He WAS right about this, though:

"...the last time we had a Republican president we had a disastrous war and a disastrous recession."

W and Dick Cheney were the best President and Vice-President the War Party ever had, until the first sodomite president and crime-family boss veep.

"It turned out that Hillary needed rednecks after all."

She did indeed - but would she have gotten even one without manufacturing it?

"They’ve ["...women, and women of color..."] got the power that Carville and other now-old always-white men gave them."

True, enough - I suppose regarding them as a single, monolithic voting bloc is how NPR keeps its core audience of leftist/liberal/Marxist, college-educated, homosexual, self-loathing white, and victim-empowered black, latin and Asian women listeners, but if such a bloc exists, its population is such that it has no statistical relevance in a presidential-year election.

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"What strikes me as odd is that apparently, it is just accepted that Serpent Head knows the sound of a satisfied woman . . "

Did he ever verify the reason for the sigh? If not, his bed partner may have just been relieved . . . glad it was finally over . . . and he would be getting is reptile face out of hers and sliding off of her.

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Really glad you didnt post that first thing this morning. I would have spit coffee all over the desk, monitor AND keyboard.

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The third “Ouch!” in today’s Comments!

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