What a heartwarming story! It has all my favorite characters - arrogant Eurotards, feckless diplomats, mediaocrities, a potential prodigal son, and the Biggest, Baddest, Bestest, Orangest and Most Transformative President America has had and may ever have. And Trumpenfreud, lots and lots of Trumpenfreud. They all made and will pay for the foolishness of their actions - never bet against Donald J. Trump.

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Brought to us by the connoisseur of liberal tears.

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I'm with you! This could be a TV series, or at least a Movie-of-the-Weak.

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Lol Good one!

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Don is the best! As for me, I’m more gourmand than gourmet.

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Europe has coasted for far too long on the American taxpayer & NATO, the latter which has long outlived its usefulness & should have been scrapped when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. The Soviet NATO equivalent The Warsaw Pact was dissolved so why is NATO still hanging around? To quote Col Douglas MacGregor, USA, Ret., it’s become a “wayward jobs program for unemployed generals.” And - more importantly- why do U.S. Presidents - all sans Trump - continue to shove NATO eastward right up to the Russian border? Arrogance & hubris IMHO, Russia’s just “a giant gas station pretending to be a country” according to the late John McStain. This illustrates a very myopic & hubristic view that is - unfortunately- all too well reflected in the DC ruling class.

Post Soviet collapse why is Russia still treated like an enemy? Why the constant banging on the drum for war from the neocons/globalists? This is dangerous territory. They don’t think these things through. The other day a neighbor (native born Pole) remarked in passing ”we need to get Putin out of there” to which I responded “how/with what/are you cool with starting WWIII?” He had no answer of course & changed the subject.

The irony inherent is that DC is full of “think tanks” & thinking things through isn’t the last thing they do, it’s not even on the syllabus.

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The only people who will replace Putin are the Russian people. They “get” Putin is a crook but what most don’t understand is that Putin is Russian to his very bones and he maintains order. Not our order but what Russians find acceptable. The wall came down but the Russian people have no concept of how we define freedom. They have never experienced it. So they will cry and keep burying the dead because it is all they have ever done.

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“The only people who will replace Putin are the Russian people.”

Exactly & that’s what the neocons/globalists in DC can’t fathom. They think they’re “the experts” who get to decide on what’s right/when/where. It’s a dangerous weltanschauung. May God help us.

And the Russians are kind of used to an authoritarian leader, it’s really all they’ve ever known throughout their history. Boris Yeltsin was -or seems to have been - the antithesis of this but that’s when things over there really started falling apart. A similar occurrence happened with the Weimar Republic, things under Bismarck & Kaiser Wilhelm had been okay to German minds but the forced parliamentary democracy instituted chaos all around. It set the stage.

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So many things today are just "going to show" that American "exceptionalism" is for real. And no, our "exceptionalism" does not mean we think we are some "special race of people", or smarter or superior to the rest of the world.

Our "exceptionalism" is that we are the rare country whose Founding Fathers created a remarkable structure of government, designed to have internal checks and balances, and that found a great way to balance the majority (in our House of Representatives) with the need to reach compromise with the minority (the upper chamber--the Senate, where each state, no matter what size, still has two Senators). Other countries that don't have this structure usually end up alienating their minorities, leading to constant turbulence and civil war.

Our "exceptional" structure also included the bill of rights and the rule of law, and a powerful moral/spiritual underpinning.

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Well put but now we must elect politicians who read and obey the rules our founders enacted.

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well said!!!! Putin is here to stay as long as he wants, let's face facts. Best to get along with him, if possible.

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…and that’s why we are left dealing with endless unintended consequences.

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Europe seems to be in massive denial. They started both world wars and seem intent on starting WW3 in Ukraine with American money and soldiers. Zelensky has bought 5 or more multimillion properties around the world with our money that he stole. Europe is going to find out very quickly how much it costs to defend themselves and it’s not cheap , as American taxpayers know since we’ve footed the bill for 80 years. All of that lovely free healthcare and education is going to be scrutinized heavily. All of the stupid Green policies will swirl the drain. I can’t believe how stupid Germans have been.

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Maybe we are more so. We have kept paying for it. Reagans biggest mistake was not dissolving NATO after the wall came down. Ike was right again.

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I actually meant how stupid Germany has been about energy. Really guzzled the Koolaid on energy and immigration, much to their detriment.

Do you think the US & rest of Europe then in NATO would have been ok with dissolving NATO in 1987? I doubt it. But 10 years later, Clinton added 3 countries, then GWB 7, Obama 2, Trump 1, Biden 3. Busily creeping closer to Russia. We would never have allowed this on our border. If Trump can pull this off, end the war in Ukraine, make a lasting peace deal with Russia, then NATO could dissolve or we could leave it.

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Yes, that is smart. Don't dissolve or leave NATO right this minute, but as soon as the Ukraine war is ended, then we can do it. To walk away from NATO this minute would be to unilaterally concede something. Let's use whatever shred of deterrent it still offers to secure a genuine end of the Ukraine war first.

And I tend to think no negotiated "end" will have credibility until Zelensky is replaced. He will undercut any agreement and re-start hostilities.

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It’s the one thing my sons keep bringing up - wanting Trump to get us out of NATO. One was hoping Trump would announce it in his speech.

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They are either clueless (doubtful) or lack every ounce of self-awareness brought on by unbridled hubris (most likely).

Who would financially support the enemy they are paying to defeat on the battlefield?

If we can figure this illogic out, we may someday understand Democrats.

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"Pride goeth before a fall."

It's really amazing how pride can blind people from realizing the absurdities they have tangled themselves up in. It's pride that causes people on the Left to avoid looking at any media outside of the Left, because the Left has indoctrinated them to think people on the Right are "stupid and racist". And at the same time the Left media has been pumping up their ego and pride by continually assuring them they are "righteous and superior".

Part of the reason (or maybe the main reason) the Europeans fell into this trap was that they have been moving away from Christianity for many decades. (Again, thinking they were smarter, modern, and "enlightened", and had advanced beyond God.) The best religions include development of some degree of humility--humility first before God, and second, by habitually doing self-examination and endeavoring to clean up their heart and psyche.

Until the Europeans begin cultivating some degree of humility, they will remain locked in a self-congratulatory bubble, blind to recognizing essential realities.

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Its the kickbacks Shrugged .

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Ah, yes! Of course. I was going to say “but that doesn’t account for the seemingly low IQ protestors,” but since they are hired hands, I guess it does.

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Ending exercises in Europe may force them to face reality.

Also, you can not have democracy without free speech. Like it or not, your opponent needs to have his say too. Most of the European Union have gone to censoring what the ruling elite don't like.

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Why have exercises when they've got an actual war in their backyard? They'll learn a lot while they get blooded a little. Danger like that will sharpen their minds.

We have our National Training Center so we'll be ok without them.

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We'd get better practice by using the troops to defend our borders. Maybe a few more training missions in Mexico with live fire exercises directed at the cartels.

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Good counter insurgency training too.

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When you stop and think about it, why are we still maintaining so many military bases and personnel in Europe? Does anyone think that Russia is a huge threat when their obsolete army can't overrun a weak sister like Ukraine in three years? The only real threat that Russia has is their nuclear arsenal which is certainly real, but having conventional forces in Europe makes no sense.

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"The price of electricity in German soared from 17 cents per kilowatt hour in April 2020 to $4.69 in August 2022. It is now $1.40—or 8 times what Germans once paid."

Actions have consequences.

Europe has embraced a slow-motion surrender to Russia.

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People keep hoping for Russian regime change. But Europe is more in need of it than Russia.

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Speaking of lamentations of their women, I remember a photo of Putin some years ago in which he appeared shirtless on a horse. I don't want any more calumny heaped on my hairdo if I chance to search the web for the pix; but maybe that "turned on" some of the liberal milieu.

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So true!

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Germany is managing a decline to poverty. Open borders is turning Germany into muslim Africa & Asia. Industry that remains is going broke due to energy input costs; chemicals and steel have gone away. Germans have no domestic IT industry. German gas engine export cars are the only thing left, and they face reciprocal tariffs to the US now. East Germans are the only ones seeing the Hustle - newly elected CDU leader Merz (retired-Blackrock) (new Canadian PM is Goldman Sachs), as Chancellor will leverage up debt (w/o public consent) on what is left, to ‘build defences’ under ruse of German efforts to kill Russians in Ukraine.

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Canada just raised electricity rates to three US states so maybe we should train up north.

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Remember SEATO? Disappeared after Vietnam.

NATO should have gone likewise after the wall went down>

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Good dive into Euro-American relations which I feel PDJT has posited in the worlds best interest,namely forget your half year vacations and universal medical care. Take the time to look around without rose-colored glasses because we are done defending your lazy asses. If the Euro-weenies so fear Putin it is time to drop the wine and caviar so you can afford to defend YOURSELVES . I do feel we need to keep a base on the continent but for logistics only.

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Their universal healthcare sucks. Just ask anyone on the street who needs an operation or hip replacement. But you will never hear that from American single-payer proponents.

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Agree about some type of equipment depot for prepositioned equipment.

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We can withdraw and they can replace.

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Great read with my first cup of coffee. You remind me, again, of the scene in His Finest Hour, where the mucky mucks of England were laughing at Churchill. But Churchill knew how to read the world, and he knew what to fight for.

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Sorry—the movie is Darkest Hour; His Finest Hour is a biography of Churchill.

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Wont be too long before they start tearing down statues of Churchill. Lefty’s always do.

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Barry Soetoro removed the copy that was in the oval office.

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"Ich bin ein Berliner," has been replaced by, "Ich bin ein dummkopf."

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Only now it is said in Arabic. New Native Tongue.

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"أنا غبي. Also said as allah akbar*boom* the most common usage.

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Quit messing with the people. If we vote for someone or something that “Brussels” doesn’t like too bad. Deal with it. Don’t open the borders and try to dilute your population with those that have no idea or desire to assimilate. Payback will come in one form or another. Ask the POS Democrats in the USA. We want the Epstein files and JFK files and we want the Governments up and down (County to Feds)the line out of our lives. Every time we have issues with inflation or whatever it might be it’s the Government’s fault!

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I am reminded of a day in Paris. We were going to have lunch. The server waited on another table and spoke English to the customers. They were Canadian. Upon arriving at our table she decided we were Americans and could no longer speak English. Similar attitudes were displayed elsewhere.

My husband was a corporate pilot and frequently went into Paris. One night at a bar he was in a conversation about world politics. The man he was talking with was in Paris on business. He was boasting of his European heritage and how superior Europe was to the USA. My husband politely looked at him and asked, “So which country are you from? One where we kicked your ass? Or one where we saved your ass?” The conversation came to a stop and the man left the bar.

As far as I am concerned Europe can take care of themselves from now on. They look down their snobby noses at the USA. They expect us to provide them with security from the big bad wolf, provide trade on over priced goods and autos. I hear of their health care and vacations. Humph!

The Canadians I know and observe come to Florida (or anywhere in the USA) when they need an operation. Love shopping and send or take all kinds of things home with them all the while telling anyone and everyone how wonderful their country and governement programs are. I had a neighbor who came to the USA from Puerto Rico and had lived in Orlando for 45+ years. Every time I saw her she told me how wonderful her country was. One day I said—-America, right? She said oh—no-no Puerto Rico. I told her if her home island was so great she should take her sorry ass back there. She no longer spoke to me. Good!

I have grown weary of everyone criticizing the USA and doing so with their hand out. Telling me how wonderful their home country is all the while living here. Go home! Stay home! Send Europe packing. America first!

Go PDJT! I am with you every step of the way.

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Nicely done Marsha .

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Your husband's story reminded me of one that a friend once told me about when he was living in England. He was having a beer in a pub with an English colleague who kept going on and on about how devoid America was of tradition and history and, of course, how the English were steeped in tradition and had a long and rich history. My friend finally had enough of this Brit's pontification and said, "Okay, you're right. I tell you what, you guys have the parades and we'll win the wars." The conversation came to an end.

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A friend of mine was in the army and did a couple of REFORGERs. Privates hit on the women, NCO's try to keep the troops in order, Lieutenants try to look important, and Majors and Captains would get into fistfights at crossroads over who gets to go through first. All this time the farmers tally up the damages to the farms and crops so that they can over-bill the government for lost production.

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Well I participated in REFORGER and I never say any of that. The farmers were paid cash for any damage for sure but I was right there with the Squadron Commander and not one German farmer protested or tried to gouge. Mist were resigned to the necessity of the exercises. If those things happened I never saw any and I was in an armored Cavalry unit. What I did see was a lot of vehicle accidents between military vehicles and civilian vehicles that were fatal for Germans. Still remember a German Opal car that was crushed flat by a M-1 tank.

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Have there ever been any good ideas that emanated from Germany? Social welfare, Nazism, the Frankfurt School, and the latest, energiewende (translation: energy transition)?

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Actually, there was a time when Germany led the world in Nobel Prizes for science and many other endeavors. But that was before Hitler, who got rid of Germany's Jews. Moreover, you cannot beat the Germans when it comes to music.

With regard to social programs, those were encouraged by Bismarck to keep the population satisfied while he successfully orchestrated the creation of a united Germany. And Hitler had no intention of getting rid of THAT. It's the reason he combined socialism with nationalism, combined and abbreviated as NAZI.

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Those prizes were primarily won by German Jews.

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That was my point, but maybe I was not clear.

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Yes, many things, mostly technological. Steel making, swept wing aircraft, my great, great grandfather. Their social thinking is all screwed up though.

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Don't forget that communism originated in Germany. Karl Marx was born in Trier.

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And he studied in Berlin, Bonn and Jena. He also lived in Paris and eventually went into exile in England. So it may not be quite fair to blame Germany for releasing the plague of Communism upon the world. On the other hand, a lot of bad ideas did come out of German lands. Besides the Frankfurt school there are Sigmund Freud's groundless speculations about sex, Rudolf Steiner's cockamamie Waldorf movement, and let's not forget the racial inferiority conclusions drawn from Darwin's evolutionary theory. Marx himself was quite enthused about those, including their anti-Semitism, which was always rather odd since genetically he himself was of 100% Jewish descent.

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Oktoberfest, Brats with good sauerkraut come to mind....

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Good beer and wine as well.

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Well, I am fond of blueberry crepes. 😎

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German pancakes are good.

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Short answer MLR: No.

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The curtain has been pulled back on the greatest scam in history: Climate Change. It’s over. We, the USA, who have been bilked for more money than any other nation in its name, have shut off the spigot.

All that money was tossed around the world primarily to Europe, vast portions siphoned into the pockets of politicians on both sides of the ocean, as well as used to fuel all their socialist programs and welfare projects. It’s gone now.

Add to that, they are now required to provide for their own defense, and in some countries their Muslim populations now are at, near, or exceed 20% of their inhabitants.

They are now on a death spiral that is moving at the speed of light.

Right now they are raging and huffing and puffing, but reality is not paying attention.

Cruella der vonderLayden is shouting, “I am the great and powerful Wizardress of Oz!”, but the jig is up.

There’s a reckoning coming. It will not be pretty. Let us just pray wisdom prevails. The alternative would be horrific - for all of us.

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I hope it's over, but don't count on it. There are still a lot of believers everywhere. Climate change and communism are intertwined and it's going to be challenging to get them to go away, if ever.

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The whole Climate Change hoax was never about climate but about money, entirely dependent upon masked money divied up around the world to enable govts to wield untold power over their populations. Without that cash, the whole endeavor collapses, and eventually, so will those governments. It will take some time, but not a lot. They will dig in, as we are now witnessing, but it is a death gasp, and they know it.

They will never go away entirely- that’s just life on planet earth: the battle of good vs. evil.

The point is, their entire foundation, that which has sustained them for decades, the corrupt money exchange, has been ripped out from under them.

They are in free fall right now. It will get worse before it gets better. Pray much.

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In poker, there is a meme that goes, "If you look around the table to identify the fish and can't find him, you are the fish." Jeff Bezos looks at his WaPo table looking for the fish causing his paper to bleed money. He points fingers, curses the Fates, declares a change in course, and fails to understand he is the fish. Ditto European leaders. Not to worry, Mr. Bezos and Europe, your angst is about to be put to rest. Trump is holding a fish fry.

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Thank heaven for Trump! He's on the right track. I say that as a Canadian who has been stuck listening to chest-tumping Canadians about the tariffs. I say do what Trump is asking us to do and then make our own economy more competitive. Stop whining and start doing. Freedom should be first for everyone everywhere. Make our own countries great again.

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Have been thinking of you, LuAnn, with the recent news out of Canada. Seems like the Canadian Left has grabbed onto the "Trump tariff issue" to try and rescue their failing "brand" and get back in the voter's good graces. Cynical, but seems like it could be effective, if they call the new election with just the right timing to take advantage of temporary displeasure with Trump.

Do you think Poilievre is savvy enough to outwit the Left's ploy?

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It has been very disheartening for me to listen to Canadians talk about the tariffs. I keep saying why can't we just close the border, stop the importation of fentanyl, and close down the fentanyl processing labs. That is falling on deaf ears. People are actually believing that Trump wants Canada as the 51st state. I doubt that Trump wants another lefty California to join your country, which is what you would get. Canadians would be permanent Democrat voters. The hair-on-fire nonsense about this is nauseating. So Trudeau is finally gone and will be more hated than his prime miniser father, Pierre. Now we have the former Bank of Canada and Bank of England governor, Mark Carney, a WEF stooge. He is a globalist in every sense of the word. We are stuck with him until an election is finally called and it doesn't look like until this fall. This is all undemocratic and the Liberal government here is being propped up by the socialist New Democratic Party (NDP). The joys of our parliamentary system. Can Poilievre beat Carney? That's a good question because, like Kamala, the media and establishment are propping up Carney. The polls are shaping the narrative that Carney is the best person to deal with Trump. It is shocking for me to hear French-speaking Quebecers agree with that because they aren't always in line with English-speaking Canada. It could very well be an anti-American election campaign in our country. At this point, it's going to be reminiscent of the election fight that Trump went through with Kamala. I pray that Canadians will come to their senses and vote out the Liberals en masse and elect Poilievre. If not, Canada is finished.

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That does sound and feel disheartening. On one hand, we are pushed/"encouraged" to believe the Canadian media and Leftist politicians screaming the evils of Trump, and FEAR that the Canadian people will be hoodwinked by this and are in agreement with the Anti-American rhetoric.

But on the other hand, it is just the same psyops that has been played on the American people for the last decade. The Left media dominates and "frames" the discussion, creating an "image" of a prevailing Leftist sentiment in the country, while the folks on the Right are psychologically discouraged enough to FEAR it is true and that they are outnumbered and that it is hopeless to "fight against the tide".

Both in America and in Canada we have faced extremely aggressive Leftist psyops. But the 2024 American election revealed the Left psyops to be puffed-up hot air. My gut says the same is true in Canada. But are there any Right Media outlets in Canada to counter the Left's framing? And are there enough other dynamic and articulate figures on the Right to "make a movement" with Poilievre?

Well, Canadians have the same weapon that America has had--prayer. And the Left in Canada is on as "thin ice" as in America when it comes to policy and performance. In other words, the Canadian Right has both Spirituality (prayer) and Reality Itself (the failure of Leftist governing) on its side, and those are two forces that ultimately can win the battle.

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There are few right-of-centre media that have any sway in Canada, but I give credit to Rebel News and the blog, Small Dead Animals. All MSM in Canada are now subsidized by tax dollars thanks to Justin's Liberals. So the MSM is biased and useless, just like in the U.S. Poilievre is going to have to work extremely hard to overcome the psyops he is facing. My hope is that ordinary Canadians are so fed up with what has happened to this country under 10 years of Justin Trudeau that they totally reject his Liberal Party at the ballot box. Prayers.

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I know this is going to sound like a non sequitur but several years ago I became the board president of my HOA. As commonplace the HOA was succumbing to decades of “cat lady” mismanagement & while I was painfully aware of what I was getting into I still thought that the inevitable was undeniable. Needless to say, I was wrong. Never underestimate the power of inertia, aka Canada elected Carney.

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Fingers crossed LuAnn !!

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