I don't know if I have said it here. I tend to hang out @Insty's comments. EV'S are a grift. As are Solar and Wind Farms. It's all a grift. IF Elon showed up at my door, I would kiss him on his lips for releasing First Amendment with his setting X free. BUT I would not let him put his Tesla in my garage.
Years ago they killed the lumber industry in Washington to save the Spotted Owl. Now they’re cutting down large forest areas in Michigan to put in solar farms. The environmental industrial complex is so full of contradictions and unintended consequences.
This. I keep wondering what happened to the crisis from 20 years ago when we were told that our biggest problem was saving the rain forests because they were the “lungs” of the planet. Not only are forests being destroyed in Michigan, but rainforests are being torn down all over the planet to mine the lithium and other minerals to make those EV batteries.
Between the air pollution and hundreds of acres of toxic waste to dispose of one has to wonder how many years Newscum's incompetency has set back his "save the environment" reason for being? 100 years? 500?
Is LA even rebuildable? Building restrictions there will never result is LA looking like the LA it was pre-fire. The cost of that reconstruction will be astronomical compared to the same happening in most other states.
Refuges from Massachussetts relocated to New Hamshire. Then began turning it into Massachussetts. Once a bright red state NH is now purple at best. Their representation in congress is entirely blue as are the three largets cities.
One of our neighborhood members has one. Cost $80k. He has a new home with attached garage. They park the EV in driveway due to fire risk. Would be funny as heck if it wasn’t so sad.
due to my late wife's medical bills, i live in a townhouse. i was on the hoa board for a while and the one unambiguously good thing i got done was making it very difficult for anyone to install an ev charger in his/her/its garage. the last thing i need is for my garage and my car to be destroyed because of some dopey neighbor's ev.
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by what’s been happening to California.
Fortunately, I do. Have a heart of stone, that is.
Talk about a man-, or woman-, or LGBTQEIEIO-, caused disaster. It’s as if the state and local governments at every level intentionally chose exactly the wrongest, most counterproductive choices every time they came to a decision point.
I’m reminded of a quote (allegedly) made by John Wayne: “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid.”
Imagine voting for that, over and over and over.
Oh, wait…I live in NYFS. Our moron voters do the same thing. Sigh…
Bass is a Cuba-loving communist and Newsom is an entitled idiot. I mean he is quite simply the best snake-oil salesman that has ever lived!! Since Silicon Valley moved right to Trump, perhaps there’s some hope for California. But those voters 🙄🙄🙄
We really don't know how many "voters" are actually legitimate, though. They've been aggressively courting illegals to the state for years. Banning "Voter ID" for the whole state makes you wonder how much they have to hide. Trump won every other swing state. It would have been unthinkable even a couple years ago, but now one has to wonder if there hasn't been election fraud on an enormous level for quite a while in California.
Interesting that both of you, Suzie and Alice, also think this is seriously plausible.
For the last few decades, I've had an uncomfortable feeling in my gut about the California voting. But for us regular people, it just seems too alien to us--that there could routinely be deliberate, large scale voting fraud. And yet, more and more, it is almost becoming obvious that this is the situation.
Think about what this means--essentially, one of the two major parties in America has actually become a criminal racketeering organization. Most Americans just think this is impossible. Yet, it is pretty much happening right in front of our eyes.
If I was Trump, I'd make it a PR topic and pound on it for months. Challenge California to have a closely audited, voter ID, etc. election for once. Tell the Democrats that no one believes them anymore, and if they are doing honest elections, then what do they have to hide--agree to a voter ID, one day vote with proper observation and audit trails. Prove to us that you actually have the voters. I don't think the Democrats could allow an honest, audited election to occur, because it would reveal the magnitude of fraud that has been going on for many years.
Plus voters are banned from even showing their ID! Not just a ban on officials asking for ID. That's a big tell right there that they're letting illegals vote. I know it's beautiful, but how the normies there can live with that
Bannon thinks there's a chance now to turn California MAGA. Never let a catastrophe go to waste. Repubs sure have a lot of material for the 26 midterms.
A characteristic of people on the Left is magical thinking. They firmly believe that (man)kind can control the temperature of the earth. Not only that but that control can be accomplished merely by eliminating a singular parameter, CO2. That sort of magical thinking is what also makes Leftists believe that a man can transform himself into a woman and vice versa. And with magical thinking there is no contemplating what the downstream negative effects of these catastrophic ideas will bring. This is all very obvious to any sentient voter. But then, are there any sentient voters in California? I’m not optimistic.
As a firefighter(volunteer) I have a duty to report to you that we most likely will NOT be able to save you if you are in an EV accident. If you are in one - and I pray you never are... if you see white smoke rising from below the vehicle - GET AWAY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.
The white smoke represents the thin membrane between cells being ruptured creating a very toxic mix that will result in 6,000°F flames shooting 20 ft out the sides or bow/stern of the vehicle. Our turnout gear is rated up to 1,500°F. We cannot put out the fire; the battery just burns until it runs out of fuel. We are talking up to an hour or more. They burn hot enough to structurally ruin bridges in Cali.
I have been to two hybrid car fires - smaller batteries - and it was a spectacle and education: I have never, ever seen the entire interior of a car burned down to the bare metal in a gas vehicle.
Yikes! We have neighbors two doors down who have an apartment over their garage which they rent out. The guy who lives there has an EV and they allow him to park it in the garage. They’re conservatives so they should know better.
Why is it as conservatives they should know better? Maybe the
renter has a lease that says he can use the garage and there a no vehicle restrictions. What now? Maybe you should be a good friend and find out if they know about this potential risk.
Thanks for the insight, Danimal28. I never considered the risk to the occupants if the vehicle is in a serious collision on the highway.
Was thinking about getting a hybrid (not an EV or PHEV) on my next car purchase, but I think I'll stick with gasoline. For the next four years at least, gasoline prices should go down. Just curious, are hybrids as dangerous a fire risk as PHEVs?
If you take the time to life cycle cost an EV you will see that they are not saving anyone money. I did so years ago comparing a Prius to a Honda Civic. Honda was by far the best choice. The only thing EVs do is make the owner feel better about themselves. Kind of like self-hugging I guess.
“Never underestimate the power of the California Environmental Protection Agency to Biden things up.” Good one - too true and too funny!
Energy is everything and everything is energy – and we are not there yet in the land of EVs or expensive and inefficient solar/wind energy.
Plus, no one wants to talk about the damage from lithium mining to the environment and lithium is called a rare earth mineral for a reason – it is finite. Nuclear fusion is making breakthroughs. Somewhere, sometime, someone is going to exclaim “Eureka!” and then maybe nuclear fusion will be the clean, cheap energy source we need – but we’re not there yet.
The free market will get us there eventually, if the free market is allowed to continue. Hopefully, with President Trump, we’ll move forward.
Has anyone found they are actually getting tired of winning? The rapid pace of Donald fixing problems is making me crazy addicted to scouring the internet for the ‘high’ the latest action gives me. I wish he would keep it to 2-3 a day, but I think its only going to multiply as his people get the keys to their respective office doors.
All of this winning is exhilarating but I am exhausted! I thought I would have a chance to relax over the weekend but that was just as action packed! It looks as though Petro thought he had a winning strategy playing the game of Risk. He underestimated his opponent. Trump won in record time. Winning! I need a nap!
We are finally seeing action but the results are down the road. MSM is jumping on the actions now and ignoring the expected results, i.e. why haven't egg prices come down??
FUNNY! No, it doesn't. I think it is important to know, because I'm not sure it is taught in schools now, as it was in the 1950's & 60's when I was in grade school (also as Rushbo emphasized).
It’s unbelievable how life in this country has been turned on its head. The Democrat/Communist party is a disgusting entity. It’s amazing how people fought common sense to buy a sackful of shit (something you can scrape up on the streets
of San Francisco for free). Turn the water back on get rid of DEI and make Government accountable.
Can you imagine all the blown up Democrats and Schumer was losing it. He is just giving them a little personal pay back. Probably not legal but the crying is humorous.
Ever notice what the “clean everything people” don’t talk about? It’s always “we have to do more” but they always forget the “the US is the cleanest country on the planet” part. In life everything is about risk management. In places like California, risk management is only applied as “what is the risk to our political ideology”, not what is the risk to our citizens and the assets we manage for them? If we accept that the government in charge gets to determine what the risk of an initiative is, then they also must assume the consequences of those initiatives. Soon, the rest of the country is going to be asked to assume the cost of California officials actions that resulted in close to 400 billion dollars in damage to public and private improvements. But what we are seeing is the opposite thus far. New fires are starting and the same people are in charge. That is insanity. How many do-overs do California officials get?
I have spent years trying to figure out how one person can be Conservative (rational) and another Liberal (insane). It has to be the wiring in the brain. Like being right or left brained. It amazes and confounds to hear Newsome and Bass say they want everyone to be safe removing what is left of people’s homes, belongings and memories. “We have to be safe. We don’t want anyone hurt.” What? Maybe they should have thought about the safety of residents BEFORE half the state burned to the ground. This whole situation could have been prevented or mitigated. This is not the first fire in California.
Liberals are those stubborn, immature human beings who refuse to grow up and face reality. It's why many of them are never successful in marriage - or have children (or if they do, they screw the kids up, too).
It also follows that they stay in school (graduate degrees ad infinitum, piled higher and deeper) as another way to avoid facing the real world of work and normal lfe...
Someone said: Send a fool to college and now you have an educated fool. Look at some of the foolish things Squaw Senator Warren says and she was a college professor?
Liberals become conservative when they have to do physical work to earn their living and support a family. That's why entertainers are largely liberal.
Ban gig work. Ban gasoline powered vehicles. Limit independent trucker work so unions control all trucking. Tax power generating natural gas plants out of existence. Destroy hydroelectric dams. Cut off the water to The(former) Breadbasket of the World, aka, California's Central Valley. Prohibit forest management practices like brush removal and controlled burning. Prohibit the removal of pine needles and other debris from roofs and prohibit the creation of fire breaks around country homes. Yes, California has done those things. They are a small sampling of what California politicians. the CA EPA, and the California Coastal Commission have done. Many of the rules, e.g., the limiting nonunion truckers to 25 jobs per year and the EV vehicle mandate, interfere with interstate commerce. Therefore, the DOJ should be suing to invalidate such rules, laws, and mandates. The federal EPA's new leadership should be taking action to undo many of California's wildest schemes on similar grounds. Given the corrupt election laws the Dims have installed in CA, freedom is unlikely to return to CA in my lifetime but Trump's versions of federal agencies can do much to alleviate the suffering of California residents.
The crap CA's EPA does to them is not the worst of it. CA's economy is so big that when it's regulators pass a new knuckleheaded reg, the major manufacturers jump on board for the whole damn country. The manufacturers don't like to stick to more than one standard, for it's wasteful and inefficient. Many of our worst federal enviro regs came about in copying Commiefornia.
The internal inconsistencies of liberalism is on display no where more than in California. Plug in hybrid cars and EVs are mandated but the electric grid is on the verge of collapse. CO2 emissions must be reduced here but not in China that needs them for the production of batteries. Minerals can’t be mined in the US or California but using slave labor in Africa is OK. We can’t drill for oil and gas here but in Qatar it’s OK. Too bad they can’t be made to live by their principles without taking the rest of us down with them.
Once a government at ANY level takes away "choice", freedom is on the run. Trump is restoring Choice. Newscum is not. Let the West (Left) coast rot. If you move out to another area of the country, don't bring those ideas with you. Move, adjust, assimilate, and enjoy the rest of your lives.
An extremely unhealthy number of those CA Lefty “spores” have settled in recent years in Texas, and have already been poisoning that state to now very dangerous levels with their insane, deadly and delusional politics,
It is fast becoming a spawn of CA and Texans need to wake up FAST, and crush the life out of that creature, before it is too late.
I'm wondering if one of those 8 year old African kids that work at the lithium mines would not crack a smile seeing the burn sites in LA. Who will deliver us?
A Surber original , should be in both Webster's and the Pig Latin dictionary with a definition : Clusterf*ck to the nth power ; coined by renowned journalist Don Surber . Thanks Don 😁
I don't know if I have said it here. I tend to hang out @Insty's comments. EV'S are a grift. As are Solar and Wind Farms. It's all a grift. IF Elon showed up at my door, I would kiss him on his lips for releasing First Amendment with his setting X free. BUT I would not let him put his Tesla in my garage.
Years ago they killed the lumber industry in Washington to save the Spotted Owl. Now they’re cutting down large forest areas in Michigan to put in solar farms. The environmental industrial complex is so full of contradictions and unintended consequences.
This. I keep wondering what happened to the crisis from 20 years ago when we were told that our biggest problem was saving the rain forests because they were the “lungs” of the planet. Not only are forests being destroyed in Michigan, but rainforests are being torn down all over the planet to mine the lithium and other minerals to make those EV batteries.
So true. Excellent point.
hi mary!
Between the air pollution and hundreds of acres of toxic waste to dispose of one has to wonder how many years Newscum's incompetency has set back his "save the environment" reason for being? 100 years? 500?
Is LA even rebuildable? Building restrictions there will never result is LA looking like the LA it was pre-fire. The cost of that reconstruction will be astronomical compared to the same happening in most other states.
The good side is that people won't rebuild there. The down side is they won't stay there either.
Yeah, exactly. They come to our Red states and infest it with their politics.
Refuges from Massachussetts relocated to New Hamshire. Then began turning it into Massachussetts. Once a bright red state NH is now purple at best. Their representation in congress is entirely blue as are the three largets cities.
…..and stupidity.
Think EV’s have proven to be a ticking time bomb but you’ll never hear that from the bought-n-paid-for corporate media.
One of our neighborhood members has one. Cost $80k. He has a new home with attached garage. They park the EV in driveway due to fire risk. Would be funny as heck if it wasn’t so sad.
Depending on how close to the house he parks, it could still burn his house down. And unfortunately, the neighbors as well.
due to my late wife's medical bills, i live in a townhouse. i was on the hoa board for a while and the one unambiguously good thing i got done was making it very difficult for anyone to install an ev charger in his/her/its garage. the last thing i need is for my garage and my car to be destroyed because of some dopey neighbor's ev.
But do, let's keep going. What could possibly go wrong?
Or Elon
the new press sec gal is a true goat. didn't take any bs although they didn't try much.
all this winning is getting to be fun!
Thank you Pam , another in a long list of Ponzi schemes i.e. crypto cryptocurrency, AI , etc .
Summary: If you want to give the world an enema, the hose goes in California.
Imagery! 😂
They will think it a giant straw.
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by what’s been happening to California.
Fortunately, I do. Have a heart of stone, that is.
Talk about a man-, or woman-, or LGBTQEIEIO-, caused disaster. It’s as if the state and local governments at every level intentionally chose exactly the wrongest, most counterproductive choices every time they came to a decision point.
I’m reminded of a quote (allegedly) made by John Wayne: “Life is hard; it’s harder if you’re stupid.”
Imagine voting for that, over and over and over.
Oh, wait…I live in NYFS. Our moron voters do the same thing. Sigh…
And never any personal accountability for their actions. Mistakes can happen but stupidity is an operating system.
Bass is a Cuba-loving communist and Newsom is an entitled idiot. I mean he is quite simply the best snake-oil salesman that has ever lived!! Since Silicon Valley moved right to Trump, perhaps there’s some hope for California. But those voters 🙄🙄🙄
We really don't know how many "voters" are actually legitimate, though. They've been aggressively courting illegals to the state for years. Banning "Voter ID" for the whole state makes you wonder how much they have to hide. Trump won every other swing state. It would have been unthinkable even a couple years ago, but now one has to wonder if there hasn't been election fraud on an enormous level for quite a while in California.
100% ! They took over a month to count the down ticket votes this last election.
And the past recall attempt of Newsome was rigged to high heaven.
They’ve been at it for decades, and this is the price the people have had to pay.
Interesting that both of you, Suzie and Alice, also think this is seriously plausible.
For the last few decades, I've had an uncomfortable feeling in my gut about the California voting. But for us regular people, it just seems too alien to us--that there could routinely be deliberate, large scale voting fraud. And yet, more and more, it is almost becoming obvious that this is the situation.
Think about what this means--essentially, one of the two major parties in America has actually become a criminal racketeering organization. Most Americans just think this is impossible. Yet, it is pretty much happening right in front of our eyes.
If I was Trump, I'd make it a PR topic and pound on it for months. Challenge California to have a closely audited, voter ID, etc. election for once. Tell the Democrats that no one believes them anymore, and if they are doing honest elections, then what do they have to hide--agree to a voter ID, one day vote with proper observation and audit trails. Prove to us that you actually have the voters. I don't think the Democrats could allow an honest, audited election to occur, because it would reveal the magnitude of fraud that has been going on for many years.
Trump has already come out and said just that: voter ID, paper ballots, etc.
Democrats would probably lose very election which they realize, which is why they cheat.
Plus voters are banned from even showing their ID! Not just a ban on officials asking for ID. That's a big tell right there that they're letting illegals vote. I know it's beautiful, but how the normies there can live with that
Bannon thinks there's a chance now to turn California MAGA. Never let a catastrophe go to waste. Repubs sure have a lot of material for the 26 midterms.
Except that it will be the communists counting the votes.
true that!
Your an optimist for sure, Alice.
We can't lose hope!
A characteristic of people on the Left is magical thinking. They firmly believe that (man)kind can control the temperature of the earth. Not only that but that control can be accomplished merely by eliminating a singular parameter, CO2. That sort of magical thinking is what also makes Leftists believe that a man can transform himself into a woman and vice versa. And with magical thinking there is no contemplating what the downstream negative effects of these catastrophic ideas will bring. This is all very obvious to any sentient voter. But then, are there any sentient voters in California? I’m not optimistic.
To me, the most mind-boggling thing about this is that the left fails to take into account that massive burning orb in the daytime sky.
A few years ago there was a book released, "Liberalism is a men5al disorder". Pretty much sats it all.
I have two theories. The big cities overwhelm the outlander’s votes OR the elections are rigged. Possibly it is both.
Well said...
Magic will slap you upside the head and knock you out.
But you get a quarter.
There are people who believe that they are controlling the weather now and creating and steering hurricanes.
As a firefighter(volunteer) I have a duty to report to you that we most likely will NOT be able to save you if you are in an EV accident. If you are in one - and I pray you never are... if you see white smoke rising from below the vehicle - GET AWAY AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.
The white smoke represents the thin membrane between cells being ruptured creating a very toxic mix that will result in 6,000°F flames shooting 20 ft out the sides or bow/stern of the vehicle. Our turnout gear is rated up to 1,500°F. We cannot put out the fire; the battery just burns until it runs out of fuel. We are talking up to an hour or more. They burn hot enough to structurally ruin bridges in Cali.
I have been to two hybrid car fires - smaller batteries - and it was a spectacle and education: I have never, ever seen the entire interior of a car burned down to the bare metal in a gas vehicle.
Thank you for your service. VFDs protect most of America
Yikes! We have neighbors two doors down who have an apartment over their garage which they rent out. The guy who lives there has an EV and they allow him to park it in the garage. They’re conservatives so they should know better.
Insurance companies stopped insuring homes in California. How long will they insure EV's?
Until California won't let companies raise rates if needed.
Yes, this disaster was managed entirely by state and city leaders.
People take E bikes into their apartments too. Not smart.
Why is it as conservatives they should know better? Maybe the
renter has a lease that says he can use the garage and there a no vehicle restrictions. What now? Maybe you should be a good friend and find out if they know about this potential risk.
Thanks for the insight, Danimal28. I never considered the risk to the occupants if the vehicle is in a serious collision on the highway.
Was thinking about getting a hybrid (not an EV or PHEV) on my next car purchase, but I think I'll stick with gasoline. For the next four years at least, gasoline prices should go down. Just curious, are hybrids as dangerous a fire risk as PHEVs?
If you take the time to life cycle cost an EV you will see that they are not saving anyone money. I did so years ago comparing a Prius to a Honda Civic. Honda was by far the best choice. The only thing EVs do is make the owner feel better about themselves. Kind of like self-hugging I guess.
Great thinking and introspection Redd.
Lithium is all the rage for golf carts. I was advised not to go that way and I'm glad I didn't. I'm a gel battery man now.
“Never underestimate the power of the California Environmental Protection Agency to Biden things up.” Good one - too true and too funny!
Energy is everything and everything is energy – and we are not there yet in the land of EVs or expensive and inefficient solar/wind energy.
Plus, no one wants to talk about the damage from lithium mining to the environment and lithium is called a rare earth mineral for a reason – it is finite. Nuclear fusion is making breakthroughs. Somewhere, sometime, someone is going to exclaim “Eureka!” and then maybe nuclear fusion will be the clean, cheap energy source we need – but we’re not there yet.
The free market will get us there eventually, if the free market is allowed to continue. Hopefully, with President Trump, we’ll move forward.
Biden things up…great way to say effed things up. Exactly how he will be remembered.
First, there was Let’s Go Brandon, then FJB, now ‘Biden things up’, the gift of curse that just keeps on giving.
Lithium is as rare as fossil fuel.
This can be fixed. Put your trust in God and the San Andreas Fault.
Has anyone found they are actually getting tired of winning? The rapid pace of Donald fixing problems is making me crazy addicted to scouring the internet for the ‘high’ the latest action gives me. I wish he would keep it to 2-3 a day, but I think its only going to multiply as his people get the keys to their respective office doors.
Lord have mercy
All of this winning is exhilarating but I am exhausted! I thought I would have a chance to relax over the weekend but that was just as action packed! It looks as though Petro thought he had a winning strategy playing the game of Risk. He underestimated his opponent. Trump won in record time. Winning! I need a nap!
Thx Brooker. I occasionally need to be reminded I’m at least slightly normal.
Me, too!
We are finally seeing action but the results are down the road. MSM is jumping on the actions now and ignoring the expected results, i.e. why haven't egg prices come down??
Bird flu effect.
Trump is a firehose of Democracy.
USA = Representative Republic. Trump i.e. DJT is USA Commander-in-Chief.
Trump is firehose of Representative Republic.
Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.
Also look at the comment I was commenting on.
FUNNY! No, it doesn't. I think it is important to know, because I'm not sure it is taught in schools now, as it was in the 1950's & 60's when I was in grade school (also as Rushbo emphasized).
There are some stacks where it's absolutely necessary to tell people.
It’s unbelievable how life in this country has been turned on its head. The Democrat/Communist party is a disgusting entity. It’s amazing how people fought common sense to buy a sackful of shit (something you can scrape up on the streets
of San Francisco for free). Turn the water back on get rid of DEI and make Government accountable.
Trump has shut down all foreign aid. Can you imagine how many laundromats in DC that will now shut down.
Can you imagine all the blown up Democrats and Schumer was losing it. He is just giving them a little personal pay back. Probably not legal but the crying is humorous.
Ever notice what the “clean everything people” don’t talk about? It’s always “we have to do more” but they always forget the “the US is the cleanest country on the planet” part. In life everything is about risk management. In places like California, risk management is only applied as “what is the risk to our political ideology”, not what is the risk to our citizens and the assets we manage for them? If we accept that the government in charge gets to determine what the risk of an initiative is, then they also must assume the consequences of those initiatives. Soon, the rest of the country is going to be asked to assume the cost of California officials actions that resulted in close to 400 billion dollars in damage to public and private improvements. But what we are seeing is the opposite thus far. New fires are starting and the same people are in charge. That is insanity. How many do-overs do California officials get?
I have spent years trying to figure out how one person can be Conservative (rational) and another Liberal (insane). It has to be the wiring in the brain. Like being right or left brained. It amazes and confounds to hear Newsome and Bass say they want everyone to be safe removing what is left of people’s homes, belongings and memories. “We have to be safe. We don’t want anyone hurt.” What? Maybe they should have thought about the safety of residents BEFORE half the state burned to the ground. This whole situation could have been prevented or mitigated. This is not the first fire in California.
Liberals are those stubborn, immature human beings who refuse to grow up and face reality. It's why many of them are never successful in marriage - or have children (or if they do, they screw the kids up, too).
It also follows that they stay in school (graduate degrees ad infinitum, piled higher and deeper) as another way to avoid facing the real world of work and normal lfe...
Very true!
Someone said: Send a fool to college and now you have an educated fool. Look at some of the foolish things Squaw Senator Warren says and she was a college professor?
Liberals become conservative when they have to do physical work to earn their living and support a family. That's why entertainers are largely liberal.
Ban gig work. Ban gasoline powered vehicles. Limit independent trucker work so unions control all trucking. Tax power generating natural gas plants out of existence. Destroy hydroelectric dams. Cut off the water to The(former) Breadbasket of the World, aka, California's Central Valley. Prohibit forest management practices like brush removal and controlled burning. Prohibit the removal of pine needles and other debris from roofs and prohibit the creation of fire breaks around country homes. Yes, California has done those things. They are a small sampling of what California politicians. the CA EPA, and the California Coastal Commission have done. Many of the rules, e.g., the limiting nonunion truckers to 25 jobs per year and the EV vehicle mandate, interfere with interstate commerce. Therefore, the DOJ should be suing to invalidate such rules, laws, and mandates. The federal EPA's new leadership should be taking action to undo many of California's wildest schemes on similar grounds. Given the corrupt election laws the Dims have installed in CA, freedom is unlikely to return to CA in my lifetime but Trump's versions of federal agencies can do much to alleviate the suffering of California residents.
The crap CA's EPA does to them is not the worst of it. CA's economy is so big that when it's regulators pass a new knuckleheaded reg, the major manufacturers jump on board for the whole damn country. The manufacturers don't like to stick to more than one standard, for it's wasteful and inefficient. Many of our worst federal enviro regs came about in copying Commiefornia.
The internal inconsistencies of liberalism is on display no where more than in California. Plug in hybrid cars and EVs are mandated but the electric grid is on the verge of collapse. CO2 emissions must be reduced here but not in China that needs them for the production of batteries. Minerals can’t be mined in the US or California but using slave labor in Africa is OK. We can’t drill for oil and gas here but in Qatar it’s OK. Too bad they can’t be made to live by their principles without taking the rest of us down with them.
Once a government at ANY level takes away "choice", freedom is on the run. Trump is restoring Choice. Newscum is not. Let the West (Left) coast rot. If you move out to another area of the country, don't bring those ideas with you. Move, adjust, assimilate, and enjoy the rest of your lives.
An extremely unhealthy number of those CA Lefty “spores” have settled in recent years in Texas, and have already been poisoning that state to now very dangerous levels with their insane, deadly and delusional politics,
It is fast becoming a spawn of CA and Texans need to wake up FAST, and crush the life out of that creature, before it is too late.
Texas has a Bush problem.
Same difference: Uniparty.
Cornyns Shrubs? D.C. ?
& therein lies the problem. Leopards never change their spots no matter where they are.
I'm wondering if one of those 8 year old African kids that work at the lithium mines would not crack a smile seeing the burn sites in LA. Who will deliver us?
A Surber original , should be in both Webster's and the Pig Latin dictionary with a definition : Clusterf*ck to the nth power ; coined by renowned journalist Don Surber . Thanks Don 😁
Oh yeah they love it.
Job security.