Well I guess we can replace the dams with wind turbines. This way we can save the eco-system by balancing out the killing of hundreds of thousands of fish with the killing of hundreds of thousands of birds.

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In Primm Nevada, near Las Vegas they built 3 large solar steam generators that focus the solar rays at a beacon on top of one of 3 large towers. The other benefit of superheating the tower is it instantly fries all manner of birds flying near them. It’s akin to a giant bug zapper without the blue light. All manner of birds are found at the base from endangered spicers to non. The government could make extra money opening a KFC next door, saving money on the F, but no….Birdbrains…literally and figuratively.

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Like the Vax, wind power is neither safe or effective.

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OK. Here's my AOC joke of the day: I heard Alexandria Ocasio Cortez can't support wind turbines because their big fans may cause damaging winds like a hurricane.

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Sounds like one of the other bird brains in congress who thought Guam might tip over because there were too many people on it

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Shrugged you are citing a democrat member of their Mensa club.

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Yeah, Hank is as smart as they get. I have to remember, Hank only made $174,000 as a Senator. . . . .so we should be thankful for his service and sacrifice.

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And fill up the landfills when they wear out their usefulness or get hit by high winds.

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To highlight the other side of the dam-busting: it's well known, at least in engineering circles, that dams have limited lifespans, generally from 50 to 150 years. Look it up. They also lose their usefulness because the reservoirs behind them fill with sediment -- which the river used to flush out to the sea. And as to those algae blooms; those do occur in lakes that get warm, which would certainly apply to the Klamath's reservoirs. They are also toxic, and can harm and kill people as well as wildlife. So after the dams' removal I would expect that they will be flushed out to the ocean, which will be temporarily messy, but in the end should improve the river's water quality.

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You raise good points about dams. My only addition is when they remove the dam, they must evict and demolish every home, business, and other structure that was added because of the increased availability of the hydro electricity. If we’re going back to “natural”, then make the full move and play it out.

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Isn't that a bit radical, especially if a replacement source of power is available? My impression is that the Klamath dams didn't produce a lot of electricity, anyway.

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They produced 700,000Mwh of electricity, or three times what a coal plant like the Jeffery Energy Center near me produces. Even when sediment levels get high, the dams continue to function for flood control and irrigation. Now a replacement source is needed for the 70,000 homes that were supplied from those dams.

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And the farmers are left high and dry in the process.

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America is running out of electricity today. Any reduction in production makes it worse.


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Absolutely an issue. I read that up to 4% of electricity is being used to fuel "data centers", which doesn't include the large electricity needs of Bitcoin "miners" (a BS use of the term mining imho). Then there is the demand for electricity from EVs.

But we normies need to suffer periodic electricity "pauses" and pay for Leftist fueled required increases in electric generation.

They NEVER pay for their ill considered policies.

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Imagine the pot of gold that awaits a news network that simply reports the news. No slants, no editorials, nothing but news of the day. Only bird brains exist in that industry. The good news is: America's assholes are gathered together, available for slaughter by cable subscribers. They are ripe for a viewer revolt. General Suber, mount up. You have a war to fight.

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Fox used to have that strategy. Canning Lou Dobbs was the final sign-off for me.

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And I'm seeing unmistakable signs that Newsmax is turning itself into FoxPravda --- how else to explain their hiring DMH? (Dirtbag Mark Halperin.) Thank God for Rob Schmitt!

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I dropped Newsmax the day the anchor walked off the set - on camera - during an interview with Mike Lindell who mentioned something about the machines and a stolen election. The anchor got up and walked off camera. You may like Lindell or not but he has the same first amendment the rest of us are supposed to have.

Newsmax walked out on the first amendment and free speech so I shut down my monitor on Newsmax and removed them from my favorites bar.

Like Fox, Newsmax has a few decent people but not enough to give them ratings they don't deserve.

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The anchor was interviewing Lindell. That was highly unprofessional. I dropped them too.

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03/07/24: Also in the category of highly unprofessional --- Megyn Kelly reading her own ads (a gross error that started about three decades ago. Prior to that, the idea of doing this was considered blasphemy. Imagine Walter Cronkite reading ad copy for Doritos!).

And while I'm here, Megyn Kelly isn't the person who should be (correctly) pointing out how arrogant/overpaid the moldy vixens on MSNBC happen to be.

Kelly walked out of NBC "News" --- what a train wreck that was --- with a check in the neighborhood of $150,000,000 ... "the most hated employee in the company's history," which accounts for an entire century!

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Well, it could also be considered a Badge of Honor to be attributed as such by NBC, some of the most evil people on the planet.

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03/07/24: Perfectly stated (I missed this event). The "some decent people" syndrome is universal. When Fox sold us down the river, that was the end of Harris Faulkner, even though I consider her to be one of the very best (conscientious, decent) people in the media (and in the world itself).

Same for sports: Kevin Burkhardt is outnumbered 50-1 (he started with the Mets; excelled; onto football he went). I also don't watch him because an eventual tragedy is something I'm avoiding: I've never seen a single person NOT eventually corrupted by the TV salaries, acquired-celebrity and all of the other innumerable, imperishable lures that ruin everything.

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I've always really liked Catherine Herridge - what happened to her is truly criminal

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03/07/24: My compassion for her situation has been tempered by my amazement that she could have been gullible enough to have signed up with the Criminal Broadcasting Sycophants in the first place. Now she learns the hard way that there are some things that you do NOT do for money.

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Epoch Times. Right now thankfully, Don Surber gathers all "the news than isn't fit to print" from the "Gray Lay" et al.

Dave Rubin and Joe Rogan. Both former Liberal Democrats who woke up one day.

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The real benefit of Don Surber is that he has the perspective of a journalist and knows hows to dig for the real news. Same can be said for John Stossel. I really enjoy reading their columns.

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Don Surber is a White Buffalo.

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I'm trying to figure out that description. Don doesn't seem to have Lizzo's profile.

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It has nothing to do with the size of the animal. From the internet:

The American buffalo or bison is a symbol of abundance and manifestation, and the lesson learned by the Lakota that day is that one does not have to struggle to survive if the right action is joined by the right prayer. The birth of a sacred white buffalo is a sign of hope and an indication of good times to come.

Don't go too deep on this comparison, just take it at face value.

The analogy is Don's contribution to media BOLDLY takes the opposite side of 99% of the other sites and pundits in media. He is the white buffalo (the answer to prayer for many of us, I think) for conservatives seeking truth in world events, and he does it through the media. Perhaps it is not the most fitting analogy, but he does have white hair . . . .

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Thanks for that; I'm clearly deficient in American Indian lore.

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Yes, Sir Don does the due diligence a reporter is supposed to do. The talking heads on TV just repeat the biased drivel they are fed.

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There is an online news source that claims it posts no slants, no editorials, nothing but the news of the day. I am new to the site so I am not yet offering an endorsement but if you'd like to check it out for yourself at 1440 Daily Digest, Daily Digest@join1440.com. So far, it seems to live up to its claims.

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Just signed up to 1440. So far, I like it.

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I've just recently been following them also

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About all those dead fish. They died in the name of "environmentalism." So it's OK, amirite? Hey, remember the good old days back in Mesopotamia when all the people used to sacrifice their babies to Ba'al in order to assure a good harvest? Same thing. Good thing we don't sacrifice our children for silly things like a good harvest any more. Nowadays we sacrifice them in the name of womens' rights and if they survive into adolesence, we chop their sex organs off and turn them into eunuchs because, "Love is love," or something. Again, amirite? We have really come a long way on our march of progress haven't we? If we keep this up, we'll be living in caves alongside all those dead rivers in which no fish can ever swim. Well, all of us except for the Soros family, the Obamas and Kerry's of the future.

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Mar 7Edited

The left sacrifices them to the false god of climate change and transgenderism. At least climate change just causes neurosis and anxiety.

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I view these Causes as 'investment shams', you advance an idea, pay off the Pols to support it, add in some useful iditots, raise all sorts of money, make you & yours richer than ever possible, then is collapses. Rinse & repeat..... Solyndra 2? Enron in different clothes, the private sector scams carry risk of getting the Feds p'o.d, but when you're in on a FEDERAL Scam, like the China-Virus, or the Ukraine war.....$$$ is ENDLESS...and EVERYONE gets super rich..... I view them as locusts - feasting till land is stripped bare, then flying on to next Green Field scam in line....

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That’s precisely the Dem playbook! All those trillion dollar Bills they pass are just wealth transfers of our tax dollars to all their Leftist crony agencies, NGO’s and groups, in a self-perpetuating cascade. And we get left with their endless tyranny over every facet of our lives.

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in the immortal words of Margaret Thatcher, eventually you run out of other people's money

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And it all comes from our tax money. The companies take out a loan, the government guarantees it. The company mgmt drains the money off, company goes bankrupt. The company is not responsible for the loans. Tax payers are. They either create a new company or rename the old one. Rinse repeat.

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The politicos form tax free foundations, book and tv deals (Bill and Hillary anyone?). It's just so easy. I wonder how much campaign money is still in Nikki's coffers? She'll get to spend that on herself since she's unemployable.

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Very astute observation.

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So so true Cactus.....

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Just as surely as the rises in the east a new scam emerges daily Cactus and you can smell it too.

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For the record, I am not in any way related to RimaAnn Nelson of the VA Administration. My guess is that a primary reason for her trying to ban the photo is that it occurred at a moment in time when America was, without a doubt, the greatest and most powerful country ever known and she was upset about that. As a veteran, I am sad to know that birdbrains like RimaAnn are in charge of taking care of disabled and disadvantaged vets.

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I live in Sarasota and there's a very large statue of this photo downtown by the bay. You can not go by it anytime day or night without people taking a picture around it. I wonder if those people know they are supporting sexual harassment. Perhaps they should be identified and canceled too

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I havent gone until they wanted to start a 5 yr process of 'finding' me a good medicine when I had just finished doing that and was stable. Stable. Grr. Told the supervising doc I wouldnt be back. Luckily I have good enough insurance, I have been able to get care out in town.

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when i first began using the va (15 years ago) it had a lot of male nurses and doctors. now it's almost all females with just a few doctors. mostly p.a.'s and n.p.'s. most are polite now (trump cleaned that up and fast) but i dislike going there. just my 2 cents worth.

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that's the way it is at out medical facility which has become a HUGE campus - they can't even keep up with mapping all the new buildings, but largely staffed with non native-born personnel and English isn't their primary language

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I think environmentalist are ANITIFA without masks and black clothes.

Perhaps they are the same people working both of those jobs.

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What a great description of those idiots. Obviously they have no clue and didn't grow up in a part of this great land where sometimes it doesn't rain for years at a time. The crops don't grow, the grass doesn't grow to feed the cattle so the ranchers have to burn prickly pear, the farmers and ranchers don't have any money to spend so businesses go broke, but hey, they've sure saved the environment!

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Saving the environment is another leftist lie and example of their hubris. The natural system of this planet is far superior to the smartest person who ever lived. It doesn’t need saving.

What needs saving is conservatives FROM psychopathic leftists.

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Amen !

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To quote El Rushbo: We didn't make it and we can't break it.

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With you Shrugged as they are sorass paid rent a mobs going where sent.

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Soros and ClintonS need prayers. Silence and poverty come to mind, but they truly do need our prayers, their intentions are evil, except for their own families.... uh oh, too late!

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Most days bring a chuckle at something Don says with his trademark turn of phrase. Today the WKRP clip accomplished that right off the bat. Best episode ever.

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The greatest skit in sitcom history

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I recall that episode and it was classic.

Sadly, the entertainment value it used to provide after a day of work is gone. I don't even watch it today to get a weather report because it is so "global warming" liberal. The WEATHER can't even stay out of politics.

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03/07/24: "Elsewhere in avian intelligence..." !!!

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Yeah! I meant to thank fearless leader for a second coffee spurt. It's nearly lunch time. I coulda choked if I was in the chow line.

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Caffeine intake is down 15% nationwide since Surber's wit was unleashed upon the Republic!

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The Loons Of California have just begun. California, the state that mandates every car sold be electric,. It has rolling blackouts today. Today. it advises people to charge their EV;s at alternate times because the electrical grid cannot handle too many chargers running at once. It removed the Klamath Dam, a hydroelectric generator of critical electricity. ***The fish story and the criminally negligent, water farm destroying policies, of California are sagas too long to address here. *** Long term goal of these nuts? Destroy the Hetch Hetchy Dam system which provides most of the water to the San Francisco Bay Area and most of the power in huge swaths of California. *** Before you know it, there will be curfews to save electricity. Yes, it's Lights Out California.

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I would swear the idiots want us (the peasants) back in caves, and tending fires that have no fuels to use, while they think their lives wont be disrupted.

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Good morning, all.

Hooo, boy. I have seen some pretty dumb behavior in my life, but the dam breaching is unutterably stupid. I wish I had the "engineer(s)" in front of me right now. A very sternly worded letter, indeed! Goodbye, water storage; goodbye, clean energy production; goodbye, fishies!! Where's the outrage, I ask you? Did I read that right? "Hundreds of thousands" of salmon fry?? How many generations of fish does that represent?

These people are much too smart for me...

<Le eye roll>

Have a good day everyone.

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Thats ok, that article didnt mention that the EPA did a quick release (3 days vs 3 months?) and poisoned not only the just dropped salmon but all the spawning beds, and killed all the rest of the fish. The toxicity is moving down stream to do more damage as it goes to the sea.

Also, some bird brain AT THE EPA decided to save $500 mil dollars and didnt remove all the poisoned sediments and so the release sent them all down the river to kill all the lakes and other subsidiary streams.

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And nobody gets punished for it.

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Nearly Unbelieveable.... that citizens do nothing at all.

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The citizens have been suing over that mine release since it happened. Its has been yrs. The EPA just went opps. Didnt even appoligize, and left a much bigger mess than they were supposed to clean up. They didnt do anything. The EPA is protected from what I understand by qualified immunity. I havent checked on the lawsuits in a couple yrs but I remember the citizens trying. The EPA needs shut down along with all the other alphabet soup, FDA, CIA, FBI.

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You are right about their illogical behavior. So, what could possibly be driving this (and many other) behaviors to destroy California?

One theory is to drive people out and make it unsupportive of current living demands in our over populated world. In other words, to prepare that state for the return of the globalists in which to make their homes after they successfully take over. By then, the state will be sparsely populated and the globalists will have their coastal mansions and mountain retreats where there will be enough natural resources to support them without dams and hydroelectric supplemental power. They just have a few more superpowers to overthrow and another plandemic or two to get it all for themselves.

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Is that what the Maui disaster was really all about - demand for the Elite to have their pristine beachfront mansions?

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I believe that is one likely theory. Others have stated they believe that was the motive.

Some believe the fires were caused by DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) because the burn patterns were so erratic. For example, a car was found burned - the aluminum head of the engine had become molten and melted. That doesn't happen in a wild fire. The temps don't have a chance of getting that intense. A few dozen yards away there was green grass and no sign of burning. Trees were video taped burning from the inside out as if they were heated from the inside first. In other words, the energy was directed. Was all of this debunked? Sure - just like the half dozen "conspiracy theories" were debunked about COVID. Funny that all those conspiracy theories ended up being true about COVID.

The handling of the disaster was appalling. Prime land owned by peasants so to speak.

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It was really really weird. Everything that was a certain color blue was left totally untouched even if the area around it was scorched to bare earth for yards around it.

They still havent said anything about the 1000 kids that were missing but never officially reported missing either. Just rumors and misinformation.

Amazing all the COVID conspiracy theories were true. Almost like nobody expects the peasants to have a brain.

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tj, You are reading the right sources. Chuck Goldman (comments on this site) and I kid around about wearing blue because of the DEW. He jokes that it is interesting the UN helmets are also blue.

I believe there is no other explanation for the burn patterns and intensity observed at the site.

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Mar 8Edited

I have a few places I hit, Don is first with coffee. Sometimes it is hard to sift though the mess. You know you found something when the article disappears quick. All those pictures showing no damage to blue and weird burn patterns are pretty much gone, gone within a few hours usually.

Sorry I am running really really cynical this morning - I watched commentators and listened to Old Yeller, couldnt bear to watch him after a couple mins. And only did the listen for another 20.

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IMO, the southern part of California takes most of the available water for their pools and lawns, with a big NYAH NYAH to the rest of the state. NYAH means we're rich and you aren't. Our pool man makes more than you do, so NYAH NYAH

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Outrage! Where are all the people with guns? They are killing our PLANET and ALL OF US! Californiais doomed and the rest of us to follow, if this continues.... so many Hispanics live there. Don't They Care?

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re: Virginia. Twenty years ago I left Morgantown to take a job in rural Virginia. Part of it was West Virginia's public schools and part a lifetime of frustration with a state legislature that was nearly 90% Democrat, seemingly 100% of which comprised malpractice lawyers.

Now the situation has reversed: West Virginia, thanks to Hillary's promise to convert all us veteran coal miners into coders, West Virginia wised-up. I saw a news article last week where venture capitalists leaving New York are considering West Virginia as one of their best options. Virginia has turned into a Democrat s-hole.

Virginia's General Assembly is going full steam, with dozens of anti-gun laws - all unconstitutional - now lying on the governor's desk to be signed. Fortunately Youngkin's a Republican, but I don't fully trust him, either.

I used to make a yearly pilgrimage to Mr. Jefferson's House and his School in Charlottesville. No more. Wokesters have taken over Monticello, and as near as I can tell, nobody but Sally Hemmings ever lived there. And as for UVA, Mr. Jefferson's School? Vide infra.


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