I don’t think these Uber rich assholes give a rats ass about Trump, the US or the legitimate US electorate.
I do think they care about whether or not the little man can buy their products and thereby keep them Uber rich and therefore cheer on the benefits of a Trump economic rebirth.
But that’s all dependent on our boy getting in. And I bet that as we speak there are thousands of phony ballots being printed just to deny us that!
Ask yourself a question. If you know that an election you may very well lose, could result in your arrest, trial and conviction for who knows what crimes ( theft, treason and murder for openers), how hard would you work, and to what depths would you go to prevent that?
I agree with your initial points 1 (Trump) and 3 (the electorate). I think some of them are beginning to realize there is a real significant danger to 2 (the US). And I think they are beginning to realize that the danger to the world they know and have prospered in is a bit more serious than they thought.
The American revolutionary war was fought and funded by real wealthy people who saw what was possible, knew they could profit by it, and seemed to recognize the times they were in. For about 20 years we had a coalescence of some of the greatest political minds attached to wealth and power who went all in, against the wealth and power of the greatest nation on earth. There has been nothing like it before or since. The wealthy who backed Britain left after they had lost.
Fast forward to today. A bunch of wealthy people realized they could siphon off the profits of most of the world and try and remake the world in their image. Now, a bunch of wealthy people realize this has all sorts of bad outcomes. A giant leviathan state that can control and make and break you run by sociopaths at best if you fall out of favor. The threat of global Islam that would kill all of these people in an instant if they could. And an understanding that the enlightenment and the founder's vision for America had some real serious juice, juice that we cannot lose.
Musk's takeover of Twitter, now X, was the wake up call. The desire of the US government to triangulate the destruction of Israel was a wake up call. And perhaps the realization that the mojo propelling Trump isn't because of Trump, it is because a lot of people are unhappy with our political elite, and are working to leverage individual State's power in a direct attack on the DC cabal, was a wake up call.
We have finally leveraged enough of the wealthy (Americans) to realize they need to take up against the older guard of the wealthy (the British) just like at the time of the revolution. The stakes are just as high, the odds are not quite as long thankfully, but to lose would be catastrophic. The energy is behind the "Americans". Whether they can bring enough money and power against it remains to be seen.
If Trumps persecutions have taught people anything it is that if the government can do it to him they can sure as hell do it to anyone. Anyone remember the Stasi?
Well written explanation and your third paragraph succinctly describes what the wealthy hoped to achieve. Their dreams of some sort of modern feudalism have come up against the importation of tribalism via victimhood. The misuse of lawfare in NYC against one of their own maybe another wake up call, IMHO.
My nightmare scenario is that Trump is really controlled opposition and the whole purpose of the last four years is to identify the troublemakers; not the half or more that want Trump to win, but those with the leadership skills to make it happen.
“ The savage attack on civilian Israelis by Palestinian soldiers/Hamas terrorists and the world’s refusal to be horrified should have sent the message to Helberg, Rob Reiner and every other Jew in America that being Jewish makes you a target.” It emphasizes the fact that if there was no Israel it would be “open season” on Jews everywhere as in Europe during WWII. Too many American Jews just don’t understand this fact.
These guys aren’t dumb. We all saw through Biden, Obama and the Democrat machine in general. Why would it take so long for these smart types to realize the danger of a Democratic administration? Look at the conditions in any Dem run city. It just boggles my mind that they would push for America to be run like that.
But that’s why these flatworms cling to the hideous god of assimilation. Their motto, said or thought several times a day is ‘please like me, I’ll do anything!’
Our education system is either going to get completely remodeled, or we will never have our country back. I am not a conspiracy guy but the actions of teachers and teachers unions makes me believe that CIA involvement is not far away. Congress stopped close oversight of the CIA because they got tired of the stonewalling the CIA did on everything they asked for. They gave up. Now I suspect that most in congress are afraid of the CIA. Crazy? Maybe, but when you have black programs with secret budgets and little real oversight, it isn't a stretch for folks inside the agency to "branch out".
Wife and I visited Russia a few years ago and were able to talk to a lot of Russians from diverse economic and educational levels. Their stories about life under communism before the breakup made me realize how out of control our government and politics has become. It is chilling the parallels between how the communist USSR treated their people and our government are treating us. If there is to be a revolution, make it now before we fall any farther into the abyss.
Good comment. I don't believe people like Reiner are intelligent enough to understand what they are doing. He may be successful at his work but that doesn't make him smart. Ever notice how Reiner can't make a calm, thoughtful, well-reasoned argument in defense of his ideology, whatever that is, without getting angry and throwing a tantrum? It's because he is trying to defend a failed cause and he has no facts to back it up. He's a liberal and that is without a doubt a characteristic of all liberals, just get angry, deflect, and call people names.
Your argument is tightly reasoned, esp’ly the significance of Oct 7.
Don’t buy, however, that the billionaires (gay or otherwise) amount to a hill of beans. Pales in comparison to a reborn RNC, if it actually conducts a land/air/sea assault on election fraud.
The RNC will hopefully take a strong stance on fraud despite being in the middle of rebuilding itself, but I wonder how powerful it will get with the overwhelming presence of RINOs who are really Democrats. On that issue, most Republicans will not admit the 2020 election had many irregularities, exceeding the point at which the outcome would have been in Trump's favor.
We finally shoved the facts regarding COVID down their throats to reveal their lies, but they are still clinging tightly to denying the election steal. They will never let that one go to the "conspiracy theory graveyard".
They wont get the RINO's to play along, but they will do a good job of getting them out in the open for everyone to see and public pressure will change their priorities.
I thought there was a woman with strong tie to Trump, and a guy that’s highly thought of. Remember they pretty much fired everyone and reorganized the whole operation, and made preventing election fraud there top priority and supporting MAGAs their 2nd.
After reading all the comments I see two trends. A belief that the democrats are hell bound to steal another election at the polls, and secondly, that there is little the Republicans can do to stop them. However...the Dems are sliding down a slippery slope. Every scheme they drum up turns to shit and backfires. The election will be the biggest failed scheme of all. Believe me, they think they have a new way to fatally defeat the Republican party, but in the end, the idiots will find they were aiming down the barrel of a cannon. Trump will win in a landslide. The RNC will protect every polling place with armed watch dogs. Yakov Smirnoff, the Russian comedian, was asked what he loves most about America. He said, "Warning shots." This November, the orders will be fire first, then say "halt."
“This November, the orders will be fire first, then say "halt."
I hope you are right but that level of boldness and heroism has never surfaced during elections or at polling locations from our conservative cluster of patriots. I hope the new RNC shocks the hell out of me and you are right.
You miss the importance of the perfect setting for an assissination attempt on the President of the United States, (regardless of current or former), the First Lady, the First Son and perhaps countless others.
More importantly the Evil-Doers within just set precedent for future Administrations.
Thank Oblah-blah and Hold'em for that 4th Branch set-up for the "transformation".
The whole purpose of the court cases was to take Trump out without firing a shot. The last thing Democrats want is Trump harmed. The fallout would be something even Democrats could not fix.
You got that right. Killing Trump would unleash a firestorm in this country. But as I said, a firestorm is inevitable regardless of who wins. That’s why I think a subversion of the election is most likely. Start a war and use the War Powers Act to suspend elections. Although that would also start a revolt. Not many options left. Be prepared.
Yeah, good point. I shuttered at the thought it was FBI vs Secret Service at Mar-a-Lago that day. But, it was the CIA vs Secret Service in 1963 when they shot Kennedy. I guess I'll have to get used to it.
The gushing praise of FJB and the knee-pad bimbo by Jacob Helberg after they cheated their way to victory just goes to show how lucky an awful lot of billionaires are. It's either that or they are the same pathological liars as the scum politicians they support. Probably a lot of both. And honestly I don't think Rob Reiner would change if Oct 7th came to his back yard.
Totally agree with your parting sentence! If I had to choose, I would be hard pressed to know who I would save if the choices were George Soros or Rob Reiner.
Dear Donald, by all means, take the money. Use it for the campaign. Spend every dime. But never, ever get the notion that these megadonors are your friends. They seek only to advance their own interests. They are not patriots, nor believers in limited self-government under our Constitution. Their sudden interest in your campaign is largely due to their awakening to the fact that the rest of the left-wing coalition of the fringes to whih they formerly belonged hates Jews. We white folks already figured out that they hated us back in 2015, so we voted for Trump, hoping that his governance would match his rhetoric. It fell short, of course, because he was not prepared to do what was necessary to implement his entire program, but what he did manage to get through prooved measurably beneficial to the country. Of course, that only enraged his globo-socialist opponents, whose animosity for the traditional Americans who supported Trump's policies was magnified and enflamed. America is engaged in an existential struggle with itself; those who love America as it was intended and founded to be are on one side. Those who wish its demise and replacement are on the other. It is becoming easier to figure out who is on which side. But as in all things, Washington had the wisest advice. Feel free to make common cause with those who support your agenda, but do not become entangled in alliances with anyone. Or, as Reagan advised, "Trust, but verify."
“Dear Donald, by all means, take the money. Use it for the campaign. Spend every dime. But never, ever get the notion that these megadonors are your friends.”
I whole heartedly concur.
They are like the third animal, who, sensing the skies darkening, are now banging upon the Ark to be let in.
By all means take their money. But don’t forget for a minute that these are some of the very same people who’ve funded, some who’ve even established, all the dark money entities, NGO’s, foundations and lobbyists, that have fueled all the horrors over all the years that seek only to desecrate every virtue and value this country was founded upon. They are part and parcel of the belly of the beast.
They may very well be “seeing the light”, now that the raindrops are starting to fall, but it is very late at this juncture to think they can be trusted. They are seeking merely to protect their wealth, not to sacrifice it all for the sake of their country.
When they’re ready to do that, I might begin to cheer at their sudden conversions.
WAR DAY 229. Wednesday May 22nd. Thank you all for your patience with me. Cat is in my lap. I've already had my first cup of coffee at 4:30. It is becoming more and more clear to me that I need to abide not only in God's love but in this apartment being content with my limited view of the outside world but the infinite potential presented by the internet.
I am highly entertained by the s*** show of American politics and the deadly and dangerous battle going on in the world for dominating and silencing God's children.
Being a gospel preacher and a student of Revelations and other end time scriptures, I of course see things a little differently than most. I don't think God is locked in to a set time schedule that makes it easy to predict when he gets back. It is obvious to me that Satan is totally blind to what God is doing and even though he is a highly intelligent adversary God always seems to get the upper hand on him. I think the events of October 7th were the Hamas holes thought they could pin Israel down with a devastating first attack just shows how brain dead the bullies are. But enough of my preaching. I'm going to save her the blog of Don Surber. Later Gators.
Very astute assessment of the money is power mentality.Billionaires and millionaires did not get rich being stupid and unaware of the power of wealth or how to exert this power.Bidet and minions will destroy most of it with one more term in office just as they are attempting to do to PDJT and friends now.Some see it but others feel so elitist they will use brown noses as proof of fealty to pure socialism in the hope of survival.Any money to PDJT is a solid investment in American revival versus the current shit show.Great polls and rock on to MAGA 2024 victory.
I hope these billionaires have a moment of reflection - or a high-impact dream one night - as to what their life was like before they earned their wealth so they can view reality through a different set of goggles.
A wise man once told me that money isn't everything in life, but it sure makes it a lot easier. May their billionaire lives get painfully UNeasy leading up to this election.
Their money and power would make things a lot easier for Trump.
About fifteen years ago, an older cousin who owned a large machine shop/repair facility received a midnight call from a Beckley towing company. A tour bus had gone toes-up on the Turnpike and desperately needed emergency mechanic work. They couldn't think of anybody else to call late at night.
Not a problem. Roger called in his crew from home and met the tow truck and bus at his machine shop. As work began, he did a little paperwork at his desk and the tour-bus owner slowly walked in and sat down to await repairs. Roger glanced up to see a recently-out-of-jail-evangelist-who-shall-not-be-named sitting across from him, and then in his typical laconic fashion, without a word went back to his papers.
Finally the man, clearly uncomfortable, said, "Do you know who I am?"
Without looking up, Roger said, "Yeah, I know who you are."
"Are you going to fix my bus? I was afraid that if you knew who it belonged to, you wouldn't fix it."
Roger looked up. "Your money's good, ain't it? If your money's good, I'll fix your bus." That he did, and the man went on his way.
Now you see why I LOVE being a Coal River hillbilly. We don't care about your past. A lot of us have been in jail ourselves. Wouldn't have it any other way.
So along those lines, we don't care about a billionaire's prior foolishness; if his money's good, we'll take it. Too much at stake for getting all sanctimonious.
Let her champ (correct word) away. She hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in hell. If there’s anyone on the demonicrat side who would bring out Republican voters in numbers never seen, it’s the Wench of Chappaqua.
No, Actually they can do what ever they want at the national convention which is where I believe the switch will happen. It won't be the The wench of Chappaqua. Big Mike? Maybe.. Try this on for size. RFK Jr.
That'd serve them richly right. Every news org in the universe is still holding on to newsprints of both Kennedy assassinations. Three, if you believe JFK, Jr's plane was purposely downed.
Could be co-seekers, call them Cankles and Cackles. Or like my dad at reading the parental Last Will and Testament, every 5 years that went over our dining table: "should they perish in a common disaster" etc., etc., and so forth. (For some reason the two older kids would nearly die laughing--and I laughed because they laughed). I was the "baby" so I didn't get whupped.
The billionaires are always looking for something in return. Can it possibly be they see the country being destroyed and their wealth along with it? I wonder.
I got confused on the second poll as I thought it was Brittany Spears but after voting for Brittany I realized it might have been the basketball Brittany.
I don’t think these Uber rich assholes give a rats ass about Trump, the US or the legitimate US electorate.
I do think they care about whether or not the little man can buy their products and thereby keep them Uber rich and therefore cheer on the benefits of a Trump economic rebirth.
But that’s all dependent on our boy getting in. And I bet that as we speak there are thousands of phony ballots being printed just to deny us that!
Ask yourself a question. If you know that an election you may very well lose, could result in your arrest, trial and conviction for who knows what crimes ( theft, treason and murder for openers), how hard would you work, and to what depths would you go to prevent that?
See what I mean?
I agree with your initial points 1 (Trump) and 3 (the electorate). I think some of them are beginning to realize there is a real significant danger to 2 (the US). And I think they are beginning to realize that the danger to the world they know and have prospered in is a bit more serious than they thought.
The American revolutionary war was fought and funded by real wealthy people who saw what was possible, knew they could profit by it, and seemed to recognize the times they were in. For about 20 years we had a coalescence of some of the greatest political minds attached to wealth and power who went all in, against the wealth and power of the greatest nation on earth. There has been nothing like it before or since. The wealthy who backed Britain left after they had lost.
Fast forward to today. A bunch of wealthy people realized they could siphon off the profits of most of the world and try and remake the world in their image. Now, a bunch of wealthy people realize this has all sorts of bad outcomes. A giant leviathan state that can control and make and break you run by sociopaths at best if you fall out of favor. The threat of global Islam that would kill all of these people in an instant if they could. And an understanding that the enlightenment and the founder's vision for America had some real serious juice, juice that we cannot lose.
Musk's takeover of Twitter, now X, was the wake up call. The desire of the US government to triangulate the destruction of Israel was a wake up call. And perhaps the realization that the mojo propelling Trump isn't because of Trump, it is because a lot of people are unhappy with our political elite, and are working to leverage individual State's power in a direct attack on the DC cabal, was a wake up call.
We have finally leveraged enough of the wealthy (Americans) to realize they need to take up against the older guard of the wealthy (the British) just like at the time of the revolution. The stakes are just as high, the odds are not quite as long thankfully, but to lose would be catastrophic. The energy is behind the "Americans". Whether they can bring enough money and power against it remains to be seen.
If Trumps persecutions have taught people anything it is that if the government can do it to him they can sure as hell do it to anyone. Anyone remember the Stasi?
Always remember in life, "What they (he/she) will do WITH, they will do TO you."
Very nicely done Jim.
Well written and expressed Jim
A thousand up votes, Jim. You nailed it.
Well written explanation and your third paragraph succinctly describes what the wealthy hoped to achieve. Their dreams of some sort of modern feudalism have come up against the importation of tribalism via victimhood. The misuse of lawfare in NYC against one of their own maybe another wake up call, IMHO.
Biden is not the one who is worried.
What? Me worry!!?? Is there a Mad emoji!
That's funny, I was thinking the same thing! I wanted to post a picture of Alfred E. Newman but substack doesn't allow it.
My nightmare scenario is that Trump is really controlled opposition and the whole purpose of the last four years is to identify the troublemakers; not the half or more that want Trump to win, but those with the leadership skills to make it happen.
Jesus Dave!
If we can’t figure that out by now, maybe we don’t deserve the dream!
If everything is a red flag nothing is.
I think we're all here on earth because we don't deserve anything better. I pray for it anyway, because God is kind to the repentant.
Clever one you are.
Yes, they finally realized that a destitute America can't buy their shit.
Hmmm, maybe the canaries in the coal mine are finally starting to chirp.
How many dead Jews does it take for you to hear them?
Yet another thing I learned from this substack. Canaries really do chirp.
“ The savage attack on civilian Israelis by Palestinian soldiers/Hamas terrorists and the world’s refusal to be horrified should have sent the message to Helberg, Rob Reiner and every other Jew in America that being Jewish makes you a target.” It emphasizes the fact that if there was no Israel it would be “open season” on Jews everywhere as in Europe during WWII. Too many American Jews just don’t understand this fact.
These guys aren’t dumb. We all saw through Biden, Obama and the Democrat machine in general. Why would it take so long for these smart types to realize the danger of a Democratic administration? Look at the conditions in any Dem run city. It just boggles my mind that they would push for America to be run like that.
It’s amazing the amount of shit they have been willing to step over and around without noticing
Excellent summation, Dennis. Some waste thousands of words and never really get the point actoss like you just did. Short and powerful. Thanks
But that’s why these flatworms cling to the hideous god of assimilation. Their motto, said or thought several times a day is ‘please like me, I’ll do anything!’
Is that a translation from the German?
I think their problem is, at the base, they do not like themselves.
The result of brainwashing K-College to hate family and Churches first and then the capitalists standing in the way of socialism.
Our education system is either going to get completely remodeled, or we will never have our country back. I am not a conspiracy guy but the actions of teachers and teachers unions makes me believe that CIA involvement is not far away. Congress stopped close oversight of the CIA because they got tired of the stonewalling the CIA did on everything they asked for. They gave up. Now I suspect that most in congress are afraid of the CIA. Crazy? Maybe, but when you have black programs with secret budgets and little real oversight, it isn't a stretch for folks inside the agency to "branch out".
When the CIA has something on you, it’s easy to comply.
Wife and I visited Russia a few years ago and were able to talk to a lot of Russians from diverse economic and educational levels. Their stories about life under communism before the breakup made me realize how out of control our government and politics has become. It is chilling the parallels between how the communist USSR treated their people and our government are treating us. If there is to be a revolution, make it now before we fall any farther into the abyss.
Good comment. I don't believe people like Reiner are intelligent enough to understand what they are doing. He may be successful at his work but that doesn't make him smart. Ever notice how Reiner can't make a calm, thoughtful, well-reasoned argument in defense of his ideology, whatever that is, without getting angry and throwing a tantrum? It's because he is trying to defend a failed cause and he has no facts to back it up. He's a liberal and that is without a doubt a characteristic of all liberals, just get angry, deflect, and call people names.
Love the ‘Now or Never’ Elvis reference.
Pure gold.
And the coffeve cup.
Your argument is tightly reasoned, esp’ly the significance of Oct 7.
Don’t buy, however, that the billionaires (gay or otherwise) amount to a hill of beans. Pales in comparison to a reborn RNC, if it actually conducts a land/air/sea assault on election fraud.
The RNC will hopefully take a strong stance on fraud despite being in the middle of rebuilding itself, but I wonder how powerful it will get with the overwhelming presence of RINOs who are really Democrats. On that issue, most Republicans will not admit the 2020 election had many irregularities, exceeding the point at which the outcome would have been in Trump's favor.
We finally shoved the facts regarding COVID down their throats to reveal their lies, but they are still clinging tightly to denying the election steal. They will never let that one go to the "conspiracy theory graveyard".
If/when Trump gets elected that’s stable that’s needs cleaning. Totally and completely
I’m still not convinced we will have an election.
They wont get the RINO's to play along, but they will do a good job of getting them out in the open for everyone to see and public pressure will change their priorities.
don't tell me you expect pam bondi to save the republic?
I thought there was a woman with strong tie to Trump, and a guy that’s highly thought of. Remember they pretty much fired everyone and reorganized the whole operation, and made preventing election fraud there top priority and supporting MAGAs their 2nd.
Nice lady, Pam.
crooked lawyer, monkey brancher.
So? That is part of the oath they swear after passing the bar.
Aren't those the qualifications to be in the government?
you make an excellent point. lets hope trump wins so he has those problems to face.
It matters not who donates to Trump. Take the money, Donald. Just remember one thing: don't lick your fingers when you count it.
Honestly, I think Trump could run his campaign with no money at all this time around.
After reading all the comments I see two trends. A belief that the democrats are hell bound to steal another election at the polls, and secondly, that there is little the Republicans can do to stop them. However...the Dems are sliding down a slippery slope. Every scheme they drum up turns to shit and backfires. The election will be the biggest failed scheme of all. Believe me, they think they have a new way to fatally defeat the Republican party, but in the end, the idiots will find they were aiming down the barrel of a cannon. Trump will win in a landslide. The RNC will protect every polling place with armed watch dogs. Yakov Smirnoff, the Russian comedian, was asked what he loves most about America. He said, "Warning shots." This November, the orders will be fire first, then say "halt."
I Pray you are right D.J.
“This November, the orders will be fire first, then say "halt."
I hope you are right but that level of boldness and heroism has never surfaced during elections or at polling locations from our conservative cluster of patriots. I hope the new RNC shocks the hell out of me and you are right.
Shrugged - That was before the revelation that the FBI had "shoot to kill" permission for the Mar-A-Lago raid. Two can play this very important game!
I would like to see a FBI warrent that doesn't have a "shoot to kill" permission.
I bet they don't exist.
I think that story is a nothing burger
If they are armed, then they have that permission.
That was the disgusting part.
I disagree.
You miss the importance of the perfect setting for an assissination attempt on the President of the United States, (regardless of current or former), the First Lady, the First Son and perhaps countless others.
More importantly the Evil-Doers within just set precedent for future Administrations.
Thank Oblah-blah and Hold'em for that 4th Branch set-up for the "transformation".
There's going to be Hell to pay for this.....
Thank You Judge Cannon.
The whole purpose of the court cases was to take Trump out without firing a shot. The last thing Democrats want is Trump harmed. The fallout would be something even Democrats could not fix.
Nobody gave a rats ass when they killed the Kennedys.
You got that right. Killing Trump would unleash a firestorm in this country. But as I said, a firestorm is inevitable regardless of who wins. That’s why I think a subversion of the election is most likely. Start a war and use the War Powers Act to suspend elections. Although that would also start a revolt. Not many options left. Be prepared.
So you think the FBI sends out teams to serve warrants with don't shoot orders ?
Julie Kelly does a great job explaining the details:
Yeah, good point. I shuttered at the thought it was FBI vs Secret Service at Mar-a-Lago that day. But, it was the CIA vs Secret Service in 1963 when they shot Kennedy. I guess I'll have to get used to it.
The CIA does not work for us, they work for themselves and the people who keep them hidden.
I second that.
Dreamer. Red wave coming. Remember that one
Sadly, only the Democrats can deploy armed black thugs (read as, niggers) to polling places to harass and intimidate.
Won't work this time around.....
The gushing praise of FJB and the knee-pad bimbo by Jacob Helberg after they cheated their way to victory just goes to show how lucky an awful lot of billionaires are. It's either that or they are the same pathological liars as the scum politicians they support. Probably a lot of both. And honestly I don't think Rob Reiner would change if Oct 7th came to his back yard.
He’d be room temperature as Rush often said. Meathead is an apt name for Mr Reiner
Totally agree with your parting sentence! If I had to choose, I would be hard pressed to know who I would save if the choices were George Soros or Rob Reiner.
you could skip them both and go have beer.
Dear Donald, by all means, take the money. Use it for the campaign. Spend every dime. But never, ever get the notion that these megadonors are your friends. They seek only to advance their own interests. They are not patriots, nor believers in limited self-government under our Constitution. Their sudden interest in your campaign is largely due to their awakening to the fact that the rest of the left-wing coalition of the fringes to whih they formerly belonged hates Jews. We white folks already figured out that they hated us back in 2015, so we voted for Trump, hoping that his governance would match his rhetoric. It fell short, of course, because he was not prepared to do what was necessary to implement his entire program, but what he did manage to get through prooved measurably beneficial to the country. Of course, that only enraged his globo-socialist opponents, whose animosity for the traditional Americans who supported Trump's policies was magnified and enflamed. America is engaged in an existential struggle with itself; those who love America as it was intended and founded to be are on one side. Those who wish its demise and replacement are on the other. It is becoming easier to figure out who is on which side. But as in all things, Washington had the wisest advice. Feel free to make common cause with those who support your agenda, but do not become entangled in alliances with anyone. Or, as Reagan advised, "Trust, but verify."
“Dear Donald, by all means, take the money. Use it for the campaign. Spend every dime. But never, ever get the notion that these megadonors are your friends.”
I whole heartedly concur.
They are like the third animal, who, sensing the skies darkening, are now banging upon the Ark to be let in.
By all means take their money. But don’t forget for a minute that these are some of the very same people who’ve funded, some who’ve even established, all the dark money entities, NGO’s, foundations and lobbyists, that have fueled all the horrors over all the years that seek only to desecrate every virtue and value this country was founded upon. They are part and parcel of the belly of the beast.
They may very well be “seeing the light”, now that the raindrops are starting to fall, but it is very late at this juncture to think they can be trusted. They are seeking merely to protect their wealth, not to sacrifice it all for the sake of their country.
When they’re ready to do that, I might begin to cheer at their sudden conversions.
Take their money, do not trust them.
I'm surprised so many here continue to underestimate President Donald J. Trump...
Some believe he just fell off the Turnip Truck! Geesh!
He did, the first term.
What is it they say? If you want a friend in DC, get a dog. I think that saying is etched on the dome of the Capitol.
WAR DAY 229. Wednesday May 22nd. Thank you all for your patience with me. Cat is in my lap. I've already had my first cup of coffee at 4:30. It is becoming more and more clear to me that I need to abide not only in God's love but in this apartment being content with my limited view of the outside world but the infinite potential presented by the internet.
I am highly entertained by the s*** show of American politics and the deadly and dangerous battle going on in the world for dominating and silencing God's children.
Being a gospel preacher and a student of Revelations and other end time scriptures, I of course see things a little differently than most. I don't think God is locked in to a set time schedule that makes it easy to predict when he gets back. It is obvious to me that Satan is totally blind to what God is doing and even though he is a highly intelligent adversary God always seems to get the upper hand on him. I think the events of October 7th were the Hamas holes thought they could pin Israel down with a devastating first attack just shows how brain dead the bullies are. But enough of my preaching. I'm going to save her the blog of Don Surber. Later Gators.
Change “always seems” to ‘will always’, Rev, and you get an A+ from me.
I try to avoid sounding like a highly confident Evangelical even though I are one.
I’m an Evangelical in a Reformed church, where my sons are elders. Unfortunately ‘Evangelical’ doesn’t mean what it used to.
Meanings change. Truth doesn't. Was it Jesus who said.. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life?
"Satan is totally blind to what God is doing"
kinda helps when you know the end from the beginning..
nothing is new, God has seen it all, satan just repeats
Very astute assessment of the money is power mentality.Billionaires and millionaires did not get rich being stupid and unaware of the power of wealth or how to exert this power.Bidet and minions will destroy most of it with one more term in office just as they are attempting to do to PDJT and friends now.Some see it but others feel so elitist they will use brown noses as proof of fealty to pure socialism in the hope of survival.Any money to PDJT is a solid investment in American revival versus the current shit show.Great polls and rock on to MAGA 2024 victory.
I hope these billionaires have a moment of reflection - or a high-impact dream one night - as to what their life was like before they earned their wealth so they can view reality through a different set of goggles.
A wise man once told me that money isn't everything in life, but it sure makes it a lot easier. May their billionaire lives get painfully UNeasy leading up to this election.
Their money and power would make things a lot easier for Trump.
About fifteen years ago, an older cousin who owned a large machine shop/repair facility received a midnight call from a Beckley towing company. A tour bus had gone toes-up on the Turnpike and desperately needed emergency mechanic work. They couldn't think of anybody else to call late at night.
Not a problem. Roger called in his crew from home and met the tow truck and bus at his machine shop. As work began, he did a little paperwork at his desk and the tour-bus owner slowly walked in and sat down to await repairs. Roger glanced up to see a recently-out-of-jail-evangelist-who-shall-not-be-named sitting across from him, and then in his typical laconic fashion, without a word went back to his papers.
Finally the man, clearly uncomfortable, said, "Do you know who I am?"
Without looking up, Roger said, "Yeah, I know who you are."
"Are you going to fix my bus? I was afraid that if you knew who it belonged to, you wouldn't fix it."
Roger looked up. "Your money's good, ain't it? If your money's good, I'll fix your bus." That he did, and the man went on his way.
Now you see why I LOVE being a Coal River hillbilly. We don't care about your past. A lot of us have been in jail ourselves. Wouldn't have it any other way.
So along those lines, we don't care about a billionaire's prior foolishness; if his money's good, we'll take it. Too much at stake for getting all sanctimonious.
To err is human Jim and I have.
A great poll today, the cat is on top of it. Plus we all know HrC is chomping at the bit to push FJB out and face what she thinks is an injured DJT.
Let her champ (correct word) away. She hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in hell. If there’s anyone on the demonicrat side who would bring out Republican voters in numbers never seen, it’s the Wench of Chappaqua.
Could be "chomp" if the leather restraints were placed correctly--the primary restraint on her gaping pie-hole!
they have to get rid of VP Cackles first
No, Actually they can do what ever they want at the national convention which is where I believe the switch will happen. It won't be the The wench of Chappaqua. Big Mike? Maybe.. Try this on for size. RFK Jr.
they despise RFK more than Kamala.. never happen
That'd serve them richly right. Every news org in the universe is still holding on to newsprints of both Kennedy assassinations. Three, if you believe JFK, Jr's plane was purposely downed.
Could be co-seekers, call them Cankles and Cackles. Or like my dad at reading the parental Last Will and Testament, every 5 years that went over our dining table: "should they perish in a common disaster" etc., etc., and so forth. (For some reason the two older kids would nearly die laughing--and I laughed because they laughed). I was the "baby" so I didn't get whupped.
Too late, there will be no replacements this go-around.
The billionaires are always looking for something in return. Can it possibly be they see the country being destroyed and their wealth along with it? I wonder.
I got confused on the second poll as I thought it was Brittany Spears but after voting for Brittany I realized it might have been the basketball Brittany.
Either way both Brittany’s are twits.
Affluent White Female Liberals: AWFLs. That's awful.