Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

“the world’s largest turnip” - perfection

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Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

Tomorrow’s Poll

Who has the highest average IQ

A. Turnips

B. Eggplants

C. Democrats in Congress

D. “Mainstream” journalists

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Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

As you say, it's all about graft that we keep provoking a largest nuclear power on earth while ignoring our own borders. It's also about a communist takeover, which will be done by destroying our country with tens of millions of illiterate, racist, violent people from cultures and religions with whom we have nothing in common , and who will not assimilate. I'm from South Texas and as your video shows, most all farming is now mechanized so these people are not needed in that sector at all.

Nothing will change until the white cognitive elites, and their families, are being assaulted, maimed, and murdered by the cultural enrichers pouring in.

Danny Huckabee

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

So long Johnson. They will vacate the speaker's post yet again because you are a weak sister who is in over your head. From my point of view, Byron Donalds, who admittedly doesn't have enough time in grade but is as viscous as a bull dog, is the guy to assume the speaker's role. He will chew Schumer up and spit him out. He will expose Jeffries on the other side of the aisle as the posing statue that he is. Put him in a room with shriveled up McConnell, and the turtle will shit his pants. Most importantly, Byron will make the Republicans a gang to be feared by hammering the anti-American left into oblivion. Time for my nap, now. Wake me when it's over.

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So our ever vigilant Department of (In)justice is going to go after Texas for securing its, and not coincidentally Ameria's southern border, eh? Wow, I remember when democrat politicians quit enforcing our laws against possessing marijuana, or arresting and repatriating illegal aliens. The same DO(In)J did ... NOTHING. I suppose it is always the eternal question posed by Unce Joe Stalin, "Who? Whom?" BTW, did everyone see the correspondence from Mrs. Attorney General Garland? Attorney General Merrick Garland's wife Lynn Garland communicated with Maryland election officials about corrupt voting machines in 2015. In the emails, she says the machines are not secure and aren't certified, making the results questionable. I grow weary of noting all the utter hypocrisy in the democrat socialist party apparatchiks.

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Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

Unfortunately Abbott closed the barn door after the horse escaped. Funny that it happened after Paxton beat his impeachment adventure. Are the two related? Who knows but I believe that without Paxton, Abbott would fold under Fed pressure in a heartbeat.

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Fuck Joe Biden.

Fuck Merrick Garland.

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Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

When black “leaders” actually start representing their constituents things might change for everyone. Quit excusing bad behavior. Start locking up criminals who prey on fellow blacks. Quit spouting the line of “immigrants.”They are not immigrants. They are law breakers taking advantage of our wealth and compassion for others.

Republicans are in on it for cheap labor. Democrats are in on it for future voters and power.

The whole thing sucks. Americans know it. The politicians don’t care.

Mass deportations are needed and quickly before too many babies are dropped here and a whole new set of problems arises because of birth right citizenship.

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Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

“Under Biden, Border Patrol agents are little more than Walmart greeter.”

LMAO! There’s gotta be a meme for this.

Freaky Friday polls are always easy.

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Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

DC needs to be destroyed politically. It has become the cancer of this country. Our once great hospitals are overrun by illegals. Patients are stacked on stretchers in halls for days/weeks. However DC doesn’t care as the heath care systems and workers have to provide all care for free. Soon many of these hospitals will close. Paying Biden a bribe is useless as everyone in DC has their hand out.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

"'Schumer optimistic leaders will reach agreement on border, Ukraine funding following Biden meeting.'"

Well, OF COURSE, he is - with few exceptions, senate "Republicans" are RINOs who capitulate to Democrat demands and call it, compromise - bi-partisanship.


Per the empty suits quoted in that soiled panty shield The Hill, "Members of McConnell’s leadership team immediately pushed back against what appeared to be an attempt by Trump to tank the Senate deal."

Of course, they did - Trump knows, as does everyone else, that no deal is better than what these traitorous bastards called Republicans are "negotiating."

"'There are a number of pieces in there that are good, conservative border policies that we’ve been trying to get done for years,' he said."

He said this with a straight face. Policies don't mean sh*t if they can't be enforced, Thune, you RINO extraordinaire. Guess what? TRYING is LYING.

"Trump appears to be aiming his pressure campaign on Johnson and House Republicans, who could kill any deal on Ukraine funding and border security that passes the Senate."

Let's hope his efforts are successful.

"Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas), another member of McConnell’s leadership team and a leading Senate expert on immigration issues, said Trump’s call for Republicans to hold out for 'everything needed' is out of step with political reality."

No, it's the status quo which you are desperate to preserve. I'm not sure which is the bigger disappointment - Cornyn or Cruz.

"He argued that the Senate package could 'give President Trump in his next term additional tools with which to secure the border,' if he’s elected."

Trump won't need these "tools"...build the damn wall, start shooting trespassers on sight, and the crisis on the southern border gets resolved pretty damn quickly.

For my fellow Surberites in the Tar Heel State - are you as embarrassed by Thom Tillis as we in Texas are by Cornyn?


"Obama previously succeeded in getting the John Roberts Supreme Court to stop Arizona from enforcing federal and to protect its border. Texas is using state law."

That's because CJR is compromised - he needs to be replaced by another ala Thomas, Alito, or perhaps even Gorsuch.

Arizona has become little more than New Massacussetts - almost wholly owned by the left.

"...but the real problem is the refusal of every president between Reagan and Trump refusing to enforce the law."

...and who are those presidents? HW, Bubba (twice), W (twice), and the first sodomite president (twice). Traitors - every damn one.

"I cannot think of one major city run by a white Republican."

Technically, that is perhaps Fort Worth - but RINO Mattie Parker makes Cornyn look MAGA.

"Greg Abbott did this. He started shipping migrants to sanctuary cities and called their virtue signaling bluff."

Let's pump the brakes here, a little - Abbott is getting the credit - it's whoever is pulling his strings that has a spine.

"The argument for helping Ukraine is not without merit."

That may have been true, at the very outset, but no longer.

"I understand the fear of Putin. He really will roll into Poland if given the chance, and that would be a bad thing because he is a bad guy and also because Clinton obligated us to defend Poland."

Reality is that NATO has long since outlived its usefulness, and the US is no longer in a position to keep those promises. Whether that happens through inaction or eunuch diplomats, that's how it is. The precedent was set in abandoning Afghanistan.

Poland being invaded by Putin's Russia isn't our problem despite the promise made by the POTUS, at the time. It isn't our fault that he was an oversexed, overgrown adolescent.


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Putin invaded Ukraine with 60,000 troops, proving his intent was not to occupy Ukraine, let alone Poland! The Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass were being attacked and shelled by Ukraine's army--specifically Nazi battalions, for a decade. They had been pleading with Putin for years to save them. In April, 2022, Putin and Zelensky were ready to sign a peace agreement, which Boris Johnson sabotaged. Biden's accusation that Putin wants to restore the USSR borders is absurd.

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Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

Those amazing harvesters that replaced slave labor run on petroleum.

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Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

A few well placed gators in the Rio Grande and the “immigrants” will self-deport.

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Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

One can not detest obidet and the DC cabal enough.Ukraine appears to own 97% of the pols and deep state in DC while American citizens are paying the salaries of Z s mafioso.Would like to have had the equipment growing up on a farm but then would never have learned the uses of forks and shovels etc.Great post with a perfection poll.Lead on Poca-Man and fjb.

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Jan 19·edited Jan 19Liked by Don Surber

Great Rivers start from a small trickle. Leave it to Texas to do the right thing (for whatever the reason) before the rest of the country wakes up. Good for them.

I don’t want to see any Americans hurt because of these economic parasites (can we drop the refugee act already) and in the showdown between the Feds and The State but that looks like it’s possibly on the dance card. But we’ve seen what happens when the border is wide open just in the last 3.5 months. It has to be closed, closed permanently, or at least for 10 years, and we should figure where to deport anyone without the proper docs. England is talking about dropping their garbage in Rwanda. If Bikini Atoll is still radioactive, why not start there!

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