Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

Perversity is their strength.

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*scribbles bumper sticker designs on napkin*

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

My bumper sticker that I’ve been meaning to make for decades is “Don’t confuse leftists with the facts”

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Please send me an honorarium. Tee hee.

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That’s a good one!

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10/04/24: James Kunstler --- "I expect to see a few Tim Walz masks on the little goblins begging for Kit-kat bars the night of October 31."

Not to worry. The DNC-Regime-Media (MSNBC / CNN / NBC / ABC / CBS/NY Times / NPR / State Department / CIA / FBI / Department of Homeland Invasion By Illegal Aliens) within 24 hours of the "debate" made Walz into a Non-Person.

Not another word will be said about him unless it's an attempt to frame him --- claiming that the man who beat up Kamala Harris's husband's then-girlfriend was actually Walz, not the First Gentleman: Douglas-Harvey Weinstein-Emhoff.

("They were double-dating.")

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Made me laugh loudly, Greg. TU!

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

“Whereas Hillary was a Democrat wife who accepted public humiliation as a means of keeping political power because power means more than honor and respect.”

That my friends is the essence of the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party, power at any cost and by any means necessary.

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Everything is political to these people. That includes natural disasters like Hurricane Helene. Reading of people's desperation I sent an email to a large number of my email contacts, some of whom I haven't seen in while. The email was carefully worded to avoid overt politics, though my call to action was for people to be squeaky wheels to hold their gov't (Federal and state, local in some cases) accountable.

It was very telling to read some of the responses. Rather than be concerned about their fellow citizens dire situation, I was lectured about "internet rumors" and told that heck, lots of people they knew were on planes in Charlotte as they wrote. No kidding--people with means not stuck in hollers could get out. Meanwhile Pete Buttigieg has issued a NATAM (gobbledygook for curtailing flight approvals) and Mayorkas says we are "running out of money" to cover hurricane relief via FEMA. Not to mention the cravenly political cancellation of Starlink grants for rural internet, initially under contract in 2020 and subsequently cancelled by Biden/Harris administration. It is up to private citizens, those with the funds to pay for their own helicopters, to search out survivors...and the window for successful extrication at 8 days in is closing.

Can't say I could be more disgusted with our government and the blindness of some of our fellow citizens. God forgive me b/c I am hopping mad right now.

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The blindness of fellow citizens is the worst.

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Totally understand, NNTX, how you feel about "the blindness of some of our fellow citizens". But because of you, they are a little less blind now. It was worth it for you to send around that email. Reality will eventually break in on them; reality can't just be suppressed forever.

We on the Right need to protect ourselves from letting our frustration hurt us--e.g., our own health, like our blood pressure!! I know you come from a spiritual perspective, so hopefully you can take that "hopping mad" you're feeling right now to God; and would bet that as that divine presence starts to bring a stillness, that probably you will get some new spiritual insights and truths that will end up having quite a strong impact not just on your consciousness but on the consciousness of everyone you emailed today, and on the wider consciousness of the whole country. Prayer really can reach way beyond what we might think, and can have an impact on situations we aren't even aware of.

Trump is returning to Butler, PA tomorrow--Elon Musk has tweeted that he will be joining Trump there. So much to celebrate in prayer too, for all the courage and clarity being shown, and prayer for the safety of everyone attending.

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Thanks TPG!

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Me, too, NNTX. Went to my weekly health related appt today. I had just heard on the radio that FEMA has closed air space, drones not allowed to search for people, and Starlink’s engineers are having things seized and being prevented from doing the work they need to do. I mentioned the hurricane at the session and the young lady assisting me mentioned a story about sand that washed up in a parking lot and cars cemented in it. When I mentioned NC she had a totally blank on her face. She knew nothing about all the people trapped and missing in NC. She said , “Tell me,” and I did - everything I could get in before we had to get to the task at hand.

So I guess half the country hasn’t a CLUE!!!

I avoid FB and haven’t checked it out for myself, but I wonder if any of your email contacts would be willing to look up Hendersonville, NC on FB and read their feed. I read there are many personal testimonies there. Hope I have the right name.

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Likely so. But I'm not on FB. I will see a good friend this weekend and ask her to check.

The cluelessness of some of even my friends is deeply disturbing and sad

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Oct 4·edited Oct 5

and think about their "cluelessness" on a hundred different subjects because where they get their information from about this hurricane are the same sources they use for everything. well chose our friends.

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Of course Hillary wasn’t sitting at home crying about it. From all reports.

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Did anyone watch the House of Cards series? Life imitating art.

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Tears would have watered down her Chardonnay.

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is it different if a 'conservative' wife does the same thing if she is married to a mogul?

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Best I can tell the conservative wife you speak of does the very best Jennie Sanford. No one ever knows where she is. She lives her own life quietly with her own private agenda.

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everyone has an agenda.

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

That’s exceptional cat you got there. I’d keep it around. A poll cat.

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It's a known fact that cats, even strays, are light years ahead of, and much smarter than politicians and other low life critters. Brain Power makes them imminently smarter. God made them that way.

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they are mean and clever (the pols, just mean)

we just got a replacement puppy (Labradoodle) for my grandson after putting down a 17+yr Jack mix.. the cat (~6 yrs) just teases her

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My Springer just "loved" cats. That's why none ever dared coming near our yard:)

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Dogs and cats are extremely smart socialists. They have totally free food, shelter, healthcare, etc.

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Dogs and Cats give back so much more than some food, possibly shelter, and not often healthcare, as I see every day in my neighborhood. I take good care of all of them around me, feeding them separately to keep them calm and happy. I can no longer handle health care, but decades of learning has taught me how to care for them very well with vaccinations and OTC meds for minor issues. Four cats have their own houses in my spacious lovely yard, fenced in, some with heated flooring, for the very cold GA. winters. Great food, lots of chats, and love mean they are Wonderful Pets and ill live good lives as long as I am here. Animals are a lot nicer than most people, I can promise you that, and they never forget.. Once they know you will respond to their voices, and basic needs, they are in love with you forever. You just cannot beat that. It works EVERY TIME. One year ago, two of my long time ‘residents’ died of old age, at ages 15 and 18 years. I miss both of them every single day. Both are buried here and will always be remembered and loved. I notice that people will just put their pets outside and expect them to fend for themselves. This lack of basic human kindness is both Horrid and Heartbreaking. I cannot imagine what their children think of this action- are they wondering when they will be ‘put out into the yard’???

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If Douglas Adams had believed in God, he would have written that definition of “what is a cat” in HG2G. Somewhere I hear dolphins and cats singing “Goodbye and Thanks for All the Fish!”

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IMO, cats are smarter than we are because they have to be. They may even see us as a necessary evil, just to keep kibble in the food dish.

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Dats punny rite dare !!

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Another loud laugh. Thank you, Steve.

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Getting married five times is definitely the triumph of hope over experience.

Zsa Zsa Gabor’s husband #8!us rumored to have said “ I know what to do, but I’m not sure how to make it interesting.”

Men who hit women are punks.

Democrats in general are punks in 2024.

Most politicians are megalomaniacs and not to be trusted nor admired.

Clinton is the bum who lowered the bar on Presidential behavior to the greatest extent.

His wife is a scorpion.

I’m done now. 😂

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“His wife is a scorpion.”

I love that and have never heard a better or more succinct metaphor. Thank you!

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I agree. The list of adjectives for satanic dems isn’t long enough to properly describe them. Scorpion is among the best I’ve heard in reference to Hillary.

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Tell that to Trump. All he can use is “stupid”.

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Donks are many things, but not stupid. Evil, demented, sinister, satanic, and many more. Their base though, yup stoopid.

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The only imaginable explanations for why they have not divorced are (1) that was still frowned on in 1992, (2) she was determined to get his job, a plan that failed (do I dare say: "Trump"?); (3) she's got the goods on him so bad (do I dare say "Epstein"?), he would lose what few admirers he still has, and (4), the lawsuits ensuing from the revelations would bankrupt them both.

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One more - they can’t be compelled to testify against each other.

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Being no legal scholar, I had not thought of that. Does that equally apply to criminal and civil cases?

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It's not so much the testimony as the contempt of court when the truth surfaces.

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I always thought that Monica was hers...........

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She has Huma's Abdomen and possibly a share of Anthony's Weiner.

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i quit after three marriages. at some point you realize there is no fixing what is going wrong.

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Mine singing 'you don't bring me flowers anymore' when she walked out the door. I got revenge-we remarried 6 years later. And lived happily ever after.

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I have a golfing buddy who remarried his ex wife after 5 years apart. He calls it his Mulligan

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😊 I imagine the keyword is golfing.

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I learned my lesson the first time. Marriage isn’t for everyone.

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no man should get married in america.

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My kids fared better. Daughter and SIL well matched will celebrate 50th wedding anniversary next March. Son waited longer but now married 15 years to a spectacular mate, partner in every way. She, however, was not born here. Naturalized US a couple of years ago. He was single long enough to be leery of US women of his generation. They are all great parents.

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things have changed in 50 years. big time.

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10/04/24: James Kunstler --- "I expect to see a few Tim Walz masks on the little goblins begging for Kit-kat bars the night of October 31."

Not to worry. The DNC-Regime-Media (MSNBC / CNN / NBC / ABC / CBS/NY Times / NPR / State Department / CIA / FBI / Department of Homeland Invasion By Illegal Aliens) within 24 hours of the "debate" made Walz into a Non-Person.

Not another word will be said about him unless it's an attempt to frame him --- claiming that the man who beat up Kamala Harris's husband's then-girlfriend was actually Walz, not the First Gentleman: Douglas-Harvey Weinstein-Emhoff.

("They were double-dating.")

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Hey! I’m a Scorpio too. In astrology unconscious Scorpios can rule the underworld but when fully developed soar like eagles, masters of death and rebirth (growth and evolution). I doubt anyone would argue Hillary’s status in evolution. Well, the death part seems to follow her around but that’s not it.

However, I only fell for “I’ll never do it again, I can change” nonsense once. That’s why I voted for D.I.V.O.R.C.E. Admittedly with a 3 yr old and a 3 month old I had to gather all of my strength and resolve to pack my Marine Sgt husband’s bag and toss him out. I certainly was/am not a feminist but with that act my 21 y/o life began.

A little virtue signaling…last Mother’s Day the card they gave me said, “Your kids are amazing and doing great!” As if I didn’t know. We don’t always fall into stereotypes. It’s all been worth it.

I almost pity Hillary. Almost.

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I didn’t say a Scorpio. I said a scorpion. 🦂

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Close enough!

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She is a Scorpio and unfits its symbol of the scorpion.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

Yep, and Deadlier Than the Male. Meant to add, i.e., Spiderwoman.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

My best sources of news and opinion journalism have been (1) The Don Surber Substack blog, and (2) The Babylon Bee.

I'd bet both have stories far more accurate than CNN or 60 minutes.

Hillary sucks.

Resurrected: MAGA is back in Butler, Pa this weekend!

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Also PowerLine blog. Quite a good source, esp the commenters who are far more MAGA than two of the three regular writers.

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. . . i'd add in instapundit, ace.mu.nu and the Steve Sailer substack

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and CitizenFreePress

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the news before the news.. I watch the prophets also (Julie Green, Amanda Grace, Robin Bullock, Dianna Larkin..) all on Rumble for ease

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Trump is amazing. Until that happened I thought only a democrat could get shot in the head and walk away with only minor injuries.

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As Marlan might say: GMTA

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10/04/24: James Kunstler --- "I expect to see a few Tim Walz masks on the little goblins begging for Kit-kat bars the night of October 31."

Not to worry. The DNC-Regime-Media (MSNBC / CNN / NBC / ABC / CBS/NY Times / NPR / State Department / CIA / FBI / Department of Homeland Invasion By Illegal Aliens) within 24 hours of the "debate" made Walz into a Non-Person.

Not another word will be said about him unless it's an attempt to frame him --- claiming that the man who beat up Kamala Harris's husband's then-girlfriend was actually Walz, not the First Gentleman: Douglas-Harvey Weinstein-Emhoff.

("They were double-dating.")

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

Isn’t it wild that after we gave all women an unqualified access to vote, they have continuously shown that their number one political priority is killing their own children, followed by feminizing men?

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Actually I think that is the globalists doing this to ALL ppl, not just the women they can con into it. Even leftist women are making viral TikToks about how they want REAL, MANLY men, but they’re horrified to find they’re all conservatives.

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just to clarify....so women are NOT responsible for their actions? even when killing their own children? if you're selling a $3000 used car in your front yard 'as is' for $5500 and i come along and buy it, who is responsible?

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Caveat emptor, but I think the law ( I’m not a lawyer) says caveat emptor is the case except if the seller did something to actively deceive the buyer that an average buyer would not have been able to uncover by normal means. So everyone is responsible for their own choices / actions BUT it’s hard to hold accountable people who have been brainwashed.

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women have been brainwashed?

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Absolutely! But so have many men.

“It’s just a clump of cells”.

And “Women get paid only 70% of what men make” and many more.

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actually gail, women make more than men and have for some time.

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Gail, Good point. I may send that summary to my daughter unfortunately she is voting for Kamala.

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Arrrugh Rev. You're killing me by telling me she's voting for Kamala. 😱

How old is she?? Is she a student or does she work??

Either way, you can customize this joke (it's one of my FAVORITES!) --

A daughter comes home from her first year of a very expensive private college (that her father is paying for. He worked very hard his whole life and is proud and greatful that he achieved enough success to be able to do this for her).

Her father asks her how her first year of college went and she reports that she got straight A's and was on the Dean's List each semester. She then goes on to berate HIM for being an evil capitalist, not caring about the environment or global warming and the polar bears dying in the Arctic Circle, etc, etc.

He's patiently nodding and listening with a wry smile on his face.

When she's done he then asks her how her roommate Sally - with whom she's been best friends since Kindergarten, is doing and his daughter's eyes well up with tears. "Oh dad, I'm so upset! While I was in the library every night, Sally was out with boys or at parties, coming home at all hours and often missing classes the next morning. So we think the Dean might kick her out and we won't get to go through college together!"

The dad nods and then says to his daughter, "Here's what you can do honey, to make sure Sally can come back next year - You call the Dean on Monday and explain how you simply cannot go thru college without your very best friend from five years old! So that you want to DONATE HALF of your "A"s to Sally's GPA and you agree to take on half of her Fs so that you both will have a C average and insure that Sally can be your roommate."

The daughter's face gets red with rage and she fumes back to her father "How dare you suggest that Dad! I worked my tail off for my A's and Sally did NOTHING to try to get good grades! My As are mine!! Sally has no right to have them!"

The dad just smiles and says to his daughter: "Welcome to the Republican party"


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send her something opposite of reality and she won't believe it just on principle.

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you may take some heat for this one but for the record i will stand with you paul. i'll also take a flyer that you (or i) won't be getting a like from suber this morning.

to add...the left are very adroit at buying votes (asset distribution for minorities, gender war clouds for women, free education for young adults, equity over accountability for all).

not saying that absolves those buying the con of their own culpability you understand just that the marxists are better at selling their con than the enabling right is at selling theirs.

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My ,My-Congrats on becoming a Founding Member. You have joined "The Few, the Proud" "Always Faithful". Don gets a step closer to his Bentley.

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Game on-I win- You buy a blue button. You win, I buy you a blue button.❤️

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Hey, I said that along with a list of other failures a few weeks ago. I got in big trouble.

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

Well, if it's not yet a song....it sure as hell should be.

I would simply change the name to "Hillary sucks, apparently just not as well"

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coffee out the nose....

just bought this keyboard...

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QUICK! Turn it upside down on a paper towel. It'll be fine by noon. Than you can Q-tip the overflow between the letters. I'm a veteran of that war.

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

I can’t remember two people in public life who are more vacuous than the Emhoff’s.

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teresa heinz kerry and john forbes kerry run a close second bill.

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Maybe. I think Clintons are not so much vacuous as darn right evil. particularly HRC

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Both "Crotch on Fire Democrats", so not a bit surprising.

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

The way Don puts the pieces together it seems the Democrats are The Cult they project on Trump supporters. They sure circle the wagons, hold hands and BELIEVE. I left the party in 2008 when that's exactly how they were handling Obama. Another The Selected One (ask Hillary, but she was too busy getting her wagon in the circle for O-Bam-A, O-Bam-A). Once again, I'm reminded why I left the Democrats, Obama made no sense to me but I was told to BELIEVE. Creepy. The leftovers today are Kamala Democrats who I truly believe are Communists. The whole Biden-Kamala term used the Alinsky-Cloward-Piven handbook. They hate our country and the media is complicit.

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By any means necessary is not a slogan. It is a mantra. Ranks right up there with from the river to the sea.

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

I'm just sitting here shaking my head with my usual morning grumpy expression after reading Dons great article today. When does this story end? Two morons, married to two equally stupid people, are running for the Hotel WH today. There is a terrible catastrophe happening in five states in the south, we are edging ever closer to war with Iran, and inflation is destroying our economy. Yet Harris is campaigning in some toss-up states today, Biden is..............well never mind, at the beach or something, he's not in charge anyway, so I ask you, who is running the country? FEMA says they don't have enough money to last this year yet they gave over a billion dollars of FEMA funds to fund the border invasion so far, the government is turning away rescue attempts by private citizens in the south while at the same time FEMA and fed authorities cannot be found. The Trans Secretary Butthead shut down all air space over the hurricane damaged areas to "protect government aircraft" (that are nowhere to e found) so now private rescuers cannot use their drones and helicopters to find and rescue people. Harris is giving victims a check for $750 each to help them.................but where the hell are they supposed to spend a check? Everything is gone!!!!!!!! Maybe I'm just getting too cranky these days but even GW Bush had FEMA on the job working in three days after Katrina. We are being governed by morons who have no ability to solve anything and no desire to do so. Now we hear the latest news flash is that Doug Emhoff slapped around his ex-girlfriend for flirting during a drunken rage. That's todays crisis? Really? That's what the networks are doing damage control on? Good grief, America and the world are coming apart at the seams faster than we can report it and no one but card carrying morons are in charge. Vote "R" like your life depends on it!

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Reddog, you nailed it! The inmates are running the insane asylum. This whole scene makes me so angry. Saw a couple of YouTubes yesterday from S. Carolina, one from a young woman who says that she and everyone she knows who has applied for FEMA relief has been rejected then another whose FEMA application was accepted, but it would be 10 DAYS for her funds to be deposited - now exactly where those funds might be deposited since I strongly suspect that the banking system is not able to function, remains a mystery. Then, of course, how in the Hell are these people whose lives have been destroyed through no fault of their own, supposed to be able to find a way to get to a polling station to vote these bastards out?

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Yes and as one of the commenters I listened to mentioned--where will people be able to spend the $$ with closed stores and inoperable roads? No Amazon deliveries and the grocery stores have spoiled food.

This is a situation where in kind help works better.

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Our lives do depend on it Reddog !!

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I am with you Reddog.

See my post above about what I've done (small I know) besides donating $$.

Also think it is worth it to call our congress critters and senators and pressure them to put pressure on Buttigieg and Mayorkas. Not holding my breath that it will work but perhaps enough squeaky wheels might prompt a bit more action to help our fellow citizens suffering right now.

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10/04/24: James Kunstler --- "I expect to see a few Tim Walz masks on the little goblins begging for Kit-kat bars the night of October 31."

Not to worry. The DNC-Regime-Media (MSNBC / CNN / NBC / ABC / CBS/NY Times / NPR / State Department / CIA / FBI / Department of Homeland Invasion By Illegal Aliens) within 24 hours of the "debate" made Walz into a Non-Person.

Not another word will be said about him unless it's an attempt to frame him --- claiming that the man who beat up Kamala Harris's husband's then-girlfriend was actually Walz, not the First Gentleman: Douglas-Harvey Weinstein-Emhoff.

("They were double-dating.")

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You have summed up the situation at this point in time perfectly & completely. Thank you!

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

If you are going to vote for Kamala, you are violating everything you allegedly stand for. I appreciate people who just don't like Trump, I'm not sure I like him all that much myself, but I do respect low inflation, no new foreign conflicts, rising wages and stuff like that. Harris has none of that, plus - she settled on her VP pick after a sleepless night and cooking therapy. Her husband abuses women besides the cheating stuff. Her VP is quite likely a low level Chinese asset, and a coward and serial liar (not a bombastic exaggerator). She cannot sit for an interview without creating a massive word salad of silliness. She is not ready for prime time. That anyone could think she is says much more about them, than this pitiful example of a presidential candidate.

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Oh - and in the midst of a terrible Hurricane - offering a paltry $750 for persons impacted by the storm, while her administration gives thousands upon thousands of dollars to criminal immigrants? How {bleeping} stupid can you be? What planet do you have to be on to say something that incredibly stupid?

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After a round of golf my buddies and I were parked in the shade enjoying a beer. For some reason we got talking about the Trumpster and one of them declared Trump was a felon, a liar and womanizer and he wouldn't vote for him. He admitted he had a Harris/Walz sign on his front yard. I was gobsmacked. Nothing I said could move the needle. I can't believe that guy could swallow all the Dem talking points and reject any other information. How does one close their minds like that??

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Yes, it blows my mind. I showed my kind, intelligent, nut job, liberal cousin the Rules for Radicals listed in bullet points. When I asked which party seemed to be charging toward socialism, she said everything pointed at Trump! She has been so brainwashed she can't see beyond MSNBC.

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I don't know; all I know is that this is their party's foundation stone.

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Its all about the feelz!

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Wo-o-o feelings

Wo-o-o feelings

I wish I've never met you, girl

You'll never come again

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Braindead only explanation. I have same in my family, against abortion but votes for all the people for it? I have said on FB " You can't be a Christian and vote Democrat" and boy does that blow people up. And they still don't get it?

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She will never be ready for prime time. Sleeping your way to the top only works until you get to the top job, and then you are on your own. She is at least five pay grades from that right now.

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Nice synopsis Jim !!

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

I remember when Spitzer got caught. I'm Jewish, it's the Ten Days of repentance and I'll probably be held to account for it, but it still warms my heart when I think about what happened to that beady eyed megalomaniacal weasel dipped mother grabber after all the things he did. A lot of the people here in NYC felt the same way.

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I’ve met Silda Spitzer, sat next to her at a friend’s birthday lunch. She’s an incredibly sweet & lovely lady from North Carolina originally. She deserved much better than Elliot Spitzer.

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I suspect almost all women know exactly what they’re getting when they say ‘yes’.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

That would be an interesting conversation to have! She related some anecdotes to me which after the fact seemed very prescient. I’m married to a really lovely and accomplished Jewish man, and raised my daughters in the faith; being Jewish has nothing to do with it, but rather wealth and entitlement.

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4

CC, are you a man or a woman? Not to entirely contradict my previous statement, but I’ve noticed that women can see other women most clearly and men can see when other men are ‘playing’ women. But in the end, unless they’ve married a psychopath which no normal person can detect, I think women are less surprised by what they married than men are.

Like the old saying:

Men marry women hoping they won’t change.

Women marry men hoping they will change.

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good post. what you left out...men cannot see when they are being played by women, which is on the aggregate.

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Yep, I am afraid that is true.

I think men are - on the whole- far more innocent and uncomplicated than women are.

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I had a Pastor once tell us in a class that a marriage with mediocre sex and a good relationship was better than a marriage with great sex and poor relationship. Probably explains a lot of divorces.

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Do we think all wealthy men are scoundrels irrespective of faith ? Maybe so, but IDK. I guess even Jimmy ‘lusted in his heart’. 🤣

My husband is not Jewish and even less observant than I am ( At least I am interested in theology) and he too is a very ‘good guy’.

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nikki haley was a good girl...until she got caught.

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i suspect so. women chose who they bed but men chose who they wed.

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Or, ‘men play at love for sex. Women play at sex for love. ‘

Sheesh, there are way too many sayings on this topic! 🥴

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I think you are right about this in many cases which explains why some women are so angry. One act is measured in minutes. The other with a lifetime. No comparison. Sad.

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I think it also clarifies how women have been brainwashed into thinking that their sexuality is just as superficial as mens' is. The "choice" women have is at the point in time when/ IF she decides to engage in activity that *could* result in a pregnancy, not AFTER she's already pregnant.

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I’m not a New Yorker, and I’m a non-observant Jew but I recall being ashamed when his exploits came to light. Same with Anthony Weiner! What is it with these powerful NY Jewish men! At least weasely Bloomberg seems to ‘behave’, but who knows.

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behaving may indeed be bloomberg's secret but sixty five years ago when i was eleven and being punished by my mother for some innocuous and trivial misdemeanor my grandmother asked me (as i was sitting in a chair pouting) if i knew the secret to not getting in trouble and i said apparently not grams, so she said: "don't get caught".

some men just never grow up.

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Just because he was born of at least l one Jewish parent doesn’t make him a Jew.

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Just because your Jewish, doesn't mean your Jewish.. a long history there

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

I would love to hear the the song 🎵”the v-o-T-I-n-g..becomes final today..me and little d-o-u-g-e..are going away..🎵

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Best line in Don's (as always) excellent post:

"I married a Jenny Sanford 47 years ago and I would have it no other way."

God bless you both.

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber

If it aint a song it otter be. Does anyone expect different attitudes or responses from the lying msm/dem/journos ???. One needs to remember these are the [ rules for thee but not for me ] power seeking at any cost crowd currently ruining America. Poca-Man and his allies in truthful reporting are leading the MAGA/MAHA to victory in 2024 all while preparing us for the battles to follow the WIN.

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Oct 4Liked by Don Surber


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