Meanwhile, our tax dollars at work: "The Biden administration’s Justice Department filed a lawsuit Thursday against Tennessee’s aggravated prostitution law for people with HIV. The law, which imposes tougher penalties for engaging in prostitution while knowingly infected with HIV, violates the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Justice Department claims in its lawsuit."

Americans fired for refusing the jab; arrested for attending Easter services; denied visitation to sick, elderly or dying loved ones for fear of spreading a virus no more lethal than a mild flu but people who knowingly pass on a deadly virus must be allowed to engage in illegal activity on public streets.

White supremacy was the golden age of civilization.

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Kinda tired of the JustUs Department violating Americans. We’re far, far past looking to “adjudication” to righting the criminal wrongs committed against this country by the miscreants in this government.

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prostitution isn't illegal page...BUYING a prostitute is illegal.

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Depends on the jurisdiction. Some places have de-criminalized the selling of so-called sex work, yet availing oneself by buying such sex work is criminalized. Prostitution has been decriminalized in the state of Maine. Prostitution has been legalized in six counties in the state of Nevada. Prostitution is illegal most elsewhere.

Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Canada, France and Israel have decriminalized sex work--though buying sex work remains a crime. A hair-splitting that defies logic.

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Tennessee is already close to dumping the US Education Department. Might as well give them a chance to begin selective recognition of the ADA.

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The Obama administration's eight years of selling America down the river must somehow be adjudicated. He is the scourge of the earth to Americans, and he MUST pay for the destruction he caused. Who knows if Donald Trump will begin the process? All I can say is Obama is to America what Hitler was to Germany. And the bastard shoves his existence at us by living a zillionaire's life style in a fistful of mansions. The mysterious drowning death of his chef is an example of his venom. .Obama is a black eye on the face of America.

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I think you were exceedingly kind to Mr. Obama here. 😎

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adjudicated? are you serious? did you happen to get a load of that pos garbage willis yesterday? i watched six hours of that 'trial'. what a farce. she is the most disgusting bigoted man-hating misogynist racist vapid cretin i have seen in my life. the people responsible for making her a da should be sent packing from humanity. complete shit storm coming soon.


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First Atlanta gave us the Brown Hippo (Stacey Abrams); now it's giving us the Brown Ho (Big Fani Willis).

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She came marching into that courtroom just like the bitch with a bad attitude that she is! to hell with the judges admonishment about not listening to any of the testimonies as she sat in the other room - rules for thee but not for me - I'm privileged ! I'm special!

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You said it, Cookie--"bitch with a bad attitude" nails it. She was a stunningly bitchy bitch in court. Couldn't be a more damning example of the current contamination of our justice system. Outrageous that she is running a case against Trump, who is in truth, a man of high integrity and achievement.

It brings to mind that video back in October of the black girl (OK, young woman) who is the head of the student government at NYU Law School in NYC. She had a job lined up with a prominent law firm, but they rescinded the job offer after she publicly and joyfully flouted a strident anti-Israel/pro-Hamas stance. That girl was the epitome of arrogant, self-righteous, snobby, entitled, empty-headed, narcissistic, dumbness.

I'm sure woke law schools all across the country are training up many new "Fani-Willises-in waiting", whom George Soros can finance into DA positions.

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I recall how much God despises a “haughty look.” Fani will have much to answer for on that Day.

I guess when your father is the co-founder of the Black Panther Party and one-time paramour of Angela Davis, you really are untouchable. So much for “no one is above the law” trope.

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Yeah, I watched it. She trudged up to the witness stand like a marine hitting the beach. Then she went into her defiant act. If you watched it with the sound off you would have thought she'd land a haymaker on anybody who got in her way. The bitch thinks she's Mad Dog Maddis. But, in the end, she will wind up wearing a choke collar.

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Mattis. Good guy. Drank beer with him at JFCOM. Would love to know why he and the Trumpster fell out.

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People responsible for her? You'll have to talk to George Soros then.

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Adjudication in the DC circuit is impossible. The judges in that circuit are stacked and 90%+ of the jury pool voted for Obama. The only worse outcome than unindicted crimes is a rigged acquittal.

Taking the power to abuse is the better outcome anyway. Unfortunately, there is an abundance of broken people who will abuse the power we give them.

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“Where is the outrage over the imprisonment of protesters in the Capitol on January 6, 2021? Where is the outrage over the irrational charge that a sitting president tried to overthrow a government which he ran? Where is the outrage over trying to disbar any lawyer who defends him or his allies?”

Even more disturbing to me is the fact that this paragraph could also be attributed to Republicans in congress. We expect this from the enemedia. We should not expect or tolerate it from those who supposedly represent us in DC.

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They are AWOL, just like the SECDEF.

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You are spot on Plays !!

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We live in Potemkin Village. It couldn’t be more clear than when Tucker Carlson went to the supermarket in Russia and was able to buy a week worth of groceries unfilled with GMO for $100 whereas in this country it would cost at least 400.

We fool ourselves each day thinking our country is free and we are good. The truth is we are not. Watching the Fani willis hearing yesterday shows the world what happens when an individual from a DEI background is promoted into a position of power. She lies cheats steals, and then becomes indignant when somebody asks her a question about it. Even the corrupt.MSNBC was shocked. And this woman and her Paramore are trying to bring down Donald Trump et al. It shows the world what a disgusting rotten filthy place this country has become. Except for the half the people in this country who are being persecuted for their views on freedom and understanding the constitution, it is good to know that God will send the rest of the inhabitants of America to hell where they deserve to be.

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I thought Tucker's trip to the Russian grocery store was enlightening as well as his visit to the Moscow subway station - how clean, beautiful and orderly as opposed to the streets of once beautiful SFO or NYC

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02/16/24: Good morning! When you get a chance, read this pathetic non-explanation of why the MSM is on the ropes (not a single word devoted to WHY people don't trust the MSM anymore). "The New Yorker. Who else?" used to be their purring, seductive TV/radio advertising 30 years ago, implying that they were the Tiffany's of print. Today, they're scrubbing pots and pans in the back of a Micky D's! And speaking of self-pity, let's salute Fani Willis down in GA, the new laughingstock of the nation!

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Oops! Here's the link (via Citizen Free Press, which the dense writer hasn't even heard of!):


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Thanks for the link. After reading it seems obvious the writer is consumed about the business model but NEVER considers the message the MSM is spouting. The MSM never looks at why we love DJT in a practical way of American problem solving rather than big government apparatchiks.

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I had to quit reading. It is amazing how blind they are.

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02/16/24: I often have the same reaction. In addition to their obtuseness (one can only take so much of it), I find I'm reading rehashed stuff previously read elsewhere. The quality of this article, as well, when compared to the vintage New Yorker writers (Liebling, Auletta, etc.) is just barely freshman-college level. The job is to "make words sing!" Where else, but NOT in the New Yorker.

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02-16-24: Was just notified that our Surber subscription is up for renewal. And it will be a pleasure to pay the bill.

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"... the writer is consumed about the business model but NEVER considers the message the MSM is spouting."

My God, they've invented the perfect business-suicide pill! (1929-38, in one gulp!)

They're pumping raw sewerage into the internet, but are only concerned about getting paid for what they discharging.

You summed it up perfectly. Thanks...

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I think the media did do its job: actively deceive the citizenry and leave it in ignorance. The NYT dipped its toe in propaganda in the 1930’s but since Obama it’s swimming in the Sea of Deceit.

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Remember when all the cool kids in the media told us, "It's not the crime, it's the cover-up?" That's how they justified their pogrom against Nixon, since the actual Watergate break-in was not something that Nixon personally planned, approved, participated in, ratified or even knew about until after the fact. So they went after him for the "cover-up." They made sure to put the "Watergate Hearings" on TV, live, then reiterate their favorite parts on the evening "news" (sorry for all the quotation marks, but that's the only way I can convey the ironic sense of things). They lionized, praised and nearly beatified the rats who testified against Nixon, like John Dean as wlll as the daffy old Senator from North Carolina, Sam Ervin who chaired the hearings, They tried the same thing with Reagan and "Iran-Contra," but Ollie North pretty much killed that with his testimony. Today, according to the same bunch of cool kids, it's neither the crime, nor the cover-up. In fact, if it's something that is contrary to their chosen narrative, it's neither. They ignore it or if it is too big to ignore, they pooh-pooh it, deride those who believe it as "conspiracy theorists" and then engage in "whataboutism" if all else fails. If it were not for the alternative media sources (our gracious host among them) we would never know about the graft, corruption, outright treason and malfeasance committed by (mostly) democrats. The crazy thing is that there is actually a market for their propaganda--somebody must be watching MSNBC and CNN and reading The New Yorker, mustn't they? I suppose that the same people are the ones getting selected for jury duty in the sham cases being brought by democrat prosecutors in select Deep Blue jurisdictions. The rest of us have to be satisfied with living in reality.

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I have always suspected that the CIA was the real force behind the Scenes. They have avoided being drawn into this and very silent for three years now. The FBI are lightweights compared to the CIA. Frankly, the bureau is just the like minded force used as the public face of the deep state. I am quite certain like most of you that Mr. Obama is the guiding influence with the CIA. But that begs the question then, who is Mr. Obama aligned and working with? There could be some real surprises in that answer, or we could find out that he is merely the unelected head of the deep state. Although I have followed politics for most of my life, and have always been skeptical of government, I was not prepared for the shock when I fully understood that we were not running our government, they were running us. If Mr. Trump never foes another thing as president, he has succeeded in pulling back the firewall of secrecy and exposing what has happened to our free Republic. We may or may not survive this war as a united states, but at least we know who we are really fighting now. Whatever happens going forward, it is going to happen very quickly now. Free people will never let this go and submit. But I wonder, just how ruthless the CIA and their pawns are now. How do we fight an agency so secretive we do not know how much it spends, what it does, who approves its mission, and what it really is involved in? Defund it you say? Then what do you think all those secret warriors are going to do next?

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I agree 100%. I have blamed Obama as the leader of all that is wrong. I am wrong. Obama is not any more the leader of this coup than Biden. Both are/were place-holders for the CIA.

John Brennan-James Clapper are closer to the real leaders from anything I have seen, and their replacements are continuing with the same damage today.

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You could be right, but the question still is, who are they aligned with and what is the ultimate reason or goal? I don’t believe as many do that they just want to wreck the country UNLESS they are working for a foreign power.

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I don't know who they are aligned with. I do know that John Brennan was an avowed muslim convert - in his reign as CIA Director. He even learned to speak the language. I believe he is a deep state plant for the purpose of overthrowing the country. How many more? I don't have a clue. Who is at the top of that organizational chart? My only guess is it gets closer to the WEF.

If I disappear and stop posting after today, you'll know I was right.

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You are hopefully still here:) Whoever is behind all this may be largely moot. Nothing will ever happen to them in our present system. Do we really believe Joe Biden will be impeached? Or that Hunter Biden and his uncle Jim will spend any time in prison? How about Jenna Haskill, the ex-CIA director? Or John Brennan? No, none of them will ever be held accountable. So how are we going to sort out the bad FBI and CIA actors, the real perps, from the rest of the employees? Anyone have a clue? What this country needs is first the realization we no longer have a government working in our interest and under the Constitution. Then, we need a bipartisan group of people selected to essentially hold an American Nuremburg Trial to sort this out and cull the bad actors from the "just following orders" rest. I don't care how long it takes or what the cost, it needs to happen or we are done. Do I think it will take place? Depends on what kind of mood I am in, I guess. Hold on, the next few years are going to one hell of a ride.

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I'm still here.

My only comment is the days of bipartisan are over. There aren't two parties. There is one large uniparty versus constitutional originalists, the census of the latter being quite small. I don't have a better idea or solution, but the "bi" in todays world are the bi-sexual trannies.

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We agree in principle here. I do believe there are still GOP members on the Hill who have not gone over to the dark side. I know a couple of them personally. Some very good people have gone to DC and been changed by the system that does not allow individual thought to flourish anymore. Like all organisms, our elected leaders are taught first to protect the institution they belong to at all costs. Sadly, that is the very institution that needs to be changed more than any. Even the best conservative cannot change it from within. That can only be accomplished by us.

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How to sort out bad actors. The military takes out the leaders in war. Those left fearing the same fate will squeal like pigs. The truth would make us free. Also, what was the NSA's role in any of the above? They have the big Ears.

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Not sure how deep the corruption goes in FBI and CIA but we are going to find out very soon.

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Brennan was once a registered Communist.

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Brennan,ValJar and numerous others are all supporting cast to ozero and the puppeteers of Islam.

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Reddog and Shrugged--both of you are on fire and on target!

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Tucker has a new interview up with very interesting info

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Wish there were a few more interviewers like him that were not afraid to ask hardball questions.

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this applies equally to politicians, deep state, and media alike: “We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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There have been no consequences for political and media lies.

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Great piece today! Trump continues to remind us "They are really after you but I am in the way". The impact of that statement hits me between the eyes with today's Substack.

Trump is a one-man barricade from the deep state tsunami illustrated today. From my vantage point, one man with a lot of guts and moral courage is our last stand. It all happened right under our noses because of a corrupted press.

We need a bigger plan.

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Our last stand-- or the first man who truly took a stand, and has inspired many others to stand up as well. Am thinking of Steve Bannon and Charlie Kirk thundering away marvelously at the RINO GOP convention. Elon Musk and Vivek red-pilling millions. And on and on.

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They are all making significant contributions. We need an army of them.

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History will not be kind to the demonrats. That G-d for Don Surber. This is the new newspaper.

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l voted Taylor Swift in recognition of the Dems dedication to diving hard into the shallowest end of the pool.

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“Where is the outrage over the imprisonment of protesters in the Capitol on January 6, 2021? Where is the outrage over the irrational charge that a sitting president tried to overthrow a government which he ran? Where is the outrage over trying to disbar any lawyer who defends him or his allies?”

Even more disturbing to me is the fact that this paragraph could also be attributed to Republicans in congress. We expect this from the enemedia. We should not expect or tolerate it from those who supposedly represent us in DC.

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I'm quite certain that holding these people in jail -- and some in solitary, no less -- is intended to intimidate anyone else who might want to oppose DC. So they're basically hostages, held in a capital that has turned against the country.

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For the record I am outraged.

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Me too. Be angry but do not sin.

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Where we are is bad, really, really bad. There is zero rule of law, thus zero consequences for the breaking of laws from just basic lying to out and out brazen acts of treason.

When justice is nowhere to be found - no accountability, no responsibility anywhere -then there is nothing preventing civilisation itself from total collapse.

I believe we are at our Red Sea moment.

The Hebrew’s were being pursued by the Egyptian’s, who were ready to slaughter the lot of them, and when they came to the edge of the Red Sea, there was nowhere to escape from what was to be their certain doom.

No one, not a single person standing there on that day, could ever have imagined in their wildest dreams what would happen next, the parting of the sea itself, not just making a way for their escape, but also the destruction of their enemy in hot pursuit.

I may sound foolish but I don’t care.

I will cling to my faith in God, His goodness and mercy, and in His almighty power, that, if it His will we are to survive as nation, that we never give up until our last breath leaves us.

With God, nothing is impossible.

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During the last 7 years, I have repeatedly thought of and mentioned this moment in Exodus. The Israelites between the soldiers and the sea, no hope, freaking out... God says, Chillax, hold my beer. I've got this.... He gets all the glory for fixing an impossible situation, and draws many to him for centuries And the story continues to be told for centuries. I believe that is coming soon once more. There are so many parallels.

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poll makes no difference. they're all rock stump hyper-stupid, which is why i voted for swift. america is about to slide into the abyss of darkness. this great article is exactly why tyranny cannot be negotiated with. never. 2024 will see the final chapter of the donald trump show. he will either be vanquished by the courts, stolen elections or murder.

death to tyranny. death to tyrants.

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