In order for T to have this Blowout Party he has to be elected (re-Elected). Unless he (and by extension ‘we’) have an alternative plan to pull this off beyond ‘Ballot Harvesting’, don’t run out and spend a lot on your party outfit.

If you think, we were bamboozled in 2020, just you wait. The D-Rats have been ‘War Gaming’ this ever since that old criminal retard crawled out of his basement and all I see and hear from our side is ‘We was Robbed’!

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Quite true. Somebody needs to get Jay Valentine in front of the Trump team.

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I’m liking this comment because we need a good catchy tune to carry us, but beyond what I got from Wikipedia, I’m lost as to the reference… can you enlighten me?

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Valentine has used fractal computing to detect "anomalous activity" in voter roles, vote tallies, etc. in real time. He has a few articles on the subject in American Thinker. There are several ways to cheat, and no amount of ballot harvesting, etc. is likely to overcome it all. Catching it in real time and being prepared to challenge it is way better than complaining about stolen elections after the fact, as we discovered in 2021.

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Yes I remember reading some of his articles a while back. I believe PDJT is doing a lot more than just making speeches.

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Thank You

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Isn't he the one who detected all the fraud that went unpunished in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania?

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A catchy tune?? That's easy. How about Ferris Buhlers and The Beatles tune "TWIST and SHOUT.". Talk about uniting people, that song was made to do exactly that.

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I look forward to the party but will only be celebrating if a conservative is in the White House. That would be a victory to celebrate. I can't imagine it will be much of a country with anything to celebrate if a leftist lunatic still lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

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"leftist lunatic" Or a 'Club for Growth', multinational, globalist sponsored republican.

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Paging Ron! DeSantis. Ron! DeSantis, please pick up the nearest white courtesy phone.

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From a commenter in Florida on another blog:


IMHO, you and others who express your sentiment, don’t REALLY “get it”;

The WHOLE reason DeSantis was the most popular Governor thruout his first term, was a CON;

EVERY action he took as Governor, was a political calculation planned and intended to create the image of “the free State of Florida” and RDS as “Trump lite”.

It wasn’t that he”changed” after getting the $millions, he was ALWAYS terrible at connecting with voters, a terrible campaigner, and he was NEVER MAGA; it was all a “PR.” or advertising campaign to create a totally artificial, and unconnected from reality IMAGE.

And it is that IMAGE that people “fell in love with” and it never existed.

This is important because if people don’t understand this, recognise they were “conned” and understand HOW they were manipulated, they will keep falling for it, every time.

However, once you understand your own vulnerability to being manipulated, accept you need to CHANGE how you view things, THEN you won’t need someone else (like Sundance) to point it out to you, again.

5 minutes of OBJECTIVELY looking at a candidate,,will be about 4 1/2 minutes more than neccesary, to spot the phonies."

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Once you see the strings, you can't unsee them.

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I think what I would like to UNSEE the most is Mitch McConnell PURPOSELY withholding millions of Trump generated PAC cash from several senate candidates last year in AZ, AK, NV, and NH. Or, that he is married to the Chao family which owns the Foremost Group, an Asian based shipping/shipbuilding company. Nothing to see there... F*ckers in the globalist GOPe...

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This I have some serious sympathy for.

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If Jeb! and Paul Ryan and Karl Rove are your backers, that gang and Desantis do not have voters best interests at heart.

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I weep, figuratively, for people like Steve Cortes. Smart guy. You'd think he could see this. I really hope he's not bought-and-payed-for.

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It's all about money. Republicans use power to get more money. Right now RdS is being funded like no other. That is what Cortes is after.

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I'd go for the bought-and-paid-for option.

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"Terrible campaigner"? His margin of victory for re-election was MUCH, MUCH larger than for his first election. He actually was very good at connecting with voters. He made clear statements about specific issues. He paid attention to questions from the press and public and responded to them directly.

That blog sounds like it is a Democratic party AI-generated blog.

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He ran against Charlie Crist, I am only suprised he didn't win by 40%. He even compared himself recently to resemble one of 'the Disciples'.

I don't have anything personal against him other than he is being financed by the globalist GOPe and former Obama bundlers like Ken Griffin of Citadel.

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Very, very unlikely it's a Democratic party AI-generated blog. It's not.

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With donks it Abominable Ignorance. I would say artificial ignorance, but it's the real deal, the party of dumb and dumber. Or are those their validictorians?

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When one has an impression - no matter how suspect - everything must bow down to it.

I assume every politician is in it for him or herself. I merely look to see whose interests align most closely with mine. In the last go round of our cultural battles RDS' actions have aligned much more closely with my interests than DT's. It's a long primary. Much more to happen, but the initial steps show DT much more closely aligned with our despised GOPe than that of RDS.

We will see where it ends up. And I'll vote for either one in the general. But the Donald right now needs to show me by actions, some reason to support him in the primary. Instead I see by his own words, he is drifting away.

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"RDS' actions have aligned much more closely with my interests than DT's"

Then your interests are globalism, endless wars, and open borders per the RNC's wishes. Impressions. Respectfully.

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Only one, well maybe two, (Ramaswamy) is running on the republican side. All the other are RINO'S

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Oh Hell No! This is MY country. No person is bigger than our beloved nation, no matter what they try to tell you by their corruption nor by their devotion. While it does frighten me to know that we get the government we deserve, there IS such a thing as Presidential Timber. Some got it, some ain't.

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Todays’s question was a no-brainer. I’d rather live in a country whose citizens love their country at any age. In 1976, my whole life was ahead of me. I was the first in my family to be at university preparing for an academic life. Landlocked, busy, and poor, I didn’t have opportunity to experience the grand Bicentennial celebrations outside of our small town festivities and tv.

Thanks for the walk down memory lane.

Forty-seven years hence, I enjoy the life that only America could have offered her family--and I weep. I weep when I see WWII veterans cry because their buddies didn’t sacrifice their lives and futures for the corruption and perversion that seems to have an unnatural, demonic hold over our beloved country. The 100 year old veterans still love their country and weep not only for those sacrificed, but also for the children who live under unimaginable societal pressures that rob them of all innocence and a prosperous future.

It is difficult to remember 1973 even with all its difficulties and hope to reclaim that je ne sais quoi today or ever again. I’d love to hope for the future--one in which DJT can serve once again as President. But the best I hope and pray for is that God will move. Until then I pray and work as best as this old lady’s body can for our family and our neighbors and I put my trust for America’s future in God’s hands after I do all that I am able to do.

Lately I feel comforted by those Christians who lived under much harsher regimes (ancient, modern, and currently) and recall that God’s grace upheld (upholds) them in their hour of need. That same grace will uphold us whoever is President in 2026.

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Tangible optimism sells. The left sell adherence to climate change and the theory everything wrought in the first 250 years is worth tearing down. They want us to give up our internal combustion engines, they tell us our home furnace is a menace to the globe, and even our beef consumption has to be replaced with crickets and grasshoppers. Ending An economy based on merit replaced by a measure of relative “worth” based on grievances stretching out half a millennia. That is no future, that is nihilism. These people are at war with basic mercantile exchange with is the hallmark of a basic functioning society (fair exchange of goods). This plan to remind people of the benefits of liberty and celebrate it will ultimately help draw the distinction between the builders and the cultural arsonists.

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I might believe them if they stop using internal combustion engines, including buying anything that was transported in a vehicle with that type of engine, live without heating or cooling in their homes, and only eat insects.

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I have been saying for years the greenies must give up all fossil fuel products but that means no computers phones eco-bikes make-up (lord knows libs needit) and nearly every thing in the home.Then I will feel they care about the enviroment and only then.

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“Cultural arsonists” — great descriptor! I’m adopting it to replace utopian elitists.

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I had just graduated college in Philadelphia. The years leading up to the bicentennial were filled with urban renewal for the big event and it was a wonderful time to be there. I wouldn’t get within 50 miles of that city today.

Another reason to celebrate is that it will shove love of country, our amazing history and patriotism into the faces of the left - something they desperately need to witness.

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I was a teenager in Canada. My mother, whose family is from Pennsylvania, gave me a bicentennial dollar. I had it from 1976 until 1986 when my wallet was stolen. I kept it in my wallet. Not sure why now.

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It was a dollar coin, not a bill. At least I think it was $1 coin then.

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You are right. Maybe you kept it as part of some promise to yourself or others.

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The Amen Corner is hollering and waving at your last sentence. "And again I say rejoice!"

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I was seven and our suburban neighborhood had a dark vibe; neighbors had lost kids in Vietnam, the economy sucked - nobody was happy. Yet, everybody celebrated that 4th of July.

Remember what your life was like in Feb 2020 when you had the highest purchasing power of your lives. MAKE. IT. HAPPEN. AGAIN. Convert ONE person based on the positive actual results of your lives when Trump was in power.

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Americans still love the country. Unfortunately the country is infested with people who hate it. Some of those haters “rule” the country and systematically plunder it.

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If the liberals or a RINO wins in 2024, the Minute-Bois of Perpetual Indulgence will be organizing the show. Georgina Washington, Thomassina Jefferson, Benny Ross and Rachael Levine will be leading the festivities.

My fellow posters are spot on. Unless we counter the fraud or out cheat the liberals, PDJT won’t have more votes counted then his opponent and Benedictina Arnold will be a hero of the 2026 celebration.

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Either counter the fraud or cheat. Sadly, that what it is.

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My family drove to Baltimore to see the Tall Ships. 0ne of many great memories of 1976

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I saw the tall ships up in Boston in 1996. I was absolutely amazed because of the beauty AND there were NO rioters. The left just sat in their homes and cried because they appreciated nothing--as usual.

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Good Idea. Now, if we could just march down our streets carrying our muskets (rifles) such as the colonialists did 250 years ago, I'd be all for it. See what the left cries about then. Since the left are citizens of nothing, let them suffer the embarrassment.

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My memory of 1976:

I was deployed to Korea in that year. We in the Army were being divided then by racial activists. The lieutenant general commanding Camp Red Cloud actually had to issue an order forbidding the "dap" in doorways. This "dap" was an indeterminately long ritual of hand motions between two or more black soldiers. It had gotten so pervasive that foot traffic was snarled in the local village, Uijongbu. It caused enough frustration that many fistfights broke out. "Race Relations" was being formulated in the military.

Race went out the window in August of that year for me and my team with operation Paul Bunyan. That was just too serious.

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Thanks, Dave for bringing that to my attention. Two of the nicest men I ever worked with had been in Korea. One in the Army and one in the Coast Guard. They were rock stars of patriotism and decorum. Our company loudly honored--with bright lights and bunting, every person who ever served our country in any capacity.

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I was later well acquainted with Maj. Gen, John Mitchell "Mike" Brown (ret.), who was deputy division commander at the time of the incident. There was a curious coincidence regarding those events, and he was never satisfied that we ever discovered the details.

Interestingly, Gen. Brown was the sixth black cadet to attend West Point.

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I trusted and loved our country then, I believed they had our backs and respected all citizens. Sad to say I no longer feel the same. With that in mind I voted that the best part of the bicentennial was that Americans loved the country. But I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge that I’d love to be 47 years younger without the aches and pains.

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Good point I have seen this and accepted it. I never questioned it or thought of it as "psyops" but you are right that many nations have thrived for more than 250 years and even it not, America is Exceptional. Another inspiring column. Trump 2024

"Repeatedly, the media preaches that we had a good run as the average empire lasts 250 years. I don’t know where that number came from but the Romans lasted 1,000 years, the Byzantines lasted 1,000 years and many of China’s various dynasties lasted almost as long. That is loser talk from our psy ops media."

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I lived in Morris County, NJ and celebrated the 4th in Morristown, the Military Capital of the Revolution. Morristown is the home of Jockey Hollow where the troops spent many winters with 1779-80 being the harshest of the war. Ten thousand troops were housed in roughly constructed cabins that required felling trees from 2,000 acres. (The continental army stayed in Valley Forge only one winter.) The celebration was fantastic.

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What a positive and uplifting way to welcome Monday morning! Thank you, thank you!

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Don, tell the cat we need a both option again.

47 years ago I participated as a member of a shooters group that recreated a Redcoat regiment. Also a Yankee Civil War group. (I like to shoot. What can I say?) As a fake Redcoat oppressor (most likely a German mercenary), I got to die for my country several times.

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That's DOCTOR Cat. Somehow she got an Ed.D

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I was thinking of Jorea Marple, who when fired as West Virginia school superintendent, admonished a reporter THAT'S DOCTOR MARPLE

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Did she study along with Dr. Jill?

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I was in a Bi Centennial unit (US ARMY) got to march all over Virginia in those damn hot wool uniforms with a Brown Bess. Good times.

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It was one of the warmest summers in Germany that year

I survived

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These days, don’t asks a wokester what a Bi-Centennial is.

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I’m stealing that line! Still laughing out loud!

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