I usually do not agree with politicians who say “messaging , not policy” is the issue, but in the case of the abortion debate as waged by Republicans, I do.

1. “15 weeks” as a cut off sounds way less than 4 months.Same amount of time. A photo of a four moth old baby is quite revealing. Change the number! Show the picture!

2. “My body is my business “. Absolutely, but a baby is his/her own body, with her own DNA. “Follow the Science”. It isn’t “part” of the mother . Explain the difference and separation!

3. The numbers on rape and incest are grossly overstated. Pro choice always conflates these two things with abortion as birth control. Expand free birth control as much as needed!

4. As Hamas has shown us, barbarism exists in the 21st century. We wail about beheaded babies quite rightly, but the very real barbarism of the abortion procedure is glossed over too often. Show the photos in grotesque detail!

5. Many childless couples would love to adopt. An unfortunate “teen” pregnancy could be a joy for many. All we hear about is the “hardship on the mother”, and not the solution. Expand support for carrying the baby full term!

6. “Women’s health care”. What a dishonest trope. Change to “human being “health care. Throw enough money at that ( at anything really) and you will get more women not aborting, and either giving the baby ip for adoption, or keeping it. The Catholic Church( not the one Biden and Pelosi go to) would love to lead this effort.

I am sick of supporting a party that doesn’t even support what it pretends to believe. It is profoundly lazy.

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Amen and well stated! My daughter is adopted. Her birth mother had just turned 17 when she was born and was, thank God, a Catholic who would never dream of killing her child in utero. We tried numerous times to adopt another child but without success.

Here’s an eye opening statistic for you - the year we adopted our daughter, there were about 50,000 adoptions in the US. For every couple who was fortunate enough to receive a child, there were 250 couples who did not. Do the math.

I’m a single issue voter and this is my issue. I believe that any politician who is wrong on something as basic as the right to life, is likely to be wrong on everything else.

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Great clarity. Makes me smile.

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Well said. Excellent points. You nailed it.

One of our four kids is adopted. His life has changed many other lives.

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And you are profoundly correct, ma'am.

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This is a superb comment, Adelaide Burton. If your messaging points would be followed, there will be a different result when abortion come up in other states heading into 2024. Please keep circulating these points on many platforms.

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Glad you Brought up Pierre DeLecto's niece into the political discussion. Ronna is the problem. In 2020 She did her best to derail a number of MAGA candidates throughout the country. In Washington, Arizona, and even Michigan where she resides, Ronna has shown a low propensity to have anything to do with MAGA candidates. It's in her blood. She caters to wealthy donors, which we've seen in most cases have a different agenda. The present RNC debates are a joke, and she knows it and squanders resources doing so. She's no fool. Ronna loves them cocktail junkets and everything about it. When she ran for reelection against Hammet Dhillon and Mike Lindell, DJT backed her. Why? Big mistake

Scott Presler has done more for the Americans and the RNC and its base than a whole army of champaign guzzling Ronna's has EVER done. Does she support Scott Presler any. Probably not. I have heard nothing. Ronna is a loser. BTW I see any support for the Democrat machine only illustrates the level of intelligence of our electorate or lack thereof. Nice piece Mr. Don Surber.

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Ronna is the focus of the problem, not the cause. She’s a professional RINO. The cause of the problem is too many women voting “D” in the party and too many people not voting at all in the party. Getting them to vote is a main focus for the RNC and they fail miserably at it. They keep trying to elect moderates, and now the party is irrevocably splintered. I’m tired of voting for moderates who only promise to be conservative.

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I cannot think of any good reason for having the Marxist media involved in the debate! Well done Vivek!

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Best debate moment since "Oh, there you go again!"

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Excellent posit !!!

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It's easy to take shots like that by a guy who will never be president in my judgement. Other than a quick mind and some well paid for speech and jab material, Vivek is an unknown. Lots of people say all the right things, and he's one of them. But then, Barack Obama came along and did much the same thing and look how that turned out.

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Laura Hollis has a great column today on the GOPs problems but stops short of a cure.Maybe MAGA needs to pull some boot strings tight and get marching.

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They do for sure. But I was listening to Dan Bongino the other day and he voiced the problem very well. He noted that there are four political parties today. The Biden party, the traditional Democrat party, the traditional GOP party and the Trump party. I believe he is spot on with that description. We all support Trump generally, but we keep hoping and praying that the GOP will support him and fix the issues affecting us. Trump will either change the GOP into a far more conservative body, or it will go out of business. The Democrat party cannot win the WH in 2024 with Biden and Harris at the helm. So the jury is out on how that will sift out. But in the GOP, if the McDaniels, McConnells and McCarthy's prevail the party will become just Dem-lite and a rubber stamp. Mr. Trump is a threat to both parties because as Bongino noted, he is really not political at all and does not align uniformly with either party. No one knows what the future holds but one thing is certain, unless the GOP comes together as unified body and start practicing some good business decisions with good leadership, it will keep losing. They can start by ousting McDaniel and all the RINO-aligned members of the RNC and put some savvy business people with proven track records and proven conservative ideals in their place.

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I agree whole heartedly.

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Of McCarthy, McConnell, and McDaniels--one down, two to go.

And two of the most hardcore RINO House members (prominent holdouts against Jim Jordan for speaker), have announced they will not run in 2024. Two more down.

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I listened to Charlie Kirk really blasting Ronna yesterday afternoon - as he should and as we all should - unless we want to keep on losing

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The first time I heard that McDaniel was Delecto’s niece, I knew we were doomed. She’s proven this over the last three or four election cycles. Yet she keeps getting the-elected to head the RNC! Truly the stupid party.

She MUST go.

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Rona is but one of several political miscalculations made by Trump, unfortunately.

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Never, ever trust a Republican.

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What? depends you know

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Southern speak: Bless her heart; that is probably all she knows how to do. Don't know if she ever finished school. You can bet it wasn't from a "finishing school" in the Ward-Belmont sense of the term.

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Republicans can figure out a way to lose and do dumb things.

Surprised that illegal immigration wasn’t a bigger factor in these elections.

Seems every time Republicans get bogged down in the weeds on social issues when, let’s face it, some people in this country feel the need to kill the unborn.

Illegal drugs , inflation and illegal immigration are far bigger issues but Republicans can’t seem to get onto those issues rather than the ones Dems want to push.

Until they do we’re doomed.

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The GOP spends too much time fundraising and too little time creating a cohesive, simple message. The rest of the time they talk tough and get nothing done.

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The proverbial “doing the same thing over again and expect different results, is the definition of insanity. These are not dumb people in charge of the RP. Are they insane? I don’t think so. Follow the money! They put money in their pockets above love for their country.

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You may be right Rob, but I haven't seen evidence to prove it ...............yet other than with folks like Menedez, Pelosi, McConnell and some others. Other than Menendez, the FBI is not interested. Personally, I think it is a combination of things causing the GOP to become dysfunctional. Lack of leadership, no cohesive message, and too many agendas are part of it. When faced with this insanity, it's so easy to default to the money as the cause and it is to an extent. But having gone into organizations lacking leadership, I have tried to understand how they got that way before trying to help fix them. In the case of the GOP and congress as a whole, there has been for too long a culture of personal caution coupled with a lack of focus on the part of our representatives. I won't even talk about the Senate because they are a hopeless self-serving gang who see their job as one of stature and reasonableness. In the House, they have, thru indifference and short-sided actions allowed the national debt to become so large no one is willing to take it on and champion reform in spending. This is true on many other issues as well. House members, I think, believe that they are not doing their job unless they authorize money for their home states and supporters. The money is almost never offset by cuts anywhere. They have adopted a "let the next guy figure out a solution to the debt" mantra. There are people there that know this and a few are making their voices heard, but a few will not fix this issue. Paying down the debt before we have no funds left other than money for the interest doesn't seem to resonate much in the legislative body because it is too huge, and it will not get them re-elected. But very soon the debt will drive every other thing those folks do. Then watch all the tax cut proponents start screaming for higher taxes. The media complicates the problem because they could care less about the debt, because it doesn't bring "clicks" or sell newspaper ads. The fix for the debt is going to be very painful to every person in this country because, at last check, it was about $100,000 per every household in the country. How many of us can afford to write a check for $100K to satisfy their portion? Unless and until there are principled people in congress and elsewhere who stand up and jeopardize their careers to push this issue forward, it is going to get worse. Right now, the debt isn't even discussed in the Executive branch because Dems do not care about limits on anything. The secret to getting elected is to paint a rosy picture to the voters and pretend to give them free stuff, actually paid for with someone else's money. So we all should understand where we are headed and do the things necessary to make sure we and our families prepare for the likely failure of the government. It is coming as sure as we are writing these comments unless folks like Speaker Johnson and some others are descendants of Superman.

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Excellent comment. Love the phrase "culture of personal caution". That is why they reacted so viscerally to Trump--he is the absolute opposite of that.

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Agree with you. Now that congress has let almost everything that matters get completely out of control, they have adopted a policy of not wanting to risk anything. They’re useless and anyone thinking or hoping they will solve the mess that they helped create are going to be disappointed. There is nothing pushing them to fix anything because they spend all their time worrying about re-election and optics. Anyone know how we can get ahold of George Patton? It’s going to take someone ruthless to get this herd motivated.

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Bam !!Nailed it !!

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"Republicans can figure out a way to lose and do dumb things."

Did you see Vivek's rant last night? It is worth watching. He nails the Republican party and invites Ronna to resign.


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That was the only part of the debate I saw - and I m sure it was the only part worth seeing.

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While that was a heck of a rant, I just don’t know about him.

Something about him makes my “spidey senses” tingle.

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Me too. Wish it was Joe-Six-Pack making those rants.

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Yes, it was terrific!

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"Surprised that illegal immigration wasn’t a bigger factor in these elections."

Agree, but until a few wetbacks are camped out in a person's back yard or the drug gangs start roaming in your neighborhood, it is invisible to most Americans. Of course if you live in a southern border state, it IS a big issue.

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True about so many things. Until it affects them

Personally, it doesn’t matter.

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Republicans are letting the Left frame the election narrative.

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Has everyone forgotten that most Americans actually favor limits on abortion? The problem is that many of these same Americans fail to take the time to actually understand the issue beyond the democrat-media conglomerate talking points. Yes, there are abortion absolutists on both sides (I am one who is convinced that abortion is the taking of a human life and therefore homicide, but not all homicides are either criminally or morally repugnant) but the vast middle still believes that abortion is something that must be limited, particularly beyond the first trimester, and especially in the final trimester. Democrat policy is abortion always, abortion uber alles, abortion without limits, but they never come out and say this. It's always clouded under rhetorical blankets like "reproductive rights," "reproductive health care," etc. because they know that if they come out and state their position clearly, they will lose the public debate every time. Republicans seem unable to articulate this; if they eventually figure it out, they will have a winning, not losing issue. Unfortunately, too many of them haved been cowed into accepting the debate on the terms proposed by the democrats: it's "all or nothing" for them and they cower when accused of being "anti-woman" when the truth is that most women also support limits on abortion. The women who support unfettered abortion access are a small, but vocal minority who are given a megaphone to amplify their position by the lickspittles in the big media outlets who live in New York and Los Angeles and therefore have been poisoned by the prevailing leftist atmosphere in those locations. They ignore the opinions of Americans outside their left-wing bubble, like Paulene Kael, who could not believe Nixon won because "all the people she knew" hated him. These media types are like fish, who are unaware that they swim in water, but simply take it for granted that everyone does, whereas there are plenty of air breathers out here in fly-over country who don't like abortion and are happy to limit its scope and application.

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The Dems know how to play semantics. Abortion is no more a "reproductive right" than a penectomy is "gender affirming care" or mandating a clotshot is health care.

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Your right in your analysis but what scares most staunch anti-abortion folks us “enforcement creep”. Just like the second amendment, once liberals have a law they don’t like, they begin chipping away at it until it no longer means the same. Not sure there is a fix for this issue.

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Sure there is, Red-ban abortions except when 'they're carried out to save the life of the patient or to prevent disabling injury. or cases of rape or incest’. Convert abortion clinics Into placement centers for unwanted/unaffordable babies. 250 applicants for every adoption should be a powerful incentive.

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I know what you mean but that won't work. Young women simply don't want to carry a baby to term. I've talked to my own daugher about this. She says if she were ever to get pregnant she would have an abortion. She says she would not disrupt her life to carry a baby to term and have it adopted. We may not like this, but it's a strong reality among today's young women. It's also a strong reality that many people accept abortion but with limits between 12 to 15 weeks. Republican messaging needs to be softened, despite our personal opinions (mine included).

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I'm way over my skis on this. One of the comments today was change it to 4 months-got to agree that sounds a lot better.

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Can your peeps be as anti-semetic as our peeps?


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That is a great idea. But today there are no grey areas in ideology and your suggestion requires the adoption of a grey area mindset. Everything is black and white today. Just try to be the one conservative who is pro-right on all issues but one like this and see what happens. We are a country consumed with ideology, never tempered by commonsense.

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As an aside, most informed people know Roe v Wade was "bad" law and a mistake (even according to Ruth Bader Ginsburg). If the mistake had never been made, i.e. it had never been enacted, the "entitlement" of abortion at any time on demand wouldn't exist today. It was always a state's issue, but with the precedent of Roe at the Federal level, it will be very difficult to stop the inertia. Sad.

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The problem is life is complicated, and the average reporter these days isn't.

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Nor is the average voter.

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The dumbing of the average voter has been accomplished with extensive censorship and limited messaging on most all media platforms.

The average voter is brainwashed and doesn't know it.

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more like MORONS with trnsportation.

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When given a wide open field to run in can the pubies do nothing right! Drop this bs with the abortion rights issue already. If women want one they’ll find a way to get one but if its going to cost us at the polls give it a rest. We need T, and we need State majorities…concentrate on something else!

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Like millions of physically an dmentally sick, felons calling themselves "immigrants".

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Don brings the facts to put it in perspective. Republicans are just tired of losing to Commies...American Commies. (I know the word “Commie” is inelegant, but it’s easy, essentially correct, and everybody knows what it means. ) We can’t change the dumbness and anti- America hatred on the other side, but we are fed up with our party, which through a combination of stupid, greedy, lazy, and sneaky, helps the Commies win.

We need new leadership, like yesterday. Let’s see what Johnson can do. The Senate for the time being has proven itself useless on the issues we care about. Trump can win the votes, but can he overcome the institutionalized cheating? The legal system has become a joke in this regard. Breaking election law is fine, as long as you’re a Commie. The courts refuse to get involved, or slow walk everything.

Ronna the Romney gots to go. She’s pathetic, but like the other RINOs, she’s not working for the base. She’s working for the billionaires and corporate ghouls.

Skepticism abounds.

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The National RNC Chairman--Ronna McDaniels-- is elected solely by the State Republican Executive Committee Chairmen. If we want someone different to be elected, we have to elect better people to the state and county Republican Executive Committees. That's the plain fact. And it is very doable. These are low turnout races, like the School Board races. We could prevail if we truly focused on this.

PS--using the word "Commies" is just fine! Liberals know the words "Communist / Commies" is still poison to most Americans, so they hide behind the "loftier" sounding "Marxist". We shouldn't allow them to. Call a spade a spade.

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The only cartridge, likely, in Ohio democrap election-stealers gun is abortion, and they fired that cartridge prematurely. Looking back, they are thinking "should-/ would-a /could-a" waited till the "big" vote-steal next November to use that. Mr. Surber, of course, did not miss that big political mistake on ohio's part.

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Or as a liberal would say, they emptied the shells in the clip of their automatic revolver.

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Not too long ago, Joe Xiden spoke about banning a “fifty clip magazine”. And people wonder why the country is such a mess.

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ha! a magazine, to them, is The Atlantic Monthly.

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Rich in quotables. Epic.

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Don’t be afraid click that last link

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I wasn't going to, but you encouraged me to do so. I did. And I'm glad I did!

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Me too. Made my day!

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Me too.

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Abortion will always be an issue for people. But when it becomes the biggest or only issue for a voter bloc, we can’t fix it. But it isn’t. Its just the one used to incite the left and squeeze money and votes from them. If people vote simply for this one issue, we will never change their minds and need to stop wasting time to do so. When abortion is made to be the defining issue, it masks all the other issues the party doesn’t want to campaign on. True conservatives are not going to change their minds on the issue. But a party capable of thinking should be able to develop a cohesive, and succinct message to address the numerous pressing issues besides abortion. The GOP cannot figure out how to do so as a party. If you believe as the party does that money wins elections, you are wrong. But what good is marketing money if your message is hopelessly dysfunctional? The GOP has too many spokesmen and no leaders. That’s why we lose elections.

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THE FIVE talked about Tuesday night's elections. Of course, the resident liberal Jessica Tarlov, was all atwitter over the fact abortion won the night for the Dems. The four right-leaning others on the panel talked about what went right and what went wrong for the Repubs. But no one talked about how disgusted the MAGA base is with the RNC.

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Thank you for a breakdown of the huge nothing-burger tuesday.I feel the GOP did not really give a whit about the voters as they sat on their wallet and offered no comprehensive plan to win anywhere.Every elected position should be analyzed on its own merits and melded into a realistic,not [pie in the sky\ campaign.R.R.McD. should just join the dnc and leave Patriots alone as she has done more harm than good.Nice essay with a charitable poll.Lead on Poca-Man !!!

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Great article, thanks. Love the link with Vivek, and maybe he will be VP - Ronna is incompetent and should resign. Trojan Horses are everywhere. We are at WAR -DJT is the winner and everyone going forward needs to stop wasting energies on thoughts of what isn't being done. Create a militia, train these people to be at voting places. You don't have to be armed to intimidate cowards, just the presence is enough. On the abortion issue- the Dems just shot themselves in the foot (again) Women today are not the women of fifty years ago. We have learned we can have and raise our children with out the support of men, we can take the day after pill if that is the choice, not turn our bodies and babies over to abortionists. We all have GYN's and if the procedure needs to be done it is called a D&C.

Insurance pays. The Dems are using male thinking, - the GOP is using "cocktail party" thinking and they better get their heads out of - OH ,excuse me - better get my BP cuff out!!!

Once again - good perspective, DON once again- Looking forward to 'Snow White'

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He could make a novel out of that.

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great idea! So many citizens NEED a REVIEW of any schooling they have experienced in the past, as well as a "refresher course" on Manners, Respect for self and OThERS, sELF-cONTROL Kindness, Patriotism, and Work Ethics, and Basic Moral Ethics WHICH WOULD INCLUDE LOVE OF FAMILY. Remember when America was already GREAT and AMERICANS WERE ALWAYS GREAT?

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That was per Old Man Harrison {back in the day}.

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Remember when Trump endorsed Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel to stay on in her position? Will he put on a floor show and bad-mouth her after crowing about her ability the way he did with Pence, Kelly, Mad Dog Mattis, Rex Tillerson, General Flynn, Omarosa, Priebus, Perry, Sessions and countless others?

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Hey Don, it's his management style.

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If the murdering of babies is a winning Democratic strategy maybe the party could run some Palestinians as their candidates?

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