At least the Babylon Bee is fake news you can believe.

The NYT is fake news you can’t believe.

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It is so hard to discern the Babylon Bee from the MSM they may as well declare themselves as a "news" agency. But then again they probably don't want to lose the readership...

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I disagree. I read the Bee everyday and can attest that the news and information you learn there is much more accurate and honest than any MSM source. Not close.

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The Bee is nearly an oracle Ep.

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Babylon Bee's headlines often come true. Oh, the irony!

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Actually, the Bee has been correct on many issues, maybe more than the NYT. They're just a week or two ahead of events.

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I should have read the other replies first. Ha, ha.

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It’s mostly predictive programming for humor that eventually comes to pass. Who’d a thunk?

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Maybe this is why the National Review, the NYT and WaPo are losing as many readers every day as FJB is losing brain cells.

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At some point they both will go negative.

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I fear that this sort of “vigilante justice” is only beginning. People are beginning to react to a two-tiered justice system where the citizens are held accountable, but Diversity goes free. Expect to see more of this type of action as the Biden Junta cracks down even harder. The media can try to spin the news faster than an Iranian centrifuge, but people aren’t stupid. Many are coming to the realization that the government is at war with…us. And in the immortal words of Dee Snider, “We’re Not Gonna Take It”.

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It has been accurately remarked that the police are NOT there to protect the people. They are there to protect the criminals FROM the people. Vigilantism is the result of the failure of the police, or more accurately, their political paymasters to protect the citizens from the criminals. Vigilantism is merely self-defense writ large.

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As a lawyer (I assume) I'm sure you are familiar with the origin of the word, "vigilante." Perhaps some Vigilance Committees would be helpful throughout the nation.

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As someone who spent 34 years working alongside law enforcement, I will disagree with your broad generalization regarding the complicity of the police. In Florida, the police are there to protect the citizens. We live free here and for the most part, unafraid of local law enforcement agents.

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The feds are an entirely different story. Do not trust the FBI, ATF etc. They are not your friends.

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More and more, Florida looks like the exception that confirms the rule ...

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The police and a competent justice system protects people from repeat offenders and scares first time offenders from becoming same. When there is little crime due to the above it seems as if the police are protecting people because they don’t have to. When the police don’t do their job or the legal system doesn’t people will protect themselves and then the police will be there to protect the guilty from the populace.

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Why do you fear it (vigilante justice)?

It seems to be way overdue to me!

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A wise one said, "Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty." That is exactly why most school room teachers develop "eyes in the back of her head."

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I dunno, from what I've seen in recent years they have blinders on the front.

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Because it will eventually get out of control. If we truly believe, as a people, that our legal system is completely broken and it’s now up to us to dispense justice because the legal authorities cant, or wont, then we’re pretty much screwed as a country.

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Right but we aren't the ones doing the screwing. And we're getting pretty exhausted from being the screwees.

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Maybe We The People just need to bring it BACK INTO control, and then we can get back on track of turning it over to 'the authorities'. One can hope.

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Gail, I gotta tell you that I’m torn on this one. One one hand, I applaud the actions of the citizenry for taking this guy down. On the other hand, we need to bring law enforcement, lawyers, and judges back into their lane. ‘Cause they’re WAY over the line and not doing the job that we, the taxpayers, are paying them to do.

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I know. I totally hear you. The thing that differentiates 'our side' from the demonic side is believing in law and order. HOWEVER...when law and order is SO broken, short of composing another Declaration of Independence...

("WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.")

That just is SO much work and I have NO CONFIDENCE it would result in as majestic an outcome in our current society (and LACK of educated populace!!)

So I'm siding with a limited amount of vigilantism and hoping for the best. 🤷‍♀️

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... or Pogo Possum, who wisely said, "We have met the enemy and it is us."

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Dee Snyder took it then told us to take it.

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That piece of s*** is lucky he didn't find himself hanging from his heels from a lampost.

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That woulda been the ‘old’ New Yorkers, Irish, Italians….Vets that lived…not their 3g softies…

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True statement.

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Tie his heels behind his head and hang him from his Ecuadorian manhood handle.

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Probably not enough to work with.

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You'd be amazed at how fine a knot a surgeon can make.

That said, the better solution is to tie him to a stout twig, then send it with him in tow through a tree chipper.

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A meat hook is the back up plan

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Of course Trump was right. He’s been right about pretty much everything.

As to the rapist, it’s too bad that the neighbors didn’t do a Lorena Bobbitt on him and let him bleed out before the police got there.

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I have a jar on my kitchen counter with a label: Trump Was Right. Every time he's right and somebody else wrong, I put in my pocket change. I'm starting on the second jar.

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Jim, that would make a good bumper sticker!

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We need some public hangings

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I actually have no problem with public executions. Perhaps the Diversity would think twice about their actions.

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I seriously doubt that. They lack the ability.

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Maybe he really wanted to be a Tranny…he just couldn’t afford it in Ecuador…NYers shoulda ‘helped’ him wid it….

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Another article in the New York Post yesterday talked about the difficulties the police are having with illegal migrant crime. They have confiscated 40,000 motorbikes so far!! - which are used to snatch’n’grab necklaces and purses - the kinds of crime one used to hear go on in Italy….it’s really gotten out of hand. And one never heard of cops being beaten before and now it’s a regular occurrence- even illegal females are striking out. It’s ridiculous.

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Watched a YouTube video from Brazil (?) about how they handle the scooter folks…they are fair game for any motorist on the road. Some of the “encounters” were pretty brutal.

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Jun 20Edited

WOW - seems like we need to get more aggressive with the illegals who are committing crimes but then again in NYC they are just released and then you get sued for doing anything to them...it's nuts out there - Voter fro Trump 🇺🇸🎉2024

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"National Review called him a witless ape for saying that." Which is exactly when my viewing prism was clarified; the republican party really isn't that different than democrats.

“The RNC wants money, the DNC wants power. The RNC uses power to get money, the DNC uses money to get power. The ideology of the DNC drives their donor contributions, whereas the donor contributions to the RNC drives their ideology. This outlook explains the subtle difference between the two wings of the UniParty and also explains why Republicans have no ideological goals.”

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IDK who that quote is from, but it's accurate.

That is why I say I'm a "conservative" in order to differentiate it from being a "Republican". Or I describe myself as a MAGA supporter -- NOT necessarily a Trump supporter (although I am that in spades!) but I'd support other candidates who have PROVEN that they cannot be bought out or corrupted and who have been put through the wringer like Trump has and who STILL want to MAGA.

So far, I have not seen ANY OTHERS who I'm POSITIVE are 'MAGA'. But I'm HOPING there are a critical mass of them in the House and the Senate. We'll see. It's a very tricky thing.

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Gail, I too use the same descriptions for myself. I heard or saw a poll yesterday that said Pedo Joe was slightly ahead of Trump for the first time. How in the hell could any sentient being who has been paying attention to the decline of our once great nation possibly support the puppet? FJB! MAGA 2024!

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I think polls like that are as valid as the 2020 "election" results.

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The new Fox poll says Bident is 7 points ahead of Trump. Hmmmm.

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I'm calling bovine excrement on their 7 points!!

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Faux LuAnn.

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Fox... They aren't conservative. Total Uniparty. They called Arizona before the polls closed and now this among other absurdities. This is meant to shape your opinion, not reflect it.

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I think that quote is from Sundance, over at the conservative tree house.

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Agree with you wholeheartedly, sis. That quote is from Sundance at The Last Refuge. That guy is at least six months ahead of everyone else and still very connected to Sodom on Potomac. He was way ahead of anyone on the media and government lies about Trayvon Martin when I found him.

Most of his analysis will shake your foundations; gut through it.

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I followed him for a while but then unsubscribed. I don't recall why. Maybe too much jibber-jabber. I prefer (to use my husband's saying) "Talk less; say more."

Who is Sodom on Potomac? Never heard of that one.

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Gail, I interpret that as referring to DC - just my SWAG

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Ha, yes, now I get it. 😊

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Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities destroyed by God because of their wickedness.

DC is as wicked and vile as cities come.

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Ha, yes, I know what Sodom was. Cookie clarified it for me - you mean "D.C." by Sodom on Potomac. Good one!! 👍

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I can't claim credit for it, but it is a great term!

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Tough poll today. And it speaks to the demo of your readership that you put “The Isuzu Man” first. Does anyone under 40 know who he is? Does anyone even remember what an Isuzu is?!

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I remember Joe Isuzu. Great guy. Not so good at selling cars.

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heh. i was just thinking that a work colleague drove one. then i remembered that this was the case 20 years ago, she's no longer a colleague and i have no idea what she drives now. as the song says, ain't it funny how time slips away

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“What a long, strange trip it’s been.”

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We had 2 Isuzu Troopers, one of which we kept for 17 years.

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I remember Isuzu Man because I am way over 40. Seeing an Isuzu now would be a miracle and in someone's garage.

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My neighbor still called his "an Izuzu pick'em up truck."

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Joe Isuzu didn’t tell the truth….and for a long time I thought Babylon Bee didn’t….live long enough and you’ll see even the ‘truth’ change….but Joe never did.

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The Bee, sadly, tells you future truths

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I'm four days older than water, of course I remember Joe Izuzu. I may not ever drive one, but I remember them. My BIL landed a lovely new Toyota in a tree, so I only wanted "older GM cars" after that.

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What's the difference between a conspiracy and a fact?

About six months.

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Very good, Gail, very good!

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New York could use more of the real life Bernard Goetz or fictional Paul Kerseys ( Death Wish). The cops have been neutered by the Rodney King decisions et al, DEI, and Soros DAs. Given the newest Fox News poll showing Biden remarkably leading Trump by 7 points (Guess his G7 performance impressed the electorate), if he is installed again in November we will see the resurgence of street justice in the country. FJB

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One possibility--they REALLY hope Biden lasts til their late-August convention, so that the new candidate they have waiting in the wings will receive absolutely minimal vetting under the public eye between the August convention and the November 5th election. So be assured, they plan to replace Biden with a very hardcore Marxist who cannot bear the vetting scrutiny. Hakeem Jeffries, maybe?? Pete Buttigieg??

So, these sudden polls showing Biden leading again may just be to manipulate Democrats into not being too alarmed by Joe's deterioration to try to exit Biden now, in June or July. Biden is their "in front of the curtain" guy, and they do not want you to see who is behind the curtain til the very last minute.

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What kind of idiot would vote for either of those two?

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Libs and dead voters.

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TPG, clearly we will get a sense if he indeed debates Trump how fast they Jenison him. Jefferies seems like the only real person to put in at this time. I originally thought they were going switch him with Michelle, but she does not want it and it does not look like it’s going that direction. They can’t put in lothesome Newsom. Therefore, the only one that would be palatable is a good looking young black guy who, even though he is a Marxist and not very bright would look good to the masses. Look for Hakkim to be the featured speaker at the convention on opening night and he will be the guy they switch into the position

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We have been right all along. Trump has been right all along—-we knew it early bc he was speaking to citizens that Obama/Bush/Clinton discarded—he saw the forgotten the Dems created. I wasn’t a left-behind until Obamacare tripled my premium and deductible and Trump was the ONLY candidate who spoke to that.

Only now do the Dems awaken from their matrix slumber, as rapists roam free in their cities while their Soros/Marxist mayors & prosecutors cut the illegals and other criminals free. Handing out money, phones, amnesty & free hotels and food. I can’t even fathom being that stupid.

Let the backlash really gain momentum now. I feel like Trump is riding a building wave as the slumbering awaken. Sort of the same way that college baseball teams hit their stride just at the right time and go on to win the championship!!


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I think what throws them off is that Trump is quite gregarious and actually likes people. Oh, he's funny as hell too.

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Please don't forget the major role Chief Justice John Roberts played in getting Obamacare passed. His vote was the deciding vote plus it didn't hurt that he essentially re-wrote the law by saying the mandate could be labelled a tax, thereby having it pass constitutional muster.

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Obama Clinton and Bush

All one in the same

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Yep, I think Bush nominated Roberts.

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Ditto on the VOLS.

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I commend the citizenry for their initiative. The next thing that will happen as the woke judicial system continues to release violent criminals nearly immediately back out onto the streets is frontier justice. When corrupt government abandons its basic functions, the citizens will take it upon themselves. That’s what the Charles Bronson movies like Death Wish and many Westerns were about. Joe Biden is the Mel Brooks character Governor Lepetomane.

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Perhaps, but recall that the cops eventually knew about Paul Kersey and let it slide. Today’s law enforcement isn’t as forgiving.

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