Correct, this is why the polls are falsely skewed suggesting a close race. It's not. The true pulse of the country is in the betting markets. Maybe these guys are thinking a 20% edge is just too much for even Democrats to steal.
We just returned from voting this morning - got there about 15 minutes prior to doors opening, there was already a line, but very manageable, greeters came out to be sure we were there to vote in Dallas County, not Denton County which is adjacent to our town. They didn't want anyone to be waiting only to have to be turned away. Once the doors opened, all were quickly processed, we voted, complete with ballots cast and back to the car, driving away 20 minutes later. All run very smoothly and efficiently with lots of helpers available for anyone with a question. Happy, happy, happy!
I just wrote a quick thank-you note to my local Secretary of State, thanking him for the great improvements in our local voting places. My precinct is the public library. They even removed the "Don't Park on the Grass" signs and so that is where about 200 cars were parked.
TDS is a form of dementia. Unfortunately a good percentage of Americans suffer from this malady and are unable to understand that a vote for the cackler is a vote to destroy America.
That's not the narrative the MSM sells on an hourly basis. Dems get their news from the MSM so they are pretty clueless about the threat and where it's coming from.
Actually, I've been having alot of conversations with liberals lately, and they really, truly, actually DO NOT KNOW what's going on. And about 2/3 of them are innocently fairly interested to hear my comments and recommendations for news sources. But they are starting at ground zero and have about 15 years of the real news to get caught up on.
True. But in any case, even if Trump wins, we still have to help liberals wake up, because without the realization of the destructiveness of the Left leadership and repudiation of it, America won't be able to go forward into the future with stability.
At least the Titanic went on to make billions with a hit movie 85 years after it sunk. I suspect Kamala the movie won’t make a dime even if played at a peep show in Times Square. FJB
Its great that they are spending so much of their Dem donors money on a (hopelessly lost) cause. Let it burn. Yes they have a lot but it isn't endless.
The money is being spent as a slush fund and kickback to friends, sycophants, and democratic scumbags. They knew they would lose when Obama shived Biden. However Kamala too stupid to realize she is the Patsy. Obama Clinton Bidens etc will smell like roses. They will regroup, plot, undermine DJT for 4 years and come back and steal again in 28. I doubt that Trump will do what’s necessary to prevent this in the future.
Liz Chaney came to Kamala's rescue yesterday. Dem strategists figured someone despised by both parties would catapult Harris into the lead. It was like inviting an arsonist to team up with Smokey the Bear. Is Professor Irwin Corey the strategist behind Kamala's campaign?
My son called it "Burns meddy" because when he harassed our cat and got scratched for his trouble, I covered him over with mercurochrome. It "burned" and left him with red medicine all over face and arms. He finally quit harassing Pyewacket.
Funny thing about celebrities, they may be ultra-talented but other than that, they can't figure out how to turn a screwdriver or balance a checkbook. Doesn't make them bad, but they are the last people who should be giving advice or recommendations. Being a celebrity doesn't make one bright, just wealthy. Two different things entirely.
Amazing how Bathhouse Barry - who is half-white btw - elects to ditch that entire side of his family & deigns to condescendingly lecture black men on who they ought to be voting for & why. This is a guy who owns three (or is it 4?) mansions (Hawaii, DC, Chicago?, Martha’s Vineyard). I’m sure a lot of young black men can identify with that. Like he ever spoke to them in the first place. He lined his pockets & never looked back.
Re: Scary Kerry - long had the thought that John Kerry could have a second career as a tv pitch man (cue Kerry-“Lurch”-like voice): “I’m John Kerry & I’m not going to pay a lot for this muffler!” Or “I’m John Kerry & there’s a rumor going around that I am haughty; well…that shows how little you know.”
Waltz not being able to load the shotgun is akin to Mike Dukakis’s bobblehead-in-the-tank moment; he looked like the actual embodiment of Elmer Fudd & - on Twitter/X - that meme got started. Also didn’t help that it was patently obvious the hunting garb was all brand new. They obviously think we’re pretty stupid.
The absolute cherry on the top was Trump trolling them @ Mickey D’s. They can’t fight it. They’ve been owned.
The Mickey D's episode was brilliant marketing and a massive haymaker to the Harris campaign. Everyone knows she lied. The ridicule puts that front and center AND everyone got a great laugh out of it. Apparently Tampon man was whining on the View - that Trump 'disrespected' McD's workers with his red tie. What?!! They have definitely been 'owned'!
Alinsky rule #5 Ridicule is man's most potent weapon, there is no defense. The dems tried that in spades, but it flows off Trump like water off a ducks back. However, it's proving to be true when directed back in the other direction. I love their meltdowns more than chocolate.
How well DJT knows the 'Alinsky Rules'. #3 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” - Alinsky advocates for using humor and ridicule to undermine the enemy’s credibility and authority.
So true. The Dems scorched earth tactic is so old and trite that few folks pay any attention to it. Humor is not in their bag of tricks. Look at SNL's lame attempts to skewer DJT. For god's sake, Alec Baldwin as Bret Baier? Trump, on the other hand, was funny as hell at the Al Smith dinner and the McDonald's gig was pure trolling at its finest.
One of my best friends was a swift boater. He told me he prayed to God that if you'll help me get out of this alive I promise to be good. God let him off the hook.
Kerry and his Purple Heart for taking a BB in the Butt. When my WWII hubby couldn't find all of his awarded medals, the BUPERS gladly restored the ones he had lost in the dozen or times he moved. Of all those he merited, he was proudest of the ones with a rifle within a silver wreath and the two shaped like the Maltese Cross. Furthermore, personally I rise up in anger when dems mention that Trump got a deferment. So did millions of other people due to college and being the only remaining son in a family (before women were "awarded" combat duty. Counter service in any fast food joint IS hard duty.
Very true. I have hunted pheasants all my life and rarely see someone dressed like Waltz. All you need is a flannel shirt, sweatshirt, hunting vest, and Levi's. I doubt my Springer would even hunt for someone dressed like that guy.
While Trump did indeed sign the First Step Act into law, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have refused to implement it. Peter Navarro has written extensively about the failure of the Bureau of Prisons to release non-violent offenders who are eligible for early release under this law. In fact, Peter served every minute of his bogus four months in Federal Prison for a misdemeanor offense, and Steve Bannon should have been out days ago under the law.
We have had some questionable AG's in the past on both sides but it really got out of hand during the Obama regime. Now there is no pretense of being fair and honest. The worst of them all is the DHS head, Mayorkas. That guy needs to be in prison. So why does the GOP do all this investigating if they are going to drop it in the end? I'm sick of their investigations. They wouldn't need to do so if they actually provided real oversight of agencies.
My punishment for Mayorkas would be a piano wire noose around his privates ,then pack sand or gravel in his ass until the wire breaks. Must use nothing larger than a tablespoon when filling.
Yep; and to think they called James Carville "snake head." Mayorkas needs a more descriptive name. (Spawn of Satan would make me sound like a religious nut. I'd rather be spiritual fruit.)
I wonder sometimes if the left has the guts to try the cheat again. They know the country will burn down if it happens again. Let's hope that fear will make them think twice but they really are that stupid.
That's why I think it is important to wear our Trump T-shirts / hats, put Trump signs in our yards, etc. The more VISIBLE the magnitude of support for Trump is, the more "deterrent effect" it can have.
Not being naive--this won't eliminate the cheat, but it could blunt it a bit.
I am afraid the left will never weary of cheating, nor do they fear burning down the country. In fact, I believe it is a goal of theirs; a feature rather than a bug, as it were.
The grief we feel at a death includes a realization of the incredible preciousness of the individual--and the intolerableness of the idea that they can be hurt, destroyed, ended-- the essential "meanness" or "hatefulness" of death.
That we feel this is proof that our inner self knows the extreme preciousness of good, and profoundly rebels at the evil of death. It is because of God and the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven that we grasp so clearly this distinction between good and evil. So our grief is in a way a sign of our spiritual healthiness.
I believe in the indestructibility of our essential being, our God-created individual being and spirit and soul. At some point the distortions of this earthly level of existence will be replaced with the solidity of the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven.
As the Lord's Prayer says, "Thy kingdom come." "For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever."
Blessings to all, and may America come closer to the kingdom of heaven on November 5th.
The one time in my life I actually heard our Creator speak to me was when I was yelling at HIM for taking my parents 59 days apart. I actually heard a deep voice say, "Would you have them back as sick as they were?" I learned then my arms were to short to box with G_d. That was 34 years ago. Arms are not a bit longer now. 🙏
When I was very much younger, I got to know this lovely and adorable, very elderly couple I nicknamed the “Bookends”, because they were tiny and nearly the exact same height. They were inseparable over all the decades they’d been together.
He became very ill, and she even moved into the same convalescent home just so they’d not be apart.
Within 48 hours of his passing, she died in her sleep.
I saw a moving commercial by a black man that Trump commuted his life sentence for drugs with his change in federal guidelines. He wrote a book. That should be played on every channel, 5 x a day. I don't understand why it is not.
Ease up Poca-Man or her campaign will bleed out in a couple days. This truly is a strange presidential race in that one candidate has a track record and his opponent is a current { co-president ? } wanting to turn the page. When pressed on turn the page from what Harris says the Trump era oblivious to the fact during PDJTs term all was good until the deep state went rogue using Wuhan flu installing she and bidet,who the proceed to destroy all that is good. The rapidity with which the destruction of America became a course of action in a puppet theater Whitehouse points to ozero and his controllers who are now seeing the MAGA/MAHA preparing to return America to greatness while exposing their evil actions against America. Be wary of all out rage filled tactics from deepstaters in coming days and PRAY forPDJT and AMERICAs survival.
Marlan, I think the over-riding issue during this administration was replacing the Democrats victims. They have been losing the minorities for a long time and they knew that without them, they would never win elections based on their ideology. So they set about to flood the country with illegals with the help of the US Chamber of Commerce and others. It was a do or die mission that required ignoring and/or bending the law and lying about it. It was a diabolical plan and so far it has worked. But the question now is, "will they get away with it or not"? Is Trump really going to deport the illegals? Will there be real consequences for the people who violated the Constitution? Unless the Democrat party and their surrogates are punished severely for these violations, one could argue that it will happen again then next time they get the power. The real question is, are we still a country of laws where everyone is truly held to account, or not?
God willing. Think the easy start is to deport the criminal illegal aliens (whether they can be found is an issue, so many jurisdictions have released them)..
Redd ,we know many will be deported{ worst of the worst } and hopefully many will self exit this country/looking at you meathead and friends as threatened when PDJT wins a 3rd time. Then comes necessary prosecutions of certain treasonous bastards ie Milley.Mayorkas etal.
If my liberal family is an indicator this may turn out even better than we hope. Oldest child is so angry at the poor showing of the dem's campaign she plans to not vote. Great! Middle child announced he's NOT voting for Trump....he's voting for Kennedy. Ok, we'll take it. Youngest has taken the red pill and is Trump all the way. He's been able to swing a couple of his friends, too.
These changes in attitude have all come about in the last month. Fingers crossed.
This campaign year I have become very frustrated (and angry) that our legal system enables lower court decisions to grab all the headlines despite knowing that the ruling would most certainly be overturned when it reaches the higher courts where the real interpretation of the law is applied. This is the case with all of the Trump lawsuits and the Bannon/Navarro imprisonments. It is certainly true of how the issue of abortion has been played by the left.
Harris's only stance that has legs on the campaign trail is abortion and it isn't on solid ground. Every constitutional scholar in this country - even left-leaning Ruth Bader Ginsburg who wrote many dissenting opinions that were for women's rights - made a clear statement that Roe v Wade was bad law. Ginsburg said Roe needed to be overturned.
Ginsburg is an icon among the core Harris followers of women's rights. Where are the campaign ads showing Ruth Bader Ginsburg's statement?
While I will celebrate when Trump wins on November 5th, I'll be even more satisfied when all the lower court bullshit of the last 4 years that has been clogging up mainstream news cycles gets flushed down the mainstream media throats.
Today's Dems must hide their history of Jim Crow laws, voting against the civil rights act of 1964, starting the KKK and carrying their support of racism into recent years (Robert Byrd, Dem Senator of W. Virginia), the fact that JFK's platform of 1960 would be to the RIGHT of Trump's platform today, and yes, the Ginsburg trashing of Roe v Wade.
Memory-holed and/or totally transformed through revisionist history lessons by the teachers, news media, and NEA.
'Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Supreme Court Justice and women's rights advocate, was a critic of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that established the constitutional right to abortion' MacGoogle-love the sin, hate the sinner. top entry
We have become a country where everything is politicized. Everything! That is the real danger and the real threat to our Republic. When people ignore the law to make a political point, they are well on the way to anarchy.
I think the problem and frustration with Democrats is this: she has been such a disaster on the campaign trail that her incompetence, her refusing to give a straight answer about anything has taken this contest to beyond the margin of cheat believability. If she some how “wins” no one is going to believe it. She is and has been that bad and no one is going to buy that the public thinks Elmer Dud is a viable replacement . Those over seas ballots that come in will be key in states like Georgia and North Carolina.
Yes, but that was the problem they faced with Pedo Joe too. The fact that he was unable to speak coherently became (has BEEN for a long time!) too big to HIDE. I read somewhere that Joe wanted Gretchen for VP but (the black senator from NC?) who made the deal to endorse Joe in 2020 insisted on Que Mala in exchange for his support. The DNC is now having to sleep in the bed they made for themselves. I am HOPING BEYOND HOPE it bites all of THEM in the @ss and not us!
There was no way they could bypass Harris for a different woman. No way at all. They picked her to be Biden's running mate and were stuck with her form then on. Otherwise, every woman in America would have marched on the WH. As the ancient one in Indian Jones movie said, "choose wisely". They didn't.
Yeah, but the real power brokers who actually run this country (the Intelligence Community) have way, way too much to lose. They will go down swinging.
Trump is in a very dangerous period before the election. He's getting more and more popular and Kammie is falling behind. If they can't depend on the cheat doing the trick they only solution is to take out the Trumpster. Don't put it past them to try again.
If you want to have a more positive psychological impact on the collective mental atmosphere, instead, everytime you look at your phone you could be thinking "I wonder what new colossal boo-boo has backfired on the Democrats now?"
I don't disagree with you but there is no way Trump will wholesale change the Intel community and agencies if elected. Congress with their usual ignorance, will never go along with it. In some ways, we don't have a POTUS problem, we have an incompetent and irresponsible congress problem.
Of course Congress won't do anything. They are the ones blackmailed into doing just about anything the IC "suggests" they do. But Trump can expose an awful lot of the rot... then we will see where it goes. Maybe cutting off the heads of the snakes will make a difference.
It seemed to be, or could then have been construed to be one thing - maybe - back in 2016, for so-called Conservatives and Republicans to have been against Trump, as he was a totally “unknown quantity”. Many feared he might be like a bull in a china shop and his plain spoken, totally non-politicalese manner was off-putting to their smug and superior sensibilities.
But for any Republican or so-called conservative to come out against Trump in 2024, after seeing and knowing the phenomenal successes of his policies here and around the world during his administration, proves beyond any shadow of any doubt that they have never had the best interests of the US at heart.
To see the likes of Liz Cheney, and moreso her father, Dick, who has held some of the highest and most important offices in the entire US government, rail and spew libelous vitriol against the former President of the US should most glaringly reveal that these people -Republicans! - don’t just detest him, they detest this country, as well as all that is good and right and true. And even worse, that our own government at every level has for decades never been about what is best for America.
That may sound obvious at this point, but this 2024 election is something wholly different.
It is reflecting a wholly different and brightest line of demarcation that defines the actual votes of every individual person voting, with little to no regard for party. It is now barely even about Republican vs. Democrat, but about actual American people vs. some manufactured machine, like a Wizard of Oz standing behind the curtain creating havoc and misery.
When I’ve talked to some teenagers (who can’t vote and barely know the difference between a Republican or a Democrat), they are convinced Trump is definitely going to win because, well, the other people are just plain CRAZY! Hah!
I think that pretty much sums up this whole election!
But it remains to be seen exactly how many black Americans really pushed back. The reaction has been so distorted I have no idea what the real number or percent was.
What a wonderful way to start my day, dusted with just the right amount of snark! We're off to vote in just a little while. Yesterday the parking lot was so full, there was no where to park with long lines out the building - there's enthusiasm aplenty and it's time to place your bets - it's been a way long campaign season. May the best MAN win!
I walked to my polling location, as I had previously seen a massive turnout and lots of cars. Waited one hour in the heat (requested a PAPER ballot) and happily secured my vote for DJT😊
the bigger the lie...the closer the polls.
the closer the polls...the easier the steal.
the easier the steal...the less chance of getting caught.
i now believe even trump knows what's up.
as elon stated to tucker carlson...."they don't need to fix all fifty states, just the close ones".
Elon needs to follow the Soros plan.
That's the only way to "fix" the
"close ones".
Correct, this is why the polls are falsely skewed suggesting a close race. It's not. The true pulse of the country is in the betting markets. Maybe these guys are thinking a 20% edge is just too much for even Democrats to steal.
i hope you're correct but fear you're not.
Perfect love casts out fear.
Yes, totally, but who is counting the votes?
We just returned from voting this morning - got there about 15 minutes prior to doors opening, there was already a line, but very manageable, greeters came out to be sure we were there to vote in Dallas County, not Denton County which is adjacent to our town. They didn't want anyone to be waiting only to have to be turned away. Once the doors opened, all were quickly processed, we voted, complete with ballots cast and back to the car, driving away 20 minutes later. All run very smoothly and efficiently with lots of helpers available for anyone with a question. Happy, happy, happy!
Let's pray that your vote is correctly counted.
I just wrote a quick thank-you note to my local Secretary of State, thanking him for the great improvements in our local voting places. My precinct is the public library. They even removed the "Don't Park on the Grass" signs and so that is where about 200 cars were parked.
I know we are told to vote early, but do people think nothing can change between now and "election day"?
Only the naive ones, bless their hearts (selectively).
I learned my lesson when a candidate dropped out.
He got my vote, literally.
I know I'm always right but my ex-wife didn't! LOL.
On target. And the GOP will not do a thing about it.
excellent, dbw!
TDS is a form of dementia. Unfortunately a good percentage of Americans suffer from this malady and are unable to understand that a vote for the cackler is a vote to destroy America.
That's not the narrative the MSM sells on an hourly basis. Dems get their news from the MSM so they are pretty clueless about the threat and where it's coming from.
Jake, I think they know, they just don't believe it.
Actually, I've been having alot of conversations with liberals lately, and they really, truly, actually DO NOT KNOW what's going on. And about 2/3 of them are innocently fairly interested to hear my comments and recommendations for news sources. But they are starting at ground zero and have about 15 years of the real news to get caught up on.
Absolutely true.
They been living in an hermetically sealed bubble of only select information fed to them by the media.
Unfortunately, TPG, I think you are right. It looks like it's too late for this election, sadly.
True. But in any case, even if Trump wins, we still have to help liberals wake up, because without the realization of the destructiveness of the Left leadership and repudiation of it, America won't be able to go forward into the future with stability.
Do you mean we have to educate the mis-educated grads of institutional destruction of America ?? It's a big ask TPG .
You're right, TPG. I like your optimism!
It’s a vote for Satan
At least the Titanic went on to make billions with a hit movie 85 years after it sunk. I suspect Kamala the movie won’t make a dime even if played at a peep show in Times Square. FJB
Only Fans? ;<)
I don't know if Only Fans is an option for women of a certain age. (?)
Its great that they are spending so much of their Dem donors money on a (hopelessly lost) cause. Let it burn. Yes they have a lot but it isn't endless.
The money is being spent as a slush fund and kickback to friends, sycophants, and democratic scumbags. They knew they would lose when Obama shived Biden. However Kamala too stupid to realize she is the Patsy. Obama Clinton Bidens etc will smell like roses. They will regroup, plot, undermine DJT for 4 years and come back and steal again in 28. I doubt that Trump will do what’s necessary to prevent this in the future.
Yeah, but she can sure sling that silky hair around like a blond bimbo teenager!
Liz Chaney came to Kamala's rescue yesterday. Dem strategists figured someone despised by both parties would catapult Harris into the lead. It was like inviting an arsonist to team up with Smokey the Bear. Is Professor Irwin Corey the strategist behind Kamala's campaign?
Lezzie thinks she’s going to be in the Cabinet. Attorney General so she can personally put the noose on DJT?
Chaney's picture belongs on a bottle of Drano, and James Carville's belongs on a bottle of iodine.
... or mercurochrome!
anybody else ever call that Monkey Blood? That was the common term in my family when I was a kid
My son called it "Burns meddy" because when he harassed our cat and got scratched for his trouble, I covered him over with mercurochrome. It "burned" and left him with red medicine all over face and arms. He finally quit harassing Pyewacket.
I don't know. Mercurochrome looks better than iodine.
It may look better but NOTHING stings like Mercurochrome in a wound!
I’d put Cheney’s on Arsenic and Carville’s on Cyanide.
Oh no. Iodine is now food for us!!
Funny thing about celebrities, they may be ultra-talented but other than that, they can't figure out how to turn a screwdriver or balance a checkbook. Doesn't make them bad, but they are the last people who should be giving advice or recommendations. Being a celebrity doesn't make one bright, just wealthy. Two different things entirely.
That was in my neighborhood. Closed venue with approximately 300 people at a local Theater. No questions from the audience.
Correction... 300 bused in Drones.
Oh they won’t go away. We’ll have to send them away. One way or another.
"ALL IN ONE UGLY WAD" Amen and Amen. Wad is what my siblings and I called grampa's chewing tobacco which was Warren County Twist. Urp!
Amazing how Bathhouse Barry - who is half-white btw - elects to ditch that entire side of his family & deigns to condescendingly lecture black men on who they ought to be voting for & why. This is a guy who owns three (or is it 4?) mansions (Hawaii, DC, Chicago?, Martha’s Vineyard). I’m sure a lot of young black men can identify with that. Like he ever spoke to them in the first place. He lined his pockets & never looked back.
Re: Scary Kerry - long had the thought that John Kerry could have a second career as a tv pitch man (cue Kerry-“Lurch”-like voice): “I’m John Kerry & I’m not going to pay a lot for this muffler!” Or “I’m John Kerry & there’s a rumor going around that I am haughty; well…that shows how little you know.”
Waltz not being able to load the shotgun is akin to Mike Dukakis’s bobblehead-in-the-tank moment; he looked like the actual embodiment of Elmer Fudd & - on Twitter/X - that meme got started. Also didn’t help that it was patently obvious the hunting garb was all brand new. They obviously think we’re pretty stupid.
The absolute cherry on the top was Trump trolling them @ Mickey D’s. They can’t fight it. They’ve been owned.
Pass the popcorn; this is getting entertaining;<)
The Mickey D's episode was brilliant marketing and a massive haymaker to the Harris campaign. Everyone knows she lied. The ridicule puts that front and center AND everyone got a great laugh out of it. Apparently Tampon man was whining on the View - that Trump 'disrespected' McD's workers with his red tie. What?!! They have definitely been 'owned'!
They can’t take their own medicine; they can’t stand to be mocked.
Alinsky rule #5 Ridicule is man's most potent weapon, there is no defense. The dems tried that in spades, but it flows off Trump like water off a ducks back. However, it's proving to be true when directed back in the other direction. I love their meltdowns more than chocolate.
Yeah, their veil of being the smartest people in the room needs to be traded in for some thicker skin. Those people have no sense of humor either.
How well DJT knows the 'Alinsky Rules'. #3 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” - Alinsky advocates for using humor and ridicule to undermine the enemy’s credibility and authority.
So true. The Dems scorched earth tactic is so old and trite that few folks pay any attention to it. Humor is not in their bag of tricks. Look at SNL's lame attempts to skewer DJT. For god's sake, Alec Baldwin as Bret Baier? Trump, on the other hand, was funny as hell at the Al Smith dinner and the McDonald's gig was pure trolling at its finest.
Could that possibly be Swift Boat Kerry of whom you are speaking? That one was a real winner for him, wasn't it?
How dare they be insulted that the Mickey D's event was a campaign stunt - well duh! - The Donald pulled it off with great charm - he's the man!
If it wasn't for the Swift Boat guys this POS would have been President. God bless them!!!
One of my best friends was a swift boater. He told me he prayed to God that if you'll help me get out of this alive I promise to be good. God let him off the hook.
Amen AD !!
Just wait, you will see empty French fry wrappers that Trump handed out from McDonalds being auctioned on EBay soon.
I really hope you are right, RD.
Kerry and his Purple Heart for taking a BB in the Butt. When my WWII hubby couldn't find all of his awarded medals, the BUPERS gladly restored the ones he had lost in the dozen or times he moved. Of all those he merited, he was proudest of the ones with a rifle within a silver wreath and the two shaped like the Maltese Cross. Furthermore, personally I rise up in anger when dems mention that Trump got a deferment. So did millions of other people due to college and being the only remaining son in a family (before women were "awarded" combat duty. Counter service in any fast food joint IS hard duty.
Very true. I have hunted pheasants all my life and rarely see someone dressed like Waltz. All you need is a flannel shirt, sweatshirt, hunting vest, and Levi's. I doubt my Springer would even hunt for someone dressed like that guy.
While Trump did indeed sign the First Step Act into law, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have refused to implement it. Peter Navarro has written extensively about the failure of the Bureau of Prisons to release non-violent offenders who are eligible for early release under this law. In fact, Peter served every minute of his bogus four months in Federal Prison for a misdemeanor offense, and Steve Bannon should have been out days ago under the law.
The bidet/garland department of JUST-US .
We have had some questionable AG's in the past on both sides but it really got out of hand during the Obama regime. Now there is no pretense of being fair and honest. The worst of them all is the DHS head, Mayorkas. That guy needs to be in prison. So why does the GOP do all this investigating if they are going to drop it in the end? I'm sick of their investigations. They wouldn't need to do so if they actually provided real oversight of agencies.
My punishment for Mayorkas would be a piano wire noose around his privates ,then pack sand or gravel in his ass until the wire breaks. Must use nothing larger than a tablespoon when filling.
Yep; and to think they called James Carville "snake head." Mayorkas needs a more descriptive name. (Spawn of Satan would make me sound like a religious nut. I'd rather be spiritual fruit.)
Good one. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours..
True dat!
Love me some Peter Navarro! Another Silver Fox. What a grin, has he. When he flashes it. Don't worry, I'm older than he is, and I'm not cradle robber.
The democrat vote theft machine is undeterred. Like you, Don, I continue to hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
I wonder sometimes if the left has the guts to try the cheat again. They know the country will burn down if it happens again. Let's hope that fear will make them think twice but they really are that stupid.
Try to cheat?!
Are you kidding me?
They’ve had a massive cheat operation in motion for three years!
That's why I think it is important to wear our Trump T-shirts / hats, put Trump signs in our yards, etc. The more VISIBLE the magnitude of support for Trump is, the more "deterrent effect" it can have.
Not being naive--this won't eliminate the cheat, but it could blunt it a bit.
The Ds are without shame. Of course, they are trying to cheat again.
Is a blue bird blue? Is Pelosi uglier than homemade sin? Did they repeal the Law of Gravity?
I am afraid the left will never weary of cheating, nor do they fear burning down the country. In fact, I believe it is a goal of theirs; a feature rather than a bug, as it were.
The Troy DeJoode string was very touching.
The grief we feel at a death includes a realization of the incredible preciousness of the individual--and the intolerableness of the idea that they can be hurt, destroyed, ended-- the essential "meanness" or "hatefulness" of death.
That we feel this is proof that our inner self knows the extreme preciousness of good, and profoundly rebels at the evil of death. It is because of God and the reality of the Kingdom of Heaven that we grasp so clearly this distinction between good and evil. So our grief is in a way a sign of our spiritual healthiness.
I believe in the indestructibility of our essential being, our God-created individual being and spirit and soul. At some point the distortions of this earthly level of existence will be replaced with the solidity of the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven.
As the Lord's Prayer says, "Thy kingdom come." "For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever."
Blessings to all, and may America come closer to the kingdom of heaven on November 5th.
Amen 🙏
The one time in my life I actually heard our Creator speak to me was when I was yelling at HIM for taking my parents 59 days apart. I actually heard a deep voice say, "Would you have them back as sick as they were?" I learned then my arms were to short to box with G_d. That was 34 years ago. Arms are not a bit longer now. 🙏
When I was very much younger, I got to know this lovely and adorable, very elderly couple I nicknamed the “Bookends”, because they were tiny and nearly the exact same height. They were inseparable over all the decades they’d been together.
He became very ill, and she even moved into the same convalescent home just so they’d not be apart.
Within 48 hours of his passing, she died in her sleep.
They were not two people. They were one.
I understand. Father and Brother only sibling…6 days apart. Cancer.
❤️Excellent. Thanks for caring.
Well said, TPG, well said.
I saw a moving commercial by a black man that Trump commuted his life sentence for drugs with his change in federal guidelines. He wrote a book. That should be played on every channel, 5 x a day. I don't understand why it is not.
Sure you do. It does not fit the narrative.
Ease up Poca-Man or her campaign will bleed out in a couple days. This truly is a strange presidential race in that one candidate has a track record and his opponent is a current { co-president ? } wanting to turn the page. When pressed on turn the page from what Harris says the Trump era oblivious to the fact during PDJTs term all was good until the deep state went rogue using Wuhan flu installing she and bidet,who the proceed to destroy all that is good. The rapidity with which the destruction of America became a course of action in a puppet theater Whitehouse points to ozero and his controllers who are now seeing the MAGA/MAHA preparing to return America to greatness while exposing their evil actions against America. Be wary of all out rage filled tactics from deepstaters in coming days and PRAY forPDJT and AMERICAs survival.
Marlan, I think the over-riding issue during this administration was replacing the Democrats victims. They have been losing the minorities for a long time and they knew that without them, they would never win elections based on their ideology. So they set about to flood the country with illegals with the help of the US Chamber of Commerce and others. It was a do or die mission that required ignoring and/or bending the law and lying about it. It was a diabolical plan and so far it has worked. But the question now is, "will they get away with it or not"? Is Trump really going to deport the illegals? Will there be real consequences for the people who violated the Constitution? Unless the Democrat party and their surrogates are punished severely for these violations, one could argue that it will happen again then next time they get the power. The real question is, are we still a country of laws where everyone is truly held to account, or not?
Oh I definitely think Trump will deport, deport, deport.
God willing. Think the easy start is to deport the criminal illegal aliens (whether they can be found is an issue, so many jurisdictions have released them)..
A good job for retired MOSSAD.
Redd ,we know many will be deported{ worst of the worst } and hopefully many will self exit this country/looking at you meathead and friends as threatened when PDJT wins a 3rd time. Then comes necessary prosecutions of certain treasonous bastards ie Milley.Mayorkas etal.
Justice must be served.
If my liberal family is an indicator this may turn out even better than we hope. Oldest child is so angry at the poor showing of the dem's campaign she plans to not vote. Great! Middle child announced he's NOT voting for Trump....he's voting for Kennedy. Ok, we'll take it. Youngest has taken the red pill and is Trump all the way. He's been able to swing a couple of his friends, too.
These changes in attitude have all come about in the last month. Fingers crossed.
That is awesome.
This campaign year I have become very frustrated (and angry) that our legal system enables lower court decisions to grab all the headlines despite knowing that the ruling would most certainly be overturned when it reaches the higher courts where the real interpretation of the law is applied. This is the case with all of the Trump lawsuits and the Bannon/Navarro imprisonments. It is certainly true of how the issue of abortion has been played by the left.
Harris's only stance that has legs on the campaign trail is abortion and it isn't on solid ground. Every constitutional scholar in this country - even left-leaning Ruth Bader Ginsburg who wrote many dissenting opinions that were for women's rights - made a clear statement that Roe v Wade was bad law. Ginsburg said Roe needed to be overturned.
Ginsburg is an icon among the core Harris followers of women's rights. Where are the campaign ads showing Ruth Bader Ginsburg's statement?
While I will celebrate when Trump wins on November 5th, I'll be even more satisfied when all the lower court bullshit of the last 4 years that has been clogging up mainstream news cycles gets flushed down the mainstream media throats.
I've also wondered why the GOP hasn't promoted the RBG opposition to Roe v Wade??!!
I've tried to find where she actually said it should be overturned or anything definitive opposing it and so far I haven't found it.
It’s been Memory-holed.
Today's Dems must hide their history of Jim Crow laws, voting against the civil rights act of 1964, starting the KKK and carrying their support of racism into recent years (Robert Byrd, Dem Senator of W. Virginia), the fact that JFK's platform of 1960 would be to the RIGHT of Trump's platform today, and yes, the Ginsburg trashing of Roe v Wade.
Memory-holed and/or totally transformed through revisionist history lessons by the teachers, news media, and NEA.
Covered over, as it were, in the litter box of time. Eww.
'Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Supreme Court Justice and women's rights advocate, was a critic of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that established the constitutional right to abortion' MacGoogle-love the sin, hate the sinner. top entry
Just type in RBG opposition to Roe v Wade??!! goog will answer.
We have become a country where everything is politicized. Everything! That is the real danger and the real threat to our Republic. When people ignore the law to make a political point, they are well on the way to anarchy.
I think the problem and frustration with Democrats is this: she has been such a disaster on the campaign trail that her incompetence, her refusing to give a straight answer about anything has taken this contest to beyond the margin of cheat believability. If she some how “wins” no one is going to believe it. She is and has been that bad and no one is going to buy that the public thinks Elmer Dud is a viable replacement . Those over seas ballots that come in will be key in states like Georgia and North Carolina.
Yes, but that was the problem they faced with Pedo Joe too. The fact that he was unable to speak coherently became (has BEEN for a long time!) too big to HIDE. I read somewhere that Joe wanted Gretchen for VP but (the black senator from NC?) who made the deal to endorse Joe in 2020 insisted on Que Mala in exchange for his support. The DNC is now having to sleep in the bed they made for themselves. I am HOPING BEYOND HOPE it bites all of THEM in the @ss and not us!
There was no way they could bypass Harris for a different woman. No way at all. They picked her to be Biden's running mate and were stuck with her form then on. Otherwise, every woman in America would have marched on the WH. As the ancient one in Indian Jones movie said, "choose wisely". They didn't.
Ozero picked his twin for po joe.
Que Mala sorta sticks to the bottom of one's shoe. Ick.
Yeah, but the real power brokers who actually run this country (the Intelligence Community) have way, way too much to lose. They will go down swinging.
Trump is in a very dangerous period before the election. He's getting more and more popular and Kammie is falling behind. If they can't depend on the cheat doing the trick they only solution is to take out the Trumpster. Don't put it past them to try again.
Must trust in God to protect our 2d Messiah.
Every time I look at my phone for a news update I fear the worse...
If you want to have a more positive psychological impact on the collective mental atmosphere, instead, everytime you look at your phone you could be thinking "I wonder what new colossal boo-boo has backfired on the Democrats now?"
Top tier comment!
That is for sure a lot easier for me to choke down. I'm usually the cockeyed optimist.
I don't disagree with you but there is no way Trump will wholesale change the Intel community and agencies if elected. Congress with their usual ignorance, will never go along with it. In some ways, we don't have a POTUS problem, we have an incompetent and irresponsible congress problem.
Of course Congress won't do anything. They are the ones blackmailed into doing just about anything the IC "suggests" they do. But Trump can expose an awful lot of the rot... then we will see where it goes. Maybe cutting off the heads of the snakes will make a difference.
The IC certainly screwed up "their Butler operation" and to day no one is twisting "slowly, slowly in the wind."
It’s going to take Trump and Vance (X2) to make a real difference.
The problem is laziness in just creating departments so as not to interfere with schmoozing and campaigning year round.
I sadly agree.
We might as well blame the Bilderbergers.
It seemed to be, or could then have been construed to be one thing - maybe - back in 2016, for so-called Conservatives and Republicans to have been against Trump, as he was a totally “unknown quantity”. Many feared he might be like a bull in a china shop and his plain spoken, totally non-politicalese manner was off-putting to their smug and superior sensibilities.
But for any Republican or so-called conservative to come out against Trump in 2024, after seeing and knowing the phenomenal successes of his policies here and around the world during his administration, proves beyond any shadow of any doubt that they have never had the best interests of the US at heart.
To see the likes of Liz Cheney, and moreso her father, Dick, who has held some of the highest and most important offices in the entire US government, rail and spew libelous vitriol against the former President of the US should most glaringly reveal that these people -Republicans! - don’t just detest him, they detest this country, as well as all that is good and right and true. And even worse, that our own government at every level has for decades never been about what is best for America.
That may sound obvious at this point, but this 2024 election is something wholly different.
It is reflecting a wholly different and brightest line of demarcation that defines the actual votes of every individual person voting, with little to no regard for party. It is now barely even about Republican vs. Democrat, but about actual American people vs. some manufactured machine, like a Wizard of Oz standing behind the curtain creating havoc and misery.
When I’ve talked to some teenagers (who can’t vote and barely know the difference between a Republican or a Democrat), they are convinced Trump is definitely going to win because, well, the other people are just plain CRAZY! Hah!
I think that pretty much sums up this whole election!
GMTA Suzie.
Works for me. Maybe it is only my second childhood trying to break out.
The slapback of black men to Obama's 'nudge' was awesome. Finally, the blacks are seeing right through mister invisible. And then.... there's the Amish:
But it remains to be seen exactly how many black Americans really pushed back. The reaction has been so distorted I have no idea what the real number or percent was.
A LOT!! His statement started an inferno!
But, JT, doncha know he's the lightbringar?
LOL. Truly.
I can only say to Samuel Benson, from your lips, Samuel.
What a wonderful way to start my day, dusted with just the right amount of snark! We're off to vote in just a little while. Yesterday the parking lot was so full, there was no where to park with long lines out the building - there's enthusiasm aplenty and it's time to place your bets - it's been a way long campaign season. May the best MAN win!
I walked to my polling location, as I had previously seen a massive turnout and lots of cars. Waited one hour in the heat (requested a PAPER ballot) and happily secured my vote for DJT😊
We're in Walton Co.FL.
Our EV doesn't start till this Sat the 26th. We'll be there!!
❤️How long have you been charging it? Oops, early voting? Apologies to all, if any, who own one. Back in the day, they called them lemons.
Vote, and vote often!
FABULOUS!! What state are you in??
That’s the great state of Florida - the land of the free.
Our King of snark.