Of all the reasons that a DJT victory this November is so critical to this nation is to demonstrate to Americans and the rest of the world that lawfare is a failure. And that we are not a banana republic!
The best demonstration of that will be to openly and effectively prosecute all who used lawfare in their attempt to destroy the country and our personal liberty - starting with Obama's favorite, Merrick Garland. It is no different than prosecuting German military officers for their roles in the death camps.
The left's analogy to Nazi Germany will be their fatal ending.
We are undergoing a sea change. The momentum is there. But so far the Lord got almighty is keeping his cards close to his vest and won't show me any That's probably a good thing.
I believe you are right, however, it would be nice if Trump's DoJ would prosecute one major Democrat miscreant just to set an example for the rest of the miscreants. Vlad the Impaler put heads on pikes to warn his enemies. We need a Dem head on a figurative pike to warn them. Alvin Bragg and Letitia James come to mind.
I'd like to see Joe Biden's inner White House Staff charged for surreptitiously usurping and exercising the powers of the Presidency by concealing Biden's dementia. If they scurry to say THEY weren't exercising the powers of the Presidency, then they would have to specifically name WHO was directing them. And they would still then be liable for treason because they were participating in following orders of someone who was not elected to the Presidency.
Also any key official (Speaker of the House, Majority Leader in the Senate, etc.), and any media network head who had regular direct contact with Biden and failed to report on Biden's incapacity. Including Kamala.
This was treason, and it is still occurring right this minute. NO ONE knows who exactly is running the United States.
That would be punching down. They’re just puppets. It needs to be the top 50 seditious lefties in America. Politicians. Media personalities and execs. Billionaires and CEOs.
Trump appoints the AG and we may have difficulty getting Senate approval if we don't flip it, but if a strong AG is appointed, the old-liners of the GOP weill have little influence.
It needs to happen. The exorcism must occur to reduce the immense anger. And that may mean a period of civil violence and mass arrests. But it will be for bad behavior. Not ideology.
Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. I'm for reconciliation but not including him. Start with him and start going down the most recent more terrible lists mayorkas? Is it too late for Hillary to be prosecuted for just bad taste? And if they find Bill Clinton's name on Epstein's list I'll send $100 to whoever starts a prosecution. I better keep this in the group and not post it.
you have to add MSM bias in with the lawfare issue. Fake news isn't strong enough anymore. JD Vance exposed Jake Tapper in dramatic fashion. There will be others exposed as well. This ain't good for the MSM and the Dems.
They have been exposed so often now they must be feeling naked. You cannot shame people who have no soul. They just go home that night and count and dust their gold bars they earned for lying.
I must admit, I truly admire Vance for keeping his cool and smiling while those media apparatchiks throw their worst at him -- and he flips it all off. He must have taken some fabulous debate training.
The Donald was pure gold last night. Absolute top of his game. Just amazing how he can stand in front of 20 thousand after two assassination attempts ad-libbing for hours without a care in the world is remarkable. Let's all pray this man overcomes the unbelievable odds stacked against him and wins on Tuesday. MAGA!!!
Hope is in the air! We went to a Ted Cruz rally on Saturday as he is making a bus tour around the state. It wasn't a huge venue, but it was packed and one could absolutely feel the joy and energy. We got our photo taken with Cruz, bought a big of swag, he invited everyone present to Sign the Bus so we could travel along with them as they completed their journey around the state. What a fun day to spend with happy, like-minded patriots!
I have always been a big fan of Cruz. But I wont support him this time around. Cruz has to take some of the responsibility for the utter dysfunction in the GOP Senate as one of its senior people. They are all more focused on who will replace McConnell than getting anything accomplished. Leadership and seniority matter. Cruz has been largely absent in the fight save for scripted moments. I can’t support anyone for just showing up any longer.
Respectfully, wrong answer Reddog. The Turtle is the problem for the GOP Senate, not Cruz. If McConnell steps down, which he says he is going to do, perhaps the Senate will be able to move the ball down the field.
Reddog has a point. While McConnell has been a huge obstacle to the conservative movement, Cruz and other supposed conservatives have stood by and only whimpered. The plan is already set to replace McConnell with Cornyn or one of the other establishment phonies there in the senate. Unless Trump and Vance can get in there and whip some butt, there will be little change.
They sure don't need to elevate Cornyn to Senate Leader - TX needs to find a great conservative to primary him! I'm a fan of Cruz and contributor to his campaign. Colin Allred doesn't need to be anywhere near the Senate. He's for everything we're against
You didn't show up in my iMac e-mail this morning. You DID show up in my old iphone, but I have become fed-up with trying to interface with the world through that tiny window. I finally got to you on my iMac by downloading the substack icon and THAT produced an endless series of posts I didn't want to read. I immediately deleted the Substack icon from my desktop. I will look at my iMac e-mails tomorrow with interest. There comes a point when use of some technologies - as they are made 'better' by their bubble-dwelling tech people - run afoul of what a son evaluates as "The juice is not worth the squeeze." Maybe down the road, maybe not. Way too many people in that bed: I choose to go sleep on the floor.
In case anyone is confused about who the real Fascists are.
And, OBTW, Mussolini renamed his political party, The Fascist Party of Italy. Before, it was The SOCIALIST Party of Italy.
And NAZI, Hitler’s party, was an acronym for National German SOCIALIST Party.
The Fascists and Nazis were SOCIALISTS! And they said so! On the LEFT, not the Right. They bickered with the Soviets over the globalist (“Internationale”) aims of Leninist-Stalinist Marxism… and embraced “corporatism”. Which, in America, is euphemistically and seductively called “government- private partnership”. We saw the brave new wonders of that concept during the COVID assault. Other examples are vivid in the military/intel industrial complex.
This is why the Cheneys are all in for Harris and Walz.
I stay on it to agitate them in my small way. (and to keep up with old friends) I asked Scott Pressler a couple years ago about getting off of it and he said his plan is to be on every social media platform available and keep sharing information. So I stay. They deleted my second try to share this post that I titled Good campaign news for Harris 😜. Then I tried just making a comment about a great post by Don Surber this morning at his substack. They refused to post that.
Another interesting FB tidbit - a couple lefty white womyn I’m “friends” with posted that they’re getting off FB for a few months because the politics are just too divisive. Translation - they can’t deal emotionally with facts that counter their beliefs.
My nephew, a retired SF cop completely removed any trace of my sister's name and likeness from FB. She asked me to join when she did because it was a cheap and easy way to communicate with our niece who had just gone to China as a missionary from our church. Like China doesn't plant a hook! /s
Quite the difference in the crowds of the two rally’s.
One the people showed up to hear the candidate. The other they showed up for a freebie concert that was never going to happen and they left either pissed or betrayed.
The campaign has amassed over $1B so I don’t think money was the issue. It had to be a campaign decision possibly because of issues with crowd control? But even that is wanting as even announcing her being there woild draw big crowds for a free concert.
Perhaps the fact that her concerts are high maintenance, involving a lot of time for set up etc.
No matter what, It was def a campaign decision , AS WAS also the decision to stealthily “pretend” she was going to perform. That was a calculated move to attract rally-goers, not to mention a sh*% thing to do to people.
Michelle Obama, whose hatred for America exceeds even that of her husband’s, said in her speech castigating black men, “ Our lives are worth more than their anger and disappointment.”
Hmmm. And just what, pray tell, are all these black men so angry and disappointed about?
Could it be the abject failure of decades of Democrat promises and arrogant condescension?
What are they “so angry and disappointed about?” I’m guessing it’s something to do with too many alpha diva scolds, like Michelle Maobama, in their lives, berating and beating them down. Maybe some of them are finally slipping their shackles and standing up, like men. And the Maobama women are threatened by them jumping on the Trump Underground Railroad.
Black men should remember that it was LBJ’s Great Society that removed fathers from homes of the poor black family on welfare guaranteeing generations on government subsidies and the downward spiral of disinherited men. Very few made it out of the trap.
In 2014, Attorney General, Kamala Harris was one of the leading champions of Prop 47- which eliminated the ability of police and prosecutors to arrest and punish criminals in California for countless crimes. Strange why that wasn't widely reported.
But truly, the cause of our troubles is lack of faith in God. No number of legal remedies will help. It is like taking aspirin in the hopes your credit card will get paid off.
Or, we could simply insist on obeying the Constitution. Alan Korwin has done his homework, which should have been assigned to all of us in our misguided gubmint skoolz … but, sadly wasn’t.
I was student council president back in the sixties. Every morning I walked to the Principals office turned on the PA and said, "Please rise..... I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands.......". I doubt schools do that anymore.
Our local high school did that until 1990. That's the year my son graduated high school; I haven't asked anyone since then. HOWEVER, I took my son along (OK, he drove me) to my recent class of 1960 Reunion where we said the pledge, the Lord's Prayer and sang My Country 'tis of Thee.
Lawsy0, I also graduated in 1960. We haven't had a class reunion in past few years but there are several of our classmates who get together every month via Zoom. So far, I haven't joined them since it interferes with my exercise class which I think at this age is more important for me to pursue
There might be more than one of us here who remember saying the Lord's Prayer in addition to the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. (and this was in public school)
Actually, that was ruled unconstitutional in 1943, by the famous Justice Robert Jackson in Barnette:
"If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein. If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us.
We think the action of the local authorities in compelling the flag salute and pledge transcends constitutional limitations on their power and invades the sphere of intellect and spirit which it is the purpose of the First Amendment to our Constitution to reserve from all official control."
Instead of pining for those days, consider what forgetting Barnette has achieved in indoctrinating innocent school kids with today's liberal garbage.
Good link. It really seems clear that a President must have BOTH parents who are citizens, AND be born on American soil.
Essentially, the main problem is--how do you deal with a "fait accompli" that is illegal?
Obama was NOT qualified to be President, as his Kenyan father disqualified him, regardless of where Obama was physically born. But how would you have gotten him "out" during his term? And would that mean all his Executive Orders are reversed, all his official acts in signing legislation, his appointees to the Supreme Court are stripped of their robes, etc. etc.
We should draw the line, though, on any further candidates who don't meet the qualifications-- unfortunately including Cruz and Rubio, etc.
The same question of "How do you reverse a fait accompli" pertains to the electoral fraud that installed Biden. If I recall, in 2020, the top Republican office holder in Michigan (President of the Senate? Speaker of the House? can't remember the name) actually stated openly that Biden fraudulently got Michigan, but that nothing was going to be done about it.
Later, I believe the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in favor of Republicans that the Wisconsin win by Biden was fraud, but likewise, no one in any branch of government stepped up to DO anything to un-install Biden.
Did anyone else read the story about Kamala's grandfather, a true radical who advised the president of what was Rhodesia. Seems like a similarity with Obama, whose father was also an anti-colonialist who hated the West. Both are not well qualified to lead the USA by virtue of their disdain for the country.
It may be this time. Potentially Republican control of federal government and many state legislatures. Fingers crossed. Talk about a runaway convention ha ha.
Henry Ford, Joseph Kennedy, Charles Lindbergh I believe were German Sympathizers and Democrats. The MSG rally yesterday was a poor example of a Nazi rally, unless the Nazis started to invite Jews, Blacks, Latinos and Gays. FJB
I saw a woman in a what looked like a burqa at the rally, if that's true. I was surprised when Trump brought a group of Muslim leaders on stage, who have endorsed him. They support DJT because they want world peace and like Trump's support of the family. Wow! How is that going to play out in Michigan??
I’ll take the Muslim vote for DJT so long as it doesn’t require conversion to Islam but I believe it’s primarily an anti-female Hindu vote more than a Love Trump MAGA vote. Again, history. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Kamala is from Brahmin stock…maybe the Jamaican mix affected that but to Muslims she’s Hindu. I don’t care about that only that she’s dumb as a Democrat pet rock.
Please remember, according to the Quran, their stated way to world peace is through world domination by over breeding and immigration. You, me and everyone else must convert as 2nd class citizens/slaves or be dead. Peace through all on the page or else. The Caliphate partnered with Hitler with a common goal to eliminate the Jews, and other ‘undesirables’. Nothing has changed.
Taqiyya, deception, lying to the infidel about motives if it protects Islam is not a sin…in fact just the opposite.
Careful what you wish for. Their laws are completely out of sync with our constitution. When their majority is reached…Sharia law.
Since I had no idea who Marge Schott was or what she did, I looked her up in the Wikipedia. It reports that she joined the "Theta Phi Alpha fraternity" while in college.
Wait, what? A woman joined a fraternity? Then I clicked the link and Wikipedia describes it as a "women's fraternity". Just to check, I looked up Zeta Tau Alpha. Same thing.
Memo to Wikipedia: We call them "sororities".
Men are taking over the lexicon for all women's spaces.
When you've lost the Jewish: ‘Jewish People Attend Trump 'Nazi' Rally at Madison Square Garden’. Didn't They Get the Memo? Jews are flocking to the MAGA rally in the Garden-the one Crooked Hillary, the Border Czar, and their Pravda media are calling it a “Nazi Rally.”These people are beyond the pale. And the fact Kommila is rolling out Hillary Clinton, whom Trump destroyed. in 2016, shows just how desperate she’s gotten. They’re in scorched earth mode!
Like the Honey badger, Hillary is also known for her aggressive temper. To say the least. A temper similar to a long-time death row inmate in this state when asked why he slaughtered his nephew, replied, "Because he needed killing!"
I know it's meant to be "tongue in cheek", but "flipping the cemeteries" (currently leading the poll) might be the key to a Trump win. Certainly a win if they can just get the dead to stay home, a landslide if the GOP truly flips them. As a prescient commenter once said, the Republicans need to learn how to "ballot harvest".
This is a pocketbook and enthusiasm election. Ignore the polls the media is feeding us. The two best polls are NFL and rally attendance. #1 Empty seats seemed to outnumber fannies at the 49er and Washington games. I looked it up. A family of 4 will spend a minimum of $700 to get into the gate for a 49er game. No food. No drinks. No fan goodies. That is the minimum cost of tickets and a parking fee. Expending that much to attend a game presented by a league run by anti-American creeps is a luxury ordinary people can't stomach. #2 Trump is the rock star at his overflowing raucous rallies. Harris can't draw flies without paying attendees to get into campaign provided buses and falsely claiming an anti-American entertainer will perform. No one leaves a Trump rally without a big smile on their face and hope in their heart.
True! My KC, Mo cousin attended a Trump rally in 2016. Disabled needing a wheelchair, she was placed in the front row. Attendants were so kind she will never forget the day…aside from the fact that DJT wowed the crowd as usual and made lifetime voters.
Your cousin's experience is actually typical. I worked a Trump rally as a volunteer. I have seen him speak several times. The attendees are real Americans. They are happy to be part of the experience, full of enthusiasm, polite, courteous, caring traditional Americans who take care of one another. He feeds their hope and desire for America to return to its roots. The attendees leave with a vision and full of hope.
Great start to my Monday! The Other Don has been on a roll lately. His interview with Joe Rogan, who I rarely watch, was really something to see. Going to have to catch up on the Nazi Rally at The Garden next, to listen to the speakers and watch the Jews in attendance cheering for their fates. Oh, wait, they’re the ones not going to Kackling Kammy’s events. It’s amazing to me the hold that the Enemedia have on most of the members of my tribe. But what do I know, other than the truths I can see with my own eyes?
I second that motion. And I solemnly swear not to sit down to read tomorrow until I first turn on the Rumba to vacuum and at least push start on the dishwasher. I'm grateful that I don't have to do all my 'puter reading on the tiny little I-phone. Oy.
A wonderful rally! No hijinks or fakery, just pure enthusiasm! Unfortunatly I will not be able to attend the NM rally. Got to get ready for working at the polling place. It will be a really long day and I am praying that Trump wins.
Of all the reasons that a DJT victory this November is so critical to this nation is to demonstrate to Americans and the rest of the world that lawfare is a failure. And that we are not a banana republic!
The best demonstration of that will be to openly and effectively prosecute all who used lawfare in their attempt to destroy the country and our personal liberty - starting with Obama's favorite, Merrick Garland. It is no different than prosecuting German military officers for their roles in the death camps.
The left's analogy to Nazi Germany will be their fatal ending.
But we all know that wont happen. Never does. The GOP will sing about unity and healing the divide and learn nothing from the last eight years.
But I think we're undergoing a sea-change. We may get 5 or 6 new MAGA Senators.
We are undergoing a sea change. The momentum is there. But so far the Lord got almighty is keeping his cards close to his vest and won't show me any That's probably a good thing.
I believe you are right, however, it would be nice if Trump's DoJ would prosecute one major Democrat miscreant just to set an example for the rest of the miscreants. Vlad the Impaler put heads on pikes to warn his enemies. We need a Dem head on a figurative pike to warn them. Alvin Bragg and Letitia James come to mind.
I'd like to see Joe Biden's inner White House Staff charged for surreptitiously usurping and exercising the powers of the Presidency by concealing Biden's dementia. If they scurry to say THEY weren't exercising the powers of the Presidency, then they would have to specifically name WHO was directing them. And they would still then be liable for treason because they were participating in following orders of someone who was not elected to the Presidency.
Also any key official (Speaker of the House, Majority Leader in the Senate, etc.), and any media network head who had regular direct contact with Biden and failed to report on Biden's incapacity. Including Kamala.
This was treason, and it is still occurring right this minute. NO ONE knows who exactly is running the United States.
That would be punching down. They’re just puppets. It needs to be the top 50 seditious lefties in America. Politicians. Media personalities and execs. Billionaires and CEOs.
But -- but -- that would be Racist!
Totally agree with your choice of Alvin Bragg and media Lydia whatever James. Put that on my five list.
I'd go for three or even five but yeah it's going to have to be limited or they'll start a war again.
Trump appoints the AG and we may have difficulty getting Senate approval if we don't flip it, but if a strong AG is appointed, the old-liners of the GOP weill have little influence.
Mitch already sees the writing on the wall and will step down as head of the Republicans in the Senate.
It needs to happen. The exorcism must occur to reduce the immense anger. And that may mean a period of civil violence and mass arrests. But it will be for bad behavior. Not ideology.
Elon & his co-captain, the guy from Cantor Fitzgerald who are tasked with reining in govt bloat can also be a part of the house cleaning!
It could be put into a gentle firing which is still public by just saying either resign or we'll prosecute.
How about starting with Obama?
Agreed. Agreed. Agreed. I'm for reconciliation but not including him. Start with him and start going down the most recent more terrible lists mayorkas? Is it too late for Hillary to be prosecuted for just bad taste? And if they find Bill Clinton's name on Epstein's list I'll send $100 to whoever starts a prosecution. I better keep this in the group and not post it.
The list grows very long indeed!
Hope so.
you have to add MSM bias in with the lawfare issue. Fake news isn't strong enough anymore. JD Vance exposed Jake Tapper in dramatic fashion. There will be others exposed as well. This ain't good for the MSM and the Dems.
They have been exposed so often now they must be feeling naked. You cannot shame people who have no soul. They just go home that night and count and dust their gold bars they earned for lying.
Know why they don't mind feeling naked? Cause they can't see themselves in a mirror.
Amen PM.
Welcome ack, old friend-got a comment today that's 2 pages long- Just don't trust the Serbs to click on my button.
True, Reddog. Psychopaths have no conscience or ability for self-referral, reflection.
I must admit, I truly admire Vance for keeping his cool and smiling while those media apparatchiks throw their worst at him -- and he flips it all off. He must have taken some fabulous debate training.
No need to get emotional when you’re right!
Kamala Harris needs a theme song. I suggest, "I'll Never Forget What's Her Name."
I'd settle for "I'll Think of a Reason Later." (by Lee Ann Womack)
Another reason-I'll be rich enough to buy a Bentley. DJT stock up 35% from last Thu. Hope you heard me.
Stop it.
Apparently, you didn't hear me, an old, toothless, redneck hillbilly from Texas. Got a better way to make 34% in 2 days?
Good comment. No, we arent a banana republic quite yet, but we are a Plantain republic for sure.
Damn REDD .
The Donald was pure gold last night. Absolute top of his game. Just amazing how he can stand in front of 20 thousand after two assassination attempts ad-libbing for hours without a care in the world is remarkable. Let's all pray this man overcomes the unbelievable odds stacked against him and wins on Tuesday. MAGA!!!
So comfortable and confident. Not screaming at the crowd like what’s her name.
Trump has true affection for his fellow Americans, and it shows in his rallies. He is tough and doesn't need to scream to show resolve.
Meanwhile we are loving the YMCA dance. And yesterday there was a dogs for Trump post on X...great fun.
It's reported another 90 thousand were outside w/their gadgets listening/watching
Just like he did on the Joe Rogan podcast. DJT sat there for 3 hours and had a great conversation.
FB just now deleted my link to this substack post. They know how bad it looks for Harris today so doubling efforts to protect her.
Censorship shows I am doing my job
Hope is in the air! We went to a Ted Cruz rally on Saturday as he is making a bus tour around the state. It wasn't a huge venue, but it was packed and one could absolutely feel the joy and energy. We got our photo taken with Cruz, bought a big of swag, he invited everyone present to Sign the Bus so we could travel along with them as they completed their journey around the state. What a fun day to spend with happy, like-minded patriots!
love this, we are coming together nicely! PATRIOTS EVERYWHERE! GOD BLESS TRUMP!
I have always been a big fan of Cruz. But I wont support him this time around. Cruz has to take some of the responsibility for the utter dysfunction in the GOP Senate as one of its senior people. They are all more focused on who will replace McConnell than getting anything accomplished. Leadership and seniority matter. Cruz has been largely absent in the fight save for scripted moments. I can’t support anyone for just showing up any longer.
Respectfully, wrong answer Reddog. The Turtle is the problem for the GOP Senate, not Cruz. If McConnell steps down, which he says he is going to do, perhaps the Senate will be able to move the ball down the field.
Reddog has a point. While McConnell has been a huge obstacle to the conservative movement, Cruz and other supposed conservatives have stood by and only whimpered. The plan is already set to replace McConnell with Cornyn or one of the other establishment phonies there in the senate. Unless Trump and Vance can get in there and whip some butt, there will be little change.
Cornyn is epitome of a RINO, just like Mitch.
They sure don't need to elevate Cornyn to Senate Leader - TX needs to find a great conservative to primary him! I'm a fan of Cruz and contributor to his campaign. Colin Allred doesn't need to be anywhere near the Senate. He's for everything we're against
You must have gotten up out of the wrong side of the bed this morning, Reddog. A little harsh today. :)
Who you gna call ?
Indeed you are, Don. Between Substack and X -- that is where freedom of speech is now.
You didn't show up in my iMac e-mail this morning. You DID show up in my old iphone, but I have become fed-up with trying to interface with the world through that tiny window. I finally got to you on my iMac by downloading the substack icon and THAT produced an endless series of posts I didn't want to read. I immediately deleted the Substack icon from my desktop. I will look at my iMac e-mails tomorrow with interest. There comes a point when use of some technologies - as they are made 'better' by their bubble-dwelling tech people - run afoul of what a son evaluates as "The juice is not worth the squeeze." Maybe down the road, maybe not. Way too many people in that bed: I choose to go sleep on the floor.
I am referring to Surber's daily column.
Fascists censor free speech.
In case anyone is confused about who the real Fascists are.
And, OBTW, Mussolini renamed his political party, The Fascist Party of Italy. Before, it was The SOCIALIST Party of Italy.
And NAZI, Hitler’s party, was an acronym for National German SOCIALIST Party.
The Fascists and Nazis were SOCIALISTS! And they said so! On the LEFT, not the Right. They bickered with the Soviets over the globalist (“Internationale”) aims of Leninist-Stalinist Marxism… and embraced “corporatism”. Which, in America, is euphemistically and seductively called “government- private partnership”. We saw the brave new wonders of that concept during the COVID assault. Other examples are vivid in the military/intel industrial complex.
This is why the Cheneys are all in for Harris and Walz.
Best factual history comment today. Wish more people studied history.
Correct, Lloyd.
I stopped using crooked FB…
I stay on it to agitate them in my small way. (and to keep up with old friends) I asked Scott Pressler a couple years ago about getting off of it and he said his plan is to be on every social media platform available and keep sharing information. So I stay. They deleted my second try to share this post that I titled Good campaign news for Harris 😜. Then I tried just making a comment about a great post by Don Surber this morning at his substack. They refused to post that.
Another interesting FB tidbit - a couple lefty white womyn I’m “friends” with posted that they’re getting off FB for a few months because the politics are just too divisive. Translation - they can’t deal emotionally with facts that counter their beliefs.
CFP is filled with positive Trump news this morning
I'm not on Facebook, though I've thought of joining because everybody seems to be on it. But you convinced me not to bother. I'll go on X instead.
Then you are supporting the truly fascist actions of FB. Let it die. Another site will replace it quickly. Don’t reward the Marxists.
Amen brother. Put that smug little socialist runt out of business.
I guess the grumpiness has a silver lining--that was a zinger of a put-down!
I thought I had to go on for a new biz I was starting. Never got one lead of any sort. The day they stole 2020. I was done. F FB
My nephew, a retired SF cop completely removed any trace of my sister's name and likeness from FB. She asked me to join when she did because it was a cheap and easy way to communicate with our niece who had just gone to China as a missionary from our church. Like China doesn't plant a hook! /s
Please, cancel your FB account. Don’t support people who hate your freedom.
Quite the difference in the crowds of the two rally’s.
One the people showed up to hear the candidate. The other they showed up for a freebie concert that was never going to happen and they left either pissed or betrayed.
Which group is more likely to turn out to vote?
What’s even curiouser is WHY DIDN’T her campaign have her perform??? She was in and out of there in under 7 minutes!
That’s what’s most intriguing of all.
The Harris campaign wouldn’t pay her to perform. That’s how committed Bouncy is to Kamala and the cause.
And it was the second time they did the exact same thing!
They did it at the convention too, and pissed people off then as well.
Lefties absolutely never learn. It’s is not in their DNA.
She had yo go barf for lying about Harris. Turned her stomach perhaps?
The campaign has amassed over $1B so I don’t think money was the issue. It had to be a campaign decision possibly because of issues with crowd control? But even that is wanting as even announcing her being there woild draw big crowds for a free concert.
Perhaps the fact that her concerts are high maintenance, involving a lot of time for set up etc.
No matter what, It was def a campaign decision , AS WAS also the decision to stealthily “pretend” she was going to perform. That was a calculated move to attract rally-goers, not to mention a sh*% thing to do to people.
Just like the left. Bait and switch. Liars. Always.
My guess is the Pister Sisters. A bigger axe to grind, would be my guess.
We[[ put W.C.
Michelle Obama, whose hatred for America exceeds even that of her husband’s, said in her speech castigating black men, “ Our lives are worth more than their anger and disappointment.”
Hmmm. And just what, pray tell, are all these black men so angry and disappointed about?
Could it be the abject failure of decades of Democrat promises and arrogant condescension?
Methinks so.
What are they “so angry and disappointed about?” I’m guessing it’s something to do with too many alpha diva scolds, like Michelle Maobama, in their lives, berating and beating them down. Maybe some of them are finally slipping their shackles and standing up, like men. And the Maobama women are threatened by them jumping on the Trump Underground Railroad.
Black men should remember that it was LBJ’s Great Society that removed fathers from homes of the poor black family on welfare guaranteeing generations on government subsidies and the downward spiral of disinherited men. Very few made it out of the trap.
Big Mike is a scold.
#Me too.
In 2014, Attorney General, Kamala Harris was one of the leading champions of Prop 47- which eliminated the ability of police and prosecutors to arrest and punish criminals in California for countless crimes. Strange why that wasn't widely reported.
Because site like Google and FB don’t allow it to be reported. Likewise the MSM.
Also noticed that Obama and Kamala were 1st generation Americans and grew up outside of the country in “hostile” countries.
Is it time to revisit quals for office? Maybe, 3rd generation Americans?
Maybe: not just citizens but residents?
But truly, the cause of our troubles is lack of faith in God. No number of legal remedies will help. It is like taking aspirin in the hopes your credit card will get paid off.
We must have faith in and trust God. It is the only way. Prayer is good for the soul.
I agree. Often I wonder if the Almighty appreciates my long grocery lists of prayer. :)
And keep your firearms well oiled and loaded.
Or, we could simply insist on obeying the Constitution. Alan Korwin has done his homework, which should have been assigned to all of us in our misguided gubmint skoolz … but, sadly wasn’t.
I was student council president back in the sixties. Every morning I walked to the Principals office turned on the PA and said, "Please rise..... I pledge allegiance to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands.......". I doubt schools do that anymore.
Our local high school did that until 1990. That's the year my son graduated high school; I haven't asked anyone since then. HOWEVER, I took my son along (OK, he drove me) to my recent class of 1960 Reunion where we said the pledge, the Lord's Prayer and sang My Country 'tis of Thee.
Lawsy0, I also graduated in 1960. We haven't had a class reunion in past few years but there are several of our classmates who get together every month via Zoom. So far, I haven't joined them since it interferes with my exercise class which I think at this age is more important for me to pursue
I was too Jake, and recited the Pledge over the PA. Thanks for bringing back good memories.
There might be more than one of us here who remember saying the Lord's Prayer in addition to the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. (and this was in public school)
Actually, that was ruled unconstitutional in 1943, by the famous Justice Robert Jackson in Barnette:
"If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein. If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us.
We think the action of the local authorities in compelling the flag salute and pledge transcends constitutional limitations on their power and invades the sphere of intellect and spirit which it is the purpose of the First Amendment to our Constitution to reserve from all official control."
Instead of pining for those days, consider what forgetting Barnette has achieved in indoctrinating innocent school kids with today's liberal garbage.
I'm sure the Unions are strictly against the Pledge, and the Flag.
Good link. It really seems clear that a President must have BOTH parents who are citizens, AND be born on American soil.
Essentially, the main problem is--how do you deal with a "fait accompli" that is illegal?
Obama was NOT qualified to be President, as his Kenyan father disqualified him, regardless of where Obama was physically born. But how would you have gotten him "out" during his term? And would that mean all his Executive Orders are reversed, all his official acts in signing legislation, his appointees to the Supreme Court are stripped of their robes, etc. etc.
We should draw the line, though, on any further candidates who don't meet the qualifications-- unfortunately including Cruz and Rubio, etc.
The same question of "How do you reverse a fait accompli" pertains to the electoral fraud that installed Biden. If I recall, in 2020, the top Republican office holder in Michigan (President of the Senate? Speaker of the House? can't remember the name) actually stated openly that Biden fraudulently got Michigan, but that nothing was going to be done about it.
Later, I believe the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in favor of Republicans that the Wisconsin win by Biden was fraud, but likewise, no one in any branch of government stepped up to DO anything to un-install Biden.
Did anyone else read the story about Kamala's grandfather, a true radical who advised the president of what was Rhodesia. Seems like a similarity with Obama, whose father was also an anti-colonialist who hated the West. Both are not well qualified to lead the USA by virtue of their disdain for the country.
That was quite fascinating read...thank you.
Wow! And I give you thanks for this information! The Bible, the Bill of Rights, the Preamble to the US Constitution and now this document.
I get your point, but many immigrants often seem to be far more patriotic than "native-born" Americans. Maybe we should let some of them run.....
We already did. Obama. And he lied to us repeatedly.
You're talking as if it's a cinch to change the Constitution.
It may be this time. Potentially Republican control of federal government and many state legislatures. Fingers crossed. Talk about a runaway convention ha ha.
Henry Ford, Joseph Kennedy, Charles Lindbergh I believe were German Sympathizers and Democrats. The MSG rally yesterday was a poor example of a Nazi rally, unless the Nazis started to invite Jews, Blacks, Latinos and Gays. FJB
I saw a woman in a what looked like a burqa at the rally, if that's true. I was surprised when Trump brought a group of Muslim leaders on stage, who have endorsed him. They support DJT because they want world peace and like Trump's support of the family. Wow! How is that going to play out in Michigan??
I’ll take the Muslim vote for DJT so long as it doesn’t require conversion to Islam but I believe it’s primarily an anti-female Hindu vote more than a Love Trump MAGA vote. Again, history. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Kamala is from Brahmin stock…maybe the Jamaican mix affected that but to Muslims she’s Hindu. I don’t care about that only that she’s dumb as a Democrat pet rock.
Please remember, according to the Quran, their stated way to world peace is through world domination by over breeding and immigration. You, me and everyone else must convert as 2nd class citizens/slaves or be dead. Peace through all on the page or else. The Caliphate partnered with Hitler with a common goal to eliminate the Jews, and other ‘undesirables’. Nothing has changed.
Taqiyya, deception, lying to the infidel about motives if it protects Islam is not a sin…in fact just the opposite.
Careful what you wish for. Their laws are completely out of sync with our constitution. When their majority is reached…Sharia law.
I believe the Muslim vote for DJT is strategic and I am wary of it. I read this morning that Great Britain will be majority Muslim by 2050.
Plus they'd never ever support a woman, especially one such as Que Mala!
Big Mike’s recriminations of men? Hey liberal women, pick better men. Bill Clinton? Doug Emhof? Walz?
Since I had no idea who Marge Schott was or what she did, I looked her up in the Wikipedia. It reports that she joined the "Theta Phi Alpha fraternity" while in college.
Wait, what? A woman joined a fraternity? Then I clicked the link and Wikipedia describes it as a "women's fraternity". Just to check, I looked up Zeta Tau Alpha. Same thing.
Memo to Wikipedia: We call them "sororities".
Men are taking over the lexicon for all women's spaces.
I should have explained. It's been 30 years. Sorry
I always keep a dictionary and a history book handy...
NP. I learned two things from it: Who Schott was and another dada point on Wikipedia.
If you use wikipedia as a trusted source for facts, you will be wrong often.
Good points Richard, but look elsewhere other than Wikilies for your information.
When you've lost the Jewish: ‘Jewish People Attend Trump 'Nazi' Rally at Madison Square Garden’. Didn't They Get the Memo? Jews are flocking to the MAGA rally in the Garden-the one Crooked Hillary, the Border Czar, and their Pravda media are calling it a “Nazi Rally.”These people are beyond the pale. And the fact Kommila is rolling out Hillary Clinton, whom Trump destroyed. in 2016, shows just how desperate she’s gotten. They’re in scorched earth mode!
Like the Honey badger, Hillary is also known for her aggressive temper. To say the least. A temper similar to a long-time death row inmate in this state when asked why he slaughtered his nephew, replied, "Because he needed killing!"
I know it's meant to be "tongue in cheek", but "flipping the cemeteries" (currently leading the poll) might be the key to a Trump win. Certainly a win if they can just get the dead to stay home, a landslide if the GOP truly flips them. As a prescient commenter once said, the Republicans need to learn how to "ballot harvest".
This is a pocketbook and enthusiasm election. Ignore the polls the media is feeding us. The two best polls are NFL and rally attendance. #1 Empty seats seemed to outnumber fannies at the 49er and Washington games. I looked it up. A family of 4 will spend a minimum of $700 to get into the gate for a 49er game. No food. No drinks. No fan goodies. That is the minimum cost of tickets and a parking fee. Expending that much to attend a game presented by a league run by anti-American creeps is a luxury ordinary people can't stomach. #2 Trump is the rock star at his overflowing raucous rallies. Harris can't draw flies without paying attendees to get into campaign provided buses and falsely claiming an anti-American entertainer will perform. No one leaves a Trump rally without a big smile on their face and hope in their heart.
True! My KC, Mo cousin attended a Trump rally in 2016. Disabled needing a wheelchair, she was placed in the front row. Attendants were so kind she will never forget the day…aside from the fact that DJT wowed the crowd as usual and made lifetime voters.
Your cousin's experience is actually typical. I worked a Trump rally as a volunteer. I have seen him speak several times. The attendees are real Americans. They are happy to be part of the experience, full of enthusiasm, polite, courteous, caring traditional Americans who take care of one another. He feeds their hope and desire for America to return to its roots. The attendees leave with a vision and full of hope.
Oh, I don’t think she has any trouble drawing flies.
Great start to my Monday! The Other Don has been on a roll lately. His interview with Joe Rogan, who I rarely watch, was really something to see. Going to have to catch up on the Nazi Rally at The Garden next, to listen to the speakers and watch the Jews in attendance cheering for their fates. Oh, wait, they’re the ones not going to Kackling Kammy’s events. It’s amazing to me the hold that the Enemedia have on most of the members of my tribe. But what do I know, other than the truths I can see with my own eyes?
“Enemedia”! Good one. Hope it’s not copyrighted bc I just might Biden-Harris it.
Amen Marty. We can see for ourselves and judge accordingly, using common sense. Despite the scolds from Dems and the Lamestream Media.
I second that motion. And I solemnly swear not to sit down to read tomorrow until I first turn on the Rumba to vacuum and at least push start on the dishwasher. I'm grateful that I don't have to do all my 'puter reading on the tiny little I-phone. Oy.
Why does Kamala sound like Shrillary? When you just listen to the sound, Same, same.
…and wearing a “ brown shirt” jacket while doing so! 🙄
A wonderful rally! No hijinks or fakery, just pure enthusiasm! Unfortunatly I will not be able to attend the NM rally. Got to get ready for working at the polling place. It will be a really long day and I am praying that Trump wins.