Finance articles (Crypto, Companies, Market, and Global) written by a former Wall Street financial expert with certifications in financial analysis (CFA), accounting (CMA), and treasury (CTP). Not a financial advisor.
My Alzheimer's Journey: This is for my family and for your family if someone you love is on a similar path. It is all about body, mind, and spirit lifestyle changes I'm learning and making.
It is time to fight back and I will be discussing practical ways to turn the tide on this war for minds and souls where they are fatiguing us into compliance. My weapon of choice is words . Read on and subscribe for free.
Because of my background as an Army Ranger and Green Beret followed by 45+ years as an attorney, I write about topics related to legal issues, the military and national security.
Candidate for Republican Central Committee for Dayton 3-E, Old North Dayton. I write about National, State and Dayton Area Politics, and also Faith, Fitness, and Sports.
I used to do a blog called monoblogue, but now my job is to turn that rocky, thorny, and trod-upon soil into ground receptive to the missionary's seed, just like in Matthew 13.
F.W. Pandozzi has fifty-plus years of experience. Discover history through metal detecting and treasure hunting. Read about lost and buried treasures. View metal-detecting TV show videos. Join in discussions. Learn about the metal-detecting hobby.
Therapy with Dr. Terry Martin is like somebody slowly walking through your mind and saying, "You're living like this?" Let's Re - Write your Story. Doc...
A double shot of Reality served straight up with a dash of Sarcasm served on ice with a Spiritual chaser - Observations on Life, Faith, Survival while living "In Exile"
Independent: free speech advocate, pro-choice, pro-gun, pro-audit the fed, anti-medical procedure mandate, anti-endless war, anti-surveillance state, pro-Bill of Rights. Sharing my takes on politics and life as an elder Millennial.
This Substack will reveal the facts necessary to impeach Joe Biden and punish those who conspired with him, including members of the media who covered for his malfeasance …
Great Reset psyop memes/jokes/humor + "Tales From the Great Reset" (Ongoing satirical short stories) + "COVIDsteria: An Oral History of America's Great Reset" (serialized COVID satire) + BREAD&CIRCUSES weekly humor roundups