“How can Zelensky revive the enthusiasm of the West?”

Option 4: He can’t.

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The cat has trouble counting above three.

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I was going to post “none of the above” and hence, refrained from voting.

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Ditto. No vote again today

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It was my only chance ever to see in the same sentence/context Fetterman and Zelensky, a remake of Young Frankenstein (Fetterman = Peter Boyle, and Z, equally unfair, Gene Wilder!).

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Even Gene wilder couldn’t do Zelensky. Maybe Mel brooks could do “Winter for Ukraine” or something.

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I was leery of demoting Mr. Wilder. What a sad day it was when I found out that he suffered terribly from depression, a man who had made us all laugh so flawlessly, appreciatively...

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The only scene I remember is “What knockers!!!”

It was a very short scene, but striking. 😂

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Second best was: You better straighten up, Igor.

Third: Boyle's brain was from Abby Normal.

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The puns and wit are like reading Don Surber!!

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This diminutive 2.0 version of his idol Fidel (all he needs is the cigar) is as pathetic a "leader" as they come. We talk a lot about blackmail here. Is there anything more obvious than this poor example of a shakedown weasel? And why in the world are we pouring billions of dollars into a country that walks, talks and squawks exactly like their "aggressor"? Fact is, the only reason we are stuck in this quagmire is because of the Big Guy's 10% and his dirt bag son -- the smartest guy he knows.

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Yes, this sums it up quite nicely. The only thing I would add is Ukraine-Russia was a local skirmish with which the US had no business becoming involved, except to maintain the Biden money machine. Remember, it was not only Hunter taking bribes from Ukraine. The children of Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry also had contacts and positions in Ukraine. There were likely others in Congress too.

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Indeed, and there is always the Military Industrial Complex...as strong a source of graft in the Swamp as any.

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A bit outdated, AD, Healthcare Complex must be added.

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I knew it was a 'fake' war as soon as half of Congress and the Senate (both sides) showed up to walk about Kviv. Unfortunately, to keep up appearances, there are a lot of men who died on both sides.

Also, Z has canceled all kinds of stuff up to and including the election and put priests in jail. So why again are we paying for the UKRAINE's retirement benefits when our Social Security and all are about done for?

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Who treats a war zone like a tourist attraction? That tells you how unserious this war is.

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Exactly LuAnn !

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He also arrested an independent reporter who was critical of him and the war, who ended up dying in prison in Ukraine.

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Don’t hear much about this do we? Wonder if we’d be hearing about if he were a NYT sycophant?

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...don't forget Mittens' kids!

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Yeah, I did forget. I may have to do some research and stop relying on my memory. I may be wrong about Kerry and confused him with Romney. To note: both parties benefitted from the Ukraine connection (i.e.) the Dems and RINO never trumpers.

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From what I have seen and read this war is not a stalemate. Rather Ukraine has killed off an entire generation of men and is now grabbing men off the street in their 40’s and 50’s and sending them into the meat grinder.

No, Ukraine is losing badly and we are wasting our money.

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Ukraine as a 'nation' is dead. An entire generation of men dead or worse, permanently disabled. Those that are alive are living & working in Poland & Germany. Don't think they'll come back to 'rebuild' an economy that has been destroyed, and no one to build it back, unless the US funds it and Chinese & Indians and maybe Iraqis will come to get paid $250k a year to 'help rebuild' until the US money stops.

All done for Russia to get back the Russian part of Ukraine that was outlawed from speaking Russian under 'Republic of Uktraine'.

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What an utterly and totally unnecessary, horrible, tragic, and criminal war the whole thing has been.

And it can ALL be laid at the feet of the Biden administration and NATO, in cohoots with Zelensky.

It Never, ever had to happen - never!

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And the Obama "Administration" before it. Don't forget, little Mr. Z. was installed by our previous leaders... just like Biden. I guess we could think of Ukraine as a practice run

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And where are the cries for a ceasefire from all the good little leftie Biden voters?

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It’s not in keeping with the “narrative” those schills of protestors are paid to promote.

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b/c Jobama's not getting 10% from Bibi?

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"An entire generation of men dead or worse..."

Watch in the next year or two for Internet ads for "beautiful young Ukrainian women looking for love" from lonely desperate older American men.

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No need to wait. That pipeline has been spewing evil people in both directions for decades now.

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I recall Tucker Carlson saying early on that Ukraine was losing and could not beat Russia. For being honest, he was condemned for being a Putin stooge. No amount of Western aid is going to turn the tide in Ukraine's favor. All we are doing is keeping the carnage going and the KIA numbers climbing.

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The war is a stalemate.

Zelensky is stale.

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Stale bread makes good toast. Why not let's butter it up and pop Ukraine in the oven for a while? :-)

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All the warmongers are shaking in their boots knowing that Trump will end both Ukraine and Gaza. I hope there’s real fear in DC after Trump’s win in N.H. even with all the Dems voting for Haley. Leftist tears are sweet.

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One news site suggested up to 70% of Haley's votes were from Democrats switching over for the primary to defeat Trump. Those votes won't be there in November. Anyone following Haley and believing she has a shred of presidential material in her bones has a problem with reality.

Her best shot is to have an Only Fans site. She's got some good experience for that gig.

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Too witchy looking Shrugged.

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Unfortunately, she would be disqualified from Only Fans because she’s not black or white. Only Fans wouldn’t know where to put her.

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Was Only Fans the sponsor of this infamous beauty contest (judging by her looks, held in 1907) that Nikki has been whining about ("discriminated against because I wuz brown!")?

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'Only 47 percent were Republicans. This is incredible, and that's up notably from 2016, when it was 55 percent Republican, 42 percent independent, and 3 percent Democrat'.

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And yet Trump had more votes in this primary than he did in 2020.

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Today's Democrats are so incompetent, they misunderstood the 2020 blueprint that put Biden in the WH.

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She would be running the site, not appearing in it. Her only problem would be trying to ditch Hillary The Political Yeast Infection, who is eager to get back into the swing of things (hey, don't laugh. Paris at once time was infamous for hosting cat houses with women ages 70 & up! One can imagine the "coming out" debutante balls being held on the Rue Ou La La in honor of mere grandmothers).

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Sununu is planning on Russia invading New Hampshire: "Why should the Democrats get all the kickbacks?!"

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Thinking the same thing, Don; we tried to get a resolution on the primary for Texit; and a separate nation; perhaps Texana.

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From time to time I have to fact check you, so that I don’t always have to fact check you, Don.

That is in fact Alinsky’s 7th rule of Tactics. Rules for Radicals is a great resource for us all, as Don knows. As Jim Harbaugh knows, it’s a great asset to know the other teams signals.

Always remember Hillary was infatuated by this fellow Chicago-er. If you read between the lines, she tried (succeeded?) in bedding him.

Also good not to forget Alinsky’s acknowledgement in Rules For Radicals front page to the very first radical, and for his money the most effective- Lucifer.

Next to it on my shelf is David Horowitz’s Barack Obama’s Rules For Revolution (The Alinsky Model). The cover makes a great point by juxtaposing pics in sequence- Marx-Lenin-Alinsky-Obama. (Next to that is Doug Wilson’s Rules for Reformers)

When you bother to study a little history (and I sweated out the results of my 11th grade final, upon which depended actually graduating from high school. [After that they changed the rules for sports particpation and required a 2.0]), you realize 98.2% of journalists have no clue the left is up to. (RIP Rush)

For example- BLM is Black Panthers resuscitated and warmed over.

Buttigieg’s father was the high priest of Gramscism. (Our universities are the temples)

If you too flunked 11th grade American history (oh, I forgot, everyone passes these days), here’s your remedial syllabus:

Witness by Whitaker Chambers

Radical Son by David Horowitz (esp’ly if you don’t know what a Red Diaper Baby is)

Destructive Generation by Horowitz & Collier

Look up : Gramsci, Alinsky, Piven & Cloward

You can thank me later.

With much gratitude to you, Mr. Surber

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And the fall of the Berlin Wall along with the collapse of the Soviet Union happened when they realized how incredibly simple (and hugely profitable) it would be to destroy the West from within, hence the “long March through the institutions”.

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Add Cloward/Piven, Steve-it is successful beyond the wildest dreams. Unfettered immigration

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This is both chilling and informative as to where we now find ourselves…


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My takeaway, Suzie: 'Whoever Controls the Schools Rules the World'

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That’s actually the name of a book mentioned in the article.

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😒I Claudined it.

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Cambridge: "Who? Don't know who you're talkin' about." "Never heard of her." "Probably one of the Epstein Island hostesses, that's all I can recall." "I'm on the board of the Harvard Corporation, and here is my sworn affidavit stating that this woman never existed. Trump made her up out of whole cloth."

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It is very rare when I think Don's base premise is wrong, but this is one of them. Zelensky was a tool in this conflict, not the instigator. The neocons in the State Department and the UK have laid the groundwork for ten years to build the military readiness of Ukraine and provoke Putin to invade. Putin was caught off guard by the resistance and resilience of the Ukrainians, but eventually adapted to a grind it out land war that they are winning decisively and will continue to win decisively.

Russia has also proved to be an autarky, and their economy and war machine thrives and out-produces what the U.S. can provide in military help. The U.S. is simply running out of war materiel, and cannot keep up, as our supposed superior military equipment lays as wreckage across Ukraine. Basically, Zelensky made a bet on the U.S. military defeating Russia, and that bet has failed. So, the neocons in the State Department are painting Zelensky as the scapegoat, hoping to avoid scrutiny of their mad plans.

Yes, the neocons have shifted to a mideast war, where all of our military power is pretty useless against Houthi rebels armed with sophisticated drones. A new case study in asymmetrical warfare with a far outgunned adversary winning that will replace the Afghans with shoulder fired missiles defeating the Russian army over forty years ago. In short, the neocons have lost in Ukraine, are losing in the mideast, and never has our military readiness been so depleted since the end of the Cold War. Nobody voted for this, and the deep state is scrambling to find a way to hide the their disasters through the presidential elections. Their ambitions end if Trump defeats the Obama regime, whose end goal is to destroy the U.S. from within.

One man's educated opinion.

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Excellent analysis.

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Absolutely spot on.

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"Western countries have poured hundreds of billions of dollars into his pissant nation...."

And where did those BILLION$ go? Not to benefit the Ukranians.

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Hey, Victoria Nuland, Alexander Vindmann and the rest of the State Dept had to overthrow a duly elected president to install the comedian. I mean, bribes and bioweapons labs just had to be protected...

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That woman has so much blood on her hands.

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But she is being paid by someone who is the real bastard.

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It’s also quite personal for her and her husband, revealing them to be truly evil.

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Sadly, that would be us, the American people. We're watching the dollar become worthless thanks to our leaders printing them like comic books...too bad it's not comical. Or maybe it is.

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Her physical deterioration has been instigated and propelled along by her moral corruption.

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The absolute only way to read Zelensky’s concerns about Trump’s statements is to hear his dread that he will be rendered “irrelevant”, the gravy train comes to a dead halt, and he’ll be left not only with a broken and crippled country, but an enraged citizenry who’ll dump his ass the first chance they get. And those will be the more optimistic things that would occur, as who knows the number of crimes he’s committed that might be brought to light.

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To quote the Steve Miller Band song, he'll "go on, take the money and run." Who knows where, but he won't be stuck in Ukraine.

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He'll head down south where he'll still be running in the near future.

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Zelensjy is a puppet of the U.S. State Deoartment, but he has dirt on a lot of permanent Washington and it goes past money laundering into bio weapons and who knows what else. The State Department and their little helpers at the CIA basically overthrew Ukraine’s elected government in 2014 via a color revolution. Russia also invaded Crimea in 2014. The US said the pro- Russian Ukrainian government at the time was corrupt. Like this group is a big improvement. Zelenskyy took over in 2019.The country has always been a super corrupt mess. Read this if you want some brain damage:


This war never made any sense. Unless you are obsessed with Putin. Yes he’s a dictator and a bad guy. But Zelensky and his group are also bad guys. And none of this accomplished anything except a lot of dead Slavs and a lot of American money getting used for purposes other than what we were told. Maybe that was most of the point to begin with, because the Ukraine was never going to win a war against Russia. Our battlefield technology is not enough to beat Russia with an unproven third rate military with no training. BTW our supply chain issues and the quality of our armor also cannot beat the Russians. Our tanks and armored vehicles are not as good as their projectiles and their armor. We don’t need to be at war with Russia. What’s the objective? “Putin bad” does not equal a need for us to start a war with the nation with the biggest nuclear arsenal. The Ukraine has zero strategic value to the United States historically. All the war has done is make the Russians stronger and push them closer to China. Brilliant!

So now what - what makes sense is to sue for peace, cut Ukraine’s losses and wrap up this macabre clown show. If the idiots in the EU, UK, and USA would stop supporting this war, it would end.

Trump 2024🍊

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Will Z throw Biden under the bus to get on Donalds good side? Asking for a friend.

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He can try - Trump will have none of it.

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“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”

- General Smedley D. Butler -

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It’s a situation similar to the Iran Iraq war in the 80s, in which you hoped both sides would lose. This debacle has only 1 winner...China. Everyone else are losers.

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Zelensky may be worried about the re-election of PDJT because he is still behind ozero in fraudulent income savings.I am sure he has an Arafat IRA set up somewhere with no extradition worries to lose sleep over.I pray his fears are realized and PDJT is re-elected by a margin large enough to overcome the fraudsters while dragging true conservatives and Patriots into office with him.Great exposure post today and cat is getting soft on polls.Carry forth Poca-Man and we will make 2024 a super MAGA year.

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There will be no peace or joy for Zelenskyy in this life. Like Sadam Hussein, he will be shot soon in a rathole. His billions will be as useful to him as a woman is to Obama. Zelenskyy will join Arafat soon in Hell.

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The Ukrainian citizens must be furious with him. He’s been exposed as an ordinary, everyday dictator.

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TPG, as you are aware half the country is Russian by heritage, and they support the Russian invasion. The other half is Ukrainian and most are mad as hell. At least the ones that are still living. Many have emigrated to Poland. Unfortunately, this war was started by Biden and NATO to cover up their crimes and to enrich themselves.

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“Arafat IRA”- beautiful😂

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Most members of Congress couldn't find Ukraine (I liked it better when it was "THE Ukraine") on a map even if you bribed them.

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