The firing of the horsefaced elitist woman behind the Dylan Mulvaney can of Bud Light came on Friday night, a week too late to save the brand. Go woke, get broke struck again. I have no sales figures but Rasmussen Reports found 54% of Americans support the Beer Barrel Boycott
This was fun and really lite beer is kinda the tranny version of real beer anyway, ain’t it, But seriously kids you want something truly worth while fighting for… Show up at the next Riley Gaines or JK Rowling speech or any of their sister equivalents, just to ya know, keep the conversation polite. That’s where the leverage has to be applied if we are going to save Western Civilization.
Let Megan Kelly deal with that freak like she did at the end of last week ( a real example of tearing someone a ‘New’ one)…we need to show support for the real women in our lives who just want to be real women!
And that is why the boycott was so effective. It's Bud frickin' Light. It's watered down beer, and lord knows it is incredibly easy to replace it with another watered down beer. The damage to Bud Light is irreparable. Most of that market share will stay lost. That it took them a week to figure that out tells me two things. The more expansive suggested boycott into other Bud and InBev brands was starting to actually take hold and threaten the entire business. And the execs at Bud/InBev still do not understand that most of their customers are done with their kowtowing to the radical left and their assorted band of sexual perverts. LGBTQRVSTWXYZ is on the downward plunge. Otherwise these firings would have happened quicker. How many businesses it takes on the way down will be interesting to observe.
And Trump has taken a needless and potentially damaging hit to HIS brand. Just as he tries to support Bud, even Bud admits they screwed up. Who is taking RINO money now? The Donald or the The Ron?
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
Don, I’ll be out cold by the time you’ve wrapped up your column about T.C. and D. L., so I’ll take the liberty of tossing this in here… (04/24/23 9:40 pm):
1) Don Lemon (fired) has absolutely no idea that he was CNN's Bud Lite (and his face was on the CAN!).
No idea how obnoxious he has been and is and the people’s careers that he’s damaged. Zero concern.
Well, well, well. Here he is now in the Dylan Mulcahey Lifeboat, helmed by The Old Hamptons Media Salt himself, Matt Lauer (who’s busy trying to “interview” Kate Winslet --- push him overboard, Kate!).
2) Tucker (fired) will be fine. They did him a HUGE favor. Same for us --- now, what/who is there to watch on Bed Bath and Bankrupt Fox?
(H[V]annity is full of sh*t and Greg Saturday Night's shelf life has expired. As usual, he'll be the last to know. Watters is still good. Dana Perino should gracefully transition into Kitten Videos on You Tube).
Tucker ought to team up with James O'Keefe and Glenn Greenwald. All three still have their invaluable credibility intact.
Add Mark Dice and Emerald Robinson (these five names have been added in no particular order) to the team and there you go --- there's the core of your Replacement News Network.
3) Expect this crazy hire/fire craze to continue until on or about May 15, 2024.
We ain’t see nothing’ yet.
For instance, the NY Times staff is still smoldering and might actually explode into a strike (YEA!).
Rupert Murdoch himself will be axed by Lachlan Carlson.
4) Cuomo Junior Junior Junior Junior --- "Fredo"! --- remember his on-air smoochfest with Lemon a couple of years ago? --- is no doubt delighted that Lemon has been sh*tcanned.
5) Compare all this to the fate of that buffoon Shell, fired as the CEO of NBC-Universal, who is now available to act in the next remake of the film, “Robin Hood and The Deep Media State.”
No one even knew this rancid hunk of limburger cheese (from the neck up) even EXISTED until the day he got sh*tcanned
Shell’s head shots (photos sent out by his agent) for his audition for “Robin Hood”:
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
Tough poll today but I went with Musk because he will not let go of the stir stick.Boycotts by common sense people do not work,?Just check Dicks Sporting goods,Bed Bath and Beyond ,Yugo dealerships and the unforgettable Edsel.Piss sane people off and drink the tea you are served.Great start to the week Mr.Surber.
Don't assume she made any mistakes. Decimation of the institutions and brands is actually the primary objective of the SJWs, not an unintended byproduct. That young lady was a success story for leftists. They want to burn it all down and make everyone hate each other so they can seize control.
I am really looking forward to see where she lands next! Probably at a Think Tank or Political group…’consulting’…..H-bomb grads are extremely smart to begin with, and get even smarter as the run major companies - InBev AB probably has 90% of the ‘new leaders’ as Ivies. Bad thing about breweries is you really can’t outsource mfg to China….
Back in the early 80s (when I worked for a major major corp) when getting my MBA, I remember a study that showed a very large majority of Fortune 500 CEOs did not go to the ivies. Companies were much better run then.
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
SHe will land on her feet with a pay increase because she is early in the cycle. The problem will be as more and more of these types lose their position - HR DEI slots are getting hammered hard right now - there will be fewer places to land. That will be good for them. Taking UC and food stamps has a great way of re-focusing your perspective.
With a name like "Alissa", one knew that she was one of those seriously unserious young earnest corporatists. A sleepy eyed, horse-faced alumna of Groton Academy, Harvard, and Wharton Business School who despised the "fratty" (her term) young people who bought Bud Light in the past. So, it made sense for her to choose a guy dressed as some chirpy college girl from the early '60's and acted like some preteen girl on a sugar rush to be the "spokeswoman" for Bud Light. That was like somebody choosing some obnoxious white guy in blackface to be the spokesman for "Ben's Original" (formerly "Uncle Ben's Rice").
"If you want to know why Nixon won by a landslide in 1972 and Reagan won by landslides in 1980 and 1984, it is cultural. They were unabashedly and unapologetically American."
And focused on the Capital Investment model in these United States which is why Trump also won a landslide in 2020. The globalists who sent our industrial might to Asia for their 'cost reduction' bonuses are the ones who kicked him out as he disrupted trillions of their easy cash.
Right about Perot; watch his 1993 debate with Gore on NAFTA. He was very right.
May G-d damn the Bush family and all they represent.
Ross Perot might just have won in 1992 had he stayed in the presidential race. I remember seeing George HW Bush crying in front of the TV cameras not understanding how he lost.
People bash Perot for 'stealing votes from Bush' rather than try to understand how he represented millions of republicans and democrats that became dormant for the next 24 years.
That's an old game (blaming third party candidates, as some blamed Jill Stein for Hillary's loss). And it's not unintentional. They *know* what people want, but it's easier to shame them than to actually try to deliver.
I’m still wondering how Jill Stein forced Donna Brazile to give HRC the debate questions ahead of the debate or convinced HRC not to campaign in WI and other taken-for-granted states.
And their argument is that if Jill Stein had just understood how important it was for Hillary to win because Orange Man Bad, she would have done the "right thing" and stayed home and her voters would have done the "right thing" and voted for Hillary.
Of course, they never think to ask what Hillary might have done to give Stein's voters a reason to trust her, but that's not how the elephant and ass show works.
I think Perot actually dropped out because he realized he actually w/b able to win, and didn’t want the pain in the but from no longer being ruler like he was at EDS. To have to play kissy games with Congress Egos to get things done….not his style.
According to some folks here in Texas who were in position to know, HW finally went mafia only on Perot, his political rival, threatening the lives of his family, and while Perot's family were undoubtedly behind him 100%, he didn't see it as worth the risk, and I can't blame him. If only HW had shown that kind of intestinal fortitude against his Democrat opponents - but it's the same reason sharks don't attack lawyers - professional courtesy.
Oh, it was undoubtedly quite subtle - not quite, "...nice family you have, there - what a shame it would be if something were to happen to it...", and I'm sure the source and messengers were rather opaque, but clear nonetheless.
Well, they cannot stop what is coming as China's ability to be the machine shop to the world has ended, and the end of easy access to capital is impacting the money and info traders ability to make money. More stuff is coming back home to NA, whoever is president. People who make and build things, both their management and employees, will do quite well for quite some time. Poli Sci Ivy league grads not so much.
Funny you bring up machining... My company's core competency is machining and the Chinese cannot compete with us :-D. And, yes, stuff is coming back home via Trump cutting the corporate tax rate from the highest in the world(39%) to 21% and other reasons.
“I am so sick of the media dictating the narrative in this country. I’m so sick of having to be apologetic for who I am. I’m so sick of people in middle America being called ‘fly-over country’ or ‘slope-headed.’
“And what the Left has stood for with political correctness is to try to get those with whom they disagree to shut up. And the tea party movement and Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman and Allen West and all the people that have gone out there against the mainstream media and said ‘You’re gonna call us racist, you’re gonna call us potential Timothy McVeighs?
Timothy McVeigh believed in what he was doing. He was a decorated army veteran. If you watched any of his two interviews, you would know he was not the mastermind of what happened in Oklahoma City, but Terry Nichols would. McVeigh chose the death penalty. Nichols did not. What surprised me were the words of the federal officer investigating the case. Well worth watching if you can still find it.
If you want to know why Nixon won by a landslide in 1972 and Reagan won by landslides in 1980 and 1984, it is cultural. They were unabashedly and unapologetically American.
The funniest comment I ever read regarding the 1988 presidential election was by columnist Howie Carr of The Boston Herald. Michael Dukakis was the democratic nominee for president and the republicans were no better with George HW Bush. Anyway, Mr. Carr said "Michael Dukakis now has a 79% unfavourability rating. It's almost enough to make you wonder what's wrong with the other 21%."
As far as boycotting goes, do it. I am now shopping at more expensive stores, but all these corporations understand is the bottom line (Profits). Like in Chicago, Walmart has closed or is closing three stores. Good! If you DON'T want to support pure evil, the boycott list is getting longer.
I don't think WalMart is closing those stores because they're being boycotted. My guess is too many of their "customers" don't think the whole exchange money for the goods thing applies to them. ;-)
Walmart is closing these stores in Chicago because theft is more than sales. I don't know if you remember me saying this, but about three weeks ago, I walked into a Walmart close to me about 7:30 in the morning and almost no one was in there and the few I did see were all black. I looked at the greeter and said "I guess you people are going out of business as well.". After hearing the story about a really fat woman who tried to steal a small TV by attaching it to belt between her legs, I just knew that particular Walmart was going out of business and it did three weeks later in
Walmart got tired of defending their "racist" policy of locking up beauty products that only black people use. "Go woke and go broke" as the saying goes.
I love this line, even thought it wasn't yours, but I'll credit you with read the New York magazine so the rest of us don't have to: "These are strange, angry people who have little in common with the average American consumer."
Those "strange, angry people" *are* the average American customer.
And I won't say that this is exactly the reason, but I would like it to be: Your average American ex-Bud Light drinker has far more respect for women than Dylan Mulvaney and his acolytes. And that is why Anheuser-Busch is in trouble.
Amen. They are so busy pursuing 'their' truth that they have forgotten that their rights stop when it infringes on mine. The Trans movement is a huge example. Yep you can dress in all the dresses and makeup you want but that does NOT entitle you to my bathroom, my locker or my sports simply because you want a trophy and cant get one competing as a guy.
Plus truth is truth, it is not your truth or my truth. The real truth is usually in the middle,
IK recommend watching a minute or two of Sarah Jones on this tape. She's everything I expected her to be --- the dumpy Park Slope Brooklyn Lit Crit Crone Clone.
Just scroll past that idiot from Harper magazine and the book author, about whom I have no opinion (this will be the first and last time anyone posting to this site will ever say that).
Do you tire of me stating how excellent your political commentary is? Every paragraph contains a memorable quote, deft humor, historical background, sparkling clarity. Like your longed for Bentley, you are a classic. May you live forever... or at least until I'm gone.
Don has to be related to the late great Alan Abelson of Barrons…maybe the Metro desk vs Wall Street, but they exhibit the same pugnacity, slyness and willingness to call out the good old boys screwing over the working proles…
I vote for the relation to Marvin Kittman of the Long Island Newsday, whose review of the first week of the Chevy Chase Talk Show (cancelled by Fox after a mere five WEEKS) was headlined, "IT'S A SURE-FIRE BOMB!"
And Don hasn't changed. I spent time on the weekend reading archived Highlights and found myself following links that led to some articles from Charleston Daily Mail. 'I do not want civil discourse' was from 2011. I think he got his wish in 2023 haha.
Funny you mention his archive; I just suggested to someone that he research when Don told the story about that Fox Quisling who called the 2020 AZ presidential votes early (name? "Fired," no doubt with a huge silent bonus in 100s in paper bags). At any rate, here's an item from The Other World (the Jets fans who aren't drinking Boycott Lite):
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
Republicans start wars? It was a democrat that got us into WW1, another got us into WW2, Korea? A donk. Vietnam? I didn't know LBJ was a republican! Heck, even the Civil War was started by childish democrats
AND... You should watch his recent interview with Levin... "So I sent that leader a picture of his house and told him it would be gone if he carried through." - DJT(paraphrased).
Donald Trump is human, he's not perfect and he doesn't try to be. But he is honest. I respect RFK greatly but I disagree with RFK about his political rival. Trump actually listened to people whose lives have been devastated by the loss of manufacturing in the US due to NAFTA. In fact our economy has never recovered from the loss of those jobs, and democrats don't have any policies that would change that. You can't have a strong economy based on Wall Street Banks and service sector jobs. Donald Trump had policies that brought manufacturing jobs back to America. His economic policies actually worked. Before COVID Trump's policies made possible the best employment opportunities for all Americans, including Black and Hispanic Americans and even high school dropouts were able to get jobs. Democrats have no policies that create jobs. Their policies create dependence on the government. So the demagogues are actually the democrat politicians who talk a good line about being for the worker but in their actions, their policies only benefit the billionaires. As I said, Trump is not a perfect person. But he is honest, and he kept his promises to the voters, which is the first time in my life that a President has actually kept his promises. But if you don't know this, it's because you pay attention to news media that have Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Trump helped our allies, such as Israel, the democrats help our enemies, such as Iran. Trump got us out of forever wars, democrats including Biden have gotten us into a war that we never should have fought to begin with, and his withdrawal from Afghanistan was a military disaster.
It is not only the forgotten Americans from the Rust Belt who love Trump, it is people like me once a lifelong democrat, and now a conservative, a patriot and someone who loves this country. Trump is willing to fight for America. And you can't win if you don't fight.
There is a lot to like about him. I was willing to accept that I didn't like for the things I did. I hope he can remember that. He was wrong on this fight. It's going to leave a mark.
Yeah - the "experts." They'll never admit the truth because they are constitutionally incapable of recognizing/realizing it. They only know their own "truth."
"Plus, business schools have become woke as well."
Honestly, I thought it was a typo - I read it as, "Plus, business schools have become woke as hell."
A note to Brian Broome: not to speak for all of us, but I'm confident that none of us care who else may be drinking our brewed alcoholic beverages as we do - and if what the vast majority of us found so insulting that a response was required has to be explained to you, there's really no point in that particular fool's errand.
Is there any chance we can get the editorial staff at New York magazine and The Delish, Brian(na) Broome, and the marketing personnel of Gillette, and M&M/Mars to serve as advisors to the Democrat candidates for president, as well as for Democrat Reps and Senators running for re-election?
" was because he lied ('Read my lips, no new taxes') and abandoned Reaganism."
Not to split hairs (though, why not? It's probably the only way for me to keep what little remains), but HW abandoned Reagan's policies and couldn't lay waste to his legacy fast enough for his globalist masters. He also, for some reason, wanted to be liked by that viper senator from Maine who played HW for the chump he was.
I've been fighting since 2008 when W dropped the mask and showed all of us who he really was. It's nice to have some company.
NFT, did you know that 92.3% of all experts agree that (fill in whatever the narrative is that day) Plus we all remember the experts that supported everything Fauci and the CDC said about Covid.
Your labor has not been in vain. Of course, you had a little help from Trump, who caused every RINO to take their mask off and totally expose themselves to We The People.
My now ex-wife used to get untold pleasure mocking me for my boycott of Target in the wake of its open embrace of transgenderism vis-a-vis its stores' bathroom policy. Trump's win, and her thinly veiled contempt for me (white male, oppressor) sealed the deal for the divorce.
This was fun and really lite beer is kinda the tranny version of real beer anyway, ain’t it, But seriously kids you want something truly worth while fighting for… Show up at the next Riley Gaines or JK Rowling speech or any of their sister equivalents, just to ya know, keep the conversation polite. That’s where the leverage has to be applied if we are going to save Western Civilization.
Let Megan Kelly deal with that freak like she did at the end of last week ( a real example of tearing someone a ‘New’ one)…we need to show support for the real women in our lives who just want to be real women!
Tranny Beer!
Love it
Grandpa Surber took me to the beer joint once -- I was maybe 6 -- and let me have some foam. Great memory.
Someday, Noah. Someday. It won't be a Tranny Beer
Ain’t nobody gonna tell me real beer cut 50% with H20 is Real Beer … come on!
And that is why the boycott was so effective. It's Bud frickin' Light. It's watered down beer, and lord knows it is incredibly easy to replace it with another watered down beer. The damage to Bud Light is irreparable. Most of that market share will stay lost. That it took them a week to figure that out tells me two things. The more expansive suggested boycott into other Bud and InBev brands was starting to actually take hold and threaten the entire business. And the execs at Bud/InBev still do not understand that most of their customers are done with their kowtowing to the radical left and their assorted band of sexual perverts. LGBTQRVSTWXYZ is on the downward plunge. Otherwise these firings would have happened quicker. How many businesses it takes on the way down will be interesting to observe.
And Trump has taken a needless and potentially damaging hit to HIS brand. Just as he tries to support Bud, even Bud admits they screwed up. Who is taking RINO money now? The Donald or the The Ron?
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
Any chance that Bud Lite will go the way of Murdoch's News of The World (UK newspaper shut down about ten years ago, fascinating story)?
Don, I’ll be out cold by the time you’ve wrapped up your column about T.C. and D. L., so I’ll take the liberty of tossing this in here… (04/24/23 9:40 pm):
1) Don Lemon (fired) has absolutely no idea that he was CNN's Bud Lite (and his face was on the CAN!).
No idea how obnoxious he has been and is and the people’s careers that he’s damaged. Zero concern.
Well, well, well. Here he is now in the Dylan Mulcahey Lifeboat, helmed by The Old Hamptons Media Salt himself, Matt Lauer (who’s busy trying to “interview” Kate Winslet --- push him overboard, Kate!).
2) Tucker (fired) will be fine. They did him a HUGE favor. Same for us --- now, what/who is there to watch on Bed Bath and Bankrupt Fox?
(H[V]annity is full of sh*t and Greg Saturday Night's shelf life has expired. As usual, he'll be the last to know. Watters is still good. Dana Perino should gracefully transition into Kitten Videos on You Tube).
Tucker ought to team up with James O'Keefe and Glenn Greenwald. All three still have their invaluable credibility intact.
Add Mark Dice and Emerald Robinson (these five names have been added in no particular order) to the team and there you go --- there's the core of your Replacement News Network.
3) Expect this crazy hire/fire craze to continue until on or about May 15, 2024.
We ain’t see nothing’ yet.
For instance, the NY Times staff is still smoldering and might actually explode into a strike (YEA!).
Rupert Murdoch himself will be axed by Lachlan Carlson.
4) Cuomo Junior Junior Junior Junior --- "Fredo"! --- remember his on-air smoochfest with Lemon a couple of years ago? --- is no doubt delighted that Lemon has been sh*tcanned.
5) Compare all this to the fate of that buffoon Shell, fired as the CEO of NBC-Universal, who is now available to act in the next remake of the film, “Robin Hood and The Deep Media State.”
No one even knew this rancid hunk of limburger cheese (from the neck up) even EXISTED until the day he got sh*tcanned
Shell’s head shots (photos sent out by his agent) for his audition for “Robin Hood”:
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
*Megyn…a dead give away if there ever was one
God is truth. What does that leave for His enemies but lies? Of course they will not acknowledge the truth... it leads back to their nemesis.
Mea culpa if this is a duplicate. I get so confused. Spot on.
That's cause you have dementia, dummy. There is a
God after all. Not only am I a Surber, but I am also back to a Founding Member
Hat tip to Don-my article will be up this pm.
Of course it was climate change. That's what's wrong with everything! Oh wait.... That's TRUMP'S fault. My bad...
Just posted that. Great minds...
Tough poll today but I went with Musk because he will not let go of the stir stick.Boycotts by common sense people do not work,?Just check Dicks Sporting goods,Bed Bath and Beyond ,Yugo dealerships and the unforgettable Edsel.Piss sane people off and drink the tea you are served.Great start to the week Mr.Surber.
I can't check Dick's or BBB, they both closed here. Couldn't get product to meet the demand.🙄
Usually stores close when customers do not want your bs attitudes and overpriced crap.
Don't assume she made any mistakes. Decimation of the institutions and brands is actually the primary objective of the SJWs, not an unintended byproduct. That young lady was a success story for leftists. They want to burn it all down and make everyone hate each other so they can seize control.
I am really looking forward to see where she lands next! Probably at a Think Tank or Political group…’consulting’…..H-bomb grads are extremely smart to begin with, and get even smarter as the run major companies - InBev AB probably has 90% of the ‘new leaders’ as Ivies. Bad thing about breweries is you really can’t outsource mfg to China….
Back in the early 80s (when I worked for a major major corp) when getting my MBA, I remember a study that showed a very large majority of Fortune 500 CEOs did not go to the ivies. Companies were much better run then.
She will become a host on CNBC.
Will her teeth fit in the TV camera frame?
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
SHe will land on her feet with a pay increase because she is early in the cycle. The problem will be as more and more of these types lose their position - HR DEI slots are getting hammered hard right now - there will be fewer places to land. That will be good for them. Taking UC and food stamps has a great way of re-focusing your perspective.
With a name like "Alissa", one knew that she was one of those seriously unserious young earnest corporatists. A sleepy eyed, horse-faced alumna of Groton Academy, Harvard, and Wharton Business School who despised the "fratty" (her term) young people who bought Bud Light in the past. So, it made sense for her to choose a guy dressed as some chirpy college girl from the early '60's and acted like some preteen girl on a sugar rush to be the "spokeswoman" for Bud Light. That was like somebody choosing some obnoxious white guy in blackface to be the spokesman for "Ben's Original" (formerly "Uncle Ben's Rice").
Perceptive take on the situation. Had never considered that real possibility.
Exception: That womyn is no lady.
Who is "she"? (These ambiguous pronouns!)
"If you want to know why Nixon won by a landslide in 1972 and Reagan won by landslides in 1980 and 1984, it is cultural. They were unabashedly and unapologetically American."
And focused on the Capital Investment model in these United States which is why Trump also won a landslide in 2020. The globalists who sent our industrial might to Asia for their 'cost reduction' bonuses are the ones who kicked him out as he disrupted trillions of their easy cash.
Right about Perot; watch his 1993 debate with Gore on NAFTA. He was very right.
May G-d damn the Bush family and all they represent.
Ross Perot might just have won in 1992 had he stayed in the presidential race. I remember seeing George HW Bush crying in front of the TV cameras not understanding how he lost.
People bash Perot for 'stealing votes from Bush' rather than try to understand how he represented millions of republicans and democrats that became dormant for the next 24 years.
That's an old game (blaming third party candidates, as some blamed Jill Stein for Hillary's loss). And it's not unintentional. They *know* what people want, but it's easier to shame them than to actually try to deliver.
I’m still wondering how Jill Stein forced Donna Brazile to give HRC the debate questions ahead of the debate or convinced HRC not to campaign in WI and other taken-for-granted states.
I never said it had to make sense.
And their argument is that if Jill Stein had just understood how important it was for Hillary to win because Orange Man Bad, she would have done the "right thing" and stayed home and her voters would have done the "right thing" and voted for Hillary.
Of course, they never think to ask what Hillary might have done to give Stein's voters a reason to trust her, but that's not how the elephant and ass show works.
Nothing the loony left does makes sense😉
Sort of like Charlie Brown, "But we were so sincere!"
I think Perot actually dropped out because he realized he actually w/b able to win, and didn’t want the pain in the but from no longer being ruler like he was at EDS. To have to play kissy games with Congress Egos to get things done….not his style.
According to some folks here in Texas who were in position to know, HW finally went mafia only on Perot, his political rival, threatening the lives of his family, and while Perot's family were undoubtedly behind him 100%, he didn't see it as worth the risk, and I can't blame him. If only HW had shown that kind of intestinal fortitude against his Democrat opponents - but it's the same reason sharks don't attack lawyers - professional courtesy.
Bush was Deep State CIA guy. Doubt he would have threatened family. Usually the threat is more subtle, like a bullet careening around Dealey Plaza.
Oh, it was undoubtedly quite subtle - not quite, "...nice family you have, there - what a shame it would be if something were to happen to it...", and I'm sure the source and messengers were rather opaque, but clear nonetheless.
I think your point Perot having to deal w/ congress is spot-on.
Well, they cannot stop what is coming as China's ability to be the machine shop to the world has ended, and the end of easy access to capital is impacting the money and info traders ability to make money. More stuff is coming back home to NA, whoever is president. People who make and build things, both their management and employees, will do quite well for quite some time. Poli Sci Ivy league grads not so much.
Funny you bring up machining... My company's core competency is machining and the Chinese cannot compete with us :-D. And, yes, stuff is coming back home via Trump cutting the corporate tax rate from the highest in the world(39%) to 21% and other reasons.
Poll: it’s Climate Change, it’s always Climate Change!
Except when it's systemic racism.
Systemic racism is caused by climate change.
"Systematic Climate Racists Never Change!"
As long as "climate change" is in the scientific quiz, I am guaranteed to get one answer correct.
Agreed. That is why it was my vote!
Andrew also said this:
“I am so sick of the media dictating the narrative in this country. I’m so sick of having to be apologetic for who I am. I’m so sick of people in middle America being called ‘fly-over country’ or ‘slope-headed.’
“And what the Left has stood for with political correctness is to try to get those with whom they disagree to shut up. And the tea party movement and Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman and Allen West and all the people that have gone out there against the mainstream media and said ‘You’re gonna call us racist, you’re gonna call us potential Timothy McVeighs?
F**k. You.
Look to your right. Pleased to meet you!
Who was Timothy McVeigh? The truth might come out when our grandchildren are elderly.
Timothy McVeigh believed in what he was doing. He was a decorated army veteran. If you watched any of his two interviews, you would know he was not the mastermind of what happened in Oklahoma City, but Terry Nichols would. McVeigh chose the death penalty. Nichols did not. What surprised me were the words of the federal officer investigating the case. Well worth watching if you can still find it.
That is just one aspect. I think you would agree that this will be like the Kennedy assassination and as the years go by little bits will surface.
That assumes that the Ptb don't instigate WW3 in the meantime.
For example, Lee Harvey Oswald worked for the ODNI, naval intelligence. Lone shooter? Carlos Hathcock couldn't replicate the shooting sequence.
The article said:
If you want to know why Nixon won by a landslide in 1972 and Reagan won by landslides in 1980 and 1984, it is cultural. They were unabashedly and unapologetically American.
The funniest comment I ever read regarding the 1988 presidential election was by columnist Howie Carr of The Boston Herald. Michael Dukakis was the democratic nominee for president and the republicans were no better with George HW Bush. Anyway, Mr. Carr said "Michael Dukakis now has a 79% unfavourability rating. It's almost enough to make you wonder what's wrong with the other 21%."
As far as boycotting goes, do it. I am now shopping at more expensive stores, but all these corporations understand is the bottom line (Profits). Like in Chicago, Walmart has closed or is closing three stores. Good! If you DON'T want to support pure evil, the boycott list is getting longer.
I don't think WalMart is closing those stores because they're being boycotted. My guess is too many of their "customers" don't think the whole exchange money for the goods thing applies to them. ;-)
Walmart is closing these stores in Chicago because theft is more than sales. I don't know if you remember me saying this, but about three weeks ago, I walked into a Walmart close to me about 7:30 in the morning and almost no one was in there and the few I did see were all black. I looked at the greeter and said "I guess you people are going out of business as well.". After hearing the story about a really fat woman who tried to steal a small TV by attaching it to belt between her legs, I just knew that particular Walmart was going out of business and it did three weeks later in
Walmart got tired of defending their "racist" policy of locking up beauty products that only black people use. "Go woke and go broke" as the saying goes.
That's what she said. (in a slightly different way)
That's what he said the first time.
I love this line, even thought it wasn't yours, but I'll credit you with read the New York magazine so the rest of us don't have to: "These are strange, angry people who have little in common with the average American consumer."
Those "strange, angry people" *are* the average American customer.
And I won't say that this is exactly the reason, but I would like it to be: Your average American ex-Bud Light drinker has far more respect for women than Dylan Mulvaney and his acolytes. And that is why Anheuser-Busch is in trouble.
Amen. They are so busy pursuing 'their' truth that they have forgotten that their rights stop when it infringes on mine. The Trans movement is a huge example. Yep you can dress in all the dresses and makeup you want but that does NOT entitle you to my bathroom, my locker or my sports simply because you want a trophy and cant get one competing as a guy.
Plus truth is truth, it is not your truth or my truth. The real truth is usually in the middle,
As old Pop Wilson used to bellow from the back row, "Amen and Amen!!"
IK recommend watching a minute or two of Sarah Jones on this tape. She's everything I expected her to be --- the dumpy Park Slope Brooklyn Lit Crit Crone Clone.
Just scroll past that idiot from Harper magazine and the book author, about whom I have no opinion (this will be the first and last time anyone posting to this site will ever say that).
Do you tire of me stating how excellent your political commentary is? Every paragraph contains a memorable quote, deft humor, historical background, sparkling clarity. Like your longed for Bentley, you are a classic. May you live forever... or at least until I'm gone.
Don has to be related to the late great Alan Abelson of Barrons…maybe the Metro desk vs Wall Street, but they exhibit the same pugnacity, slyness and willingness to call out the good old boys screwing over the working proles…
I vote for the relation to Marvin Kittman of the Long Island Newsday, whose review of the first week of the Chevy Chase Talk Show (cancelled by Fox after a mere five WEEKS) was headlined, "IT'S A SURE-FIRE BOMB!"
It is quite remarkable how Surber never flags.
And Don hasn't changed. I spent time on the weekend reading archived Highlights and found myself following links that led to some articles from Charleston Daily Mail. 'I do not want civil discourse' was from 2011. I think he got his wish in 2023 haha.
Funny you mention his archive; I just suggested to someone that he research when Don told the story about that Fox Quisling who called the 2020 AZ presidential votes early (name? "Fired," no doubt with a huge silent bonus in 100s in paper bags). At any rate, here's an item from The Other World (the Jets fans who aren't drinking Boycott Lite):
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
The only votes that matter now are voting with our wallets. Surber rather than CNN+. Jeremy’s Razors over Gillette.
Aha. Another Daily Wire's person! My son, 30 years my junior, turned me on to Prager U and Daily Wire. In repayment, I gave him Surber.
New Jets QB Mania: Aaron Rodgers (wearing his customary $0.30 wardrobe) was interviewed by the Post as he exited from a California supermarket yesterday (the only person in the store who paid for his purchases!)
Yeah, but I didn't get a good shave with that Belgian waffle mix. Probably added too much water before stirring.
Republicans start wars? It was a democrat that got us into WW1, another got us into WW2, Korea? A donk. Vietnam? I didn't know LBJ was a republican! Heck, even the Civil War was started by childish democrats
Bushes gave us 3
Respectfully, Don, neocons are really democrats :-D.
Technically "republicans, but in reality they were both deep state CIA.
9-11-01 took a long time to plan. It was put in motion long before W was elected. We could credit it to Worthless Willie, again, deep state.
The questions should have included Donald Trump as he is responsible for the other three.🙄 There is nothing he cannot do. (S/
I have always said Trump's Super Power is knowing what his enemies are up to.
AND... You should watch his recent interview with Levin... "So I sent that leader a picture of his house and told him it would be gone if he carried through." - DJT(paraphrased).
Peace through strength. Great interview.
Donald Trump is human, he's not perfect and he doesn't try to be. But he is honest. I respect RFK greatly but I disagree with RFK about his political rival. Trump actually listened to people whose lives have been devastated by the loss of manufacturing in the US due to NAFTA. In fact our economy has never recovered from the loss of those jobs, and democrats don't have any policies that would change that. You can't have a strong economy based on Wall Street Banks and service sector jobs. Donald Trump had policies that brought manufacturing jobs back to America. His economic policies actually worked. Before COVID Trump's policies made possible the best employment opportunities for all Americans, including Black and Hispanic Americans and even high school dropouts were able to get jobs. Democrats have no policies that create jobs. Their policies create dependence on the government. So the demagogues are actually the democrat politicians who talk a good line about being for the worker but in their actions, their policies only benefit the billionaires. As I said, Trump is not a perfect person. But he is honest, and he kept his promises to the voters, which is the first time in my life that a President has actually kept his promises. But if you don't know this, it's because you pay attention to news media that have Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Trump helped our allies, such as Israel, the democrats help our enemies, such as Iran. Trump got us out of forever wars, democrats including Biden have gotten us into a war that we never should have fought to begin with, and his withdrawal from Afghanistan was a military disaster.
It is not only the forgotten Americans from the Rust Belt who love Trump, it is people like me once a lifelong democrat, and now a conservative, a patriot and someone who loves this country. Trump is willing to fight for America. And you can't win if you don't fight.
There is a lot to like about him. I was willing to accept that I didn't like for the things I did. I hope he can remember that. He was wrong on this fight. It's going to leave a mark.
I'm sorry I'm not sure I understand your comment.
Trump was on the side of the trannies at Disney and Bud. Because they give him contributions.
"But experts say."
Yeah - the "experts." They'll never admit the truth because they are constitutionally incapable of recognizing/realizing it. They only know their own "truth."
"Plus, business schools have become woke as well."
Honestly, I thought it was a typo - I read it as, "Plus, business schools have become woke as hell."
A note to Brian Broome: not to speak for all of us, but I'm confident that none of us care who else may be drinking our brewed alcoholic beverages as we do - and if what the vast majority of us found so insulting that a response was required has to be explained to you, there's really no point in that particular fool's errand.
Is there any chance we can get the editorial staff at New York magazine and The Delish, Brian(na) Broome, and the marketing personnel of Gillette, and M&M/Mars to serve as advisors to the Democrat candidates for president, as well as for Democrat Reps and Senators running for re-election?
" was because he lied ('Read my lips, no new taxes') and abandoned Reaganism."
Not to split hairs (though, why not? It's probably the only way for me to keep what little remains), but HW abandoned Reagan's policies and couldn't lay waste to his legacy fast enough for his globalist masters. He also, for some reason, wanted to be liked by that viper senator from Maine who played HW for the chump he was.
I've been fighting since 2008 when W dropped the mask and showed all of us who he really was. It's nice to have some company.
NFT, did you know that 92.3% of all experts agree that (fill in whatever the narrative is that day) Plus we all remember the experts that supported everything Fauci and the CDC said about Covid.
Your labor has not been in vain. Of course, you had a little help from Trump, who caused every RINO to take their mask off and totally expose themselves to We The People.
My now ex-wife used to get untold pleasure mocking me for my boycott of Target in the wake of its open embrace of transgenderism vis-a-vis its stores' bathroom policy. Trump's win, and her thinly veiled contempt for me (white male, oppressor) sealed the deal for the divorce.
Strange she would mock you for a boycott that forced Target to change their position. Sounds like you won in the divorce.