Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber


But ain’t no real winning until we take over the school boards, the Teachers Colleges and the Dept of Ed.

Cut the head off the snake.

As we used to say in my day…

Sock it To em!!!

Speaking of which… how many people remember ‘Sock Hops’… another unmitigated Joy we didn’t appreciate till they were long gone🥲

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separate school and state. pre-school through grad school. salt the earth.

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I’d even go with separating the sexes. Boys and girls learn differently.

But bring back Sock Hops in the school gym😊

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You dog, you. Psychic, I suppose. A recent e-mail from our Alum Assoc. advised us to get our rsvp in quickly for the First Annual Alumni Sock Hop, on 8/8/2023. I'm tempted to go, just to see what they will do with all the walkers, canes and wheelchairs that are put on the sidelines. Mine was Class of 1960. That makes me 4 days older than dirt.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

Haha…I was out in 68, but boy were we happy and did we have fun… and I couldn’t then and still can’t dance!

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I was out in 70 and my kids in their early 40’s love the music of 50’s - 70’s to!

When I was growing up, our mother played big bands, Sinatra, Crosby and Martin. I like them too!

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

That’s why the Linda Ronstadt (No don’t start) albums ‘What’s New’ and ‘Round Midnight’ were such big hits. Gosh I didn’t realize how brilliant ( just to add to your list) the Dorsey Brothers, Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller were when I was a kid but can’t get enough of them now. Nelson Riddle, Sinatra’s old band leader stuck around just long enough to do the Ronstadt albums… that’s why they were so great.

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Yes! Bring back Sock Hops and ‘50s music!

Make high school fun again!

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And poodle skirts, white socks turned down, and saddle oxfords. I'm all in!

And for the men, quality felt fedoras. Hard to find one in my size with a teardrop crown and a 2 1/2 inch brim.

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My son tells me that all 50's music sounds the same to him. Poor white privileged guy that he is, raised on Back and Beethoven before school age, and rap music after 7th grade. But he did letter in Marching Band.

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I once drove from DC to Georgia for a 2-week ACDUTRA (Naval Reserve veterans know what that is). Listing to the radio as I went through South Carolina, a radio station was playing the top 40 R&R hits. Some we all know -- Rock Around the Clock, Don't Be Cruel -- but who remembers Next of Kin to the Wayward Wind? Tammy's in Love? They really didn't all sound the same.

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Next of Kin…wasn’t, that Patty Page?

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That’s too bad. I raised my children to identify the period, form, and composer. Sometimes they get the movement. And, of course, they heard 50s, 60s, & 70s music as well.

I can forgive that they enjoy the music from groups like the Fleet Foxes. But I cannot suffer that they turn down my music while I drive my car because they chide that I’ll injure their hearing!

Millennials! Ugh!

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Little Richard, Chuck Berry!!

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We shouldn't take over anything. Abolish almost every level of government which has NO local control.

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Preaching to the choir, but preach ON!

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A favorite comment of one of my brothers.

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In the case of school I want parental control. Too many Stalins start on the school board.

We have a constitution, time to revive it. Where does it give power over schools to the feral government or the state? Rights not enumerated belong to the state or the people. Hint, the people doesn't mean any group, it means individuals. That is my opinion and why I agree with you on abolishing them.

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You have heard of the National Education Association, yes? That's who controls the school boards and the teachers unions do

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I disagree Tony. There has to be some form of a standard or the kids in Wisconsin or FLA won’t know what the other one is talking about. And how about Maths!

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OK, so what is better. Standardized tests which half the 8th graders out there fail or schools locally governed that have an 80% pass rate on every course regardless of who teaches it. All grade and high schools offer all the same textbooks for the most part and that is how you determine what level you teach, not what level students "supposedly" learn.

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I’m down with a standardized curriculum that a kid moving from SD to NC can seamlessly ease into. The States can then determine their own needs and wants. I also want bi-annual Peer reviews of everyone who has contact with the kids and mandatory self paid remediation classes for those who are determined to need it.

There is going to be a long wait before all this gets done (Conservatives too now have a long March thru the Institutions)and there is no time like the present to get started!

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Standardize and then mass produce. It's the American way!!

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McGuffey's eclectic readers.

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We also need to restore and enforce the 10th amendment, and repeal the 17th amendment and restore the election of senators to the state legislatures!

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and either outright ban or severely limit - probably through taxation - campaign contributions made by people who are ineligible to vote in that election. the last decent congresscritter from Colorado was voted out due to the challenger receiving massive out-of-state contributions. and contributions from groups should be limited to a pro rata share of that group's fundraising from the jurisdiction in question.

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Contributions from groups should be limited to a Dollar. Less 99¢.

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Yes, yes, yes!!!

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Okay, how do I give this comment a dozen likes?

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We need to stop using and even recognizing their language. For instance, stop writing “people of color”. There is no such thing. What they don’t want to call themselves is “black”. Or a couple of other older less nice names. Why should we give in to using three words to create this vague description of a person?

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Amen brother. " ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK"

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Once the liberals turned up the attack against our children and grandchildren, many who were on the sidelines got in the game.

The silent majority has been awakened. I hope they stay woke through Election Day, 2024.

I hope they stay woke for good. Liberals never give up.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023

I particularly like it when Dem-Liberal 'wokesters' start eating each other in contests of who's more righteous....truly popcorn-moments.

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Problem is, even the popcorn profits are probably rigged up to land in the Pelosi pockets.

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Don Surber: "Disney is one example. The backlash against its embrace of lefty lunacy..."

Disney --- exactly like the now-defunct Silicon Valley "Bank" --- is a POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE masquerading as a corporate entity, pretending to be in business for profits for themselves and their shareholdings.

Hundreds of other American /international "companies"/ "corporations," likewise, are POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES.

Their ultimate purpose is their destiny as "bust-outs."

Let's review: Back in the bad old days before the Bidens broke the Sicilian mafia monopolies, the mob would acquire companies (by hook/crook).

Then they would slowly loot them. At the end of the never-ending cycle, the company was a husk and would evaporate, and the mob boys then would move on to their next target, much like spiders when they're done with the carcasses of flies and other tasty morsels trapped in the goo of the webs.

The Biden Boys got away with sacking the Silicon Valley "Bank."

[FDIC: "Every-buddy --- my buddies, your buddies all our pals --- gets a refund!" And why not? Taxpayers, once again, cough up!]

Who's next?

Let's change the familiar saying.

Is Disney too good a thing ("cash-cow") to be allowed to fail?

Will it be "Sili-conned" (pun!).

Probably not. It's not a chop shop next door to Citi Field in Queens.

It's eminently respectable --- I mean, how could the OSCARS possibly be suseptible to corruption?!

And the camouflage it provides ("we just make kiddie movies and conduct roller coaster rides") is extremely valuable.

Disney (and who knows what else is connected to it with surreptitious, for-your-eyes-only book-keeping) is far too valuable to expend for mere profit.

We'll see.

In the meantime, the heat on Iger (Disney CEO) will continue, just as it will for Fauci (Biden Midget Medical Mob consigliere).

Let's give them about another year, tops.

(P.S.: Thank you, Duke!)

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No. liberal s never give up, and we won't.

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Even my toughest minder, who is diligently preparing me for presentation to the outside world, reminds me that it's okay for me to laugh loudly in my own cave, I mean apartment. So even though I laugh so loud neighbors have a block away can hear me, I laugh loudly while reading my favorite blogger Don Surber.

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Some days, Don’s wit is the only thing that keeps me from crying while I read his columns. I’m the same age that he is and these days I don’t recognize this country. Or the rest of the planet, for that matter.

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The super witty POCA MAN rocks!!

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Me neeether, since they painted it all taupe. I'm not over it. Taupe WAS one of Hane's best stocking colors--seams all straight, don'tcha know.

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May I remind you of the words that I think and remember I am certifiably insane I heard from management.. IT'S ALL SET UP. Or in the words of that great prophet George Lucas... TRUST THE FORCE !

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Good on ya!

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I think you'll enjoy this, which I just discovered while looking for photos of the repulsive "star" of the never-to-be-released trash re-make of Snow White (the original): https://mousetrapnews.com/

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber

So many wise and well-worded phrases in this column today-- "...fighting in the territory that the left thought it owned"; "The left has to defend the indefensible."; "...fools foolishly following foolishness..."; "Experience tells me no because evil is so tenacious."; etc.

I think the Left has passed its peak of power and now is on the downslide. This is because the main way they GAINED "power" was by stealth--cloaking their true Marxism and agenda and taking advantage of American's innate decency and tolerance. They presented their belief system as being in alignment with virtues American's do genuinely embrace. Obama was elected mostly because American's wanted to show support for a black man having that office, and the media cooperated in making sure American's didn't look closely enough to realize that Obama wasn't ONLY black-- he was Red (communist). Etc.

Now that the deceit is being unmasked, and the divisive, destructive consequences of the Left's ideology are becoming obvious, their house of cards is crumbling. Their success included within itself its own destruction-- because with success, they gained the power to implement their ideology, and now everyone can see the consequences of it.

It is like a clarity is dawning for Americans, and I see Don Surber's columns as a continuing crystallization in words that pinpoint and pierce the "righteousness" the left cloaked itself in, and reveals the ugly, hateful, catastrophically destructive reality of communist / woke / "progressive" ideology.

And, although this is something an over-generalization-- all along, the people on the Right, who generally tended to be more religiously grounded-- were not as taken in by Marxism's presentation of itself as a pseudo-religion--as a "righteous" belief system. But many people on the Left, who generally had moved away from the religions that had been established and purified over centuries, were unable to distinguish between balanced, constructive religion sourced in a perception of the Divine, and the false "righteous"-trappings of "progressive" ideology. It is no accident that Obama developed his speaking style by sitting in Reverend Wright's church and copying his "ministerial" stylings.

Yes, we are winning, and entering the stage where the defeated left drops all pretense and has to resort to Force to impose its will. This will only further demolish the validity of their ideology and cause even liberals to wake up. We just have to hold on through the turmoil of this last stage. Keep our heads above water; not lose heart; and be of good cheer.

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Well said... "post of the day." Some liberals have already woke up - people like Leo Terrell and others ... they've seen the civil rights agenda stolen and made to go places it was never intended to go.

But this has been a long steady slide since LBJ pushed "the Great Society" agenda on the black family/community and destroyed it. All in the name of holding on to power and influence over our lives...the opposite of our American ideals of freedom to take care of ourselves.

Sorry... starting to wander...

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Excellent. Last paragraph is fantastic.

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Do "liberals" still even exist? I think not, although there are probably 2 million or so of them who still, somehow, think they still do --- until the mob woke enforcers show up at their doors to straighten them out. In the meantime, I think you'll enjoy this: https://mousetrapnews.com/

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The libs are lying in cemeteries waiting for the election to cast their ballots.

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Check out the America's untold stories podcast on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. They have some excellent observations about communism.

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The article said:

Chris Talgo asked, “Has ESG been cast into the dustbin of history?” Experience tells me no because evil is so tenacious.

I say:

George Washington had something the woke left does not have--time. Judging by what I saw online last night, we are indeed pushing the envelope on WWIII. God Help U.S.

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To get an idea of what WWIII might be like, read "Dead Heat" by Joel Rosenberg, whose fiction usually comes true. It will make your hair stand up!

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I have read many things regarding WWIII and I will tell you about a couple of these horror stories. The first is a movie called "SOYLENT GREEN." which is how man will revert to cannibalism when there is no more food. "DANTE'S INFERNO." Hell has a hierarchy as well as earth does, only there is NO escape. Contrary to popular opinion, most people DO end up in Hell. People are stupid enough to think they can wait out the Holocaust by living in unused missile silos or going out to sea. As our lord in The Bible clearly says in Revelations "I will find you." The third is "1984" by George Orwell. I have read it several times. In the year 1984, the media was lambasting Mr. Orwell over how few things had come true. Orwell might have been off by a few years, but the only thing that hasn't come true is the cashless society. Once cash is gone, there will be NO MORE FREEDOMS. If that doesn't scare the hell out of you, nothing else will.

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Orwell may have been off but it wasn’t because of time frame. It was location. I lived in Ceausescu’s Romania in 1984 and Orwell’s predictions were going full force there.

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As to the cashless society - that is the weapon used by the bad guys to take over society in The Handmaid’s Tale. Everyone has a government issued card which electronically pays for everything from their government accounts. The bad guys start their takeover by shutting down the accounts of all of the women which immediately enslaves them. They get to the men later.

I know that the left has taken that novel as a banner for abortion at any time, but when I first read it in 1985 while living in Romania, I took it to be pro-life, despite the evil being inflicted by the ruling elite.

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Actually, I thought the original '1984' took place in post-Viet Nam NYC, but from Romania.. I believe you.

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Heston and Edw. G. Robinson! They are teaching that movie now in private schools, along with Fahrenheit 451. I sent to England to purchase a copy of Song of the South because it is illegal to sell it in the US. My 8 y/o grandson said, "that movie is racist!" Public school for grades 1, 2, and 3, and he'd already learned "racism."

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Your comment reminds me of when I went through basic training. At first it was all of us against the DI's. Then we had to go through " Racial sensitivity training.". None of us had a problem until we were told to. After that, we had nothing BUT racial problems.

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God forbid, when and if this happens, the saturation of nukes will mean many of us won't even know what hit us.

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It'll be a mercy.

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That's why I don't really worry about nuclear war. If the Lord wants us to survive, we will.

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I recommend "On The Beach," by Nevil Shute (1962). Inexpensive paperback copies (it was a huge best seller) are easily obtainable. In the meantime, try this satire site: https://mousetrapnews.com/

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I whole heartedly agree with God Help U.S. He likes to be invited, though. He doesn't just push back in after being kicked out (by the Dept. of Edu.) Wonder if Madelyn Murray O'Hare found comfort in the oil can she wound up in.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Those in this Surber cohort have been awake and aware. We're angry and frustrated . . . and I am always confused as to how this treachery continues unabated. The general population seems to be sleeping through everything.

The bold and brave project like "Sound of Freedom" has wedged a sharp fist down Disney's throat to shut them up for awhile. It beat Disney at its own game and created a new army of BOLD and BRAVE believers who went into action. It wasn't any "conservative" government leaders. We also shoved a fist down Bud Light's throat and Mulvaney has had to leave the country to get any media attention. The Bud Light reaction stopped Target from their Woke retailing. Now we need to get to the Blackrock and Vanguard institutions and make them regret their ways.

Thank God (literally) some broader audience has finally been repulsed by all the woke filth and is responding.

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Shrugged: the "general population" isn't asleep - not anymore. We're painfully awake and looking for a strong and determined leader to follow (if Trump "goes down" - somehow defeated).

We have the millions needed to physically enter D.C., take down this corrupt regime and start over; we're only stymied by lack of a strong leader and the fact that our enemy knows our every move because of these d@mn cell phones. Big Brother IS watching.

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Time for a floor vote to vacate the Speaker's chair. Need a goon speaker. The kind who fires a shot...then says "Halt!"

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Excellent article! But “winning”? I’m not so sure.

Yes, we are definitely gaining ground due to one, faithful and extraordinary work by brave souls who refuse to bend the knee, but whom also have suffered greatly in their efforts, (being “cancelled”, losing jobs, punishment via lawfare).

And secondly, by coming after the children, they crossed all lines and awakened many to the expanse of their wider evil works.

But I will only be convinced we’re actually winning, when the Rule Of Law is restored, and any of these perpetrators of evil actually begin to suffer real consequences for their wickedness, being shamed, humiliated out of all society and ultimately going to jail.

Because up to this very day not a single one -not one - has suffered in the slightest for their diabolical deeds, and they continue on their insane path of destruction apace.

When someone is actually held to account, then I will know the tide is turning.

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While I enjoy hearing about winning some battles and I know that good wins at the end of all things, I can’t stop the nagging concern that some evil attack awaits revelation.

In other words, I’m waiting for the next leftist boot to drop. Old Scratch has been around long enough and seems to enjoy an endless supply of arrows in his evil quiver with which to inspire his minions here on earth.

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I'm with you. All they do is investigate. There are no consequences.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Only pain teaches,

For corporations, hurt the profits.

For the border, stop any transfers of money out of the country for people without green cards.

For schools, cut the funding.

For the bureaucracy, zero out their budget.

Won't be easy, but it works.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I am most horribly upset because “ wokeism” is personal. They don’t just try to shut you up: they want to close you down.

A little background: I’m 75 and I have 7 children, 12 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. I’m an Irish catholic as you can see! I was an engineer for Verizon and I also have a hobby of creating show-stopping cakes. I taught religious ed to teenagers for 42 years and was married 48 years when my abusive husband finally left. You see my 5 grown sons finally found out what he’d been doing to me. I was broke for a couple of years but I came back stronger and happier than ever. Now to the real hurt.

I have many(many many many) close friends and family who have cut me off for my pro life and pro Trump beliefs. And my anti- vax beliefs must be added to my list of faults.

So just a little, old lady in Florida minding my own business will probably spend the rest of my life cancelled. I’m floored.

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Anyone who can write as well as you have will bounce back. Good luck!

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Excellent observation. I fully agree!

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Dear Joan,

So very sorry for your hurt and pain. Remember that as a believer, you

are strong, victorious, unique, valued, important, loved, forgiven, a new creation, protected, empowered, chosen, a member of God’s family and you belong to God.

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Bless you for standing strong in the face of pure evil.

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber

POLL: Where's Prince Charming?

Facing four "TRUMPed up" lawsuits as he seeks to Make America Great Again - by winning for the third time.

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"99 indictments on the wall, take one down and his polls go up, 98 indictments on the wall, take one down and..."

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber

It is always interesting how every vestige of the “establishment media” is just about in complete lockstep to immediately attack directly or undermine deceptively any person or any group that questions the woke or marxist ideology. So many have had all reason and logic obliterated through the public schools and university system. There must be a deliberate and systematic decision to withdraw from the “matrix” and with that, rethink and re-establish education and community. Many are waking up. A first step is to actively identify openly woke companies and entities and to do everything you can to deny them one dime of your money.

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"...Bryanston Distributing Company...went bankrupt a few years after giving the world 'Deep Throat.'"

The porno flick, or was it a documentary on the butt-hurt weasel who exacted revenge on the Nixon administration because he was passed over for promotion?

Every single accusation made by anyone on the left, especially if they are members of the Political, Corporate, and/or Donor Classes or the propaganda apparatus is nothing but projection - Brownlee's complaint, the LVS' editorial - as Don points out, everything the left has done for 70+ years, and what it will continue doing if not stopped.

"In other words, we are fighting in the territory that the left thought it owned. The way to win a war is to fight the enemy on its own turf, which is why we are winning. The left has to defend the indefensible."

God bless those who have persevered. To my shame, I am one who tired of the fight and concluded the culture was not worth the effort, that the ones who wanted sodomy, androgyny, transvestism, wokeness, public defecation and legalized drug-use to be the culture could have it - I would not be participating. I figured it would eventually implode on itself.

Those like me, and I, myself, owe those who have persevered a debt of gratitude that likely cannot be fully repaid.

As for today's poll question, it is confusing, to me. Since inanimate objects that talk are disturbing, I'm opting for #2 as it would take forever to definitively answer, effectively rendering it mute.

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Deflection only works when the media is a vapid echo chamber of agenda bias, which it is. Dana Brownlee is doing exactly what Democrats and woke liberals have been doing for decades; they accuse republicans or conservatives of doing the very thing she and her woke followers are guilty of. It’s their tell and they can’t help it.

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Yes; and I saw somewhere that Forbes is now Chinese-owned; I think that's accurate?

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That is correct.

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber

about the only tv i watch is college football, so i watched a lot of tv this weekend. i thought last year's crop of commercials was as bad as it could get for woke, but i was wrong. hey mcdonalds, you just lost a customer, albeit a very infrequent one, with your promotion of sociopathic sexual degeneracy.

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McD is financially struggling. Looks like it has gotten the "Woke virus" and it is fading fast.

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Same here. Haven't had the sound on since about 2000. The mute button is a man's best friend.

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I love college football. Go to all Mississippi State home games. Record them and watch later. Skip commercials.

Thankfully, there are so many games on, when I do watch live, I can change channels during the endless (3+ minute) stoppages and watch another game in progress. I will not watch the woke commercials if I can help it.

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i watch live, streaming. changing games is a bit of a chore. but it feels so good to know i'm not giving a nickel to commiecast

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Sep 5, 2023·edited Sep 6, 2023

Amazon and other mobsters mouths are doing us a huge favor by incarcerating the baseball games behind the Iron Pay Curtain. Nothing could be more insane; ultimately, this kills their product. Meanwhile, here's an example of the level of the fraud / deceit that's saturated everything: The alternatives to Amazon et al are now considered "free" --- as if no one PAYS for ESPN / ACCN / FS1 & FS2 / BTN / MLB / CBSSN ETC. on cable!!!

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MLB, NFL, NHL, MLS are all dead to me. i was a huge fan before they went woke.

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I handicap sports events and my only allegiance is the bottom line of my FanDuel account: a 180* swing from the days when as a young man I revered the Yankees for being the epitome of class and distinction. Today, almost everyone in all sports should be working on the roadsides picking up trash.

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The Bulldog fans are among the best in SEC. Having said that, playing Bama, LSU, TAMU, Ole Miss, and Auburn year in and year out, will make anyone a bit humble. Mike Leach was a great coach and a potential savior for MSU, but sadly, like Jimmy Buffet, another pirate has gone to meet their Maker.

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Mike Leach was a hitman in the Pac 10 and as a Beaver fan I dreaded him and yet loved his philosophy of life and football.

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Thx. 13 straight bowl games. Sixth best record in the SEC over those 13 years. Can’t beat Bama (can hardly score on them), competitive with the others. Sad about Leach. We love Our new coach - was DC for all three years under Leach. Buffet a Mississippi born legend. Sad too.

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As Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit likes to say, "Don't get cocky, people!"

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Sep 5, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The Las Vegas Sun editorials are written by Bill Clinton’s College Roomate and friend. Nuff said.

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Wow. Imagine what Hank Greenspun would think of his newspaper today. Recommended: "Where I Stand, Hank Greenspun [1909-89]; David McKay Company, Inc. (1966 hardcover).

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I think I’ve is a chip off the old block. But it’s the same problem with the newspaper business all over the country minimal number of readers and subscriptions. The Las Vegas Sun is ironically inserted into the Las Vegas review journal when is published daily. The review journal is owned by the Adelson family who are big Republican donors.

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