01/14/25: All too true. Every word of it. Do not donate to California relief funds and "good causes." Karen Bass and Gavin Newsome will simply steal your money.
It turns out that donations end up going to ActBlue. That’s the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party’s collection agency to further the its communist project for America.
In an article I read over the weekend, someone was suggesting giving to The United Way of LA as an alternative. Don’t do that either. They have been a completely fraudulent organization for decades. Your donation is more likely to be given to some tranny rights groups than to fire relief.
Don’t forget - Pedo Joe has offered CA all the money that they want in “fire relief” for the next 6 months, so all of us taxpayers are already “donating”. Against our will.
The UW is a sad shell of what it once was. Right now they don’t need money, the working class needs somewhere to live and there aren’t enough places for them. The electrical and phone grid is wiped out in the fire area and every house that had gas service will have to be cleaned up and the gas lines capped before service can be restored to the rest of the places still standing. Same goes for water lines. They will have to start recovery similar to what Hiroshima looked like after the bomb. Full recovery is years away.
The Cycle: They steal the money. The fires explode. They want more money. It's raked in. THAT money in turn is stolen. Donations are literally being given to a ravenous mafia.
It was described in some detail in "The Scroll" on Monday, Jan. 13, in: "Obama Bros Push Wildfire Charity Scam" It's almost hard to believe, but after having lived through all the Leftist connivance of the past few years, it seems entirely plausible/
01/14/25: And no amount of money can outpace what this fire will continue to turn into, which can easily continue to expand and rage until January 27th. The Joads might be stampeding back to Oklahoma; Ventura CA has just exploded; and here are the truly hopeless east of LACA who are trying to fight a new fire with SHOVELS (no water): https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1879017296984989910
The fire is adjacent to the Santa Clara river. These firemen are creating a control line with the tools they use to do such things.
“Forward progress has been stopped, per Ventura County FD's PIO on X. Firefighters remain on scene mopping up hotspots and working to increase containment. The fire was confined to the river bottom and no structures were threatened.”
During a tornado season in our state some few years ago, the same was said of the American Red Cross, and donations to them. Don't remember if it was true, but I seriously doubt it was true.
After 9/11, lots of RC bonuses, spent millions on new computers, etc,, etc.
My late father remembers the USS GrandChamp fertilizer explosion in Texas City in the 1940s, the RC was selling blankets. His local catholic church in OH in depression was asking for tithes, with the beautiful gold altar. And of course Catholic Charities here in Dallas has been re-settling refugees in Dallas at least back to the Kosovo war, where they get paid to relocate, set up apartments, for Federal payments...diocese loves the funding. Then we had stupid Pete Sessions, ignored illegals for years, while getting $$ from defense contractors, he eventually got voted out of office in his district when Beto peaked. Sessions the grifter is now back in Congress for Waco; he gets to keep his Seniority..../all institutions have been corrupted.
We only give to direct aid and people we personally know working on various charity efforts.... our ministers know ministers in LA whose churches have burned and/or their congregants have lost homes.
New chant: "Newsome and Bass need a kick in the ass." California tax payers must dethrone them; run them out of the government. For an encore, run them out of the country. The rest of America will give you a standing ovation. Set an example for other state governments.
And Not just Bass and Newscum, but the entire Democrat party machine, which includes Pelosi and Schiff and a host of others planted in DC, all of which have ruled over that state for decades and brought only devastation and destruction.
I have to wonder: they lose the vote fabulously, they lost the trust of the people, all their party planks are lies or anti human, their leaders are weak and pathetic, their cathedral of decadence has burned to the ground: how is this not God’s hand?
California elections are frauds - you will not vote yourself out of it at this point. Force election integrity on California. When the inevitable request for funds to rebuild comes - make them contingent on a number of water management and forest management rules. Then use our new found respect for DEI violating our civil rights laws and have the DOJ bring a massive civil rights lawsuit against the City of LA and their fire department. The settlement terms will consist of the elimination of their DEI initiatives and the removal of the three heads of the fire department placed without respect to their capabilities.
Pelosi and Schiff and the others in the delegation are the perpetual pot of gold that has kept California solvent for decades. Newsom was the heir apparent but no more.
Pelosi’s SF district is a wasteland of corruption, decadence and malfeasance. As is Schiff’s.
They are conmen and grifters from out of the gate. And they’re going to try to steal even more from the American people to continue to line their pockets over the grotesque failure of their policies in that state.
They should be run out of town on a rail, after they’ve been tarred and feathered.
When power becomes concentrated in the hands of the few, the result is always the same. Tyranny. The Founders knew this because they were deeply interested in history and were well acquainted with that greatest and most accurate historical book, The Bible. In that book they read about the great tyrants of history, from Nimrod to Nebuchadnessar to Caesar. They knew that concentrating power in a central government was sure to turn into a dictatorship eventually and so they took great pains to limit the power granted to that central government by reserving all powers not specifically granted to it to the several states or the people. To further ensure circumscription of the central government, they added the Bill of Rights. As time has gone on, however, Lord Acton's maxim has proven itself correct, and each accretion of power in the central governnent has led to greater corruption, perhaps reaching its zenith in the brazen and unmitigated corruption that was the so-called "Biden administration" and its accomplices in the embedded bureaucracy. The portion of the citizenry that was self-aware recognized this and therefore elected Trump. Dismantlement of that corrupt and tyrannical regime is Trump's overarching duty and his first priority. Let us pray he succeeds.
It started with Obama. Because he was half black, gay and had a perfectly creased pant leg he got away with (quite possibly) murder. Obama and Biden are mere puppets of the Deep State.
So let's get this straight. "... Los Angeles budgeted $837 million for the LAFD, which was roughly 65% the size of the homeless budget of $1.3 billion." The homeless who start 50% of the fires in LA. Gee, what could go wrong? Wonder if the city supplies the blow torches?
AD, supplying the blow torches might be akin to supplying the drugs for the meth heads. Shellenberger said last night that they have a particular fascination with setting things on fire just to watch them burn - and we all know how those fires get out of control pretty quickly especially in the vicinity of high winds
I have to start going back to church. When I think of the evil perpetrated by Hollyweird, the suffering brought to the common man by their communist policies, the lunatics they back for office, when I watch their mansions burn to the ground, all I can think is ... "Hmmm.....urban renewal."
It might be better to just let them destroy themselves. We may have one of those moments that will bring the sheep out of their blind stupor so they can revolt against the commiecrats.
I don’t think they have hit bottom yet. US taxpayers - the legacy enablers of choice - have to help them hit bottom by letting them solve their own problems with their own money.
Congresses response to this will tell us a lot about whether or not they have reached the bottom. Not a cent should go to CA government, any funds should go directly to a program to finance rebuilding homes FIRST.
No money period. The government of California created this mess by all their left wing policies and those people voted them in. Wallow in it because the electorate will learn nothing if someone just bails them out.
Yeah, we hear a lot of talk of CA new hitting rock bottom. Don't think so. And not because of the gross incompetence of leadership. It's more about hatred toward DJT.
What needs to burn to the ground is the entire “Climate Change” lie.
The willfully blind allegiance to that monstrosity of a lie is behind 90% of the policies and plethora of problems that have broken the back and crippled any chance of prosperity for CA, and literally let it burn to the ground. Only those on the receiving end of the incomprehensible money laundering that LIE enables and the millions of their blinded zealous believers will never let it go without a fight.
That LIE is responsible for incalculable and human suffering around the planet.
It must be terminated with all so haste or real progress and real solutions are impossible.
Altadena, a town at the northern edge of the LA basin and a place that could have been the model for a Norman Rockwell painting when I grew up there in the fifties, had to burn to the ground before anyone other than those of us who grew up there ever heard of it. Communicating with people who have not left (as I did in 1965), it appears the elementary school I attended is ashes. The middle school I went to is too. I have not been able to hear about my old high school. The home my father had built a little over 70 years ago is in the zone the internet describes as totally destroyed.
One single fire has replaced all the carbon footprint the CA politicians have allegedly saved us from since Al Gore told us the earth would be uninhabitable by now.
Government's primary role is protecting its citizens. Not undertaking the impossible mission of "saving the earth," not allowing everyone who wants to live in America to enter illegally, not insisting we accept the idea of 75 different genders, not even saving tiny fish. Protecting its citizens. Precisely what they did not do in SoCal, and now fires are popping up in Oxnard, a two-hour drive north from the LA Basin. All I can say is I sure hope Oxnard does not have a properly DEI-enlightened fire chief when the fires get blown into the town from the surrounding hills.
Anyone else see Tucker's video of the day today of the long tunnel that has been dug for all those "migrants" to make their way into El Paso - it's at least 6' tall so few would have to stoop to walk in and well braced - thank you FJB
That was an excellent article about Yale Law professor Amy Chua. She had the courage to stand firm at Yale Law in spite of vicious attack by the mostly Democratic faculty.
It reminds us that while Trump has been the most visible figurehead of America's grit and return to sanity, that there have been millions of us, each in our own circle of endeavor and each in our own way, who have gone thru this process of awakening and have put our devoted energy and courage into the movement to return America to sanity.
Ignore it. Let them suffer in their stupidity. They asked for this. Let them have it.
Don’t be foolish. Look how they ignored WNC. This isn’t retribution. It’s reality. They voted for these politicians who IGNORED all common sense and recommendations.
They tout their financial standing in the world (7th largest economy). So Let them figure it out. No federal dollars for this.
Burn baby burn.
(Edited because this stupid iPhone purposely likes to rewrite everything.)
Agreed. Let them put their own house in order. It's the only way the would truly appreciate what they create. Having the federal gov step in would create resentment and a callous disregard for their own situation. Think of a rebellious teen and a over caring parent.
What confounds me is the lefty pols still don't understand that agriculture in the Central Valley and tourism is what drives their economy ; yet every action they take hobbles those revenue streams .
If the Feds(We)are going to fund rebuilding of LA there have to be lots of strings attached like allowing NorCal water to flow south not into the sea, brush abatement, forest management, no more sanctuary State bs and keeping criminals locked up. They get the funds only after the results are thoroughly inspected. Trust by verify.
This freaks me out & it isn’t necessarily because of the “brylcreem” types (I love the label, plus a trip down memory lane). It is because of the rest of us. Like the title of the book “How Do You Kill 11 Million People?” willingly. Apparently survival isn’t the first law of nature. Whether it is Maui, Asheville, or LA, the scenario is the same, ordinary people (generations) just living their lives left with nothing & I mean nothing. Everything taken from them by people with the intelligence of a rock (not to be insulting to rocks). As evil as the Stalin’s & the Mao’s of the world may have been at least you can credit them with some level of competency. The greatest nation the world has ever known ((US) is being dismantled by FJB & Mr. Brylcreem. I am not sure what is more depressing- being destroyed or being destroyed by someone who couldn’t get a job picking up trash.
Satan is the root of all lies and murders. His misfortune is that what He has been suggesting for millennia will be his first and only option on the day that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and he'll walk towards the pulsating light of the father God who will consume him and put him in the belly of hell where he'll be digested or eternity after eternity providing little sparkles of light off the derriere of our lovely rebuilt planet where the church and Jesus Christ will reign for eternity... Making love and babies and stars and planets and rebuilding the universe the Tai chi way, slowly, with every child having a good long look at the depths of hell and will tell them the stories of those crazy characters and there but for the grace of God would we also be if we had not embraced the warm arms of Jesus held out to us in love. Best. Sci-Fi. Ever. And it will be reality.
Later Gators.
MAD DOGSatan is the root of all lies and murders. His misfortune is that what He has been suggesting for millennia will be his first and only option on the day that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and he'll walk towards the pulsating light of the father God who will consume him and put him in the belly of hell where he'll be digested or eternity after eternity providing little sparkles of light off the derriere of our lovely rebuilt planet where the church and Jesus Christ will reign for eternity... Making love and babies and stars and planets and rebuilding the universe the Tai chi way, slowly, with every child having a good long look at the depths of hell and will tell them the stories of those crazy characters and there but for the grace of God would we also be if we had not embraced the warm arms of Jesus held out to us in love. Best. Sci-Fi. Ever. And it will be reality.
Every day bears witness to the inaction/action the witless authorities in CA call government. This simply verifies, to me and at least some others, that these morons need to be removed from office as soon as may be. The question in my mind: When? Year after year Gov Brylcreem (bwahahaha!) gets returned to office; are most denizens of CA masochists? Then there's the "authority" structure of the Fire Department in L.A.!
I have known several gay women throughout my life. All of them very capable mechanics or business owners. I would suspect that they don't feel much solidarity with the oversized man-hater who suggested that the husband she couldn't pick up and carry, got himself in that situation.
Then there are the fire starters...! Is it just me who thinks that, instead of following and yelling at these maniacs, a good start would be yanking the propane torch out of their hands - and then swatting them across the face with it?? I realize that there is some risk involved - namely getting arrested for "assaulting" the poor illegal alien firebug - oh well! Keeping the jackass from burning the neighborhood down is self defense, no?
01/14/25: All too true. Every word of it. Do not donate to California relief funds and "good causes." Karen Bass and Gavin Newsome will simply steal your money.
It turns out that donations end up going to ActBlue. That’s the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party’s collection agency to further the its communist project for America.
In an article I read over the weekend, someone was suggesting giving to The United Way of LA as an alternative. Don’t do that either. They have been a completely fraudulent organization for decades. Your donation is more likely to be given to some tranny rights groups than to fire relief.
Don’t forget - Pedo Joe has offered CA all the money that they want in “fire relief” for the next 6 months, so all of us taxpayers are already “donating”. Against our will.
The UW is a sad shell of what it once was. Right now they don’t need money, the working class needs somewhere to live and there aren’t enough places for them. The electrical and phone grid is wiped out in the fire area and every house that had gas service will have to be cleaned up and the gas lines capped before service can be restored to the rest of the places still standing. Same goes for water lines. They will have to start recovery similar to what Hiroshima looked like after the bomb. Full recovery is years away.
Beware any outfit that's its execs first and charity causes last .
Sorry , pays its execs first and charitable causes last .
The Cycle: They steal the money. The fires explode. They want more money. It's raked in. THAT money in turn is stolen. Donations are literally being given to a ravenous mafia.
Just like Nancy taught them
If President Trump decides to give financial aid to CA those funds should be administered by DOGE directly.
The precedent being that California has taken billions of federal dollars to build less than a mile of high speed rail.
01/15/25: Agree 100%. And force Newsom / Bass to resign before one cent is sent.
I read about that yesterday. Act Blue gets almost 4% of every dime that comes in and then redonates the money to another political action committee.
Is that factual or just urban myth?
It was described in some detail in "The Scroll" on Monday, Jan. 13, in: "Obama Bros Push Wildfire Charity Scam" It's almost hard to believe, but after having lived through all the Leftist connivance of the past few years, it seems entirely plausible/
Democrat mantra-Never let a disaster go to waste.
Factual. Elizabeth Warren tweeted the link.
If it’s slimy or quasi legal Democrats are on it. They are all about power and how to keep it.
01/14/25: And no amount of money can outpace what this fire will continue to turn into, which can easily continue to expand and rage until January 27th. The Joads might be stampeding back to Oklahoma; Ventura CA has just exploded; and here are the truly hopeless east of LACA who are trying to fight a new fire with SHOVELS (no water): https://x.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1879017296984989910
The fire is adjacent to the Santa Clara river. These firemen are creating a control line with the tools they use to do such things.
“Forward progress has been stopped, per Ventura County FD's PIO on X. Firefighters remain on scene mopping up hotspots and working to increase containment. The fire was confined to the river bottom and no structures were threatened.”
A bit of good news for a change.
The work of the actual Section Commanders and “boots on the ground” (and I will add “in the air”) first responders is nothing short of amazing.
The river bottom is a shanty town.
As they often are, in numerous states.
Cry me a river!
Your point?
At 9:04 am PT the Auto Fire: 100% contained
Criminals all!
During a tornado season in our state some few years ago, the same was said of the American Red Cross, and donations to them. Don't remember if it was true, but I seriously doubt it was true.
After 9/11, lots of RC bonuses, spent millions on new computers, etc,, etc.
My late father remembers the USS GrandChamp fertilizer explosion in Texas City in the 1940s, the RC was selling blankets. His local catholic church in OH in depression was asking for tithes, with the beautiful gold altar. And of course Catholic Charities here in Dallas has been re-settling refugees in Dallas at least back to the Kosovo war, where they get paid to relocate, set up apartments, for Federal payments...diocese loves the funding. Then we had stupid Pete Sessions, ignored illegals for years, while getting $$ from defense contractors, he eventually got voted out of office in his district when Beto peaked. Sessions the grifter is now back in Congress for Waco; he gets to keep his Seniority..../all institutions have been corrupted.
We only give to direct aid and people we personally know working on various charity efforts.... our ministers know ministers in LA whose churches have burned and/or their congregants have lost homes.
New chant: "Newsome and Bass need a kick in the ass." California tax payers must dethrone them; run them out of the government. For an encore, run them out of the country. The rest of America will give you a standing ovation. Set an example for other state governments.
And Not just Bass and Newscum, but the entire Democrat party machine, which includes Pelosi and Schiff and a host of others planted in DC, all of which have ruled over that state for decades and brought only devastation and destruction.
I have to wonder: they lose the vote fabulously, they lost the trust of the people, all their party planks are lies or anti human, their leaders are weak and pathetic, their cathedral of decadence has burned to the ground: how is this not God’s hand?
It wasn’t “God’s hand”.
It was all a result of man’s folly.
The people chose this by their votes, but moreso their indifference.
Destruction is a consequence of sin, like it or not.
We either suffer or are blessed by the consequences of our own free-will choices.
California elections are frauds - you will not vote yourself out of it at this point. Force election integrity on California. When the inevitable request for funds to rebuild comes - make them contingent on a number of water management and forest management rules. Then use our new found respect for DEI violating our civil rights laws and have the DOJ bring a massive civil rights lawsuit against the City of LA and their fire department. The settlement terms will consist of the elimination of their DEI initiatives and the removal of the three heads of the fire department placed without respect to their capabilities.
Sort of reminds me of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
Suzie, you failed to include greatly enriched their own fat bank accounts!
Pelosi and Schiff and the others in the delegation are the perpetual pot of gold that has kept California solvent for decades. Newsom was the heir apparent but no more.
Pot of STOLEN gold you mean.
Pelosi’s SF district is a wasteland of corruption, decadence and malfeasance. As is Schiff’s.
They are conmen and grifters from out of the gate. And they’re going to try to steal even more from the American people to continue to line their pockets over the grotesque failure of their policies in that state.
They should be run out of town on a rail, after they’ve been tarred and feathered.
I'm not so sure Newsom is out. The communists like what he's done so far.
Newsom has a plan to rebuild LA, Sadly it is the same 10-year plan he used to solve San Francisco’s homelessness crisis.
More waiting to take over. The lefty’s can smell the money. Its the party that has to be vanquished, not just the leaders.
Maybe Bass was getting her new gig set up by going to the inauguration of the new president in Ghana
When power becomes concentrated in the hands of the few, the result is always the same. Tyranny. The Founders knew this because they were deeply interested in history and were well acquainted with that greatest and most accurate historical book, The Bible. In that book they read about the great tyrants of history, from Nimrod to Nebuchadnessar to Caesar. They knew that concentrating power in a central government was sure to turn into a dictatorship eventually and so they took great pains to limit the power granted to that central government by reserving all powers not specifically granted to it to the several states or the people. To further ensure circumscription of the central government, they added the Bill of Rights. As time has gone on, however, Lord Acton's maxim has proven itself correct, and each accretion of power in the central governnent has led to greater corruption, perhaps reaching its zenith in the brazen and unmitigated corruption that was the so-called "Biden administration" and its accomplices in the embedded bureaucracy. The portion of the citizenry that was self-aware recognized this and therefore elected Trump. Dismantlement of that corrupt and tyrannical regime is Trump's overarching duty and his first priority. Let us pray he succeeds.
It started with Obama. Because he was half black, gay and had a perfectly creased pant leg he got away with (quite possibly) murder. Obama and Biden are mere puppets of the Deep State.
Amen Steve !
In CA when power becomes concnetrated..it overpowers the grid!
It sparks! It causes wildfires.
No wonder they want everything electric.
California dreamin'
all the lights are out
and the sky is black
There's no power now
the politicians are hacks
They'd be safe and warm
But Gavin don't know Jack
California's screamin'
and burnin' every day!
So let's get this straight. "... Los Angeles budgeted $837 million for the LAFD, which was roughly 65% the size of the homeless budget of $1.3 billion." The homeless who start 50% of the fires in LA. Gee, what could go wrong? Wonder if the city supplies the blow torches?
Well why not? They supply needles to drug addicts and no-arrest policies to shoplifters.
You know what they say…the more you subsidize something the more you get of it.
AD, supplying the blow torches might be akin to supplying the drugs for the meth heads. Shellenberger said last night that they have a particular fascination with setting things on fire just to watch them burn - and we all know how those fires get out of control pretty quickly especially in the vicinity of high winds
Like the lowlife that set fire to Pigeon Forge abt 10 years ago.
LA… their monkey, their circus. The citizens… and others who voted… voted for this.
...not our monkeys, not our circus...
I have to start going back to church. When I think of the evil perpetrated by Hollyweird, the suffering brought to the common man by their communist policies, the lunatics they back for office, when I watch their mansions burn to the ground, all I can think is ... "Hmmm.....urban renewal."
Sodom and Gemmorah
Sodom on Potomac
Sodom on Los Angeles and Sacramento
It might be better to just let them destroy themselves. We may have one of those moments that will bring the sheep out of their blind stupor so they can revolt against the commiecrats.
I don’t think they have hit bottom yet. US taxpayers - the legacy enablers of choice - have to help them hit bottom by letting them solve their own problems with their own money.
Congresses response to this will tell us a lot about whether or not they have reached the bottom. Not a cent should go to CA government, any funds should go directly to a program to finance rebuilding homes FIRST.
No money period. The government of California created this mess by all their left wing policies and those people voted them in. Wallow in it because the electorate will learn nothing if someone just bails them out.
No free chicken this time.
Yeah, we hear a lot of talk of CA new hitting rock bottom. Don't think so. And not because of the gross incompetence of leadership. It's more about hatred toward DJT.
Excellent article - thank you for posting it
What needs to burn to the ground is the entire “Climate Change” lie.
The willfully blind allegiance to that monstrosity of a lie is behind 90% of the policies and plethora of problems that have broken the back and crippled any chance of prosperity for CA, and literally let it burn to the ground. Only those on the receiving end of the incomprehensible money laundering that LIE enables and the millions of their blinded zealous believers will never let it go without a fight.
That LIE is responsible for incalculable and human suffering around the planet.
It must be terminated with all so haste or real progress and real solutions are impossible.
We will all pay the costs for the Californian dreamers - and meanwhile people in the Carolinas are being evicted from the FEMA paid hotels.
It is my guess, that in 6 days the plight of the folks in North Carolina is going to improve. I would hope long before California.
I hope so
Altadena, a town at the northern edge of the LA basin and a place that could have been the model for a Norman Rockwell painting when I grew up there in the fifties, had to burn to the ground before anyone other than those of us who grew up there ever heard of it. Communicating with people who have not left (as I did in 1965), it appears the elementary school I attended is ashes. The middle school I went to is too. I have not been able to hear about my old high school. The home my father had built a little over 70 years ago is in the zone the internet describes as totally destroyed.
One single fire has replaced all the carbon footprint the CA politicians have allegedly saved us from since Al Gore told us the earth would be uninhabitable by now.
Government's primary role is protecting its citizens. Not undertaking the impossible mission of "saving the earth," not allowing everyone who wants to live in America to enter illegally, not insisting we accept the idea of 75 different genders, not even saving tiny fish. Protecting its citizens. Precisely what they did not do in SoCal, and now fires are popping up in Oxnard, a two-hour drive north from the LA Basin. All I can say is I sure hope Oxnard does not have a properly DEI-enlightened fire chief when the fires get blown into the town from the surrounding hills.
Are you saying you hope Oxnard burns to the ground as well? Cuz that's what DEI leadership will guarantee.
No, I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Yes, she should have put that negatively, like "I sure hope Oxnard does NOT ..."
Anyone else see Tucker's video of the day today of the long tunnel that has been dug for all those "migrants" to make their way into El Paso - it's at least 6' tall so few would have to stoop to walk in and well braced - thank you FJB
Vance just keeps getting more awesome: https://www.thefp.com/p/the-tiger-mother-roars-back-amy-chua-jd-vance-vivek-ramaswamy
That was an excellent article about Yale Law professor Amy Chua. She had the courage to stand firm at Yale Law in spite of vicious attack by the mostly Democratic faculty.
It reminds us that while Trump has been the most visible figurehead of America's grit and return to sanity, that there have been millions of us, each in our own circle of endeavor and each in our own way, who have gone thru this process of awakening and have put our devoted energy and courage into the movement to return America to sanity.
Thanks for linking this article.
Great article.
Ignore it. Let them suffer in their stupidity. They asked for this. Let them have it.
Don’t be foolish. Look how they ignored WNC. This isn’t retribution. It’s reality. They voted for these politicians who IGNORED all common sense and recommendations.
They tout their financial standing in the world (7th largest economy). So Let them figure it out. No federal dollars for this.
Burn baby burn.
(Edited because this stupid iPhone purposely likes to rewrite everything.)
Only the Federal government is going to end up having to pick up the lions share of their recovery tab and that translates to you and me.
And the Federal government has no money.
This has all the hallmarks of a last straw on our country’s financial back.
This will affect all of us, not just CA.
Pray much. 🙏
Yes. It's called facing the consequences of your own behavior/decisions. It's how you learn responsibility and become an adult. Oh, wait...
Agreed. Let them put their own house in order. It's the only way the would truly appreciate what they create. Having the federal gov step in would create resentment and a callous disregard for their own situation. Think of a rebellious teen and a over caring parent.
Isn't that what they call TOUGH LOVE?
What confounds me is the lefty pols still don't understand that agriculture in the Central Valley and tourism is what drives their economy ; yet every action they take hobbles those revenue streams .
If the Feds(We)are going to fund rebuilding of LA there have to be lots of strings attached like allowing NorCal water to flow south not into the sea, brush abatement, forest management, no more sanctuary State bs and keeping criminals locked up. They get the funds only after the results are thoroughly inspected. Trust by verify.
This freaks me out & it isn’t necessarily because of the “brylcreem” types (I love the label, plus a trip down memory lane). It is because of the rest of us. Like the title of the book “How Do You Kill 11 Million People?” willingly. Apparently survival isn’t the first law of nature. Whether it is Maui, Asheville, or LA, the scenario is the same, ordinary people (generations) just living their lives left with nothing & I mean nothing. Everything taken from them by people with the intelligence of a rock (not to be insulting to rocks). As evil as the Stalin’s & the Mao’s of the world may have been at least you can credit them with some level of competency. The greatest nation the world has ever known ((US) is being dismantled by FJB & Mr. Brylcreem. I am not sure what is more depressing- being destroyed or being destroyed by someone who couldn’t get a job picking up trash.
Correction , won't take a job picking up trash . Physical labor is beneath them . That is why they will never understand the middle class taxpayer .
Satan is the root of all lies and murders. His misfortune is that what He has been suggesting for millennia will be his first and only option on the day that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and he'll walk towards the pulsating light of the father God who will consume him and put him in the belly of hell where he'll be digested or eternity after eternity providing little sparkles of light off the derriere of our lovely rebuilt planet where the church and Jesus Christ will reign for eternity... Making love and babies and stars and planets and rebuilding the universe the Tai chi way, slowly, with every child having a good long look at the depths of hell and will tell them the stories of those crazy characters and there but for the grace of God would we also be if we had not embraced the warm arms of Jesus held out to us in love. Best. Sci-Fi. Ever. And it will be reality.
Later Gators.
MAD DOGSatan is the root of all lies and murders. His misfortune is that what He has been suggesting for millennia will be his first and only option on the day that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and he'll walk towards the pulsating light of the father God who will consume him and put him in the belly of hell where he'll be digested or eternity after eternity providing little sparkles of light off the derriere of our lovely rebuilt planet where the church and Jesus Christ will reign for eternity... Making love and babies and stars and planets and rebuilding the universe the Tai chi way, slowly, with every child having a good long look at the depths of hell and will tell them the stories of those crazy characters and there but for the grace of God would we also be if we had not embraced the warm arms of Jesus held out to us in love. Best. Sci-Fi. Ever. And it will be reality.
Later Gators.
Good morning, all.
Every day bears witness to the inaction/action the witless authorities in CA call government. This simply verifies, to me and at least some others, that these morons need to be removed from office as soon as may be. The question in my mind: When? Year after year Gov Brylcreem (bwahahaha!) gets returned to office; are most denizens of CA masochists? Then there's the "authority" structure of the Fire Department in L.A.!
I have known several gay women throughout my life. All of them very capable mechanics or business owners. I would suspect that they don't feel much solidarity with the oversized man-hater who suggested that the husband she couldn't pick up and carry, got himself in that situation.
Then there are the fire starters...! Is it just me who thinks that, instead of following and yelling at these maniacs, a good start would be yanking the propane torch out of their hands - and then swatting them across the face with it?? I realize that there is some risk involved - namely getting arrested for "assaulting" the poor illegal alien firebug - oh well! Keeping the jackass from burning the neighborhood down is self defense, no?
As I have noted before: <Le Sigh>...
Another one above ground is a blessing.
Have a great day, everyone.
Only fund I would trust.