Tucker Carlson is a force to be reckoned with. He answers to no one. He owns his company. He is free to take sides, offer opinions, delve into matters, has no editors, owners or distractors looking over his shoulders. Tucker never had it so good. And the general public, conservatives, especially, are the beneficiaries of his work. His aggressive approach to doing what other journalist are not doing, but should be doing, is refreshing.

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

Did not Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer, Ed Sullivan and Ann Louise Bardach (Vanity Fair) -- just to name a few -- have interviews with Fidel Castro? Besides the level of hypocrisy how is this different?

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

The value of Tucker going to Russia for this interview may not be in what Putin says or what Carlson asks but in what Carlson sees in Russia as he travels around.

My guess is that what he sees will be quite different than what we are being told by our minders.

I don’t trust our minders one bit after Covid.

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

Putin is evil, as was Hitler.

Is he anymore evil than Biden? Obama? Bush 1 and 2? Johnson? Our CIA? The FBI

We literally have thousands of political prisoners in DC. Trump is being railroaded in show trials that would make Stalin proud.

I see the enemy and it is us

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

Don, your reference to Dorothy Fuldheim brings back so many memories. She was old and wrinkled, scowling and hard to look at. She was vicious when she didi a hard-hitting story, and wore a ring with a large purple stone that she waved for further emphasis as she made a point. I was asked by Tim Treadway, the incoming president of Union Commerce Bank, to introduce him to her. I arranged it at a book and author luncheon where WEWS had a table for eight. Tim was late arriving, fifteen minutes late. Not a good first impression. I said, "Dorthy, this is Tim Treadway the president of Union Commerce Bank. He said, "Glad to meet you, Dorothy." She snapped, "Call me Mrs. Fuldheim." I wouldn't be surprised if she gave Adolph Hitler the same treatment. What a scoop that turned out to be. She dined out on the Hitler interview for the rest of her life.

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

Great piece today, Don.

“If that doesn’t make you smile, you have my sympathies on the loss of your sense of humor.

As a nation, we are losing that sense and much, much more.”

The poor saps (and I use that as a term of affection) in DC prison will make it out with their minds & souls intact to the extent they keep their sense of humor.

I did a 1 1/2 in a Federal Prison Camp. A day didn’t go by that something didn’t crack us up.

I don’t compare my experience to the Jan 6ers, in much the same way I don’t think my Vietnam-era service (USAF) makes me one of the boys when I’m around true war veterans. (Keep mouth shut, pick up the tab.). And I don’t pretend to know what life is like for the poor saps in that DC hellhole (which sounds an awful lot like the Hanoi Hilton).

But nonetheless, I know the power of a sense of humor in those circumstances.

But we too need to laugh in the face of the Devil. As SNL has gone downhill, the Libs & Dems & most Repubs & all of DC, are filling the void.

So laugh and keep your powder dry.

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Ironic is too mild a word to describe the reaction of the "approved media" to Carlson's interview with Putin. At the same time they are all losing their shit over Tucker's scoop, they raise no objections to the failure of anyone in their peer group to interview Biden. When they do sit with him, they lob pre-approved softballs at him, so he can respond with his pre-approved and scripted answers. "Mr. President, how did you become so truly awesome?" "Mr. President, what do you think of that traitor, Donald Trump? Should he be imprisoned, hanged or exiled?" When Biden and his surrogates lie through their teeth about the economy, the situation at the southern border, the crime in our cities or anything else, the "approved media" smiles and nod their heads in agreement. It's the opposite of how they treated Nixon, whom they vilified, hounded and pursued out of office. And I am no fan of Nixon, believe me, but the stark contrast in the behavior of the approved media between the two presidents is remarkable, and even more so the contrast between their handling of Biden and Trump. The approved media is simply the propaganda service for the regime, and the regime is simply the American division of the global elitist cabal that seeks to grasp the entire world in its iron fist and crush out any and all dissent. The prophecies about the rise of anti-Christ are being fulfilled before our eyes.

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

Interview Old Joe. Pump the room with oxygen, or whatever helps the drugs wear off, bring in a couple young girls, and wait for it to happen.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

Don: Not QUITE true that FDR didn't give away anything. Yes, he made the Brits pay through the nose. (Helped his goal of ultimately extinguishing the British Empire.) But the USSR was a horse of a different color. We didn't charge Stalin (and he certainly didn't offer) a single kopeck for the massive amounts of aid we sent him during the war. It was all "on the house." Read the infuriating story in Sean McMeekin's superb revisionist history of WWII, "Stalin's War": https://a.co/d/f3otSy8

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

With his independent fighting spirit and backbone of steel, perhaps Tucker WOULD be a good choice for Trump's VP position. I wrote it off because he didn't have the experience in government business practices, but as we have read on this site, a non-government outsider may be just what we need. I would take Tucker over Noem.

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

The only traitors in this country are the Democrats and Republicans that have both forgotten the First Amendment to the Bill of Rights And refuse to defend it.

They are afraid that Mr Putin will come across as Sane and reasonable to the American Public. He will expose the traitors for who they are.

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

Was thinking about the Bizarro world of Superman. Remember truth, justice and the American way? Now it is lies, injustice and the Globalist way!

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

I love it when you use big words: “All evidence points to their desire to lose so they can set up a totalitarian government.” Keep saying that while pointing to old and new evidence. Thank you.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. Tucker is simply doing his job, a job which a lot of American journalists and opinion writers used to do before they drank the Commie-Democrat koolaid, took the laundered CCP and unlaundered Billionariat money, and start telling harmful fairy tales. The fact that it makes him remarkable in 2024 tells you how far our society has deteriorated. Tucker isn't a genius. He's brave, and intelligent, and he has resources that most independent media types would love to have, but mostly he's just a guy trying to report the news. Like Surber, he's a professional. The Left and the Never Trump cuckolds made him into an icon of the Right. I don't think he's even a registered Republican. He's just following the stories that matter.

Trump 2024

Vote Big Orange

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

Tucker should interview someone who puts his faith in God next. None of them seem to be in positions of power, so there might be little popular interest. But hearing what the faithful understand is happening in the world and out of it is certainly more newsworthy.

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Feb 7Liked by Don Surber

“If that doesn’t make you smile, you have my sympathies on the loss of your sense of humor” My Sense of Humor passed doctor Surber’s test.

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