Again we need to thank Elon Musk for his hostile takeover of Twitter. Without this we may very well be looking at another four years of a Obama-Puppet Presidency.
Elon taught all of us - especially conservatives - just how important the media channel is in messaging. The message is important, but, by itself, doesn't sway anyone until you remove the surrounding censorship that previously isolated that truthful message.
Alinsky teaches leftists to isolate a person and then destroy them. That same tactic was used for media messaging for decades. First on cable news, then in social media.
And Archimedes, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Edison (the scoundrel) and yes Tesla. And now the left hates him. Because he’s so smart he is down with Trump to save humanity from itself.
He will be the first trillionaire...... Think about that. He can buy countries or a Canadian province for its oil rich sand deposits. Not likely but interesting to think about.
I did get an extra Amazon $100 birthday gift card. I’m holding on to it for now bc so many places to use it. It won’t go far and needs careful planning. Probably best to wait for more sales.
I'd be happy with the interest on the interest. I often find pennies and dimes while walking around places. My son-in-law finds "folding money." He walks a lot. Me, not so much.
Democrats have been trying for weeks to figure out why they lost. They should have just asked Don Surber: “Mainstream media carried the Kool-Aid for Democrats. Voters pissed in it. The message of making your daughter share the shower with a man failed. The message of turning your son into a girl failed. The message of teachers talking about gay in kindergarten failed.”
Yes. And the message of pretending that nothing was amiss at the border failed, as well as the message that a doddering senile husk was "sharp as a tack" failed.
Almost as sweet as the smell of exploding lunatic heads in the morning: 'Senate Democrats livid with exiting Sinema, Manchin: ‘Pathetic’'. Senate Democrats were livid after Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) and Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.), two longtime members of their caucus, voted Wednesday to block President Biden’s nominee, Lauren McFerran, to serve another five-year term on the National Labor Relations Board'. Now the Trumpster will control NLRB.
Yes, it really is amazing. So many highly alert and critical thinking people who are broadly informed and share really interesting insights and links, and whose strong love for America is palpable. Plus some superb wits here!
It's interesting that Don has attracted (and allowed) this type of commenting community. This group recognizes the uniqueness of what Don has to offer--so many keen abilities I won't even attempt to enumerate them here. But I do think Don in this stage of his life is operating at the top of the Maslow Chart--"self-actualization" (which I think includes fulfillment of one's purpose). We're witnessing a master at the top of his game. And it inspires the rest of us to grapple more deeply with the political arena.
Yes, and I also appreciate his (as far as I can tell) hands off approach to the comment section. The other blog I read heavily is PowerLine and they are stuffed shirts when it comes to comments. On the one hand it might, in their case, be helpful to keep things civil. OTOH it's kind of obnoxious but part of that is due to being on Disqus versus Substack. The latter is far better!
Gail - I totally agree! I love the comments section and wish that so many other venues had them also - specifically, Tucker as I would like to compliment him and specifically many of his guests who are so enlightening
Interesting you mention Tucker. I would love a comment section too on his site, to explain why at least three of his guests have been extremely problematicly antisemitic.
The main problem arises in that Tucker DID NOTHING to question any of the guests on how they justify such vile views.
For that reason I cancelled my paid membership to him and unsubscribed from him.
It is a shame as so much of his content is great, but morally I cannot enable the promotion of antisemitism.
It’s so interesting and such an excellent example of cognitive dissonance on the part of the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party which has the MSM as its propaganda arm, blaming the MSM for its failure. But then cognition is not a Leftist attribute.
In my entire life, I always thought that anytime a Democrat wins an election, they lied and it cheated. I’ve never agreed with their marquee ideas as they were always anti human or taking my property. It’s finally caught up to them.
I heard even Europe is abandoning Climate change - it’s a huge lie, and it’s stealing money.
I noticed that the preachy little goblin, Saint Greta, has switched from Climate alarmism to Pro-Hamas propaganda. If that doesn't classify her as merely an incurable publicity addict, I don't know what will.
Because she follows the marching orders of the groups that fund all these groups, (everything Climate Change, everything Palestine/Hamas, everything BLM, Antifa, you name it).
My dad, born in 1910, frequently argued with my aunt that "Maybe one day WE will get us a Supreme Court." It has taken me nearly 80 years to figure out what he meant. I'm getting close. Aunt loved FDR, Dad didn't trust politicians.
Rush absolutely loved the radio business, did since he was a teenager, so he was laser focused on learning and perfecting his show on that media. Remember his TV show didn’t last real long, one of the reasons being he just didn’t enjoy doing it. I think the love and respect we have for him is the same we feel for what Don is doing on substack - using his gift for accessible/understandable writing and his knowledge of politics and history along with clever and fun asides and references he is having fun! We can feel it and it’s fun for us to read, always learning something, too.
I bought his app so I could listen to the whole show regardless the time of day. I was driving listening to the show when his wife came on and announced he has passed away. I literally cried. It was like losing a family member. I read Bo Snerdley’s “Daily BS” which is much like Rush’s stack of stuff. I see a lot of Rush references here.
Mega dittos! I've been trying since early morning to finish reading this stack. Ordinarily, I just kick life to the curb and do what I want to do. Today started off weird. So instead of starting the day with Don and Friends, I'm ending the day that way. Perhaps I'll sleep a lot better, in so doing.
If you had to boil down all of Rush’s messaging into one sentence it would this:
The Democrat party needs to be abolished.
That is more true now than ever before.
They are no longer a political party. They are now a full-fledged, anti-American, terrorist-supporting cabal of unprecedented corruption and a danger to National security, funding through a veritable plethora of NGO’s, foundations and organizations, responsible for some of the most heinous policies, dangerous groups and movements, bent on orchestrating division and unrest, working to destroy our country from within.
A racketeering corporation if there ever was one. Our RICO laws should be applied. Per Google, RICO = Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. That's what the current day Democratic Party has devolved into.
My 0.02 cents re: Rush is that he was someone who has very good political instincts. And had a lot of historical political knowledge. Bongino is filling Rush in many markets. I’ve no idea if he has all of them. Dan differs from Rush in his delivery (obviously) but Dan has some very interesting sources from his law enforcement background. It will be very interesting to see if DJT asks him to head up the USSS and WTH would happen to his radio show!!
Bongino has become a daily visit for me. His Rumble podcast tells it like it is - and he isn't vying for a government job or position so he doesn't mince words. I love that, bad words and all. His radio show that follows has to adhere to the FCC rules so he softens it a lot but covers the same stuff.
Bongino educated all of us about the Secret Service failures in response to the July assassination attempt like nobody else. He called out the Acting Director, Ron Rowe, who performed just as Bongino described him when questioned recently before a Congressional committee. Rowe is a stupid, lazy, spotlight hound. He has no business running the Secret Service.
We are lucky Trump is still alive with this bozo - Rowe - in charge.
Unfortunately, where I live there isn't anything better than Bongino, who doesn't come within miles of Rush's performance. Above all, I detest Bongino's shouting and whining; it's annoyng and adds nothing at all. Rush didn't need that; he was the consummate entertainer. I suppose it was all those years in a cigar-smoke-filled studio that did him in.
I agree with your take on Bongino. I tried listening to him for a while, but now my go to is 660AM, The Answer - Salem news channels . I look forward to Dennis Prager's return but Charlie Kirk is also a regular there among others, like Mark Davis, etc
Yes, I agree, whether it's Mark Levin or Bongino, the shouting is a turnoff to listen to, for me, anyway. One thing I did not care for with Rush's show is that imo it was way too repetitive. In a 3-hour show he sometimes would cover the same topic the entire time - it was like a soap opera that you could stop watching for 5 years and turn it on again and know the entire story line. Bongino maps out his show to cover more material which I prefer.
Rush was a consummate radio professional. Listeners usually can't listen to a three hour broadcast. Folks tune in later so he'd repeat some things from the first hour. He made it sound so easy but believe me it is not.
🤣 I agree. The 'rougher' podcast is more entertaining for me too! I knew Dan when he ran his last congressional race in MD, as we lived in that CD. We still have a number of his campaign's t-shirts. 😊
I had to look up VWRC, 'cause I'd managed to forget Hillary's raucous screeching about the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. But it can also mean Victorian Race Walking Club.
Hillary said the whole Lewinsky story was a made up lie and conspiracy. The media supported her all the way until the semen stained dress was presented.
The Democrats message is anti everything this country was built upon.
They can broadcast , print or yell until you know what freezes over and it won’t matter. Their message stinks and I hope they continue by elevating Joy Reid the NBC Nightly News or one of the other three letter networks so even more people can see and hear how out of touch with reality the Democrats are.
This latest group of “supporters and fans” of this alleged killer of the UnitedHealth Care CEO is just another example of how out of it their base is to reality.
re: Democrats lost the propaganda war. No. It's much worse than that. They lost the truth war.
Americans are trusting, but in the end pretty sharp. Once they discovered that the Lamestream Media was an unreliable source of information, they started investigating for themselves. What did they discover? Just that Alleged President Joe Stolen, Heels-up Harris, et al, were cowering and hiding and dast not show themselves to the public, while The Orange Man was out there everywhere, exposing the Real Trump - and it was nothing like the Left's caricature of him.
It's pretty hard to fake cojones when you've just been shot - if they look like they're there, well, they're there. The alternative press pulled back the Democrat sheets (and pointy hats); the People took a good look, and then they spoke. God, it's like I can breathe again.
I vote for Schiff for all-time weasel and it’s not even close. But this year’s weasel? Definitely Jack Smith. He’s a liar and a cheat and like many Dems, he’s not very smart. Happy Friday to all!
Agreed. As I said, I'm surprised Schiff hasn't retired this particular trophy, but your suggestion of a "Life-time Achievement Award" or something similar for Schiff-for-brains and this year's award for Smith makes sense.
Yes and now he is trying to buy his way into favor with the new administration. I would say "no thank you" to his $1 million bribe- it is chicken feed to him anyway. Him being "Z".
"...(in many towns) there is no local paper even available, and in a much larger chunk the few papers that remain are private equity–gutted carcasses with little aside from Associated Press reprints."
Well, you could not get a more pro-Kamala (and pro-all things Dem/woke/leftist/globalist) nor anti-Trump (and anti-all things Repub/conservative/pro-America) than a newspaper chock full of AP re-prints.
While living in Italy for a bit last spring, I decided to check on the news one day to see what the big stories were back home. So I decided to look at the AP website. Every single story—whether on politics, global conflicts, culture, weather events, or even sports—was some news item curated, framed, and spun in a way that flattered Dems, wokery, climate kooks, etc. and/or denigrated Repubs, conservatives, Christians, etc.
You saw what all leftists and few old-line conservatives see in this country. The fact is, we get better reporting on America from sources outside our country than we can get in our own country.
What a bunch of wasted analysis. The fact is Kamala Harris is an imbecile, an unproductive, worthless human being whose best attribute (according to published reports) begins and ends with her on her knees.
I, too hope they continue to bark up the same tree. In particular, I like Cooper's idea of buying up what's left of MSM papers , or starting new ones in certain counties, to spread their message. It reminds me of Virgin Airline's founder's response to a query about how to become a millionaire. He said "Start out as a billionaire and then buy an airline". I hope all these lefties continue to pour money into the same vehicles they've been controlling and using for 50 years-plus and ignore changing their messages. They'll continue to lose most elections and will have to resort to even more voter fraud than now.
As many of you have said, stop the cheating and the Dems will disappear. They have no message, just a plan to grab and hold power. It's very profitable. Ask Nancy.
Again we need to thank Elon Musk for his hostile takeover of Twitter. Without this we may very well be looking at another four years of a Obama-Puppet Presidency.
Elon taught all of us - especially conservatives - just how important the media channel is in messaging. The message is important, but, by itself, doesn't sway anyone until you remove the surrounding censorship that previously isolated that truthful message.
Alinsky teaches leftists to isolate a person and then destroy them. That same tactic was used for media messaging for decades. First on cable news, then in social media.
Thank you, Elon for opening our jail cell.
Nobody has better vision of the future than Musk. He is the Nostradamus of our day.
I think you are right about the Nostradamus similarity.
And Archimedes, Michelangelo, DaVinci, Edison (the scoundrel) and yes Tesla. And now the left hates him. Because he’s so smart he is down with Trump to save humanity from itself.
...and now he is the wealthiest man alive....perhaps who ever lived.
He will be the first trillionaire...... Think about that. He can buy countries or a Canadian province for its oil rich sand deposits. Not likely but interesting to think about.
Maybe he could buy Canada and Mexico?
He should get a huge discount on both!
Not only that, but buy them at what they're worth, then sell them for what they THINK they're worth.
New worth of $400 Billion. Me, I'd be happy with one-four hundredth of that!
I'd be happy finding a twenty on the sidewalk.
This Christmas season I would be happy with an extra $100. I’m serious .👀👀👀
I did get an extra Amazon $100 birthday gift card. I’m holding on to it for now bc so many places to use it. It won’t go far and needs careful planning. Probably best to wait for more sales.
I'd be happy with the interest on the interest. I often find pennies and dimes while walking around places. My son-in-law finds "folding money." He walks a lot. Me, not so much.
Don’t know if it’s true but I read recently that Putin is wealthier than Musk.
With all the unchecked graft and corruption it wouldn't suprise me of he was.
Be careful how you find out.
Without doubt.
Democrats have been trying for weeks to figure out why they lost. They should have just asked Don Surber: “Mainstream media carried the Kool-Aid for Democrats. Voters pissed in it. The message of making your daughter share the shower with a man failed. The message of turning your son into a girl failed. The message of teachers talking about gay in kindergarten failed.”
Yes. And the message of pretending that nothing was amiss at the border failed, as well as the message that a doddering senile husk was "sharp as a tack" failed.
May the dems forever remain willfully ignorant and unable to read the room Dave.
No, I would rather they never find out. Don, delete todays thread in case someone accidently reads this.
Almost as sweet as the smell of exploding lunatic heads in the morning: 'Senate Democrats livid with exiting Sinema, Manchin: ‘Pathetic’'. Senate Democrats were livid after Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) and Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.), two longtime members of their caucus, voted Wednesday to block President Biden’s nominee, Lauren McFerran, to serve another five-year term on the National Labor Relations Board'. Now the Trumpster will control NLRB.
I LOVE this comment section!
I get as much news here as I do from anywhere else!😊
Yes, it really is amazing. So many highly alert and critical thinking people who are broadly informed and share really interesting insights and links, and whose strong love for America is palpable. Plus some superb wits here!
It's interesting that Don has attracted (and allowed) this type of commenting community. This group recognizes the uniqueness of what Don has to offer--so many keen abilities I won't even attempt to enumerate them here. But I do think Don in this stage of his life is operating at the top of the Maslow Chart--"self-actualization" (which I think includes fulfillment of one's purpose). We're witnessing a master at the top of his game. And it inspires the rest of us to grapple more deeply with the political arena.
Yes, and I also appreciate his (as far as I can tell) hands off approach to the comment section. The other blog I read heavily is PowerLine and they are stuffed shirts when it comes to comments. On the one hand it might, in their case, be helpful to keep things civil. OTOH it's kind of obnoxious but part of that is due to being on Disqus versus Substack. The latter is far better!
I've been thinking the same thing for the last year or so. The one or two trolls that showed were laughed right out of town.
You are right-no mas shaming dbw. it was a foolish bet on his part. Holly in my Heart.❤️
and history and current events, on and on......and humor is the best!
Gail - I totally agree! I love the comments section and wish that so many other venues had them also - specifically, Tucker as I would like to compliment him and specifically many of his guests who are so enlightening
Interesting you mention Tucker. I would love a comment section too on his site, to explain why at least three of his guests have been extremely problematicly antisemitic.
The main problem arises in that Tucker DID NOTHING to question any of the guests on how they justify such vile views.
For that reason I cancelled my paid membership to him and unsubscribed from him.
It is a shame as so much of his content is great, but morally I cannot enable the promotion of antisemitism.
Hands down-Adamn Schitt, senator-elect Ka, in a landslide.
Another election Walz is losing
👍- Rushlike-why aren't you as popular as El Rushbo? Because you are not hated by as many in MSM as he was-and he thrived on it.
Don, your polls are tough and make us think. It's hard to pick a "winner", but we have to parse who is worst.
I didn't pick him because in my mind he is Weasel for life not just this year. Mold of Tom Daschle or Harry Reid.
May I add Paul Ryan?
It’s so interesting and such an excellent example of cognitive dissonance on the part of the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party which has the MSM as its propaganda arm, blaming the MSM for its failure. But then cognition is not a Leftist attribute.
In my entire life, I always thought that anytime a Democrat wins an election, they lied and it cheated. I’ve never agreed with their marquee ideas as they were always anti human or taking my property. It’s finally caught up to them.
I heard even Europe is abandoning Climate change - it’s a huge lie, and it’s stealing money.
I noticed that the preachy little goblin, Saint Greta, has switched from Climate alarmism to Pro-Hamas propaganda. If that doesn't classify her as merely an incurable publicity addict, I don't know what will.
Because she follows the marching orders of the groups that fund all these groups, (everything Climate Change, everything Palestine/Hamas, everything BLM, Antifa, you name it).
they’re behind all
of them.
And they’re all part and parcel
of the Democrat party.
I think of her as "Greta Thorn Bird." That give her the teenage angst she seems to long for.
I feel bad for her because someone used her and ruined her life for their $$$$ gain.
Did you mean WEF?
Yeah, that’s their country club where they go to plot how to make our lives more of a misery.
Yes of course. Thanks for the correction. I was thinking World Economic Council.
So who wants to take bets that the Israeli Mossad will make her "disappear" within the next year?
I don't like her but I don't wish for her to be taken out. Just laughed at.
She’s no threat. She’s a useful idiot joke.
I'm not taking that bet, because I doubt that Mossad would see her as a serious enough threat to quash that snooty little self-obsessed drone.
Scientists just reported that all their models are wrong. Who knew??
At least 2/3s of the world's population
My dad, born in 1910, frequently argued with my aunt that "Maybe one day WE will get us a Supreme Court." It has taken me nearly 80 years to figure out what he meant. I'm getting close. Aunt loved FDR, Dad didn't trust politicians.
“Ah, Hillary’s VRWC whine returns. It did not age well in 30 years.”
What did age well is how Rush turned VRWC into a bludgeon against her. Rush continues to pay dividends beyond the grave.
Which brings me to this- Don, I need your help in understanding Rush’s uniqueness, and why no one has been able to fill his shoes.
A column on this please.
Rush absolutely loved the radio business, did since he was a teenager, so he was laser focused on learning and perfecting his show on that media. Remember his TV show didn’t last real long, one of the reasons being he just didn’t enjoy doing it. I think the love and respect we have for him is the same we feel for what Don is doing on substack - using his gift for accessible/understandable writing and his knowledge of politics and history along with clever and fun asides and references he is having fun! We can feel it and it’s fun for us to read, always learning something, too.
I bought his app so I could listen to the whole show regardless the time of day. I was driving listening to the show when his wife came on and announced he has passed away. I literally cried. It was like losing a family member. I read Bo Snerdley’s “Daily BS” which is much like Rush’s stack of stuff. I see a lot of Rush references here.
I found Surber indirectly through Rush.
I cried that day, too. Definitely felt like a family member had died.
Remember when Trump put the medal around Rush's neck at the SOTU telecast? I sniffle a bit just thinking of it.
Not unlike when I first heard about 9/11, I well remember where I was then and where I was when I heard his wife share that sad message
I know! Right? Rush was like an older "younger brother." I even believed it when he said he never wore blue jeans!
Mega dittos! I've been trying since early morning to finish reading this stack. Ordinarily, I just kick life to the curb and do what I want to do. Today started off weird. So instead of starting the day with Don and Friends, I'm ending the day that way. Perhaps I'll sleep a lot better, in so doing.
I think Rush was positively Trumpian in his uniqueness.
Nobody could break it all down like Rush. He knew these weasels like he knew every square inch of his glorious naked body.
You were a rush fan AD !!
Loved Rush... he was like me. Never wrong! LOL.
Cute reminder. Thx
If you had to boil down all of Rush’s messaging into one sentence it would this:
The Democrat party needs to be abolished.
That is more true now than ever before.
They are no longer a political party. They are now a full-fledged, anti-American, terrorist-supporting cabal of unprecedented corruption and a danger to National security, funding through a veritable plethora of NGO’s, foundations and organizations, responsible for some of the most heinous policies, dangerous groups and movements, bent on orchestrating division and unrest, working to destroy our country from within.
The entire party needs to be abolished.
A racketeering corporation if there ever was one. Our RICO laws should be applied. Per Google, RICO = Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. That's what the current day Democratic Party has devolved into.
My 0.02 cents re: Rush is that he was someone who has very good political instincts. And had a lot of historical political knowledge. Bongino is filling Rush in many markets. I’ve no idea if he has all of them. Dan differs from Rush in his delivery (obviously) but Dan has some very interesting sources from his law enforcement background. It will be very interesting to see if DJT asks him to head up the USSS and WTH would happen to his radio show!!
Bongino has become a daily visit for me. His Rumble podcast tells it like it is - and he isn't vying for a government job or position so he doesn't mince words. I love that, bad words and all. His radio show that follows has to adhere to the FCC rules so he softens it a lot but covers the same stuff.
Bongino educated all of us about the Secret Service failures in response to the July assassination attempt like nobody else. He called out the Acting Director, Ron Rowe, who performed just as Bongino described him when questioned recently before a Congressional committee. Rowe is a stupid, lazy, spotlight hound. He has no business running the Secret Service.
We are lucky Trump is still alive with this bozo - Rowe - in charge.
Unfortunately, where I live there isn't anything better than Bongino, who doesn't come within miles of Rush's performance. Above all, I detest Bongino's shouting and whining; it's annoyng and adds nothing at all. Rush didn't need that; he was the consummate entertainer. I suppose it was all those years in a cigar-smoke-filled studio that did him in.
I agree with your take on Bongino. I tried listening to him for a while, but now my go to is 660AM, The Answer - Salem news channels . I look forward to Dennis Prager's return but Charlie Kirk is also a regular there among others, like Mark Davis, etc
Yes, I agree, whether it's Mark Levin or Bongino, the shouting is a turnoff to listen to, for me, anyway. One thing I did not care for with Rush's show is that imo it was way too repetitive. In a 3-hour show he sometimes would cover the same topic the entire time - it was like a soap opera that you could stop watching for 5 years and turn it on again and know the entire story line. Bongino maps out his show to cover more material which I prefer.
Rush was a consummate radio professional. Listeners usually can't listen to a three hour broadcast. Folks tune in later so he'd repeat some things from the first hour. He made it sound so easy but believe me it is not.
🤣 I agree. The 'rougher' podcast is more entertaining for me too! I knew Dan when he ran his last congressional race in MD, as we lived in that CD. We still have a number of his campaign's t-shirts. 😊
I had to look up VWRC, 'cause I'd managed to forget Hillary's raucous screeching about the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy. But it can also mean Victorian Race Walking Club.
I firmly believe that Rush is watching over us and interceding for us from his seat in heaven.
I miss him every single day, though Poca-Man makes it less painful.
Rush totally understood how Democrats think. He said it many times, so he knew exactly how to call them out.
Clearly, El Rushbo was unique, God doesn't make carbon copies - we're all one of a kind!
Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
Bill’s dalliance with Lewinsky was entirely made up by the VRWC, don’t ya know
Hillary said the whole Lewinsky story was a made up lie and conspiracy. The media supported her all the way until the semen stained dress was presented.
Insert a silent nod to Lucianne Godlberg, or as she'd say "a hat tip."
She knew the truth. Was just covering for Bill because if he went down she went with him. Another Weasel.
The Democrats message is anti everything this country was built upon.
They can broadcast , print or yell until you know what freezes over and it won’t matter. Their message stinks and I hope they continue by elevating Joy Reid the NBC Nightly News or one of the other three letter networks so even more people can see and hear how out of touch with reality the Democrats are.
This latest group of “supporters and fans” of this alleged killer of the UnitedHealth Care CEO is just another example of how out of it their base is to reality.
The same people who were dancing around as syringes are now rejoicing a killing.
Bi polar retards.
We simply need to mark these people and shun them. Ostracize them. Banish them to megacities, fence them in, secure it, and throw away the key.
One way vacation to Iran.
They are full fleged Communists. Pure and simple.
re: Democrats lost the propaganda war. No. It's much worse than that. They lost the truth war.
Americans are trusting, but in the end pretty sharp. Once they discovered that the Lamestream Media was an unreliable source of information, they started investigating for themselves. What did they discover? Just that Alleged President Joe Stolen, Heels-up Harris, et al, were cowering and hiding and dast not show themselves to the public, while The Orange Man was out there everywhere, exposing the Real Trump - and it was nothing like the Left's caricature of him.
It's pretty hard to fake cojones when you've just been shot - if they look like they're there, well, they're there. The alternative press pulled back the Democrat sheets (and pointy hats); the People took a good look, and then they spoke. God, it's like I can breathe again.
I vote for Schiff for all-time weasel and it’s not even close. But this year’s weasel? Definitely Jack Smith. He’s a liar and a cheat and like many Dems, he’s not very smart. Happy Friday to all!
I had the same precise thought process.
Agreed. As I said, I'm surprised Schiff hasn't retired this particular trophy, but your suggestion of a "Life-time Achievement Award" or something similar for Schiff-for-brains and this year's award for Smith makes sense.
@Don Surber - In the poll this morning, an All Of The Above Option would also work ...
Mark Zuckerberg should've been on there...ain't a bigger weasel in the world than this guy. Honestly I think he would f**k over his own mother.
Yes and now he is trying to buy his way into favor with the new administration. I would say "no thank you" to his $1 million bribe- it is chicken feed to him anyway. Him being "Z".
The Cat won’t let him do AOTA.
My suspicion is hence confirmed. Cats can read minds. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff!
I'm not convinced that Joanie is quite there yet over One issue. I think Iowans' sent the message clearly. Her tone changed after a couple days.
Ummm, but if Dems stopped following MSM wouldn’t they stop being Dems???
Or the other way around...
The Dems that be did not realize that most people want accountability from their leaders. We never got that from the Biden presidency
"...(in many towns) there is no local paper even available, and in a much larger chunk the few papers that remain are private equity–gutted carcasses with little aside from Associated Press reprints."
Well, you could not get a more pro-Kamala (and pro-all things Dem/woke/leftist/globalist) nor anti-Trump (and anti-all things Repub/conservative/pro-America) than a newspaper chock full of AP re-prints.
While living in Italy for a bit last spring, I decided to check on the news one day to see what the big stories were back home. So I decided to look at the AP website. Every single story—whether on politics, global conflicts, culture, weather events, or even sports—was some news item curated, framed, and spun in a way that flattered Dems, wokery, climate kooks, etc. and/or denigrated Repubs, conservatives, Christians, etc.
It was a sight to behold.
You saw what all leftists and few old-line conservatives see in this country. The fact is, we get better reporting on America from sources outside our country than we can get in our own country.
What a bunch of wasted analysis. The fact is Kamala Harris is an imbecile, an unproductive, worthless human being whose best attribute (according to published reports) begins and ends with her on her knees.
I love it when you give us your insider views of the media.
I, too hope they continue to bark up the same tree. In particular, I like Cooper's idea of buying up what's left of MSM papers , or starting new ones in certain counties, to spread their message. It reminds me of Virgin Airline's founder's response to a query about how to become a millionaire. He said "Start out as a billionaire and then buy an airline". I hope all these lefties continue to pour money into the same vehicles they've been controlling and using for 50 years-plus and ignore changing their messages. They'll continue to lose most elections and will have to resort to even more voter fraud than now.
Danny Huckabee
As many of you have said, stop the cheating and the Dems will disappear. They have no message, just a plan to grab and hold power. It's very profitable. Ask Nancy.