Look, let’s get real. Without the white race none of the stuff that makes modern life worth living would exist. Let’s stop letting every idiot who needs to make himself feel better by disputing this make us ashamed of that very clear and obvious fact.

When it comes to what to do about it, Scott Adams hit it squarely on the head.

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It’s not quite that simple. White is not a “race” and most American blacks have some white ancestry. Nevertheless, the Europeans and Americans invented modern life and there is no Shakespeare of the Sudan or Mozart of Libya.

The problem of national excellence and achievement is a combination of things and not just color and genes, although undoubtedly genetics is one factor in any given individual’s IQ. The point it’s not constructive to adopt the Left’s racist bullshit. We need to get rid of that. It doesn’t mean being stupid and pretending that everybody and everything is always the same. That’s just dumb. But if we’re going to live together and move forward as a country, which we were doing before Obama and the Commies appeared, we need to revert to the ideal that we all get an opportunity, but no guarantees. That we treat one another with respect and tolerance, but we don’t have to carry each other’s water. This identity politics is a poison that is destroying us.

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Thank you for your well thought out and articulate reply. That was the original Plan and it was progressing in the right direction before the muslim communist was ‘elected’. But since then the war on whites and the war on western (American) excellence and exceptionalism has accelerated to such a degree that no person of a lighter completion can feel safe walking downtown in a middle or large city in America to-day. Shall we get into what’s going on in Grade, Junior and High Schools theses days?

This is BullShit of the first order. If we don’t man-up and soon the whole country will resemble a South American or African Shithole of the first order. Our kids and Grandkids deserve the country our parents gave to us and nothing less. They knew where their Legacy came from.

Nothing Less!

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The left is intent on burning everything to the ground that it may rule the ashes.

Such is its lust and insatiable appetite for power.

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They don’t care what they burn down as long as they rule over the ashes.

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I think, sadly, that's the plan -- to give you a shithole. It's a feature and not a bug.

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That’s a great line isn’t it?

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I wholeheartedly agree with you. Society is being dismantled deliberately There is a war on whites and masculinity/men and any demographic that opposes the Marxists, which apparently now includes women who don’t want men in lipstick in their locker rooms and athletic events. It also now includes Jews because the Dems are encouraging attacks in the Orthodox communities and apparently Jews are now white supremacists, colonialists, and other assorted agitprop lies. That’s all it is, a targeting of opposition. And it’s absolutely not to be tolerated. But I think we make a mistake if we play their game. Most Americans aren’t Marxists or murderers. The crime issue affects all of us. And while black on white crime is increasing significantly , so is black on black crime and all crime. Because the Dems are provoking this through deliberately dangerous policies masquerading as “social Justice”. That’s why it’s good to learn how to defend yourself, and also how to avoid trouble in the first place. I’m not looking at this through rose colored glasses. We need to throw the Commies and their RINO handmaidens out on their asses. But let’s not get dragged down to the level of these dirt balls. This is a distraction Dems have created to atomize us and sow distrust. Let’s cut the head off the snake instead.

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The leftist ideals esp as relating to crime/ social justice and climate change (hoax) is moving us back to the stone age when we burned peat moss and wood. And mobs roamed the areas taking what they want. You can not have a civilization without respect for each other, and basic respect for life. Which seems to be left out of the life lessons of the last couple of generations. Criminals dont change unless there are consequences to their decisions. And the left doesnt believe in personal responsibility.

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You cannot have a civilization or a civilized society without law and order.

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The totalitarians usually want the bottom of society (and the aristocracy if they can get them) on their team. The middle class is the problem for them. No totalitarian country has a politically strong middle class. The aristocrats can just leave if they don’t like it. The poor are stuck and the middle class fights back and has some means and influence.’. That’s why they are working to destroy us.

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I think "white" is just a substitute for saying "Caucasian" race.

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We are all made in God’s image, no matter what our skin color. Meritocracy created 15th Century Vienna Florence and the modern world. Tribalism is creating a 21st century Johannesburg in the United States. The powers behind the Obama puppet are to blame, but alas so are we; for doing nothing about it.

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It is 6:27am central time and now, after reading this, my head is spinning. I think I’ll call it a day and stay in bed, lest I go on a white supremist fueled rampage.

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Morning Mr S…

No need for a rampage. A simple statement of fact will do!

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Steady on, Mr. L.

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It's good to hear from Lard so early in the morning on his central time. Easy does it Lard.

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"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character."

I never knew he was a white supremacist; I always thought it was the guys in the white hoods. So confusing...

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Well, when you are as far through the looking glass, and as far down the rabbit hole as we are, that happens, and quickly.

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Curiouser and curiouser...

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This isn't hypocrisy. It's naked political thuggery, racist thuggery at that. Here you have a bunch of white people who have been using accusations of white supremacy to keep each other in line, but the non-white population has been escaping the plantation while they weren't working, so they're going to attempt the same tactic on them. And while it might feel like it's about Trump and his supporters and voters, Trump was basically the test case.

There are a lot of weird things about the shooting. The first was that the Dallas *ATF* was on the scene, not the Allen police or the Dallas police but the Dallas *ATF*, which is a branch of the federal agency. And it wasn't even after the fact. Here is their tweet: "ATF personnel are responding to the active shooter incident at Allen Premium Outlets in Allen, TX. Allen Police Department is the point of contact and will release more information as it becomes available." What the hell? The ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) is a regulatory body. They're not a swat team. There was no reason for them to be there, on the scene, during the incident.

The accusations that he was a white supremacist started flowing after people on Twitter noticed a tattoo on his hand that resembles (or is) the logo for the city of Dallas. There were suggestions (it's Twitter after all, so who knows how much basis there is for this) that he was part of a gang called Tango Blast whose members tattoo themselves with city logos.

The claim that he was a white supremacist come from two sources: the patch, which we're taking the word of "law enforcement" existed (remembering that "law enforcement" in this case could be the ATF, which is part of the corrupted federal apparatus) and some random back channel chat group that Bellingcat (remember that name) "found." Here is Bellingcat's description of itself: "Bellingcat is a Netherlands-based investigative journalism group that specialises in fact-checking and open-source intelligence. " What it really is, is a way for the intelligence services of various countries to disseminate actual disinformation disguised as journalism. And if you don't believe me, ask yourself this question: What the hell is a "Netherlands-based investigative journalism group" doing worrying about a random shooting in Allen, Texas?

If you want to read more about Bellingcat (and why you should take anything sourced to them with a grain of salt), try here: https://unherd.com/2021/02/bellingcats-strange-immunity-to-criticism/.

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Political thuggery is a good description.

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Plus law enforcement or someone else blurred the patch in the footage. So it could have been gang signs. A lot like all the footage of the driver who ran over the bus stop and killed a bunch of people. His chest is blurred in everything Ive seen but the blurred images look an awful like MS-13 signs from other blurred pics and reg photos of gang members.......

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Allen, Brownsville - all tragic, and orchestrated to distract from the flood of illegals once Title 42 is lifted, tomorrow.

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Mr. Surber, you would do well to read and understand what you have written:

“At face value, this belief appears to not only amounts to a dismissal of the lived experiences of people of color, but also suggests that racism does not exist so long as one ignores it."

I say........

So, ignore it. I have wondered many times why conservative writers and columnists continue, almost endlessly, about things one might consider 'racist.' If you don't believe me, remember the Rachel Dolezal issue. She is as black as I am (I'm not), yet the media and yes, the senile old bitch Joe Biden, got wind of it and now ALL government agencies have incorporated the D.I.E. (Diversity, Inclusion and Equality) into even MORE racist issues.

PLEASE, just STOP with this racist BS and be glad this Texas killer is where he belongs and there are NO appeals.

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Um. Don Surber isn't raising the racist trope. He's pointing out the absurdity of racist identity politics. If he doesn't, who will? Bezos Post? New York Tripwire? The Spew?

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I didn't say he was. I suggested to Mr. Surber to follow his own advice and stop bringing race into every issue. As soon as I see something starting off as "The suspect was African-American," there is no such thing because the animals who claim this certainly weren't born there any more than I was born in Germany. How about this? "The suspect is/was black." Try getting the media to say the TRUTH and correctly identify the suspect.

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Was Don the first to raise the race issue or is he responding to it?

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Exactly. Growing up, I can't tell you how many times, when I complained to my mom how my brother was bothering me, her reply was, "...just ignore him, and he'll stop." - and she was right!

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As the years go past, and the older I get, the more my mum’s words come back to me and ring true.

Rest in peace mum. xx

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The Narrative is a Procrustean bed - the facts must be altered to fit it.

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Regardless of their color, nationality, or politics, what every single one of these mass murders have in common is mental illness, with not just suicidal but homicidal intent as well, to hurt as many people as possible because they feel “aggrieved” for God knows what. Life has no meaning to them, theirs or anyone else’s, and how they got to that point is as varied as they are. The fact that they use a gun to fulfill their fantasies of going out in a “blaze of glory” is more an indictment of the culture that’s been created in our current society as whole than any of the shooters particular race or political persuasion or social issue. We’ve created a culture of whiners, who feel left out if they’re not accepted by the cool kids, don’t have all the same toys and influence, or feel they’ve been abandoned by whoever, family, friends, the world in general, and have nothing left to lose. That stuff cuts across every socio-economic-ethnic-religious-political demographic there is. We have a CULTURE problem, pure and simple, and it’s of our own making.

What can be done about it, to help prevent it from happening, short of shoring up defenses in schools, malls, wherever, I honestly don’t know. The culture we live in has created these monsters and taking away guns from law-abiding American citizens ain’t the answer, but maybe arming more of them might be.

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The cultural problem we have is that we gave up faith and love – the culture of heaven – for faithlessness and self-centeredness – the culture of the world.

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I am now in favour of institutionalization for those who are a danger to themselves and others. Life on the street is not the answer.

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There was an interesting article in Townhall a couple of days ago that built a case for a return to imprisonment for vagrancy, mental asylums for the mentally impaired, compulsory rehab for addiction, and sheltered workshops for the unemployable, both of the last too being compulsory with accommodation and medical care. Rehabilitation would be the aim, not permanent and not punishment.

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Slavery was not evil because it was racist, slavery is evil because it is slavery. Slavery is also ancient. It provided the renewable sustainable biodegradable energy for the elites for millennia. Interracial slavery did not become commonplace until a leap in transportation technology in the 16th Century allowed slaves sold by Africans to be transported to the Americas to provide sustainable renewable energy for the elites. Technological improvements in energy production later made it possible to eliminate slavery in the West. Within approximately 100 years of the Watt-Wilkinson collaboration that produced an efficient fossil fueled steam engine, slavery was abolished in the West. Slavery reappeared in Germany during the fossil fuel shortage of the first half of the 1940s. (Audrey Hepburn’s step-brother along with many other Belgians, Dutch, French and other Europeans were enslaved to ameliorate the fossil fuel shortage)

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Don't forget that h-o-r-n-e-y old bitch Thomas Jefferson who was very happy to have slaves.

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When I read comments like this, I truly wonder about the intelligence of the writer and his/her ability to put history into context. It's like the extreme environmentalists of today bitching about climate change and plastic straws when they totally ignore the pollution coming from China and other parts of Asia. In other words, get your head out of your ass and join the real world. Thomas Jefferson was brilliant and he was also a man of this time which included slavery. The world was better for his existence however flawed.

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Yes, and yes. For me, garbage is a huge problem.

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Comments like this are crude, not nuanced and display a profound lack of historical understanding. I can only suggest not only reading more about the life of Jefferson but also of 18th century in general to gain a better understanding of the complexity of the man and his era.

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There has always been slavery, no matter what race, and there still is. It's evil.

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Yes, from the dawn of time and the Romans there have been slaves. And it was a world wide issue, among all races. The US was one of the first to put the breaks on it. It was a compromise with no new states having slaves but compromise is needed for life. Life is not black or white but shades of gray. Life is not perfect. What we do with those shades of gray, determines our character.

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Yeah, do we actually know if Thomas taught Sally to read and write? I was fascinated by Malcolm Gladwell’s essay on his family tree and the advantages accruing to his ancestors from the "informal" union of a slave owner in Jamaica with a female slave. Both the slave owner and the slave are his ancestors and made him what he is. My family tree includes an educated man who drank himself to death and his children were "bound out". My family tree also includes men who joined anti-government militias.

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...which goes to prove we are not culpable for the failings of any of our ancestors. Our identities come from God and our lives are His making as we seek His will and follow His guidance.

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I don't have "Proof" that he taught Sally to read and write, but I DO know neither she nor her children were slaves after that and that Mr. Jefferson sired potentially three more children from her. To set her free and to NOT teach her to read and write would be an unfathomable cruelty--kind of like what UNIONIZED teachers do today.

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There is no definitive proof that it was Jefferson who fathered the children you mention. It is known that it was a ‘Jefferson family male’ which points to other men as well as Jefferson.

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Using your own logic, you don't have any proof of what you say either, just conjecture. STOP. I don't like dealing with people who have no sense of humor.

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So you’re just joking around and no one should take you seriously!?🤪🤣

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Apparently, MLK was a white supremacist according to the Bumpian narrative. He sought for folks to be judged, not by the color of their skin, but rather by the content of their character. Of course, I must be a white supremacist as well because I try to treat everyone with respect and dignity unless they give me reason not to do so. Shame on me.

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Larry Elder/the face of white supremacy.You can not make this shit up ,theses people are deep down evil buried in the idiocy of racial and class division .Great post Mr. Surber ,plow ahead.

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As this plays out.The left is unraveling. They have no hope caught in their universe of hate ,fear, and loathing. It must suck to be Bump.

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True, but the let/Dems will still try to cheat their way to victory.

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Should be: Left/Dems will still try to cheat their way to victory.

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So if I treat people of all skin colors as equal in the sight of our Creator, that makes me a racist? How then am I expected to discern a person of color’s “lived experience” and how should I treat them according to the color of their skin? And isn’t that different treatment the very definition of racism?

How can I trust that an encounter with a person of color won’t be violent towards my white skin? And isn’t THAT racist? The uncertainty into which this confusing situation places me is now considered MY fault and signals that I am a racist?

Where does one go to get the “skin color” manners book? The old manners book I grew up with instructed me to BE colorblind. Decent people understood then that good manners meant to put at ease everyone one may encounter. Sorta like the Golden Rule. Now 40, 50 years hence the rules change again? Unspecified rules at that.

I reject that the color of anyone’s skin determines their interactions among all races of people. I refuse to “bend my knee” to those who seek to engender fear and division between people of all colors.

So many questions and complexities exist when all people of all skin colors reject God’s Word in which there is no distinction among skin colors or class separations as all of us are one in Christ Jesus.

It’s that simple.

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Scum like Bump knows exactly what he's doing. > > > He is trumpeting vile race-bait propaganda to keep the masses below him as divided as possible. As long as the masses are divided and at each other's throats, they won't be ripping out the throats of scum like Bump who are exploiting and destroying them.

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Why are privileged white people, usually journalists, always pointing out white privilege and racism? They won't be so privileged when their media jobs disappear. Is learning how to code a privilege or a right?

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like all race baiters, they think they will be ok because they 'helped the cause'. They should look to all the stores that put up millions for BLM and are getting raided every day until they leave. How did that work out for them?

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They'll just get executed last.

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Isn't the argument that you can be a person of colour and white supremacist. eg/ the black face of white supremacy as Larry Elder was called, just being racist. All these rules are confusing. What about judging people on the content of their character? Is that not OK now?

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That started going out of style in 2009 and was exponentially increased in 2013....

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How you manage to read that stuff is beyond me.

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