"I will not call NBC executives hypocrites because they might sue me. Or worse, they might spoof me on SNL. Of course, that would involve bringing Fabio out of retirement, right?"

This is why we subscribe.. nice..

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12/12/23: "Of course, that would involve bringing Fabio out of retirement, right?"

Strongly encourage bringing the 1990 version of Fabio out of retirement.

The present-day Fabio has gone the way of all handsome hulks who wake up one day at the age of 45 and then realize while they're shaving that they alone really have something to lose.

(Take it from me, a former three-time Mr. America!)

--- Poor Mr. Surber, Cleveland Browns fan.

Mark Cannizzaro of the NY Fish-Wrap Post has proclaimed that the rest of the Cleveland Browns schedule is "very manageable."

That's what The Brains told us last night before the Giants (+6.0) - Packers and Titans (+13.5) - Dolphins Monday night football games.

(Giants and Titans both won; both made late 4th Quarter miraculous recoveries from self-inflicted disasters.)

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Replace all msm news with test patterns

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They already are test patterns. With wavy reporters.

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There's no such thing as liberal news. If it comes from a liberal, it's lies and propaganda.

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Perfection !!

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Off- topic:

My bet --- I wish I could legally bet on it --- is that Harvard is going to do a 180* and throw their President Gay out on her ass, citing her (obvious) plagiarism, an alibi that is both true and false.

It's true. She's Harvard's Stephen Ambrose.

It's false. The alibi will sidestep and attempt to bury the entire issue of Harvard having become a multi-racial KKK in the past 33 years.

And then she can safely be replaced by an identical ideological clone.

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I can fondly remember the very early editions of SNL when it was Ackroyd, Radner, Bill Murray, Steve Martin, Belushi, Jane Curtin and that lot. It was hilarious and it wasn’t 100% political as it sadly fast became, and increasingly unfunny as well.

Some of their skits back then became comedy gold!

Humor is just not in the Left’s DNA - at all.

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Don't forget Steve Martin


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He’s my favorite honky.

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Agree, it doesn't seem to be in their DNA.

Could that mean that those brilliant comics are...conservatives???

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It is ironic that so many of the great comedians are/were Jewish, and who are also almost exclusively Left as well.

I’m thinking like Seinfeld, and Rickles, etc.

Perhaps it’s because over the years, as the Left has increasingly politicized virtually every facet of human life to an almost militaristic level, they’ve simultaneously managed to suck the very life out of humor.

They’re just not funny anymore. No one is because you’ll get blasted if you dare cross one of their infinite number of lines of offensivemess, or touch one of their sacred cows they’ll hang you out to dry!

They’ve just become such a miserable bunch of people who want us to be more miserable. So sad.

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I wonder how 'lefty' Rickles or Seinfeld are/ were?? Or if they were just playing along enough not to get cancelled, even before getting cancelled was a thing?

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Hard to imagine Rickles suppressed much - he got away with murder even back in the day!

But I remember reading a few years back that Seinfeld ( amongst others) stopped playing college campuses because the atmosphere had become so toxic.

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Rickles was a life long democrat. That was Long before they became diehard leftists who consider Hitler conservative. Probably in the same genre as Reagan given that he performed at his inauguration.

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I think this might support the notion that they were conservative or at least leaned that way. Campuses are only toxic to those who are not marinated in KoolAide.

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Superficially, that may seem to be possible, but most people in the arts being tethered so tenuously to reality, never acquire more than a superficial understanding of what a radical/liberal/progressive/conservative is.

They exist to paint, dance, act and sing.

All the rest of their intellectual foundation, generally speaking (there are huge exceptions) is a lemon meringue crust.

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Example: I have a friend who works as a college jack-of-all-trades (off hours, a musician of many years running).

Back when Italy elected Meloni as their prime minister, mindlessly, he parroted what he no doubt had heard on TV --- she being a "fascist" (a one-size fits-all Woke-communist slander/character assassination).

I had just read Ciano's Diary. Ciano was Mussolini's son-in-law and top-level government diplomat who had voted to oust Mussolini in 1943 (which happened).

Mussolini was rescued and propped up by the Germans, and Ciano, who had fled to (ALL OF PLACES!) Germany for sanctuary was returned to Italy and shot.

Me: "Joe, you say she's a fascist. You must understand what the word means. For instance, in what country did that term originate?"

Joe: "I don't know. Russia?"

"Italy. What year did Mussolini seize power?"

He didn't know (1922). Ditto for what countries did Italy invade in WWII ("just name one"); ditto for what year did Italy surrender and then switch sides (1943); and ditto for what year Mussolini was assassinated (1945).

How sad. In all other respects, he is an intelligent, generous and conscientious person.

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Hate and humor don't go well together.

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I can remember my 9th grade history teacher talking the show up in the fall of '76. Everyone was giggling with the retracing of the skits. It's now become a source for moronic tales of stupidity.

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By whom?

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A source for the reprobates and miscreants. Thank you for allowing me to clarify.

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Ah! Stupid tales written by morons read by their target audience, the reprobates and miscreants. Note how the nouns "morons, reprobates and miscreants" are interchangeable, describing both the SNL management/writers/actors and their appreciative audience members. My goodness, there's scarcely any room left in this ball of wax for the male and female misogynists!

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I haven't watched Saturday Night Live for close to 30 years. They should call it "Saturday Night on Life Support". What I've read about their "sketches" (more like scribblings) seemed to be as irritating as a roomful of bratty pre-teens on sugar highs.

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Coke. The building at times has been awash in it.

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Things go better with Coke

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…just ask Hunter! 😏

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Better yet, offer him some. Enough to make it possible for him to blow his brains out with the stuff.

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They had a movie cocaine bear. Howsa bout cocaine hunter?

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There you go again with the cocaine hunter banter!

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Or seem funnier.

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SNL Readers Digest version: They just aren't funny anymore.

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About 25 years or so ago, Reader's Digest turned "Woke", publishing articles from lefty periodicals like "Atlantic" and "Ms." That was the end of that mag for me. It's still in publication; I checked their website.

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I always use the Readers Digest term to describe a much shortened explanation or facts. I doubt people under 30 even know what Readers Digest is or was today.

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I think "Reader's Digest" is "TL;DR" (Too long; didn't read) for much people under 30.

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You're assuming that the majority of them can read. Not so sure anymore.

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Well, SOME of them can - I see them moving their lips when they're staring at their "smartphones".

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It is good that your comment cannot be read by people who would resent your remark if they could.

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"TL;DR" isa now applied to anything that demands fifteen or more seconds of concentration/turning off their heroin supply (cellphone).

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Background: SNL on December 9, 2023 had just horrified millions by trying to mock Elise Stefanik instead of the three college presidents who tried to defend mobs on their campuses chanting their approval of genocide with the "free speech" tripe in their testimony before Congress on Tuesday December 5, 2023.

All these women were young when Clinton got away with his absurd "that depends on what the definition of 'is' is." Unfortunately for them, all three are as thick as Hillary Clinton, and in attempting to emulate Bill, re-enacted the 2016 election outcome.

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Well, as one of the college presidents said, "It depends on the context." That would have made an "interesting" sign over the entrance to Auschwitz and other concentration/death camps...

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The left seems to enjoy karma coming back to bite them in the ass - they arrange for it so frequently.

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My favorite line from "The People vs. Larry Flynt" is where Flynt (whom I've met, actually) addresses the press after his Supreme Court victory over Falwell, with something to the effect of, "You people should be happy about this decision. If the First Amendment protects a scumbag like me, it will protect all of you because I'm the worst."

Yes, yes, and hell yes.

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SNL producer Lorne Michels must be one pathetic self-hating Jew.

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Thank you. I suspect that at his age (he started the d*mned show in 1975!), he simply doesn't care anymore, other than as to how much he's paid every two weeks. Hey, Harvard's going to need a president pretty soon. Maybe they can interest him in moving to Cambridge, where he can lead the Hamas-Hogmanay Christmas-Genocide parades.

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You spoke too fast - Harvard is retaining their anti-Semite (much to the dismay of my Jewish husband, son-in-law and daughter, all Harvard grads).

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Organize or join an already organized group that can strangle these snakes by refusing to donate any longer or even attempt to claw back past donations. If they could do it to the people who benefited from Madoff's ponzi scheme, and they did,they sure as heck can do it to Harvard.

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Beside's you'll be able to embarrassess the living sh*t out of them by being able to equate the words "Madoff" and "Harvard" in the same sentence.

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Any leftist, progressive Jew is. Remember, assimilate begins with ass.

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Jews who vote Democrat are like chickens who would vote for Col Sanders.

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Breaks my brain everytime....

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I know. I'm (nominally) Jewish (not observant at all) and if I had ten dollars (Bidenflation) for every time someone asked me to EXPLAIN how in the hell Jews could vote Democrat I'd have a gazillion (again, Bidenflation) dollars.

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Me too Gail, but this global display of Anti-Semitism has brought me closer to my roots.

See if you can find 'David Mamet'...the Self-Delusion of Secular Jews on Unherd


Its heavy but informative.

I still believe they think that by virtue signalling that they're more American than Gentile Protestant Americans nobody will notice that they're Jews...there is the 'ass' in assimilate at work!

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Hey Chuck,

When I was growing up, maybe you're of the same age range, celebrating Xmas and Easter was simply 'American'. The public schools were closed specifically for those holidays, not for the bullsh*t "Winter break" and "Spring break". To this day I love Xmas celebrations, carols, food, decorations. (But my heritage is also Ashkinazi so they're not nearly as fun, warm, lively as Sephardic)

ANYway, I am a deep skeptic/ cynic by nature so any religious faith feels very alien to me. However, after Oct 7, I lit my very first shabbat candles.

I thought there was a 50-50 chance the earth would swallow me or lightning strike me dead but since neither happened I'm keeping it going. It still feels weird but I feel the need to do SOMETHING spiritual/ symbolic in connection / support of what happened to the Israelis on Oct 7.

As 'un-Jewish' as I am, these islamo-fascist demons would come gunning for me just the same.

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My husband contacted a local “Reform” synagogue today hoping to find a class because he wants to learn more about Judaism. The rabbi replied to his email and signed the letter only with his first name and his pronouns. Huge red flag so my husband checked out their website - all about climate justice, DEI, CRT, social justice etc. Not much about their actual religious practices.

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He has decided to contact the local orthodox synagogue instead.

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I’m so old I remember when SNL was funny...and I didn’t like the second iteration, with Eddie Murphy and Billy Crystal.imagine how I feel about it now...

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To answer a question, it seems in New York you don't have to prove actual damage and butt-hurt counts for everything.

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Yeppers on the Fabio look-alike contest; In a Bentley! Barbra Strident gets a yentl of her own: Barbra could play Margaret Hamilton's part in an Oz remake. Or Brer Barbra in the feminest remake of Song of the South. Pleeze don't throw me in the Briar Patch! SNL hasn't been funny since "Hanz and Franz." And Gilda. Politics are funny. Elise Stefanik? Speaking of jokes about conservatives, there's always room for JELL-O. But politics are NOT fun any more. They are grim, hateful and extremely volatile. As for the Three Witches (presidentess's @ some dot.edu's): since college is no longer a necessity for good life, this trio should scrub out the kettle they stir. Being president of something just to show how inclusive it is doesn't carry the weight of something REALLY important (like fatherhood, motherhood, sisterhood, brotherhood or priesthood). Just stay in your own hood! Never forget: Trump then! Trump now! Trump always! Finally, thanks to James Fenimore Cooper in Homeward Bound. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/presidentess.

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SNL is just the Star Chamber for the insipid and dull left. Less people watch than the equally boring Jimmy Kimmel.

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As we used to say in the pre-woke Army: Joke 'em if they can't take a f***. These fragile little Puritan weasels best get used to the butt-hurt because there's more a'comin'.

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LOL. Wonder if FJB can dance like this? Obviously the MSM will never learn that all this free publicity for the Donald is priceless. Even with all the money he is spending on lawyers these days the complimentary air-time pays off in spades.

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The msm gets a bit testy when their inner feelings are revealed against them.Tim Russert was the last person I watched on NBC to not have bias oozing out the pores.Well explained Mr.Surber and as an aside I havent seen Snl longer than that.One sees some of the political hackery on conservative sites when they go overboard on issues,.Poll was a no-brainer,some test patterns make more sense than news anchors in todays world of journalism.Thank you for leading the charge of the Right Brigade,we are winning a step at a time.

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"'SNL debate spoof more popular than actual debate.'"

No different than when the popularity of that c**t Tina Fey's parody of Sarah Palin was used in an effort to destroy her, personally.

"The deep fakers were Baldwin...and Kate McKinnon... Boy, did McKinnon’s career crash a few months later when her girl lost. (Both actors are pretty good. I try to separate art from politics.)"

As do I, but in some instances, I'm unable to do so - those three, for example.

"The quality of SNL material has suffered since the DNC gained final approval over the scripts. (Just kidding.)"

You may indeed be kidding, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. I can remember when the original show made fun of President Carter.

Jonathan Turley is little more than an in-house "useful idiot" - usually providing some reasonable criticism of Democrats' legislative initiatives in an effort to perhaps save the Democrat Party from itself - kind of like Bill Maher, only without the smirk.

"The cries of unfair are entertaining because NBC is a public entity that itself engages in such satire."


"I am no tort lawyer, but don’t you have to prove actual damage in order to make a case?"

Neither am I - but I'm not sure that the rules even a layman understands apply, anymore."

"Butt-hurt doesn’t count."

I don't know - it might, now - especially if it's the only way a case could be won in a court of law.

"I would not have known about the video if not for the Semafor report. Donald Trump should thank them."

Nah - why mess with something as good as this?

I want to keep the guy who made that video on OUR side, so that leaves replacing it with a test pattern as the only way to improve SNL - either that, or run infomercials for MyPillow products in that time slot.

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Haha, perfect!--"...run infomercials for MyPillow products in that time slot"!

Justice for Mike Lindell; plus alot more useful for the audience.

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My dearly departed loved Mike's pillows. My grandson loves Mike's pillows. I have two firm king-sized pillows I may have to donate to Goodwill, since I can't give'em away. Like sleeping on a brick sidewalk!

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My Pillow, indeed. Who gave that guy acting lessons? His karate teacher (watch the hand chops in EVERY commercial.

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SNL hasn’t been funny in decades. Used to catch some of SNL back in my Malibu bartending days with a fellow actor friend who was Second City (John Candy, Dan Akroyd, etc) alumni; over a glass of Bourbon we’d sit thru the skits - this was in the early ‘aughts - & invariably- he’d look over @ me & ask, “Think this is funny?”


“Me either.”

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Count Floyd

Blowed em up good

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Glad you mentioned Second City TV. Loved that show. Funnier than anything I'd seen until them.

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MAD TV was pretty good

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