"Dear Abby" had a column come out about the how and why of God leaving the United States (...and everywhere else) back in the late 70's or early 80's. It ended with--and I am paraphrasing here--"I do not go where I am not wanted, for I am a gentleman." I would be very thankful if someone could find it and reprint it.

If there were ever a reason to hate the wealthy, it certainly came out in yesterday's "PATRIOT POST." I have always said that todays terrorists, with rare exception, come from money. The Patriot Post yesterday said the exact same thing. In inner city areas, it is mostly black youth running the streets. Most of the white trash comes into the blue collar areas but they are nowhere near as many because many of my neighbors will make sure many of them are never heard from again.

The right answer is 'To hell with local police (Everywhere) because they will just run away or use the even more lame excuse of "We were told to stand down. "'

Especially here in PA, there used to be a mayor in Philadelphia called Frank Rizzo and do you know what he did 42 years ago ?? He ordered the black community in downtown Philly to "Stop the rioting or else." A week later, he had, I believe, 12 blocks torched. Of course, the media criticized it, but what else happened? There was almost no more crime in Philadelphia for the next three years.

Satanj needs to b e forced and In can't think of a better way than to call out the national guard, impose a curfew and give them orders to "Shoot to kill."

To end homelessness, end all the government payments they now receive (Vote buying in the extreme) and homelessness would end in a day. Yes, my post is extreme, but being nice just doesn't work.

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I found this one.


by Walt Huntley

How good it is that God above

has never gone on strike,

Because He was not treated fair

in things He didn't like.

If only once, He'd given up and

said, "That's it, I'm through!

"I've had enough of those on Earth,

so this is what I'll do:

"I'll give my orders to the sun

cut off the heat supply!

"And to the moon -- give no more light,

and run the oceans dry.

"Then just to make things really tough

and put the pressure on,

"Turn off the vital oxygen till

every breath is gone!"

You know He would be justified,

if fairness was the game,

For no one has been more abused

or met with more disdain

Than God, and yet he carries on,

supplying you and me

With all the favors of His grace,

and everything for free.

Men say they want a better deal,

and so on strike they go,

But what a deal we've given God

to whom all things we owe.

We don't care whom we hurt

to gain the things we like;

But what a mess we'd all be in,

If God should go on strike.

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That isn't it, but that is quite beautiful. As far as God going on strike, he should, but he won't. Why?? Because he forgives us and he also promised us "God Will Provide." Please ALWAYS remember that.

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You tell ‘em Tony!

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Philly had Boy Scouts back in the 80s. Wanna say the SCOTUS ruled they could stay. How are they doing there now?

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This is by no means as scientific. as our daily polls. As a firefighter and first responder, we make runs to the homes of the poor and the well off. There are no false facades worn by those whose home is burning down or a loved one is in need. When looking at the contents of a house or talking to the families, it seems that the poor are much more guided by faith than the well off. Not all, by most, by a long shot. Wether their hose has burned down or someone is ill and being flown out, the poor put it in God’s hand. They also see the devil at work in the world in general. Amazing what gets talked about in the aftermath of a crisis. We make runs in some very poor areas so I experience a lot of this. Just had an OD the other day. The deceased was not from a poor family.

Many of the affluent seem have given up religion and worship government and materialism.

I can say the same for many people I am around on a regular basis.

This doesn’t explain what goes on in the violence raging inner cities. That is another story.

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As a surgeon, I see Faith everyday. I am blessed to meet the most remarkable people. Many of my patients have incurable diseases , yet they are fearless. It is because they have true faith. They know! They know they will be in a better place.

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I think the well off have too much time on their hands.

If they were born into it, they are not used to fighting for everything they have and for that you most often need faith. If they made it, then they get complacent and start looking for ways to 'better' everything. Either way, they dont think about the fact there are many ways to the end goal, a good life. Not a single one size fits all.

And they are bored. what is the saying.... Idle hands do the devil's work?

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Also written is that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter Heaven.

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Christians are too used to being nice for the sake of being nice. We need to be forthright and honest about what we believe and speak out even if we are accused of being evil or transphobic or whatever the current slur may be. Confrontation is not a sin; it is not bearing witness to Jesus Christ our Savior that is sin. The judgement is on the world for sin and trusting Jesus is the only salvation. Proclaim Him.

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I think, and it’s only me on this, but it’s too easy to use that ‘Turn the other cheek’ thing to avoid the conflict and kick the can down the road.

If we as Christians and Jews don’t start acting like men and confronting the evil that in this day and age has no need to hide itself, we, our children and our children’s children are F’d.

Was it not your Thomas Paine who said I prefer Peace to War but if it is to be War let it come in my generation so my children can live in peace’… or something like that, I’m in the truck!

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I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace. -- Thomas Paine


He also wrote:

"A constitution defines and limits the powers of the government it creates. It therefore follows, as a natural and also a logical result, that the governmental exercise of any power not authorized by the constitution is an assumed power, and therefore illegal." ~ Thomas Paine


azquotes.com is a great resource. The website is called A to Z Quotes.

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Just remember that even when God ruled the earth, there were wars and people, both good and evil, died. Biblical Revelations in The New Testament, says the exact same thing and that was written two thousand years ago.

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God ruled the earth, but sin was still around. No one knows how long Adam and Eve were in the garden without sin. I do know Satan tempts anyone and everyone every moment he can. God still rules. God will always rule. The question is will we be with Him or against Him.

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"Well, it may be the Devil, or it may be the Lord

But you're gonna have to serve somebody."

- Bob Dylan

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Amen Don…

People who have been Blessed with Children and God Bless them Grandchildren can truly see the future. If that Future doesn’t include the God of the Old and New Testament our continent, our country and the Inestimable Good that America has brought to the world at large has been for naught.

We may not be able to do everything, but each of us can do something. Bringing the concept of God back into our Public and Private Lives is a Good Start.

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…and in the spirit of full disclosure I spent the majority of my life as an agnostic!

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Don't matter where you were. Matters where you are

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Me too.

It wasn’t until late in my life that I could look back and see God’s love, even in my humble life.

I too am no longer agnostic.

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When my dad decided to bring us to America in 1964, an American friend in Chile told him America was no longer the country he thought it was. That was confirmed in my young mind in 1965, 1966 and 1970 when two teachers and a professor criticized and made fun of America. I was shocked!! Since then, I gave seen our slide pick up the pace of evil!

We are in a war between good and evil! In the end good will prevail! Everything is in God’s hands. He is not surprised by anything! In the near future, Christians will see ever increasing intolerance, attacks and more. We must stand firm and be willing to defend our faith come what may! Remember, God is in control and we belong to Him!

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Having taught and been cancelled at both public and private schools, it appears that private schools are even further down the road to perdition than their public counterparts. There are exceptions, but homeschools may offer the best moral education for young kids today.

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I agree. Get your children out of public schools and homeschool them, create a teacher co-op pod, or find a trustworthy private school before our government shuts down these options. This shoe will drop one day.

It’s not just the reason of nefarious propaganda and indoctrination that goes on in many schools. It’s also the brain drain even in those good schools that remain. The majority of the students left are chronically unruly in and out of class or so academically low that unless your child tests as “gifted” and is placed with other gifted students and taught by gifted-qualified teachers, there is certain that the discipline distractions will deprived your child from being properly educated.

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God and Satan are not equivalent. Satan is one of God’s fallen angels sent to earth to test man’s faith and free will. Since WWII it seems like many are failing. God loves us as individuals not as a country. Thank you for a wonderful read.

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God loves us as individuals and we will be saved as individuals.

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Don. What a fantastic article!! The best thing I have read from you and you put so much work into it. We need to share this! The devil is doing his work.

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Well I actually just like Don because he's from Poca, W.Va. where my mother was born 118 years ago! :))

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Too late! Freedom my ass. Freedom to keep churches open during Covid? Freedom to refuse the Vax poison? Freedom to protest a blatantly stolen election?

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Your article harkens back to The Screwtape Letters by CSLewis. Read it or listen to it on YouTube.

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I read with some sadness the quote - President Trump does not have that fear - yet he too just capitulated on Disney and Bud Light.

I'm afraid there is no one but ourselves to do the heavy lifting.

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I think the answer is not to pin your hope on **any** human (Trump or ourselves). That is what God was trying to tell the Israelites in 1 Samuel 8:10-18. None of us is good the way God is good; pinning our hopes on human leaders will amplify their own sinful nature.

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The Warroom played a jingle produced by the Satanic Temple aimed at children. The basic theme is that Satan is not evil, he is your friend, he just wants you to have fun, and there is no hell. The tune was more addictive than the horrible “It’s a Small World” from Disney. It stayed with me for hours afterward.

This was the most frightening jingle I have ever heard. They are indeed coming for our children.

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Wow, I had have not heard it but the ear worm Its a small World is really really bad. And of course the devil wants you to have fun, and he wont ever tell you no unlike the meanies of the world.

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You mean "It's a small world isn't an evil earworm.?

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ahhh The lyrics are not necessarily evil but as ear worm, yes it is. Once it took me three days to get rid of it.

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Salute to William Bradford who tried communism and switched to free markets after half of his colony died! Learn...

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One of three Mayflower ancestors of my mother's side was Bradford. Could say it was the first example of " get woke go broke." The old Puritans learned quickly.

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I love historical stories like yours! My neighbor has relations to Lafayette. So cool.

G-d bless the Bradford clan!

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One can see the devil in person by looking at anyone who promotes abortion on demand and encourages the mutilation of children to fulfill their own fantasies.The famous ones are on parade daily strutting the devils shit.

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You can witness demon possession of at least one abortionist who manifested when answering a pro-lifer who asked him questions while filming. I still shudder when I recall that scene.

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At the risk of aggravating Don ;-), I think we need both an exorcism AND a revival.

Satan does walk this earth and his evil is manifested perhaps nowhere more vividly than in redefining reproductive "rights" as abortion on demand. No one is forcing women to get pregnant except in cases of rape, which still should a capital offense as it used to be in many places. Women get pregnant by engaging in unprotected sex, which is their personal CHOICE, full stop, period. Using abortion and abortifacients to end the life thus created is tantamount to murder, and unspeakably evil. The horribly misnamed "reproductive right" is found nowhere in the Constitution and was made up from whole cloth by evil old men in black robes. The Burger court is revered by liberals, but it did more damage to US society than any court before or since, and Satan's influence was glaring on that fateful day in 1973. Blackmun, Burger, Douglas, Brennan, Stewart, Marshall, and Powell should be roasting in the hottest corner of hell, each tended to by their own personal demon assigned by the Lord of Evil to torment them for all eternity.

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Yep! Embrace the power of “AND.”

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Yes, and it also needs a revival.

"Some readers might say, Playboy?"

Playboy only removed the lid from the jar. For whatever reason, Hugh Hefner was able to do what Esquire could not. I submit that Esquire did the heavy lifting, and Playboy reaped the "rewards," so to speak.

"And yes, the devil likes big government..."

Who else loves big government? The Corporate Class, the Donor Class...see the connection?

"It’s called incrementalism."

It seems to be a most effective tactic for the left - it's too bad it isn't thus for libertarians.

I love the character of Harry Callahan, but today I believe that we need those "bad cops" to do the job that big-city mayors in NYC, Philadelphia, Chicago, New Orleans, SF, LA, et al. actively prevent the police from doing.

The next time a pack of rabid feral n*@@=&s run riot through what's left of Chicago, I'd love to learn of snipers on the upper floors of some of the buildings in the area. To see a number of these worthless subhuman cockroaches drop dead in the midst of their wilding would be most satisfying.

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