May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The white slave traders got the slaves from African tribes who captured those who became slaves. To my knowledge the slave traders weren’t roaming the jungles of Africa looking for people to enslave. That was what other Africans did to other Africans.

Slavery a very sad chapter in any country’s history but this reparations nonsense is just another way black “leaders” are leading other blacks into disappointment and division.

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Thomas Sowell has an accurate view on slavery and reparations. He is an American Treasure!

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Reparations is just the Second Iteration of the Black Shakedown of the USA abetted by the Democrat Party (The First Iteration was Affirmative Action). It is immoral in its own special way.

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Sort of like certain people who win large lottery jackpots, only to find themselves worse off months later...

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“Reparations is a pipedream with a purpose, and that purpose is to put a chip on the shoulder of young black people who are taught to believe the world owes them a living.”

I’m afraid the pipe dream, when left unrealized, will become a pipe bomb.

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That is the intent of the people wielding the pipe.

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It also puts that chip on the shoulders of whites who have to pay. And in the long run it just inflates the costs of everything for everybody.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Reparations for all! Oh wait. What's our national debt? Never mind.....

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May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

All that nice reparation cash will be useless "monopoly money" once hyperinflation, like in Venezuela, Zimbabwe, and the German Weimar Republic of the 1920's, takes hold...

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I was in Italy in the late `90s. It cost a million lira for a single weeks stay in a hotel there. They joined the EU to end their hyper inflation if I remember right.

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Cautionary tale that our government will ignore.

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Just print million dollar bills and hand them out. One per black person.

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Since when have politicians really cared about the national debt in any meaningful way?

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Even in the Deep South there are remnants of infrastructure work done by indentured non-blacks from the time of black slavery. Take the Columbia canal in Columbia, SC as an example. It was built by indentured Irishmen in the 1820s when black slavery was in full bloom in South Carolina so that boat traffic could bypass the rapids on the Broad river near Columbia. It was a very big project for its time. The idea that blacks built the USA is a myth.

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POLL: While I love the first choice, ALL Democrats should pay reparations, since they were the slave masters.

RE: Cory Bush, former nurse and pastor - I'm a pastor; I guess if I want to be rich, I'd better run for Congress.

Two problems with that: 1) I couldn't stomach the hypocrisy of Washington, and 2) I won't sell my eternal soul for short term worldly wealth. We'll see how it turns out for her.

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Option #2 is the winner, as it includes option #1. Also, are the Obamas (Barry and Mike) on that list? Oprah? Magic Johnson? Michael Jordan?

"The reparations movement wants people who never owned slaves to compensate people who never were slaves for work they never did."

There likely is not a better distillation of what the reparations movement is, and what it represents.

"Fiction as fact is the coin of the liberal realm."

I have to believe that some day, reality is going to have the last word with those people.

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May 22, 2023·edited May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

One of the opening comments on the Microsoft page this morning was the "Why are blacks always suspects in crimes committed?" I tried putting in "Because they are the ones committing all the crime" but that comment was true and you should by now that liberals hate the truth.

Reparations?? Where do I start? First off, reparations are nothing more than a vote buying scheme. I finally got kicked off The San Francisco Chronicle for saying this. "I might be for reparations if blacks everywhere would promise to stop stealing from Walmart." So you know, by July 1st, there won't be a single open Walmart within 20 miles of downtown Chicago, the vandalism and theft are so bad.....and here Joe Biden wants to show off what liberalism actually does to a city by actually ordering the DNC to hold next year's convention there. I realize Mr. Biden is completely removed from reality, but to think that no other democrat has gone against that idea tells me one thing: That the democrats, the party of 'Love and Inclusion' will impose Martial Law and have the National Guard patrolling the streets just like they did in 1968. I can't help but wonder how many people are going to die this time.

My thought on reparations goes like this:

There was a saying about blacks on welfare in the 60's: "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile." Anyone who wants reparations should be given a one-way ticket back to the continent of Africa. "Get back to work or get out."

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They’ll build a wall around Chicago

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...and New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Baltimore, Portland, etc...

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The dems have to do something to keep the black vote home. And black men are showing some reluctance to follow along with the left's game. You see, black groups don't think much of gays, and think even less of trannies. This game of finding new victims has a cost. Reparations is meant to try and keep them on the plantation so to speak. It is an act of desperation, not confidence. It plays to women who are worried about security above all else, and see uncle sugar as their protector.

These activities also just sour others on the fringe of the left. Blue states and most blue towns are in decline, with no hope of rescue. We are winning the war, but it still has time to go. Those of us in red states need to make sure we are ever vigilant in improving election security, combatting all the ESG/CRT/sexual deviancy of the left, and sending representatives to DC who are committed to reinstituting the 10th Amendment - Alito and Thomas need some help. Which in short means you must help destroy the McConnell side of the GOP wing.

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I was going to write a very similar comment. RINOs are not our friends.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

I agree that each descendent of slavery in this country should get $1 trillion. That is $1 trillion in Zimbabwe currency.

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Everything the Marxist Democrats touch leads to destruction. Yet, dingbats still vote for them. We need a massive repudiation of the Marxists by the brainwashed. Not a trickle. God help us.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

If I recall my history lessons of 70+ years ago this nation worked and invested in a new nation named Liberia in the continent of Africa open to all freed slaves wishing to return home.What the hell happened to cause educators to lose these facts of the past?My guess is intentional socialism took the unis by baby steps until they felt able to run full speed ahead.Here we are and the view is not pretty.Great post Mr Surber and your cat did well today.Plow ahead/I will push.

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Nobody wanted to go. They don’t want to do the work needed to build a new society

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Sounds like the definition of a parasitic population.

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Well, it would have required those emigrating to Liberia to work to make it into a sovereign nation - why do THAT when you can just bitch about unfairness and eventually begin to receive $ of everyone else's hard work?

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May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

It's time our politicians on the other side of the isle (the few Constitutional Conservative reps we have) call out the real problem in our country. Blacks make up about 13% of the population but black males between age 18-40 is about 5%... That 5% is responsible for 60% of the violent crimes. Deal properly with that 5% and we would live in the safest country in the world!

Pit bulls, Muslims and urban black men. While not all are bad, if there is a bad occurrence from one of the above its almost always from one of those!

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May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Well, we don't need that all of the above today as the second choice serves.

And its pretty common knowledge what happens to people who get free money. Isn't only 5 years before lottery winners are broke? What will they want next time?

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Don, if I could, I would make your blog required reading for every high school and college student. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

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I dislike mundane quotes but it's appropriate.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

What do you think the average recipient will do with a million bucks? California Coroner, please pick up the red courtesy phone.

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Well, if a million bucks is all it will take to get rid of them...

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it wont, the next week they would be asking for more.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Racial favoritism is ugly. It gets no prettier when reversed.

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