Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Thanks for this, Don. Your writing and analysis just keeps getting stronger and tighter. Your humor is brilliant, but strong has its place too.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

What should we call today's journalists? The Uniparty's stenographers.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Government endorsed nutritional guidelines have been damaging misinformation for a very long time

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

My vote: Most journalists are "Puppets of Power" because I can't say they are "Useless" when they are controlling millions of innocent minds against the truth and changing election outcomes. Likewise, they aren't "truth deniers" because their effective manipulation of the truth requires they know the truth they are trying to hide in the first place.

If I had to come up with a name, it would be something like "Deception leaders of the coup". They are the advance team, the point people in the play against our freedom.

This is Obama's Coup d'état of America.

Thank God we have Don Surber - one of the best/honest journalists to expose what is difficult for me to see so clearly on my own because it is overwhelming from so many sources.

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Journalist: someone who knows everything about nothing.

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"Readers also know that requiring a photo ID to vote is called voter suppression."

No kidding, I showed my ID to the poll worker last year(in MN) and she turned it over and asked what my name was. I just sat there pointing to my ID....

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Talk to people who lived on Soviet Russia and they will tell you that almost everyone knew Pravda was nothing but lies, as was anything they heard on TV or radio.

Here, liberals believe everything they hear or read from the mainstream media and tune out those speaking the truth.

Until this changes, we are in deep yogurt.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

The truth is finally getting out there. This is from The Mayo Clinic:


HCQ and Ivermectin will be (or have been) vindicated but the clot shot shall remain.... And before you know it, mRNA will be a component of the annual flu vaccine and one or more required children's vaccines. More than likely, they will be new, mRNA versions of the longstanding tested vaccines. Be careful about what they put in your children and grandchildren.

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Imagine the choices for today' poll--Truth Deniers, Puppets of Power and Useless. When otherwise intelligent people can deny what Joe Biden is--A tax cheat, a liar, a child molester, communist, socialist possibly a drug addict (The cocaine found in the white house didn't just magically appear there)--me being a D&A counselor now have long wondered about his occasional one minute of being rational and 20 minutes of irrationality or running out of the room before he collapsed. It's pretty bad when it's impossible to lie about this man. Whatever else you may want to call herr Biden, PLEASE don't call him Catholic.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

What I call today's journalists might get me banned here.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber


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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Really less than useless; more like damaging.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Goebbels would be proud of his American Studentin.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

Rush used to say that even journalists accidentally "perform" journalism once in a while. But it's becoming more and more rare these days, unless you're on Substack...

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I voted for truth deniers. Thought about the word useless but they are quite useful to the evil ones. The most harm they cause is through their non ending lies.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by Don Surber

"By misinformation research, the Bezos Post meant censorship.

By political disinformation, the Bezos Post meant Republicans telling the truth about such lies as the Russian dossier."

Hey! The left aren't the only ones who can use Orwell's, "1984", as a manual - in our case, we use it to see through its tricks. Newspeak, indeed.

Being credited with such efforts to expose, counter, and perhaps stop (even if only occasionally) the implementation of its agenda items helps Jordan retain a shred of credibility.

"How much of that money was earmarked to pay off Big Social Media?"

A rhetorical question, no doubt - the answer is, of course, all of it.

"Incrementalism is the key when destroying a society."

As has been evident since FDR's first administration. Even IT sought to do too much, too quickly, and the lesson the left learned in the post-war years was just that - incrementalism.

Of course, LBJ wasn't going to settle for that sh*t - he wanted something big, and bold, and he got with his Great Society - the single largest government overreach and transfer of wealth until 0bamacare.

"I never said journalists made sense."

No, you certainly did not. If someone's writing contains analysis or critcism that does indeed make sense, even if only by accident, is that not an immediate disqualification?

"Journalists always side with the government and authorities, except for the few who are conservatives."

Who might THOSE be? Do they even exist?

"A well-read man surely knows the value of free speech."

There is the fatal flaw in your otherwise impeccable reasoning. He wasn't well-read, at all - he was just a nerd with an idea on which he was able to capitalize.

My thanks to the resident feline for a poll in which I can once again participate! Toward that end, the best word to describe today's "journalists" is, 'Useless'.

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