Thanks for this, Don. Your writing and analysis just keeps getting stronger and tighter. Your humor is brilliant, but strong has its place too.

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What should we call today's journalists? The Uniparty's stenographers.

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Woodward and Bernstein were stenographers for disgruntled FBI Associate Director Mark "Deep Throat" Felt during the Watergate episode. Newspaper/media reporters have been operating as stenographers for half a century.

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I like party secretaries or stenographers. Some reporters are just like that.

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Ooh! Good one !!!

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Government endorsed nutritional guidelines have been damaging misinformation for a very long time

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And more than likely a major cause of our nation's obesity and diabetes epidemics.

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Read "The Big Fat Surprise" by Nina Teicholz for lots of information about how the guidelines issued in the 1960s pushed for low-fat diets and caused the growth of sugar consumption that led to these problems.

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Right! How can we cure a disease you won't have unless you just eat what we say eat??

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My vote: Most journalists are "Puppets of Power" because I can't say they are "Useless" when they are controlling millions of innocent minds against the truth and changing election outcomes. Likewise, they aren't "truth deniers" because their effective manipulation of the truth requires they know the truth they are trying to hide in the first place.

If I had to come up with a name, it would be something like "Deception leaders of the coup". They are the advance team, the point people in the play against our freedom.

This is Obama's Coup d'état of America.

Thank God we have Don Surber - one of the best/honest journalists to expose what is difficult for me to see so clearly on my own because it is overwhelming from so many sources.

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I chose "truth deniers" because I believe that is their defining characteristic.

Jesus said, "you shall know the truth and it shall set you free" (He was speaking of freedom from sin.) Psalm 115 says that those who worship idols will become like them (spiritually deaf, dumb, blind, and mute). Romans 1:24-25 says "Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, ... because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie..." This is how they can deny the truth without understanding it.

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Agree David!

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Journalist: someone who knows everything about nothing.

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"Readers also know that requiring a photo ID to vote is called voter suppression."

No kidding, I showed my ID to the poll worker last year(in MN) and she turned it over and asked what my name was. I just sat there pointing to my ID....

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Having lived in MN for a few years now, I can say Minnesotans are nice, but not too bright - a dangerous combination. The media here has been extremely effective at dumbing down these "nice folks" - who want to think the best of everyone.

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Because "Nice matters" . . .even when firm and direct is what is needed much of the time.

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Your ability to remember your name when your ID is turned over impresses the hell out of me. Lol.

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You should’ve made up a fake name just to mess with her, and then pretend she heard you wrong and that she should just look at your ID.

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I wanted to make a big deal out of it, but this is a smaller community and I know all of the elderly ladies that volunteer to do this stuff; they are nice citizens trying to do their jobs so I just moved on.

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Yeah a lot of despots use nice citizens just doing their jobs to get unthinkable things done. Just sayin

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What's the issue? This poll worker sounds as if she is actually doing her job (One of few).

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She purposely did not look at my ID which is not required here. She was instructed to not look at ID's.

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Maybe she wanted to see if you knew it and were not using some one else


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That happened to me once while voting in Maryland.

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Talk to people who lived on Soviet Russia and they will tell you that almost everyone knew Pravda was nothing but lies, as was anything they heard on TV or radio.

Here, liberals believe everything they hear or read from the mainstream media and tune out those speaking the truth.

Until this changes, we are in deep yogurt.

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Write on Schlong; saddest thing, the God fearing conservative folks have allowed liberalism/progressivism to flourish. The Donald, warts and all, is our best hope. MAGAA

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Pretty much, I have relatives who believe MSM without thought. I argue with some of them and get them to at least look at stuff but some I dont even engage. They are so out of it.

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The problems are legion in our society.

The biggest of which is not disinformation or misinformation, both of which are perjoratives invented by liars, most of whom work for the government directly or indirectly, to stop honest debate. The biggest problem is lack of information. Under informed people make bad choices. The government wants to keep it that way.

I saw a poll here yesterday for the 2024 Senate race, the seat that Sinema occupies. Kari Lake will run. Among Republican voters 10% said they’d vote for Gallegos, a Democrat Commie. When you go Left to get to this guy there is no Left left. 25% said they’d vote for Sinema, who has been playing the moderate card, but has a long history of hard Left positions. These are Republicans?

It may be a suppression poll, but I think it’s probably not far off. The bigger problem is brain suppression. What do you do when people are so ignorant or apathetic that they can’t be bothered to ensure their own future? SMH

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I saw that poll, too. What the heck is wrong with Republicans in Arizona?

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A. Brain Damage

B. Not Much Brain to Damage

C. Both A and B

D. It’s a fake/doctored poll.

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poll-itical push ?

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Kari Lake was a tv news anchor. She ran for governor (like she was qualified?) and got beat by crooked poll workers. Then she kissed Trump's behind thinking she could be vice president. He shed her so she's running for senate. Answer to your question about what's wrong in Arizona: crooked Democrat ballot counters and pitiful Republican candidates.

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She’s actually a good candidate. Who do you like?

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I'm waiting for someone to knock my socks off. I believe that the people who are best equipped to whip local, state and federal governments into shape don't want to play in the mud and, in some cases, the slime.

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Right, but you have to play the hand you are dealt. The professional politicians are always bad news. You aren’t going to get people who are risk averse. It’s too abusive on the campaign trail. You need a strong personality and those people aren’t going to be the conventional types. We have more than enough milquetoast Republicans.

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I can attest to the truth of what you write as I LIVED over there in '84...

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The truth is finally getting out there. This is from The Mayo Clinic:


HCQ and Ivermectin will be (or have been) vindicated but the clot shot shall remain.... And before you know it, mRNA will be a component of the annual flu vaccine and one or more required children's vaccines. More than likely, they will be new, mRNA versions of the longstanding tested vaccines. Be careful about what they put in your children and grandchildren.

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Well, lots of young parents are waking up about the dangers of many of the vaccines their children are receiving. If Big Pharma starts adding mRNA to more of those formulas, even more parents will start rejecting them.

What most people don't realize (I didn't, until doing more research) is that many doctors and average citizens have seen the real dangers in vaccines for over 100 years (actually going back to the late 1800's). There have always been smart people able to observe the facts, but there has also always been money and power to push an agenda on We The People.

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I was a strong supporter of the childhood vaccine regimen until the number of shots increased so dramatically.

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Me too…and proud of it. Who knew the docs were getting paid by the shot and that’s why they kept pushing it on us…and our kids!

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You are being too kind by saying HCQ and IVM have been vindicated. They were never "convicted" in the first place. They were "charged" but never "convicted".

Administrations such as the Mayo Clinic supported the government lie and falsely stated these drugs were not recommended or effective against COVID.

This is a game of post-hoc COVER THEIR ASSES. They can point to their public digital communications to say they supported these drugs as soon as the CDC said it was OK (which it finally admitted).

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Annademo thank you for your comment. The mRNA vax’s are concerning for many reasons. Clot formation in young people and myocarditis are the serious consequences. However other long term problems are being seen now in my world: bad autoimmune diseases and fast growing cancers (turbo cancers) both of which are incurable at this point. As to aspirin for prevention, it’s a help but in many cases meds like xaralto and eliquis are needed. If you know someone with these issue please find a trusted doctor.

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My thyroid function was perfectly normal until 6 months after my one and done jab, when I discovered my thyroid had gone into retirement. Thyroid autoantibodies galore. Now it could be a coincidence but....

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I’m sorry to hear you are having problems.

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All things considered, I'm not that bad. Many others have been affected much worse. But if we share our stories, others might find useful information for their own.

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I got the J@J in May 2021,had a triple bypass in June when they found a clot in one leg.Had never had such probs before.No more flu shots either after 30+ years of them.

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April, 2021. Thankfully I was already on aspirin. I hope the worst has passed.

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Sadly, my thyroid meds changed dramatically after the vaccine. My doctor said he was seeing this in a lot of patients.

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It's important to keep an eye on stuff like this.

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I have a pituitary tumor - benign, unoperatable. It was enough to mess up every thing but my blood sugar. Thyroid, adrenal glands all quit working. I was on meds for about 10 yrs. Everything just started working right and I dont take anything for any of those systems now. But I am expecting it all to break again do to the Covid shot.

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Dang, Tony, your just being rude.

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For clots, it's cheaper and far more effective to take one baby aspirin a day.

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Sorry but I don't get your point as regards my comment. But yes, I have been doing that since 2000 after having a TIA (baby stroke for those who don't know what that means),

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You called something Clot shot" so I figured you were speaking of clots--something one of my sisters just died of. If I think I can help someone, I sure as heck will try.

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I'm so sorry for your loss.....

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Thank you.

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Bless you (and her), Tony

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I feel your pain, Tony. Many liked Don's puns Sat, so I offer you 101 to help you smile: https://parade.com/1024249/marynliles/funny-puns/

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Oh I love puns! My late sister was a past master at pun-ishments.

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I just labeled Don our Clark Kent. Did you know Kal-El is Voice of God in Hebrew? Google's not all bad if you stay away from politics.

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That's what my mother does.

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Yes about 9-10 weeks ago stories started about HCQ and Ivermectin. I cant find the article I read where the CDC finally admitted they worked against Covid.

They said last year the flu vaccine would be combined with Covid vaccine. Another Surberite and I discussed it on another article. I quit taking the Flu vaccine last year. She indicated that last years was ok but thought they were combining them this year. I took them at their word but she actually researched what was in the flu shot.

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I have no plans to take the flu shot this year, although I have been doing so for 30+ years.

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I'm not going to take it either. Because of my age, my doctor prefers to give it to me on a regular visit. This year, I'm going to bail out before the nurse comes in. My former boss fired an employee for asking her for the 4th time if she was going to get the flu shot. She'd already told him to quit asking! Slow learner shoulda been fired years ago.

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Same here.

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I stopped taking the flu shot during COVID. I don't trust any of the vaccines any more. I am older so I feel it is OK for me. What this is doing, though, is making parents scared and a number aren't vaccinating their children at all. I don't think that is wise. But this whole COVID vaccination thing has made me a real skeptic.

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Never had a covid shot, but I have taken the flu shot for the last 20 years, and never had a cold. So there's that.

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Hate to say this, but the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix is a hellhole. Many family members have to rescue loved ones from being misdiagnosed or over sedated. Final point: when a group wearing lab coats shows up to take your vitals, you'll need shock therapy when you see Mayo's bill.

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Of course, the original Mayo (in MN) still has a strong reputation but health care has deteriorated on the past few years....

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I get steamed when I read that the Mayo Clinic is ranked first in the nation, and the Cleveland Clinic is second. Do these people vote in crayon?

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they vote based on reputations, but most of those reputations are from 40+ years ago and slow to change.

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Tony Bennett sang, "I left my heart in San Francisco." I left most of my colon in the Cleveland Clinic. And they saved my life!

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LOL, maybe....

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Imagine the choices for today' poll--Truth Deniers, Puppets of Power and Useless. When otherwise intelligent people can deny what Joe Biden is--A tax cheat, a liar, a child molester, communist, socialist possibly a drug addict (The cocaine found in the white house didn't just magically appear there)--me being a D&A counselor now have long wondered about his occasional one minute of being rational and 20 minutes of irrationality or running out of the room before he collapsed. It's pretty bad when it's impossible to lie about this man. Whatever else you may want to call herr Biden, PLEASE don't call him Catholic.

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What does the Pope call him? Comrade? My kleine Big Guy?

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You want me make comments on what one of my brother's call "pope Frankie?" Biblical Revelations calls pope Frankie the last pope the church will ever have.

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He is Red Francis.

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And he is such a bad pope too. I wondered about the Revelations prediction on him.

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It is with sadness that I agree with that. I've read about the present darkness for the past 30 years. Not just in the RCC, but the apostasy all over.

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And PLEASE don’t call him President.

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What I call today's journalists might get me banned here.

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Not here. Truth prevails, and whatever word you have is most likely dead-on appropriate.

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Go for it. You'll get a standing ovation. Surber has a fabulous group of followers.

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Monitor alert....

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Really less than useless; more like damaging.

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Goebbels would be proud of his American Studentin.

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Rush used to say that even journalists accidentally "perform" journalism once in a while. But it's becoming more and more rare these days, unless you're on Substack...

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Don Surber, our paragon of excellence!

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I voted for truth deniers. Thought about the word useless but they are quite useful to the evil ones. The most harm they cause is through their non ending lies.

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"By misinformation research, the Bezos Post meant censorship.

By political disinformation, the Bezos Post meant Republicans telling the truth about such lies as the Russian dossier."

Hey! The left aren't the only ones who can use Orwell's, "1984", as a manual - in our case, we use it to see through its tricks. Newspeak, indeed.

Being credited with such efforts to expose, counter, and perhaps stop (even if only occasionally) the implementation of its agenda items helps Jordan retain a shred of credibility.

"How much of that money was earmarked to pay off Big Social Media?"

A rhetorical question, no doubt - the answer is, of course, all of it.

"Incrementalism is the key when destroying a society."

As has been evident since FDR's first administration. Even IT sought to do too much, too quickly, and the lesson the left learned in the post-war years was just that - incrementalism.

Of course, LBJ wasn't going to settle for that sh*t - he wanted something big, and bold, and he got with his Great Society - the single largest government overreach and transfer of wealth until 0bamacare.

"I never said journalists made sense."

No, you certainly did not. If someone's writing contains analysis or critcism that does indeed make sense, even if only by accident, is that not an immediate disqualification?

"Journalists always side with the government and authorities, except for the few who are conservatives."

Who might THOSE be? Do they even exist?

"A well-read man surely knows the value of free speech."

There is the fatal flaw in your otherwise impeccable reasoning. He wasn't well-read, at all - he was just a nerd with an idea on which he was able to capitalize.

My thanks to the resident feline for a poll in which I can once again participate! Toward that end, the best word to describe today's "journalists" is, 'Useless'.

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Dr Cat was nice to us today.

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