Masterful analysis Don, & heartbreakingly true.

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I am so tired of people asking "is he a D or an R?" It says nothing about the person's intelligence, convictions, or resolve. I want a strong leader who believes in small government and individual responsibility. I vote for the person and not the party. MAGA

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Oh give me a break. Give me one example of a D in national politics that is for small government and individual responsibility?

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Name one R who does.

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True. Maybe 3? Rand Paul. Matt Gaetz

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Matt Gaetz- 5 of the 70 Pubbies voting for the FBI bldg. Are from Texas

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True - that troubles me, greatly.

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Tulsi Gabbard... before she was frozen out of the DS.

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Seems like Ronna got a message.: 'RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel claimed the GOP will support former President Donald Trump as its nominee even if he is a “convicted criminal”'. Info Wars

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I’m sure she was gleeful as she said these words. . especially “convicted criminal”.

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In my part of the country, on the local level, conservatives still run as Ds. It’s complicated. I vote for them. I tell them it’s embarrassing. They understand but won’t change yet.

Nationally, there is not one democrat Ryan, Romney, Cheney or McCain. They risk Arkancide.

Statewide, none here. I don’t know about other states.

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I am in the same boat. Indiana has always had a mix of Dems, Rinos and Republicans. You have to vote for who will mess up the state the least. Some of the republicans are Dems in hiding, not to be confused with RINOs who are actually RINOs and usually worse than either party.

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Joanne, name one Democrat who fills that bill for us.

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I'm just analyzing the political language. Like our other discourse, it doesn't mean much any more. And people like hiding behind that vagueness.

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Gray is Satan's favourite colour.

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And the rainbow.

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LGBTWXYZETC stole the rainbow from the Bible. God sends the rainbow to remind us he will never flood the world again. LGBTQers use it to flood the world with sexually damaged people, physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. They do the work of the devil.

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And black - for Black Lives Matter

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#1 Rino is Mitch the b*tch.. his putting $$ into Rino campaigns to keep his minority is treason (Collins, Murkowski, etc)

He showed himself to be lazy and just rake in the $$

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I think you may be correct about Maga Mike.

He is already stated that some kind of two part continuing resolution may be needed to keep the leviathan afloat and he sees no evidence that warrants an impeachment of Xiden.

We have a bunch of unAmericans running this country right now.

On a brighter note Israel appears to be kicking the Hamas asses down in the tunnels. Hope they get the hostages out and seal the tunnels with Hamas inside of them.

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The GOP is not going to impeach Gramps Magoo and everyone knows it. They play the optics and know what would happen if they did. As a side note, it makes the Dems look even more corrupt and radical that they impeached Trump for silly and fake issues. The whole impeach Biden investigation is designed to cool voters to Biden. If we had an actual DOJ they would have indicted the Biden family by now and taken care of the issue. Remember, most of the wrongdoing Biden is accused of happened during his VP stint and after he left office.

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I bet someone found something on him. Namely his adopted son..... He came out strong out of the gate. Articles about his adopted son disappeared too quick.

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That's why they make cement.

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For shoes??

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No. Back up the cement trucks and seal the tunnels.

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I'm 78 and have voted R all my life but have been asking myself the same question lately. After the Speaker debacle(s) I have vowed to never vote for one again other than Trump.

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I would be interested in knowing why you believe the selection of speaker was a debacle. I saw it as conservatives removing a guy from Speaker who was put there by the RINO arm on the party. I saw the selection of a new Speaker as the first battle and first real life from my party in decades. I saw it as a good thing that needed to happen and a good thing. If the process bothered you, then you are probably not going to like what is going to come down the road to fix our party. Look back to our founders and the risk and fights they faced to give us our constitution and Independence. Our most recent fight in the House was nothing compared to what they faced. Change, as King Obama told us, is hard. Unknowingly, he had no idea how right he was, just not in the way he meant it.

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I believe the answer to your question was best said more than 50 years by Roger Daltrey singing the words written by Pete Townsend: Meet the new boss / Same as the old boss. At some point, we just need to say: Won't get fooled again.

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"I saw it as conservatives removing a guy from Speaker who was put there by the RINO arm on the party."

Agreed, but they only replaced him with another with better camoflage.

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You could be right here but in any case its too early to tell. We have to give him time. Remember that the McCarthy backers are still there and he needs to fight that battle while trying to get moving.

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Friday is showdown/shutdown time-7 patriots are already against the spending bill-unless Mike gets some help from Dems, it is doomed-Some think a shutdown is the best way to slow down spending. If/when it happens, the media will blame him, but voters paying attention know it's Obama's third term-there won't be a fourth.

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Your right. Congress keeps doing these CR's and generating all this worthless non-productive drama because they can't even pass an annual budget..........and I don't believe they want to do so. Its far easier to camouflage and hide actual spending when you keep these stunts going. I will believe they care about spending when they can show me they can pass a functional budget without accounting gimmicks and non-budgeted set-asides. They have all lost the will to contain spending and legislate so they increase revenue instead.

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Patience Grasshopper .

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With all due respect, patience is a luxury that we can no longer afford.

It's time to take a flamethrower to DC.

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I think he will be great.....give him a few minutes. He's strong, calm, smart and extremely conservative.

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Agreed but there have been so many fakes that I don’t trust anyone anymore. Change takes time.

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Susan, Trump will need support in both the House and Senate to implement any program put forth. Please reconsider.

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Support like he got last time? Fat chance.

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You're right, but without that, what?

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I live in GA with Kemp and Raffensperger in charge of our dirty elections. My vote won't matter either way.

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Exactly. 2024 has already been bought and paid for. Voting is to make us feel good and nothing to do with elections. Polls mean nothing.

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…and how did that work out for him?

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We wouldn’t be in the mess we are in with a party that stood up and fought tooth and nail on issues that matter to conservatives. A party unified in support of “conserving” the Constitution, the rule of law, our culture, our institutions and calls out the evil proposed by the wicked Democrats. A party that would clearly, strongly and effectively call out the truth about the various “frogs in the kettles” being pushed by the evil democrat party. A party willing to go head to head with the Media and pull no punches. This party would have been doing this for decades. Alas, the RP has done none of this for nearly a century, save the Reagan era and to some extent, the Eisenhower years. The competition has been unified and relentless. Slowly spreading as a cancer. The RP has relentlessly fought the cancer with “aspirin as needed”.

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relentless is 100% correct

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It’s time for a Conservative third party. We’re losing anyway so why not just go for it at this point?

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I respectfully suggest that America First IS winning, but the republican party is doing everything it can to stop it. Evidence: Bitch McConnell purposely withholding millions of Senate PAC funds from Senate candidates in AZ, NV, AK, and NH in 2022, et al.

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I respectfully suggest that having a majority of voters who support your ticket hasn't won elections in 2020, 2022, or 2023. What you cite above by the old line GOP is negating the 75 million voters trying to tell the world what they want. It's the money, it's the internet and controlled content in media, it's the voter fraud by those who count the votes.

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Seen Dr Robert Epstein's (noted psychologist and analytic team) articles of Giggles influence on elections? He's even Hillary cheer leader. Our entire political system has been corrupted by money. I defer this insight of noted Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville, who wrote in the 1830's of the dangers to our beloved Republic once our elected learned the power of the purse (taxpayer money) would and have been used to bribe the electorate for votes. Scary isn't?

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Your diagnosis is spot-on correct, sir.

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It is the money. "We make more money when our guys lose."

- Justin Riemer, Chief Legal Counsel of the RNC, Dec 2020

"It is not the votes, it is who counts them" - Some communist of the past.

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My reference to money is the failure of party leaders to allocate money to Trump candidates. It's the allocation, not the amount.

Respectfully, having a majority of Trump-minded voters isn't going to win an election, and we don't have the muscle or the time to change the Republican party.

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Hence, the lack of confidence of republican voters and why they might not be even voting. 20% of MN republicans didn't vote in 2022 when we lost the trifecta by only 4%.

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That frustrates me greatly. Do you know why they all stayed home, or is it an “all of the above” for the issues we have raised here? Or were they angry about Roe v Wade? I suspect MN has many moderates.

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Spot on Shrugged !!

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The existing Republican apparatchik, if it even smells what could be a MAGA supporter, will do everything to secretly undermine those efforts. It almost makes you want to torture your pet turtle, if you could, eh?

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Maybe we can torture our turtle in the Senate. He deserves waterboarding.

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My sentiments exactly. You cannot hope to win if the race horses you own are ridden and trained by your opponents.

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Not bad idea at all, however the Democrats have been entrenched in positions far too long and have become financially a juggernaut. Ukraine has been an excellent source of US taxpayer monies being recycled back into Democrat coiffures since Victoria Nuland and Obama threw one of their regime changes there in 2014. Over half billion was allotted in 2016 from there. Now is not the time.

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If not now, when?

Our party has not only abandoned us it has BETRAYED us- time and time again!

It’s now like being in an abusive relationship!

Time to leave - now.

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I’m from Canada…Stay away from a 3rd party until T is in the WH. We know how that can screw up a vote like you won’t believe!

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Just as an example…

Everyone has a good laugh at our Prime Minister, his origin, his mother, his father and his wife. The only way he can stay in power is because his main supporter is essentially the communist party of Canada.. He now has wooed the Anti Canada Party into his orbit with a big payday ostensibly to build homes in Quebec. If we include who we think are the good guys…the Conservatives, we are now talking 4 parties, having a field day torturing Canadians.

The D-rats have that nightmare staring them in the face with Kennedy running as an independent. Good. Looks good on them

The pubies can talk about a second party after T is in (and actually puts his foot in the WH’s front door). Leave that split party shit alone right now!

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But you could also look at Germany where the AfD party, which is stacking up states after states of wins has them running scared!

They are now a force to be reckoned with in the government. The German media vilifies them but the people are sick to death of the status quo and voting for them in droves.

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I hear you Suze but Germany has a horror story of their own making under their beds and they see it every day on the news and in their streets. It could hardly be worse for them anyway so they’re prepared to roll the dice. We still have University trained dimwits by the millions who vote in lockstep with whatever their uni’s sociology department tells them to and NYC or DC or SanFran or LA are someplace else.

Not to over-dramatize but splitting the party at This particular junction is not just suicide for NA, its suicide for the whole Western World. We can talk about a new Conservative aligned party once T takes the reins of power and believe me as easy as that phrase sounds to make, the reality is going to be completely different. I actually think Biden et al would love nothing better than a WW so they can claim ‘Executive Over-ride on the Election”.

At this point my Rx is to leave that “Brand New Party” shit alone!

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Don is exactly right. Sundance, at Conservative Tree House says the RNC uses power to get money and the DNC uses money to get power. Viewed through this lens, it all makes sense.

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What a way to fire up the blog on Monday Poca-Man !Many of us have been calling our selves not repubs but conservative's for years and trying to vote as such.We have seen progress in small local races but it is patently clear the party has jilted the voters time and again.PDJT is the last best hope to save our country or what remains of it.Great rant but treat Dr. cat nicer ,this poll is crying for aota in caps.

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Root & Branch McConnell is my guy! Lucy (from a ‘daily newspaper’ (see Wiki kids) bygone Era) never imagined you could do that for DECADES as well as get rich, marry a ChiCom wife, and be a non-KKK leader of the US Hoodee Senate to boot. You could Co-Opt the Tea Party too, imprison J6s w/o changing Geo Mason’s Bill of Rights, and even kill unarmed veterans in the sacred CongressCritter shrine…..

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Sununu is slang for RINO. The media always look to him for a quote when they need to slam a conservative.

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"Trump supporters no longer care about the party. The party hates us and has done everything it can to sabotage us."

Absolutely! So, please tell me why we should not split and form a third party thereby marginalizing the neocons and making them unelectable? If they are no different than democrats, why does that matter? The Trump loyalists are the engine running the GOP - not Ronna McRomney. It is time for the GOP to go the way of the Whigs. It is 1854 all over again. We'll never win with them so I see little risk in trying, and maybe - just maybe - we isolate the old blue-bloods to die on the vine.

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Exactly! What have we got to lose except losing! But what am earthquake we’d create in the process!

And there’s only one name for that 3rd party, guarantee to fry their brains: the MAGA party.

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I vote Yea! on that idea.

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Political parties are like religious denominations. The people who care about them have a do not understand what they really are and the people who understand what they really are abhor them.

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In both cases, the devotees can stop thinking and take the "lazy" way out of every decision because they let someone else tell them how and what to think.

In my opinion, Trump has helped the GOP and hurt his followers by blindly staying with the Republican party. Unfortunately, I see this as a weakness of Trump like his mistakes selecting, fully trusting, and then firing many cabinet members. After the fifth or sixth one stabbing him in the back, one would think he might see the party as his enemy. It is and it is trying to kill him.

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Unfortunately, you can’t get into the game if you don’t belong to one of two parties today. That does not mean you have to be a politician to do so. That is the real issue here, Trump hates much of the GOP as well as the Dems. He isn’t a party backer but understands its significance.

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Good point, although I don't know what you mean by "the game". As you suggest, there is a bondage that goes with not playing the party structure but I am not sure it matters much.

I would suggest in this election cycle Trump has almost completely removed himself anyway. He is raising his own money and his rallies are far better than any half-hearted, embarrassing McDaniel event he could attend. I don't know about third party candidates getting on all ballots so I may be missing some important things.

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In my mind, the Republican party of today is like the Whig party of the 1800s. It is about to disappear just like the Whigs did when Lincoln came along. The only issue that matters today is election integrity. Without it, we end up with all of the deep state war, mongering candidates that become our leaders .

If anybody in their right mind thinks that Mr. Biden was elected legitimately then they are crazy. On the other hand by today’s standards, stuffing the ball box,flipping Republican votes to Democrat in the election machines and losing hundreds of thousands of Republican ballots may be considered legitimate by the party of Mao Stalin and Arafat.

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I will gladly vote for President Trump in the next election. Sadly my vote won’t matter, even if it is counted, as I live in a deep blue state. But remember we have Rona because President Trump supported her in the last RNC election. There were credible candidates as alternatives. I really am not interested in hearing about the RNC failures in the same paragraph that the Republican Party doesn’t support Trump when the leader of the party is Trumps pick.

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You missed the whole reason for him supporting McDaniel. It goes like this, “sometimes it better to have your enemies inside the tent peeing out than it is having them outside the tent peeing in”. Sorry for being crude here, but Trump surely understood that McDaniel was a RINO and has lots of supporters in and out of the party and he didn’t want her as an overt enemy. Remember, Trump plays three dimensional chess while others play checkers.

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So just a simple question, what is her plan to insure the counting is correct and does she have the lawyers in every state to sue to insure the laws are followed? If she does I haven’t heard. If she doesn’t tell me again about three dimensional chess.

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She likely doesn’t have a plan, at least not one we would consider adequate. I dont always afree with Trumps decisions but I suspect he has weighed the options and thinks its better having her close where he can keep an eye on what she does.

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You may be right Reddog in hindsight.

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Sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for the wrong guy but it cant be every four years.

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Sounds as if every one running for ANY office in 2024 is in ZUGSWANG! That’s a term in the game of chess - look it up, mother. What if Trump and Kennedy BOTH formally declare as Independent? How many others declared for election to House or Senate would feel they have to follow? How does THAT work? Can any of them get there from here? Is such a “ poop or go blind” situation? Will the political toilet not flush?

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Nice word!

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My preferred specific definition of that term is, "In chess, the player has NO move (including doing nothing) that will not put him in a worse position."

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Saul Alinsky must have coined the term originally . . . 🙃 (Thanks PM for the upside down emoji)

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Any good chess player works to achieve this position on the board for strength and control. "The Art of the Deal" should be a primer in ZUGSWANG, which is why I am baffled as to why we remain with the party of enemies to Trump.

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