I know two Lone Ranger jokes. This is the one that applies to this post. Tonto and the Lone Ranger are surrounded by hostile Indians. The Lone Ranger says, “It’s looks like we’re in a lot of trouble, old friend!” Tonto replies, “What do you mean we, Paleface?”
The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert. After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep. Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, "Kemo Sabe, look towards sky, what you see?"
The Lone Ranger replies, "I see millions of stars."
"What that tell you?" asked Tonto.
The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, "Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. Theologically, the Lord is all powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What's it tell YOU, Tonto?"
"You dumber than buffalo. Someone stole tent."
Paul Ryan, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Liz Cheney - all the damn RINOs - stole the Reagan GOP tent.
I’m not a political science scholar by any stretch, but I wonder why he hasn’t done it. It would clearly draw a line in the sand so the RINOs could see they have very little turf to stand on. It might be a little late to do a third party now, but I wish he had done so after Jan6.
I'm not either but I THINK it is because it would HAND future elections to the D's if it is not overwhelmingly successful. I *think* (sadly) that 'things' have to get BAD enough so that more people wake up. Some never will. But MORE can. I think (?) this is the reason he very minimally 'backed' that @#$%^&* Ronna ROMNEY McDaniels as RNC Chair after THREE crucial FAILED ELECTIONS. 😡
This MESS is MANY DECADES in the making.
I think it's unfair and unrealistic (not that I'm saying you were saying that, but some do) to expect Trump to FIX IT ALL in one embattled term.
And he will be re-elected again only if we make sure the fraud is kept in check.VDH has a new post almost saying bidet will not be the dem candidate if I read between the lines correctly.We are winning!!!
They are masters of tough talk and playing to our wishes. Then they go back to doing nothing except “if we only had the power of the majority” and the cycle starts all over again.
The Republicans have not pushed back courageously, powerfully, effectively, substantially, nor have they put their lives, liberty, honor and treasure to stop the Marxist takeover of our country.
Nor have they led, influenced or encouraged their constituency to join with them, like our founders did, and support the full rejection of the Marxists lawless obliteration of the constitution.
We are leaderless and rudderless. 99% of our representatives, senators, governors, state, city and municipal leaders, attorneys generals have all failed us.
We Conservatives keep thinking if we keep re-electing the same "kinda conservative" members eventually they will come around and listen to us. They wont. Their game is to play the middle as they see it, don't be controversial, don't commit to anything, curry favor from both sides, and keep their jobs. As they see it and practice, they need to be long term members before they really have clout and then they can do their jobs. But by then it's too late and the Zuckerbergs of the dark world own them. They become exactly what they told us they wanted to get rid of when we first elected them. Congress needs to be turned back into a part time job where people go, contribute their expertise, and then go home and back to their professional lives. We have made congress a country club because we allowed them to make public office a career. That has to stop. Term limits for congress, just like the president.
For me it was: Give us the House and we'll repeal Obamacare. Well we can't do anything with just the House, give us the Senate and we'll repeal Obamacare. Sorry, but Obama will veto it, we need the presidency and we'll repeal Obamacare. Oops I guess we still can't repeal Obamacare because of petty personal pride and because we actually like it anyway. I have never donated to the GOP again, will not support the likes of Susan Collins again and registered as unaffiliated when I moved a little further inland last year. I hope McStain is rotting in the Hell of a thousand Hanoi Hiltons!
Maybe Obamacare would have been repealed if Trump hadn't personally and often insulted John McCain, whose ego and thin skin were already legendary in the Senate. Arizona's McCain supporters loved McCain and you can bet that Trump's picks in AZ failed because Arizonans hate Trump.
Maybe Obamacare would have been repealed if it didn't come down the vote of a corrupt, petty and spiteful man. Yeah Trump insulted him, politics are rough, but fucking over the country because he was personally insulted after he and his whole party ran on repealing Obamacare. C'mon man!
McCain was all those things and more but still, Trump's uncouth behavior was unnecessary. He could have criticized McCain in a much more polished way and made the same point.
I WILL support Mr. Trump again. I wanted to hear what was up with Vivek Ramaswamy. As soon as heard he had taken money from George Soros about three weeks ago, his name went right down the toilet. As far as Ron DeSantis goes, he scratched his balls so much, I thought he was a baseball player. Mr. Trump did not NEED to show up. Whatever. So long as Kaleigh McEnany is the press secretary, I will be happy.
Not sure whether that is wholly true or not. Mark Levin I believe also has a weekly show on FOX and he (last I heard) is 100% behind Trump and vice versa. As long as people don't use the FOX platform to demean Trump then I think he would understand the need to make a living as best as possible.
They are just tools. They are paid a lot of money to be outrageous and to bash conservatives. Remember, in the network world, a viewer is a viewer, regardless of their intelligence or ignorance. Pays the same.
100% right. So many people are bored with their lives it seems. I think thats why so many utterly disgusting celebrities get constant adoration from fans. Reality tv.
It seems to be easier to change one's convictions than to live them once a person is occupying a seat in government. I'm thankful the Founders didn't feel that way.
Well, when the media has to PAY people to watch their garbage, as is the case with the Ellen DeGeneres show, The Holy ,Bible has said quite often "Summer is Nigh....."
08-25-23: No chance. McEnany, I regret to say (VERY very much regret to say) has sipped the Fox Faux News kool-aid and found it appealing ... The one-time Trump "allies" washing their hands of him are doing Mr Trump a huge favor. Who said that VR took $$$ from Soros? How are these things verified?
With Vivek - trust but verify. He came from nowhere. Says things we can agree with just as Paul Ryan courted the Tea Party with stopping Obamacare, then ending Obamacare and balancing the budget all the while doing the opposite as he destroyed the Tea Party.
Christy Kreme was for Trump until he got Wray in place & then dropped his mask.
It was only shared about three weeks ago and yes, it did have to do with his education. The media writes up a potentially damning headline and in no time, the story is just gone. Hell, I just trashed his son for "Looking like a homosexual.". In a day, there was no further reference to his son. I still have the picture, but it won't transfer to ANY media outlet, How interesting.
Vivek was offered a merit scholarship and he took it - nothing wrong with that. I don’t care if he was already a millionaire at the time.
Vivek is a sharp, accomplished entrepreneur and businessman. I like him, but he’s no conservative and doesn’t belong anywhere near a Trump administration.
08-26-23: I recall the words of a forlorn horse trainer, way down there in the standings, reduced to claiming horses out of races (owners buying them if they're listed for sale because they've been entered into claiming races. They're usually on their last legs and so are the trainer and owner).
"It's like going through garbage cans for a living."
Please fill in the rest.
Abut 75% of Trump's picks turned into claimers bought at Aqueduct in Queens --- OOPS! I meant Washington, D.C.
(Imagine how many claimers --- military "officers" --- had been hired and sent with a one-way-ticket-get-them-the-hell-out-of-Philadelphia to George Washington during the ARW!)
Why wouldn't he? Nixon said something about that - I'll see if I can find it.
No one in their right mind is going to deny a contribution, no matter how small. Soros contributes token sums to almost every Republican candidate (to compromise them, to poison the well) - let's see what VR actually DOES, before passing judgement.
Check their donation list and filings. Not uncommon at all to see someone like Soros doing this. He is anti-Trump so a dollar for someone who pulls votes away from Trump is well spent.
It was one news outlet and the story kept disappearing. Which is my mind makes it more true than not. I think now others are reporting it. I will look for it again.
DC Draino - who seems to do very good work- pointed out that VR isn’t really a MAGA type. I’ll take DC at his word until he proves I shouldn’t, which he hasn’t done yet.
They have had some exchanges as of late, but who doesn't in the sea of politics. You can look it up on Google. She was great to watch while we could, yes??
No comment on your column today Don, it couldn't be more on target. Trump WON last election and this time It is going to take more than a couple of bad voting machines and a few truckloads of phony ballots to steal this one. I have a feeling it will be a Tsunami, at least I hope the American people have had enough of these pretenders and scream it loud and clear at the ballot box.
That Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Rep Carol Miller can’t even weigh in on any of these injustices at Trump and encourage the DOJ on their mass January 6 political prosecutions in a state that Trump garners 70% says much about the insular mentality of living in the Beltway. Their 20+ years of continuous reelection is coming to an end. The voters are paying attention and their inaction was noticed.
THIS IS THE KEY STATEMENT from today's entire excellent column:
"Where is the Republican outrage over the unconstitutional, unprecedented and unwarranted indictments of Trump?"
AFTER Trump WINS AGAIN 🙏 he should IMMEDIATELY START a NEW PARTY called the AMERICA FIRST Party (or FREEDOM PARTY or LIBERTY Party or any name that makes it clear it is unequivocally anti-leftist, because many naturalized Americans and minorities get FOOLED into thinking that Democrats are actually democratic!)
And it's animal symbol should be the LION.
They are leading us into the gates of hell which is where the Democrats live.
The proof is to look at their 'portals' to the underworld of cities like SF, NYC, Portland, Chicago, Philly and DC. 😥
I like that too, but I don't think low information voters (naturalized Americans, some/ many? minorities) will really know what means at a glance.
That is one of the problems with the conservative side -- our messaging SUCKS. It needs to be understandable AT A GLANCE, not with a 5 minute dissertation. 😊
I am a naturalized citizen and your remark about me and the millions of others like me is beneath contempt. Maybe conservative messaging sucks because of messengers like you and your insults?
Choose to be insulted if that is your preference Annademo. I am reporting WHAT I WAS DIRECTLY TOLD by naturalized Americans. Does that mean ALL? No, as you bluntly point out. I would not be surprised if it was many, if not most, but by all means be angry if that is what you prefer.
‘Never Trumpers are back stabbers. The two previous Republican presidential nominees — McCain and Romney — never attacked Obama personally as they were grateful to lose to the first black president’...
You mean the ‘Tar Baby’ who turned out to be the first Black, Muslim, Gay, Communist, American Hating, White Hating, poor Black Hating President…there fixed it for ya.
Also…Easy on the Leslie Gore reference!!!
And while I’m at it…y’all must mean ‘Banana Split’ Lizzo, right!
Ok Kids, its off to the range for me with one of my Grandsons. CYa!
I Do! And remember… along with ‘Only You can prevent Forest Fires’ ( Except the ones started by DEW’s), ‘A golf course is the willful destruction of a perfectly good gun range!’
All the indictments and the flaunting of their immunity from the rule of law prove their fear and desperation. You choose the outrageous path when the threat is existential. While I wish he weren't quite as flawed, I don't see any other person who comes close to having the power, willingness and fortitude to defeat them. [If he gets another chance he needs to bring in people from outside the federal government and politics to restore Constitutional government.]
They likely see this as the final battle. It may be. Defeat Trump now by any means necessary because if they don't he will inflict great harm to the Deep State and our ruling class. They have gone all in.....defeat him now and end the threat....probably forever. Doesn't matter how.
I've got a quibble - "Republicans lost in 2020 because the party failed to stop the mail-in fraud."
Donald Trump and the woman he endorsed Ronna McDaniel were the literal and official leaders of the party that failed to prepare and preempt that. I am hoping for any sign that they'll be better prepared this time. In case they failed to notice after the election is way too late.
The party failed - and continues to fail because they are doing nothing about it. Where is most of the action to fix our elections coming from? From my perspective it is from the likes of Mike Lindell at his own expense! He gets help from some media sources for promotion (Bannon), but he is fighting this almost single handedly, it seems.
The Republicans are well compensated for pretending to oppose the Democrats. Sure, there are a few areas of policy disagreement, but mostly there is agreement - about how to fleece the taxpayers and the Treasury. The two part system is a sham and everybody knows it. There’s one party, the Uniparty, and you aren’t invited.
There’s a long list of what Republicans would be doing if they actually were concerned about representing their constituents. I’d start that list with the fact that a million plus Americans are dead from a virus we paid to be created by Chinese military scientists who we trained in Wuhan. Hellooo! Anybody home? Then you have the border disaster, the abuse of the law against political opponents, the radical failures in education, crime, the spending, the crooked elections, and on and on. And the GOP pretends none of it is real or it doesn’t matter.
These Republicans aren’t dumb. They aren’t scared, other than losing out in a chance to make a lot of money. They are conmen. They hate us too. Same as the Dems. When people want to do something, they usually do it. If all the Republicans stood up for a wall or fiscal restraint or prosecuting the Bidens ( which actually seems like a legal version of shooting ducks in a pond) they would prevail. They are liars and phonies.
If MAGA leaves the GOP, the GOP is over, not MAGA.It probably doesn’t matter at this point. The country is in a trance. All around us, crazy shit keeps happening, and we do nothing. This is not unlike prior empires in decline. But knowing this doesn’t seem to stop the decay.
Because the people at the top of the pyramid, who are orchestrating this astroturf reset don’t want it to stop.
Have said this for twenty years. Going to keep saying it until it happens or the RNC has me arrested. The party of Rino’s will not recalibrate and return to its party platform until we have a strong third party representing Conservatives and our ideology. There is simply no reason for the GOP to revert back to its party principals without a challenge (threat) from outside its cabal. We can keep electing all the MTG’s we can find and it isnt going to change anything. Big money players control our party today. They own it. Are Graham, McCarthy, McConnell, Romney, going to change suddenly if Trump wins? About as much chance as Runt Zuckerberg giving FB back to the guy he stole it from and joining a convent. People are afraid of third parties but done right, it can leverage change in the GOP, or they risk becoming irrelevant. Time to give it a try before we all are faced with voting for either Dem or Dem Lite.
In honor of Don's Lone Ranger Jokes . . .
The Lone Ranger and Tonto went camping in the desert. After they got their tent all set up, both men fell sound asleep. Some hours later, Tonto wakes the Lone Ranger and says, "Kemo Sabe, look towards sky, what you see?"
The Lone Ranger replies, "I see millions of stars."
"What that tell you?" asked Tonto.
The Lone Ranger ponders for a minute then says, "Astronomically speaking, it tells me there are millions of galaxies. Time wise, it appears to be approximately a quarter past three in the morning. Theologically, the Lord is all powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What's it tell YOU, Tonto?"
"You dumber than buffalo. Someone stole tent."
Paul Ryan, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Lindsey Graham, Liz Cheney - all the damn RINOs - stole the Reagan GOP tent.
That is why it's time for Trump to start a NEW 'classically liberal' (aka conservative!) party - once he's elected AGAIN!
I’m not a political science scholar by any stretch, but I wonder why he hasn’t done it. It would clearly draw a line in the sand so the RINOs could see they have very little turf to stand on. It might be a little late to do a third party now, but I wish he had done so after Jan6.
I'm not either but I THINK it is because it would HAND future elections to the D's if it is not overwhelmingly successful. I *think* (sadly) that 'things' have to get BAD enough so that more people wake up. Some never will. But MORE can. I think (?) this is the reason he very minimally 'backed' that @#$%^&* Ronna ROMNEY McDaniels as RNC Chair after THREE crucial FAILED ELECTIONS. 😡
This MESS is MANY DECADES in the making.
I think it's unfair and unrealistic (not that I'm saying you were saying that, but some do) to expect Trump to FIX IT ALL in one embattled term.
Mr. Trump has already had ONE embattled term
And he will be re-elected again only if we make sure the fraud is kept in check.VDH has a new post almost saying bidet will not be the dem candidate if I read between the lines correctly.We are winning!!!
More comic relief...
"Behind Wiglusz, this is arguably the best receiving room in the conference" --- college football handicapper (August 25, 2023).
NFL Draft Combine (2024):
Wiglusz, in line, steps up to the entry desk.
ED: "Last name?"
BW: "Wiglusz."
ED: "First?"
BW: "Be---"
Time for lunch.
The only advice I’ll take from a RINO is……………………….never mind.
Lindsay Graham makes Richard Simmons (the aged exercise guru) look like Errol Flynn.
aint that the truth....
Their stock advice would probably be decent. They all seem to end up rich.
Wait until you see what it cost them in the next life.
They are masters of tough talk and playing to our wishes. Then they go back to doing nothing except “if we only had the power of the majority” and the cycle starts all over again.
The Republicans have not pushed back courageously, powerfully, effectively, substantially, nor have they put their lives, liberty, honor and treasure to stop the Marxist takeover of our country.
Nor have they led, influenced or encouraged their constituency to join with them, like our founders did, and support the full rejection of the Marxists lawless obliteration of the constitution.
We are leaderless and rudderless. 99% of our representatives, senators, governors, state, city and municipal leaders, attorneys generals have all failed us.
Except for Trump. Who has literally sacrificed EVERYTHING - save for his LIFE, so far.
Bravo. Great comment. Time for us to change our paradigm.
Thank you sir!
We Conservatives keep thinking if we keep re-electing the same "kinda conservative" members eventually they will come around and listen to us. They wont. Their game is to play the middle as they see it, don't be controversial, don't commit to anything, curry favor from both sides, and keep their jobs. As they see it and practice, they need to be long term members before they really have clout and then they can do their jobs. But by then it's too late and the Zuckerbergs of the dark world own them. They become exactly what they told us they wanted to get rid of when we first elected them. Congress needs to be turned back into a part time job where people go, contribute their expertise, and then go home and back to their professional lives. We have made congress a country club because we allowed them to make public office a career. That has to stop. Term limits for congress, just like the president.
Well said!!
For me it was: Give us the House and we'll repeal Obamacare. Well we can't do anything with just the House, give us the Senate and we'll repeal Obamacare. Sorry, but Obama will veto it, we need the presidency and we'll repeal Obamacare. Oops I guess we still can't repeal Obamacare because of petty personal pride and because we actually like it anyway. I have never donated to the GOP again, will not support the likes of Susan Collins again and registered as unaffiliated when I moved a little further inland last year. I hope McStain is rotting in the Hell of a thousand Hanoi Hiltons!
Ol’ McConnell…gonna pull it out “root & branch”……you F’d up - you trusted us……hahaha….
PREACH, Brother!
Maybe Obamacare would have been repealed if Trump hadn't personally and often insulted John McCain, whose ego and thin skin were already legendary in the Senate. Arizona's McCain supporters loved McCain and you can bet that Trump's picks in AZ failed because Arizonans hate Trump.
Maybe Obamacare would have been repealed if it didn't come down the vote of a corrupt, petty and spiteful man. Yeah Trump insulted him, politics are rough, but fucking over the country because he was personally insulted after he and his whole party ran on repealing Obamacare. C'mon man!
McCain was all those things and more but still, Trump's uncouth behavior was unnecessary. He could have criticized McCain in a much more polished way and made the same point.
McStain needed to be called out for the piece of shit humanoid he was!!!
You'll get no argument from me on that, sir!!
Trump was certainly not politically adept.
The dems and GOP are a colluding duopoly (i.e., a cartel). Tacit collusion is second nature because they’ve been doing it for so long.
I WILL support Mr. Trump again. I wanted to hear what was up with Vivek Ramaswamy. As soon as heard he had taken money from George Soros about three weeks ago, his name went right down the toilet. As far as Ron DeSantis goes, he scratched his balls so much, I thought he was a baseball player. Mr. Trump did not NEED to show up. Whatever. So long as Kaleigh McEnany is the press secretary, I will be happy.
Unfortunately, I think Kaleigh McEnany has distanced herself from Trump. Isn't she working for Fox now? If so, that tells you all you need to know.
Not sure whether that is wholly true or not. Mark Levin I believe also has a weekly show on FOX and he (last I heard) is 100% behind Trump and vice versa. As long as people don't use the FOX platform to demean Trump then I think he would understand the need to make a living as best as possible.
That’s actually what I was referencing. I also think she said something but can’t remember what.
T is a big fan of Loyalty. Not sure this is going to qualify.
I think the word "loyalty" took a beating on Mr. Trump. As John D Rockefeller once said "Everyone has a price." Biden sold his soul long ago.
Maybe, maybe not. Better to have an ally inside your enemy’s HQ than outside wondering what is going on inside.
Believe she was at Fox before Trump.
Is T still good with Kaleigh… that would be a treat!
I sure hope so. I think KJP is TOO stupid to get a job out of government.
I don't know about that. Joy Behar and Joy Reed seem to be getting paid to spout some wildly stupid stuff.
They are just tools. They are paid a lot of money to be outrageous and to bash conservatives. Remember, in the network world, a viewer is a viewer, regardless of their intelligence or ignorance. Pays the same.
I don't think people want to watch folks being nice to each other. That's why COPS, etc., is so popular.
100% right. So many people are bored with their lives it seems. I think thats why so many utterly disgusting celebrities get constant adoration from fans. Reality tv.
If they had a Soul or a Conscience, they would never say what they do. See how easy it is to sell your soul?
It seems to be easier to change one's convictions than to live them once a person is occupying a seat in government. I'm thankful the Founders didn't feel that way.
Well, when the media has to PAY people to watch their garbage, as is the case with the Ellen DeGeneres show, The Holy ,Bible has said quite often "Summer is Nigh....."
08-25-23: No chance. McEnany, I regret to say (VERY very much regret to say) has sipped the Fox Faux News kool-aid and found it appealing ... The one-time Trump "allies" washing their hands of him are doing Mr Trump a huge favor. Who said that VR took $$$ from Soros? How are these things verified?
Agree, Don. A Vivk/Soros connection would be news to me too.
All I’ve read about that is that some friend of his, who has connections to Soros, helped pay for Vivek’s education. But I can’t verify that either.
With Vivek - trust but verify. He came from nowhere. Says things we can agree with just as Paul Ryan courted the Tea Party with stopping Obamacare, then ending Obamacare and balancing the budget all the while doing the opposite as he destroyed the Tea Party.
Christy Kreme was for Trump until he got Wray in place & then dropped his mask.
Trust but verify.
Let the misinformation begin. Happens every election cycle. Whole companies are hired to plant damaging info on people.
It was only shared about three weeks ago and yes, it did have to do with his education. The media writes up a potentially damning headline and in no time, the story is just gone. Hell, I just trashed his son for "Looking like a homosexual.". In a day, there was no further reference to his son. I still have the picture, but it won't transfer to ANY media outlet, How interesting.
Vivek was offered a merit scholarship and he took it - nothing wrong with that. I don’t care if he was already a millionaire at the time.
Vivek is a sharp, accomplished entrepreneur and businessman. I like him, but he’s no conservative and doesn’t belong anywhere near a Trump administration.
Neither did about 75% of the people Trump hired while in the White House (!).
08-26-23: I recall the words of a forlorn horse trainer, way down there in the standings, reduced to claiming horses out of races (owners buying them if they're listed for sale because they've been entered into claiming races. They're usually on their last legs and so are the trainer and owner).
"It's like going through garbage cans for a living."
Please fill in the rest.
Abut 75% of Trump's picks turned into claimers bought at Aqueduct in Queens --- OOPS! I meant Washington, D.C.
(Imagine how many claimers --- military "officers" --- had been hired and sent with a one-way-ticket-get-them-the-hell-out-of-Philadelphia to George Washington during the ARW!)
Why wouldn't he? Nixon said something about that - I'll see if I can find it.
No one in their right mind is going to deny a contribution, no matter how small. Soros contributes token sums to almost every Republican candidate (to compromise them, to poison the well) - let's see what VR actually DOES, before passing judgement.
Check their donation list and filings. Not uncommon at all to see someone like Soros doing this. He is anti-Trump so a dollar for someone who pulls votes away from Trump is well spent.
It was one news outlet and the story kept disappearing. Which is my mind makes it more true than not. I think now others are reporting it. I will look for it again.
DC Draino - who seems to do very good work- pointed out that VR isn’t really a MAGA type. I’ll take DC at his word until he proves I shouldn’t, which he hasn’t done yet.
He took scholarship money from George Soros’ brothers foundation for new immigrants to the US.
Here’s an article about them and the fund:
Isn't she on Trump's poopy-list now?
They have had some exchanges as of late, but who doesn't in the sea of politics. You can look it up on Google. She was great to watch while we could, yes??
She was one of the best Press Secs, yes. My favorite was Tony Snow. Nobody will ever be better, IMO.
No comment on your column today Don, it couldn't be more on target. Trump WON last election and this time It is going to take more than a couple of bad voting machines and a few truckloads of phony ballots to steal this one. I have a feeling it will be a Tsunami, at least I hope the American people have had enough of these pretenders and scream it loud and clear at the ballot box.
Hope so but still worry about the scale of the cheating operation.
Like the Red Tsunami of 2022?
That Senator Shelley Moore Capito and Rep Carol Miller can’t even weigh in on any of these injustices at Trump and encourage the DOJ on their mass January 6 political prosecutions in a state that Trump garners 70% says much about the insular mentality of living in the Beltway. Their 20+ years of continuous reelection is coming to an end. The voters are paying attention and their inaction was noticed.
THIS IS THE KEY STATEMENT from today's entire excellent column:
"Where is the Republican outrage over the unconstitutional, unprecedented and unwarranted indictments of Trump?"
AFTER Trump WINS AGAIN 🙏 he should IMMEDIATELY START a NEW PARTY called the AMERICA FIRST Party (or FREEDOM PARTY or LIBERTY Party or any name that makes it clear it is unequivocally anti-leftist, because many naturalized Americans and minorities get FOOLED into thinking that Democrats are actually democratic!)
And it's animal symbol should be the LION.
They are leading us into the gates of hell which is where the Democrats live.
The proof is to look at their 'portals' to the underworld of cities like SF, NYC, Portland, Chicago, Philly and DC. 😥
I prefer The Constitution Party.
I like that too, but I don't think low information voters (naturalized Americans, some/ many? minorities) will really know what means at a glance.
That is one of the problems with the conservative side -- our messaging SUCKS. It needs to be understandable AT A GLANCE, not with a 5 minute dissertation. 😊
I am a naturalized citizen and your remark about me and the millions of others like me is beneath contempt. Maybe conservative messaging sucks because of messengers like you and your insults?
Choose to be insulted if that is your preference Annademo. I am reporting WHAT I WAS DIRECTLY TOLD by naturalized Americans. Does that mean ALL? No, as you bluntly point out. I would not be surprised if it was many, if not most, but by all means be angry if that is what you prefer.
I could not have said it better!
The GOP doesn't seem to get we can leave, not send money, etc. If nothing changes, why bother?
They think they own the GOP plantation just as much as the Dems think they own the blacks. I havent sent a dime to the GOP in over a decade.
‘Never Trumpers are back stabbers. The two previous Republican presidential nominees — McCain and Romney — never attacked Obama personally as they were grateful to lose to the first black president’...
You mean the ‘Tar Baby’ who turned out to be the first Black, Muslim, Gay, Communist, American Hating, White Hating, poor Black Hating President…there fixed it for ya.
Also…Easy on the Leslie Gore reference!!!
And while I’m at it…y’all must mean ‘Banana Split’ Lizzo, right!
Ok Kids, its off to the range for me with one of my Grandsons. CYa!
If you mean the gun range, more power to ya ... and keep training!
I Do! And remember… along with ‘Only You can prevent Forest Fires’ ( Except the ones started by DEW’s), ‘A golf course is the willful destruction of a perfectly good gun range!’
All the indictments and the flaunting of their immunity from the rule of law prove their fear and desperation. You choose the outrageous path when the threat is existential. While I wish he weren't quite as flawed, I don't see any other person who comes close to having the power, willingness and fortitude to defeat them. [If he gets another chance he needs to bring in people from outside the federal government and politics to restore Constitutional government.]
They likely see this as the final battle. It may be. Defeat Trump now by any means necessary because if they don't he will inflict great harm to the Deep State and our ruling class. They have gone all in.....defeat him now and end the threat....probably forever. Doesn't matter how.
Being a RINO likely pays well right now.
I've got a quibble - "Republicans lost in 2020 because the party failed to stop the mail-in fraud."
Donald Trump and the woman he endorsed Ronna McDaniel were the literal and official leaders of the party that failed to prepare and preempt that. I am hoping for any sign that they'll be better prepared this time. In case they failed to notice after the election is way too late.
The party failed - and continues to fail because they are doing nothing about it. Where is most of the action to fix our elections coming from? From my perspective it is from the likes of Mike Lindell at his own expense! He gets help from some media sources for promotion (Bannon), but he is fighting this almost single handedly, it seems.
True The Vote is also doing amazing work to expose the fraud. Eradicating it is a smaller group. Congress is a big problem here.
Judicial Watch has been doing great work suing states to clean up their voter rolls.
The Republicans are well compensated for pretending to oppose the Democrats. Sure, there are a few areas of policy disagreement, but mostly there is agreement - about how to fleece the taxpayers and the Treasury. The two part system is a sham and everybody knows it. There’s one party, the Uniparty, and you aren’t invited.
There’s a long list of what Republicans would be doing if they actually were concerned about representing their constituents. I’d start that list with the fact that a million plus Americans are dead from a virus we paid to be created by Chinese military scientists who we trained in Wuhan. Hellooo! Anybody home? Then you have the border disaster, the abuse of the law against political opponents, the radical failures in education, crime, the spending, the crooked elections, and on and on. And the GOP pretends none of it is real or it doesn’t matter.
These Republicans aren’t dumb. They aren’t scared, other than losing out in a chance to make a lot of money. They are conmen. They hate us too. Same as the Dems. When people want to do something, they usually do it. If all the Republicans stood up for a wall or fiscal restraint or prosecuting the Bidens ( which actually seems like a legal version of shooting ducks in a pond) they would prevail. They are liars and phonies.
If MAGA leaves the GOP, the GOP is over, not MAGA.It probably doesn’t matter at this point. The country is in a trance. All around us, crazy shit keeps happening, and we do nothing. This is not unlike prior empires in decline. But knowing this doesn’t seem to stop the decay.
Because the people at the top of the pyramid, who are orchestrating this astroturf reset don’t want it to stop.
Well said, Tanto.
This situation is the same in practically every Western democracy. (I've said this many times.)
It's a feature, not a bug, and they want it that way.
Spot on Brother!!!!
Have said this for twenty years. Going to keep saying it until it happens or the RNC has me arrested. The party of Rino’s will not recalibrate and return to its party platform until we have a strong third party representing Conservatives and our ideology. There is simply no reason for the GOP to revert back to its party principals without a challenge (threat) from outside its cabal. We can keep electing all the MTG’s we can find and it isnt going to change anything. Big money players control our party today. They own it. Are Graham, McCarthy, McConnell, Romney, going to change suddenly if Trump wins? About as much chance as Runt Zuckerberg giving FB back to the guy he stole it from and joining a convent. People are afraid of third parties but done right, it can leverage change in the GOP, or they risk becoming irrelevant. Time to give it a try before we all are faced with voting for either Dem or Dem Lite.
Trump is the Christ of Politics. He had me at the mugshot.
Just ordered a t-shirt with his mug shot on it.