The devil took some kicks in his posterior last week, which is appropriate for the holiest week in the Christian calendar. In Tennessee, a couple of Democrats were expelled from the legislature for leading a January 6-style protest. In Texas, a federal judge placed a ban on mailing abortion pills — upholding a federal law that has been on the books for 150 years.
The actions reminded me of that 1980s public service ad in which the father angered by his son’s drug use demands to know who taught him to do this!
You did, comes the reply.
And so it goes in politics. Democrats change the rules for a moment of self-gratification only to complain when Republicans use the changed rules against them later.
I know Mitch McConnell is not popular among my readers — and for good reason — but he made a good point in 2012. That was when Harry Reid hit the button and launched the nuclear option that ended the filibustering of judicial nominations.
McConnell said on July 18, 2012, “Let’s assume we have a new president and I’m the Majority Leader next time and we’re operating at 51. I wonder how comforting that is to my friends on the other side. How does it make you feel about the security of Obamacare, for example?”
And McConnell kept his word. As majority leader in 2015 and 2016, he blocked scores of judicial nominations by Obama. In 2017, McConnell handed them over to President Trump, and then confirmed Trump judges without needing 60 votes to end discussion. As a bonus, the Trump Trio will sit on the Supreme Court until I am 90. Bwa ha ha.
Maybe until I am a 100.
Obamacare lives, but Roe is dead.
You would think that people who are our moral and intellectual superiors — or so they tell us — would have learned their lesson. To be fair, it is hard to learn when you think you know everything.
Democrats labeled as an insurrection a peaceful — if noisy — protest inside the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The idea was to disqualify President Trump as a presidential candidate in 2024 because the Constitution bans Confederate officials or any other insurrectionists from serving as “a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military.”
Democrats arrested and jailed more than 1,000 Americans for peaceful protests and charged them with insurrection-related charges. This came after Democrats held a summer of riots in selected cities following the drug overdose death of George Floyd. Hypocrisy and Democrats go together like Dumb and Dumber.
As the late Billy Mays said, but wait — there’s more!
When a tranny shot and killed three 9-year-olds and three staff members at a Christian school in Nashville, Democrats did not waste time to demand the seizure of guns. Once again, the victims — which included a black man, Mike Hill, 61 — did not matter.
All that mattered is it was a school shooting. AP screamed that 175 people died in school shootings since Columbine.
Columbine was 24 years ago. That works out to slightly more than 7 a year — or a slow week in Chicago, the nation’s capital of gun control. That doesn’t work. Putting cops in schools failed in Uvalde, Texas, having failed earlier in Parkland in Florida.
I am too dumb to figure out an instant solution that works. Sorry.
No one can. This did not stop Democrats from demanding gun control for the millionth time. A bunch of them went into the Tennessee state Capitol and interrupted the day’s session.
The Tennessee Star reported, “A riot at the Tennessee State Capitol was stopped by state troopers Thursday as State Rep. Justin Jones (D-Nashville) and at least two other far-left Democrat state representatives encouraged a crowd of more than a thousand protesters to breach the Tennessee House of Representatives chamber floor during a gun control demonstration.
“Tennessee State Troopers foiled the breach, as protesters attempted to enter the chamber from the gallery above and the ground floor.
“The left-wing mob showed up outside the capitol early Thursday morning. Most of the more than one thousand protesters appeared to be under the age of 30.”
Three Democrat legislators led the chant of “What do we want? Gun control! When do we want it? Now!” One lawmaker had a bullhorn. They shut down the session.
Now that last point was one Democrats used to rationalize calling January 6 an insurrection. It doesn’t, but it created a line between a peaceful protest and a disturbance of the peace. The lawmakers had crossed it.
Republicans had enough. They voted to expel two Democrats — both young black men — from the legislature. Over at MSNBC, the expulsions shocked the pushers of calling January 6 an insurrection.
Anchor Alex Witt asked his audience, “Could there be a domino effect with other Republican-led chambers that are literally silencing and removing lawmakers in this case, those that are just demanding legislative gun reform?”
The Tennessee expulsions were the domino that fell in reaction to insurrection hysteria. MSNBC promoted the insurrection libel.
The wails of racism also came and you know something? I do believe Republicans no longer care. So many things have been called racist that the term has lost all meaning.
Before it became Never Trump, National Review listed “Ten Things You Didn't Know Were Racist.” Topping the list was the nursery rhyme, Baa, Baa Black Sheep. I don’t mind but watch it now, watch it, if they come after Woolly Bully. That would be L-7.
Don’t want none, don’t start none.
That rule applies to federal judges. Remember the Hawaiian judge who blocked President Trump’s travel ban on people from seven countries? Obama appointed that judge, who was wrong but the Supreme Court decided that months later with no consequences suffered by the judge. A district judge assumed the power to block a presidential executive order. This is insane and must be stopped.
Democrats got a taste of that on Good Friday.
AP reported, “A Texas judge who sparked a legal firestorm with an unprecedented ruling halting approval of the nation’s most common method of abortion is a former attorney for a religious liberty legal group with a long history pushing conservative causes.
“U.S. District Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk, an appointee of former President Donald Trump, on Friday ordered a hold on federal approval of mifepristone in a decision that overruled decades of scientific approval. His ruling, which doesn’t take immediate effect, came practically at the same time that U.S. District Judge Thomas O. Rice, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, essentially ordered the opposite in a different case in Washington. The split likely puts the issue on an accelerated path to the U.S. Supreme Court.
“Kacsmaryk, a former federal prosecutor and lawyer for the conservative First Liberty Institute, was confirmed in 2019 over fierce opposition by Democrats over his record opposing LGBTQ rights. He was among more than 230 judges installed to the federal bench under Trump as part of a movement by the Republican president and Senate conservatives to shift the American judiciary to the right.”
His confirmation was on a 52-46 vote as many of the Trump judges were confirmed via Harry Reid’s nuking of the filibuster. While his ban is not national, it is nettlesome and sets up a showdown on the Supreme Court, where the Trump Trio sits thanks to Harry Reid.
Having created this mess for them, Democrats seek to sow the seeds of their next debacle.
Politico reported, “Ignore the courts? Some Democrats say Texas abortion pill ruling demands it.”
Ah, another sequel to Dumb and Dumber.
Marxist Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon said, “I believe the Food and Drug Administration has the authority to ignore this ruling, which is why I’m again calling on President Biden and the FDA to do just that.”
I missed that part in the Constitution where it says bureaucrats can ignore the court.
He also said. “The FDA, doctors, and pharmacies can and must go about their jobs like nothing has changed and keep mifepristone accessible to women across America. If they don’t, the consequences of banning the most common method of abortion in every single state will be devastating.”
AOC agreed.
But an anonymous source told Politico, “They’re able to present themselves right now as the adults in the room who care about the rule of law. But that posture would come under pressure if they jumped out of the gate and said they wouldn’t abide by the ruling.”
AP tried to discredit the ruling by pointing out the law used in part of the ruling — the part that says abortion pills cannot be mailed — is 150 years old.
In that story, AP said, “A 19th century anti-vice law is at the center of a new court ruling that threatens access to the leading abortion drug in the U.S.
“Dormant for a half-century, the Comstock Act has been revived by anti-abortion groups and conservative states seeking to block the mailing of mifepristone, the pill used in more than half of U.S. abortions.
“On Friday, a federal judge in Texas sided with Christian conservatives in ruling that the Comstock Act prohibits sending the long-used drug through the mail.”
Laws do not come with an expiration date. Ignoring them does not make them go away. Lawmakers never repealed this one.
Democrats are in a hole thanks to their insurrection hysteria and their nuking of filibustering in the confirmation process. They will dig deeper if they openly defy judicial orders.
Maybe Democrats should divorce themselves from the devil because he is a loser who has given them some terrible and horrific advice.
His blocking of Soetoro’s judges and ushering through PDJT’s judges is about the only thing positive I can think about Cocaine Mitch. Could you imagine Merrick Garland as a Supreme Court justice?
Starting the week with a particularly informative & inspirational Don Surber is definitely the way to go!
Thank you.
ps. And a tip top poll bonus.