Don, I imagine you taking over the NYT, hiring a new staff of reporters, and setting the tone for fair journalism. It would take about two days for the world to spin off its axis. But, man, is that ever what this country needs.

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The world would get along just fine without NYT

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Hey, the NY Post seems to be doing fine. As to the NYT, it reminds me of the institutions of the Roman Empire in its decline. They were still there, but useless.

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its permanent absence would be a fitting example to others. same holds for other institutions that should be annihilated like Disney, Anheuser Busch, NBC/Commiecast . . .

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InBev - AB's corporate overlord is doing OK - AB not so much. Sales down 9% I believe, and that is after all the inflationary price increases throughout food and bev industries.

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Given the history of the NYT and the harm they have caused, the world is better off without them.

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My neighbor friend wink wink is educating me on the joys of Broadway musicals. In Oklahoma!! Please note I'm arranging this in my mind as I go because I'm very good at that. First cue the choir which is you sing this with me boys and girls oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day! I have a wonderful feeling everything's going our way! You're welcome. I think it's time for some breakfast.

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05/10/24: Your friend would be ecstatic to receive from you as a present: "Opening Night On Broadway, A Critical Quotebook of the Golden Era of the Musical Theatre, Oklahoma! (1943) to Fiddler on the Roof (1964)," Steven Suskin; Macmillan (1990). A used hardcover shouldn't be hard to find. The technicals are excellent with one exception: They stuffed too much paper into the book and the binding on my first copy gave way like the pathetically unfit female cops currently facing the campus rioters. The replacement copy is fine. Cherished above all: The wit of the Broadway critics. Heck, get one for yourself. Wink! Wink!

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Thank you for the recommendation. I've already priced one copy on Amazon and a far less expensive and good condition one on eBay. Her birthday is September the 28th and my finances are tight right at the moment but I'll check with my financial manager who is supporting this very strange relationship wholeheartedly and seek her advice. I say strange only because of the age difference.

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05/15/24: If you have a Post Office box, I'll send you a copy; I just found out that I own two copies of Opening Night.

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You betcha. I'm in a old farts and lame ducks housing project that's pretty luxurious. 501 Pennsylvania Ave H4, Plymouth Indiana 46563. May I repeat the four words I suspect I heard from upper management? IT'S ALL SET UP. I want to shout an old-fashioned glory hallelujah..

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I find good prices on AbeBooks, which is strange because Amazon owns AB. Amazon cancelled me in 2017 (management woke rajah in India just wiped out all 717 book reviews just like that), so I have since had nothing to do with Am Books (my wife couldn't care less and has Prime and Bezos thus becomes the world's richest man, but without a single tinsel of class).

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Walmart is starting to eat Amazon's lunch. I have all my books 19 of them on Amazon and they're doing a good job but I'm not political in my books. If you're investing in stocks I would start slowly moving your stocks out of Amazon and into Walmart. Because I got a scooter for free on Medicaid my neighbor copied my moves and ordered one from Amazon but got a bunch of BS and run around and finally got one quicker and cheaper from Walmart. Go figure.

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05/10/24: Better, he takes over the NY Post and kicks to the curb all of their starchy, unimaginative & constipated Editorial idiots who have written themselves and the paper into oblivion (and who think that Stormy Daniels belongs on the front page --- as a 400-year old strip-club pole dancer. See for yourself, today's NYP cover. If Fox-Pravda thinks this is the way to get back on Trump's good side, there aren't enough straight-jackets in this country to fix the problem). And I went with "Mullets"!

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I'm trying to become better behaved and a quieter soul, but The chuckle I just let out was just too loud and too evil sounding. But thank you anyway Don.

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05/10/24: Hey, it was worth a try. And by now, I discovered in the interim, the binding of the 2nd book has gone into decline, as the tree pruners like to say.

In other news, one notices that a lot of time has gone by when he opens the newspaper one day and sees a photograph of Brook Shields, and that she is now Teri Shields (her mother).

The (Book) Glue Lagoon

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They figured out if they spit out one or two true stories a month, they can trick some former readers that they have changed. Just as some people are flocking to Maher while he is still the same asshole he’s always been. The “based truth bombs” he drops about once a week are irreconcilable with the conclusion he has that Orange Man bad. It’s a cynical ratings play.

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Correct. Sure, Maher throws the bone once in a while but make no mistake, it is only for publicity and ratings. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck.

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Maher has figured out that if he keeps spouting left wing lunacy right leaning folks are tuning him out so being a good businessman he decided to allow what is left of his commonsense to say the truth, the left has gone way too far left and are now part of the problem. But as you say, he’s still a raving liberal. He can’t help it, liberalism eventually eats a persons brain cells. No going back from it.

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True, unless it is the poisonous cousin, the duck-billed platypus.

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05/10/24: Agreed. I suspect that Taibbi --- usually sober --- has been drinking out of the Nostalgia Jug. Remember, when he was a college student 30 years ago, up at Bard College, the NYT still had some credibility left. All shredded now.

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Bard College is sucking at the Palestinian tit (see Wikipedia profile). The Suicide Tide is irresistible to these seriously deranged people.

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REminds me of CNN trying to re invent itself right before it goes bankrupt.

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The NYT and the rest of the Pravdaesque press deserve the Walter Duranty award for fake news reporting.

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I can't remember the last time that journalists in general were either objective or even pro-American. We lost Vietnam due to a lost of will, driven by the selective reporting of the media. North Vietnam mass murders and Vietcong torture killing were ignored. Stories were sloped to be losses when they were not. So the politicians gave it away and betrayed an ally. Kinda like Biden and the Ds are doing to Israel today.

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More and more, I see our media as do biased there is no difference between them and the USSR’s Pravda. Some of the outlets are worse like CNN who is remaking itself in the image of Bagdad Bob. Journalism must be allowed to die, and stay buried. Something will take its place that is better.

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That odorous emanation in the air is long dead but un-entombed journalism.This explains folks wearing masks in only blue areas.

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I agree, but was Vietnam really worth it? All those soldiers dead, and the survivors with lifelong health problems? Today American companies are doing a thriving business with Vietnam, and the Communist bugaboo seems to have gone to sleep. Besides, there was never a chance of China taking over Vietnam; the Vietnamese hate them and beat them. And wasn't that one of the reasons for that war?

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What about all the folks the commies murdered after we left?

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Not going argue. Was just pointing out journalists have been Commie whores since 1917. Our host and a few others excluded.

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Difficult Truths. What is so difficult about the truth?

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Well... didn't an NPR bimbo recently say something about how "...there are many different truths." LOL. This is what we are up against and this is where our hard earned money goes.

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That's like saying there are many different genders.

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Same playbook. Same result. Chaos and decay.

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05/10/24: The country has been thrown into the Gender Blender.

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As does Terrorism; which we are now witnessing in the Good Ole USA, today.

OMG, how we have fallen. Sad.

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Everything to a Marxist. To them, the truth only refers to how you see a fact, because others may see the fact differently. In reality, the truth is bad for Marxist and liberals because they are not in the truth or reality business, they are in the business of making the world the way they want it to be, and reality and truth have nothing to do with it. If you are remaking peoples reality, like now when the WH tells us the economy is better and the business world is booming even though most of us can see the truth every time we shop for food or gas or buy anything. To liberals, the truth is what you tell people it is, not what they see.

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Or its based in their feelzings. Sorry feelzings are not facts and never will be.

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You hit upon the Truth.

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As David Foster Wallace once said, “The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you.” That's what's difficult about the truth and why so many fear it - like learning things like "Communism sucks bigly".

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!! Awesome.

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I voted for hemorrhoids because they can be cured.

To this native Florida girl, a mullet is a delicious bottom feeding fish served up best fried in cornmeal with cole slaw and hush puppies from an enameled wash basin on a wooden picnic table at the local fish camp.

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Hemorrhoids can be cured but they are such a pain in the ass!

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I should say, "May I quote you?" But I'm gonna do it before noon today! Hemorrhoids AND fried fish and hush puppies.

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"Check, please." (!)

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TDS has a cost and “journalism” is finding that out.

Our local paper, Florida Today, is an embarrassment. It is so thin it doesn’t make for a good bird cage liner, although it does make for a decent fly swatter.

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Ah, an optimistist. I like that, always find some good in everything😎

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Speaking of TDS, Erin Burnett (recently attempting to be a journalist for the first time in decades) on Election Night 11/05/24 will be absolutely so far out to sea [edit, replacing "see"], the Titanic's captain will see her as an approaching iceberg.

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The print and electronic media are so distrusted and hated by the public that the first news source that fairly reports the news without editorial bias will tower over the others. Yet all we have is a collective mass of dumb shits that ignore the possibility.

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One of these things is not like the others

One of these things doesn't belong...

I say it's MULLETS!

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Speaking of mullets! I rather liked them. I'd watch Electric Company on PBS with my coffee the year boy-kid had to go to mandatory kindergarten in "Norf" Carolina. Cry and sip, sip and cry. Public school is where kids learned to bury their imagination. Thankfully, his resurfaced as soon as he got out of high school. He'd pin up his mullet under his shorter hair so as not to offend his older friends at church. The Mullet didn't quite go-with the suit & tie he preferred for Sunday-go-to-meeting. I learned to live with his torn-jeans phase, too. And the one ear piercing, as well. He's now 50+ with two teens. WGACA

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Hopefully his kids don't have purple hair and tats...

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Nobody ever compelled me to get a mullet, so I voted for that. Throughout this mess, leftists regularly toss us a few breadcrumbs so they can maintain their illusion of still being unbiased. Look at Bill Maher now. Inside he's a seething America hater, but he tosses us some crumbs to try to make us feel like he's not seeking to bend us over. No thanks, I know who these people are. As the Jews are fond of saying, "never again".

The toothpaste off the floor analogy is brilliant today, Don. Kudos!

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I laughed too!

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I had a mullet once. The problem was solved by decapitation.

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And yet here you are, one of the lucky few to survive that!

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Yes, but you'd be surprised how hard it is to breathe through one's ass.

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The problem with journalism is the same as every occupation that selects for people with no faith in God: when you refuse to love the truth (that God exists and you should want what He wants and do what He says) God will eventually reward you with a mind that skitters off into depravity. It is easy to see in journalism because the rich people who bought all the mainstream media fired all the Christians. But there are a lot of occupations like this. I would be happy to have journalism back if journalists put God back in charge of their lives.

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If I may quibble with one of your points: that God will “reward those who reject Him with a depraved mind”.

A depraved mind is a direct consequence of continually rejecting God, like getting burned each time you put your hand in a fire. God definitively warns us of the consequences, but He does not inflict them upon us. We do that to ourselves automatically when we reject Him.

One will always be rewarded for faith, but fools will also always suffer the inevitable and immutable consequences of their rejection of Him.

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

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I based my comment on:

Romans 1:28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

2 Thess. 2:10b-12 ... because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

To be fair, I see your point that rejecting God's gift of faith is a depraved act to begin with, but I think it is untrue to say God never does evil. The difference is that He only does evil in order to bring about what is good (because He has the knowledge and power to do so... we do not). Look at Genesis 3:22, Deut. 28:63, Job 2:10, Amos 9:4, Ezek. 20:21-26, Isaiah 45:7, Genesis 50:20.

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Evil is solely the perversion of good, the opposite of, and acting strictly in opposition to good. It otherwise could not exist.

God does not act against Himself, though He permits it (free will) for the purposes of correction, the language of the prophets notwithstanding.

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msm died for me the very first debate on 8/7/2015 between the donald and the other gop pothunters when foxnews' megan kelly, bret baier and chris wallace tried to take out then candidate trump. it hit me like a ton of bricks. i was a card carrying foxnews baby from the very first day back in 1996 when they went live. my cable happened to offer them and i was hooked.

finally a fair and balanced approach to the issues that shaped our lives. but here i was, watching them (with fire blasting from their collective eyeballs) attempting to take out donald j.trump. if they were in on the con...so were all the rest. fired them then and there and never looked back. now i pick and choose where i get my information (and whom i trust). but that's just me.

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Same as the WSJ. I still like it for the finance issues and some of the editorials.

They just continually blast Trump, then cry like a baby when Biden does something stupid.

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Consider: A degree from the Columbia School of Journalism, founded by Joseph Pulitzer, is the highest qualification a newly hired "reporter" can possess. The Columbia University we are currently watching implode with anti-Israel hate established and guides modern journalism's standards. Its more correctly described indoctrination school graduates then move on to finishing schools we laughingly call "news outlets." Fact: It is a fool's game for the public to expect today's journalists to be without hard left wing bias. *** Lucille Ball is credited with saying "I Love Lucy" was a success because it was directed at the lowest common denominator. Today's news outlets do the same. There is no other explanation for the success of such shows as The View, hosts such as Stephanopoulos and Kimmel. Lucille Ball would recognize today's news outlets as third rate burlesque shows.

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I think The View is such a train wreck that you cant look away. I cant handle the screeching voices at all. Dont even watch the clips elsewhere.

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Not even the cannibals can look at Whoopie Goldberg with relish (or ketchup).

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oh my, I am sooo glad my coffee was on the desk.

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A curious and reasonably intelligent person can learn all the basic skills of journalism in a week. The rest comes with practice and experience. I've always considered journalism school to be a waste of time, and I think that the last 20 years have proven me right.

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We need to let journalism die. Their choice, not ours. When you see virtually every news network and newspaper loosing money year after year yet they keep the doors open and stay on the sir, you have to ask yourself “how that can be”? What or who is keeping the businesses propped up and operating……..and why? The answer to that is where you will find the source of much of our division and misinformation.

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Take Jeff Bezos' Washington Post as an example. What it shows is that very rich people with "progressive" fetishes or leftist girl friends like to pick up existing "news" organizations because that saves them the labor- and money-intensive bother of creating them; and they can nurture illusions of running the world through these outfits, at bargain prices.

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True. In Bezos case, he needed a firewall to his business interests to keep dissent contained and to have an advocate when needed. He bought a recognized media gold standard (at least for liberals) and its working for him. Wealthy people need something between them and their business operations and the WaPo is for him.

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This is completely off topic, though donald b welch's reference to the "cool North Face tents" at the Hamas encampments sparked it. Definitely some shady organization with money bought all that equipment for those staged Hamas protests.

As a camper, everytime I see one of those pictures of trucks and bulldozers clearing away the Hamas encampments, I cringe at all those nice tents being destroyed. If there was a university near me with a Hamas encampment, I would be over there asking the bulldozer drivers if I could salvage some of that camping equipment. I bet there is tons of good stuff there--besides the tents, probably ground pads or sleeping pads (which are expensive), insulated coolers, thermal cups, lanterns, etc. But the tents alone from one encampment could outfit several Boy Scout troops. What a waste.

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"Boy Scout troops"? The Boy Scouts are now Scouting America, and the word troops is militaristic with toxic-male overtones and probably raaaaacist, as well. Try to keep up.

I, too, could use a nice tent, sleeping bag, etc. I'd prefer to use them here in the Smokies with the sounds of birds and rushing streams rather than on a campus surrounded by starving, shrieking harridans on hunger strikes.

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Yep, I'm well aware that the Scouts have been infiltrated by woke-ism. Actually, about 15 years ago, the Boy Scouts selected West Virginia as the permanent site for their every-4-years National Jamborees. They've built a gorgeous new complex adjacent to the New River Gorge (now a National Park is there too).

I worked at the 2013 and 2017 Jamborees in the Faith and Beliefs area. I have to say, it was SUPERB to see so many high quality young men, who mostly came from stable family backgrounds with good values and some degree of spiritual foundation. So, so many of them were sincere spiritual seekers, seriously looking to learn about religions.

Yes, the Scouts have been under attack--first forced to include gay leaders, then attacked for cases of sexual abuse of scouts, and sued to near bankruptcy. It is part of the Left's attack on everything wholesome.

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“What a waste”….to include the now mush-minds of the students.


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I started reading the Bennet article, but about one-third through abandoned it. Just a flood of words, bringing very little I didn't know. And what's with the British spelling? Is that a behavior learned at the Times, to come across as extra snooty?

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05/10/24: Possibly trace amounts of their ex-CEO, Thompson, who escaped the BBC Jimmy Savile pedophile crisis [https://www.netflix.com/title/81520549] by the skin of his teeth when he was able to deport himself to NYC and the Times. He's now currently trying to do the same thing at CNN, but the indications are that the place will implode.

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