“Newspapers sealed their fate by turning radically left by defending the indefensible.”

About 30 years ago I walked into a Walmart in Frederick, Maryland where a table was set up in the entrance with a couple of guys trying to sell subscriptions to the Washington Compost, as some of us locals called it. One of them asked me if I wanted to sign up and I laughed and answered, “Why would I want to pay for that leftist rag?” His mouth dropped open and I left him standing there speechless. And that was back when the newspaper was still at least slightly sane.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

Make no mistake about it: the professional Money-Printers know exactly what they're doing. As Milton Friedman said, everything is paid-for. Everything. Somehow. If you quit paying the guy who mows your grass, he'll stop doing it. The nurse taking care of you will find another job if you stop paying her. And they know that - and they also know that, since the gub'ment makes no product, all the money to pay for their profligacy must come from someone who earned it, and that's you, Mr. Taxpayer and Wage-Earner. But they can't stop cranking the printing press because the people who pay for it all haven't been born yet; we're paying for politicians of a generation ago, and our kids will pay for all the spending, borrowing, and money printing of this one. Since they don't have to face the people they robbed, it's Katie-bar-the-door.

The heinous part of inflation (money-printing) is that it is not only a tax on your paycheck; it's theft of what you have saved, too. That thousand dollars you worked so many hours to save is now worth only a few hours of labor - which if the math is to be believed, has devalued 97% since Nixon took the US off the gold standard in the fall of 1971. A dollar is now worth three cents. Think about that.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

I laugh when I see the Stazi press say the economy is good and I’m paying $300 for groceries when 4 years ago they were $100, or I pay $5.30 for gas when 4 years ago it was $2.25. The only thing good about these last 4 years is it has exposed the evil in every aspect of this country. Hopefully the next few months will be calm, but I suspect given history we should buckle up.

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"'...this is the same person who last month pitched...a bible with public-domain text for $60, a portion of which goes into his pocket. This is the guy who...insisted that the stock for his social media company...was worth the investment. This is the guy who is pitching $400 sneakers and Trump-branded cologne...$99 NFTs, including a promotion in which buyers got a piece of the suit he wore in his mug shot.'"

Personally, I think it's brilliant - at least the donor/buyer gets something in return, instead of just giving away the $.

Stonesifer doesn't even do corporatespeak very well - abysmal, in fact. Buzbee is just a clown.

Not a cow, though, Brother Don - a bull.

The best part of the Bezos Post is that I don't have to read it.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

None of this argument matters. People are looking at their receipts at the grocery store and gas station and elsewhere. That is all the proof they need to decide that Biden has economically destroyed this country and made life miserable. Period.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

Mr. Surber - thank you for reading the Bezos' Bird Cage Liner so we don't have to.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

"71,000 government jobs added."

That's 71,000 higher-than-average paying jobs pulling more money from the taxpayers because the government never EARNS revenue; they TAKE it.

More than longing to see WAPO wither on the vine, I'd love to see the day our government gets RIGHT-SIZED. They take what they want and don't live by a budget so they can't say they overshot expenses. They don't know their costs and don't care.

Financial morbid obesity.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

"lies, damn lies and statistics"......in spite of the cheery news from the trump camp i am hesitant to believe that he will regain the white house. there so many nefarious grubs on the right that it almost seems as though we're fighting a two fronted war and i don't trust the gop in dc (or states level for that matter) any more than i do the garbage on the left.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

what overhead, all the WA post does is re-edit the daily script from the DNC

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

I just love those cheery comments from the not-laid-off management when announcing RIFs: really good business, rightsizing, overshot expense, investment and re-imagine. Does Buzbee really mean they ran out of Covid (other people’s) money? What she doesn’t say is that no one bothers to read their stuff anymore, so the buying public isn’t buying their product.

Do you suppose they will re-imagine the Post as say a solar farm in NM? That’s a business that also lives on tax payer subsidies. What about re-imagining it as a data center for AI? Or a semiconductor fab? They are getting taxpayer big money, too? Too many choices.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

TDS has multiple symptoms and seems mostly prevalent in news rooms the world over.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

And that increase in part time jobs is people having to get second/third jobs, as well as retirees re-entering the workforce, in order to pay for the astronomical increase in their most basic living expenses under this administration.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

Phil is just a bump on the clump of TDS in the cesspool where the illness originated.Too bad we didn't quarantine the entire beltway in 2016.Now everywhere needs dis-infectant aka sunlight to curtail furthering the spread of TDS.This requires a MAGA 2024 victory and 3rd election of PDJT.

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The gradual morphing of private enterprise into quasi-government environments has separated capitalists from businessmen. The easy to spot gibberish you hear from the Biden/Mayorkas/Garland ilk now comes from corporate America as well. Spending OPM is not an economy.

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Thanks for writing the Washington Post's obituary. Those who have crapped up what used to be a newspaper get to read, before drawing their final breath, that nobody is mourning their demise. I call that a just dessert.

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Apr 8Liked by Don Surber

Bump writes, “ That little patter about not being able to afford a contribution is, instead, political rhetoric aimed at bolstering the idea that Americans are suffering inordinately under the Biden administration.”

STOP THE PRESSES! Trump is using political rhetoric!

Bump is dumb as a stump.

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