A great article Mr. Surber. Keep the faith and stay the course. We will win.

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So much winning!!!! Al Gore didn’t know what he’d be getting when he invented the internet. 😉

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All we need now is an honest vote count.

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Great article....I always enjoy reading your opinions and views.....

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BTW, the experience is better in the SS app

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A most inspiring article! But while the work set before us is Herculean in magnitude we must be strong and of good courage persevering until the last vestige of the evil threatening this country is reduced to cinders.

And while we’re at that we must be certain, should God give the Republicans their very last chance to run the Hoise and Senate, we must hold their feet to the fire and no more of their whistling business as usual bs. They come through for the country or their toast.

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"Abandoning 7 billion in military equipment..."

You're off by a factor of 10

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Right on, Don! No "clamming" up for us. Winning feels great! But we need more of it in the U.S. and in western democracies such as Canada, U.K. and France. I worry the fight has only begun. It will take lots of courage and steadfastness because it is a battle on many fronts. It can be done!

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"Bearded Claims" just doesn't sound as appealing. Just my two cents...

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Thanks, Don for providing some much needed optimism. It's just what the doctor ordered.

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Thank you for this article. This was exactly what I needed.

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You are a great writer, its almost like you've had some practice!!

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Twenty-four states have permit-less carry and the dollar value of the military equipment abandoned in Afghanistan is about $83 billion.

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Good job, Mr. Surber, but I seriously doubt that the Senate IQ without Patty Murray will be 100. I always look at this way: Convert IQ to decimal equivalent, and then understand that you multiply IQs when more than two people are together. There are so many people in the Senate with IQs below, 100, and just remember: .90 x .90 x .90 is .73, which is a whole lot lower than the IQ of each of them standing alone. There are enough below 1.0 that they blunt the effect of the higher IQ senators of which, sadly, there are far too few.

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None of them are as dumb as all of them.

From despair dot com, a bunch of flakes working in unison can unleash an avalanche of destruction.

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Smart move to Substack… though I admit I don’t know what Substack is.

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