While Washington told Americans to wear blue and yellow and pledge their allegiance to the Ukraine flag in the name of freedom, a real threat rose to America’s south.
Just wondering -- will China set up Iran for a first strike against us from either the Gulf of Mexico or from the Caribbean? Will General Milley coordinate?
I think Iran is focused on Israel. They're happy to slit our throats if we're handy, but I don't think we're their primary target. China has divided us; their intention is for us to revolt against their installed corrupt leaders. That and the proxy war with Russia will weaken and distract us from their external threat to us.
Victoria Nuland and the Neocons are the catalyst for the stupid strategy of joining Russia and China together. Why do Idiot Savants infest the American Government?
That is certainly a large part of it. God calls on those who believe in Him to be just, not favoring the rich or the poor. To do otherwise and claim faith is to take His name in vain.
If our country fails, it will because of us not China. Lack of faith in God, lack of education, and destruction of our institutions through DEI. China is failing as a country in many ways. They create mayhem, yet expose those individuals and countries who have been corrupted by their influence.
Perhaps I'm giving the CCP too much credit, but I believe they are behind all the social strife in this country for the purpose of dividing - and conquering - us. So yes, I think it IS because of China's nefarious intentions and efforts that the U.S. is imploding.
There likely were - but Hans Blix and the UN kept tipping Saddam off to where US inspectors were checking - I stll think the occupation of the nation was unnecessary, it just served to generate revenue for Halliburton.
After 9/11 it was clear that the war machine was in full force. No one read the book on how to win a war in Afghanistan. If they did, they would’ve known that rule number one is don’t go in there. Going into a Iraq was equally stupid.
The fingerprints of the deep state are clearly behind all of these misadventures. I’m sure if you go back in history, you can see the evil that has been used to create many of these crises. Would we have been in Vietnam as deep if Kennedy hadn’t been assassinated?
There are undoubtedly many cases where the control comes from blackmail. In those cases it’s less of a direct choice. But even with bribes, (almost?) everyone’s got a price.
Totally agree! But how has the CCP INFLUENCED any (ALL) of these pols for them to take the positions that they have??? Swallwell and Feinstein are the only ones we have PROOF about. How many more do you think there are? I think there are a LOT! (See this speech Pompeo gave to Natl Gov Assn several years ago!)
That new catnip toy really opened up your cat's horizons! It's Trump, of course.
"Since George Walker Bush allowed Red China to join the World Trade Organization on December 11, 2001, Red China has racked up trillion-dollar trade surpluses — and used that money to build its economy, build its military, pay off politicians like Biden worldwide, and take over regions with its Belt and Road Initiative that builds infrastructure around the world that chain nations to Red China."
Damn W to Hell.
"Chairman Xi paid Biden well and Biden has proven to be worth every yuan he received."
This is true, infuriating, and demoralizing all at the same time.
"We give billions we don’t have to Ukraine in the name of a freedom they don’t have as Zelensky uses the war to close churches and opposition parties. Meanwhile, Red China uses the trillions it actually has to buy off the politicians to control the world."
Imagine if Russia had been allowed to annex Ukraine - the globalists would have had to either find some other third-world shit hole to launder their child sex-trafficking money, or Russia's commission would have been significantly more than Mr. Green T-shirt's. He would have had to go back to being a failed, bad comedian.
Oh Don, one of your greatest gifts is that no matter how bleak the subject, you can always leave us laughing. Today’s poll is just another fine example. I am still chuckling.
China is a dying country - have you heard much about the silk road lately? This is the annual military warning at the start of real budget negotiations, and the generals realize that they have no support anymore from anyone to support their budget. So we must cry China! Remember those big bad ugly hypersonic missiles the Russians used? How'd that work?
Our enemy is the institutional communists in the US who control media, finance, education, and the government. They are who we must fight and defeat. I don't know if you have paid much attention, but I'm finding a lot less made in China stuff of imported goods. Vietnam is passing them as we speak. And China can't build anything of substance that isn't junk and doesn't work, except small electronics.
Jim, you are so correct. China is dying for a number of reasons the first being the one child policy they aborted most of the females and are left with sons who act like Little Lord Fauntleroy. As a culture, and as a group, they are not liked in most of the world and especially not liked in Asia, Their military is strong in numbers yet has equipment that does not work and is a knock off from American made items. Finally, their country is morally bankrupt.
And they got double whammied by an incredibly rapid urbanization that combined with the one child policy (which has been scrapped but has made no difference) made children much less important. I've read in some places Beijing and Shanghai have replacement rates under 1. Also, abortions were very much sex selected such that at the under 40 range you have a male to female population ratio of 60/40. (Hey all you leftist women, if you think the dems have your back you might want to rethink that, China's lefties didn't care)
They couldn't recover their population now even if they wanted to. The math is set. China is entering an age of significant decline. And as the US increasingly decides to hell with the rest of the world (we are gearing up to really get internally focused as we fight the commies in our midst), their inability to secure their supply lines, and losing more access to the US market just makes the future pretty ugly for them.
Perhaps. But they do not have any significant air or amphibious troop moving capabilities. So maybe some of the 'Stans around southern Russia? They know Russia's weapons aren't all that great - too bad China copied most of them for their own military.
Taiwan seems safe for now. If Japan and the US decided to make sure it was safe, China's navy and airforce wouldn't even get close.
“Institutional communists” is just another way of saying Oligarchs. China stopped being a purely communist country when they joined the World Trade Organisation. They are a capitalist society ruled by an authoritarian government, that is quite merciless, both against their own citizens as well as the rest of the world. Russia changed from communism to an authoritarian oligarchy when they became Europe’s petrol station.
Your country’s elites are flirting with aristocracy on the way towards the same destination, that is, central control by an unelected bureaucracy installed in Washington DC.
They will not succeed because you remain a constitutional republic.
If you were not Florida and Texas would be smoking ruins by now.
Ross - I pretty much feel the same way. Doesn't mean it won't be ugly, and it doesn't mean no one will get hurt. But its boiling. I sure you saw the picture Gaines' father while she testified before congress. That is what the elites should fear. It's growing. The guy in NY who Bragg is trying to railroad is getting money not just from ma and pa types but from some big money celebs. And even they are realizing that SF is probably lost - and Chicago has some very dicey moments in front of it. Watching civilization break down in front of you has a strange way of opening the eyes and stiffening the spine.
Hi Bill, How'd u get on here? U smell like a Lib-I'll defend him any day against the illegal and the idiot. Iraq child's play compared to the chaos we endure today! A man can be a woman? Defend or Sod Off!! PM aka Cyrano 829
If Xi is the genius behind all this, will his successor be as competent. I hope not. If Chins’s own Zhou Xiden takes over, that could be another saving grace.
If there are multiple geniuses pulling the strings, 为恶 啊让俄 发布吃可到 (we are f….).
Why wouldn't they. The graft and corruption of every Massachusetts politician has shown for the last 100 years or so to include ice cream man Ed Markey, Barney Fag (Excuse me, I meant Frank) the very useless, arrogant and traitorous John Kerry, the fat murderer Ted Kennedy who never brought forth one single piece of legislation by himself or his office and God only knows how many child molesters Massachusetts has put forth. If I were Chinese, I'd want to deal with Massachusetts first because every part of the state has sold its soul.
It was my understanding that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to bring forth Articles of Impeachment against Mr. Biden. I suggest ALL of us notify her office of our support. The only thing I can ask now is "WHAT TOOK SO LONG??"
I lived in New England nearly all my life. Several of those years in Taxachusetts. I was there during the time Romney was governor. Mittens honed his communistic and corrupt skills while on Beacon Hill. He was surrounded by experts eager to teach. Romney Care was used as the blue print for Obama Care.
Interesting aside Massholes elect "Republican" Governors and democrats in every other position inside the 495 beltway. (There are two states. Inside the 495 beltway and all the rest of the state.)
What Teddy was too lazy to do the "Banking Queen" Bawny Fwank accomplished. Of course we shouldn't leave out Fauxcahontus who set up The Consumer Protection Bureau.
The only good politician to come out of Massachusetts in the last 100 years was "Silent Cal" Coolidge who could only take being President for one term.
Ah yes, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. "Where I shall be. Ready to ride and spread the alarm to every Middlesex village and farm."
Relegion for you, Tony-aka grammar nazi-"WHAT TOOK SO LONG??"-want to say up yours, but you write so many good things I agree with, but never could express.
Did you read my reply? I told this goof that if I caught him menstruating, that I apologize. Besides, if I have made a grammatical error, I would like to know about it. Ya can't please everybody I guess
TOUCHE, asshole-you used fare instead of fair-or vv-u look it up. the x in gram...cute? maybe for a 4th grader. Pity, you have talent, but need only 3 letters to write you off ASS. You need a twinge of letters or of discourse .CdB
Zechariah 11 is very fitting to today's article. Just as God judged Judah and Israel for breaking their covenant by breaking his staffs of Favor and Union, so He is destroying our economy (favor) and cohesion (unity). God judged both (1) the shepherds (leaders) who did not care for their sheep except to "monetize" them and (2) the sheep who were unruly (citizens who abandon their faith in God).
God judged Israel by sending them as captives into foreign lands. He is judging us by sending the foreign lands to us.
I think He is letting us be taken over from within. It is up to us to remember his teachings and wisdom. There are glimmers of hope. We need to fight back against the untruth's spread about God and nature and show we mean it. If we do that, we shall find his protection once again.
I see what your cat did there. She very cleverly did what she always does which is having the correct answer be both options. Felines are so sly. Especially the females of the species. Are there any Transgender cats?
Donald Trump has been warning us about China for decades. Long before he became President. Silicon Valley has helped China become rich and powerful meanwhile numbing the brains of the everyday American with their gadgets. The Kids and Grandkids come over for a visit and everyone sit around and looks at their phone. Conversation is limited to hey look at the dinner one of my friends just posted on Farcebook.
Maybe I am just getting old. Perhaps "Brave New World" is the better option.
Something that really struck me, for decades the United States has been handing out foreign aid to almost every nation. At the same time, we have been borrowing money from China and the Davos crowd. China isn't giving foreign aid, they are entrapping them.
Astonishing what is happening in my native country of Chile. It has gone from being in the world’s top 20% in GDP growth, best economy in South America to growing ruin under a communist “elected” president.
The former president, Sebastian Pinera, allegedly a conservative, negotiated many of the China deals under his two 4 year administrations. He also allowed Antifa type insurrectionists run free and terrorize people beginning in late 2018. This terrorism continues under the communist. Search Sebastian Pinera WEF and you will see he is a member of the WEF. BTW, so are Nicky Haley and Maria Bartiromo!
Lastly. Read the book by Eric Metaxas, “Letter to the American Church”. It talks about the similarities between the 1930’s Germany and the USA now. We believers and our pastors must push back and inform others of the dangers we face. BTW, Angela Merkel is also a WEF member!
Among your other gifts are the depth of your memory, knowledge & research, and your willingness & ability to take on difficult & upsetting subjects. Viz today’s column on China. Hard reading. But you still leave us with a smile.
Sucking up does no good. Tried for months-he still wouldn't do article on egregious drug pricing (too much on his plate). Hope I can stir up a little interest
That's because its hidden from most people through 3rd party payers and to really fight the problem you'd have to take on the world's drug price controls.
I have no love for big pharma - whatever grace I might have given them was lost during Covid. But they have to get price somewhere. Personally I'd love to see a WTO case brought against the world by the US on drug pricing.
While a very serious threat, China has built itself a house of cards they are a paper Dragon. Losing population due to aging demographics. Spending internally , unpopulated cities, impressive but poorly constructed. Just like the projects in the belt and road countries. I wouldn't keep betting on China.
Just wondering -- will China set up Iran for a first strike against us from either the Gulf of Mexico or from the Caribbean? Will General Milley coordinate?
Asking for a friend.
I think you can count on Milley being involved.
China, Iran, and Milley...ménage a trois?
I think Iran is focused on Israel. They're happy to slit our throats if we're handy, but I don't think we're their primary target. China has divided us; their intention is for us to revolt against their installed corrupt leaders. That and the proxy war with Russia will weaken and distract us from their external threat to us.
Victoria Nuland and the Neocons are the catalyst for the stupid strategy of joining Russia and China together. Why do Idiot Savants infest the American Government?
Because God is judging us until we repent.
Because they are never held accountable on this side
of eternity.
That is certainly a large part of it. God calls on those who believe in Him to be just, not favoring the rich or the poor. To do otherwise and claim faith is to take His name in vain.
What the Lord requires of us. To seek justice. To love mercy. And to walk humbly with Him.
Always a good day to be reminded of this. Thanks.
Because they can’t get jobs in the private sector.
As long as CCP hits DC, NYC, Chicago, LA, SF and Portland, it's all good.
My cup runneth over. Dad likes brevity.
Our only hope is that the totally incompetent, rouged-up Milley will "coordinate" it.
If our country fails, it will because of us not China. Lack of faith in God, lack of education, and destruction of our institutions through DEI. China is failing as a country in many ways. They create mayhem, yet expose those individuals and countries who have been corrupted by their influence.
Perhaps I'm giving the CCP too much credit, but I believe they are behind all the social strife in this country for the purpose of dividing - and conquering - us. So yes, I think it IS because of China's nefarious intentions and efforts that the U.S. is imploding.
Judas didn’t have to take the silver and neither did Joe Biden.
Don't remember George in anything approaching this level of Corruption.
Invading Iraq on the WMD pretext, when he and all his cohorts, knew they were telling a lie to the American People?
Only the Ukraine Set-up for War is stupider and more Criminal than Dubya's Iraq thuggery.
From what I can recall, the military thought there were WMD's.
There likely were - but Hans Blix and the UN kept tipping Saddam off to where US inspectors were checking - I stll think the occupation of the nation was unnecessary, it just served to generate revenue for Halliburton.
I would not mind in the least if W, Cheney, and all who were on the NSC staff were to stand trial for war crimes.
After 9/11 it was clear that the war machine was in full force. No one read the book on how to win a war in Afghanistan. If they did, they would’ve known that rule number one is don’t go in there. Going into a Iraq was equally stupid.
The fingerprints of the deep state are clearly behind all of these misadventures. I’m sure if you go back in history, you can see the evil that has been used to create many of these crises. Would we have been in Vietnam as deep if Kennedy hadn’t been assassinated?
You’re assuming the control comes from bribes.
There are undoubtedly many cases where the control comes from blackmail. In those cases it’s less of a direct choice. But even with bribes, (almost?) everyone’s got a price.
Of course China's fingers are in the pot, but there are a lot of America Haters, even ones who publicly state otherwise, including dirty Politicians.
It is a long, long list. But. Clintons, Dubya, Kerry, Romney, Graham, Ryan, Schumer, Pelosi, ...
Totally agree! But how has the CCP INFLUENCED any (ALL) of these pols for them to take the positions that they have??? Swallwell and Feinstein are the only ones we have PROOF about. How many more do you think there are? I think there are a LOT! (See this speech Pompeo gave to Natl Gov Assn several years ago!)
Hi Sweetheart,
Princess Gail
Much, much more to come. I have 10 hearts, 100 arms -time for brk-later!!!
Life is too short to drink bad wine (on/off Hospice) Got a modest blog (also Paul Majors Fan Club on Fbook. Click early and often.
That new catnip toy really opened up your cat's horizons! It's Trump, of course.
"Since George Walker Bush allowed Red China to join the World Trade Organization on December 11, 2001, Red China has racked up trillion-dollar trade surpluses — and used that money to build its economy, build its military, pay off politicians like Biden worldwide, and take over regions with its Belt and Road Initiative that builds infrastructure around the world that chain nations to Red China."
Damn W to Hell.
"Chairman Xi paid Biden well and Biden has proven to be worth every yuan he received."
This is true, infuriating, and demoralizing all at the same time.
"We give billions we don’t have to Ukraine in the name of a freedom they don’t have as Zelensky uses the war to close churches and opposition parties. Meanwhile, Red China uses the trillions it actually has to buy off the politicians to control the world."
Imagine if Russia had been allowed to annex Ukraine - the globalists would have had to either find some other third-world shit hole to launder their child sex-trafficking money, or Russia's commission would have been significantly more than Mr. Green T-shirt's. He would have had to go back to being a failed, bad comedian.
That's my George, podner; and yes, Texas, excepting the hellholes, is a great place. Brevity
Oh Don, one of your greatest gifts is that no matter how bleak the subject, you can always leave us laughing. Today’s poll is just another fine example. I am still chuckling.
What can I say-he never let me down(Raylan)
And the preacher said a hearty Amen.
“Recent Chinese actions...pose increasing risks to U.S. security, senior military commanders said Wednesday."
How about U.S. senior military commanders (*cough*cough* Milley) pose the GREATEST THREAT to U.S. security??
China is a dying country - have you heard much about the silk road lately? This is the annual military warning at the start of real budget negotiations, and the generals realize that they have no support anymore from anyone to support their budget. So we must cry China! Remember those big bad ugly hypersonic missiles the Russians used? How'd that work?
Our enemy is the institutional communists in the US who control media, finance, education, and the government. They are who we must fight and defeat. I don't know if you have paid much attention, but I'm finding a lot less made in China stuff of imported goods. Vietnam is passing them as we speak. And China can't build anything of substance that isn't junk and doesn't work, except small electronics.
Jim, you are so correct. China is dying for a number of reasons the first being the one child policy they aborted most of the females and are left with sons who act like Little Lord Fauntleroy. As a culture, and as a group, they are not liked in most of the world and especially not liked in Asia, Their military is strong in numbers yet has equipment that does not work and is a knock off from American made items. Finally, their country is morally bankrupt.
And they got double whammied by an incredibly rapid urbanization that combined with the one child policy (which has been scrapped but has made no difference) made children much less important. I've read in some places Beijing and Shanghai have replacement rates under 1. Also, abortions were very much sex selected such that at the under 40 range you have a male to female population ratio of 60/40. (Hey all you leftist women, if you think the dems have your back you might want to rethink that, China's lefties didn't care)
They couldn't recover their population now even if they wanted to. The math is set. China is entering an age of significant decline. And as the US increasingly decides to hell with the rest of the world (we are gearing up to really get internally focused as we fight the commies in our midst), their inability to secure their supply lines, and losing more access to the US market just makes the future pretty ugly for them.
Too many young men. Not enough females. A recipe for war?
Perhaps. But they do not have any significant air or amphibious troop moving capabilities. So maybe some of the 'Stans around southern Russia? They know Russia's weapons aren't all that great - too bad China copied most of them for their own military.
Taiwan seems safe for now. If Japan and the US decided to make sure it was safe, China's navy and airforce wouldn't even get close.
Reassuring for now especially for Taiwan.
“Institutional communists” is just another way of saying Oligarchs. China stopped being a purely communist country when they joined the World Trade Organisation. They are a capitalist society ruled by an authoritarian government, that is quite merciless, both against their own citizens as well as the rest of the world. Russia changed from communism to an authoritarian oligarchy when they became Europe’s petrol station.
Your country’s elites are flirting with aristocracy on the way towards the same destination, that is, central control by an unelected bureaucracy installed in Washington DC.
They will not succeed because you remain a constitutional republic.
If you were not Florida and Texas would be smoking ruins by now.
We are facing a similar challenge here in NZ.
This too will fail.
As ever the elites overreach.
Ross - I pretty much feel the same way. Doesn't mean it won't be ugly, and it doesn't mean no one will get hurt. But its boiling. I sure you saw the picture Gaines' father while she testified before congress. That is what the elites should fear. It's growing. The guy in NY who Bragg is trying to railroad is getting money not just from ma and pa types but from some big money celebs. And even they are realizing that SF is probably lost - and Chicago has some very dicey moments in front of it. Watching civilization break down in front of you has a strange way of opening the eyes and stiffening the spine.
George Bush is like the guest who won’t leave and screws up your place in the process.
Both of the George Bushes!
Point taken; however, my new song includes Bush Ridged Mountains. and He is all Texas. Compared to Bambi, he is Cyrano II.
Hi Bill, How'd u get on here? U smell like a Lib-I'll defend him any day against the illegal and the idiot. Iraq child's play compared to the chaos we endure today! A man can be a woman? Defend or Sod Off!! PM aka Cyrano 829
OOPS-Daddy liked you. Troubling! Need a word, Don. GW has warts but who hasn't?
If Xi is the genius behind all this, will his successor be as competent. I hope not. If Chins’s own Zhou Xiden takes over, that could be another saving grace.
If there are multiple geniuses pulling the strings, 为恶 啊让俄 发布吃可到 (we are f….).
Schlong, wandered over to your orange button-- DAMN, MY MAN, YOU READ PM'S SUBSTACK. Higher praise could only come from my Maker
The article said:
Red China plays the international game well.
I say:
Why wouldn't they. The graft and corruption of every Massachusetts politician has shown for the last 100 years or so to include ice cream man Ed Markey, Barney Fag (Excuse me, I meant Frank) the very useless, arrogant and traitorous John Kerry, the fat murderer Ted Kennedy who never brought forth one single piece of legislation by himself or his office and God only knows how many child molesters Massachusetts has put forth. If I were Chinese, I'd want to deal with Massachusetts first because every part of the state has sold its soul.
It was my understanding that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants to bring forth Articles of Impeachment against Mr. Biden. I suggest ALL of us notify her office of our support. The only thing I can ask now is "WHAT TOOK SO LONG??"
Look up John Hancock some time
I lived in New England nearly all my life. Several of those years in Taxachusetts. I was there during the time Romney was governor. Mittens honed his communistic and corrupt skills while on Beacon Hill. He was surrounded by experts eager to teach. Romney Care was used as the blue print for Obama Care.
Interesting aside Massholes elect "Republican" Governors and democrats in every other position inside the 495 beltway. (There are two states. Inside the 495 beltway and all the rest of the state.)
What Teddy was too lazy to do the "Banking Queen" Bawny Fwank accomplished. Of course we shouldn't leave out Fauxcahontus who set up The Consumer Protection Bureau.
The only good politician to come out of Massachusetts in the last 100 years was "Silent Cal" Coolidge who could only take being President for one term.
Ah yes, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts. "Where I shall be. Ready to ride and spread the alarm to every Middlesex village and farm."
Relegion for you, Tony-aka grammar nazi-"WHAT TOOK SO LONG??"-want to say up yours, but you write so many good things I agree with, but never could express.
Did you read my reply? I told this goof that if I caught him menstruating, that I apologize. Besides, if I have made a grammatical error, I would like to know about it. Ya can't please everybody I guess
TOUCHE, asshole-you used fare instead of fair-or vv-u look it up. the x in gram...cute? maybe for a 4th grader. Pity, you have talent, but need only 3 letters to write you off ASS. You need a twinge of letters or of discourse .CdB
WHO is an a-hole this time?
Now i can say it, Sod off Swampy. Life's too short (literally for me) to drink bd wine.
Be gone. Don, who is this abusive ass using your Substack to promote his?
Zechariah 11 is very fitting to today's article. Just as God judged Judah and Israel for breaking their covenant by breaking his staffs of Favor and Union, so He is destroying our economy (favor) and cohesion (unity). God judged both (1) the shepherds (leaders) who did not care for their sheep except to "monetize" them and (2) the sheep who were unruly (citizens who abandon their faith in God).
God judged Israel by sending them as captives into foreign lands. He is judging us by sending the foreign lands to us.
I think He is letting us be taken over from within. It is up to us to remember his teachings and wisdom. There are glimmers of hope. We need to fight back against the untruth's spread about God and nature and show we mean it. If we do that, we shall find his protection once again.
I see what your cat did there. She very cleverly did what she always does which is having the correct answer be both options. Felines are so sly. Especially the females of the species. Are there any Transgender cats?
Donald Trump has been warning us about China for decades. Long before he became President. Silicon Valley has helped China become rich and powerful meanwhile numbing the brains of the everyday American with their gadgets. The Kids and Grandkids come over for a visit and everyone sit around and looks at their phone. Conversation is limited to hey look at the dinner one of my friends just posted on Farcebook.
Maybe I am just getting old. Perhaps "Brave New World" is the better option.
We are all just prisoners here of our own device
Something that really struck me, for decades the United States has been handing out foreign aid to almost every nation. At the same time, we have been borrowing money from China and the Davos crowd. China isn't giving foreign aid, they are entrapping them.
Astonishing what is happening in my native country of Chile. It has gone from being in the world’s top 20% in GDP growth, best economy in South America to growing ruin under a communist “elected” president.
The former president, Sebastian Pinera, allegedly a conservative, negotiated many of the China deals under his two 4 year administrations. He also allowed Antifa type insurrectionists run free and terrorize people beginning in late 2018. This terrorism continues under the communist. Search Sebastian Pinera WEF and you will see he is a member of the WEF. BTW, so are Nicky Haley and Maria Bartiromo!
Lastly. Read the book by Eric Metaxas, “Letter to the American Church”. It talks about the similarities between the 1930’s Germany and the USA now. We believers and our pastors must push back and inform others of the dangers we face. BTW, Angela Merkel is also a WEF member!
Merkel was always an East German communist, first.
See :This is Heaven
Among your other gifts are the depth of your memory, knowledge & research, and your willingness & ability to take on difficult & upsetting subjects. Viz today’s column on China. Hard reading. But you still leave us with a smile.
Sucking up does no good. Tried for months-he still wouldn't do article on egregious drug pricing (too much on his plate). Hope I can stir up a little interest
That's because its hidden from most people through 3rd party payers and to really fight the problem you'd have to take on the world's drug price controls.
I have no love for big pharma - whatever grace I might have given them was lost during Covid. But they have to get price somewhere. Personally I'd love to see a WTO case brought against the world by the US on drug pricing.
China. Made in the U.S.A. by American Politicians and rootless American Capital.
May they live long enough to reap what they have sown.
While a very serious threat, China has built itself a house of cards they are a paper Dragon. Losing population due to aging demographics. Spending internally , unpopulated cities, impressive but poorly constructed. Just like the projects in the belt and road countries. I wouldn't keep betting on China.