Having Blinken singing along in a bar matches up with the country’s President and his wife do a Vogue photo shoot at the start of the war. These are truly worthless despicable people. People living in that area deserve a lot more stability than they have ever had, but seem unlikely to put it together. Worthless despicable people.
05/16/24: “U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Ukraine on Tuesday... The highlight of the trip was Blinken playing Neil Young's Rockin In The Free World with a Band called 19.99..."
Blinken then called a press conference in WDC to demand that Spotify censor musicians pushing "disinformation about the vaccines" --- and that the U.S. Presidential election be "postponed" until Biden has served four consecutive terms.
05/16/24: Blinken returned in a blink (!) of an eye after he heard about the cocaine bag being found in the WDC cops "secure location," hoping to pin it on Hillary and eliminate her as a possible rival / usurper of Joe's re-mummification--- oops, re-nomination in Chicago in August (that plan went to hell when he discovered that the cops had hired Hunter Biden as a vacation-relief patrolman).
Zelensky was a comedian (and a pretty gross and talentless one at that) before he became the head of the biggest scam in America. I’m pretty sure you could make a comedy about how he was selected to be the President of the Ukraine.
Spare me the BS about the peoples choice! There is no F’n way the Ukes elected a Jew for that position, not in this dimension or any other one you can conjure up.
He won on his popularity of playing a president in a TV show. Kinda like here when women vote for a president because he is "cute" or the other guy is a "meany head". And of course the "reproductive rights" that consumes them like no other issue in history.
It is for some, not for me. Course the state I am in, all the Dems run as RINOs because without the R they cant win but the masses dont check any farther. Go figure.
The cabal that hates American values and Christianity is evil incarnate first appearing with ozero as a U.S. sen. on the path to destroy western culture and capitalism including families aspirations for a return to the middle ages of nowhere.. Now is when we need Don Surber,Tucker,Elon,VDH etc. more than ever to own the facts and continue to press them.
Even better than the the Vogue shoot would be Zelensky teaming up on stage with Blinken. With Blinken performing on his guitar and Zelensky playing the piano with his penis, the two could have rocketed to total stardom.
Don, every school, from k-12, should take your columns collectively and teach a required course called: "The Destruction of America, Never Let This Happen To You "
The sadist thing about this catastrophe is that Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine should all be in NATO and the EU. These are westernized, Christian countries and they all have tried to join our societies, Russia in particular, but were sternly and consistently rejected by all of our leadership for the past 30 years. Nixon's genius was he cleaved China from the Soviets: our elites have driven Russia and Belarus to China, and destroyed Ukraine. And killed, since 2014, when we orchestrated a coup de' ta in Kiev, a million Russian and Ukrainian men, women, and children, impoverished multiple millions more, and driven millions more into a diaspora all over the world.
Or better yet, we should have disbanded NATO after the Soviet Union fell, welcomed Russia to a peaceful Europe, pull American troops out of Europe, and take care of business at home.
I think that would have been the better move. Focus our international efforts in the middle east and far east, and then once we solved our energy production efforts leave the middle east, which we have largely done, and let Israel form alliances to get rid of Iran's proxy terror groups. Leaving only managing and protecting against the impending Chinese implosion from harming our interests in the region.
From my meager understanding of geopolitical alliances and history, Russia would never consider joining NATO even if it was in their best interest. Russia has always been an outsider nation that sees itself as superior to all others. If you use Mr. Putin as an analog to Russia and watch how he operates, you have a pretty good example of how Russia and Russians view their place in the world. In the immortal words of Dennis Miller, "That's my opinion and I could be wrong."
It seems we in The West have had many chances to welcome Russia into the fold, beginning with Catherine the Great. Russia endeavored to embrace Western European values and culture, but was rebuffed every time by the Europeans who were repelled by the thought of those Russian neanderterthals gallumphing into their oh-so-refined cultures. The end of "The Cold War" presented a golden opportunity, which once again was ignored by Western leadership, which refused to acknowledge the paradigm shift and wanted to keep braying about the threat of Russian communism instead of embracing and fostering the changes that were emerging. But that is how the elite remain in control, isn't it?
Superb poll this morning. I'll bet not many people know about "Puttin' on the Ritz." (Some singer with the nom d'artiste "Taco" - and surprisingly, with that name it was a man - redid it in the 'eighties.)
I once read that in the recorded history of mankind there had been only six months during which there was no war anywhere on the planet, so I'm not Polyanna about the whole thing, but channeling my inner Albert Pierrepoint, I'd like to get my grubby hands around the necks of these bastards trading good, young lives for money and power.
Great piece, Don. Just adding. Russia told us they will give back East Germany if NATO did not move eastward, NATO did. Russia told us that putting Ukraine into NATO is the red line. We overthrew a democratically elected, Russia-backed president in Ukraine in 2014 and then talked Ukraine into NATO... Putin took Crimea.
What kind of 'business' deals did out UniParty have going in Ukraine again?
Putin gave Volodomyr a good deal(relative) in April 2022 and Xiden told his puppet covering up American illegalities to go further the war. Now we are funding the retirements of Ukrainian criminals while Americans are going bankrupt. What a great world.
both good answers Gail between you and Dennis J. Sadly there are lots of places for the grifters. Certainly Zalensky has well lined his pockets and used lots of good people for cannon fodder. Interesting that all the people fret about the poor Palestinians but what about all the Ukrainians that have been sacrificed? No wonder the men who're left are refusing to serve!
I still have no good explanation for this war that doesn’t involve criminal activity by the Swamp.
Lives and money wasted for a war that was totally avoidable and none of our business. We started the war. Putin will finish the war stronger and richer than before it started. Who did that help? Just bad people in Washington and corrupt kleptocrats in Ukraine. This is the kind of stuff that our government does that makes people hate it.
I'm done hating them. I just want them exterminated - like the cockroaches in a nasty motel kitchenette. They're a little lower than those bugs, in my estimation.
This war is a conundrum that no one can really answer. If Ukraine won this war how in the world would they look any different than their corrupt neighbor and the two presidents for life? As everything is today it is all for politics, power and money.
This entire Ukraine War is a travesty & was egged on but the neocon warmongers in DC. As a lifetime & ongoing student of Military History, there are some parallels with the Polish/Danzig Corridor situation that led to war in 1939. What happened was much of the former East Prussian region of Germany had been torn away & given to the re-created state of Poland by The Treaty of Versailles in 1919/1920. There was a sizable German population left in these areas that yearned for a return to Germany. The Poles exhibited outright hostility toward them (much like the Ukrainians have vis-a-vis the Russians in the Donbas region). Enter everybody’s favorite Austrian; he actively campaigns to re-link these former German areas with the German nation. Britain & France - alarmed by his re-assertiveness, military buildup, & recovery of former German land in Czechoslovakia - quickly jump to Poland’s aid & bolster - if not outright fostering - a belligerent attitude toward Germany, assuring Polish leaders Britain & France had their back. As history illustrates, they didn’t. Poland was crushed in a vise; Nazi Germany attacked in the west & the Soviet Union (invading 15 days later by pre-agreed demarcation: see “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 1939”) from the east. Polish leaders doomed their nation to the next 80yrs of life under a boot heel.
The West/NATO has largely pulled the same routine with Ukraine vis-a-vis Russia; mirroring France & Britain in 1939 & egging on Ukrainian belligerence. Didn’t help that former German Chancellor Angela Merkel came out & owned up to the Minsk Accords being a total sham & just an excuse to prepare Ukraine for a war with Russia. Moreover, the Russo-Ukraine War should have been over Spring of 2022, before Boris Johnson (UK) rushed in to stop Zelensky from negotiating with the Russians. The West will defend Ukraine all right, right down to the last Ukrainian.
The Ukrainian Spring Offensive came to naught because of the ISR - Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance: nothing on or behind the battlefield goes unseen. The staging areas necessary for armored units to form up for an attack were hit by Russian artillery/missiles/rockets & effectively broken up before they could get going. Ukraine is suffering from a severe dearth of manpower; no weapons system in the world can replace infantry & that is what they are desperately short of. Now that the Russians are pushing forward toward Kharkov, Zelensky is trying to defend everywhere which is impossible. “He who defends everything defends nothing” - Frederick The Great. The manpower shortage is making itself manifest; this meat-grinder war has ground down the Ukrainian military (only a recent creation - from the 1990’s remember) to a point that the handwriting really is on the wall. Col Douglas MacGregor, USA, Ret., has stated from his sources that Ukraine has suffered up to 500,000 KIA. That figure has been corroborated by several sources including Larry Johnson (former CIA). Ukraine would be better served asking for terms now rather than later. In addition, the longer this war continues the more risk there is of some stupid move/fumble by someone leading to a 1914 moment when everything just spirals out of control & the West finds itself in a war with Russia. Don’t think it couldn’t happen; think the Dems would pull any stunt simply to justify putting off/canceling/stealing the upcoming election & you can bet they will be all-in for however they can stack the deck against Trump.
A quibble - neither side paid attention to the Minsk accords - so your characterization is a bit off.
However, your fear of something triggering WWIII does concern me as well. As I have mentioned elsewhere, Poland is watching - Moldova is next on the chopping block for Russia. And Finland and Sweden are starting to contemplate how they eliminate Russian naval presence in the Baltic, which they actually could do rather quickly. Then everyone debates about what Turkey will choose to do. Germany is getting scared, which is scaring everyone else, which is why France is thinking about getting more directly involved in Ukraine to stop this chain of events from happening. If Russia loses all outside shipping access, what would they do? FJB not letting Ukraine hit logistics and fuel/oil facilities inside Russia while Russia destroyed power and civilian infrastructure inside Ukraine - just to make sure gas prices didn't go up that much more here at home - smacks of stupidity of the highest order.
Just think how a throw away line from FJB saying he would allow a little incursion into Ukraine by Russia to be OK has led us to a terrifying point right now. Thank you all you restoring our norms type voters in 2020. You were wrong. We are on the edge of massive war in Europe - which will force us to defend Taiwan directly. Well done a**holes! Putin would never have invaded if Trump were in office.
Probably. Don’t understand this compulsion to constantly make Russians the enemy; if it’s 1980 & they have 40 armored divisions poised to plunge thru the Fulda Gap in a blitzkrieg across the European plain, I get it. But that hasn’t been the case since 1991. They even attempted to join NATO & were rebuffed.
The U.S. ‘s greatest mistake was winning World War II; the MIC needed new dragons to slay & has stayed on the hunt.
No, their mistake was in not disbanding NATO when the Berlin Wall fell, which they had agreed to do, as Russia had dissolved the Warsaw Pact. Or They also could’ve let Russia join it, and become a full-fledged member of the European community.
But no - instead, as you stated, the MIC/NATO needed a boogie man to justify their survival - and the incestuous flow of all those $$$$, and a forever- war-footing.
Ukraine is gone, Europe is next, not because of Russia but because of the Muslim “Trojan immigrants.” They learned nothing from History or more specifically the Battle of Vienna in 1683. FJBs handlers are selling the US out to China and the same Immigrant importers. Our future won’t be as grim as Europe as we have a Billion guns and better terrain( but less testosterone). The Ukraine grift looks like one bad Borat movie.
I knew when they opened up migration from everywhere because 'Reasons", Merkel as Germany's Chancellor killed the EU. Not sure how anyone could have missed this mess coming.
Pretty much all of modern so-called government is nothing more than a great big grift intended to fleece the population. This is why you should have zero respect for any politicians or bureaucrats. You should look at them at the same level of a carney running the ring toss at a traveling carnival, or maybe a used car salesman at one of those run-down joints along a road to the beach.
Carnival barkers... what a great analogy. But I don't think we can lump them ALL as worthless. There are some good ones. Granted, not many but there are some.
Sorry my comments are so late this week. I’m traveling the Great Alaskan wilderness before the war starts.
First: Nero fiddled as Rome burned comes to mind. Because it what these asshats want.
Second and more importantly: NO ELECTIONS? As I said yesterday. That is another tell.
These liberals hate us and will do anything to keep us down. Suspend democracy is ALWAYS their first choice when people stop believing their nonsense (a euphemism for bull sh!t).
Covid. They intended to test their power a for a few weeks. They shut America down for 2 weeks. When a significant number of us rebelled, rather than listen to us, they extended it to 2 months and then over 2 years. When they told us to wear masks, many said no. They locked us out of work, schools, events if we did not comply. When they offered a “vaccine”, many of you saw through that hoax immediately. Again, they shut is out of everything. They started completely cancelling people.
Force is their only option. Allowing us to choose is a huge loss for them. They intend to remove that option as well.
Be prepared: regardless of how things go in the next 6 months, there is a violent reaction coming. Keep yer powder dry.
And be safe.
BTW. The Alaskan wilderness is simply beautiful. Can’t be closer to God then in God’s creation. And that is unadulterated wilderness areas where everything is in balance - until Godless asshats ruin it. They suck.
Perfect picture of obidet foreign policy,keep giving my percent ages and I will amuse you with ignorance.Maybe Blinky should just remain in the Ukraine and Israel won't get another knife in the back.We need PDJT back in charge if there is to be any hope of salvaging a once Great Nation and his coattails need to last 20-30 years if we are to regain sanity in education and society.Lead on Poca-Man as we are taking longer strides to MAGA 2024 .Puff poll, thank you.
Having Blinken singing along in a bar matches up with the country’s President and his wife do a Vogue photo shoot at the start of the war. These are truly worthless despicable people. People living in that area deserve a lot more stability than they have ever had, but seem unlikely to put it together. Worthless despicable people.
05/16/24: “U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Ukraine on Tuesday... The highlight of the trip was Blinken playing Neil Young's Rockin In The Free World with a Band called 19.99..."
Blinken then called a press conference in WDC to demand that Spotify censor musicians pushing "disinformation about the vaccines" --- and that the U.S. Presidential election be "postponed" until Biden has served four consecutive terms.
They think that’s the HIGHLIGHT. Holy cr*p.
05/16/24: Blinken returned in a blink (!) of an eye after he heard about the cocaine bag being found in the WDC cops "secure location," hoping to pin it on Hillary and eliminate her as a possible rival / usurper of Joe's re-mummification--- oops, re-nomination in Chicago in August (that plan went to hell when he discovered that the cops had hired Hunter Biden as a vacation-relief patrolman).
Zelensky was a comedian (and a pretty gross and talentless one at that) before he became the head of the biggest scam in America. I’m pretty sure you could make a comedy about how he was selected to be the President of the Ukraine.
Spare me the BS about the peoples choice! There is no F’n way the Ukes elected a Jew for that position, not in this dimension or any other one you can conjure up.
He won on his popularity of playing a president in a TV show. Kinda like here when women vote for a president because he is "cute" or the other guy is a "meany head". And of course the "reproductive rights" that consumes them like no other issue in history.
Well we elected Castro’s son up here because he was cute and came with an (in)famous family. Must be a thing
It is for some, not for me. Course the state I am in, all the Dems run as RINOs because without the R they cant win but the masses dont check any farther. Go figure.
You forget the interference in the election and other government agencies by the friends of Biden in 2014.
The cabal that hates American values and Christianity is evil incarnate first appearing with ozero as a U.S. sen. on the path to destroy western culture and capitalism including families aspirations for a return to the middle ages of nowhere.. Now is when we need Don Surber,Tucker,Elon,VDH etc. more than ever to own the facts and continue to press them.
Written produced and starring Mel brooks
"Blazing Blintzes!"
You dismiss the silliness of voters.
Even better than the the Vogue shoot would be Zelensky teaming up on stage with Blinken. With Blinken performing on his guitar and Zelensky playing the piano with his penis, the two could have rocketed to total stardom.
Speaking of which... https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1791207711402594454
Don, every school, from k-12, should take your columns collectively and teach a required course called: "The Destruction of America, Never Let This Happen To You "
Remember ‘Elmer the Safety Elephant, and Stop, Look and Listen’…
It should be reissued as ‘Stop, Look, Listen and call Bullshit when ever you see it or hear it!’
They need to bring Elmer back…I just had the privilege of teaching that to my 3 year old grandson…talk about feeling like a rockstar!!!
I print them and save them in a binder. 👍🏻
The sadist thing about this catastrophe is that Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine should all be in NATO and the EU. These are westernized, Christian countries and they all have tried to join our societies, Russia in particular, but were sternly and consistently rejected by all of our leadership for the past 30 years. Nixon's genius was he cleaved China from the Soviets: our elites have driven Russia and Belarus to China, and destroyed Ukraine. And killed, since 2014, when we orchestrated a coup de' ta in Kiev, a million Russian and Ukrainian men, women, and children, impoverished multiple millions more, and driven millions more into a diaspora all over the world.
Danny Huckabee
Or better yet, we should have disbanded NATO after the Soviet Union fell, welcomed Russia to a peaceful Europe, pull American troops out of Europe, and take care of business at home.
I think that would have been the better move. Focus our international efforts in the middle east and far east, and then once we solved our energy production efforts leave the middle east, which we have largely done, and let Israel form alliances to get rid of Iran's proxy terror groups. Leaving only managing and protecting against the impending Chinese implosion from harming our interests in the region.
Nyet, Nyet , Nyet the Neo-Cons would have squealed.
From my meager understanding of geopolitical alliances and history, Russia would never consider joining NATO even if it was in their best interest. Russia has always been an outsider nation that sees itself as superior to all others. If you use Mr. Putin as an analog to Russia and watch how he operates, you have a pretty good example of how Russia and Russians view their place in the world. In the immortal words of Dennis Miller, "That's my opinion and I could be wrong."
It seems we in The West have had many chances to welcome Russia into the fold, beginning with Catherine the Great. Russia endeavored to embrace Western European values and culture, but was rebuffed every time by the Europeans who were repelled by the thought of those Russian neanderterthals gallumphing into their oh-so-refined cultures. The end of "The Cold War" presented a golden opportunity, which once again was ignored by Western leadership, which refused to acknowledge the paradigm shift and wanted to keep braying about the threat of Russian communism instead of embracing and fostering the changes that were emerging. But that is how the elite remain in control, isn't it?
Superb poll this morning. I'll bet not many people know about "Puttin' on the Ritz." (Some singer with the nom d'artiste "Taco" - and surprisingly, with that name it was a man - redid it in the 'eighties.)
I once read that in the recorded history of mankind there had been only six months during which there was no war anywhere on the planet, so I'm not Polyanna about the whole thing, but channeling my inner Albert Pierrepoint, I'd like to get my grubby hands around the necks of these bastards trading good, young lives for money and power.
Taco's version included lines and riffs from other Irving Berlin songs
Didn't know that. I learned something. Thanks.
Song? Blinken should have played dead.
Or, over the hills and far away.
Great piece, Don. Just adding. Russia told us they will give back East Germany if NATO did not move eastward, NATO did. Russia told us that putting Ukraine into NATO is the red line. We overthrew a democratically elected, Russia-backed president in Ukraine in 2014 and then talked Ukraine into NATO... Putin took Crimea.
What kind of 'business' deals did out UniParty have going in Ukraine again?
Putin gave Volodomyr a good deal(relative) in April 2022 and Xiden told his puppet covering up American illegalities to go further the war. Now we are funding the retirements of Ukrainian criminals while Americans are going bankrupt. What a great world.
When Ukraine officially loses this fiasco where will the grifters turn next?
Middle East. There's always a pot on the stove ready to boil over...
both good answers Gail between you and Dennis J. Sadly there are lots of places for the grifters. Certainly Zalensky has well lined his pockets and used lots of good people for cannon fodder. Interesting that all the people fret about the poor Palestinians but what about all the Ukrainians that have been sacrificed? No wonder the men who're left are refusing to serve!
And the glaring absence of any ceasefire protests for Ukraine.
Paid protesters/follow the money.
Blinken should have played the Democrats National Anthem: "If We Had Our
Lives To Live Over, We'd Live Over a Bank."
I'm surprised Back in the USSR got so few votes because the Ukraine girls really knock me out
They leave the West behind
I stole the idea from an old Abe Burrows song titled, "If I Had My Life To Live Over, I'd Live Over a Delicatessen.
I still have no good explanation for this war that doesn’t involve criminal activity by the Swamp.
Lives and money wasted for a war that was totally avoidable and none of our business. We started the war. Putin will finish the war stronger and richer than before it started. Who did that help? Just bad people in Washington and corrupt kleptocrats in Ukraine. This is the kind of stuff that our government does that makes people hate it.
Maybe that’s been the end game all along.
I'm done hating them. I just want them exterminated - like the cockroaches in a nasty motel kitchenette. They're a little lower than those bugs, in my estimation.
That’s very specific lol
This war is a conundrum that no one can really answer. If Ukraine won this war how in the world would they look any different than their corrupt neighbor and the two presidents for life? As everything is today it is all for politics, power and money.
This entire Ukraine War is a travesty & was egged on but the neocon warmongers in DC. As a lifetime & ongoing student of Military History, there are some parallels with the Polish/Danzig Corridor situation that led to war in 1939. What happened was much of the former East Prussian region of Germany had been torn away & given to the re-created state of Poland by The Treaty of Versailles in 1919/1920. There was a sizable German population left in these areas that yearned for a return to Germany. The Poles exhibited outright hostility toward them (much like the Ukrainians have vis-a-vis the Russians in the Donbas region). Enter everybody’s favorite Austrian; he actively campaigns to re-link these former German areas with the German nation. Britain & France - alarmed by his re-assertiveness, military buildup, & recovery of former German land in Czechoslovakia - quickly jump to Poland’s aid & bolster - if not outright fostering - a belligerent attitude toward Germany, assuring Polish leaders Britain & France had their back. As history illustrates, they didn’t. Poland was crushed in a vise; Nazi Germany attacked in the west & the Soviet Union (invading 15 days later by pre-agreed demarcation: see “Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 1939”) from the east. Polish leaders doomed their nation to the next 80yrs of life under a boot heel.
The West/NATO has largely pulled the same routine with Ukraine vis-a-vis Russia; mirroring France & Britain in 1939 & egging on Ukrainian belligerence. Didn’t help that former German Chancellor Angela Merkel came out & owned up to the Minsk Accords being a total sham & just an excuse to prepare Ukraine for a war with Russia. Moreover, the Russo-Ukraine War should have been over Spring of 2022, before Boris Johnson (UK) rushed in to stop Zelensky from negotiating with the Russians. The West will defend Ukraine all right, right down to the last Ukrainian.
The Ukrainian Spring Offensive came to naught because of the ISR - Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance: nothing on or behind the battlefield goes unseen. The staging areas necessary for armored units to form up for an attack were hit by Russian artillery/missiles/rockets & effectively broken up before they could get going. Ukraine is suffering from a severe dearth of manpower; no weapons system in the world can replace infantry & that is what they are desperately short of. Now that the Russians are pushing forward toward Kharkov, Zelensky is trying to defend everywhere which is impossible. “He who defends everything defends nothing” - Frederick The Great. The manpower shortage is making itself manifest; this meat-grinder war has ground down the Ukrainian military (only a recent creation - from the 1990’s remember) to a point that the handwriting really is on the wall. Col Douglas MacGregor, USA, Ret., has stated from his sources that Ukraine has suffered up to 500,000 KIA. That figure has been corroborated by several sources including Larry Johnson (former CIA). Ukraine would be better served asking for terms now rather than later. In addition, the longer this war continues the more risk there is of some stupid move/fumble by someone leading to a 1914 moment when everything just spirals out of control & the West finds itself in a war with Russia. Don’t think it couldn’t happen; think the Dems would pull any stunt simply to justify putting off/canceling/stealing the upcoming election & you can bet they will be all-in for however they can stack the deck against Trump.
A quibble - neither side paid attention to the Minsk accords - so your characterization is a bit off.
However, your fear of something triggering WWIII does concern me as well. As I have mentioned elsewhere, Poland is watching - Moldova is next on the chopping block for Russia. And Finland and Sweden are starting to contemplate how they eliminate Russian naval presence in the Baltic, which they actually could do rather quickly. Then everyone debates about what Turkey will choose to do. Germany is getting scared, which is scaring everyone else, which is why France is thinking about getting more directly involved in Ukraine to stop this chain of events from happening. If Russia loses all outside shipping access, what would they do? FJB not letting Ukraine hit logistics and fuel/oil facilities inside Russia while Russia destroyed power and civilian infrastructure inside Ukraine - just to make sure gas prices didn't go up that much more here at home - smacks of stupidity of the highest order.
Just think how a throw away line from FJB saying he would allow a little incursion into Ukraine by Russia to be OK has led us to a terrifying point right now. Thank you all you restoring our norms type voters in 2020. You were wrong. We are on the edge of massive war in Europe - which will force us to defend Taiwan directly. Well done a**holes! Putin would never have invaded if Trump were in office.
Pretty sure Xiden shut down peace talks when this mess was less than 6 months old.
Probably. Don’t understand this compulsion to constantly make Russians the enemy; if it’s 1980 & they have 40 armored divisions poised to plunge thru the Fulda Gap in a blitzkrieg across the European plain, I get it. But that hasn’t been the case since 1991. They even attempted to join NATO & were rebuffed.
The U.S. ‘s greatest mistake was winning World War II; the MIC needed new dragons to slay & has stayed on the hunt.
No, their mistake was in not disbanding NATO when the Berlin Wall fell, which they had agreed to do, as Russia had dissolved the Warsaw Pact. Or They also could’ve let Russia join it, and become a full-fledged member of the European community.
But no - instead, as you stated, the MIC/NATO needed a boogie man to justify their survival - and the incestuous flow of all those $$$$, and a forever- war-footing.
Col Douglas MacGregor referred to NATO as a “jobs program for unemployed generals.” ;<)
Dutch, you nailed it.
Ukraine is gone, Europe is next, not because of Russia but because of the Muslim “Trojan immigrants.” They learned nothing from History or more specifically the Battle of Vienna in 1683. FJBs handlers are selling the US out to China and the same Immigrant importers. Our future won’t be as grim as Europe as we have a Billion guns and better terrain( but less testosterone). The Ukraine grift looks like one bad Borat movie.
Mark, we have plenty of Muslim "trojan immigrants" right here within our very or borders.
I knew when they opened up migration from everywhere because 'Reasons", Merkel as Germany's Chancellor killed the EU. Not sure how anyone could have missed this mess coming.
Pretty much all of modern so-called government is nothing more than a great big grift intended to fleece the population. This is why you should have zero respect for any politicians or bureaucrats. You should look at them at the same level of a carney running the ring toss at a traveling carnival, or maybe a used car salesman at one of those run-down joints along a road to the beach.
…or a carpet bagger, or snake oil salesman…..
Carnival barkers... what a great analogy. But I don't think we can lump them ALL as worthless. There are some good ones. Granted, not many but there are some.
Nail biting few.
“Failed, Fake country provokes needless war against country with one of the largest and most powerful militaries in the world, and loses.”
Who’d a thunk?
Sorry my comments are so late this week. I’m traveling the Great Alaskan wilderness before the war starts.
First: Nero fiddled as Rome burned comes to mind. Because it what these asshats want.
Second and more importantly: NO ELECTIONS? As I said yesterday. That is another tell.
These liberals hate us and will do anything to keep us down. Suspend democracy is ALWAYS their first choice when people stop believing their nonsense (a euphemism for bull sh!t).
Covid. They intended to test their power a for a few weeks. They shut America down for 2 weeks. When a significant number of us rebelled, rather than listen to us, they extended it to 2 months and then over 2 years. When they told us to wear masks, many said no. They locked us out of work, schools, events if we did not comply. When they offered a “vaccine”, many of you saw through that hoax immediately. Again, they shut is out of everything. They started completely cancelling people.
Force is their only option. Allowing us to choose is a huge loss for them. They intend to remove that option as well.
Be prepared: regardless of how things go in the next 6 months, there is a violent reaction coming. Keep yer powder dry.
And be safe.
BTW. The Alaskan wilderness is simply beautiful. Can’t be closer to God then in God’s creation. And that is unadulterated wilderness areas where everything is in balance - until Godless asshats ruin it. They suck.
Perfect picture of obidet foreign policy,keep giving my percent ages and I will amuse you with ignorance.Maybe Blinky should just remain in the Ukraine and Israel won't get another knife in the back.We need PDJT back in charge if there is to be any hope of salvaging a once Great Nation and his coattails need to last 20-30 years if we are to regain sanity in education and society.Lead on Poca-Man as we are taking longer strides to MAGA 2024 .Puff poll, thank you.