Nothing terrifies Democrats more than the truth.

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I disagree. The truth doesn't terrify them because they don't believe it. What they really are scared of is Retribution. They know they have sinned and so far they've gotten away with it. The Uniparty members have all sinned so both sides are terrified that an untethered non politician might hold them to account if he gets the power. The second thing they're scared of is he'll cut into their grifting ways.

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I don't think they believe there is such a thing as sinning. "Politics is whatever it takes" is their motto.

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Agree!! But what usually happens is, when the malfeasance gets discovered, we all say well that was bad and no one should do it again. Thus, we never really get any retribution. I really cant see conservatives trying to keep dem off the ballots or fake indict them for made up crimes.

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Conservatives dont need to make up crimes, there are plenty of skeletons in the Uniparty closet. They are used to keep everyone in line and working against the people of the US and the country.

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They don’t have to believe it, it’s everyone else in their ragtag coalition seeing it and believing it that terrifies them.

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losing their power terrifies them the most, I believe.

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They know their necks will be fitted for new neckties once they are brought to real American justice. That’s their greatest fear.

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This makes them extremely dangerous. A cornered animal will do ANYTHING to survive.

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That's why they avoid it as much as they can.

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04/12/24: The RINOs are ten times more petrified with fear because of these two heinous groups, the DemoFascists aren't pretending to be something they're not. RINOs are the "pretend opposition."

One step out of line and there go the Ronna McDaniel limos (now a thing of the past, but there must be 100 other corruptions; they're probably lined up for college football kickbacks pretending to being players on the teams) and here comes the FBI/CIA et al with the sexual blackmail tapes (the gays no longer fear being blackmailed; its the "straights" who get nailed).

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Democrats belive hypocrisy is a righteous virtue.

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Good writing pulls you thru. That was fun to read.

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Wow, I guess the secret to “likes” is in posts of 10 words or less.

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As we get nearer to November I don’t think there’s a person in this country - if not the world - Left or Right, who is not experiencing some level of great unease. Everyone knows something is coming, and hardly anyone thinks it’s gonna be good.

The Left are panicked about preserving their fake idea of “Democracy!”, (their hold on power), and the Right are worried about the potential end of Western Civilization as we’ve known it.

While every Presidential election is fraught with high stakes, the stakes involved in this one have never, ever been higher.

Trump’s NY trial, his first criminal case, brought by Bragg over the Stormy Daniels nonsense, reinvented into 34 felony charges, starts next week. Seeing how the first two cases in NY went, it’s hard to feel much optimism about how this one might turn out. Should he lose, he will most assuredly appeal, but that will only drag it out with yet another conviction, this one which will include jail time, now attached to him, and still facing three more trials (GA, FL, DC), yet to come.

All I can say is, saddled with that incomprehensibly life-threatening burden, it is soooo far beyond critical that whoever DJT has chosen to work with him, not just as part of his campaign but much more importantly, those, hopefully, who will comprise his future Cabinet and aides, had better be some of the absolute bestest of the very best because he’s going to need those kind of people more than ever before in his lifetime - and so are we.

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You are absolutely right. Given the lefts history, we need to know who Trumps running mate is. It isnt too early. It better not be Tulsi Gabbard either. As for the GOP congress, I think I better understand why so many members have been jumping ship. They are not up to the war that is about to consume DC.

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Sad, isn’t it? The smell of fear is too much for them.

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They didnt realize that the job required adults with a backbone.

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Adults, period.

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Sane adults.

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Please, please, please…not Tim Scott.

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Agreed. Nice man but not right man this time.

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Agreed. Not forceful enough.

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A very nice man and well meaning but right now we need John Wayne.

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Or Dirty Harry.

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Solely on their own, the Democrats have made the stakes higher than usual because they have jacked up their urgency and power grab by using ‘lawfare’ against Trump as well as rapidly trying to buy young people’s votes by (illegally) canceling student debt. The Democrats are very desperate and it shows. It’s pathetic. The question is, will the Democrat Party ever be able to reestablish the dignity that it’s lost?

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No. Their entire party should be relegated to the dustbin of history because it is thoroughly based on lies and falsity. The remaining remnants should be tried for high crimes and misdemeanors, up to and including crimes against humanity.

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I'm still hoping someone can come up with a good name or slogan for the Democrats and this election. What about calling Democrats "The Wreck America Party"? or "The Democratic Communists" ? or "The New Totalitarians" ?

These do not hit the nail on the head enough. But I'm sure someone, somewhere, can come up with a clever label that will resonate with Americans as TRUE and that conveys how dangerous it is to vote Democratic.

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Dignity? Do you mean the dignity of being for and protective of slavery? How about the party always getting our country into needless but bloody wars? How about Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" that's destroyed many black families and inner cities? I could go on but I think I'm about to throw up.

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dignity? what dignity? never existed with the dims

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What dignity would that be?

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History is often wrong on how we arrived at where we are. Lincoln is credited as being an Abolitionist and freeing the slaves with the Emancipation proclamation on 1/1/63. Yet, the proclamation was not about slavery but rather about getting England and France on the union side of the war. How serious was Lincoln when the “end of slavery” was exempt in border states and parts of Louisiana.

Similarly when historians point to why America was saved in 2024, it won’t be for the mugshot or sympathy for lawfare, but rather one small thing: Getting rid of Rona Romney from the RNC. This change brought about by Trump shows he is not the 2016 DJT, but a force that has evolved and learned. Watch out Dems. FJB!

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In fact, the Proclamation specifically did not include any real estate in control of the federal government. Slave states such as Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri were excluded, as well as the District of Columbia, where there were still a small number of slaves.

Steve Bannon argues, I think convincingly, that it was the War Room Posse (TM) that brought down the three "Macs" -- McCarthy, McConnell, and McDaniel. Trump himself was too busy fighting lawfare, but the masses of fed-up conservatives who finally realized they could do something that would make a differenc.

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People learn by experience, the stove is hot...get it or get burned. I think DJT has/is learning by his past/previous mistakes. Ronna should have been let jettisoned long ago, what cast light on that roach was Lindell and or Harmeet trying to oust her worthless ass a year or so ago. I hope DJT doesn't have any turds in the punchbowl this go around ie her, that Omaorama whatever, the neo con with a mustache and hair made of steel wool...can't think of his name. Evolution is a beautiful thing, I agree.

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 "'The Democrats delude themselves that GDP growth on paper and a reduction in the rate of inflation equate to affordable basics in real life. This is mere wonkery. It invites the Republicans to pose as the party of reality.'"

Do you know of whom that reminds me? One George HW Bush, circa 1992...he had smart guys for advisors and in his cabinet - guys like Brady, his Treasury Sec'y...but they were almost all of the ivy league, ultra-exclusive country-club Republicans who had no clue what it was to live through a recession, or to lose your job because of it - to these guys, a recession was a statistical concept, a phase of macroeconomics.

 "'The [GHWB administration/campaign] delude themselves that GDP growth on paper and a reduction in the rate of inflation equate to affordable basics in real life. This is mere wonkery. It invites the [Democrats] to pose as the party of reality.'"

"The good news is Trump is off to a better start in 2024 than he was in 2016 or 2020.

The better news is the left is terrified."

Indeed - as long as it means victory in November, victory in December, and being sworn in in January.

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Re: the swamp living in a bubble- it’s been said that the Tri-state area of Washington DC/Maryland/Virginia have so many federal employees and lobbyists and other folks feeding off the federal government that they are essentially unaffected by economic forces like inflation, recessions, unemployment, etc. so that they really have no idea (no empathy), no conception of how the country feels or what people are experiencing out in the greater country. Which is why a number of Republicans have suggested that some federal departments (like the Department of the Interior for instance) be moved out of Washington. It’s time for this to happen.

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Remember the latest jobs report: 71,000 new federal worker-bees and 0 factory worker-bees; there's your sign.

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71,000 new fiction-factory drones.

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Being FROM there ("from" being the operative word) I can confirm what you say is true. In fact it's even worse than you can imagine! The corrupt money from the 'foundations', 'associations' and all sorts of other groups and consultants sucking OUR TAX DOLLARS off of the federal govt has created breathtaking wealth in the DC 'burbs (Mont & Ffx Co) and they are immune to the problems their policies have created. I CAN'T WAIT for Trump to DOWNSIZE the govt (aka ADMINISTRATIVE DEEP STATE) by 75% and RELOCATE the rest!!!!

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From your mouth to God’s ear.

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As a fed, I can attest to that. You might actually get smart people in those agencies rather than hiring the DC indigenous.

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Good idea, but I'd rather see a whole bunch of those agencies abolished, their buildings converted to housing for those illegal aliens they love so much.

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Excellent idea 💡

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They really are very much a “nesting” species, always living and working in tight and controlled spaces.

Easier to target that way, which is a plus.

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You know, you just exposed a huge vulnerability. With its huge concentration of federal power, DC would make a prime target for an enemy out to throw the entire country into turmoil -- and then pick up the pieces.

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Flight 93 on 9/11, before it was taken down by the fearless group occupants, was headed for DC, either the Capitol or the Whitehouse.

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Hmm...interesting word, "nesting". I guess when you're living in a mental bubble, like a cult, you develop an underlying fear of 'the outside world', because some part of you DOES realize you're living in a bubble, and you strive to suppress the cognitive dissonance that could make your protective little bubble dissolve.

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I the old days we used to call that move "decentralizing". Keep a central office but push the power out where the rubber meets the road. Problem with that is when there is a new regime, they always "Centralize" as a way to gain control...

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Nice idea, but who would have them?

NIMBY, thank you. They’d only corrupt the space they’d inhabit.

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Many of those same Bush era establishment Republican types are still around, but today they are known as Never Trumpers.

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Yep and they tried to resurrect themselves via the grandson Bush and kneecapping Paxton last year.

Thankfully that didn't work out but they are still trying. To wit, the a** Karl Rove and his "opinions" in the WSJ and on Fox

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Karl Rove infuriates me. He was responsible for loser Presidential candidates Dole, McCain, and Romney, and was never held accountable for those losses. Last week his hate for MAGA was on display when CFP showed video of him wanting everyone present at J6 to go to jail.

I only just noticed right now that they way he spells Carl as "Karl" is the same as Karl Marx.

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Yep, and they are no longer a majority. Thank God. The uniparty needs to die or is DEI?

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I am NOT a "Never Trumper" though I'm still a registered Republican.


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I would guess that most of the people who read Don Surber are registered Republicans. I think you can do that without being closely associated with the Bushes, Karl Rove, and the rest of that lot.

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Or to lose your job multiple times through outsourcing..... The jobs are all going to foreign born either H1B visa holders or illegals. If you are American you get kicked out of the working club.

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04/12/24: Your reminder about the cold-blooded Bush Sr. operatives is perfect. Meet the people who indirectly paved the way for the ruthless, venal Bill Clinton.


1) The VF headline should be "Inside The Terrifyingly Incompetent Biden 2024 Campaign."

2) Sherman (wimpy ex-NY Magazine castrati):

"To Democrats and the fraction of Republicans horrified by the idea of a second Trump administration, it symbolized his dangerous criminality."

Trump's right to be considered innocent until proven guilty does not exist.

This is Rule #1 of The Lynch Mob (regardless of the intended victim).

Americans have magnanimously persuaded themselves their past lynch-mob history has been atoned for and no longer exists.

Bullsh*t. All they did was change the color of the lynch mobs' victims.

And instead of trees and rope, they now hang people in their corrupt court systems.

3) "Trump is anti-Semitic" --- an accusation made by the exact same people who run the political party that either tolerates or outright encourages the Michigan Muslims who are screaming, "Death To America!"

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This election is ramping up to become the nastiest in recent history. Will we see another “Summer of Love” with “mostly peaceful” rioting, looting, and murder? Will “Disease X” finally make a breakthrough and set off another Plandemic? I gotta tell you, honestly, that I fear for our country this year. This epitomizes the line uttered by the Barter Town crowd: “Two men enter, one man leave!”

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There won't be any rioting until after The Trumpster swears in. Dems will control the mobs because it will look bad for Biden and lose him some fence sitters in the Burbs. However, as Michigan revealed, there are some groups that aren't controlled by the Dems, Muslims...

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Isn’t the Democrat convention to be held in Chicago?

That should be interesting as the people there are incensed about the flood of illegals taking over the city.

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Yep! I've read that Dems are already very worried about their convention, between the illegals and even more so the islamo-fascists. LOL!

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could happen to a better group

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plus there's something about a date that could interfere with FJB and they can't change the convention date this late in the game

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yeah someone really really messed up

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Pretty fundamental incompetence, to mis-set a convention date.

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The steal is in.

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Wanna bet?

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The ghosts of Hubert Humphrey and Jerry Rubin will be in attendance

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Takin’ it all back to 1968. Again.

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Well it seems they're already trying to gin up the summer of love with this "police shooting" in Chicago of another black thug by a multi-racial cadre of police. Seemingly (hopefully) enough media has pushed out the police video footage that shows that the thug opened fire first and police RESPONDED, they didn't START it. Now I'm hearing the leftists whine "but it was excessive". 🤣 They're such losers.

My bigger fear is an international event with China, NK, Iran, etc. 😬 If (godforbid) such a thing does occur, I HOPE it only serves to bolster Trump's chances, as it should!

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Im more worried about sabotage and all the unvetted who have disappeared to who knows where in our country but very few seem worried about.

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We may see an Israeli-Iranian war break out today.

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Yeah, that is what all the talking heads are wringing their hands over, any day, any moment. I'm glad I'm not in the DC metro area, or in any heavily populated area, for that matter.

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04/13/24 is more likely. There's one technical factor that is identical to 10/07/23, and it's a biggie.

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What? You’re just gonna leave us hanging? LOL

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That’s a good topic for a poll: I’d vote for the sequential violence option. It ties in well with the Taxpayer Funded Unwashed/uneducated/hostile Millions Invading option.

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The possibilities for mayhem are endless. Consider that over 10,000 military age Chinese men have crossed our southern border, to say nothing of those from Central and South America and the middle east. The opportunities for false flag ops are also there to temp the Obama strategists. Don't think it won't occur to them to try to force universal mail-in-only voting or even "postpone" the election "until civil order can be restored". That sounds extreme and unlikely, but the Obama Democrats are desperate, and desperate times call for desperate -- and unconstitutional -- measures and an overt coup d'etat is not out of the question. I hope none of that happens, but who can say right now?

Trump's security squad had better be on their toes.

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There already is universal mail-in voting ever since the Feardemic emergency.

Neither party has done anything to end it since then!

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There are several states where universal mail in voting is out. voters have to request the ballots. the SoS have fixed some of the issues.

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True. (In Red states.)

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I'm not positive, but I think things HAVE been done to roll back the universal mail in ballots.

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"Now all this is well and good and if it makes Vanity Fair’s readers feel smug and happy, what is the harm? They seem like nice people who listen to NPR and have transgendered children. They are a superstitious people who believe SUVs cause climate change, earthquakes and solar eclipses. Telling them that Trump succeeds only by luck soothes them like a hot toddy. Make that a non-alcoholic hot toddy. They’re liberals."

Succinct and brilliant, Don.

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Just being Surber with a saber wit.

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Score! Wit reigns.

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Especially the "superstitious" adjective. Perfect. Back to the leeches used by the "doctors" in the Middle Ages, we have arrived.

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- Trump unleashed OUR hydrocarbon energy leading to neutering our enemies(Russia, Iran) and increasing our purchasing power to the highest in our lives. Has any GOP president done this since Ronaldus? No. Ask yourself why.

- He closed/managed our borders keeping criminals to a minimum.

- He lowered the corporate tax rate from the highest in the world(39%) to 21% leading to $2T in capital to return here. Has any other GOP president done this? No. Ask yourself why.

- He tightened the money supply which led to your increased purchasing power keeping inflation low. Has any other GOP president done this? No. Ask yourself why.

- He shitcanned 10s of THOUSANDS of regulations. Has any other GOP president done this? No. Ask yourself why.

- He rightly tariffed China on steel and aluminum shifting investment out of communist China further contributing to your deflation. Has any other GOP president done this? No. Ask yourself why. (Check steel and aluminum prices from 2018 to 2021). Hint: they didn't increase.

- He moved our embassy to Jerusalem and forged peace in the Middle East without war using economic leverage. He killed the world terror leader(Soleimani) with ONE missile rather than 20 year wars... Has any other GOP president done this? No. Ask yourself why.

Now do you understand why they want to jail him? It should make you very sick and worried as everything he did helped you and THEY don't like it.

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Bravo Danimal28.

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totally agree with your writing!

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About the only thing I agree with those leftist writers on is how Trump is running his campaign. It’s not like either of the first two. He is essentially just being Trump, and allowing the left to show just how truly awful they can be to stay in power. Fauni Willis and Letitia James and Alvin Bragg, all three black Americans and puppets of the radical left, are doing more to show how utterly corrupt the Democrat judicial system is than any Steven Spielberg produced movie starring Robert DiNutso ever could. The terrible three are doing more to bring black Americans to the Trump campaign than any amount of campaign advertising could do. Trump just has to let his attorneys do their jobs and pay the bill. I don’t remember ever seeing Trump as relaxed on the campaign trail as this year. He appears to be actually enjoying his campaigning and talking to people. I hate to get over confident but I would just say this; if I were part of the unelected state in office today, I would be booking moving companies and updating my resume while I still had a job. Book the Atlas Van lines truck before Chris Wray and his entire DC staff get ahead of you.

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I pray you are right Reddog.

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Wray will look very nice in prison stripes and minus his boofy haircut.

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Now is not the time to get cocky. Between the massive imbalance in mass media and the huge portion of the populace that is either gullible or just plain ignorant, November will be one tough fight. I can only pray that there will be an honest election or, barring that, reputable judges and state legislators who will do the right thing.

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I agree with one caveat, overreach. It seems the Left cannot help themselves, they always go a little overboard and it eventually bites them in the ass. The mug shot is a good example. If they jail The Trumpster he becomes another Nelson Mandela. American's don't like that and they'll show up at the polls to prove it. That's why Maher and Carville are now saying ease off a little...

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".....populace that is either gullible or just plain ignorant, November will be one tough fight."

you misspelled stupid.

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dont count on the judges

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It is urgent that those of us that can do all we can to help ensure as fair an election as possible. Particularly important in swing states, y'all.

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While the mirror is the worst for most Dems, The Donald’s wealth means he can’t be corrupted by a few million like the Bidens get. And Obama. And the Clintons. That probably only terrifies the real king-makers and power brokers, and only secretly if not merely in their dreams, nightmares where they lose power and can’t buy it back.

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And he is not subject to blackmail. If he was, they would have found it in the last 9 yrs.

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They are giving billions of dollars of earned media to Trump, just like '16, this time with all the lawfare. Don't write any more about this because they might eventually figure it out and drop all the cases.

Danny Huckabee

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suber is on a roll this week. all are must reads for anyone with a thinking brain. send these to your posse regardless of their political persuasions.

tally ho.

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The biggest fear that the Lilliputians have of Trump is that he might defeat their illicit attempts to hold him down. And when We the People install him as our President, Trump will restore us to a Nation of Laws. Because, in that process, a lot of Liliputians will find themselves locked up and modeling orange pajamas.

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Lets pray your right.

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Another masterful column from the Poca-Man but I hope it does not breed over confidence in a real election.We are yet to see the sleaze from the dems/msm kick into high gear .One must be ready for a new ST George Floyd tactic ignition any time ,anywhere.Great poll with viable options all.

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The October surprise will be Biden drops out because they admit he's too sick to run. After that who knows what the Dem plan will be.

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They can’t because Kamala stands in the way, and doesn’t have a snowballl’s chance in hell of winning. They’ve got to push him over the finish line. Then they can insert her as their new puppet and God knows who as VP.

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If Kamala somehow becomes President, that could become the end of the Democrat Party. Unfortunately, perhaps the end of the country too.

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And she wont bow down to being romoved.

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But will she beg on her knees?

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Default position. Yes.

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Wasn't that just created with the perp at the routine traffic stop who instead of rolling down his window fired on the cops 11 times before they opened up on him with something like 96 rounds? I don't remember where this happened, but I'm sure you will be able to find the story, it just happened this week

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04-12-24: One thing that bothers me about that story (glad the bastard got his): Before he was pulled over, how could anyone tell that he wasn't wearing a seatbelt when his windows were tinted? And who in Chicago cares if someone's not wearing a seatbelt? This story smells about the same as the Ohtani betting affair (in that no one wants to identify the names of the "illegal bookies" --- why not? Would they tell the same story?).

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I agree about the seatbelt/tinted windows story. Odd. Another thing I noticed is that in one of the videos, when the perp is already assuming room temperature, one of the cops turns him over and says “let go of the gun”. It was my understanding that they found the gun in the front seat of the vehicle. Again…odd.

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The leftist lunatics are all vampires so they see no reflection when the mirror is held up to their faces. But, they know they are evil blood suckers.

May they get a Yuuuuggge stake in the heart on November 5th.

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