AP is upset because voters in Spain on Sunday may elect a “far right” government, which would repudiate 48 years of socialism. The once reliable news service said, “The center-right Popular Party emerged from the May 28 elections with the most votes. Polls for the general election have consistently put the PP in first place — but likely needing support from the far-right Vox party to form a government.
Correct, Europe as we now/knew it is gone. The Tory party in the U.K. which held the referendum on Brexit won't even properly respect it. The Tories have screwed up what should have been a lock with voters and I expect the Labour Party to be re-elected and it's leading in the polls. It's going to be the 70s all over again there.
I cannot stand the term far right. Whenever I see it in an article, I know the writer is from the other side of the aisle. It's a total exaggeration and it's used as a slur.
Right-of-centre parties in Europe are rising again because voters are realizing, especially after COVID, that their leaders do not represent them. (This is a familiar theme for me.)
The EU was only supposed to be about trade at its inception in the 70s. It's now a globalist/socialist enterprise that hates its voters.
In the Western world, it's a simple explanation: We are committing suicide from within.
I do have hope for Eastern Europe, though. Poland and Hungary are leading the way.
I hope Spanish voters prevail on Sunday.
I don't know what difference these so-called "far right" governments in Europe will make at this point. The EU/globalism are entrenched and their media stiffle any dissent. It's difficult to have common sense conversations that concern voters because their establishement/media do not allow it.
I am also heartened that PM Mark Rutte of the Netherlands had to step down and I pray that Dutch farmers and their cows (there is a mass cull/kill planned to reduce "climate change.") are left alone to continue God's work.
Do you remember Goldwater? He was my favorite pol before I knew what voting was all about. Back in 1959, to a teenager, it was mostly a popularity contest.
Yes, I do. I was 12 years old. In my neck of the woods, lib-Manhattan-Bronx, we were told he was the Second Coming of Attila the Hun. We believe this. Lesson learned.
I just did a refresh of my one election in the Great State of Minnesota. The DFL will vote for a manure spreader before a vote for a conservative any time and that was way back in 1964. IMO Johnson slid in on the blood and gore of Kennedy's casket.
Look at what happened to RFK jr yesterday when he tried to testify before the house committee. They wouldn’t let him get two words out. What ever you think of him that was disgraceful but typical.
Robust evidence that both parties work together to censor/nullify those who want to return to honest representation. RFK and Trump are a world apart in their priorities but both hold values that threaten the main stream.
True LuAnn, yet this is Europe. They built their magnificent cathedrals to the glory of God, and also invented La Guillotine to remind the feckless elites that ultimately it is the people who hold the power of life and death.
Any time there is political upheaval, blood is going to be spilled. The Bible clearly states in Revelations that lots of blood will be spilled--and most of it, in the end, will be that of the 'Evil One.'
"When the middle class gets fed up and finally fights back, the media acts surprised." That is because the middle class doesn't like to cause problems, but no more. It is now very clear that the pure evil of the left is there for all to see. I am doing my part to fluster the left (I make my own meals and coffee just for starters), but I read a story this morning that even made me wince. It seems two (Obviously children of liberals) who paid $1865.00 each for front row tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. It turned out they were "victims" of a scam. GOOD!! I said "Anyone stupid enough to pay that kind of money deserves EXACTLY what happens to them." No sense in commenting on how many stupid people paid even more than that to listen to obama say how he WILL destroy these very same people.
When people pay money like that, it is obvious they have never worked a day in their lives.
I think the middle class just wants to be left alone to get on with life, and the left wants affirmation of their life. So they agitate until they get a response, then are surprised and hurt because they get smacked down for stupid sh*t.
There desparately needs to be these uprisings in Europe and from unlikely sources such as truckers and farmers. We depend on them for our food. Remember, we are only 9 meals away from potential anarchy.
I hope Europe can get through it without having their beloved statues destroyed. The cathedrals and spires, and stained glass windows were also dedicated to the glory of God. I hope I can say I was wrong about the EU, that it was NOT the 10-headed beast of the Revelation.
Which really really sucks. I cried when Notre Dame burnt. What is even more sad was they 'modernized' it when rebuilding it. They should have just left most of it as close as they could.
The farmers won because that is one of the only jobs people can do to earn money in The Netherlands other than getting stoned day in and day out. The drug trade isn't a job that needs a lot of training--just look at San Francisco.
I said pretty much that same thing to a Canadian in 2008 after 0bama was elected and got a nasty reply. And it’s not just Canada. If we go down, all of the western world will go with us.
The right or conservatives are rising ,witness Hungary and Italy as two recent examples but the pow wers that be on our continent are fighting to end this uprising.This regime screwed the Brazilians and who knows what other southern neighbors with crooked vote counting just as in the U.S.A..Lord knows Trumpism is bad for war mongers and crooked pols that rely on the trough in the swampy Capitols. Great post .tough poll and we are winning Don!!
I wonder if most good people would be able to say no to the enemy at your front door if saying yes would presumably save your family, your neighbors and/or your way of life. As I see it if we don’t man up, stand up and speak up the scenario of kgb like overlords will come true. A few countries here a few countries there: is it enough? Where are the consequences for evildoers?
I watched the absolutely insane whistleblower hearing and I am appalled at the absurdity of the Dems. I see who the people are that will be sending our weaponized agencies to flush out the smallest guppie in the ocean of MAGA people. I refrain from adding Republican to the MAGA moniker because I do not see a shred of intelligence in their daily work.
If a child steals a piece of candy what consequences he would face by righteous parents. I guess making parents domestic terrorists relieves our overlords of forcing consequences in accordance with morality and natural law.
We’ve screwed the pooch long enough. I’m finally glad I’m old. I don’t like what we’ve become and I don’t see it ending well.
I understand the emotional pull of defeatism but it is a type of surrender to a devious psyop that wants you to do exactly that. We can absolutely be victorious, but cynicism and despair are rarely a path to victory.
It is a psyop designed to conquer us without the use of military means, and to then keep us passive under the new masters. By controlling the media, it tries to make us feel isolated, helpless, and intimidated. But it is a flat-out lie. There is such an awakening going on with such a wide swath of the population, that the Left is desperate to hide that, because it would encourage us and we would realize how “do-able” it is to destroy this evil.
This is very much a mental / psychological / spiritual war as much as it is an information war. So our consistent mental clarity is essential and very powerful. As each of us individually comes out from under the “mesmerism”, we help to break the spell of that mesmerism of the broader population. And our fellow Americans, left and right, are still in their essence good people who are capable of an intelligent response to this aggressively-pushed evil. Many of them are just under a hypnotic influence and still are only getting information from the corrupt left media. We can help them come out from under this mental mesmerism, but not if we ourselves are surrendering to defeatism. Happy fighting!
In essence, when we accept an emotion of defeatism, WE add OUR psychological weight to the oppressive mesmerism they are trying to exercise over the population, and thus in a way INCREASE the burden of a mesmeric sense of consciousness on the rest of the population. We need to do the opposite and BREAK it, not add to it.
Sorry!!—this is my last comment on this—but as this train of thought unfolds—in essence the psyop seeks to create a mental atmosphere among a population; and we can tangibly feel and be influenced by this mental atmosphere of thought. But that also means we can play a role in reversing and correcting this mental atmosphere.
Mass Formation Psychosis. The cure is for even a minority of folks to speak the truth out loud. God help me to have the courage to do so at every opportunity!
If you can find the video of Tucker Carlson talking to Mattias Desmet, it is an absolutely fascinating interview. It gave me a “big picture” view of where we find ourselves today in this clown world, how we got here, and what must happen to keep civilization from going into total darkness. It ultimately points to the spiritual realm.
I see the point. I also see that this cretin occupying the WH is just a pimple on our collective backside, as was the Taupe Hope before him. I have to constantly stay alert that I may be falling for something Wicked this Way Comes.
Oligarchy is such an ugly word. I can't wait to add it to my everyday conversations. It means small group of rulers. Let the word roll off your tongue and see if Hitler, ToJo, Stalin, Mussolini and the Obama/Biden regime don't dance before your eyes.
Since 1948 Europe has never paid its assessments to belong to NATO and even now is not funding the Ukrainian war, it is the U.S. The countries are unable to manage their own nations, let alone a European Union which is nothing more than an overblown bureaucracy sitting in Brussels dictating socialist ideology..
Some key European countries are in a death spiral. Low birth rates, except among the immigrant population, massive immigrant populations to begin with and the disgusting EU.
At least their elections aren’t rigged like ours. Yet.
They aren't rigged per se, but the EU will make sure that it gets the vote outcome it wants by making people vote again on the same issue until the desired outcome is reached. Example: Maastricht Treaty 1992.
And the stupid Paris Accords. the Elites are hell bent on making everyone poor but themselves. They need to look to history, because they wont be the last standing. they are usually the first to fall.
I didnt use to think so. I thought it was all an conspiracy theory. But DJT syndrome broke a lot of brains and they showed their butts. Now they dont hide what they are doing.
I'm not shocked at how pessimistic my fellow Surbs are. But I have a gift of seeing beneath the surface. People are walking away from the Marxist doctrine and will never return. Trumpy bully fighters will pound the enemy into dust. The Good Samaritans like me will welcome back the battered bruised former enemies. Learn from history. Winning is inevitable.
Agreed. And if they don't kill you, they conduct show trials, as the Nazis and communists have done everywhere and which is going on right now in blue cities/states. The accused are already convicted and sentenced: what we are seeing are public displays of power and harm that they can inflict on any who resist, or even disagree.
Constantini seems to be one of the few Europeans to understand and state the problem. The media in Europe just as in the US ALWAYS describe center/right politicians and movements as "far right". I listen daily to the French TV news so I know this is how they describe not only French politicians on the right but all the others in Europe.
On another note it is hot in Europe now. Surprise, it is mid Summer. But the French news are salivating over global warming like a teen with a wet dream. Continuing to ask for government action. Ha Ha Ha.
One last note they never note that our Prez/VP are like dead men walking. Again, surprise!
Yep, we need a mini ice age because of the idiots. They are deliberately courting what a massive volcano does and well, we have had ice ages due to volcanic action. That is ok, Purdue... a highly rated engineering school put out a paper recently that indicated we just needed to white wash everything. The area needed to be white washed was bigger than the US land mass. Idiots.
Always true that the sun, volcanoes, and other natural disasters control our existence. Other thoughts are only government control grabs....regs & taxes.
POLL: I really wanted to vote ''Yes' - but without a 2nd Amendment, the European people cannot save themselves. First, the U.S. will have to rise from the ashes, defeat our own marxist-communist pathology, then save Western Civilization in Europe, Australia, Japan and a few others places (Central & South America; maybe even pathetic Canada?).
And if we don't get Trump back in office (very likely b/c of our obvious election corruption), we are in for a bloody civil war in order to make that happen.
-- "On a broader scope, what should the EU even be?"
-- Dissolved.
If Brexit is an indicator, the elites will hang on untilEurope as we know/knew it is no more.
Correct, Europe as we now/knew it is gone. The Tory party in the U.K. which held the referendum on Brexit won't even properly respect it. The Tories have screwed up what should have been a lock with voters and I expect the Labour Party to be re-elected and it's leading in the polls. It's going to be the 70s all over again there.
What happened to the elite in the French Revolution? In what way will history repeat? How many of us will live to see it?
I cannot stand the term far right. Whenever I see it in an article, I know the writer is from the other side of the aisle. It's a total exaggeration and it's used as a slur.
Right-of-centre parties in Europe are rising again because voters are realizing, especially after COVID, that their leaders do not represent them. (This is a familiar theme for me.)
The EU was only supposed to be about trade at its inception in the 70s. It's now a globalist/socialist enterprise that hates its voters.
In the Western world, it's a simple explanation: We are committing suicide from within.
I do have hope for Eastern Europe, though. Poland and Hungary are leading the way.
I hope Spanish voters prevail on Sunday.
I don't know what difference these so-called "far right" governments in Europe will make at this point. The EU/globalism are entrenched and their media stiffle any dissent. It's difficult to have common sense conversations that concern voters because their establishement/media do not allow it.
I am also heartened that PM Mark Rutte of the Netherlands had to step down and I pray that Dutch farmers and their cows (there is a mass cull/kill planned to reduce "climate change.") are left alone to continue God's work.
Europe is a mess and it's self-inflicted.
If JFK was running for President on his platform today, he would be called “far right”.
He'd be Barry Goldwater.
Do you remember Goldwater? He was my favorite pol before I knew what voting was all about. Back in 1959, to a teenager, it was mostly a popularity contest.
Yes, I do. I was 12 years old. In my neck of the woods, lib-Manhattan-Bronx, we were told he was the Second Coming of Attila the Hun. We believe this. Lesson learned.
I just did a refresh of my one election in the Great State of Minnesota. The DFL will vote for a manure spreader before a vote for a conservative any time and that was way back in 1964. IMO Johnson slid in on the blood and gore of Kennedy's casket.
Perfectly stated. And this is excellent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Hyx4a0Se7U
And I should note that Europe (including England) is post-Christian now. That tells you a lot.
Look at what happened to RFK jr yesterday when he tried to testify before the house committee. They wouldn’t let him get two words out. What ever you think of him that was disgraceful but typical.
Robust evidence that both parties work together to censor/nullify those who want to return to honest representation. RFK and Trump are a world apart in their priorities but both hold values that threaten the main stream.
True LuAnn, yet this is Europe. They built their magnificent cathedrals to the glory of God, and also invented La Guillotine to remind the feckless elites that ultimately it is the people who hold the power of life and death.
I just rewatched The Pillars of the Earth on Prime. The glory of God has certainly faded over time. Europe at this point will become Eurabia.
Eurabia. I'll be using that soon in conversations. Thanks in advance.
There shall be another European war, simple as that.
I actually do believe Europe will save itself. And I believe it will be bloody.
Any time there is political upheaval, blood is going to be spilled. The Bible clearly states in Revelations that lots of blood will be spilled--and most of it, in the end, will be that of the 'Evil One.'
I am not sure they will. I pray they will but the EU is worse than herding a roomful of cats.
Europeans do not have the balls for blood. They will surrender. Dhimmitude awaits them.
How about this:
"When the middle class gets fed up and finally fights back, the media acts surprised." That is because the middle class doesn't like to cause problems, but no more. It is now very clear that the pure evil of the left is there for all to see. I am doing my part to fluster the left (I make my own meals and coffee just for starters), but I read a story this morning that even made me wince. It seems two (Obviously children of liberals) who paid $1865.00 each for front row tickets to a Taylor Swift concert. It turned out they were "victims" of a scam. GOOD!! I said "Anyone stupid enough to pay that kind of money deserves EXACTLY what happens to them." No sense in commenting on how many stupid people paid even more than that to listen to obama say how he WILL destroy these very same people.
When people pay money like that, it is obvious they have never worked a day in their lives.
I think the middle class just wants to be left alone to get on with life, and the left wants affirmation of their life. So they agitate until they get a response, then are surprised and hurt because they get smacked down for stupid sh*t.
Succinctly and well put!
Don't forget the Netherlands. The farmers won. There is winning on all front s.
And the Irish farmers are now rising up. Hope they’re successful as well.
There desparately needs to be these uprisings in Europe and from unlikely sources such as truckers and farmers. We depend on them for our food. Remember, we are only 9 meals away from potential anarchy.
I hope Europe can get through it without having their beloved statues destroyed. The cathedrals and spires, and stained glass windows were also dedicated to the glory of God. I hope I can say I was wrong about the EU, that it was NOT the 10-headed beast of the Revelation.
We'll see, but I do expect cathedrals to eventually become mosques. Look at the Hagia Sophia in Instanbul.
Which really really sucks. I cried when Notre Dame burnt. What is even more sad was they 'modernized' it when rebuilding it. They should have just left most of it as close as they could.
I cried too when Notre Dame burned. It seemed like a sign to me.
Interesting comment. Where did you find it ?
I never really looked at things that way before, but the article is spot on.
Thank you, LuAnn.
The farmers won because that is one of the only jobs people can do to earn money in The Netherlands other than getting stoned day in and day out. The drug trade isn't a job that needs a lot of training--just look at San Francisco.
May America watch and learn from Europe’s shift to Trumpism. We don’t have much time.
There's almost no time left for America. If you go down, we all will go with you.
I said pretty much that same thing to a Canadian in 2008 after 0bama was elected and got a nasty reply. And it’s not just Canada. If we go down, all of the western world will go with us.
Yes, all the western world will go with you. 100% correct. But, again, this is going to be self inflicted.
The right or conservatives are rising ,witness Hungary and Italy as two recent examples but the pow wers that be on our continent are fighting to end this uprising.This regime screwed the Brazilians and who knows what other southern neighbors with crooked vote counting just as in the U.S.A..Lord knows Trumpism is bad for war mongers and crooked pols that rely on the trough in the swampy Capitols. Great post .tough poll and we are winning Don!!
I wonder if most good people would be able to say no to the enemy at your front door if saying yes would presumably save your family, your neighbors and/or your way of life. As I see it if we don’t man up, stand up and speak up the scenario of kgb like overlords will come true. A few countries here a few countries there: is it enough? Where are the consequences for evildoers?
I watched the absolutely insane whistleblower hearing and I am appalled at the absurdity of the Dems. I see who the people are that will be sending our weaponized agencies to flush out the smallest guppie in the ocean of MAGA people. I refrain from adding Republican to the MAGA moniker because I do not see a shred of intelligence in their daily work.
If a child steals a piece of candy what consequences he would face by righteous parents. I guess making parents domestic terrorists relieves our overlords of forcing consequences in accordance with morality and natural law.
We’ve screwed the pooch long enough. I’m finally glad I’m old. I don’t like what we’ve become and I don’t see it ending well.
Hey! Have a great day!!
I understand the emotional pull of defeatism but it is a type of surrender to a devious psyop that wants you to do exactly that. We can absolutely be victorious, but cynicism and despair are rarely a path to victory.
It is a psyop designed to conquer us without the use of military means, and to then keep us passive under the new masters. By controlling the media, it tries to make us feel isolated, helpless, and intimidated. But it is a flat-out lie. There is such an awakening going on with such a wide swath of the population, that the Left is desperate to hide that, because it would encourage us and we would realize how “do-able” it is to destroy this evil.
This is very much a mental / psychological / spiritual war as much as it is an information war. So our consistent mental clarity is essential and very powerful. As each of us individually comes out from under the “mesmerism”, we help to break the spell of that mesmerism of the broader population. And our fellow Americans, left and right, are still in their essence good people who are capable of an intelligent response to this aggressively-pushed evil. Many of them are just under a hypnotic influence and still are only getting information from the corrupt left media. We can help them come out from under this mental mesmerism, but not if we ourselves are surrendering to defeatism. Happy fighting!
In essence, when we accept an emotion of defeatism, WE add OUR psychological weight to the oppressive mesmerism they are trying to exercise over the population, and thus in a way INCREASE the burden of a mesmeric sense of consciousness on the rest of the population. We need to do the opposite and BREAK it, not add to it.
Sorry!!—this is my last comment on this—but as this train of thought unfolds—in essence the psyop seeks to create a mental atmosphere among a population; and we can tangibly feel and be influenced by this mental atmosphere of thought. But that also means we can play a role in reversing and correcting this mental atmosphere.
Mass Formation Psychosis. The cure is for even a minority of folks to speak the truth out loud. God help me to have the courage to do so at every opportunity!
If you can find the video of Tucker Carlson talking to Mattias Desmet, it is an absolutely fascinating interview. It gave me a “big picture” view of where we find ourselves today in this clown world, how we got here, and what must happen to keep civilization from going into total darkness. It ultimately points to the spiritual realm.
Mass formation psychosis was evident during COVID.
No apologies TPG. Enjoyed reading this.
Appreciate your graciousness😊.
I see the point. I also see that this cretin occupying the WH is just a pimple on our collective backside, as was the Taupe Hope before him. I have to constantly stay alert that I may be falling for something Wicked this Way Comes.
Knowledge is Power.
We have to keep fighting and not give up because that's wghat they want us to do.
Ditto on being the eldest member of a once-vast Scots-Irish clan. There were 340 of us at the 1977 reunion.
The scariest part of Trumpism is he inspires a sense of national pride and castigates globalism as a disease to be eradicated.
Plus exposes how much the ruling class hates the everyday man.
They hate us, no question.
Oligarchy is such an ugly word. I can't wait to add it to my everyday conversations. It means small group of rulers. Let the word roll off your tongue and see if Hitler, ToJo, Stalin, Mussolini and the Obama/Biden regime don't dance before your eyes.
Since 1948 Europe has never paid its assessments to belong to NATO and even now is not funding the Ukrainian war, it is the U.S. The countries are unable to manage their own nations, let alone a European Union which is nothing more than an overblown bureaucracy sitting in Brussels dictating socialist ideology..
Some key European countries are in a death spiral. Low birth rates, except among the immigrant population, massive immigrant populations to begin with and the disgusting EU.
At least their elections aren’t rigged like ours. Yet.
They aren't rigged per se, but the EU will make sure that it gets the vote outcome it wants by making people vote again on the same issue until the desired outcome is reached. Example: Maastricht Treaty 1992.
And the stupid Paris Accords. the Elites are hell bent on making everyone poor but themselves. They need to look to history, because they wont be the last standing. they are usually the first to fall.
Correct. What the globalists/elitists are after is a dependent class and a ruling class The middle class is in the way.
I didnt use to think so. I thought it was all an conspiracy theory. But DJT syndrome broke a lot of brains and they showed their butts. Now they dont hide what they are doing.
That's like local school referendums where I'm from. It's crazy!
I'm not shocked at how pessimistic my fellow Surbs are. But I have a gift of seeing beneath the surface. People are walking away from the Marxist doctrine and will never return. Trumpy bully fighters will pound the enemy into dust. The Good Samaritans like me will welcome back the battered bruised former enemies. Learn from history. Winning is inevitable.
That gift is called Jesus. His threat to Rome was giving the people hope.
Very true.
Agreed. And if they don't kill you, they conduct show trials, as the Nazis and communists have done everywhere and which is going on right now in blue cities/states. The accused are already convicted and sentenced: what we are seeing are public displays of power and harm that they can inflict on any who resist, or even disagree.
Danny Huckabee
Constantini seems to be one of the few Europeans to understand and state the problem. The media in Europe just as in the US ALWAYS describe center/right politicians and movements as "far right". I listen daily to the French TV news so I know this is how they describe not only French politicians on the right but all the others in Europe.
On another note it is hot in Europe now. Surprise, it is mid Summer. But the French news are salivating over global warming like a teen with a wet dream. Continuing to ask for government action. Ha Ha Ha.
One last note they never note that our Prez/VP are like dead men walking. Again, surprise!
More than one stupid government is talking about putting glitter in the air to reflect the sun..... and its as stupid as it sounds.
Imagine if Trump had suggested that. The howling would be deafening from the left and MSM
Same reaction as "drinking bleach."
Yep, we need a mini ice age because of the idiots. They are deliberately courting what a massive volcano does and well, we have had ice ages due to volcanic action. That is ok, Purdue... a highly rated engineering school put out a paper recently that indicated we just needed to white wash everything. The area needed to be white washed was bigger than the US land mass. Idiots.
Always true that the sun, volcanoes, and other natural disasters control our existence. Other thoughts are only government control grabs....regs & taxes.
European media no better than U.S. media for the most part.
Even California is not that nutty
Bet me.
POLL: I really wanted to vote ''Yes' - but without a 2nd Amendment, the European people cannot save themselves. First, the U.S. will have to rise from the ashes, defeat our own marxist-communist pathology, then save Western Civilization in Europe, Australia, Japan and a few others places (Central & South America; maybe even pathetic Canada?).
And if we don't get Trump back in office (very likely b/c of our obvious election corruption), we are in for a bloody civil war in order to make that happen.
Agree 100%. Trump has to get back in office.
Then, "It's Time for All America to Pray."
I am doing my best to make Canada less pathetic! It's a tough job!
Good luck, you are fighting an uphill battle.
Yes it is. It's like eating an elephant: one spoon at a time. LOL.