"....USADF staff said no...."

".... the bureau is not independent and its director serves at the will and pleasure of the president...."

Please.... I'm begging Pam and Kash.... no more "planning" to investigate..no more "reviewing" the files....Fire Ward Brehm and perp walk him out of the building....raid his home at 5 a.m. and confiscate all computers, cell phones, and his wife's panties....

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Meanwhile, Perkins Coie (and how many other law firms) had an FBI/NSA kiosk in its offices to do whatever research the various DNC projects required. And since “they” had security clearances it’s all cool. But since when did an organization, not an individual, have a security clearance?

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Hilary's outside law firm must have had a security clearance to review her 30,000 emails and determine that there was nothing there, there.

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Exactly! When I heard a law firm had security clearance I thought, WTH! Does that mean anyone at the law firm had access to top secret info, unvetted individuals?

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Individual employees are cleared but there’s nothing to enforce who see the materials retrieved and what happened when that employee left? And what the heck was an FBI server doing there?

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They had a desk at the FBI for goodness sakes!

For those wanting a deeper dive into that, the illegal use of NSA database and all things Russiagate, check out theconservativetreehouse. Sundance (the owner of the site) has deeply researched this (and other deep state/blob) issues. It probably won't shock you but it might raise your blood pressure to see the inside scoop on how the leeches have co-opted our $$ and government.

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All OK but please... don't stoop to the level of the left. Raiding the wife's personal under-garments drawer is off limits in my book.

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This is EXACTLY what the Left is counting on. Republicans pussing out and taking the "high" road. How did this work out for Romney, GWB, McCain, Pence, Cheney, Ryan... ad nauseam. How did sucking up to Dems work out for these guys? Dems still hate their guts and are now all excommunicado with Republicans.

HUGE MISTAKE. Crimes committed NEED to be punished. To the full extent of the law. Isn't this what we always here?

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Absolutely, as to crimes of murder, etc., I'm all for public executions preferring firing squads. We need to be safe and fair to ORDINARY people. Being an "older" grandmother and a lover not a fighter, I am sick and tired of being scared and tired so in a civilized society there has to be rules. Let me start.......

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Right On!

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Actually I’ll take some stooping, especially if it results in better posture as a result of spine stiffening. Remember that all those congressional republicans knew all about the Perkins Coie surveillance op. They enabled and encouraged it, never admitting that all the attacks on Trump would have been replicated on any Republican candidate. Technically and legally correct and intellectually robust work is damned hard work and often requires stooping.

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Once a RINO … ALWAYS a RINO! Vote them OUT of Office.

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I regret to say I have no idea of Perkins Coie, my focus has always been on family and people charities so I've missed some things along the way ASSUMING my government was great. When Comey freed HRC so to speak, I had a lightbulb moment "my government is corrupt" but until then, all trust, all the time or most of the time.

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Ain't nobody gonna come within ten feet of Pee-losi, Warren or Water's underwear . 🎵 U can't touch that.

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We need not let our revenge dreams gain control. Does sound like fun though!

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This is the big mistake too many of us are making. One man's revenge is another man's justice.

Me, I don't care what you call it. I want to see the law enforced. I want to see the raids, the leg irons, the orange jump suits and the perp walks.

If we DON'T see this what is going to change?

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Been far too long since we witnessed that justice, right AD? I feel same way but I have no patience anymore for this circus we call government. Show me some results.

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Or in the case of Nasty Nance, the perp-stumble.

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I want to see a couple thousand watts go up a few people's asses as they fry for their actions.

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I am still pondering this word picture, but smiling evilly as I do so. The quandary, though, is who goes first? So many candidates, not enough time......

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Again, Right On!

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Agree, but there is a difference between revenge and accountability. If an audit uncovers fraud, then the hammer must fall. We all know that waste is a feature (versus a bug) of all Federal agencies which highlights the incompetency of these organizations. Incompetency requires a pink slip. Fraud requires an orange jumpsuit.

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NOT Revenge. It reflects the legal consequences of conviction of illegal or immoral or seditious or traitorous activities. We are a Nation of Laws.

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Fine line between revenge and justice.

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Not really, some times you need to salt the earth after sacking Carthage.

GOD instructed his people to completely destroy certain towns when they entered the Promised Land. Every inhabitant, every animal, every stitch of clothing every jewel was to be obliterated.

Was that revenge, or justice?

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Certainly. I personally don't expect to do another 40 years in this particular wilderness.

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That was a [ reckoning ].

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Or one way to start with a clean slate.

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Arguing over semantics ain't gunna save the country. Actionable brave people will. Me, I don't think Pam Bondi will be one of the brave.

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We need a dozen more Tom Homans.

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Not to mention a Rambo or two.

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Clone Hegseth. Better yet, ask if he has some friends. Waiting twenty years for the clone to grow up isn't a good idea.

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And his wife of many years, Elizabeth.

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Give Pam a chance. After all the Scum Bag AGs we have endured this young Lady has a lot of work to do. Let her get at it. “Think POSITIVE Vibes, Baby.” Odd Ball. 🇺🇸

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Someone on here called her Pam Blondie a week or two ago. I kinda like that and might start using it. Her performance with the Epstein files was and remains atrocious.

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That was me. I said it jokingly unfortunately it's looking like reality.

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Patience grasshopper.

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I am not sure, give her a minute to experience some of it and see, but you could be right. This is no time for being nice, it's time to TCB (take care of business; thank you Elvis.)

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Change takes time, even for Conservatives. They have been in office for only a few weeks. Maybe give them some time to start getting results. There are a lot of targets of opportunity.

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Just as likely his husband’s boxers!

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Please explain husband of whom?

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Wait! Have you seen Brehm's wife?

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Do we want to or should we?

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You can! ;)

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They probably only help that lonely Nigerian Prince write emails offering to deposit 32 million in my bank account, if I only send him ten thousand as surety and give him my account passwords.

Worthwhile cause, I'm sure.

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Meh they probably Are the Nigerian prince sending you emails.

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Hah! Was thinking the exact same thing! 😂

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now that's funny....if it weren't true.

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It's "only 26 billion or 26 million or 2.6 million or a hundred thou"... those arguments by the left piss me off. I don't care if it is 0.01% or 10% of the so-called budget. If the use of the money is fraudulent, not needed, corrupt, outdated, passe, bloated etc in any way shape or form, it is TAXPAYER funds--- remember that and protect OUR money. In our own personal budgets (in our homes) we manage this... all DOGE is doing is setting up the apparatus and structure to do the same at the Fed level- AFTER getting rid of the waste. Keep pushing; do it legally; but don't relent.

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I bet we would be sickened by the surely extremely generous salary and benefits we are paying to the staff and officers of this agency. For a job that probably involves alot of travel to Africa for the very easy and minimal job of getting to decide who to give money to. Just one more racket. Close it down. All foreign aid goes through the State Department and is properly vetted and accounted for, and each project is subsequently evaluated according to whether it accomplishes its purpose or not.

If they really love Africa so much, start their own non-profit and solicit donations from regular people (not the government), travel frugally to investigate productive potential recipients of grants, and then make some recommendations to the State Dept, which can accept or reject the recommendations based on the merits of a project, not the "connected people" involved with the project.

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Here's another idea: convert that outfit's finances into a fund to assist South African farmers who want to settle in the US, to get away from the deadly persecution incited by that country's black rulers.

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Wonder how many were sipping cocktails with the execrable mayor of LA, Karen Bass, in Ghana while LA was incinerated.

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Good point. That I know of, we haven't really heard yet what Bass was doing there. Maybe African junkets are the "cool thing du jour" of the Deep State grandees.

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IIRC Biden wanted her to go...no idea what was behind it, though Biden's last international trip was to Africa.

Surely not a coincidence

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Exactly! "Keep pushing; do it legally; but don't relent." Amen brother, right on, right on, ditto, ditto.

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We hear the "only 1%" every time DOGE uncovers waste, abuse, fraud and theft. That 1% multiplied enough will soon add up to 80%. As it did at Twitter. And being Twitter was being run by the grub'mint it all makes sense.

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As the owner of Twitter, Elon had complete control. He could fire and hire at will without this much interference from the media, the unions, and corrupt judges. This thing is a behemoth they are up against.

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A million here, a billion there ,a million here and pretty soon your talking money .h/t to anon

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Yep. I know I wasn't the only one who remembered good old Everett!

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Everett Dirksen was said to remark, "a billion here, a billion there, pretty soon you're talking real money." Dirksen, call your office (when you get back) /s

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These blobstate wackos really do think that they are important. With $36,000,000,000,000 in debt we need to stop outlays that are not core expenditures. Keep every penny at home and put it to work, not in a commiecrat slush fund lining politicians pockets.

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Exactly right. Stop the funds to these agencies and that will shut them down. That's the job of Congress who control the purse strings and they aren't doing it. I think they're the real culprits here.

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Delete culprits, insert thieves. There, I fixed it for you.

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Maybe we need term limits for all the swamp creatures. When I lived in DC I would see Lincoln Town Cars with liveried drivers sitting outside of places waiting on the swells with motors running wasting gas and polluting the atmosphere. I have been known to look at them and say "drive yourself" and that's the start of the madness. Too many perqs and too much power for too little work.

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These people have been part of The Blob for so long they can’t seem to wrap their heads around anything else. Guess that’s all they see themselves as, minute cogs in a massive machine & that gives/validates their identity. Up in NYC the fired FBI director & employees put on a parade for themselves as they left their building.

The amount of false “pride” in who they are/work for is both astonishing & telling; me thinks they revere govt more than God or themselves.

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Government IS their God. Understandably so, given the divine-level blessings they've been getting, all paid for by you and me.

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When you're many trillions in debt, the first thing you do is stop spending, even the nickels and dimes.

I do not GAF that this help-Africa agency is a relatively small budget item. There are literally tens of thousands of relatively small budget items. Cut them all, and you've really done something significant.

And besides, you know damn well that some very very tiny % of this agency's budget is actually being put to productive use in Africa. The lion's share goes to pay salaries, benefits, and perks for agency employees. I'll bet it's something akin to 5% going to Africa and 95% staying in DC.

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Musk needs to outfit DOGE employees with tee shirts that say DODGE DOGE AND WIND UP IN THE STEEL CHATEAU..

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That is a kinder, gentler way of saying FAFO.

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There is a difference between emergency aid and long term aid for development. Why are we giving aid to Africa or any other country? If a country in Africa needs short term aid to avert a natural disaster or famine then ok. But that is not what we are doing year after year for the most part. We are throwing money at regimes to shore them up and make them dependent on us, thus a small ally. Smell the CIA here? Why not take our aid money and award it to American companies with expertise in things like farming, water development, and housing and let them teach the people how to become self sufficient. Im not talking about mega companies here, just small companies with a track record of success and expertise. This is not a new idea. Much of Africa is not able to sustain humans. Why do we keep giving those areas money to perpetuate what will never be for the indigenous people? Either relocate them or cut them loose. Heartless? Maybe but we cannot be Santa Claus for the world.

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Saw a video earlier about the land takings in South Africa. Highly productive farmers taken from the white land owners and given to blacks. The farms subsequently failed time after time. In one instance, a large orchard was simply chopped down for firewood. Another was a vegetable farm that is now barren. The same thing happened in Rhodesia and is happening all over the continent.

This is what our money is financing along with the genocide in many other places.

I wonder how much of their "aid" went to the Somalia pirates to buy boats and RPGs.

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This is what our CIA does best. F**k up everything they touch.

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My prayer is that this will change drastically and soon.

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This happened when ISRAEL gave up the west bank.

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Let' em have the continent ; there is no helping the natives of Africa. They will have to solve their own problems ; and that will not turn out well .

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Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.

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Teach a man to fish and you keep him from annoying his wife for the entire summer. All winter too in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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Give a man a match and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life. :-)

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AMERICA FIRST has to be the new way or we won't survive. Cut the BS because we know half or more ot the so called aid goes to dictators and friends and not where it's supposed to. Help the people here in our country on the dole and do what Reddog suggests to get our people off welfare, off the streets and out of tents on drugs. There MUST be stronger drug penalties too for sellers, see what they do to them in China...bye bye.

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Never ever give taxpayer money to a private concern .

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The Democrats and these liberal judges are, once again, using stall tactics, not the constitution, to try to slow President Trump down until they figure out a way to keep him from making things right and stopping all their gravy train institutions. Hopefully, the Supreme Courts gets all this settled on President Trump's side soon and the bureaucracy becomes old news.

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The supreme court hears about 75 cases per year and takes months to write opinions. We need them to lump all these cases together then reverse them with a statement that future challenges to the executive orders be made directly to the SCOTUS.

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SCOTUS would drown in an avalanche.

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Only if they choose to waste time hearing them. They have plenty of interns and law clerks who can send rejection notices then bill them for filing frivolous complaints.

I believe that if just one law firm involved in these actions were to get penalized, they'd think long and hard about what they are pulling.

The problem is, that will never happen.

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I've read some very helpful pieces on the difference between temporary restraining orders and permanent restraining orders at the sub stack of Jeff Childers (Coffee and COVID). He argues that these are process driven arguments and that it will ultimately work as we desire--the trim the administrative state. Recission may be the means in Congress vs. restoration of impoundment authority (to the president).

I'm adopting Pres. Trump's attitude; "We'll see", plus faith that he and his team are adamant.

Hopefully Congress will work on growing more spine or b*lz.

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There is very little that exceeds the impact of well-reasoned debate and decision by the Supreme Court. They are but one of three branches. To my observation, judicial confirmations have been effected more severely by our opposition over the past decades.

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Can you explain that last sentence?

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Republicans historically have been quite accommodating of democrats-nominated judges. Then there are Bork, Clarence Thomas, Kavanaugh….

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Three among thousands. How many Trump appointees got the treatment by donks that republicans give to Xiden's and the SCoaMF's nominees?

Hell, half the republican caucus act like they are donks. They treat Trump nominations like they are the enemy. I guess maybe they aren't on our side of the isle but apparently the choices in some states must be thinner than an Ethiopian dog.

But who am I to talk, Kansas has Marshall.

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Starmer is just another Marxist terrorist wannabe. So predictable. Wimpy little grey men and ladies drunk with power. Idiots elect these sociopaths and then wonder why everything sucks. I'd say do the math, but these overeducated people don't understand basic arithmetic.

These legal rulings protecting insurrectionists only make sense in terms of being partisan and corrupt. They aren't constitutional.These judicial activists need to be impeached and removed from office.

Federal bureaucrats may wish upon Obama's fallen star, but they do not have lifetime appointments. If the President can appoint and hire people who report to him, then he can damn well terminate their employment. I know it's uncivilized of me to suggest this, but it wouldn't be the least satisfying thing in the world to see if these people got tossed out the door like a sloppy drunk from an 1880's Tombstone saloon, hoisted by their belt and their collar and airborne till they hit the dusty street. I'd be glad to lend a hand. Democracy, my ass. These are parasites and autocrats. When Biden was President he did all kinds of illegal things and most of Washington was only too happy to look away. When Trump is President and seeks to exercise his legal authority within the Constitution, it's a constant argument. Throw the bums out, close the agencies, prosecute those who are criminals, and reestablish respect for the citizens and taxpayers.


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Well said , thanks Tanto .

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What the Trump administration is doing is good and essential if we’ve any hope of restoring the true Constitutional Republic our Founders constructed for us to adhere to.

That said, each day as we learn of the length, depth and breadth of corruption, malfeasance and malign intents our own government has been involved in over decades and decades, for me, it is almost soul crushing. The natural reaction is to cry out for justice, to put an end to it once and for all, and for the worst of the perpetrators to be punished so it won’t continue to happen, and can’t ever happen again.

That yearning for Justice must be channeled into prayer, for only God is the true dispenser of Justice, if we truly want it done in righteousness, not forgetting mercy.

I find myself enraged almost on a daily basis as each of the revelations of these crimes and injustices injustices get exposed. It becomes almost impossible to imagine where even to begin, much moreso how it can even be accomplished. I’m not comfortable with that almost despairing feeling, and can only remember that this time we are living through right now is a bonafide miracle if ever there was one.

I have no idea how it’s all going to flesh out over time, but I must remain confident that God did not brings us to this point to fail as long as we don’t lose sight of Him and His commandments. Abiding by that singular and most powerful truth is the only way we not only get through this the right way, but in the way that will set the foundation for the future.

I know I say it all the time, but I mean it on a level beyond this realm we are living in: pray. Turn your passion for Justice, righteousness and mercy into prayer. Do what the Lord commands you and be led by Him and His Word. That’s how to go through this without losing your mind, or more importantly your soul.

These are good things that are happening but the world is still a bad place with bad people - always will be. We must be strong in faith, courageous and full of hope in the Lord.

Sorry if this sounds quite “preachy” but it’s meant to be encouraging because, well, it’s really hard to get though this any other way, for me anyway. Hope this helps.

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You are right, Suzie, and prayer has already accomplished so much.

I suspect that a huge improvement has already occurred that we don't even realize yet. The cutting off of the gigantic government slush fund is probably having a tidal wave impact beneath the surface. Witness even in the last 12 hours news that ActBlue is melting down, losing senior officers, legal counsel, and donations. Plus that ABC News is laying off and shutting down divisions.

We are talking enormous billions of dollars--ALL of which has been funding the LEFT, not us, and it is being shut down. The blows we are landing now are probably CRIPPLING blows.

When DOGE first announced the $$ going to news organizations, we all knew immediately about Politico, which couldn't make payroll, and Reuters, and AP. But that same news also said money was going to (IIRC) 607 news organizations. 607!! I want to see the list of ALL of them.

My prayer list focus is:

#1 - The safety of Trump and his cabinet.

#2 - For the hypnotism that has gripped the country to be fully broken; especially the salvageable people who have been voting liberal (the muddy, deceitful darkness)

#3 - For the hypnotism that has gripped the Western Democracies to be fully broken (Europe, Britain, Canada). (the muddy, deceitful darkness)

#4 - For God's light, lift, and Truth to be shed on all dark places where evil has been hiding.

Well, that's my current list.

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Being in real estate, I follow a couple of podcasts by brokers out of the DMV market ( that’s D.C.- Maryland - Virginia, not the Dept. of Motor Vehicles). The market there is imploding and home prices have been slashed by an average of $150,000. The inventory being dumped in the market is exploding. So, yes, there is a lot of progress in slashing the number of federal employees and adjacent private sector businesses. Like a thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean, I’d say it’s a good start! 😉

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Wow, $150,000 is alot of price slashing It sure would be good to have the population in that DMV market become less heavily Democratic.

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Hah! Yes, the list is long! I too pray specifically, but to avoid being overwhelmed at leaving anything or anyone out sometimes I just have to pray, “THY WILL be done, on earth as it is in Heaven!”

The Psalms are great too!

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So true, Suzie. For me, the preceding clause resonates: "Thy kingdom come." And Jesus saying repeatedly that the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, is within us, is already upon us. Rev. 19:6 (KJV) "The Lord God omnipotent reigneth."

The darkness has deceptively tried to say that IT reigneth. (It also likes to think it's omnipotent--hah!) But per Rev. 12:9, "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world".

One view of this piece of theology says that that only happens at one point in time, at the cataclysmic Apocalypse. Another view is that this represents the underlying condition ALWAYS, including NOW--outside of "time"-- anytime the true reality of God and His permanent government of His Reality is discerned and embraced.

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Double dittos.

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Thanks for the reminder that the kingdom was taken away from Saul when he created a tribute to himself.

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Anyone else tired of parasites and vermin being protected by some judge asshat in Nowhereyouveheardof issuing injunctions that are ninth circus level firm ??Funny how these creatures have more spine than elected politicians yet rely on them for protection from PDJT and his aides.Time to bullDOGE the damn place and plant trees.Good poll for tgif so thank you Poca-Man and enjoy your day off.

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I have some new lyrics for the Democrats to sing In their new role as food service workers.

Instead of “Which side are you on?”

Which sides do you want?

Which sides do you want?

Greenbeens corn bread and okra

Corn mashed potato’s too

There’s black eyed peas

And Mac and cheese

It’s all been made for you!


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Moral equivalent of "Y'ont fries widdat?"

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I know many of us, including myself, are frustrated at the pace Bondi and Patel are proceeding with their jobs. I would think the first thing at the top of their list would be to clear out the swamp creatures in their own departments. Remember, we are talking about the DOJ and the FBI here, two of the swampiest infested agencies in government. I can't imagine that undertaking, especially in light of the crooked, political judges in the system ready to block you at every turn.

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The fact that they were only confirmed a few days ago warrants a tiny bit of patience.

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Even we conservatives give little tiny babies a chance to learn to walk. Most of those start out slowly but soon get tired of crawling. At 83, crawling is suddenly off my list of activities.

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At 84 I can still handle it -- though not if I have a choice.

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Good grief!! One month!

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Mike Johnson needs to get busy and also help mop all of these fiefdoms out of the swamp through legislation: one big beautiful bill that FLUSHES all of them! Forever. What a wonderful sound!

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Johnson should spend more time strong arming his caucus and less time at Nascar races and football games. He’s a dud. He is going to disappoint all of us.

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Hard to disappoint me when I expect him to be a deep state thug like the last dozen or so.

Maybe the next one will surprise me by being somewhat honest? Nah

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Feel free to quote my Mom's favorite non-scripture: "Blesses is he that expects nothing, for he shall not be disappointed!"

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He already has disappointed some of us.

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But I DID like the way he jumped up and down on Al Green before the STOTU.!

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You can't have a Speaker of the House who looks like an owl. You need one that looks like Rambo.

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He is a Swamp creature. Don't really see much difference between this Swamp creature and the Kevin McCarthy Swamp creature. They just want to be loved by everyone.

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Neither were an improvement on Lyin' Ryan. What ever puppet master is controlling them is using the same script.

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Is that like Ross Perot's "giant sucking sound?" I do agree that Johnson & Congress must get busy doing their work of enacting legislation, otherwise this will be all for nothing.

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