Trump Triumphing Over Evil
The Raid on Mar-A-Lago likely gets him re-elected. (By the way, today's poll is terrific.)
“Come sundown, there’s gonna be two things true that ain’t true now. One is the United States Department of Justice is goin’ to know what in the good Christ is goin’ on around here. And the other is I’m gonna have someone’s ass in my briefcase.” Wilford Brimley as Wells in Absence of Malice.
In the movie, DOJ lawyers tried to pressure Paul Newman’s character into testifying by leaking lies about him to the press. Newman uses his wit to get the investigators investigated as Washington sends in a grown-up, played by Wilford Brimley, to clean up the mess.
America needs you, Wilford Brimley. Wilford, won’t you please come home.
But there are no grown-ups left in Washington. The FBI and the rest of the government feed a steady stream of lies to a Washington press corps that believes it is doing the work of Edward R. Murrow when it is really Ralph Wiggums saying, “I’m helping.”
For four years, the press flogged the dead piñata of the Russian hoax. The press promoted the Mueller investigation as if the former FBI director were Eliot Ness going after Al Capone. The Jeff Bezos Washington Post, NYT, AP, the networks and the cable news stations all praised Bobby Sox Mueller.
Carl Cannon, executive editor of RealClearPolitics, stood almost alone in reminding the public how Mueller and his successor at the FBI, Jimmy the Weasel Comey, botched their first big case after 9/11.
Cannon wrote, “They botched the investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that took five lives and infected 17 other people, shut down the U.S. Capitol and Washington’s mail system, solidified the Bush administration’s antipathy for Iraq, and eventually, when the facts finally came out, made the FBI look feckless, incompetent, and easily manipulated by outside political pressure.”
It was an inside job. A government researcher sent the anthrax letters. Clouseau and Clueless nabbed the wrong researcher.
Cannon wrote, “Despite the jihadist slogans accompanying the mailed anthrax, it had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein or any foreign element; the FBI ignored a 2002 tip from a scientific colleague of the actual anthrax killer, who turned out to be a Fort Detrick scientist named Bruce Edwards Ivins; the reason is that they had quickly obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill; the bureau was bullied into focusing on the government scientist by Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy (whose office, along with that of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, was targeted by an anthrax-laced letter) and was duped into focusing on Hatfill by two sources — a conspiracy-minded college professor with a political agenda who’d never met Hatfill and by Nicholas Kristof, who put her conspiracy theories in the paper while mocking the FBI for not arresting Hatfill.
“In truth, Hatfill was an implausible suspect from the outset. He was a virologist who never handled anthrax, which is a bacterium. (Ivins, by contrast, shared ownership of anthrax patents, was diagnosed as having paranoid personality disorder, and had a habit of stalking and threatening people with anonymous letters — including the woman who provided the long-ignored tip to the FBI).”
Eventually, evidence cleared Hatfill and Ivins killed himself. Taxpayers paid Hatfill $5.82 million — hush money — to cover the asses of Mueller and Comey.
Everyone in DC knew this when the Russian hoax investigation began but ignored it to praise Mueller and promote him as the savior of the republic who would get Donald Trump for a crime that not only did he not commit but it didn’t exist!
For months on end, the press passed along lie after lie as Mueller fed their fantasies of the 2016 election being all a fantasy. The press rewarded Mueller with reports about the walls closing in and a dam about to break. Two years and $24 million later, Mueller found nothing because there was nothing to find.
No one in the press apologized. The media went on to the next nonsense — the impeachment of a president because he asked Zelensky to see about investigating corruption by Hunter Biden. Investigating a political opponent is something only done in a banana republic.
We know now, buddy. Boy, do we know.
The press thought it hit the jackpot with the January 6 actually peaceful protest inside the Capitol. Thousands of innocents face bogus charges approved by the kangaroo courts of DC but this horseshit opera isn’t over until the fat ladies and gentlemen of the Supreme Court sing their song.
Which brings me to Mar-A-Lago.
In the summer of 2022, an FBI SWAT team raided Donald Trump’s home.
30 agents spent 9 hours rifling through his stuff. They confiscated 100,000 items and claimed 100 of them were classified material that Trump should not have.
That means 99.9% of the stuff the FBI took the agents had no business taking. They stole it. The full list of items taken is here. The items seized included 1,693 newspapers and news clippings. Having a clipping of a recipe from a newspaper can land you in jail as a national security law violator but being secretary of state and sending 33,000 emails full of State secrets to foreign donors to your fake charity does not.
I was blogging at the time. I wrote on September 5, 2022:
J. Edgar Hoover set the FBI up not to necessarily solve crimes but to garner publicity and get the goods on the politicians in Washington.
The tradition continues today. The FBI used facial recognition technology to hunt down and harass Trump supporters who dared protest at the Capitol.
This raid is all too typical. They did the same thing to Richard Jewell 26 years ago when they tried to frame him for the Atlanta Olympics bombing. He was a hero who saved hundreds of lives and the FBI treated him like shit.
The president is only the latest to suffer from the bureau bullies. The list of items confiscated shows the biggest threat to domestic tranquility is spelled F-B-I.
By the way, taxpayers had to pay hush money to Jewell to cover up the FBI’s persecution of the man. I can list many more examples including Ruby Ridge. I won’t because I need the space to look at the Raid at Mar-A-Lago, which is about to get its Happily Ever After.
Fox reported the judge on Tuesday postponed the trial indefinitely. This came after chief witch hunter Jack R. Smith admitted on Friday that he tampered with evidence.
The Fox story said, “Smith and federal prosecutors admitted in a court filing that documents seized during the raid on Mar-a-Lago are no longer in their original order and sequence.
“‘There are some boxes where the order of items within that box is not the same as in the associated scans,’ Smith’s filing states.
“The prosecutors had previously told the court that the documents were ‘in their original, intact form as seized.’”
I am not a lawyer but it looks like the judge must dismiss the case with prejudice because of this tampering. How can anyone trust the FBI when it claims this paper or that document was at Mar-A-Lago when they raided the place? Jack S lying to the court should result in an investigation. Perhaps the various Bars that the Jack S is a member of should issue sanctions against him.
The contamination of the evidence also should moot the indictments in DC but again, I am no lawyer.
After the judge postponed this trainwreck indefinitely, Julie Kelly of Real Clear Investigations tweeted:
You will see tonight outrage by legal “experts” about Judge Cannon vacating trial date and refusing to set a new one. They will again accuse her of being in the tank for Trump and demand Jack Smith seek her recusal.
At the same time, these frauds will refuse to cover all of the new developments related to DOJ tampering with evidence, misrepresenting the condition of the evidence to the court, doctored evidence, and perhaps even missing/misplaced documents.
Keep in mind — Jack Smith is the one who decided to bring this unprecedented indictment in June 2023 then add a superseding indictment on the case a month later. He then handed down the DC indictment in August 2023--Judge Chutkan leapfrogged over Cannon's initial date and set a March 4 trial date, further delaying proceedings in Florida.
Smith forced the defendants to comply with CIPA, which are stringent rules related to handling/sharing of classified materials in such cases.
His team foot-dragged discovery and failed to set up a secure location for months where defense could view classified discovery evidence.
Cannon has held numerous sealed and public hearings over the past several months as well as addressed multiple competing motions for dismissal of the case.
We know why Jack S wants a delay because he knew all along he has no case and this is all for show like the Mueller investigation was. Jack S should have his ass in a briefcase.
As I said, there are no Wilford Brimleys in Washington.
But the American public is there and most people know the difference between shit and Shinola.
Last summer, the Bezos Post reported, “Nearly 6 in 10 Americans think that the investigations into Trump are an effort to keep him from winning the White House next year. Trump argues that he’s being indicted because his opponents want to punish his supporters; half of Republicans think that the probes are ‘an attack on people like me.’”
That poll was taken weeks before the Mugshot Seen ’Round The World.
My poll runs today.
Were there not also tips to the FBI about guys taking flight simulator lessons who were only interested in flying the jet but had no interest in taking off or landing? Maybe the FBI's finest were investigating a meany-head parent raising their voice at a PTA meeting at the time. And too bad Peter Sellers is gone. He could have played the perfect part as Chief Inspector Robert Mueller.
"JACK S" is classic. I just keep saying it and the way it comes out of my mouth really works. Good column and refresher course in how criminally unfair things are in this country. What puzzles me is how the Clinton's have avoided any scrutiny. They should both be in jail.