Were there not also tips to the FBI about guys taking flight simulator lessons who were only interested in flying the jet but had no interest in taking off or landing? Maybe the FBI's finest were investigating a meany-head parent raising their voice at a PTA meeting at the time. And too bad Peter Sellers is gone. He could have played the perfect part as Chief Inspector Robert Mueller.
Don't forget the 15 (15!) agents they dispatched to investigate the "noose" (that turned out to be a garage door pull) that was found in Bubba Wallace's garage.
She was ignored because she was a female, something that pisses me off. Sometimes we men are numbnuts, dumb as a box of rocks. I include myself in that although I'm learning quickly at the age of 76.
Take your time. There's no rush and above anything else DO NOT worry. About ANYTHING. When I turned the everyday nonsense over to God my life became remarkably better. I am a better person for it.
plus all the mass shooters that were 'known' to the FBI. They either investigated them and cleared them or ignored them. Then in a lot of cases, covered up that the FBI knew. I cant find the link but there were 55ish of the last 60. And it was sourced.
I understand why many people jump to conspiracy theories but conspiracies are unnecessary as long as the men in charge are as dumb as a box of rocks. Men. Box of rocks. End of lesson. The solution is smack your forehead now and say duh listen more often to women. Thank them for their counsel. Don't take credit for it dumbass. I see I've got a lot of work to do bringing these guys up to speed. But like I've said before I like a good fight and I don't mind training dumbasses as long as they let me use a little sarcasm once in awhile and yes they will walk off the job sometimes oh well.
"JACK S" is classic. I just keep saying it and the way it comes out of my mouth really works. Good column and refresher course in how criminally unfair things are in this country. What puzzles me is how the Clinton's have avoided any scrutiny. They should both be in jail.
It sucks living in a country run by evil men. From starting a war with the Spanish, to letting men die at a known Pearl Harbor attack, to imprisoning Japanese Citizens, to shooting a beloved President, to killing tens of thousands in Indochina, to framing a popular president at Watergate, to stealing elections to flying planes into buildings, to starting riots in cities, to creating vaccines that make men docile, to creating a virus that maims and kills, to flooding the streets with drugs, and to ineptly trying to impeach imprison and defame a good man, we should all be ashamed. FJB
Thank you, I agree with you and Suzie. I could write for hours on the sickness and evil of those in and around DC. Glad to know, there will be a new wing in Hell for all of these people. FJB
If Trump is convicted of anything before the election, his supporters should vote for him twice each, and if he's sent to jail, they should vote for him four times, you know, by legally "ballot harvesting".
That may be true, but I think in 2024 as long as we're at the table doing what we can, Trump's margin will be too great for the diaper jockey to overcome.
Only a complete fool would @ this point. Trump nailed it: “they are the Gestapo”. The agency needs to be dissolved, the bldg burnt to the ground & the ground thoroughly salted so that it may never rise again. Federal Marshals can pick up any slack.
“Jack S lying to the court should result in an investigation.”
As well as firing, disbarment, charges, & imprisonment. If there are no repercussions for this type of criminal behavior it will only happen again. In a just world he would receive all of the aforementioned. He should be cast out onto the streets & forced to beg for a living.
Where do you find a patriot who will do the legwork for this?? The Trumpster can set wheels in motion for the fix but finding the right person and staff to carry it out just seems to be a bridge too far in the current politicized legal system.
Don, your column is a blue print for three presidential terms (Trump plus two Republican successors). You named names. You named departments. You named felonies. In January, Trump should establish the Thug Justice Department, a massive force that sues the living shit out of every corrupt maggot...and that includes Obama and Hillary. No exceptions. Bring charge after charge so the bastards sweat 24/7. Suck every last ill-gotten dollar they stole from the government with legal fees. Bankrupt them and leave them homeless. In fact, deport them. And while he is at it, Trump must strip all freedom of the press by establishing a Fuck the Media Department. Bankrupt and incarcerate them for their cover up stories and lies to the American people. Gotta go now. I'm working on a Strangle Congress Plan.
Just wait. His VP will be tough as nails. This is Trump's vengeance against the Deep State. They will be nonexistent in due time. "You're fired" will be followed by "and criminally charged." Aileen Cannon will be a busy judge.
The VP choice is about the most important decision for Trump to make. I get furious when I hear people say the VP choice doesn’t matter.
It will take at least 12 years to clean DC and the VP will be doing most (8 years) of that work. They have to have a resolve stronger and deeper than Trump.
While all that is happening the case in Georgia collapsed yesterday. The State Board of Elections discovered that there were 380,000 votes in the final count that did not exist in paper and ruled that both the hand re-count and the machine recount did not meet Georgia law. In effect, Georgia did not have an election in 2020.
I live in Northeast Georgia and had to look up this claim as I stay detached from Atlanta news as much as possible.
Burt Jones is Georgia’s current Lt Governor and he is being “investigated” (read “framed”) for his role as one of Trump’s “fake electors.” Mr Jones’s endorsement for 2024 presidential election was not mentioned. But then Atlanta Journal/Constitution, the AP, and the NYT report everything except real news.
I did find that Georgia’s former Republican Lt Governor, Geoff Duncan, endorsed Xiden for 2024. He “served” as Lt Governor for one term. I now wonder if he was “won”. the Lt Governor race in 2018 for the purpose of helping to steal the presidential and senator races in 2020.
I am not the only one here... I think Trump should publicly challenge the very compromised 'judge' to jail him. All the way.
Remember, Trump is probably the only person in DC that is not compromised by the IC. Please review this against Henry Cuellar(D-TX) who publicly challenged Xiden about the border. Note that all congresscritters are bribed in some way... Very important read.
FTA: Except for Trump... "All of the DC politicians participate in this type of influence selling. There are ZERO federal elected officials who do not participate in this process. And within that dynamic, we find the answer to how the Intelligence Community exists to control all of the DC political systems without any checks in their authority. (snip) if the DOJ/FBI knew this stuff for so long, why did they wait?"
That is why they hate Trump. After 10 yrs and these lame a$$ cases are all they can come up with on him. Everyone else they blackmail, everyone has either skeletons or family. The other one who has survived all the attacks is Supreme Court Clarence Thomas.
I don’t know how others think but I think the vast majority of the public has at least a suspicious eye raised if the FBI comes a knocking’. I wouldn’t talk to them without an attorney present and probably would only say “I don’t recall”. Hillary taught us that one and see how that worked for her. Guilty as heck, free as a bird.
I'd like to believe the FBI is full of mostly "Jim Malone" types who are unfortunately led by people totally devoid of any moral or ethical base whatsoever similar to Hillary Clinton, Mayorkas, or Barck Obama. But I'm no longer sure. Is the brotherhood of the FBI so lock-step loyal that the rank and file employee is blind to what the Bureau has been doing for a very long time? Are they so afraid of losing their jobs and benefits they are scared to report wrongdoing? Or are they just conveniently blind when necessary so they go along to get along? I have long wondered the answer to this as it appears, just by what has already been reported, that the Bureau is no longer an unbiased member of the American Justice system. They appear to have become the American version of the German Jack-Boot enforcers and if this is true, we have already crossed the redline into a tyrannical government. Whatever the case, the GOP's never-ending investigations with no actions are not going to fix it because the "fix" requires a backbone not currently available to them. It will take a very hard and determined push by a president who cares more about the country than he does about his own welfare to fix it. Maybe we have gotten to the place where everyone needs to ask, "is the FBI still necessary today", given the preponderance of other very similar agencies in the federal government? I don't have the answer but someone better come up with it quick because to do nothing is to turn our system of justice into one resembling the KGB 2.0.
There is a business model for change. I served in Joint Forces Command during the war. The services didn't like JFCOM much (Gen Mattis was in charge). After I left they installed Odierno as Commander and he dismantled in. He transferred the pieces that were good to the Joint Staff and the rest of it was eliminated. Cleaning house can be done.
Having been an Army guy I never understood the Gen. Mathis character. The Marines I talked to during my twenty six years seemed bent on promoting the Mathis legend but I never could figured out why he deserved it. He was good at talking tough for sure but ..................
Anyway. not sure why the military, which has an established chain of command and hierarchy that has stood the test of time always wants to create a unique hybrid command when things go hot. They rarely work efficiently. Ray Odierno seemed to be more of a purist with the mantra that "simple is usually better". I don't know why the federal government does not have some mechanism built internally to "keep it simple and effective". But I do know we are on very dangerous ground today with respect to the blatant weaponization of our justice system and a majority of our federal agencies. The federal government has become too big to effectively manage today and as always happens, when not closely supervised by adults and held accountable, it starts its never-ending empire building and lust for power. We will likely never see a wholesale cutting of the federal workforce unless we go "broker", but it seems to me it would be far easier to simply craft a bill that obligates every agency to begin paring, say 5% of its staff and budget every year until the federal government has been reduced to 50% of its present staffing. But in the present state of the country, that would take a monumental effort on the part of both party's, but it is necessary for our prolonged existence. It is reported that today it takes creation of about seventeen private sector jobs to support the creation of one new federal job. Even an elected member of congress can see that is unsustainable long-term and detrimental to a healthy economy. Time to get started with the barn cleaning. Vote DJT to start the cleaning.
It was a tough poll today but I think tough polls are more fun. They encourage you to think. I went with Kaczynski. I thought his character (terrorist and violent bomber type) went with Smith since he's hellbent on helping to destroy the country.
The shit show continues and the donks just get more outrageous as election nears.Great deep dive into recent history exposing the regime for what it is.I feel the stupidity and paranoia of msm/dems is about to ramp up even further as PDJT gains votes with every circus act unveiled to the American populace.Preach on Mr. Surber as we work to a MAGA 2024 revival of America.Poll was chewy so I picked Z as he and Jack S share egos beyond their capacity to control.
The same FBI Washington geniuses ignored frantic calls from a female agent in the Minneapolis office describing a flight student who told instructors to skip takeoffs and landings, wanting only to learn to fly while already airborne. This is detailed in the 9/11 investigation results that were published and probably half of American bought copies of.
The problem is the location of the FBI. Close and sell the DC office building. If there is to be an FBI, let it exist as several regional offices on equal terms with local law enforcement. Offices can interact with Main Justice, the IRS, State and other Federal agencies but should not be allowed to build out a home office operation that will naturally seek the approval of the Congress and White House.
Nice 'un Don. Always enjoy a good old movie reference or a song lyrics from the past. As we sit in our overstuffed lazy boy and type on all the electronic shit, while watching on our big screens, has given us a feeling of superiority of say lets call it, over the third world shithole countries. I don't believe that I've ever seen so much corruption in my life from these alphabet agencies, then to add further salt in the wound to have all of the media both, press, electronic etc. continue to spread the word as gospel in the same manner as farmers dump the bullshit out of their manure spreaders. I sometimes feel as though I've been put through a blender, coming out dazed, confused, not knowing where to turn let alone what to believe. It simply has gone on way to damn long. Day after day, year after year, congressional investigation after congressional investigation, and least but the ever popular "Special Counsel fiasco" that will do absolutely nothing but consume millions of my taxpayers dollars, and yield no results, ie no one goes to jail, no one hangs, and the ever popular no one, I mean no one is EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE. my coffee is getting cold...
And that is what they fear the most if Trump wins this year: their COMEUPPANCE.
When DJT entered the Oval office in 2017, even he believed he could work with these people, that there was a system in place the he could work with, operate within to enact great things for the country. But he became increasingly aware, as did we all, that that purported system had been corrupted to its marrow. Even so, undaunted by the enormity of - and what had to be puzzling to him - relentless pushback he got, even from his own party, he still gave many the benefit of the doubt, wanting to still trust that the system was greater than the people operating within it. He kept Comey on, he had Pence as his VP, he chose Mueller and Barr, and many, many, countless others, he chose, relied upon, delegated to, and placed his trust in to pursue that which was good, right and true, and that they’d behave in accordance to the system our Founders had laid down for us.
What he found out, too late in the game sadly, was that trust and belief was sadly misplaced, and far, far from the case. The system had been captured by a very unAmerican cabal. And He, the President of the USA, was a threat to their plans and their covert profitable business.
And that’s how we all came to see it too. The fake 2020 election just sealed the deal. Before we may have thought government was bad, or incompetent, or feckless or what have you, but none of us had any idea just how rotten to the core it truly was, and that it itself would be an actual threat to our very liberties and pursuit of happiness.
All that to say, the DJT who will win in 2024 will NOT be the DJT who won in 2016.
Oh no. He’s going in this time with his eyes WIDE open. No more Mr. Nice Guy. He’s going to come after them, with the sword of theRule of Law in his sheath. Their jig is up. And they know it.
Indeed. Well said! Of all the too-numerous-to-count bad actors, Bill Barr has got to be one of the worst. I always think back to the speech he made to the graduating class of law students at Notre Dame in 2019. There is no way in hell the guy who gave that speech morphed into a Swamp Rat within those several years. That is without being compromised.
Were there not also tips to the FBI about guys taking flight simulator lessons who were only interested in flying the jet but had no interest in taking off or landing? Maybe the FBI's finest were investigating a meany-head parent raising their voice at a PTA meeting at the time. And too bad Peter Sellers is gone. He could have played the perfect part as Chief Inspector Robert Mueller.
Don't forget the 15 (15!) agents they dispatched to investigate the "noose" (that turned out to be a garage door pull) that was found in Bubba Wallace's garage.
Full bloom idiots at their finest.
Nice phrasing Marion. Forgive my secretary for misspelling your name.
LOL. Surprised it didn't involve a SWAT team!
Well, they had the 15 agents so they must’ve been short four black SUVs that day.
The tip about the flight lessons actually came from an FBI agent in Minneapolis who was ignored.
She was ignored because she was a female, something that pisses me off. Sometimes we men are numbnuts, dumb as a box of rocks. I include myself in that although I'm learning quickly at the age of 76.
They were likely focused on radically extremist Catholics that day.
I laugh loudly again. This taming of the Mad Dog is going to take a little bit longer than I thought.
Take your time. There's no rush and above anything else DO NOT worry. About ANYTHING. When I turned the everyday nonsense over to God my life became remarkably better. I am a better person for it.
plus all the mass shooters that were 'known' to the FBI. They either investigated them and cleared them or ignored them. Then in a lot of cases, covered up that the FBI knew. I cant find the link but there were 55ish of the last 60. And it was sourced.
They encouraged them.
And entrapped others. That organization needs to be dismantled and burnt to the ground.
I understand why many people jump to conspiracy theories but conspiracies are unnecessary as long as the men in charge are as dumb as a box of rocks. Men. Box of rocks. End of lesson. The solution is smack your forehead now and say duh listen more often to women. Thank them for their counsel. Don't take credit for it dumbass. I see I've got a lot of work to do bringing these guys up to speed. But like I've said before I like a good fight and I don't mind training dumbasses as long as they let me use a little sarcasm once in awhile and yes they will walk off the job sometimes oh well.
"JACK S" is classic. I just keep saying it and the way it comes out of my mouth really works. Good column and refresher course in how criminally unfair things are in this country. What puzzles me is how the Clinton's have avoided any scrutiny. They should both be in jail.
actually....i don't believe you're puzzled azca.
Not at all... LOL as they say.
Well, it is easier than typing "(sarcasm)."
It sucks living in a country run by evil men. From starting a war with the Spanish, to letting men die at a known Pearl Harbor attack, to imprisoning Japanese Citizens, to shooting a beloved President, to killing tens of thousands in Indochina, to framing a popular president at Watergate, to stealing elections to flying planes into buildings, to starting riots in cities, to creating vaccines that make men docile, to creating a virus that maims and kills, to flooding the streets with drugs, and to ineptly trying to impeach imprison and defame a good man, we should all be ashamed. FJB
You forgot the wide open border.....
In fairness, the list is sooo long it would take up the entire Substack bandwidth to publish!!
Thank you, I agree with you and Suzie. I could write for hours on the sickness and evil of those in and around DC. Glad to know, there will be a new wing in Hell for all of these people. FJB
When the next time someone tells you, "You don't know Jack Shit" now you can tell them, "Yes, I do!"
Very good, Skinnydip, very good!
If Trump is convicted of anything before the election, his supporters should vote for him twice each, and if he's sent to jail, they should vote for him four times, you know, by legally "ballot harvesting".
Trouble is, the dems have far more experience with that.
That may be true, but I think in 2024 as long as we're at the table doing what we can, Trump's margin will be too great for the diaper jockey to overcome.
From your keyboard to God's ears.
Amen tj and Cosmic .
Check out Tucker’s interview with Katherine Englebrecht. We’re already 10 million behind.
I repeatedly post: if you entered the country illegally, you are NOT a citizen! Please repost - so illegals KNOW they are not citizens.
Spread the word!
But according to US Code 18, section 29, subsection 611, they are if they believe they are.
“ How can anyone trust the FBI…’
Only a complete fool would @ this point. Trump nailed it: “they are the Gestapo”. The agency needs to be dissolved, the bldg burnt to the ground & the ground thoroughly salted so that it may never rise again. Federal Marshals can pick up any slack.
“Jack S lying to the court should result in an investigation.”
As well as firing, disbarment, charges, & imprisonment. If there are no repercussions for this type of criminal behavior it will only happen again. In a just world he would receive all of the aforementioned. He should be cast out onto the streets & forced to beg for a living.
Where do you find a patriot who will do the legwork for this?? The Trumpster can set wheels in motion for the fix but finding the right person and staff to carry it out just seems to be a bridge too far in the current politicized legal system.
The university system breeds beta-cuck wimps.
And who the hell did he pick to succeed Comey? A triple-Comey, The Snake Wray --- Public Enemy No. 1.
Don, your column is a blue print for three presidential terms (Trump plus two Republican successors). You named names. You named departments. You named felonies. In January, Trump should establish the Thug Justice Department, a massive force that sues the living shit out of every corrupt maggot...and that includes Obama and Hillary. No exceptions. Bring charge after charge so the bastards sweat 24/7. Suck every last ill-gotten dollar they stole from the government with legal fees. Bankrupt them and leave them homeless. In fact, deport them. And while he is at it, Trump must strip all freedom of the press by establishing a Fuck the Media Department. Bankrupt and incarcerate them for their cover up stories and lies to the American people. Gotta go now. I'm working on a Strangle Congress Plan.
Nope - 2 MAGA successors.
Republican successors will just be HW clones who will reverse all the progress made as quickly as possible.
Just wait. His VP will be tough as nails. This is Trump's vengeance against the Deep State. They will be nonexistent in due time. "You're fired" will be followed by "and criminally charged." Aileen Cannon will be a busy judge.
The VP choice is about the most important decision for Trump to make. I get furious when I hear people say the VP choice doesn’t matter.
It will take at least 12 years to clean DC and the VP will be doing most (8 years) of that work. They have to have a resolve stronger and deeper than Trump.
Tom Cotton as VP would ruin donks and rinos while setting up a 2028 run with Winsome Sears as Veep to follow as President.
I really like her! Straight as an arrow and her blood runs Red, White and Blue.
Not experienced enough, though. We need people tested under fire for the top jobs.
Or we can flip the 2028 ticket with Sears as PDJTs Veep.
But how do you really feel D.J.?
Well, years ago they'd say I have a 'chapped ass.'
While all that is happening the case in Georgia collapsed yesterday. The State Board of Elections discovered that there were 380,000 votes in the final count that did not exist in paper and ruled that both the hand re-count and the machine recount did not meet Georgia law. In effect, Georgia did not have an election in 2020.
And yesterday, the GA Republican LT Gov endorsed Biden, but he was part of 2020 steal anyhow and wants to run for POTUS! LOL!
I live in Northeast Georgia and had to look up this claim as I stay detached from Atlanta news as much as possible.
Burt Jones is Georgia’s current Lt Governor and he is being “investigated” (read “framed”) for his role as one of Trump’s “fake electors.” Mr Jones’s endorsement for 2024 presidential election was not mentioned. But then Atlanta Journal/Constitution, the AP, and the NYT report everything except real news.
I did find that Georgia’s former Republican Lt Governor, Geoff Duncan, endorsed Xiden for 2024. He “served” as Lt Governor for one term. I now wonder if he was “won”. the Lt Governor race in 2018 for the purpose of helping to steal the presidential and senator races in 2020.
I was referring to Duncan, not Burt Jones, who was endorsed by President Trump.
Duncan was interviewed on MSM yesterday...one of the Pravda channels, I believe.
Sorry for my lack of current detail.
Nothing to see here, move along.... and yet, SCOTUS looked the other way when they could have stepped in.
Raffensperger should be arrested, charged with whatever felonies apply, and go bye bye to prison.
I am not the only one here... I think Trump should publicly challenge the very compromised 'judge' to jail him. All the way.
Remember, Trump is probably the only person in DC that is not compromised by the IC. Please review this against Henry Cuellar(D-TX) who publicly challenged Xiden about the border. Note that all congresscritters are bribed in some way... Very important read.
FTA: Except for Trump... "All of the DC politicians participate in this type of influence selling. There are ZERO federal elected officials who do not participate in this process. And within that dynamic, we find the answer to how the Intelligence Community exists to control all of the DC political systems without any checks in their authority. (snip) if the DOJ/FBI knew this stuff for so long, why did they wait?"
They’ve got the goods on the whole bunch, going back who knows how long!
And if they don’t have something, they can simply manufacture it - DJT, case in point.
Explains a lot.
Especially the current Speaker. Compromised.
That is why they hate Trump. After 10 yrs and these lame a$$ cases are all they can come up with on him. Everyone else they blackmail, everyone has either skeletons or family. The other one who has survived all the attacks is Supreme Court Clarence Thomas.
Lord knows C.Thomas smiles as each attack fizzles.
His laugh makes me want to laugh with him. To have faced such adversary with such Grace is something I aspire to, fall short but I try.
10 YEARS I believe...Going to read the indictment today. 54 pages. Probably purposeful thinking no one will have time to read.
I don’t know how others think but I think the vast majority of the public has at least a suspicious eye raised if the FBI comes a knocking’. I wouldn’t talk to them without an attorney present and probably would only say “I don’t recall”. Hillary taught us that one and see how that worked for her. Guilty as heck, free as a bird.
I don't know if it was used before but I remember Ronaldus Magnus using the phrase "I don't recall"
I'd like to believe the FBI is full of mostly "Jim Malone" types who are unfortunately led by people totally devoid of any moral or ethical base whatsoever similar to Hillary Clinton, Mayorkas, or Barck Obama. But I'm no longer sure. Is the brotherhood of the FBI so lock-step loyal that the rank and file employee is blind to what the Bureau has been doing for a very long time? Are they so afraid of losing their jobs and benefits they are scared to report wrongdoing? Or are they just conveniently blind when necessary so they go along to get along? I have long wondered the answer to this as it appears, just by what has already been reported, that the Bureau is no longer an unbiased member of the American Justice system. They appear to have become the American version of the German Jack-Boot enforcers and if this is true, we have already crossed the redline into a tyrannical government. Whatever the case, the GOP's never-ending investigations with no actions are not going to fix it because the "fix" requires a backbone not currently available to them. It will take a very hard and determined push by a president who cares more about the country than he does about his own welfare to fix it. Maybe we have gotten to the place where everyone needs to ask, "is the FBI still necessary today", given the preponderance of other very similar agencies in the federal government? I don't have the answer but someone better come up with it quick because to do nothing is to turn our system of justice into one resembling the KGB 2.0.
There is a business model for change. I served in Joint Forces Command during the war. The services didn't like JFCOM much (Gen Mattis was in charge). After I left they installed Odierno as Commander and he dismantled in. He transferred the pieces that were good to the Joint Staff and the rest of it was eliminated. Cleaning house can be done.
Having been an Army guy I never understood the Gen. Mathis character. The Marines I talked to during my twenty six years seemed bent on promoting the Mathis legend but I never could figured out why he deserved it. He was good at talking tough for sure but ..................
Anyway. not sure why the military, which has an established chain of command and hierarchy that has stood the test of time always wants to create a unique hybrid command when things go hot. They rarely work efficiently. Ray Odierno seemed to be more of a purist with the mantra that "simple is usually better". I don't know why the federal government does not have some mechanism built internally to "keep it simple and effective". But I do know we are on very dangerous ground today with respect to the blatant weaponization of our justice system and a majority of our federal agencies. The federal government has become too big to effectively manage today and as always happens, when not closely supervised by adults and held accountable, it starts its never-ending empire building and lust for power. We will likely never see a wholesale cutting of the federal workforce unless we go "broker", but it seems to me it would be far easier to simply craft a bill that obligates every agency to begin paring, say 5% of its staff and budget every year until the federal government has been reduced to 50% of its present staffing. But in the present state of the country, that would take a monumental effort on the part of both party's, but it is necessary for our prolonged existence. It is reported that today it takes creation of about seventeen private sector jobs to support the creation of one new federal job. Even an elected member of congress can see that is unsustainable long-term and detrimental to a healthy economy. Time to get started with the barn cleaning. Vote DJT to start the cleaning.
POLL: Didn't vote for Kaczynski cuz he's dead; voted for Zelensky cuz he's just as evil and dangerous as Jack S.
It was a tough poll today but I think tough polls are more fun. They encourage you to think. I went with Kaczynski. I thought his character (terrorist and violent bomber type) went with Smith since he's hellbent on helping to destroy the country.
I voted for Zod because that gives the movie the best shot of becoming an animated series. . . . so we never forget.
The shit show continues and the donks just get more outrageous as election nears.Great deep dive into recent history exposing the regime for what it is.I feel the stupidity and paranoia of msm/dems is about to ramp up even further as PDJT gains votes with every circus act unveiled to the American populace.Preach on Mr. Surber as we work to a MAGA 2024 revival of America.Poll was chewy so I picked Z as he and Jack S share egos beyond their capacity to control.
The same FBI Washington geniuses ignored frantic calls from a female agent in the Minneapolis office describing a flight student who told instructors to skip takeoffs and landings, wanting only to learn to fly while already airborne. This is detailed in the 9/11 investigation results that were published and probably half of American bought copies of.
The problem is the location of the FBI. Close and sell the DC office building. If there is to be an FBI, let it exist as several regional offices on equal terms with local law enforcement. Offices can interact with Main Justice, the IRS, State and other Federal agencies but should not be allowed to build out a home office operation that will naturally seek the approval of the Congress and White House.
Instead our 'fallible' congress gave them a freaking new building.
Nice 'un Don. Always enjoy a good old movie reference or a song lyrics from the past. As we sit in our overstuffed lazy boy and type on all the electronic shit, while watching on our big screens, has given us a feeling of superiority of say lets call it, over the third world shithole countries. I don't believe that I've ever seen so much corruption in my life from these alphabet agencies, then to add further salt in the wound to have all of the media both, press, electronic etc. continue to spread the word as gospel in the same manner as farmers dump the bullshit out of their manure spreaders. I sometimes feel as though I've been put through a blender, coming out dazed, confused, not knowing where to turn let alone what to believe. It simply has gone on way to damn long. Day after day, year after year, congressional investigation after congressional investigation, and least but the ever popular "Special Counsel fiasco" that will do absolutely nothing but consume millions of my taxpayers dollars, and yield no results, ie no one goes to jail, no one hangs, and the ever popular no one, I mean no one is EVER HELD ACCOUNTABLE. my coffee is getting cold...
And that is what they fear the most if Trump wins this year: their COMEUPPANCE.
When DJT entered the Oval office in 2017, even he believed he could work with these people, that there was a system in place the he could work with, operate within to enact great things for the country. But he became increasingly aware, as did we all, that that purported system had been corrupted to its marrow. Even so, undaunted by the enormity of - and what had to be puzzling to him - relentless pushback he got, even from his own party, he still gave many the benefit of the doubt, wanting to still trust that the system was greater than the people operating within it. He kept Comey on, he had Pence as his VP, he chose Mueller and Barr, and many, many, countless others, he chose, relied upon, delegated to, and placed his trust in to pursue that which was good, right and true, and that they’d behave in accordance to the system our Founders had laid down for us.
What he found out, too late in the game sadly, was that trust and belief was sadly misplaced, and far, far from the case. The system had been captured by a very unAmerican cabal. And He, the President of the USA, was a threat to their plans and their covert profitable business.
And that’s how we all came to see it too. The fake 2020 election just sealed the deal. Before we may have thought government was bad, or incompetent, or feckless or what have you, but none of us had any idea just how rotten to the core it truly was, and that it itself would be an actual threat to our very liberties and pursuit of happiness.
All that to say, the DJT who will win in 2024 will NOT be the DJT who won in 2016.
Oh no. He’s going in this time with his eyes WIDE open. No more Mr. Nice Guy. He’s going to come after them, with the sword of theRule of Law in his sheath. Their jig is up. And they know it.
Buckle up.
Yes, Suzie--you have nailed it beautifully.
Both Donald Trump and all of us went through the process of waking up to this together.
Jesus, I've never read a post that said it better. Well done!
Indeed. Well said! Of all the too-numerous-to-count bad actors, Bill Barr has got to be one of the worst. I always think back to the speech he made to the graduating class of law students at Notre Dame in 2019. There is no way in hell the guy who gave that speech morphed into a Swamp Rat within those several years. That is without being compromised.
You rule Suzie !!
There is no Jack S like our Jack S!
You and I are on the same page.