Fuck Joe Biden and Soetoro (perp 1).

Shalom y’all.

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Welcome back bro.

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Shalom to you as well.

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He's back!

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Wishing you a Happy Hanukkah, Mr. L.

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So is Apu!

APU Rides Again! (12-07-23)

"A former Jacksonville Jaguars financial employee is accused of stealing more than $22 million ... manipulating its virtual credit card program...

"The [U.S.] Attorney's Office charged Amit Patel with wire fraud... alleging that Patel ... used his position as the sole overseer of the franchise's VCC program to fund lavish personal purchases and cover up his theft" (ESPN 12/07/23)

I'm so old, I remember the bad, illogical, obsolete, spaz-ass, reprehensible days when there was a double-signature checking/banking system used by corporations as a safeguard against possible sole employee theft.

So Patel's walking around with gold chains around his neck and coming and going in a stretch limo and as long as he hung out at the Jags facility, no one could distinguish him from the actual Jaguar players who were wearing gold chains and coming and going in limos.

"Oh, him? He's the field goal kicker."

"Oh. Are you sure he's not Apu from The Simpsons imitating a Mets fan?"

Thus, it took over four years for the management to realize why Visa was giving them the fish eye.

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12/07/23: Howdy! Long time no pun. Everything OK?

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Thank you.

Having some health issues - several seemingly unrelated yet happening at the same time. Nothing life threatening. Will be on and off for some stretches till all worked out.

Miss the daily interaction with y’all.

Home from hospital finally.

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First thing Trump MUST do immediately after his swearing in ceremony is to pardon every single J6 political prisoner... and financially compensate them for the unconstitutional political abuse

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Amen. And prosecute chris wray and the FBI insurrectionists.

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And frog march Michael Leroy Byrd into a SWAT van and then off to the worst prison in the country, live on national television. Make it part of the inaugural parade.

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Amen to this Plays !!

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I wish Trump could take office and compensate Ashli Babbitt. Wonder if they deleted that video? Bennie and Liz need to perp walk....along with Adam Shiff.

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I'm not sure I agree, but the thought made me roar with laughter.

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And prosecute every member of the (in)justice department that collaborated in this miscarriage of justice.

Then follow that with cleaning the bench in the DC circus, and every judicial district.

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Damn straight, although no amount of money will help them regain their sanity.

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Your poll was easy this time. Biden will die soon after he leaves office and Romney is Mr. milk toast and will do nothing as usual. That leaves Obama, the youngest and most devious of the three. He is definitely the most dangerous.

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Agree Obama is by far the most dangerous, but I chose Biden first, because we have to remember half the country has still not been red-pilled. It would freak them out to see Obama perp-walked, but they would just shrug their shoulders at Biden being perp-walked. If we get in, we should for sure move with boldness, but when possible do it in a way that wakes up the Democrats instead of hardens them into freaked-out insanity. One prong of the vigorous clearing of the Swamp will have to be an vast unveiling of Information about things that the Democratic rank-and-file are unaware of right now. Some will be beyond conversion, but many will come to a degree of realization. To move forward together as a country, a big segment of the Left is going to have to waken to Clarity.

Would have liked to see University presidents/directors/trustees as one of the options.

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The Left is increasingly in a panic that they will not be able to drag Brandon across the finish line next year and keep Trump out of office. Their campaign of lawfare against Trump looks less and less likely to do the job. They are now dishing up this hysteria about a Trump dictatorship in the hopes that some of their demented followers will decide to take action to prevent the Trump dictatorship. "If only someone had stopped Hitler the world would have been better off" they say.

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Unlike the Obama Biden dictatorships, one would hope that in the Trump Dictatorship, he would add some showmanship that he is known for. Maybe televise a new show: “Americas Greatest Traitors “ Each week 2 contenders try not to win the week on AGT. The season finale would feature....?

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A public hanging.

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On Pay-per-View.

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Not ppv but mandatory on all networks licensed.

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Hannity: “Under no circumstances, you are promising America tonight you would never abuse power as retribution against anybody?”

Trump: “Yeah. Except for day 1. I want to close the border and I want to drill, drill, drill.”

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If Trump plays "George Bush nice guy" in his second term he will be leaving a lot of missed opportunity on the table to clean up this gangrene government. He needs to Rambo DC and make people "disappear".

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FW (not Fort Worth)!

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Ya mean like nice GW's Patriot Act?

Lying to the American people; we're just trying to keep the terrorists out but what is really happening is that he set-up a path to weaponizing our government, after creating the 4th branch of government, to spy on American legal citizens and control our behavior.

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I'm not worried about that.

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When media reverts back to bad-mouthing Trump, predicting doom and gloom like a bad novel, and doing everything possible to destroy his brand you know they are losing their other battles (that we know were just grabbing at straws).

His first act of dictatorship should be to destroy the RINOs in the Republican party. Perhaps the replacements will think twice before backstabbing their loyal base to support the democrats.

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A disastrous return to a policy of "keep you nose out of other people's business".? America first? Telling nations that they need to put their people first? It all sounds so dangerous doesn't it. There is nothing quite like putting the gossip in the neighborhood down by telling her to get lost, you are not interested in other people's problems you have enough of your own. And maybe she should sweep her own walk before she complains about the rest of the block being an eyesore.

If Trump does nothing else but keep to his vision of a prosperous country, self sufficient and standing as a model to the rest of the world then he will deserve to be President for life but he will be wise enough not to accept the Crown.

There is no way to "clean up" the swamp in reality half the nation chooses representatives that ooze with the mud, and Trump cannot be expected to perform miracles but if he makes enough inroads we might be able to begin to rebuild the "City on the Hill" that the world looks up to for guidance on doing the right thing. But we all must remember it is the labor of not just one lifetime but many generations that contribute and either build or destroy but in the end it is our children who will decide what they want that future City to look like. Teach them well.

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It doesn't take that many generations to create a suffocating bureaucratic establishment. Just yesterday I learned that HS (Homeland Security) has 260,000 people on its payroll. And that outfit was created by Bush Jr., barely 20 years ago. More than a quarter of a million! I say abolish it and make the airlines responsible for their own security. But don't stop there.

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Well said Lady C.

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Well since you asked…

Trump, if he’s elected and if the d-rats don’t play the A card (and you know perfectly well how capable they are of doing that), his first play needs to clear out the Obama rats nests.. both of them, and then use the lamp posts nearest the WH to display them all. And leave them.

And then we need to destroy the DNC and the party root and branch. Enough is enough!

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PDJT is a man whose only crime is loving America and its founding enough to virtually empty his bank account to save it.He was elected and promptly ripped off the masks of the armies within trying to destroy the nation we love.Bless you Poca-Man for this post and poll,we are winning or gaining fast ,witness the severity and rate of attacks on PDJT. MAGA and FJB!!!!

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I don’t think the Lord will mind a little bit of prison-time vengeance for about 10,000 DC politicians, agency officials, Lobbyists, and pensioners (iRS, FBI, State Dept, CIA, NSA, federal judges) of same that are ‘retired’ but still have security clearances. Some good old FBI-filegate blackmail of sitting RINO Senators w/b good too in getting Genghis Khan Cabinet members appointed to cut the 90% wasted crap of ghost worker federal employees off the gravy train.

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Synonyms of vermin



: small common harmful or objectionable animals (such as lice or fleas) that are difficult to control


: birds and mammals that prey on game


: animals that at a particular time and place compete (as for food) with humans or domestic animals


: an offensive person


Middle English, borrowed from Anglo-French, from verm "worm" (going back to Latin vermis) + -in, -ine, suffix with diminutive or pejorative value, borrowed from Italian -ino, diminutive suffix, going back to Latin -īnus, suffix of appurtenance

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First, I must recognize all of the commenters today for their passion, perspicacity and potent persuasiveness! (Is that too many plosives?) It is abundantly clear that they (we) recognize that the only chance at this point of restraining the country's plunge into a multicultural disaster is reelection of The Donald. The desire for retribution against all of his--and our--tormentors is understandable and something to be desired. However, as most point out, it is wishcasting, since the likelihood of something remotely resembling what the democrat socialists did to Trump, not to mention us, his voters and the Constitution under which we mostly fervently wish to be governed approaches absolute zero. Turning to today's post, the question arises whether all these Trump critics understand that they are only one short philosophical step from advocating Trump's assassination? Or, is it that they do recognize this and publish their opinion pieces in hopes that someone will act upon their not-so-subtle urgings? I suspect it is the latter. After all, who would be critical of Hitler's assassin? We have had books and movies lionizing von Stauffenberg's failed effort, with Tom Cruise no less as the tragic hero. Even abject losers like the soi-disant "comedienne" Kathy Griffin thought it was just fine, even commendable to exhibit a decapitated Trump head in public. Morons like De Niro are applauded for their repeated, vicious and obscene ranting against Trump, and not merely by low-lifes, but the creme de la creme of Hollywood and New York society! Trump has exhibited more guts than almost anybody in the public sphere merely by remaining on the hunt for reelection. Every time he appears in public he exposes himself to the very real possibility of assassination. For that, and nothing more, he deserves our highest praise. But the fact that he is doing so at the cost of his fortune and his family life makes his campaign something actually noble, adding to its deserving of praise, and the fact that most of what he is espousing is something sorely needed by the country makes full-throated support mandatory for anyone who retains a shred of hope for the future of our country.

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Steve you say so eloquently what we deplorables feel but can not put into words.I pray for PDJTs safety and third election to try and salvage the America I grew up in and love.We know the lefties are trying to agitate their crazies to the nth degree with out saying the A word.

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Your comment about the motives for the anti-Trump diatribes ("Or, is it that they do recognize this and publish their opinion pieces in hopes that someone will act upon their not-so-subtle urgings?") reminds me of the joke, how do you tell apart the radical versus the moderate Moose Limb? The radical will chop off your head while the moderate cheers him on. Or holds you down while his buddy does the chopping.

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And after witnessing the abhorrent reactions by mostly the Left to the atrocities perpetrated and the wholesale massacre of innocent Israelis on Oct 7th, I imagine there would be celebrations worldwide over the murder of Trump as well.

This world has gone stark raving mad.

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Outstanding comment, Steve. Trump has moved into the territory of being a truly noble hero.

Some time ago, the Left was nagging him that he'd put on weight. But there occasionally is a rare picture of him (back then and currently) that shows him pretty decently trim. The difference is the magnitude of armored/bullet-proof vests and protection he has to wear most of the time in public. I'm glad he's wearing it.

They are foolish beyond imagination to be indirectly encouraging Trump's assassination, and let's make no mistake-- that is exactly what the Left is doing. (And Robert Kennedy's too.) This is a country with hundreds of millions of guns circulating, mostly in the hands of the Right. If the Left gets Trump assassinated, they will have drastically accelerated this conflict, and it is a gamble as to who would win that conflict.

However, the Left has been so incompetent and self destructive in many ways, they may just be so stupid as to ignore common sense and further push this public demonization of Trump and indirect encouragement of assassination of him. Look at stupid Hamas, and the thorough and effective Israeli response.

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If I was the Left, I would concede the 2024 election to Trump, and make a tactical retreat to becoming a much smaller minority party, and accept just trying to subvert America from within, the way they have been, through the institutions they have already conquered. They succeeded pretty well with the stealth approach for a long time. It would take awhile even for Trump and a couple more Republican presidential terms to make a dent at undoing that. They should realize they have made some very serious tactical blunders (e.g., calamitous puppet Biden) and retreat for awhile.

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Excellent post! Now back to bed. Hey! I'm retired.

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That's what I said.

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Don, you've opened up a can of worms today. How do you solve America's problems in four short years of Trump? The answer is you don't. Obama laid numerous minefields for Trump when he left office. It slowed Trump down so that not much got done as far as draining the swamp. The Pareto Principal states that 20 percent of anything cause 80 percent of impact. Of all of the issues, what 20 percent of presidential action would have an 80 percent impact on improving things. Getting three conservative Supremes is a good example.

Trump needs a successor that will continue the effort. That person hasn't been identified. The successor will need a strong base of support and that isn't a sure thing yet.

My submission for the 80 percent impact would be the cleaning up of the election process. Fixing that would go a long way towards bringing power back to the people who make this country run.

I would be interested in hearing from your readers their thoughts on a single action that would have a large positive impact... BTW: good column today..

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Cleaning up elections is,however, largely a State’s issue, with the exception of Federal presidential elections. But totally agree, it has to be job #1 or at least simultaneous to somehow reigning in the entire Intelligence Community. As Marlon noted, revoking their security clearances and unclassifying the billions of documents and papers in every nook and cranny of the government, (as we saw in the opening up of the Twitter files exposing the Industrial scale Government Censorship project) hiding all their dirt would be a good place to start.

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I agree with you-- clean-up, audit, and transparency of the election process is Priority #1. The whole country must come to realize the magnitude and variety of fraud that has been occurring. If we get clean elections, the Democratic party is destroyed for a long time, because the American people simply DO NOT SUPPORT Marxist/Progressive ideology. And the Dems can no longer hide the destructiveness of this ideology. Their "coalition" is fracturing and every week they alienate another segment of the American population. We actually ALREADY HAVE defeated the Democrats electorally--except that the voting process was corrupted so our victory was "denied".

Vivek Ramaswamy may have some potential as a future warrior (still needs more experience right now). Loved him blasting the GOPe at the last debate; hope he's on fire tonight too.

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T.P.G. ,we need one day photo ID elections with only necessary absentee ballots to military.

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Absolutely, Marlan. AND genuine mandatory audit procedures; performed by the big public accounting firms, who are held to very strict ethics requirements in the performance of their "public" accounting work.

The structure we have had for the financial markets-- that all companies' stock which is sold on the public exchanges (NY stock exchange, NASDAQ, etc.) MUST be audited annually by a certified public accounting firm, has been ESSENTIAL to ensuring reliability in our financial system. The public could not trust buying stock in companies if audited, transparent information on them was unavailable-- the stock market would be a Wild West-fraudfest.

We need that same level of structured, thorough, documented, strict, scrutiny of our election processes.

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Mr. Surber, you are on your game Bigly today. Excellent post.

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