The speech was Vance's coming out party. For the next four years Vance will establish himself (with Trump's help) as the successor to the presidency. There is no doubt about it, he is being officially groomed, right before the Dems eyes, for the Oval Office. The Dems can't stop the process.. They are about to experience 48 month's of the dry heaves.

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96 mos at a minimum…

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Probably, but Rubio will try also. Vance is seen by most as a smart guy but a rookie. Rubio is or will be seen soon as an elder statesman. I don’t see Rubio as POTUS material but he could be the best statesman this country has had in a very long time.

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If his rear end is not in a Crack over some past occurrence .

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But will JD become another Ford or Bush? I'm sure we all think and hope not but fact is every first term president's initial thought is his second term. Which means wishy-washy bipartisanship and trying to work "across the aisle". How has that worked out for us?

Maybe presidency should be just one term that would be six or eight years. For one reason four years now is like six months 100 years ago.

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Interesting comment. I think you could argue that one six year term might serve the country better than two four year terms. Would like to see that debate sometime just for chuckles.

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For one thing, it would end the never-ending campaigning virtually as soon as the person gets elected. That in itself should stop the constant begging for campaign donations

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The country's suicide rate would soar if Biden had as much as a day beyond four years. Who wants to relive that?

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My dream is that DOGE spawns a rash of suicide by swamp critters.

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Umm?/hell yeah.

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Make Congress critters run on their records. Bar them from receiving campaign donations which are essentially bribes and confine them to Washington unless debating a challenger in a public forum.

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But only - ONLY - if there are term limits for Congressional and Senate seats as well.

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Only if there is a forensic audit of their net worth on day one and the last day of their term.

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Follow up with another audit ten years after they leave Washington. Imagine how they would act if they weren't able to cash in on the bribery.

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Nope. This country had to tolerate an imbecile like Biden for four years. Imagine having him in a lounge chair at the beach mumbling to himself for an even longer eternity.

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But imagine six years of Biden.

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Been preaching that for years.

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Imagine if we'd had Biden in for 6 years--America would have ended.

We are in too turbulent a period to not have accountability every 4 years.

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I have trouble imagining that we had Biden in the Oval Office instead of a sanitarium.

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How about having a confidence vote every six months for representatives? A simple question administered along party lines, all voters in dem districts vote on whether the democrats are meeting expectations and all voters in republican districts vote on whether republicans are meeting expectations. Voting should be limited to people registered in that district who voted in either of the previous two general elections so no crossing borders as the donks like to pull . If a party can't maintain faith, they face a recall election.

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Like the creative thinking, but fear Recalls would just open a can of worms. It would be nice to have a "confidence vote" to see how happy their constituents are with them, however, that same information could also be accomplished by ordinary polls, if the polling industry ever regained an iota of integrity.

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How about opening a can of deportations for the bad ones?

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If a party can't maintain faith, the should face deportation. Thin the herd, I say.

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Deport them where? Maybe Musk can get them on a flight to Saturn, but their hot gas mixing with the methane atmosphere might create another sun. Pluto? Imagine it with temperatures in line with Mercury's.

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Keep the faith, baby. Just imagine Biden having a l-o-n-g six or eight years.

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Twenty to life would be appropriate.

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YEP !!

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We barely survived his four

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One 6-year term is the rule in Mexico. How's that working out?

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Apples and oranges. You can’t compare a failed state like Mexico to the US. Six years is worth debating if for no other reason to perhaps confirm that our present system is correct for us.

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We were only one term of Cackles, the commie imbecile away from a totally failed state, ourselves.

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Whether you are right or not, the debate would be a waste of time. You'd be looking at a Constitutional Amendment to change something that has worked for almost 2 1/2 centuries.

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Wim, you just wrote my thoughts but left out voter ID required on paper ballots done in one day.

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True, but I've made that known on other occasions. To support your point, the other day I read something in Willamette Week about the DMV's "automatic" voter registration. It seems they don't necessarily inquire about your nationality.

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NO! 4 years of any President is enough love or hate them. Four years of the mental anguish of putting up with Biden---I rest my case.

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I cannot imagine Harris being able to make this speech. Either as VP or the president. Can you imagine Walz being able to make that speech?

We are finally being led by grownups, who understand this won't be easy, and you can give no ground.

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Check your arithmetic, Jester. Wouldn't that be 96 months?? Congrats on being Top first. 'And I'll be your wingman, Maverick'. Ice

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Dang, already kicked down to 4th.🤢

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Plus, he's got the chops.

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Got a feeling you're kinda like Scaramouche.. Born with a gift of laughter in the sense that the world was mad.😊

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From you keyboard to God’s ears

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Check your arithmetic, Jester. Wouldn't that be 96 months?? Congrats on being Top first. 'And I'll be your wingman, Ice. Maverick'.

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The Guardian and other "news sources" are referring to Trump's group as Henchmen. As a reminder this is the definition of "henchman"- "a faithful follower or political supporter, especially one prepared to engage in crime or dishonest practices by way of service:

"the dictator's henchman". WOW... and the Wall Street Journal is now leaning farther left. I guess they don't like positive change and the attempt to save our Republic. I am glad there are oceans on either side of us.

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I guess it’s purposeful to ignore that Vance was elected and the others are confirmed Cabinet Secretaries with official responsibilities and titles. Other than henchmen that is.

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You and me both. Are there real men left in Europe? Elites are really squishy…

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Real men? Probably a few but they are all wearing man buns and skirts right now. Socialism is always very well liked when it takes hold, then it is hated once it is engrained and too late to change.

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You need men with guns to get out of socialism. Women, too, if they choose so. Am watching SAS Rogues Heroes on Prime. I don't see many men like that today. It is a sight to behold. Being a man has been very devalued in the last decades.

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I'm thinking the reason behind all the gender confusion of the last several years is to carve out a place for XY-ers in Europe to be identified.

They certainly are NOT men.

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The Guardian is an incurably Leftist rag.

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No kidding. I have some very conservative friends who send me opinion pieces occasionally from that rag. They seem to think it is neutral; no way. And The Guardian always begs for money. They should PAY ME to read their crap.

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WSJ hasn’t used Blood & Earth lately, but I haven’t read it for last 10 years….Bartley is mouldering, Gigot was never conservative, Barrons - a parakeet guano repository since Abelson passed, and the Murdoch boys haven’t helped. Penny Nooner is still doing lunch around Park Avenue - so there’s that….

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WSJ isn't the rag it used to be. I don't take it seriously anymore.

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It always gets worse right before it gets better. Some of this is liberalism/Marxisms last gasp.

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It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.

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Damn I pray you’re wrong this time.

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Just quoting a poster from despair.com

We have a lot to do. Will Americans be willing to put on the work boots and fix the problems? The donks are out in force already fighting to stop Trump via the judges imposed on us by Biden Barry and Bush.

It's not just house cleaning that needs to happen, this involves a major restoration and if Trump fails, we may need a bulldozer.

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Henchmen sounds good.

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About Daytona..... The low level flyby and the Beast leading the pack was pure Trump. Crowd went nuts and so did the Democrats... Love it.

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What’s not to like! Democrats are really shitty people.

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You can have a debate with a Democrat but there are few left today. They were invaded and conquered by the Marxist horde.

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classic oxymoron-intelligent democrat

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Rafał Gan-Ganowicz would beg to differ.

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Polish sniper Gan-Ganowicz was asked what it was like to kill people. He replied, " I have no idea, I only killed Communists."

For those who didn't get the reference.

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Amen on the in your face dems/America is back !!!

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Marlan, best thing about the MAGA movement is we now have leaders who are not intimidated by the lefts insults. I don’t care if the left likes it or not. Great time to be alive, eh?

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Amen Reddogg and I hope to live to JD take oath as 48.

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The middle finger on steroids.

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I like that finger, too. In Canada, surprisingly, it isn't illegal to give someone the finger.

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Thanks, LuAnn. I'll add that to the things I did not know. If I can shame Don into subscribing, I won't be posting here anymore. I do have some friends I admire, and I urge them to become subscribers. You're one of them❤️-always free. WADM, sometimes I forget that I'm filthy rich. Just can't let go of my

dirt-poor syndrome. Most call me cheap. I prefer frugal.😊

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However, a judge needed to decide that giving the finger isn't illegal and is freedom of speech.

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Haven’t heard, did Trump win the 500?

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Damn, they didn't think to put checkered flags on his front fenders. Bummer.

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Democrats went nuts when he won the election.

Before that, democrats went nuts when he questioned the validity in areas with clearly evident fraud.

Before that, democrats went nuts when he actually tried to make America Great Again.

Before that, democrats went nuts when he announced his first bid.

Before that democrats went nuts... And it goes on and on. If you think I was going to go all the way to Lincoln's election, the truth is it goes back even further.

Sorry Jake, I can only give you 1 like. Wish I could give more.

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Can’t wait for Kash Patel to go to work. He’s got a righteous chip on his shoulder. There will be fireworks!!

I also need to add…Tom Hanks is a dick head.

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The great majority of movie actors are. Unfortunately, the public tends to think they are just as heroic in real life as on the screen, but putting on appearances are their only skill. And even then, it takes a lot of "takes" to get it right.

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If Patel lives, the reclamation of the FBI will happen quickly with nary a wimper. He already has the evidence and names. They will get a choice, resign or be prosecuted. Likely, some will go to jail. I hope Patel has a very good, non FBI security detail. He needs to beware of any presents arriving from the CIA too.

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I wouldn't call him a dick head, he's more like an anal suppository.

As WdV noted, most actors are useless beyond their ability to entertain. Frankly I'm at the point where I view them all as useless and no longer watch TV or go to movies.

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Sadly, he is a very good actor and wealthy from it. But when you get to the top of the heap, then what? Like De Niro, you realize you have nothing else to prove in your profession and so you get involved in other professions where you know nothing about the lives around you but you are too egotistical and stupid to realize it. You can play presidents, but it doesn’t mean you are one.

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De Niro played ruthless mobsters to the point that he thinks and acts like one. Meanwhile, the fact is he couldn't spell cat if you spotted him the C and the A. And a feather weight could kick the shit out of him.

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A red-hot stainless steel suppository.

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But they are hard on rifling.

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The fact that SNL chose to do a sketch (which I only saw on CFP--did NOT watch the show) that portrayed MAGA as racist is not only not humor--it is very infuriating. They couldn't help themselves from "giving the finger' to everyone on the Right. SNL has been the epitome of Leftist smug, arrogant , disdainful, hatefulness for decades.

They haven't been funny since their first few years in the 70's.

Good riddance.

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I'm right there with you. Saw it on CFP. I quit liking Hanks long ago. This only adds fuel to my anger.

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Yes, truly, there is something especially infuriating about it.

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The ONLY time you'll see a MAGA hat on SNL is to stereotype and make fun of it.

Hey Tom, life is like a box of chocolates, remember?

Trump was the piece of chocolate America selected.

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Expressing too much kindness for Hanks is over kill.

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He's not entirely worthless, he makes a great example for why actors should be hated and reviled.

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Over the past two weeks, Elon Musk and his cadre of young computer geniuses have cracked the code. Like Toto pulling the curtain, they’ve pulled back the cover on government secrecy. They've shown how oceans of tax revenue have flowed through NGOs, charitable-sounding foundations, the UN, and others to fund terrorists, disrupters like BLM, and 'reporters' to promote Democrats and censor the opposition, to enrich Democrat politicians and their friends, families, and allies. The news you thought was news wasn’t independently and honestly generated. The charities you thought were genuine, weren’t. It’s one big gaslighting grift and you paid for it. How's it feel to be played??

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Feels like it's time for payback, and Trump & Team are doing it!

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We are having so much of what we thought confirmed. Yes, we were totally played.

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"My guess is Trump at 78 knows the sand is running out of his hourglass. He wants not only to complete the task but also a generation of warriors to carry on the MAGA Movement."

Yes, and it is a great thing to see. Trump has really changed his game on many fronts.

The single most important objective PDJT can do is fully train his successor for 2028. JD Vance seems to be in hard training in these early months. The cabinet members are focused on their narrower area of control while JD is attacking broad global policy issues. He's doing well so far. Based on today's poll, readers here agree. The only way the tectonic shift in government can survive is to roll it out over at least three terms (12 years). More is better, but this is the minimum.

As for those clueless people who think Trump could have brought inflation down in a matter of weeks or a month after the inauguration are proving their ignorance of how things work. Inflation will be like losing weight: melting one difficult pound after another after many challenging lifestyle changes have been implemented. It takes a while and it requires changes in behavior. Changing the behavior of a deep-state government will take careful and difficult work. And patience.

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Excellent points! Especially the weight loss analogy to lowering inflationary pricing.

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Great comment. We will still see the remnants of Biden’s spending two years from now. The $1T Inflation Reduction Act that wasn’t. Just money spent on the party to stay in power. The Marxists are inside the wire.

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We can thank the compliant deep-state Congress - with few exceptions in their membership - for all the long CRs and falsely named hyper spending programs.

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True. Many of us think of the deep state as the intel agencies and the bureaucracies. However much of the deep state problem is right there in Congress. The voters need to be better educated.

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Every RINO is a deep stater. Most Dems are too as we've exposed with the DOGE activities.

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More like slowing an aircraft carrier or changing direction with a 747.

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I guess many have forgotten that it took a while for inflation to take off after Biden took office, even though he took some actions to get it started on his first day.

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The prima facie evidence that TDS is a form of dementia is demonstrated by how the apparatchiks of the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party are reacting to DOGE finding billions in fraudulent government spending and objecting to them doing that. The hope is that they continue to double down on these self destructive activities until the Marxist/Democrat/Hate America Party no longer exists.

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I pray you are right!

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The left is in a very deep hole and just can’t stop digging.

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The Dodomacrats.

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Oh, that’s all “without evidence”.

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The American Bar Association Should Probably Be Disbarred-How can an organization on the take set the rules of ethics for a profession that has long been associated with a lack of ethics?Jupplandia

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I watched that speech real-time. Man-o-man! This guy is the best orator I have ever seen. Better than Hussein. Better than Reagan. Maybe better than Churchill hisownself. He was polite, reserved in his presentation and demeanor, but gave it straight from the shoulder, reducing those self-important, arrogant fops to children. His condescending little jab about, paraphrasing, "If we can listen to years of lectures from a 14-year-old twit like Greta Thunberg, you can handle a month of Musk" just set me free. Bravo! Watching this administration take on the world is like watching a funny car race against a go-cart.

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A truly great orator should be able to speak without notes or teleprompter. I once attended a fund raiser where Newt Gingrich walked all over the ballroom with a mic and spoke for 45 minutes with never an uh or an um or a pause. We’ve seen Vance do that on the Sunday shows and cable news. Hussein without a teleprompter couldn’t spit out a coherent sentence - he was just a decent actor when it came to reading his speeches.

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Frankly, what the GOP majority in the House needs is Newt back as Speaker. I heard that privately he rejected the idea but who knows the truth. He was successful as Speaker because he knew what he was talking about.

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I watched that entire speech all the way through--and it was super ominous to see all the shots of the audience. It seemed like the vast majority of the audience was DEAD SET against what Vance was saying. Europe is in very far gone, as bad if not worse than England.

What we are seeing is not just normal disagreement with an opposition party. The people who have taken control in Europe and England are HARD CORE, heavy duty, determined Marxists/totalitarians, who do literally hate everything the West has stood for for centuries.

We could be intimidated and fearful that it will be impossible to overturn them. But the same principles as we have seen demonstrated in America, show that there is a path back for Europe and England, too. That is for the good folks to realize that your opponent is not omnipotent, they are profoundly flawed and riddled with internal weaknesses which will eventually destroy them.

Ultimately, their stupidity is in equal proportion to their evil. Each one participating in this evil has made serious life mistakes in judgment--and actually, has been making a string of bad decisions which have only culminated in their worst mistake, to align themselves with a hateful, totalitarian criminal cabal. Just like Nazis, they've developed a groupthink by which they continually reinforce eachother. But it is actually impossible to destroy Truth, because Truth is Reality, and Reality exists independent of man's pretensions.

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Europe has basically fallen and these feckless shits were told that to their faces.

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Why in the world would we defend these dictators/oligarchs/socialists/communists as part of an agreement (NATO) cooked up after WW2. NATO has outlived its usefulness, although allies and friends are important. Perhaps it’s time for better friends though.

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Time for bye-bye, NATO. What's it core purpose now? It doesn't have one.

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Nice comparison JW.

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There is some pearl clutching that the President’s representatives have access to social security numbers in government data bases being audited. While thinking about that I realized that since I am Starlink subscriber Mr. Musk has access to the GPS coordinates of my home. He also has very, very accurate rockets. And yet I still sleep well at night.

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Once upon a time it was illegal to ask someone for their SSN. These days, everyone has yours, so Musk having access is no big deal.

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The predominant reactions of the Euro crowd, from what I saw, were to snicker and act slightly offended. This should not surprise us; and I speak from experience. They simply think of themselves as a better class of people, more enlightened, wiser, and so on -- and if you could hear what they said to each other in the bathroom, after Vance's speech, you would contribute to any political party or campaign that sought to withdraw all American troops from that place.

Having said that, I should add that the Eurocrowd's attitudes are roughly the same as the Dem establishment's in DC. Besides being your moral superiors, they know everything better than you do. And don't you forget it.

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Yes. You’d think that they would have learned a lesson from Trump warning them about becoming dependent on Russia for energy, but they’re far too arrogant. It’s way past time that we brought our troops and our dollars home and let them fend for themselves if they’re so superior. (I have first hand experience having lived in Europe during the Reagan administration.)

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I lived there until my mid-twenties. Have made a number of visits since then, of course, but probably won't again. Every nationality takes on provincial attitudes, but I consider Germany the prime example of overestimating yourself. First, they bought into global warming, hook, line and sinker, and into anti-nuclear hysteria. Result: they closed what nuclear plants they had, a thing that the French -- who get most of their power from nuclear -- never considered. Then they made themselves totally dependent on Putin's Russia for natural gas -- which was a good deal financially, but it cost them dearly in the end, as Trump predicted while they snickered about that dumb American.

And while it may be true that America, being THE global power, needs some bases in Europe, it's high time the Europeans took care of their own defense without Uncle Sam. They have the means, but not the taste for it.

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I have friends in Germany. They lament that the US pulled out from many base’s and took those jobs in the service industry with them. They would take most back in a heartbeat if they could. Politicians need to be careful what they ask for or demand. Just ask the German people.

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Don’t forget that Frau Merkel was a Young Pioneer or whatever and played the party game until there no longer was an East Germany, thanks to the Gipper.

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Yes, having been on that side we absolutely thought we were a better class of people who knew better than others. How wrong we were!

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Same dumb crowd from the first term ; bunch of people in leadership who have never produced anything in their life . And they can't see their communities are worse off than the last time they ridiculed us .

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I think that the best, most encouraging thing about the Trump administration is the return of the manly public figure. The age of the effeminate beta male is drawing to an end and not a minute too soon. JD Vance is a prime example.

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Yet note that Vance is soft-spoken and not acerbic or confrontational. He has a personality that seems to have been shaped by being brought up in a family of women, based on a number of men I’ve known over the years.

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Yes, let's hear it for manly men.

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"He couldn’t get more time if he sold pillows with OxyClean." You've done it again, Don.

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But can he beat the sham wow guy on late night?

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As most of you know I live in Canada. Right now I’d say 85% +/-of Canadians are not only open to some kind of annexation by the US a lot of them are looking for CD’s by John Philip Sousa.

Some of us even know it’s not really about tariffs, it’s really about the Arctic. Which makes the acquisition of Greenland more comprehensible. We in Canada, who get it, understand that after 9 years of a chinese compromised government the last thing you need while you take control of and secure the Arctic for all of us is a chinese subsidiary in your rear.

I ❤️T. Him incubating a second generation of strong conservatives is music to my ears.

And about that Hockey thing. Understand that anti-Americanism is the fall back position for the libs which is exactly reproduction of the d-rats. That happened in Montreal by the Quebec French who hate the rest of Canada as well. Right now the Federal Libs are on the ropes and wrapping themselves in the flag cause it’s their only play and along with that comes their fall back play… Anti-Americanism.

3 years ago they called the same flag a symbol of ‘people who were not only a fringe minority’ but ‘ held unacceptable views’. They crushed that flag under the jackboots of the police, and the hooves of police horses (along with people on crutches and wheelchairs). And then using the Chinese and WEF playbook froze the bank accounts of people who donated $10 to the ‘Truckers Convoy’

The month before the idiots who boo’d you in Montreal, in both Toronto and Edmonton the Canadians in the stands finished the American Anthems when the speakers blew. All the Canadians I know are deeply embarrassed by this whole thing

There’s my view from the ground.

Side question… why are we not hearing much about T and Ted Cruz, a pairing that (on the surface) seems so natural.

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May I ask what game that was where the Canadians joined in on our anthem? I’d like to share it with my grandson who is a hockey player and greatly dismayed by Saturday’s antiAmerican display.

I told him it was not representative of Canadians as a whole, just a disgruntled bunch from the Left and their tyrannical Prime Minister.

That USA win was spectacular!

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The booing was at the 4 Nations Cup on Saturday night in Montreal. It's a hockey tournament, held between four major national teams in the sport: Canada, the United States, Sweden and Finland.

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Nobody anywhere thinks a return to the AllStar Game is where it’s at after this but how you can have an international hockey tourney and not invite the Russians is past my pay grade!

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There is no all-star game this year because of 4 Nations tourney. I've been to an all-star game -- players don't take it seriously because no one wants to get injured in mid-season.

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Question though: the dates in those videos are from 10 and 7 years ago? Was there a more recent one as well?

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Super duper! Thank you soo much!! He will be much encouraged!

These videos gave me chills! 🇺🇸🇨🇦

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Booing is being generated by leftists.

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I get more news of substance about Canada from Chuck and LuAnn than from the whole American media combined.

Going forward, you both may have a role to play you can't even imagine. Yes, just musing. (And not because of this suggestion of Canada becoming an American state. America has SO much to do to get it's own house in order, we are talking many years in the future before joining together would come up for actual consideration.)

But you are both effective communicators, and LuAnn has been an actual reporter. And you have stayed intimately involved in the evolution of thought that has been going on in America. Who knows what form it might take, but you have both been developed as super-well prepared to communicate, to Canadians and to Americans. Hmm...I can imagine alot of possibilities.

(Press Secretary for Poilievre? Twitter; Canadian columnists like Kunstler or Victor Davis Hanson? It would be hard to be a Canadian Don Surber--few people on the planet could equal the stamina of his SIX-days-a-week output, humor, and historical depth. But Kunstler and Hanson only publish once or twice a week. And anyone who has been following Don Surber has been attending a MasterClass in writing and political commentary. Ah well, it seems that where there are needs, they are eventually matched with the people that can fulfill them.)

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Canada is broken. Nine years of Trudeau Jr. has finished us. And Liberal candidate Mark Carney (former Bank of Canada and Bank of England governor) is not the answer for us. Carney is an elitist and globalist and WEF accolyte. I look at him and I see nothing but evil and that is frightening for me. I dislike my former profession so much that I hardly follow Canadian news in English. I prefer French media in Canada and even those folks can annoy me, but it's a different point of view. Canadian media is a closed circle. My point of view would be so out of whack that I would no longer be welcome in the group. I would be considered alt-right, right, right. Plus I am an oldie! It sounds like a good idea, though, TPG! What about a podcast, Chuck?

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Ah---yes!--you may be very 'out of whack' with the 'closed circle of Canadian media'--BUT, you would be a desperately needed voice of encouragement for millions of Canadian citizens.

And 'oldie' in this field means simply Wise, and grounded in Experience.

It's hard to know what and if there is an avenue for you to "minister" to your fellow common-sense Canadians, but if it's in alignment with God's love for each Canadian to receive this encouragement and voice, a way would open.

Gee, I'm almost feeling a sense of inevitability about it! The impact of it could be incredible. Wise to move cautiously and with consideration/discernment, though.

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Yes to that, TPG. Thanks.

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Agree Chuck. Yes, Quebecers have been booing the American anthem at hockey games right back to the Iraq war. That's emotional. This is an emotional place. Latin blood is emotional. Quebecers are also practical and have been supporters of free trade. What I have noticed is that Quebecers have been showing more Canadian pride, more attachment to Canada than I have ever seen. Remember, there have been two referendums on secession from Canada. You would hardly ever hear Quebecers describe themselves as Canadian, but it's happening now even among some well-known media personalities. And there have been some sports personalities who say national anthems should not be booed and others who have said they should not be played before games. What I would also say is that Quebec has the most to lose culturally and linguistically as the only French-speaking society in North America, should Canada ever become part of the U.S.A. That is a reality and I do have mixed feelings about that. I was embarrassed by the booing by Canadians at the 4 Nations Cup on Saturday night and I was glad the Americans won. Last thing I will say is that this is all being ginned by Justin and his Liberals to win the next election (even though he isn't running) on anti-Americanism. I totally believe that.

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I want to be the liazon officer in the first (and last I would guess) Independence Day (July4)/Canada Day (July1) parade. And no Gay Pride shit or other flags or anything else other than a celebration of the Uniting of North America at last.

Think of a show similar to the lighting of the flame at the Winter Olympics but scaled to the smallest towns in NA!

How does that grab ya!

It would be epic!

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Sounds good, Chuck!

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Thanks Chuck , I have always known that our neighbors to the North are just like us ; good hard working folks . Interesting question about PDJT and Ted Cruz , together they are formidable .

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The best quality of most if not all of Trump’s picks is that they don’t care what the lame-stream press says about them. That has been the beneficial fruit of the failed character assassinations, delusional projection and name calling. The men in particular exude positive male energy. There’s not a Walz in sight. The Europeans last week were not prepared for what hit them.

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Very true. If you don’t care what people say about you, you have much freedom with no baggage.

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Careful, though, it can give you enemies you really don't need.

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Well, they best get prepared for Eurabia.

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I don't want to agree with you LuAnn but you are right ; Western Europe has their work cut out for them . They had best get to it . Softshoe will not stop the Horde ; it will take aggressive action .

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JD’s Munich speech was a thing of beauty - “Hey, Euro serfs! Time to start paying more attention to your overlords and realize they don’t GAF about your opinions, your welfare, your heritage, or even your continued existence, and maybe start sharpening those pitchforks and stockpiling torches.” Okay, I may have embellished that last thought a little. That’s what really set the Euro Weenies teeth on edge IMHO. And Marco Rubio, who I never noticed as a CONgress critter, had no use for as a senator, and found utterly unappealing as a Presidential candidate, has been killing it as SoS. Nothing needs be said about Our Secretary Pete - was never aware of him before his nomination (I avoid Faux News as the plague it truly is), but he has been everything that he appeared to be. PDJT 47 is coming up on the one month anniversary of his inauguration, and the difference between him and the 💩for brains dementia patient previously starring in “(4 year Nightmare) Weekend At Biden’s” is amazing even to me. I’ve got to get in better shape just to keep up through The Other Don’s™️ first 100 days in office, let alone 4 years of this awesomeness.

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