As if I had a vote. But if I did and he were in Prison, He’d still have my vote.

I can’t believe that, once the pendulum starts to swing back that all these prosecuting pissants are not going to be punished in one way or another for their over-reach. I mean seriously, there are lots and lots of lamp posts in NYC and Washington, no?

MAGA and Ultra MAGA! Sock it to’em DJT!

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A lot of liberal and RINO governors who ordered the murder of millions of our senior citizens during the Covid scare will not stand trial either. WHAT IN THE HELL ARE WE WAITING FOR and we can start with that bitch governor Gretchen Whitmere of Michigan.

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Amen Tony! We could actually run a lottery, for who gets to toss the first torch onto the kerosene soaked wood pile…then donate the proceeds to the ‘Build that F’n Wall Already Fund’!

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Why not Kevfmc:' Byron Donalds disqualified himself, he voted to defeat the motion to vacate.

Democrats defeated the motion to table, McCarthy will not survive.

Anyone serious about making America great again by ending fraud elections, will fight for Speaker Donald Trump Jr'GP

Bravo, Matt Gaetz!

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When McCarthy was voted in, like many Americans, I took a huge breath. With his first few moves, I thought that maybe I had judged him incorrectly. Then came the possible closure of the government and sure enough, the spineless McCarthy showed his true self. I don't know how Matt Gaetz will do, but I KNOW what Herr McCarthy will do and has already done.

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love me some lamp post justice Chuck.

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I’m sure there are also brick walls at the back of some of Washingtons less well frequented parking lots to use as well if HD runs out of cordage!

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Those brick walls make nice backdrops for firing squads.

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100 upvotes, Rev. If the Nat Guard is queasy, we could always recruit Chi's gangbangers.

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Yeah Chuck, let these bastards swing.....

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The picture at the top is reassuring and true and the only way to find solace in the events of the last three years.

Faith can have more impact than a fight, although we can't stop defending what is right.

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There was a TV preacher about 40 years ago who used to intone, "Prayer changes things." Mostly prayer changes me. So pick up your towel and your pitcher and get back on your knees.

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Dang, Laws, you sent me to giggle.

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From WW II-Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.

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Will Trump voters VOTE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE as even Trump himself is now urging his voters to do? [Yes, I UNDERSTAND that conservatives want a return to ONE DAY OF VOTING. But YOU WILL NOT GET THAT UNLESS YOU FIRST BEAT THE DEMOCRATS USING THE RULES THEY PUT IN PLACE - meaning EARLY VOTING, in some states, a month or longer!]

WHY vote early?

1. If something happens ON Election day - you fall sick, your car breaks down, you DIE!, your kid gets sick and on and on - all of which stops you from voting ON Election Day - instead if you already "BANK YOUR VOTE" by voting as early as possible, then you have multiple days in which to get your vote cast!

2. Assuming Republican volunteers are this organized in your area (sadly, don't count on it) if they pul up the registered voter rolls and they SEE THAT YOU'VE VOTED they don't have to waste their time calling you or knocking on your door to urge you to GOTV (Get Out The Vote).

Penultimately, I am pretty sure everyone on this blog has probably already done so, but if not, please consider making even a $5 donation to https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ to donate to Trump's campaign to demonstrate the depth and breath of support this man has from We The People.

FINALLY - IF Trump is not properly re-installed to the Office of President of the United States - and even MORE LIKELY if he IS RE-ELECTED - then you might want to make sure you are ready to withstand a hot civil war. Especially if you are unlucky enough to live in a blue leaning area. Just sayin'

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Sadly, as Jay Valentine has pointed out, no amount of early voting, ballot harvesting, etc. on the part of Republicans can overcome the welded-in cheating machine that the Dems have in place. Hopefully he will be able ($$$) to deploy his voter roll monitoring system in key counties to overcome this threat.

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Will the final vote count be more than America's population, with the millions of illegals factored in?

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I'm not familiar with Jay Valentine but I do not believe there is ANY WAY to "monitor" voting as it is happening to correct a fraudulent outcome.

EVERY FRIGGING NON-LEFTIST HAS TO GET OUT TO VOTE FOR TRUMP for us to have a prayer of a chance at saving this country.

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Don’t forget God.....

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400 days until election day. Stockpile food and water against the promised chaos. (This advice comes from my non-political, Army vet daughter-in-law.)

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Amen, Gail-shoulda been all caps. This is going to my 13 followers.

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Thanks. 😊

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Yesterday, a comment on GP was in all caps, and someone replied don't shout. If you feel strongly about something, shout it from the rooftops. We're at a hell of a disadvantage in getting the truth to the undecideds.

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Thanks again PM. (Although I don't think I know what GP is.) But yes I definitely feel the need for using upper case often these days.

If we can't get some sense out of the other side using upper case, I fear what's on the horizon might be using higher caliber.

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Well put-lock and load-sorry, I don't type well-The Gateway Pundit-for your Sundays w/o Don.

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While I’ve no doubt They’d love to convict him on any of these lawfare indictments, I feel they’d love even more to first bankrupt him in the process, (can’t even fathom what his legal fees must be running him).

This wholly manufactured case seems to be Step One in that process, robbing him of some of his most prized assets and fining him hundreds of millions of dollars to boot.

This will also take an extraordinarily severe toll on him psychologically, and emotionally, as well, as so much of what has made DJT the person he is, has been built upon all that he has accomplished in his life. Having that stripped from him, and his family, must be an unbearably excruciating experience.

I pray for him.

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I agree. To the lunatic left, winning isn’t enough. They want to annihilate the person.

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The hatred in their dark hearts is very visible to us all.

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You nailed it, Rev—hatred; sheer evil.

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It is Rev, but we have to adhere to their rules: By Any Means Necessary

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It’s spelled E-V-I-L….the Democrats are a really dark force

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"New York charged President Trump with claiming his property is worth more than the amount recorded in the tax books. Only 99% of American taxpayers do that."

Here's the thing about that. It's the county tax assessor, not the property owner, who decides the taxable value of the property. That's the way it is in Texas, anyway. The assessed value is rarely equal to the market value, which changes from day to day anyway.

Maybe someone should tell Ms James about that.

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True, but I always argued my property was worth less than the taxable value-apples and oranges?

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Trump’s loan was paid back. No one was harmed. NY is a kangaroo court. And a huge warning not to do business in that state. Stay away from NY if you want to prosper- that’s what AG Leticia James is signaling.

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Leftists are never happy until they lay waste to everything that normies value.

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Indeed, another money quote from today's lesson.

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As if she would comprehend...

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This isn’t the United States of America. This is a Communist show trial in a Communist garbage dump of a city. One of many they have subjected Trump to. Trump is a rock. There will be no justice for Trump, or for us, if these types of shameful prosecutions aren’t stopped. The problem likely won’t be solved with elections. Those are rigged too, by Democrats and by RINOs in swing states. The citizens of the nation are likely going to have to make “other arrangements” as Bill Kunstler puts it. But in the meantime:

Trump 2024.

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Yes, justice in New York on this bs case will be done on appeal.

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That's true, William, but the damage will already have been done. This is all a grand message from the deep state to us. Few of us have the resources to fight this type of fight that Trump is in. They don't care if the judgements are overturned. They have gotten their message out loud and clear. They do this with bogue legislation as well. They try to restrict second amendment rights knowing full well they will be overturned in higher courts. They (the deep state) are using our own tax dollars to fight us while we must use private dollars and continue to get poorer. This is not going to end well.

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They are mad (mentally unbalanced), and descending deeper and deeper into it every day.

“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad”. Euripides

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Maybe what we consider madness is not at all. Their actions seem that way but to say its madness you first have to understand their agenda. We see clearly Marxist actions as insanity, but it isnt to the Marxist. Hard to believe but I think there are a large number of congressional members who dont believe in our system of governance at all and they believe the only way for the country to go forward is thru increasing government control. Why do you think we have a $30 plus trillion debt? Because its easy to spend money when you put no constraints on it. It works gor a while, and then it doesnt. Total insanity for sure, but these people are not mad, they are just lazy and lack any moral or ethical base whatsoever.

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I'm thinking they have to be insane if they think anything they are doing is in any way constructive; and that one has to be insane to buy into the convoluted anti-reality ideology of Marxism in the first place. There's something else in operation, that has them so deluded about Marxism and the hateful race-mongering they're doing. And they're so incapable of appreciating ANYTHING their opponents (us) say, that they are practically sociopathic. There just seems to be multiple mental illnesses operating on the Left.

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Well put. Mad, insane, delusional, Marxist, none of which are good news for us. I see they managed to deflect from the priorities yet again and got rid of McCarthy today. He should never have been speaker in the first place in my view. He is just a younger version of McConnell and he does not have the stomach for fighting Democrats. I don't care who becomes speaker so long as they are committed to solving our urgent problems. Cross your fingers ............... and buy firearms.

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There is no justice in NYFS. I should know - I’ve lived here for all of my 60 years.

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New York For Sure?

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We left during Covid after 35 years…NYC is only going one way = down

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The two terms, justice and Manhattan, cannot be used together. There is no such thing......

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As they pile on more and more atrocities the left shows just how terrified they are for if President Trumps wins they all go to jail. Hang together or hang separately.

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Yes... unlike spineless RINOS, Trump gets even... which in this case would finally be true justice for all of us (We The People/the middle class/silent majority).

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HRC!! too bad it didn't happen.

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Mr. Trump has exposed the matrix that we live in. He is trying for us all to take the red pill. Ironically, he is fighting the real world, Mr. Smith. If he succeeds, he should blow it all up. If he does not, then the future of this once great country will not be very bright. Thank you for a brilliant history lesson.

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We must vote in EVERY election .... no matter how small the office.

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Mr. Surber, thank you for the history lesson, but I have read several books that attest to the salting of the earth to make it infertile really did happen. As far as Mr. Trump coming to the rescue once again, it will take a miracle, but miracles can and do happen.

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Yes on the history. (There’s a reason everyone remembers Carthago delenda est.) But here I’ve been saying all they wanted to do was Julius Caesar him. But it’s much worse, isn’t it?

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Yes it is.

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Good article Don. I sometimes wonder, are they going after Trump because they hate him for what he wants to do or is it because they hate us so much? I have long felt it is the latter and Trump is just the pawn or example in this mess. They are sending a powerful message to every single person who is paying attention with these trials. The message: we can do anything we want and get away with it and if you try to stop us, THIS is what will happen to you. In a way, isn't that the reason we dropped the nukes on Japan in WWII? It wasn't to kill civilians, although they took the brunt of is, it was a message of what would happen if Japan continued to fight. None of this is new. We never seem to learn from history. This is all about a much bigger issue I believe. The other day, I read an incredible series of comments by Mark Esper, former Defense Secretary under Trump........... one of the inside guys who fought him. In his remarks, Esper said he was very concerned that Trump would retaliate against the deep state of government employees if re-elected. You think, Mark? Think about that remark. He is arrogantly telling us that the deep state exists and that by extension, "it is a good thing". He is obviously a never-Trumper but I find this remark is just chilling when you think about it. He is saying that that unelected people running this country and deciding policy are a good thing for the country and they are not going anywhere. People like him are clearly deranged parasites living off of their private bank account, the US Treasury, for far too long. The only thing I can think of to call this type of arrangement is "the tail wagging the dog". They will do whatever they want to keep the current system in place. They aren't even trying to hide it any longer. As for Mr. Trump, I am not sure he can beat all of these charges and trials any longer. There is no Superman. Joe and Hunter Biden and their families are still in business with no real sign of any charges in any meaningful time frame. The GOP has no leadership today, at least no leadership trying to fix the country's problems. It uses these investigations to fund raise, nothing more. It may be better than the Democrat party in terms of inches but that's all. It is up to the people to fix this mess. No cavalry is coming to help either. I'll say this one more time; term limits for all elected positions, depopulate DC and move the individual federal agencies to outlying parts of the country (except California), and pray.

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Good comment, Red, but I kinda believe it is fear of him.

The full claim in the posts reads: “If that f****** bastard wins, we’re all going to hang from nooses! You better fix this s***! – Hillary Clinton, email to Donna Brazile, DNC Chair, October 17, 2016.” Supposedly not a true quote, but I betcha she thought it.

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Either way, there is a message being sent here. I worked with some delegations in Congress for long enough to see it is a culture that will work to protect itself and its system no matter what happens. The folks in leadership will cut your heart out and feed it to you if you buck their "guidance". They don't see it as working for America, they see it as an institution that is autonomous and all powerful and able to give them a career separate from the "working class". Remember: 99% of the folks working on The Hill are non-elected by the people.

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And most will vote as if their jobs depend on it.

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👍 It’s the hula hoop syndrome. Never ending.

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A tad late, but I liked your Jul 26 post-Got another plan to slow the $$:Corruption in government. Always has been, always will be. Shakespeare almost had it right. “The first thing we do is, let's kill all the lawyers." All we need to do is substitute lobbyists for lawyers. What's not to like? Federal lobbying spending reaches $4.1 billion in 2022 — the highest since 2010 • OpenSecrets

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wrong button-To Rddog

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Money quote from Uncle Don's Cabin: "The trial should be as fair as the 5 wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. The judge is a kangaroo." New York City Judge Arthur Engoron should get either a haircut or a fiddle! I didn't come right out and say Engoron was ugly, but here's a banana for your baby, Lady, courtesy of the Republic. {Hannabal only crossed the Alps. Trump crossed the Democraps.}

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Another excellent piece Mr. Don Surber.

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Democrats continue to show us how sick, evil and corrosive they are to society:

They're attacking a man who has created thousands of jobs, creating wealth for individuals and families, and who brought that wealth to NYC and other places. Then they use OUR TAX DOLLARS (NOT their own money - because they don't build anything or create wealth) to try to ruin him, which also keeps him from continuing to create jobs and wealth for others (AKA the Middle Class).

These people are vermin, blood sucking leeches, and a virus in society. We need to EXTERMINATE THEM in the next election. (We made the mistake of letting them reproduce and overpopulate with their kind; we need to correct that as soon as possible.)

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