The simple truth is that we currently have three political parties here in the (formerly) United States: democrats, republicans and Trump. Trump actually far outnumbers the republicans, and is pretty close to the democrats, but he needs to convert more republicans in order to implement his policies once elected. The sad truth is that republicans don't want Trump to usurp their positions in government, which has long afforded them with lavish lifestyles and perquisites of power that we mere citizens do not share. I am not the first, nor will I be the last to say that republicans prefer being the party out-of-power, since that enables them to vacuum up and distribute to their friends and supporters their share of all the tax money the the democrats are happy to raise but claim not to be responsible. They cry, "See, we didn't want to raise your taxes, but those nasty democrats made us to it. So please send us more contributions so we can fight those rascals!" I have a friend who sits in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. When I ask him why he never seems to get any meaningful legislation into the hopper, he laughs and says it is because he can't raise enough money for the party leaders to pay attention to him. It's that simple; money is power. And power enables the raising and distribution of money. A very circular phenomenon, and the circle is forever closed to anyone not already in power. These republicans hate Trump because the Trump Party means to dislodge them from their sinecures and replace them. The questions are whether it is possible, and if possible, will it make any real difference or will Lord Acton's dictum hold sway?

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Excellent points, Steve. I totally agree with you and I think it's basically like this in all Western liberal democracies. The politicians couldn't care less about what voters want. Voters only get to participate once every couple of years, who cares what they want? (sarc)

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Think it is Democrats, RINO's and Trump.

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Keep it simple: Uniparty and Trump.

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Thanks for the best short lesson on the “do nothing” Republicans I have ever read. I learned something that never coagulated for me, but did after reading this post.

Would Trump ever consider using this as a short monologue in his rallies to expose the RINOs and Never-Trumpers? I’ve heard him tell the parable of the snake 3 or 4 times in his rallies. He just did it again in the Bronx. It’s getting old. How about the parable of the “Do Nothing RINO”?

This post needs to be Trumps parable at his next rally with a shout-out to Steve.

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I like the snake story. It's true. What would be the point of his dissing Republicans? Nothing.

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It would properly place the RINOs in the Uniparty as enemies - which they are - who would never vote for Trump.

Perhaps when he tells the snake story again he can say the uniparty - including the RINOs - are the snake.

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there's your problem lady......

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In Arizona, Lake is a wanna be politician. She comes across as the weather girl at the end of the news. She is dead meat. However, I believe Trump is so popular that Republican voters will vote straight tickets. Just look at the massive rally attendance. Those people would elect Howdy Doody if Trump tells them to. Besides, voters know that Trump needs congress to back his policies and fund his programs. Get ready, we are in for the ride of our lives in 2025.

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IDK... nobody fought harder and shed light on "The Steal" than Kari Lake. And let's not forget she was stabbed in the back by the RNC. And let's also not forget there is NO path to meaningful change with RINO's. Arizona is essentially a Mexican state. Bought lock, stock and barrel by the drug cartels.

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Sadly I feel you are correct A.D.

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Yes she was.

And then she decided to stab herself in her senate run. Quite sad. But absent some unforeseen thing happening - which could - she is going to lose by double digits, and it will be an early call on election night.

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Kari Lale is a fighter. What she came up against in her run for Governor was some of the most egregious and flagrant acts of cheating BY HER OWN PARTY to keep her from winning. Arizona is a cesspool of perverted politics and criminality.

She’s made some mistakes, gotten some bad advice most assuredly, but I would never count her out.

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"Arizona is a cesspool" of mostly California runaways that can't get commie behavior out of their bloodstreams.

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Yep! Arizona gets all of the ones without the determination and resolve to get to Texas.

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Unfortunately Texas is getting the filth rich enough for an extra tank of gas. The people of Austin are doing a disservice to their name sake. Same for Houston.

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She is indeed a fighter. But with one arm tied behind her back, no ground troops, no party ammunition she was left out to dry. It's great to have ambition, but a political machine is a steam roller.

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So bash the political machine, not Kari.

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Don't bash it, smash it! Then build a new one that represents the people.

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Kari completely fumbled the abortion question - and in so doing alienated her strongest supporters. Politics is a full contact sport. She got ripped off in 22. This one she blew all by herself, for what would have been an uphill fight regardless. She's done, and at this point has only herself to blame - down 13 points, in Arizona, against a wackadoodle leftwing nut?

I'm happy to bash the McCain machine - who Trump stupidly took on for no goods reason. But I'm also bashing Lake for being a foolish politician without political party support. She's done in Arizona politics.

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It's WAY TO EARLY, in the political foray, to admit defeat.

Lake and other Republicans can win IF (Big IF) they truly pick up MAGA's mantra and run with it.

Don't underestimate President Trump's takeover of the RNC and don't underestimate the fighting machine Lara Trump is putting together.

Understand that the WAPO, NY Slimes and other leftists Rags are nothing more than the mouthpiece for the 4th Branch. They give them the talking points and pay them off to spread the propaganda.

It's good that Mr. Surber is shining light on this reality, at this time, because it's early and can be turned around.

There are many who believe that President Trump will chose Kari Lake as his VP; not sure I agree, because I suspect the VP has already been chosen and is making the necessary campaign rounds with little to no big noise-making. President Trump is the great showman and knows how to entertain and distract his audience and right now his audience is worldwide.

This whole abortion angle is a complete SCAM, developed and pushed by the 4th branch evil-doers, just like the planned riots. This is nothing more than a distraction. Do not take your eyes off the Prize....winning MAGA bigly all the way down the ticket in November.

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I agree re: the abortion issue.


There’s only ONE RESPONSE any candidate has to have when asked about it:

“Abortion has been returned to the States, and thus is up to the voters in each State to decide whether they want it. I personally oppose abortion but let’s leave it to the voters, state by state.”

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Jim, you are being outright hostile to Kari Lake. I agree with MT--WAY too early to "admit defeat". And ridiculous to let a single issue (that abortion fracas, which EVERYONE made a mess of) override an excellent track record of Kari Lake as a hard fighter.

I do not understand what's driving your animus towards her. It sounds way out of perspective.

How about directing some of that animus towards her opponent, and to the poisonous Democrats in Arizona, where it can do some good. I get frustrated when people spend their energy ripping apart the Republican candidates, and let the Democrats go merrily about their way doing 10X worse.

We NEED Kari Lake in the Senate, and you know she will be an outspoken America First leader there. Why would you be just throwing her under the bus like that? C'mon--help her, not hurt her.

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Thanky kindly, ma'am.

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Precisely! So with true support behind her she would be a great asset wherever she lands.

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Time will tell.

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Yep, she was loaded with potential. Sadly, being right doesn’t always lead to winning. Our enemies really wanted her gone. The abortion thing was a mistake-step but the governor’s race corruption was the killer shot for Kari.

Maybe she’ll pull it out.

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I tend to agree. If the electorate wants Trump to lead he has to have a congress and senate. Other wise he'll just be spinning his wheels. I pray that people notice.

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i have a question then....if they vote straight ticket how is lake dead meat (a point some made years ago).

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Delete capital i, and insert: When.

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She is running against a Democrat with a huge war chest for a Democrat seat. One that she can't flip. Besides, she's a wanna be who, at the outset, had a pipe dream that Trump would make her the VP candidate. That was laughable. Here is a good comparison: Lake is like Vanna White, a cute gal, who turned letters on a quiz show, but dreamed about being vice president.

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So let's give up and support the Democrat. That's productive. What's laughable is the juvenile analogy.

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Just the facts from 30-years of residence here watching voter turnout.. Lake is cash poor, Gallego has a war chest because he is an insider. Arizona is a transient state. The majority of residents have no allegiance to anything.

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I think in this era cash levels aren't as determinate as they used to be. Any courageous Republican candidate who is vigorous in supporting Trump and Trump positions will get attention and votes from the Trump wing. In a way, the media coverage Trump commands will carry any candidate down ballot who is clearly an ally of Trump.

The Democrats, on the other hand, need really gigantic financial war chests this year, because they are at a huge disadvantage. Their money will not get them over the finish line as easily as it has in the past.

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No argument.

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That's unfair--Kari Lake has a lot more substance than Vanna White. She has been a fighter.

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Someone on Ldot calls himself or herself "Sorosisbehindit." So, could Georgie be the demon of the stirring cauldron?

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Soros is an anti-American criminal. And word is his son is even more of the same. Stinking-rotten people, bent on destroying our nation.

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And those are his good points.

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Sorry, I forgot to mention he's ugly.

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...and now we KNOW Cindy McCain is a whore.

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...and Diane Feinstein was the madam.

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Good question. Maybe Jester didn't mean the dead meat.

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I think he means on her own. If they don't vote straight ticket, she's toast. If they do, Trump carries her.

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Might be a pipe dream, but we can only hope. Considering the maggots that get elected, you never know. Mark Kelly, a space jockey became AZ senator. Lemme know what his qualifications were. Maybe voters thought weightlessness experience would allow him to hover above the self-serving incumbent thugs.

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Mark Kelly is married to Gabby Giffords, who as a Senator, was shot and became debilitated and Mark ran for her seat (I cannot remember all the dirty little details, but it was a big deal).

Point is that Kelly didn't come out of nowhere....another lefty scam...people felt sorry for Gabby....

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I know the whole story, I live in AZ. If she was married to a muppet the muppet would win out of sympathy for his wife. Here's a comparison: I lived in Cleveland when John Glenn first ran for the senate. At an introductory luncheon he was asked, "What makes you qualified to run for the senate?" He replied, "Well, in school I was interested in civics." The fellow sitting next to me stood up and said, "Let's get the hell out of here."

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I did mean dead meat. She ran for governor and lost to a crooked system. Tried to contest the election vs. crooked politicians who did't budge. Hey, they did to her what they did to Trump, just on a smaller scale. Not condoning it, just stating the facts.

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Don't doubt that for a second. But does it mean we throw her under the bus? She has done as much as anyone in the country for exposing the corruption. For just one thing I would have never known how corrupt Runbeck Election Services are without her. A company that it seems can deliver any election outcome it wants by whomever pays the most.

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I'm not sure what the future will bring. Seems to me that the Republican party left her out to dry when they should have provided everything she needed to oust Hobbs from the governorship that was stolen. From my vantage point, she flew solo. Corruption runs rampant and taking on a government force is one tough task for an individual.

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I'm wondering how much the overspending Ronna McDaniel could have helped mess over Kari Lake? I thought she yea'd nor nay'd the money box.

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Yes, that's what made her a hero--she was left to fight mostly alone.

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That was when the RNC was run by the Romney family incorporated....remember facelift, cocktail party gal Ronna?

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No, but she threw herself there by abandoning principle.

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The donks will do everything possible to steal this election. Voter turnout too big to beat won't work when they can manufacture votes with a few keystrokes. Disillusioned dems staying home won't matter, again, a few keystrokes on a computer. This time they will do it in the middle of the counting. No 2am steal, they know we are watching.

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Each polling place needs armed guards and attorneys watching every move.

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That won't matter as long as they can reprogram the count via an internet connection.

Back in 2002 when the Diebold machines were the latest and greatest, with no internet connection, some guys wrote code that reprogrammed them to steal a percentage of votes based on what was input. Once it was done counting, the program erased itself and all trace was gone. I witnessed the disection of that drive.

The scam was to steal votes in precincts won by the other guy and close the gap a little while leaving ones won by their candidate unchanged. Nobody asks for a recount of the places they carried.

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And no forensic audit exposed it. What used to be a Justice Department is an Injustice Department.

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and videotaping who comes in and out.

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I worry about the cheating.

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No need to worry about it. Know that it's happening.

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I find Lake too shrill, but I hope that she can get elected. I do feel she was cheated last time.

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No argument.

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Kari Lake got a pass from me when the photos of her paling around with a bunch of drag queens surfaced. Anyone can make a mistake, right? Then when she suddenly lost interest in pursuing voter fraud allegations in the governor's race because she had set her sights on higher office, I really began to have my doubts. But when she went full Chicken Little on the Arizona abortion statute controversy, that was it. I will probably hold my nose and vote for her, simply because the alternative is a self admitted flaming Communist. But if she wins, all we are getting is another Jeff Flake (Emphasis on the Flake). Game, set, match McCain Maricopa Mafia.

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She is a wannabe. Best career move would be turning letters on a game show like Vanna White. PS: Thanks for bringing up Flake's name. I had to stick my finger down my throat.

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It's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it.

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Brilliant and sobering analysis, Mr. Surber. Are you sure you were a journalist in your previous life, or is that a recurring nightmare? You seem awfully insightful, logical, to have been a journalist.

EOD Mom : Thank you for raising a brave patriot!

I agree w your assessment of the survey. I admire them both.

Of those two, I believe only one possesses the rare courage to stand up to the totalitarian cult every time, no matter what.

So, even tho I often disagree with aspects of his advocacy, I salute his unwavering adherence to principle and I therefore, vote for Rand Paul!

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Thank you - we are in (daily) awe of our Marine. I talked to him last night and he told me some of what he’s working on. He’s raising some spectacular children. We are wondrously blessed.

I admire Paul’s brain power and always clear analysis of issues, but admire most that he’s one of the few in politics who has always worked for a living and has an actual day job that he excels at and cares deeply about.

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Facts with good evidence. But I do love it when Kennedy burns'em alive. That, as they'd in church, "Is his gift in the Body."

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Kennedy is very smart and talented, however he is part of the Uni-Party; like it or not.

They pretend not to know things and love their silos since it gives them cover.

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As much as I enjoy his verbal burns , I’d much rather he burn ‘em alive with his votes.

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Don, I think your premise is wrong. You are assuming that the polls are correct. In fact it is clear that the polling has always been Psy-ops. I think the deep state realizes they cannot win the presidency with a bumbling ratard. There only move besides assassination, which is unlikely, is to fix the Senate and house races. These poles are just being used at this point to get the public to believe that the Republican senate candidates are actually losing. Lake has issues but she’s not running in Massachusetts. She is not that unpopular in mostly red Arizona. It’s all a fix! FJB

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The world has changed, and the Republican Party hasn’t changed with it. The “leadership “ is always—literally—fighting the last war.

They are like Harry and Meghan- pretending to represent our interests, but really just grifting and cosplaying and preening. Their credibility bank is severely overdrawn.

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True but Trump and MAGA is winning and we should rejoice and recognize that destroying the enemy within takes awhile.

He will have to bring in MAGA folks, as the RINO's Uniparty is split and dying off or tossed aside.

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Agree, the RINO's are in their death spiral, just like the Left. Neither really realizes it. They just think the problem is Trump. The real problem is, the rug has been pulled out from under both of them, as their ideology has been exposed as extremely destructive.

Neither is going to be able to "put the genie back in the bottle".

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I don't think Lake is dead meat. And even if she is, I'd rather be dead meat in this world and have a life in heaven than vice versa. We are supposed to stand up for what is right (not killing babies sounds right to me) even when it is not popular. If we do, God will be with us and then who can stand against us? If we aren't willing to stand up, God will give us the government we deserve. Hence our current situation.

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Correct. Killing babies has become religion for women. Especially for the affluent white women who hold an awful large stake in the destruction of western civilization.

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Don’t forget 40% of black pregnancies (and up to 60% in some blue cities) ending in abortion. And it’s not just the women. The baby-daddies don’t want to lose that “right” either.

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Ah yes, the AWFLs. They are at the forefront of the destruction.

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Verily, verily. That is what bothered me so much about Obama. Just when I thought we'd come so far from the Lunch Counter Sit-ins, I realizes what Pappy meant by we bought a pig-in-a-poke.

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If Trump gets elected without a Republican majority in BOTH HOUSES this pen and a phone crap can get undone as quickly as it was done.

The policies that Trump advocates need to be codified in law so the pen and the phone are relegated to what they are.. a pen and a phone just like almost everyone has in their homes.

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Biden has proven that laws and even our Constitution mean little these days. All one needs is a tyrant for president, a willing stooge heading the DOJ that's willing to not pursue criminals while arresting political opponents, and an impotent Supreme Court.

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Speaking of SCOTUS, am I the only one who doesn't trust A C-B?

I think she's David Souter in drag.

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She comes from the rich, old Southern family, and believes in the "establishment", same as Roberts and sometimes Kavanaugh.

Actually, the Dem appointed judge, who doesn't know what a woman is, comes out in rulings more along the lines of listening to the peoples' arguments, rather than the government's establishment arguments.


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Great poll question. At least 2 choices where voters would have a chance at 1 - knowing what point the leader was making and 2 - have a shot at influencing policy.

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Agree. I voted for Kennedy, but I'd personally prefer Rand Paul. I just don't know if the sloth Repubs would respect him enough to let him lead.

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Kennedy is great at making idiots look even more idiotic during senate hearings, but he doesn’t always vote the way he should. I voted for Rand Paul.

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He votes like a RINO!

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Pray for a Trump over Biden landslide that will make Reagan’s landslide over Carter look like a narrow victory. And while you’re at it, do everything in your power to defeat the scourge of any election: mail-in ballots. Let’s get Trump in then work on getting rid of another scourge: RINOs.

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Rand Paul has been the only decent senator from Kentucky in over a dozen years.

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Great analysis of a sad situation with another glaring example being DeWhine wanting a special session to put FJB on the ballot.Rinos always act as the hind most part of the dem/socialist mascot in that they have no idea of how to lead.PDJT is a leader with a proven record and now is the time for the RNC to get to work undoing the damage of R.R.McD.Poll got a bit gnarlier but Kennedy or Paul would be an ocean of improvement.Anyone but the announced three current seekers.Rock on to a MAGA 2024 win.

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Love this sentence:

"Rinos always act as the hind most part of the dem/socialist mascot in that they have no idea of how to lead."

RINOS: The ass's ass.

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On the poll. Paul and Kennedy are comfortable challenging the status quo. I'll take either but neither has a chance for the same reason. *** Don is pointing out the truism that all politics are local. Pundits focus on the macro, i.e., national, picture, when the real fights are found at the micro level, i.e., within individual races. Pundits begin with the premise "The People are unhappy with Biden policies and should be voting out the Dems" that have implemented those policies. The pundits are correct only to the extent they propose rational action. News Flash: Those limited information voters (the vast majority) are not rational big picture beings. Limited information voters complain about the presidents and national polices but they vote for "their guy," their local reps and senators. What those reps and senators contribute to state or national problems and solutions are usually irrelevant. Likeability and image are more important to reelection chances than what the politician actually contributes to the voter's wellbeing. If the politician is a Dem, the more corrupt he/she is, the more likely they will be reelected. I don't need to provide a list of examples, do I?

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Cornyn was your throw away vote. Right?

I C he got a couple of tongue in cheek votes. What a loser.

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Yep. I couldn't think of anything clever.

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IMO, that was clever!

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Cornyn needs to be primaried

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True, but it won't happen – the Texas state GOP is as corrupt as the day is long.

It played dirty to shut down Col. West's campaign to lead it.

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Post birth aborted post haste !

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One thing is certain, if this country is fortunate enough to elect DJT it won’t matter if the House falls to the evil party. He will immediately be impeached for whatever, exactly as happened after Republicans lost the House in 2018. Even if we don’t win the Senate, as long as a new Republican leader is not the Turtle we should be ok. After all, DJT like Obama/Biden has a phone and a pen!

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Maybe Trump could turn the table and have a refurbished Injustice Department prosecute Biden.

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But Trump will not be allowed to act as a Dictator. Only Dems can do that. You know, because they are saving Democracy and stuff...

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WADR, Don, I truly believe that the Senate will actually be better for the Republicans than the polls currently indicate. Not by much, but I think they'll pick up a couple of seats.

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Abortion is not a right, and should be left to each state.

I personally am against it and do not want to pay for it through my taxes.

If people want abortions... they should have the option, and they should pay for it themselves.

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I never understood how killing a little innocent baby is fine but killing an evil adult can send you to jail.

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Amen Ep.

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You can add "animal abuse" to your list.

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