If ever there was unifying cause that cuts across ALL political, economic, and social barriers THIS one is it (along with its evil twin, DIE/CRT).

They must be stomped to death never to rear their ugly head again.

But keep a most watchful eye on your local school systems as these people are ruthlessly stealthy and deceitful and will try anything to remain alive. Show NO MERCY.

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The BIG problem is even if you see one of these animals molesting your son or daughter, If you tried and did beat his ass, the police--those lovers of common sense and the law--would arrest YOU.

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Might you be referring to the same police that blocked people from escaping the wildfire in Maui because they were just following orders?

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No, but after the massacre of (Black) civilians on a bridge outside of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina trying to flee the floodwaters--NOTHING--this government does surprises me anymore, especially those who enter "Law Enforcement."

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Right you are, Susie. Don’t mess with our kids and grandkids. Only the sickest of liberals will not unite.

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Go Get’em Suzie!

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This could be the stupidest most ridiculous issue ever to raise its ugly head in this world of ours. How can any living breathing adult human being be in favor of mutilating beautiful young children? Is all decency gone from this world?

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…but first duping and deceiving these tiny defenseless children!

It is evil beyond any imagination!

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Almost but a praying remnant remains. It is my prayer that decency and protecting our children are returning.

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Yes. This ruling - and the financial success of the film "The Sound of Freedom" are hopeful signs.

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The mistake made and we continue to make is to be courteous and listen to them in the first place. Some ideas do not deserve consideration. They are unequivocally stupid and wrong and we should have told them that right away.

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The beauty is that some of those school boards have members who will soon be facing criminal charges (Virginia). I hope they go get to share a cell with Bubba.

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Whoever thought Vladimir Putin would come out on the right side of anything (Ban gender re-assignment surgery). Maybe there IS hope.

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There are days he sounds like the only rational adult on media

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Hey, his country is starting to work again based on our stupid sanctions. No, I don't support Putin the evil, I do support the Russian effort to remain sovereign.

Remember, in the early 90s we told Russia we would not move eastward, and then we did.

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Young George2 daddy’s Secy of State James Baker….promise Russians anything to get the nukes out of Ukraine,always part of Russia up until then, even if Stalin did kill off millions in the Holodomor. NYT covered That up for a Tyrant of that generation. US Asst SOS Victoria Nuland is killing off the rest of the Ukrainian men…

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Who is this “we”?

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Washington D.C., December 12, 2017 – U.S. Secretary of State James Baker’s famous “not one inch eastward” assurance about NATO expansion in his meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev on February 9, 1990, was part of a cascade of assurances about Soviet security given by Western leaders to Gorbachev and other Soviet officials throughout the process of German unification in 1990 and on into 1991, according to declassified U.S., Soviet, German, British and French documents posted today by the National Security Archive at George Washington University (http://nsarchive.gwu.edu).

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indeed that assurance was fundamental to Ukraine relinquishing its cache of nuclear weapons.

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The West.

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This will just give the left more reason to screech, “Russia, Russia, Russia!”

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I always enjoyed a good swig of ice cold beer from Dads Schlitz non-pull top can growing up in Houston. Around 7pm, after dinner was finished, we’d all be in the front yard in lawn chairs, my brothers and I would play with our German Shepherd, say ‘hi’ to neighbors that would walk by, before the mosquito truck would fog the little bloodsuckers, and before the bullfrogs would start croaking in the gully around back. (ice cream truck only came on Tuesdays & Fridays). Oh…we also didn’t have a/c, just an attic fan. Must have been before global warming and power grid failures. Teachers never told us about Gays or Trannies, but Jane & Betty were really nice lady’s that lived across the street, taking care of Jane’s old grandmother.

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Drink at 6. I lived in Germany for two years and there is no age limit, just common sense. I met a few that made US Navy sailors look sober, but otherwise it works well :-D.

Great post again, Donald. When you are 18 and above you can have sexual relations with a tree all day, just don't force me to pay for sliver removal...

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Good one!!!

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I say again. Look down the front of your pants/ pantsuit. That's what you were designed by God to be. Don't mess with God. It will not end well.

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I remember about 30 years ago we had a transsexual who came in for breakfast every Saturday dressed up as a "woman." One Saturday he came in and used the woman's room. There was a scream and the police came out and removed him. My F&B manager and I had known each other for many years and he asked me my legal opinion. I said "The dumbest MF in the world knows what they have in between their legs." He didn't come back for a month, but I am assuming that there was some legal action taken by this asshole. Regardless, I never again waited on this idiot. Just asking, but why or how is it that the more money a society has, the more homosexuals, the more pedophiles and the more circus freaks ('trans'sexuals) a society also has.

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Because those societies get fat, lazy and complacent. See Ancient Rome.

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Ancient Rome is true, but what about today's America?? It would be a close second....

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Yes. That was my point.

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What about Homer-Sexual?

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I want to ask Ancient Rome the same question. I see Playswithneedles beat me to it. Great minds, etc., etc.

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They'll tell you the same answer as well --that it is all for show.

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Good morning, all.

I got some unpleasant news last night: my firstborn grandson, now approaching 18 and preparing to enter college, has been receiving estrogen injections in order to transition. Apparently my DIL - a nurse! - has been enabling this behavior for an unknown amount of time. The DIL and my oldest have been apart for several years now. (In spite of their divorce, I still consider her my daughter. She is the mother of most of my grandchildren, after all.) Their Dad - my oldest son - made it a point to be as involved with his kids as much as possible, while working through his own issues. He is currently a wreck - please consider praying for him, as he lost his second wife a little less than two years ago, and is still pretty raw. One never considers that these things can happen so close to home. As for Grandad, I will only say this: I will always love my grandson, but I will never go along with his delusion. I will not refer to him as anything other than what he was born as. This may cost me contact with him, and I will be sad about it, but I would no more enable this self-destructive behavior than I would tie off a junkie's arm so he could shoot up. This insanity will eventually end - but when?

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I will keep you and your family in my prayers. I have a similar situation in my family and I have chosen the path of offering love, but firmly refusing to acknowledge or enable the behavior. I have been cut off by that relative and other relatives who support and enable her. It is sad and heartbreaking, but as time passes I am at peace with myself for doing the right thing. I will pray that your strength will shine as a light to your grandson and guide him back to the truth.

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Prayers up. I also pray my grandchildren make it to adulthood as normal women and men.

I would do like you and MB are doing as well.

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One of the most disturbing things I’ve learned about the people who’ve had hormone replacement and surgery is that they will no longer be able to have an orgasm. I’m hoping it’s not true, but I’m pretty sure it makes perfect sense.

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Only 19 states this year have either restricted or banned transgendering kids? 19?

Cmon man!! The thing.

Susie said it earlier. This is THE cause. Discount the lost states and there should easily be at least 40.

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Texas House has large majority (R), but they give Dems some chairmanships, to torpedo Conservative agenda items - like taxes, trannies & illegals. Gives the Rinos cover and keeps everyone at the trough. Everyday Texans are blissfully ignorant.

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Alabama’s No More Dr. Mengeles Law

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I thank PDJT’s judicial appointees, individual state legislators, and God for placing enough of the right-thinking people into office.

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I think Maher is a shape shifting D-Rat asshole who is tacking starbord so his show will still be relevant when the counter revelation comes. That being said, his writers come up with Zingers, this being one of them.

In the meantime these tranny creeps need to be confronted by real men, in the open and dealt with like the untermenschen they really are!

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Sweden did the only long-term follow up study on transexuals (1973 to 2004). Remember that during these years adults had to live as their new sex for at least a year and have psychological counseling before surgery so they were far better prepared than the children being mutilated today.

Sweden was then, as now, accepting of the lifestyle.

The study found that sex change did not solve the people's underlying problems. The subjects experienced an initial rush of excitement post surgery, but when their difficulties with relationships, depression, addiction, work did not change or go away, they regretted their actions.

The subjects had higher than average rate of suicide (4x), alcoholism, drug addiction. Many just dropped out of the study and could not be located.

Never discussed is the change in the anything but normal daily routine as a by-product of M-to-F surgery: the dilation required to keep the neo-cervix open to combat nature's efforts to always close an open wound; the urinary problems and infections that the majority of both sexes experience for life. M to F surgery is so painful and meaningless, 90% of men never bother. The F to M surgery is even more disfiguring with uselessly horrific outcomes.

Most surgeries destroy any possibility of sexual pleasure.

An article summarizing the study is here:http://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2018/03/21151/

A link to the study is here: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0016885

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I'd be willing to bet that not one single one of those people ever wrote a Thank You note to "Christine Jorgensen!"

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I think you mean dilation to keep the neo-vagina open. There haven’t been any uteruses transplanted, to my knowledge, and thus no cervix, which you would NOT want to keep open!

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Losing the academics was huge, but hardly unexpected. Losing the medical profession is sad. I wonder if Antonio Gramsci actually thought about using the mutilation of children as a political weapon? It is discouraging to contemplate the enormous evil we face every day, seemingly every where. We slept too long and are too slowly awakening. Instead of tea we need to toss into the harbor all the doctors and nurses who not only tolerate this madness, but support it. [On the other hand, I like Woodrow's treatment of horse thieves...even Jake Spoon.]

Which is worse, stealing horses or mutilating children for political gain?

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Not sure if it's for political gain as much as monetary gain. There's allot of money to be made in the pharmaceuticals and surgery side of this. When surgery occurs there is almost always problems that require further medical attention. With some, it never ends. It's a gold mine for the "health" industry.

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Makes you wonder doesnt it? What happened to the first tenet of the Hippocratic oath? Do NO harm.

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It started going down the toilet in 1973. When you can murder 65 million pre-born children for profit, what’s the problem with genital mutilation for profit?

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started going down the toilet before that when the American Psychological Association removed homosexuality from the list of mental disorders in 1968

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Right. Like it was "one small step for man" kinda thing. Only completely different.

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As Rush would say, "They broomed it!"

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"The devil has many strengths but he is very weak in logic," sounds biblical. These pro-trans arguments being published are the best tactical assault on the family structure by the enemy of God since Eden. Christine Jorgensen was not available for comment.

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A Swedish study showed that over several decades and evaluations of several thousand patients who actually went through the full regime of injections and surgeries, those individuals were 19 times more likely to commit suicide as the ones who went through counseling and avoided the injections/blades. This does not include the ones who regretted their decisions as children. Like you say, if adults want to do this, that's their choice. Keep these people away from children.

Danny Huckabee

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Please, enough of this utter nonsense. Whether children can make these decisions, or their parents for that matter, to decide such life-altering, permanent choices, are poorly equipped to do so. As adults we know damn well that much, if not all these options that are presented to children, are by medical authorities and the pharmaceutical industry, the very idea would not exist at all. If you're honest with yourself, you know damn well children do not have the mental capacity to fully understand any of this CRAP. What and who are behind this?

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As with most issues, if you want to know the truth, follow the money. There are billions of dollars in the surgical and hormonal "treatments" for fake gender dysphoria. At least 95% are being administered to children and adults who need psychiatric care, and not surgical and hormonal intervention.

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Suppose Pfizer is going to ramp up in this area too, if not already. How many millions of kids did Fauci screw up mentally with the. ChinaVirus Pfizer batflu scam….win win…

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It has been said [money is the root of all evil].How appropriate!

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When this atrocity is finally defeated, it will be the parents on both sides of the aisle that did it, not the government or politicians. I don't know what the criteria is to get a job in education today, but the people running our education systems at all levels need to be fired immediately. They are just an extension of the Marxist and unelected deep state ruling us and demanding adherence to their arbitrary and in many cases unscientific policies. Too many parents and others are indifferent or just ignorant to what has happened to our education systems. If those people joined in and rose up to demand this stop, it would have immediate results. Majority opinion is still a valid bellwether. Parents are our kids real education system, the teachers and administrators are not.

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