This is not fun to read. Today Don does the hard work of journalism, spreading the hard truth. Truth has its own power.

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Oh I don’t think it was too hard to read.

I’m looking forward to seeing that new play Dave Chappell wrote.

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Me too. I'd buy my favorite liberal a ticket

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You'd probably have to strap your favorite liberal into his or her chair and force his or her eyes open as in "A Clockwork Orange"...

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I'm not seeing a downside here ...

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Use toothpicks!

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Hard to read, but left me limp.

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I would love to see the statistical distribution of the politics of the parents and maybe whether we're talking Christian or Secular beliefs here. It just seems that the cool people have been pushing this. I know it's not only their kids but I wonder if the distribution tilts strongly to the left??

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Apr 15Edited

In just about every video/article that I have seen, the parents were leftist. Take the idiot at at Disney who is pushing trannies, and DEI hard into the movies without an actual story. She has 2 children, one tranny, one non-binary. What are the odds?

Also there was a study in the last few months that shows that kids grow out of gender dysphoria usually by low mid 20s. without drugs or anything more serious. And there were studies showing that conservative kids were more stable, happy and less neurotic.

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Do these parents Love their children? Maybe they ‘think’ they do, but b/c they attended a liberal indoctrination college, they 1) were not taught how to think critically and logically, 2) their professors and Administrators did not teach them to seek truth, and 3) they were raised w/o learning or knowing the eternal Truth of Christ. Satan’s damage all around, happy days are back again….

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Sep 8Edited

They probably think they do love their kids. However, a lot parents today were taught by helocoptor parents. Now days most parents treat their kids like accessories, not a separate living breathing person or they want to be friends. Parents cannot be friends while their child is young. They need to be a parent.

Also I find it interesting that leftists all tout the you will not stereotype me or my friends based on the way we dress, act or speak. But those same people will see their 2 yr old girl pick up a toy car and immediately say they are trans and are a boy. Maybe the toy car was the only toy in the room? So talk about stereotyping. And need drugs/harmful procedures. No, maybe they are just being kids.

I (girl) didnt play with dolls at all, my brother played with them until he was 16. Our parents let us play ect and didnt worry about it or fuss or even marked it as something unusual. My brother is awesome with kids and teaches archery.

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Amen. If you don't like the body God gave you, take it up with Him, not your parents. But there is always Munchausen syndrome by proxy--a mental health disorder.

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Quotable quote from another blog: “They're called the Left because they occupy the left half of the bell curve.”

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Ugh, this war on children is truly the most horrific one occurring today, just one on a list of horrors that is miles long now being perpetrated upon the people from every angle.

There was also a conclusion from that study that said that 99% of young people experiencing said “dysphoria” all outgrew it. We’ve known that fact since the beginning of time - until all these diabolical Mengele’s cropped up on the scene to literally maim, mutilate and cripple our kids with their lunacy.

The whole industry should be criminalized and all the perpetrators sent to prison for life, the same sentence they’ve subjected these vulnerable and defenseless kids to suffer.

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My brother, home on leave, took me to a beauty shop, sat me down in the first chair and told the shop owner, "Make her look like my little sister again!" I was heavy into Davy Crockett and Roy Rogers, back then. You should've seen the grouchy bratty photo with a dress and nice hair that took away my "tomboy" personna. Six years later, he asked me to sing at his wedding. Music City people don't usually say no. I kept my cowboy outfit until I had to make room in the closet for high heels and formal prom dresses.

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My mom grew up in a small town in the 30s and 40s. She was a classic tomboy. In the 50s she married a WWII vet and had 3 boys. Was a great mom for us. Taught us the things we needed to survive and live well. She taught middle school science to a couple of generations of Doctors, Lawyers and other more reputable occupations. She could fix the plumbing and use a slide rule. She was a role model for many of girls I grew up with. I miss her every day.

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One minor quibble: genitalia does NOT determine sex. The DNA in chromosomes determines sex - and that is itself a whole ball of wax - only a small part of which is growing the right pudenda. Sex is a deep, deep thing - reaching the very deepest part of what makes us human, and the arrogance of medicos thinking that a choppadickoffame or addadicktome procedure in any way alters one's sex is laughable.

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Some always think they're smarter than God. Mother nature also has a tendency to kick you hard in the ass when you fool with her. FAFO

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Yeah waiting on that 'we are going to send glitter into the atmosphere' to help with global warming. So they are going to deliberately cause something similar to a huge volcano ash release. Have they not heard about the mini ice ages caused by that?

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What man proposes GOD disposes or so I was taught.

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Aha, I clicked on send before I knew how to correctly spell those two "medical procedures." Muchas gracias.

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As with most of my stuff, it's not original. HT to Professor Limbaugh. So is "Plugs" Biden.

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H/T to the El Rushbo…

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If I pause for a second, and remember that the younger victims of this bullshit are peoples children, I genuinely feel sad for them, caring parents and confused adolescents alike. I also remember that we got here because of a 5-4 (Roberts) decision on same sex marriage by the SC!

But on a wider, more politically oriented stage, we are being set up by one of (or a combination of) the larger, more prominent 3 letter agencies for the trigger man/woman in a T assassination attempt.

Q:How many (including yesterday’s horror story in Australia) of the last several mass casualty fiascos have been by gender polarity challenged individuals.

A:Nearly all of them.

Q:How many (including the asshole in Australia) were ‘known to the police/FBI…

A:You don’t need me to give you the answer do you?

See where we’re going here!

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No caring parent permitted this horror.

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No caring parent permits but with an increasingly frequent regularity, the parents are the last to know!

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The last 55 or 60 mass killers were known to the FBI and several of them were 'cleared' as no threat.

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I’m beginning to see a pattern here…

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Yep, the terrorists in San Bernadino that hit an office, government I think (10ish yrs ago), the HS idiot in FL , the not-terrorist that shot the gay bar up in FL, even the guy in Maine earlier this year. Its been going on a while. They can find a praying Gma but cant find the mass shooters or clear them as 'ok'.

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, ck out the articles on the J6 pipe bombs. All the cameras turned away. Kitchen timer that maxes at an 1hr but bombs in place for 16 hrs. Sniffer dogs within feet of at least one of them 3-4 hrs before and nothing.

But oh, lets give the FBI warrentless spying. Sorry my cynical side is running things today.

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GMTA tj.

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There are dozens of reasons for children to be victims of depression in today's world, possibly causing a small fraction of them to question their gender. I can accept that and would hope a health system solution would be there to alleviate the root causes and restore that child to a balanced perspective on things. That is compassionate care. Drugs and surgery are not.

The scary fact is our health system has become an insane asylum that is aiding the depopulation goals of WEF. Gender surgery to minors is no different than what the health system did to society during COVID. It is being incentivized to maim and murder humans and the hospitals are paid handsomely to do so. Hollywood and the media are weaponized to force it down our throats. The media has become "Medical Compliance Terrorists". It is a continuing effort to destroy the family unit, erase the role of the parents in a family.

I long for the day every hospital administration and board of directors/trustees is severely punished in this country for what they did in order to receive the bribe payouts and follow the non-science. Remove the release from liability and bring on the flood of class action suits to Hospitals, Physicians, Pharma companies, and Bureaucrats. Make it the largest wealth transfer in history.

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certainly the schools and school counselors have played a large role in this terrible thing we see unfolding before our very eyes!

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Then, we aggressively go after school boards and sue each district into being "scared straight".

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Many of us thought COVID was dress rehearsal for some other plan-demic, scam-demic, etc. That's when I found out my son was more conservative than I am. I'm reminded of the cripple man in John 5 (quit sinning lest worse befall you). I know that's a bit out of context, but I'm old enough to quote scripture and not care who gets the brownie points.

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Transgenders are a logical result of a society that does not believe in God. Ironically, it is irrelevant what you believe as God exists and we will be judged. At least now, Satan can have OJ greet them in Hell.

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Amen and Amen.

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Hippocratic Oath: First, do no harm. Solution: First, revoke the license of every medical provider involved in this child molestation business. Second, try, convict and sentence every one of them to prison. Third, allow every molested child to sue them all to obtain punitive damages that can't be avoided by Bankruptcy. Problem solved.

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Fine each such medical provider multiples of the total amount each patient plus insurance company paid and you KNOW they kept records.

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Dr. Mengele smiles from hell, modern day Demonrats, picking up where the Nazi's left off in the name of compassion

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BO should be sued unto his death and or total destitution for all the harm he has done to the population of this country.

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BO and his Big Mike partner should be in Gitmo for life in the cell next to Hillary's

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Same cell please Shrugged.

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Ha! That would be a good real life sit-com!

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Excellent concluding paragraph. As I was reading the post I was thinking about the TV commercials the lawyers could create. Maybe they should hire Dave Chappelle to write them. At least they'd be entertaining.

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If you don't know who you are, look in your pants.

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I just did. I’m a dick.

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And singing, "Great balls of fire?"

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Now I know why my wife has been calling me that for years.

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Bless your heart; did you think she just couldn't remember your name? I appreciate ya'll's comic relief from this necessarily heavy subject. Remember the song from the 70's, "Bless the Beasts and the Children"?

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This was a very worthwhile and disturbing column. Thank you. Tough to say who's most responsible; all of them together wasn't an option.

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At one time medical doctors were always at the top of the list of most admired professions. Given their performance during the Covid pandemic (particularly those in public health) and now in gender dysphoria arena, the medical profession is competing with used car salesmen and politicians on that list. Of course, I am being too hyperbolic in my characterization of physicians, but as a group, they need to call out those in their profession who have turned their back on the Hippocratic oath in favor of being Big Pharma's street dealers. Hopefully, the Cass study will cause the medical profession to get back to treating gender dysphoria as a mental health issue rather than an opportunity to make a buck via pill pushing and medical procedures.

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Correction: "Medical doctors were NOT always at the top of the list of most admired professions." They started out as barbers who did "medicine" on the side, and killed a lot of innocents, including George Washington. But they did improve technologically, along with the rest of society, and despite other destructive mass-delusions like lobotomies, shock treatment, thalidomide ... . But now, with this "gender-affirming care" nonsense, they're destroying a lot of that hard-won respect. I suggest a campaign for REPARATIONS for the victims, but the cost should be paid by the transgender fanatics.

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I doubt that the list of most admired professions existed when barbers morphed into doctors. I do remember a great Steve Martin skit on SNL, "Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber" which goes to your comment.


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Thanks for the memory of when SNL was actually funny and well acted,

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Dr. Mudd didn't help anybody but John Wilkes Booth, quaintly coincidentally, an actor. Mudd's reputation suffered a bit. I don't think SAG-AFTRA made him a patron saint.

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Too sensible Wim .

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Don, I think you are forgetting probably the main culprit in this escapade, and that's the pharmaceutical industry. They are making out like bandits and they are likely bankrolling this movement from the profits gained from the covid vaccines.

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I was thinking schools myself. Big Pharma is just taking advantage of what they've been given. Schools are indoctrinating kids at a very young age and when they're most susceptible to grooming/influencing. Are there a lot of homeschooled Trannies? Not

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plus once you start down this road of hormones, I have read you have to keep taking the meds. I dont know that for sure but making permeate patients out of kids is evil and deserves a special place in H#ll, mmmm right next to Feecis and friends.

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Agreed. Remove “making out like” in the second sentence and you’ve nailed it.

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Don,I feel almost like you are shouting the truth from the roof-tops in a snow-globe.You and other SANE/RATIONAL people do the ut-most to inform the masses but it is preaching to a choir.Great essay on biological facts but these do not matter to the deviant msm and their supporters.Preach on as we are winning a step at a time.Poll needs aota today.

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Sorry, Marian. Don don’t do AOTA.

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Niether does Dr Cat.

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I hoid you in there, laughing! I was right here doing a coffee spurt.

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lol me too. I forgot to set it down before reading the comments. I KNOW better.

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Did I actually call you “Marian”? Stupid autocorrect! Sorry.

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You did an SSA trick,no biggie all okay.

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Ten or 20 years ago if you spoke to a grade- or pre-school child about their gender, you'd probably be arrested. Or having a brief but convincing discussion with the knuckles of the real parent. Today it's supposed to be ok. It's not. It was a perversion back then and it's a perversion today, no matter what it's called. Children are impressionable. Molestation can ruin a child for life. So can this. Oh, wait, this is molestation.

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True dat !

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Do you think we will ever be able to write or say the word q-u-e-e-r in a sentence again?

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