He (the devil) always sends errors into the world in pairs--pairs of opposites...He relies on your extra dislike of one to draw you gradually into the opposite one. But do not let us be fooled. We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight through between both errors. We have no other concern than that with either of them.
Don't go overboard on "winning." Put your faith in God and not Trump. Do not fall for all the snares that come with the power of consensus.
I think God tells us the rules, and then stands back and waits to see how man uses and follows those rules. He is always ready to help, like in Butler PA, but it is mankind that has to make it work.
It is not our works, but faith through grace that saves. God set out works beforehand in order to show us the impurities in our hearts that we might repent.
Column review: When things get tough turn the Democrats loose. Odds are they create a clusterfuck that comes back to haunt them and fuels the Republican base..
Trump's shock and awe have the MSM going bat-sh*t crazy. And this claptrap Nazi thing with Musk was priceless. When are they going to realize that the days calling everyone they don't like a "Nazi", "Racist" or "Homophobe" are over. But let's enjoy their doubling down on stupid for as long as we can. It's kinda fun to watch.
Noticing that Dublin down on stupid I'll leave that spelling is a tag that somebody is being influenced by Satan. Must be one of the effects that Grace has on those that resist it thank you
Regarding the cluster at the National Cathedral - My understanding is that Klobuchar, D Minnesota, was in charge of the whole Inauguration event. If that’s correct, that explains why a known leftist political hack like Budde was chosen to represent what passes for Christian religion in DC. PDJT is right, she needs to apologize to Americans for her nasty, ungracious, and I would add uninformed, political diatribe. I wonder if Trump’s team could have done anything about replacing Budde. OTH Budde just reconfirmed the negative view Americans have of the Left and the Democratic Party they run and that they were right to elect Trump. Another Democrat attempt, another huge Democrat self-own.
"Bishop" Budde is just another example of an institution that the Left has despoiled and then destroyed: the once mainline (now sideline and oldline) churches in this country (and Western Europe).
It's actually another good thing to let them show us who they really are (through nastydiatribes like her "sermon"), as their generation circles the sewer drain of waning power and irrelevance.
and then there was the follow up by the nasty United Methodist preacher from Alabama, I think, who was going off like Jeremiah Wright. Little wonder those big churches have so many empty pews!
Oh, wow, I missed seeing that. Yep we left the UMC where we live about 12 years ago. I do know of several churches, large and small, who chose to follow Jesus and paid the ransom for their buildings and went Global Methodist. They will grow.
Wish y'all could read the pointed letters sent to the Dean of the National Cathedral from friends of ours.
Bp. Budde is only driving lower numbers in ECUSA, while many flock to other (alive) churches in other denominations, including various versions of Anglican (in the U.S., Anglican churches typically are Bible believing and preaching).
And that is the word that will be used to summarize by the gentle ladies what the men are saying. And this site will be the source of the catalytic mental health process that all of the ladies party will have to go through. I'll speak more of this later, like the Good Samaritan, we are getting a doctorate in history from the group that follows the historical Oracle. And my young French speaking lady friend will be a part of that. C********** and you are a crazy ass mother f*****. So that means that the best mental health non-professionals will have to sign up for Don's blog. And Don, I suspect that you'll actually be able to get your Bentley. Now that's just me making my non-educated guess but as you already know from my statistics, my estimates are 90%. The test takers figured that out when they started offering multiple choice back in my very young day and that's when, thank God I turned to music for salvation instead of scholarship, my whole process of becoming William the burden bearer and Michael the angel that got it right when Lucifer got it wrong, the whole process if I may repeat began. Actually before world War II when the two Dittmer brothers the older scholar and war hero and William Michael the original the wild child alcoholic welding dynamite welding bulldozer operating and later to become gospel preaching got started. And the one thing that those two brothers had in common along with hundreds of thousands of American boys was that their wives or their mothers train them to be bully fighters. It's one thing to turn the cheek when you're over 30 and don't have any children or a wife to protect, but it's another thing altogether when you're raising a family and taking care in a proper gentlemanly the way of the woman that God has sent your way. Wow. My clarity impresses even me and I'm not easily impressed. Thank you for your patience. Later Gators. MAD DOG
i happen to know a few democrat voters. i suppose everyone does unless you live in rural north dekota. it took her almost three months but my donk feminist wack-job neighbor finally waved yesterday. i politely tipped my cap and smiled. we both knew what was up. her wack-job donk husband passed away a some months ago so in the spring when the snow is gone i will create an opportunity to offer my condolences. they always had two ev's and she drove the smallest one. i see now that one is gone and she drives the bigger suburu ev. in 2017 she stopped me as i was mowing the lawn and asked: "why did you vote for trump?". i answered: "i pay attention and don't spend my time listening to fake news and msm". yes i actually said that. she just looked at me as though she didn't understand what i was getting at. i started the mower back up and drove away leaving her standing in my front yard. it was actually kind of comical.
She really didn’t get it, Don. They only read stuff in their little lefty version of the universe. Thats why they were so shocked when all the lawfare didnt change voters minds. They are not the smartest people in the room like they told us for decades. Just listen to AOC, Hirono, if you don’t believe me. Coco puffs nuts.
It kind of irritates me when people say that now finally people are no longer afraid to utter plain truths and common sense.
Doggone it, I was not afraid and reaped whatever whirlwind ensued--regardless. Know it hurt me financially and with some relationships. But whatever, our American character is steeped in courage and unconventional thinking. Two traits that Trump has in abundance.
01/23/25: The clusterf*ck explodes like clockwork and out swarm tens of thousands of self-destructive Hillary Clintons (not literally, but the results are identical).
Clusterfuck. That's a French word I can use talking to my more mature audiences, especially my adorable young neighbor who looked at me last year and said... You are one crazy ass m***********! I'll copy this and send it to my Irish Catholic truck driving x son-in-law.
Well to my eyes and mind PDJT geared us up for a huuuugely sustained battle in picking JD Vance as a veep ,now they can train JDs successor by serving in a cabinet position/eyeing miss Leavitt as first woman president mayhaps?
yes and good point. the rolls in and the tide rolls out. Trump much make enough headway that he next time the tide turns it cannot erode what he has accomplished. The executive orders are ephemeral. Tax code changes could be more durable. a border war is less likely to be removed. And so on...
SORRY EDIT OF MY OEN COMMENT yes and good point. the TIDE rolls in and the tide rolls out. Trump MUST make enough headway that THE next time the tide turns it cannot erode what he has accomplished. The executive orders are ephemeral. Tax code changes could be more durable. A border WALL is less likely to be removed. And so on... (Sorry for the typos above)
That's true. We don't need to worry about President Trump. We need to work on a Red Wave in 26 and President Vance in 28. Vance is not a shoe in. There will be an exciting Republican Primary in 28. DeSantis will be strong. So will I'd she chooses to run Kristi Noem. There are times I wish I was back in New Hampshire. 28 will be one of those times. If I am still able maybe I'll rent a place and join the fray.
I think the new agencies should be spread out over Oklahoma. It’s the only state which went completely red in the election. Not a single blue county. Most of the DC swamp employees would quit rather than live there. Then the agencies can be filled with Oklahoma patriots.
01/232/5: Remember when they'd endlessly scream that there was no such thing as the "deep swamp" and that anyone who suggeted that there was was a "conspiracy theorist"? Now even the NY Times prints "deep swamp" in non-italicized type in their headlines. Existence confirmed, move along, nothing to see here. The American Fascist Two-Step MSM Polka: A) "We'd NEVER do anything like that and you're depraved to even suggest that we would." B0 "We did it --- so what? UP YOURS!"
Good question. Even I am guilty of this Montana thing. No, I’m not from Montana, but my impression is that even the largest 3 letter agency can be relocated somewhere in Montana remote enough that it’s personnel will not be able to see another sole clear to the Horizon. Sure, Texas and Alaska would serve the same purpose, but Texas has too many larger airports that would facilitate escapees and Alaska can better serve as a backup threat if Montana winters aren’t convincing. Anyway, the point is not to taint Big Sky country, it is to get the swamp dwellers to quit. Frankly, disbursing swampers to offices in remote storage units throughout America sounds pretty good too.
This should be the perfect time for DJT to disperse the agencies. The offices are empty so it shouldn't take much. A couple of U-Hauls should take care of it.
I dunno..locate the dept of education in a phone booth on the back-slope of great Mount McKinley and see what they can get done while trying not to freeze to death...
Scotty I think you’ve hit on something! The EPA has been very concerned about pollution of the Alaskan north slope by energy companies. Meantime, the energy companies deny it. I propose that the energy companies be licensed to drill on the north slope for the next 50 years or so and simultaneously the entire EPA be moved to the north slope to monitor them without interfering. Then at the end of 50 years Baron Trump will decide who polluted the most.
I read last night on CFP that Baron and 2 of his buddies were in the process of starting an upscale real estate business. His father has certainly been a great example for him, may he follow in his footsteps
I got the sarc Frank. I actually adopted it in my reply thus the notion of comparing the energy drilling pollution with the EPA pollution after 50yrs. I have no doubt the EPA would lose, unless of course they all quit.
I admit I was a 'hostage' of Conservative Inc.™ in 2016 in thinking Trump was only trying to promote himself.
He gave us - via the failed Trump University - a complete degree in understanding how corrupt everyone else is in our 'federal government'. It is amazing, really. The man is genius in so many ways.
Yesterday, he had three Hamas hostages wearing yellow ribbons as scarfs standing behind him on stage:
"With the Hamas hostages standing in the same frame, Trump called our J6 political prisoners the January 6th hostages.”
In other words, Trump compared our J6 prisoners to the Hamas hostages.
Think about the scathing significance of that harsh comparison. The Hamas operatives who captured the innocent civilian hostages were war criminals, barbaric terrorists and rapists.
In other words, Trump compared Democrats to Hamas terrorists."
That he did because the J6 architects are as bad as Hamas. Speaker Johnson was appointed a Committee to investigate the day. Republican Loudermilk from Georgia will lead the charge. The DOJ, DC courts and DC jail administration miscreants must be revealed as well as Pelosi and her J6 entrapment scheme.
Ray Epps was included and that last minute Biden pardon. I'm told once pardoned you may not invoke the 5th. So here's my idea grill Epos and find out who put him and others up to the insurrection?
Well, the HOPE this time around, is the fact that we will now have a sane DOJ as backup for criminal referrals, which the last four years we did not have.
I have more respect for Hamas terrorists than for Democrats.
Hamas truthfully tells us they are our avowed enemy and act accordingly. They do what they say. The Dems tell us they love us, are true Americans, and live by the Constitution but use deceit, lies, hate, torture, and even murder to overthrow this Republic to destroy us.
I want to destroy both groups, but believe the Deep state Democrats are the absolute worst pieces of scum on planet earth.
Hamas needs to be looking down the barrel of a gun. The Democrats need to be looking into the eyes of a prosecutor who will not bend or back down from the rule of Constitutional law, then, the eyes of a judge or jury delivering a deserved sentence followed by prison. . . . or hanging.
Great column Don. You've got so much material it must be hard to select what to put out there. Why don't you give us two posts a day for a while.
The Trumpster. like Grant, is a fighter. He's a street fighter. You might not like him but you gotta admit that in a fight he's world class. We are all very happy that he's decided to fight for America.
In 2016 my husband voted for him but couldn’t stand him because of his personality. Ditto in 2020. On Monday, as soon as the oath of office had been administered, he poured a shot of bourbon, raised it towards DC and toasted Trump. Then he stayed glued to the television for the next 8 hours.
Keep hammering Don as more and more citizens are waking up to realize this election DID save America as the framers intended. It is sad that PDJT had to suffer such abuse but my gut tells me this is why GOD chose him knowing the character and mindset of an imperfect but American freedom loving businessman. GOD truly blessed America once more.
The Lord God showed us unmerited favor. Our nation deserved His wrath. Thankfully He is a long suffering God who loves all humans. We who believe in Christ must lead our nation out of its cultural rot and recenter our nation whose motto is “In God we trust”and mean it.
The absence of rabid protestors and/or rioters from this Inauguration is quite interesting.
Could it be that the NGO’s, etc. who fund and are behind all that theater are feeling a bit nervous, and keeping their head down?
There needs to be targets painted on the backs of these criminal organizations who have funded all the unrest and perverse and anti-American and anti-Israel poison that has so defiled our country, government and universities, to say nothing of the minds of our children.
"There needs to be targets painted on the backs of these criminal organizations who have funded all the unrest and perverse and anti-American and anti-Israel poison..." - targets painted on their backs and tattooed on their foreheads! By the way, where were Madonna and Kathy Griffin this past Monday?
The Republican Senate is still letting the Democrats drag out the voting on Trump’s cabinet picks. It is beyond infuriating, and Mitch McConnell is behind most of it.
The threat of primaries is weak sauce if you ask me, as some instigators probably arent even planning to run in 2026.
They need to feel the fear of God for their insubordination like right NOW. Such behavior simply cannot be tolerated any longer with the stakes so high to get this job moving fast and furious.
Those lazy sob's aren't going to be very happy having to work through their weekends and so many weeks until they finally get Trump's cabinet nominations in place. So far it seems that Thune intends to hold their feet to the fire
Realistic is not a term noteworthy of Donkies, Don. Stubborn, yes. Obfuscation, yes. Do not count on the Left Pavlovian lap dog legacy media changing too quickly. Watch the declines in newspaper subscription and advertising revenue. Same with Left TV and cable. Money talks.
Burkett put Acosta in his place when he opined the Cartoon Network had more viewers than CNN! OORAH!!
In hindsight, a four year break between his two terms will prove to be a blessing for Trump. He needed that break to reflect, make lists, develop alliances, and prepare. And by the looks of it after three days in office, he used the time very well. This is not the same Trump as the first term.
Ok I laughed at Trump saying 'you'll say there is too much winning, please sir, stop it, I can't handle it....too much winning......'.......with today's poll, not having an option D - 'All of the Above'.....I am starting to think.....Maybe after 4 years of this, I will get used to it......SOOO much winning!!!!
In Kash’s Government Gangsters is an appendix that names the Deep State varsity ( a lot of jv’ers named in the book didn’t qualify for this list).
Along with all the awesome executive orders and firings, I’d like to see a weekly updated list of those winnowed, cashiered and/or promoted to glory (figuratively, of course).
An excellent book. It reaffirmed my distrust / dislike of government. When it does it's job it is just fine. But following WWII government got out of hand. It was huge because of the war, but it wouldn't return to normal because they liked the enormous power too much.
If you want to call them illegal aliens, that's fine. I'll stick to calling them invasive species. Why? That term denotes an organism that by its mere presence damages and endangers the native flora and fauna. Ever see the piles of waste that dot the land near our borders? From discarded water bottles to rape trees it is a sight to make one sick . And speaking of rape, while I'm not going to research statistics for America, Norway released a report disclosing that nearly 100% of the rapes in two of their provinces were the work of invaders called refugees. Human refuse to be sure.
as i said elsewhere, the "one flag" rule is good as far as it goes, but it needs to go farther-- no federal funds for any entity that displays the pride flag.
Democrats in places like Massachusetts and New York are like cockroaches. Nasty critters, but hard to get rid of. The Country will always have 25-30% of the population who will vote blue. In the South, they are referred to as "Yellow Dog" Democrats. Instead of worrying about them, I believe the MAGA GOP needs to focus on the RINOs within the party and either get them on board or get them out via the primary process. We have come a long way to get where we are today, but the road ahead will not be smooth. It is going to take more than Donald Trump to keep the momentum that exists today.
As C.S. Lewis said:
He (the devil) always sends errors into the world in pairs--pairs of opposites...He relies on your extra dislike of one to draw you gradually into the opposite one. But do not let us be fooled. We have to keep our eyes on the goal and go straight through between both errors. We have no other concern than that with either of them.
Don't go overboard on "winning." Put your faith in God and not Trump. Do not fall for all the snares that come with the power of consensus.
Faith with God. Winning with Trump.
Ten “likes”
I think God tells us the rules, and then stands back and waits to see how man uses and follows those rules. He is always ready to help, like in Butler PA, but it is mankind that has to make it work.
It is not our works, but faith through grace that saves. God set out works beforehand in order to show us the impurities in our hearts that we might repent.
Oops, forgot the verse: Ephesians 2:8.
Column review: When things get tough turn the Democrats loose. Odds are they create a clusterfuck that comes back to haunt them and fuels the Republican base..
Trump's shock and awe have the MSM going bat-sh*t crazy. And this claptrap Nazi thing with Musk was priceless. When are they going to realize that the days calling everyone they don't like a "Nazi", "Racist" or "Homophobe" are over. But let's enjoy their doubling down on stupid for as long as we can. It's kinda fun to watch.
Noticing that Dublin down on stupid I'll leave that spelling is a tag that somebody is being influenced by Satan. Must be one of the effects that Grace has on those that resist it thank you
Regarding the cluster at the National Cathedral - My understanding is that Klobuchar, D Minnesota, was in charge of the whole Inauguration event. If that’s correct, that explains why a known leftist political hack like Budde was chosen to represent what passes for Christian religion in DC. PDJT is right, she needs to apologize to Americans for her nasty, ungracious, and I would add uninformed, political diatribe. I wonder if Trump’s team could have done anything about replacing Budde. OTH Budde just reconfirmed the negative view Americans have of the Left and the Democratic Party they run and that they were right to elect Trump. Another Democrat attempt, another huge Democrat self-own.
"Bishop" Budde is just another example of an institution that the Left has despoiled and then destroyed: the once mainline (now sideline and oldline) churches in this country (and Western Europe).
It's actually another good thing to let them show us who they really are (through nastydiatribes like her "sermon"), as their generation circles the sewer drain of waning power and irrelevance.
and then there was the follow up by the nasty United Methodist preacher from Alabama, I think, who was going off like Jeremiah Wright. Little wonder those big churches have so many empty pews!
Oh, wow, I missed seeing that. Yep we left the UMC where we live about 12 years ago. I do know of several churches, large and small, who chose to follow Jesus and paid the ransom for their buildings and went Global Methodist. They will grow.
Wish y'all could read the pointed letters sent to the Dean of the National Cathedral from friends of ours.
Bp. Budde is only driving lower numbers in ECUSA, while many flock to other (alive) churches in other denominations, including various versions of Anglican (in the U.S., Anglican churches typically are Bible believing and preaching).
On a more practical note: That Episcopal Church MUST lose its tax-exempt status!
That evil bishop violated every tax exempt law on the books.
There was nothing close to "God-Inspired Word" in that mentally ill psychotic fraudster spewing Marxist lies.
Exactly. Make them play by the rules they enacted. There was not 1 iota of GOD in her political scold.
And that is the word that will be used to summarize by the gentle ladies what the men are saying. And this site will be the source of the catalytic mental health process that all of the ladies party will have to go through. I'll speak more of this later, like the Good Samaritan, we are getting a doctorate in history from the group that follows the historical Oracle. And my young French speaking lady friend will be a part of that. C********** and you are a crazy ass mother f*****. So that means that the best mental health non-professionals will have to sign up for Don's blog. And Don, I suspect that you'll actually be able to get your Bentley. Now that's just me making my non-educated guess but as you already know from my statistics, my estimates are 90%. The test takers figured that out when they started offering multiple choice back in my very young day and that's when, thank God I turned to music for salvation instead of scholarship, my whole process of becoming William the burden bearer and Michael the angel that got it right when Lucifer got it wrong, the whole process if I may repeat began. Actually before world War II when the two Dittmer brothers the older scholar and war hero and William Michael the original the wild child alcoholic welding dynamite welding bulldozer operating and later to become gospel preaching got started. And the one thing that those two brothers had in common along with hundreds of thousands of American boys was that their wives or their mothers train them to be bully fighters. It's one thing to turn the cheek when you're over 30 and don't have any children or a wife to protect, but it's another thing altogether when you're raising a family and taking care in a proper gentlemanly the way of the woman that God has sent your way. Wow. My clarity impresses even me and I'm not easily impressed. Thank you for your patience. Later Gators. MAD DOG
i happen to know a few democrat voters. i suppose everyone does unless you live in rural north dekota. it took her almost three months but my donk feminist wack-job neighbor finally waved yesterday. i politely tipped my cap and smiled. we both knew what was up. her wack-job donk husband passed away a some months ago so in the spring when the snow is gone i will create an opportunity to offer my condolences. they always had two ev's and she drove the smallest one. i see now that one is gone and she drives the bigger suburu ev. in 2017 she stopped me as i was mowing the lawn and asked: "why did you vote for trump?". i answered: "i pay attention and don't spend my time listening to fake news and msm". yes i actually said that. she just looked at me as though she didn't understand what i was getting at. i started the mower back up and drove away leaving her standing in my front yard. it was actually kind of comical.
She really didn’t get it, Don. They only read stuff in their little lefty version of the universe. Thats why they were so shocked when all the lawfare didnt change voters minds. They are not the smartest people in the room like they told us for decades. Just listen to AOC, Hirono, if you don’t believe me. Coco puffs nuts.
Good for you.
It kind of irritates me when people say that now finally people are no longer afraid to utter plain truths and common sense.
Doggone it, I was not afraid and reaped whatever whirlwind ensued--regardless. Know it hurt me financially and with some relationships. But whatever, our American character is steeped in courage and unconventional thinking. Two traits that Trump has in abundance.
Exactly. Lost an almost friend when I told him that "vaccines" were poison. He now knows it and is not much of a man so he won't admit it.
i am aware they don't get it. coco puffs is correct.
I am sorry, I must insert my crudeness. The left is F*cking Nuts and evil. I will not play nice any longer. OK ok I have never played nice. :)
01/23/25: A shame you didn't have it on video tape (silently, invisibly taping).
01/23/25: The clusterf*ck explodes like clockwork and out swarm tens of thousands of self-destructive Hillary Clintons (not literally, but the results are identical).
Thats true but its always the GOP who forgets that axiom.
Clusterfuck. That's a French word I can use talking to my more mature audiences, especially my adorable young neighbor who looked at me last year and said... You are one crazy ass m***********! I'll copy this and send it to my Irish Catholic truck driving x son-in-law.
In 2016 not many people truly understood “the swamp”.
Now most do understand and don’t like it.
Had Trump won in 2020 I don’t think he would have been as effective as he is going to be this time.
I do hope he relocates some agencies and people to place like central Montana or American Samoa .
Maybe they can count cattle or coconuts for the government.
Decentralization is key - what’s the point of being in the club if you can’t go to the clubhouse?
We won the battle that turns the tide , still have a long way to go . This movement must be sustained to reach state and even local levels .
Well to my eyes and mind PDJT geared us up for a huuuugely sustained battle in picking JD Vance as a veep ,now they can train JDs successor by serving in a cabinet position/eyeing miss Leavitt as first woman president mayhaps?
yes and good point. the rolls in and the tide rolls out. Trump much make enough headway that he next time the tide turns it cannot erode what he has accomplished. The executive orders are ephemeral. Tax code changes could be more durable. a border war is less likely to be removed. And so on...
SORRY EDIT OF MY OEN COMMENT yes and good point. the TIDE rolls in and the tide rolls out. Trump MUST make enough headway that THE next time the tide turns it cannot erode what he has accomplished. The executive orders are ephemeral. Tax code changes could be more durable. A border WALL is less likely to be removed. And so on... (Sorry for the typos above)
That's true. We don't need to worry about President Trump. We need to work on a Red Wave in 26 and President Vance in 28. Vance is not a shoe in. There will be an exciting Republican Primary in 28. DeSantis will be strong. So will I'd she chooses to run Kristi Noem. There are times I wish I was back in New Hampshire. 28 will be one of those times. If I am still able maybe I'll rent a place and join the fray.
I think the new agencies should be spread out over Oklahoma. It’s the only state which went completely red in the election. Not a single blue county. Most of the DC swamp employees would quit rather than live there. Then the agencies can be filled with Oklahoma patriots.
01/232/5: Remember when they'd endlessly scream that there was no such thing as the "deep swamp" and that anyone who suggeted that there was was a "conspiracy theorist"? Now even the NY Times prints "deep swamp" in non-italicized type in their headlines. Existence confirmed, move along, nothing to see here. The American Fascist Two-Step MSM Polka: A) "We'd NEVER do anything like that and you're depraved to even suggest that we would." B0 "We did it --- so what? UP YOURS!"
The ones in Montana can all take pay cuts and side jobs raising up crops of dental floss.
Raising them up, waxing them down!
No taxpayer money for them to buy their pygmy ponies.
What? You don't like Montana?
Good question. Even I am guilty of this Montana thing. No, I’m not from Montana, but my impression is that even the largest 3 letter agency can be relocated somewhere in Montana remote enough that it’s personnel will not be able to see another sole clear to the Horizon. Sure, Texas and Alaska would serve the same purpose, but Texas has too many larger airports that would facilitate escapees and Alaska can better serve as a backup threat if Montana winters aren’t convincing. Anyway, the point is not to taint Big Sky country, it is to get the swamp dwellers to quit. Frankly, disbursing swampers to offices in remote storage units throughout America sounds pretty good too.
This should be the perfect time for DJT to disperse the agencies. The offices are empty so it shouldn't take much. A couple of U-Hauls should take care of it.
I dunno..locate the dept of education in a phone booth on the back-slope of great Mount McKinley and see what they can get done while trying not to freeze to death...
Why keep it at all? Education in this country has only gotten worse ever since that department was created.
I think they have some pretty strict laws against polluting in Alaska. Perhaps, when we close on Greenland, we'll have a suitable backup for Montana.
Scotty I think you’ve hit on something! The EPA has been very concerned about pollution of the Alaskan north slope by energy companies. Meantime, the energy companies deny it. I propose that the energy companies be licensed to drill on the north slope for the next 50 years or so and simultaneously the entire EPA be moved to the north slope to monitor them without interfering. Then at the end of 50 years Baron Trump will decide who polluted the most.
I read last night on CFP that Baron and 2 of his buddies were in the process of starting an upscale real estate business. His father has certainly been a great example for him, may he follow in his footsteps
In my comment, the pollution to which I referred was the bureaucrats. I probably should have included a </sarc> tag. My bad!
I got the sarc Frank. I actually adopted it in my reply thus the notion of comparing the energy drilling pollution with the EPA pollution after 50yrs. I have no doubt the EPA would lose, unless of course they all quit.
Great minds & all… 😁
I really prefer they not be relocated to TX. We already have too many libs in our big cities
I hear the Aleutians are beautiful in the winters.
Great state.
I admit I was a 'hostage' of Conservative Inc.™ in 2016 in thinking Trump was only trying to promote himself.
He gave us - via the failed Trump University - a complete degree in understanding how corrupt everyone else is in our 'federal government'. It is amazing, really. The man is genius in so many ways.
Yesterday, he had three Hamas hostages wearing yellow ribbons as scarfs standing behind him on stage:
"With the Hamas hostages standing in the same frame, Trump called our J6 political prisoners the January 6th hostages.”
In other words, Trump compared our J6 prisoners to the Hamas hostages.
Think about the scathing significance of that harsh comparison. The Hamas operatives who captured the innocent civilian hostages were war criminals, barbaric terrorists and rapists.
In other words, Trump compared Democrats to Hamas terrorists."
That he did because the J6 architects are as bad as Hamas. Speaker Johnson was appointed a Committee to investigate the day. Republican Loudermilk from Georgia will lead the charge. The DOJ, DC courts and DC jail administration miscreants must be revealed as well as Pelosi and her J6 entrapment scheme.
Agree . If there is ever an example of citizen's rights being violated ; DOJ's actions standout as being the worst in our history .
Ray Epps was included and that last minute Biden pardon. I'm told once pardoned you may not invoke the 5th. So here's my idea grill Epos and find out who put him and others up to the insurrection?
Preemptive pardons are unconstitutional ; see Burdick vs. United States 1915 , final decree from USSC .
He just claims a case of bad memory.
Maybe they will be revealed but will they be held accountable? These committee's, the pandering and waste of time are just another stain on the Swamp.
Well, the HOPE this time around, is the fact that we will now have a sane DOJ as backup for criminal referrals, which the last four years we did not have.
Let us pray 🙏
Optimism required, please.
Optimism is earned through realism.
Think outside of the box.
I promise to be the first to congratulate you and admit being wrong WHEN and IF someone is ever held accountable. We will see.
I have more respect for Hamas terrorists than for Democrats.
Hamas truthfully tells us they are our avowed enemy and act accordingly. They do what they say. The Dems tell us they love us, are true Americans, and live by the Constitution but use deceit, lies, hate, torture, and even murder to overthrow this Republic to destroy us.
I want to destroy both groups, but believe the Deep state Democrats are the absolute worst pieces of scum on planet earth.
I won't try to separate my disdain for both groups but threat of punishment will at least deter most democrats ; not so with Hamas .
Hamas needs to be looking down the barrel of a gun. The Democrats need to be looking into the eyes of a prosecutor who will not bend or back down from the rule of Constitutional law, then, the eyes of a judge or jury delivering a deserved sentence followed by prison. . . . or hanging.
Very astute observation & very well stated. Thank you.
I agree with Neera
Great column Don. You've got so much material it must be hard to select what to put out there. Why don't you give us two posts a day for a while.
The Trumpster. like Grant, is a fighter. He's a street fighter. You might not like him but you gotta admit that in a fight he's world class. We are all very happy that he's decided to fight for America.
Thx for the Grant comparison
Trump is a streetfighter alright, and he's armed with a shiv with a rusty, serrated blade to make it hurt - badly.
What makes Trump different is he'll shove that rusty shiv into their chest while looking them in the eye.
Jake, give our wonderful Don Surber a break. This man needs a life too, he can't be expected to work for us 24/7
Who doesn't like him?
In 2016 my husband voted for him but couldn’t stand him because of his personality. Ditto in 2020. On Monday, as soon as the oath of office had been administered, he poured a shot of bourbon, raised it towards DC and toasted Trump. Then he stayed glued to the television for the next 8 hours.
My wife and I toasted with champagne at my house on Monday. I tested out the bourbon later in the evening.
Keep hammering Don as more and more citizens are waking up to realize this election DID save America as the framers intended. It is sad that PDJT had to suffer such abuse but my gut tells me this is why GOD chose him knowing the character and mindset of an imperfect but American freedom loving businessman. GOD truly blessed America once more.
The Lord God showed us unmerited favor. Our nation deserved His wrath. Thankfully He is a long suffering God who loves all humans. We who believe in Christ must lead our nation out of its cultural rot and recenter our nation whose motto is “In God we trust”and mean it.
So thankful that God listened to the many prayers about this election.
Now it is up to us to assist in revival of true worship and praise of the Creator God. He is merciful indeed!
Exactly, what other person could have stood up to the onslaught of both parties, plus all the other 3 letter agencies.
The absence of rabid protestors and/or rioters from this Inauguration is quite interesting.
Could it be that the NGO’s, etc. who fund and are behind all that theater are feeling a bit nervous, and keeping their head down?
There needs to be targets painted on the backs of these criminal organizations who have funded all the unrest and perverse and anti-American and anti-Israel poison that has so defiled our country, government and universities, to say nothing of the minds of our children.
They need to be shamed and obliterated into dust.
"There needs to be targets painted on the backs of these criminal organizations who have funded all the unrest and perverse and anti-American and anti-Israel poison..." - targets painted on their backs and tattooed on their foreheads! By the way, where were Madonna and Kathy Griffin this past Monday?
I think they had to cut back on the number of protesters because they cost more this time because of the cold weather.
Hmm … COLD WEATHER? GOD works in mysterious ways, and sometimes not so mysteriously, His wonders to perform! LORD, THY WILL BE DONE … 🙏🇺🇸
Well said M.A.
Good catch Suzie... We all noticed the paltry crowds. Might have been the cold weather that God sent to discourage them.
"shamed" may be too much to hope for. Shame is not in their genes.
The Republican Senate is still letting the Democrats drag out the voting on Trump’s cabinet picks. It is beyond infuriating, and Mitch McConnell is behind most of it.
The threat of primaries is weak sauce if you ask me, as some instigators probably arent even planning to run in 2026.
They need to feel the fear of God for their insubordination like right NOW. Such behavior simply cannot be tolerated any longer with the stakes so high to get this job moving fast and furious.
Trump is already talking recess appointments.
"We don't need them" almost as sweet as "You're Fired"
Those lazy sob's aren't going to be very happy having to work through their weekends and so many weeks until they finally get Trump's cabinet nominations in place. So far it seems that Thune intends to hold their feet to the fire
I'm beginning to think Thune is a puppet to McConnell like Biden was a puppet to Obama.
He is. McConnell is Thune's handler.
Mitch will soon assume room temperature. Thune will be around for a while
Someone needs to slip a horses head in Mitch's bed..
DJT! Promises made, promises kept!
Realistic is not a term noteworthy of Donkies, Don. Stubborn, yes. Obfuscation, yes. Do not count on the Left Pavlovian lap dog legacy media changing too quickly. Watch the declines in newspaper subscription and advertising revenue. Same with Left TV and cable. Money talks.
Burkett put Acosta in his place when he opined the Cartoon Network had more viewers than CNN! OORAH!!
I forgot where I read it, but I read that CNN has more employees than viewers watching.
That is more than likely very accurate, Sir.
In hindsight, a four year break between his two terms will prove to be a blessing for Trump. He needed that break to reflect, make lists, develop alliances, and prepare. And by the looks of it after three days in office, he used the time very well. This is not the same Trump as the first term.
Ok I laughed at Trump saying 'you'll say there is too much winning, please sir, stop it, I can't handle it....too much winning......'.......with today's poll, not having an option D - 'All of the Above'.....I am starting to think.....Maybe after 4 years of this, I will get used to it......SOOO much winning!!!!
In Kash’s Government Gangsters is an appendix that names the Deep State varsity ( a lot of jv’ers named in the book didn’t qualify for this list).
Along with all the awesome executive orders and firings, I’d like to see a weekly updated list of those winnowed, cashiered and/or promoted to glory (figuratively, of course).
An excellent book. It reaffirmed my distrust / dislike of government. When it does it's job it is just fine. But following WWII government got out of hand. It was huge because of the war, but it wouldn't return to normal because they liked the enormous power too much.
If you want to call them illegal aliens, that's fine. I'll stick to calling them invasive species. Why? That term denotes an organism that by its mere presence damages and endangers the native flora and fauna. Ever see the piles of waste that dot the land near our borders? From discarded water bottles to rape trees it is a sight to make one sick . And speaking of rape, while I'm not going to research statistics for America, Norway released a report disclosing that nearly 100% of the rapes in two of their provinces were the work of invaders called refugees. Human refuse to be sure.
as i said elsewhere, the "one flag" rule is good as far as it goes, but it needs to go farther-- no federal funds for any entity that displays the pride flag.
Democrats in places like Massachusetts and New York are like cockroaches. Nasty critters, but hard to get rid of. The Country will always have 25-30% of the population who will vote blue. In the South, they are referred to as "Yellow Dog" Democrats. Instead of worrying about them, I believe the MAGA GOP needs to focus on the RINOs within the party and either get them on board or get them out via the primary process. We have come a long way to get where we are today, but the road ahead will not be smooth. It is going to take more than Donald Trump to keep the momentum that exists today.
It's been almost three days. How long are we going to have to wait to see Adam Schiff hanged?
His neck is already long enough. Better to investigate him and deny him any senate committee positions and security clearances while so doing.
I'm OK with turning his pencil neck into a giraffe neck.