The first thing he should do is announce that he has accepted the resignations of every single federal DA, effective close of business the day of inauguration. Every one. Every district. With thanks for their service. Shut the DOJ place down until a new AG and working professionals confirmed. Then accept the resignation of Wray et al. Shut it down.
Anyone hired by the political prosecutors needs to be under intense scrutiny. They can be leakers and saboteurs who interfere with justice by sharing false news to the media or destroying key evidence or case notes. Assume that the Deep State purged anyone with a conscience. That seems to be the pattern.
The new DA's Trump appoints can then clean house below them (that should be part of their job description from Trump in order to be appointed). That's delegation, and that's how you make sure it gets done thoroughly, top to bottom.
At most changes of administration in many states, your updated résumé is expected on your supervisor's desk by 2 weeks before inauguration. No résumé means you do not plan to continue employment. (If only Trump had cleaned house in his first two months, last time.)
The first thing he should do is never live in Washington DC. It is a cesspool of corruption and filth. He should move the White House or rebuild one in the middle of the country maybe Kansas. Next he should fire every government employee, including everyone in the military and then have each reapply for their job. Finally as the poll shows, he should have Obama and his handlers arrested. I doubt their mug shot would be as popular as his..
vacating the order to hold the wire cutting until a judgement made no sense at all. If the feds have abdicated their duties (and they have) TX has a right to protect their state.
The Democrats have fired all the Federal AGs in the past.
The # 1 job of the American voter and our leaders is to get the progressive lying criminal's hands away from the levers of power. Revenge and getting even would be a waste of time and money. If you want to hurt human beings, stay with the Globalist until they no longer need you.
If you stay within the lines of the Constitutional Republic of the US, you will have the opportunity to be individually free.
The closing, from “Had the press, the Democrats and the RINOs played it straight….” on really is powerful. Maybe the horror of the last three years (with one more to go) was the bitter pill that ends up propelling us towards an American renaissance.
Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til it's gone.
I’ve got a ton of thoughts on stuff to say that’s generated by this piece, but work calls.
I’ll just say this for now- We miss Rush so very much. He was always several steps ahead of the left, and listening to him was the best and quickest way to learn what was what about what was going down.
Of those who would purportedly be our new Rush, and I’m including Tucker, no one compares to Mr. Surber.
Live long and keep the ink flowing. You are greatly appreciated.
I’m afraid whatever thoughts I thought I had that taken together would weigh 2,000 lbs, are not going to materialize this day.
But speaking of Rush,- I just got off the phone with my son who is a huge Mark Steyn fan, and who is livestreaming his trial, and I wanted you guys to know a couple things. This in regard to the defamation suit brought against him by Michel Mann, the ‘inventor’ of the notorious “Hockey Stick” depicting the rapid onset of global warming, which others had exposed as fraudulent, and which Steyn wrote about.
1) Mark’s health is in shambles. He had been in a French hospital recovering from his third debilitating heart attack, when- after 12 years of continuances, he received word that his trial was restarting about a month ago. His doctor wrote the court saying that the plane ride alone could kill him. The judge ‘flipped him the bird’ and said it starts with or without him. Mark showed up in time to have the judge delay it another month.
2) It has now begun, Mark is representing himself, and is off to a good start, albeit from a wheelchair in a DC courtroom with a jury the judge had to plead with to show up on time tomorrow.
Yes, thanks for the update. I loved it when Mark filled in for Rush. He is quick with words and has such a sharp sense of humor in an unusual way to me. I tried to follow him but never hear much about him anymore. I appreciate knowing this although I am saddened by the news. These people are evil the way they use lawfare against good people.
The first order of business should be to pardon the J6 political prisoners and have them released before the sun sets on 1/20/25. Then President Trump can start filling the gulag vacancies with any and all of the poll cats worthy candidates.
They need to pull an EPA or DOJ ‘sue and settle” lawsuit. Every J6er should sue for $5 million, and the Feds agree, but pay $10 million. Like all the NGOs facilitating in-Constitutional ‘’precedent’setting settlements to Administrative law….like the EPA pulled:regulating puddles in pastures…..” March 27, 2015 - Based on the agencies' interpretation of the statute, implementing regulations and relevant caselaw, the following waters are protected by the Clean Water Act: ... Non-navigable tributaries to traditional navigable waters that are relatively permanent, meaning they contain water at least seasonally”…..Trumps picked SCOTUS finally stopping such crooked ‘cow pies’.
SCOTUS absolutely hates...hates making sweeping decisions. They like making the narrowest rulings possible. That's what worries me about the Chevron case. It's a huge case that will affect how the government works. I'm sure they're being threatened right now about it. This will be a very telling year, as there will be several major cases before them. Will they do their damned job or hid behind the couch? As for trustworthy is that empty suit?
Yes, and you can bet anything that they're already cooking up their evil schemes to ruin Trumps' presidency as well. Only problem is, on Day One Trump could and should fire all the FBI and DOJ crooks who will do the Deep State's dirty work this time, and replace them with loyalists, which he will have the authority to do. The wailing and lamentations and gnashing of teeth will be the best political entertainment of the century.
What happens if he doesn’t have a House and Senate or Judiciary to support him? What if they all go rogue on him? Or, as we have already witnessed, they and all the infested federal agencies simply choose “not to comply”, in effect staging a coup? The IC is the power behind all the malign machinations permeated within Govt and the media. How do you dismantle that monster? And what about the military? Those at the top are all corrupted and may be used by the malign forces in government to initiate a coup.
These people, with the power they’ve amassed will not go quietly.
The next 9 months, but particularly, should Trump win, that 2.5 month time period between the election and the inauguration will be the most dangerous time in America and in the world.
Step 1. Remove people from power (accept or force resignations from all political appointees).
Step 2. Use the contempt of Congress and their refusal to ratify appointments from putting more quislings in power.
Step 3. Veto budget proposals so agencies are defunded.
Checkmate. If they put his appointees in charge, he can reduce government abuse of power. If they don't, the agencies have limited interim power (the acting officers don't have full authority). Once the money dries up, overreach is difficult.
Look for this Congress to pass a huge-mongous budget even though typically they defer the budget in election years. He will be forcing the RINOs to vote their true colors all the time because they will need to override his vetos.
Of course there will be legal battles, assassination attempts (such as Alex Soros called for yesterday), and all manner of lawlessness. Whether that achieves the complete demolition of our country will be a close call. We will never be the same as we were; God is judging us. Personally, I think there will be foreign attacks on US soil before Trump is installed if he is even allowed to live and be elected.
Yes, absolutely. Stores looted and set on fire. Remember when law enforcement got those SWAT tactical vehicles from the government? It will be time to use them for their intended purpose - including the automatic weapons mounted to them. Then, we’ll see who antifa really is. If they want war, let’s give it to them the way it should have been handled in Portland.
Google zip to zap. I was there on Main Street watching the National Guard clear town. By the way, I was one of the long-haired maggots on Main Street being cleared.
But I do suspect Antifa and BLM are soy-boy paper tigers and will be the easiest opponent we face. They have NEVER faced real opposition, as they stick to safe spots in Blue cities where they have been coddled by the politicians and Soros DAs.
Cut off the head of the snake or it’ll plague him for the next 4 years and beyond. This has always been about Hussein and we all know it. Put him out of his misery already!
When Haley fails to pull it off tonite, every anti-T group will start warming up their ‘lone wolf’ candidate ( who was on the FBI’s radar). We need to keep our eyes peeled and our sense’s sharp…and pray.
What do you imagine the convo is like around the DeSantis breakfast table this morning?
De Santis is not Trump, but then, who is? The real comparison should be if, at only half Trump's age, he has shown to have the potential for the Presidency. On the basis of his performance in Florida, I would say Yes, for he has shown to have the mettle not to be intimidated by the Woke crowd and its nonsense. My favorite outcome would be for him to play an important part in the Trump2 administration, and then run.
DeSantis needs to ditch the political consultants, tell his wife to stay T.F. home! And speak from the heart about his administration policies.
But after this short primary, the winner to me, after Trump was Vivek who is another non politician. Perhaps more of non politicians and less career grifters
Meh, I'm not so sure. That's because while Trump performed better than a lot of presidents, his inexperience in running government clearly obstructed his effectiveness. I think we all hope he's learned his lessons, and that the second time around he will put them into practice.
The inexperience factor may also apply to Ramaswamy, which would argue for Trump drawing him into his administration, for training on how to survive in the Swamp, with all those alligators.
Agree. Swamp is vast and deep. And yes, Trump's 'ignorance' about who he could trust hurt him, he was still the most affective President since FDR (although FDR was 'effective' in HORRIBLE ways!)
FDR was a good actor, and a shrewd politician -- but not what the country needed in 1933. This is proved by his blundering through the Great Depression and actually making it worse; quite a few historians consider that WWII saved his bacon.
Ramaswamy is a talker. He is not ready for political office. He is a successful businessman. He should stick to what he is good at and use his speaking skills to help fix things while trying to unite the business community behind his ideas.
Totally agree about DeSantis' wife. She wants to be first lady in the worst way. His highest and best use is to lead a 10th Amendment coalition of states to counter every damned thing DC does.
Florida resident for about two decades now, and DeSantis has done a very creditable job as Governor here. Another way to look at him would be who would you favor for Secretary of Defense...DeSantis or the likes of Mayorkas?
In your spare time, please DIG into De santis's legal paperwork to find a very important clause about 'the Governor being in total control of any mandatory JABS to be given to the entire population of Florida, if DE Santis deems it necessary in case of any New Pandemic. Virus or Illness that should arrive on the scene. He alone, still has the power to Mandate JABS to every Florida citizen.
I believe Pierre Poilievre is on the short side of things and yet his size has not been a noticeable attribute to me. Despite his stature, his words and self confidence make a bigger person.
The first thing he should do is announce that he has accepted the resignations of every single federal DA, effective close of business the day of inauguration. Every one. Every district. With thanks for their service. Shut the DOJ place down until a new AG and working professionals confirmed. Then accept the resignation of Wray et al. Shut it down.
Anyone hired by the political prosecutors needs to be under intense scrutiny. They can be leakers and saboteurs who interfere with justice by sharing false news to the media or destroying key evidence or case notes. Assume that the Deep State purged anyone with a conscience. That seems to be the pattern.
The new DA's Trump appoints can then clean house below them (that should be part of their job description from Trump in order to be appointed). That's delegation, and that's how you make sure it gets done thoroughly, top to bottom.
Wray and Garland need to be perp walked out the door after they've been told "You're fired!'
They need to be in prison.
Amen Reddog.
At most changes of administration in many states, your updated résumé is expected on your supervisor's desk by 2 weeks before inauguration. No résumé means you do not plan to continue employment. (If only Trump had cleaned house in his first two months, last time.)
The first thing he should do is never live in Washington DC. It is a cesspool of corruption and filth. He should move the White House or rebuild one in the middle of the country maybe Kansas. Next he should fire every government employee, including everyone in the military and then have each reapply for their job. Finally as the poll shows, he should have Obama and his handlers arrested. I doubt their mug shot would be as popular as his..
Oh, I dunno - I might be willing to buy a T-shirt with Obama's mug shot on it!
I bought a T-shirt with Trump's mugshot on it!
Obama did it, and no one screamed. So yes, he needs to clean that house first,.
And let the media whine, cry and b!tch all they want. Time for them to start feeling it, too. They'll lose all their inside connections and sources.
The media is beginning to feel it now. Several are laying off. couldnt happen to a more deserving group.
I love it when truth prevails and right wins.
This house cleaning may have just gotten tougher with the Scotus. ruling just issued led by the Roberts ladies? 5-4 decision against Texas
vacating the order to hold the wire cutting until a judgement made no sense at all. If the feds have abdicated their duties (and they have) TX has a right to protect their state.
The Democrats have fired all the Federal AGs in the past.
The # 1 job of the American voter and our leaders is to get the progressive lying criminal's hands away from the levers of power. Revenge and getting even would be a waste of time and money. If you want to hurt human beings, stay with the Globalist until they no longer need you.
If you stay within the lines of the Constitutional Republic of the US, you will have the opportunity to be individually free.
Yes, yes, and yes.
The closing, from “Had the press, the Democrats and the RINOs played it straight….” on really is powerful. Maybe the horror of the last three years (with one more to go) was the bitter pill that ends up propelling us towards an American renaissance.
Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got til it's gone.
Yep; you don't miss the water until the well runs dry. And all wells will eventually run dry. (Except for the one with living water!)
I miss Ann Landers… My mother made me read her column every day!
Easter egg!
I’ve got a ton of thoughts on stuff to say that’s generated by this piece, but work calls.
I’ll just say this for now- We miss Rush so very much. He was always several steps ahead of the left, and listening to him was the best and quickest way to learn what was what about what was going down.
Of those who would purportedly be our new Rush, and I’m including Tucker, no one compares to Mr. Surber.
Live long and keep the ink flowing. You are greatly appreciated.
As all the cool kids are saying today, hundred percent!
My kids say that!
They als say, No cap. Which means no kidding or for real.
Wouldn't it be nice if they could actually communicate without having the language dumbed down by endless texting "jargon"?
Yep, but not happening.
That’s a new one for me, I’ll start using it and impress the young adults I work with, haha!
Has that replaced “Absolutely!”?
I’m afraid whatever thoughts I thought I had that taken together would weigh 2,000 lbs, are not going to materialize this day.
But speaking of Rush,- I just got off the phone with my son who is a huge Mark Steyn fan, and who is livestreaming his trial, and I wanted you guys to know a couple things. This in regard to the defamation suit brought against him by Michel Mann, the ‘inventor’ of the notorious “Hockey Stick” depicting the rapid onset of global warming, which others had exposed as fraudulent, and which Steyn wrote about.
1) Mark’s health is in shambles. He had been in a French hospital recovering from his third debilitating heart attack, when- after 12 years of continuances, he received word that his trial was restarting about a month ago. His doctor wrote the court saying that the plane ride alone could kill him. The judge ‘flipped him the bird’ and said it starts with or without him. Mark showed up in time to have the judge delay it another month.
2) It has now begun, Mark is representing himself, and is off to a good start, albeit from a wheelchair in a DC courtroom with a jury the judge had to plead with to show up on time tomorrow.
Our brother needs our prayers.
Yes, thanks for the update. I loved it when Mark filled in for Rush. He is quick with words and has such a sharp sense of humor in an unusual way to me. I tried to follow him but never hear much about him anymore. I appreciate knowing this although I am saddened by the news. These people are evil the way they use lawfare against good people.
Thanks for letting us know this. Prayers for sure.
Amen Steve.
Bongino as well.
The first order of business should be to pardon the J6 political prisoners and have them released before the sun sets on 1/20/25. Then President Trump can start filling the gulag vacancies with any and all of the poll cats worthy candidates.
They need to pull an EPA or DOJ ‘sue and settle” lawsuit. Every J6er should sue for $5 million, and the Feds agree, but pay $10 million. Like all the NGOs facilitating in-Constitutional ‘’precedent’setting settlements to Administrative law….like the EPA pulled:regulating puddles in pastures…..” March 27, 2015 - Based on the agencies' interpretation of the statute, implementing regulations and relevant caselaw, the following waters are protected by the Clean Water Act: ... Non-navigable tributaries to traditional navigable waters that are relatively permanent, meaning they contain water at least seasonally”…..Trumps picked SCOTUS finally stopping such crooked ‘cow pies’.
Watch for the SCOTUS to overturn the Chevron decision (🙏) which will be an earthquake to all the regulatory agencies!
SCOTUS absolutely hates...hates making sweeping decisions. They like making the narrowest rulings possible. That's what worries me about the Chevron case. It's a huge case that will affect how the government works. I'm sure they're being threatened right now about it. This will be a very telling year, as there will be several major cases before them. Will they do their damned job or hid behind the couch? As for trustworthy is that empty suit?
"Will they do their damned job or hide behind the couch? As for trustworthy is that empty suit?"
My $ is on hiding behind the couch, and completely UNtrustworthy.
SCOTUS cares more about The Government than the Constitution and the expressed but perpetually thwarted will of the People
Not trustorthy at all. He and all 4 girls ruled against Texas this week.
He needs to be replaced with one of the other judges, mabye Gorsuch.
Lord, I am hoping.
Hope so. It will help corral and reign in the deep state for sure.
Pay the J6ers back with the money that Hillary brought into the Clinton "Foundation" through corruption and selling us out.
Simultaneously, but Bill and Hillary in prison, and MAKE THEM SHARE A CELL!!!
Fitting penalty Rev.
RevMikey, that's cruel. I like it.
Refill Guantanamo
And arrest the copy who murdered the young woman in cold blood. That guy should never be allowed to have a firearm.
Should be executed on nationwide tv.
But only after a fair trial, right :)
Held in a central red state away from DC.
And antifa since their “peaceful protests” are really violent insurrection.
“countries that are immune to civilization”
'Given his position as commander-in-chief at the time, who was he trying to overthrow? Himself?' Best argument for dismissal I've heard.
Surb nailed it PM.
All true, but the Deep State will not go gently into the night, we need enough people to vote to overcome their planned cheating.
The planned cheating doesn't worry me as much as other "options" they're entertaining.
Big Mike for pres being one. And without a single vote from “the people” required.
Yes, and you can bet anything that they're already cooking up their evil schemes to ruin Trumps' presidency as well. Only problem is, on Day One Trump could and should fire all the FBI and DOJ crooks who will do the Deep State's dirty work this time, and replace them with loyalists, which he will have the authority to do. The wailing and lamentations and gnashing of teeth will be the best political entertainment of the century.
What happens if he doesn’t have a House and Senate or Judiciary to support him? What if they all go rogue on him? Or, as we have already witnessed, they and all the infested federal agencies simply choose “not to comply”, in effect staging a coup? The IC is the power behind all the malign machinations permeated within Govt and the media. How do you dismantle that monster? And what about the military? Those at the top are all corrupted and may be used by the malign forces in government to initiate a coup.
These people, with the power they’ve amassed will not go quietly.
The next 9 months, but particularly, should Trump win, that 2.5 month time period between the election and the inauguration will be the most dangerous time in America and in the world.
Step 1. Remove people from power (accept or force resignations from all political appointees).
Step 2. Use the contempt of Congress and their refusal to ratify appointments from putting more quislings in power.
Step 3. Veto budget proposals so agencies are defunded.
Checkmate. If they put his appointees in charge, he can reduce government abuse of power. If they don't, the agencies have limited interim power (the acting officers don't have full authority). Once the money dries up, overreach is difficult.
Look for this Congress to pass a huge-mongous budget even though typically they defer the budget in election years. He will be forcing the RINOs to vote their true colors all the time because they will need to override his vetos.
Of course there will be legal battles, assassination attempts (such as Alex Soros called for yesterday), and all manner of lawlessness. Whether that achieves the complete demolition of our country will be a close call. We will never be the same as we were; God is judging us. Personally, I think there will be foreign attacks on US soil before Trump is installed if he is even allowed to live and be elected.
Their plan for the so-called “Great Reset” will more likely turn out to be the “Great Unrest”.
Buckle up and pray without ceasing. 🙏
Don't forget BLM and Antifa forces will be activated.
This time around, Trump is likely to override governors and send in the national guard.
Yes, absolutely. Stores looted and set on fire. Remember when law enforcement got those SWAT tactical vehicles from the government? It will be time to use them for their intended purpose - including the automatic weapons mounted to them. Then, we’ll see who antifa really is. If they want war, let’s give it to them the way it should have been handled in Portland.
Remember, Kent state and Ruby Ridge.
Google zip to zap. I was there on Main Street watching the National Guard clear town. By the way, I was one of the long-haired maggots on Main Street being cleared.
What irony. Spent 34 years in that same National Guard unit after college.
But I do suspect Antifa and BLM are soy-boy paper tigers and will be the easiest opponent we face. They have NEVER faced real opposition, as they stick to safe spots in Blue cities where they have been coddled by the politicians and Soros DAs.
"They should have just let him win
Trump will be more powerful now that the public has seen how evil DC truly is"
That about sums it up nicely.
Cut off the head of the snake or it’ll plague him for the next 4 years and beyond. This has always been about Hussein and we all know it. Put him out of his misery already!
When Haley fails to pull it off tonite, every anti-T group will start warming up their ‘lone wolf’ candidate ( who was on the FBI’s radar). We need to keep our eyes peeled and our sense’s sharp…and pray.
What do you imagine the convo is like around the DeSantis breakfast table this morning?
Things I found out about DeSantis that disqualify him for any further attempt at the Presidency…in my books.
He isn’t a people person
His concept of Loyalty needs work!
He sux on the stump!
Know what really bugs me? His need to make himself look taller…
De Santis is not Trump, but then, who is? The real comparison should be if, at only half Trump's age, he has shown to have the potential for the Presidency. On the basis of his performance in Florida, I would say Yes, for he has shown to have the mettle not to be intimidated by the Woke crowd and its nonsense. My favorite outcome would be for him to play an important part in the Trump2 administration, and then run.
DeSantis needs to ditch the political consultants, tell his wife to stay T.F. home! And speak from the heart about his administration policies.
But after this short primary, the winner to me, after Trump was Vivek who is another non politician. Perhaps more of non politicians and less career grifters
Meh, I'm not so sure. That's because while Trump performed better than a lot of presidents, his inexperience in running government clearly obstructed his effectiveness. I think we all hope he's learned his lessons, and that the second time around he will put them into practice.
The inexperience factor may also apply to Ramaswamy, which would argue for Trump drawing him into his administration, for training on how to survive in the Swamp, with all those alligators.
Agree. Swamp is vast and deep. And yes, Trump's 'ignorance' about who he could trust hurt him, he was still the most affective President since FDR (although FDR was 'effective' in HORRIBLE ways!)
FDR was a good actor, and a shrewd politician -- but not what the country needed in 1933. This is proved by his blundering through the Great Depression and actually making it worse; quite a few historians consider that WWII saved his bacon.
Ramaswamy is a talker. He is not ready for political office. He is a successful businessman. He should stick to what he is good at and use his speaking skills to help fix things while trying to unite the business community behind his ideas.
He may be wordy but chooses them well put on a spot ,some thing I wish PDJT was able to do.Still MAGA 2024 with PDJT !!!
Totally agree about DeSantis' wife. She wants to be first lady in the worst way. His highest and best use is to lead a 10th Amendment coalition of states to counter every damned thing DC does.
Florida resident for about two decades now, and DeSantis has done a very creditable job as Governor here. Another way to look at him would be who would you favor for Secretary of Defense...DeSantis or the likes of Mayorkas?
That's a joke, right? Considering that Mayorkas would give our Military to China or to Mexico, and deny in Congress that he had done so ...
No joke: a comparison, and I would contend seeing what the Left is capable of when they hold sway, a realistic one.
In your spare time, please DIG into De santis's legal paperwork to find a very important clause about 'the Governor being in total control of any mandatory JABS to be given to the entire population of Florida, if DE Santis deems it necessary in case of any New Pandemic. Virus or Illness that should arrive on the scene. He alone, still has the power to Mandate JABS to every Florida citizen.
I believe Pierre Poilievre is on the short side of things and yet his size has not been a noticeable attribute to me. Despite his stature, his words and self confidence make a bigger person.