“After Trump humiliated her…”

I’m kinda tired of Trump getting all of the credit for humiliating Hillary. WE, the sane and patriotic American people, did that!

I voted for climate change since that lie has been spewed by the media for about 50 years. You’d think that people would notice that not one of their doomsday predictions has ever actually come to pass.

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She did this to herself

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And still doing it. To this day she refuses to acknowledge her mental disorder.

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And gets uglier every time she spouts her nonsense.

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I have never liked the conniving you know what since day one, she is one mean, hateful, nasty and dishonest human being.

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Vicky!!! I'm appalled!!! She's a totally precious, innocent, utterly guileless angel!!!

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It's Vicki with an I. Thank you. Yeah, right.

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I suppose being a drunk is a mental disorder.

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I think it is. It changes perceptions.

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Since when has anyone with a mental disorder acknowledged said mental disorder? My dad had dementia with "moderate psychosis". I asked a psychologist, "What is 'moderate psychosis'?" She told me that, at times, he could be lucid. But he never apologized for his aberrant behavior to my mom or me by saying, "I'm sorry - it's due to my dementia and moderate psychosis."

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I'm not sure why you would expect him to or if he knew to apologize. We don't know what goes on in the brain of a person in that condition. I don't think you are being kind to expect such a thing, you don't know what will happen to you as you get older so give him some understanding, please.

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Clinton has been using the lie to advance her career for so long she cannot tell a lie for the truth. To her, it really doesn't matter if it gets her what she wants.

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She got kicked off the Watergate investigation because she was too dishonest for that bunch of snakes.

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Did you just say she is bidets twin?

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Ha:) She is worse because she still has her evil brain.

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You do realize that using all caps on an internet post is considered to be shouting, don’t you? I wasn’t going to comment on it until I saw you all caps post below. Please turn off the caps lock

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With all the problems we have in the world, CAPS in an email is the least of my worries and if that's your biggest problem and worry, I am happy for you.

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At least he is not so transparent. People who knew him in DC said he was very charming, she never was.

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Hillary is the Queen of Entitlement 🫅🏼

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I blame the Cisco Red they've been substituting for her Chardonnay as a cost saving measure. She should switch to Night Train since her goal is getting plowed under.

What's worse is that her only abortion survivor looks just as pathetic.

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Ouch !

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Don Surber

I also voted Climate change because it exposes more than just a media lie. It also indicts the average consumer of the media.

Climate change became a term after "The Coming Ice Age" and "Global Warming" each failed before our eyes so the media promoted it's third version of the lie called "Climate Change". It's almost fail-safe because everyone knows climates do change. It's the cause of it with which we disagree. They are getting sneaky.

Like the COVID lie, the masses of people just consume the lies like its a drug. With all the states allowing marijuana now, perhaps it is the drugs helping to cloud their brains.

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Its not the weed, nor the alcohol...its the lack of indictments for committing crimes like abetting the abuse of power by Deep State.

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If any of our "elected" DA's had a spine and indicted one "news" anchor or public official for reporting lies and misinformation about horse paste, Russian collusion or "leaked" intelligence that was false, I suspect things would change.

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I have been frightened by media and schools about climate change since the mid-1960s. As I like to remind climate-afraid people, not one of these predictions has come true. They never have a reply. Just silence.

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Don't be frightened by it, be on guard. Name one big lie that the government pushed that ever came true? Remember Y2K? All scams designed to control people and their habits. We went from prudent planning for the future (like cities do for infrastructure) to planning for how the future WILL turn out. Big difference. People control on the path to Utopia.

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I was only frightened by it as a child. Thankfully, I grew out of it.

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It is the biggest con around. In my long lifetime, things change. It's that simple. Including the weather.

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When I was a child it was global cooling and that to a Minnesotan is chilling. Nine months of winter? Okay, but we draw the line at nine months and three days. WE ARE NOT CANADIANS! When they changed it to global warming I went and purchased a gas guzzler.

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It goes back to the tv weather forecast. We’ve been absorbing that lie every night since the beginning of tv.

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Subvert a voting block by giving them drugs to soften their brains and obscure what you are doing to them and you have effectively gained control of those masses.

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Plays, I had the same poll vote with the very same reasoning.

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That uses brainpower of which there is not much the past few years. That beech needed/needs humiliating.

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The most damning evidence is that the computer-generated "climate models" fail spectacularly even when back-tested - which means simply inputting data from twenty years ago and seeing if the predictions match current climate conditions. One hundred percent of the models grossly overestimate the degree of "global cooling" - er, "global warming" - er, Climate Change actually observed. Oopsie! Sum ting wong with this theory .....

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Next time, write a shorter post, titled,"When big media didn't lie to us." Hint: just throw up the header and leave the rest blank.

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May 28·edited May 28

excellent point steve. your talent for stating so much truth using so few words is duly noted.

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There was the time when .... Oh wait, never mind.

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May 28Liked by Don Surber

Let's not forget the biggest miscarriage of justice is a law enforcement officer being sentence to over 22 years for following police protocol. This is not justice. This is Revenge from a black population (and self-loathing white people) who ironically want to perpetrate the same injustice to the white population as was shown them a century ago.

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May 28·edited May 28

Personally, I don't believe that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, but I do believe, whole-heartedly, that George Floyd did kill himself by ingesting a lethal dose of fentanyl as he was being arrested for passing counterfeit bills. Derek Chauvin is our modern day Alfred Dreyfus.

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Chavin is no saint but he didn't deserve to be wrongly convicted either. Shows you just how callus and cold our justice system has gotten today that they would waste a human being to promote a social media lie. In the end, the black community loses because of this. Nothing has changed except for a wrongly convicted cops sitting in prison. Forty-one people shot in Chicago this weekend. Business as usual across the country. Until black America stops and starts taking personal responsibility for their god given freedoms, nothing, no amount of reparations will change a thing for them.

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To his credit, he offered to plead guilty in exchange for them dropping all charges against his fellow officers. He wasn't perfect, but he tried his best.

Find the series dark justice. It helps explain why officers sometimes do what they do. They have watched the most evil go free and are fed up with it.

If I were tasked with police reform, one thing would be to mandate a break after five years, three to five years away from law enforcement completely. And a year out after a death involved incident other than a car crash . They need time to heal and deal with their PTSD.

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Interesting idea Jeremy. I'm no shrink but I will never understand why people become cops. The most thankless job. At least in the Army we knew who the enemy was. I have several LE friends and they are all bright, talented, and tough, but the job has changed all of them. What the left has done to the profession of policing is disgusting and immoral. One thing that needs to happen though is police training needs to be modified. Too many people getting shot way too fast when an arrest goes bad.

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Please, please let is not forget Chauvin.

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Chauvin is the scapegoat. It was either prison or Minneapolis burns down. Neither justice or morality are meaningful today. Hence the state of affairs we find ourselves.

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May 28Liked by Don Surber

The media along with their Democratic masters have been trying to destroy this country since the days of Lincoln. He, like Trump, had to deal with the lying press, such as Horace Greeley, whom sold lie after lie to destroy his political career. Our country survived in the 1860s and will survive in the future because good men and women know the truth and where evil is located. FJB

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I hope you are correct, Mark, but I have to give a big "maybe" to your post. The speed, breadth and depth of digital media is a nuclear bomb compared to the "firecracker" media of the 1860's. One split second in today's media world was measured in weeks in Lincoln's day. A media blast can solidify the issue it is promoting before a reasonable counter point can be launched and then censored by big media and government.

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S. While you are correct in many ways about the speed of modern day media vs the press of the 1860s, you are incorrect about their power and their sway. They could start a war with Spain or finish one with Vietnam with their words and power. The media today in all forms have been neutered. No one is going to believe Joy Reid et all, no matter how dumb our educational system has become.

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Thank God for that, Mark.

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Correct, their error was going all-in with the lies. Tell too many and none of them matter.

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I'm afraid "No one" may be a vast exaggeration. Or understatement.

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Never heard of democrats have ya? They'll believe anything the goobermint tells them to believe even when it contradicts their own eyes.

Yes , I've been told they are mythical creatures and that ther weren't 80 million of them voting for Zou Xiden, but somewhere, somebody entered those votes into a machine, so empirical evidence says that at least one of them exists.

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Mark, I get your comment but I believe it is slightly off. The media and the Democrats have not been trying to destroy this country, they have been trying to remake this country in the image of their liberal ideals. The destroying part is necessary to some extent in order to change authority and how the country deals with the change. You have to break a society down before you can materially change it and the liberals are hard at work to do just that.

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Well said Reddog.

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Sad, isn't it, that Dems spend so much time trying to change the country that they never stop and critique their past actions. If they did, maybe they would learn a thing or two about their fellow humans and consequences.

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May 28Liked by Don Surber

I picked “Climate Change” in the poll because if that lie can be disabused it would reverse a hell of a lot of damage and insanity which has run rampant through the entirety of the world’s governments, but might also have the added punch of fatally crushing the Democrat party once and for all.

But It was a torturous choice between that and the “Insurrection” lie, which breaks my heart every day.

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i am always shocked by the intelligent people who believe the insurrection lie. They should know better, but they don't.

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They believe it because most have never looked up the definition of "Insurrection". They understand the category but not the meaning.

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As my late husband used to say, Liberals justify their own lying and wrongheaded beliefs by thinking, "Well if it's not true, it OUGHT to be true!!!"

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Hypocrisy is considered a righteous virtue by the left.

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May 28Liked by Don Surber

In the immortal words of our President: “We choose truth over facts!” Uttered on the campaign trail sometime in 2019 and the result is a totally dysfunctional media dedicated to the destruction of America.

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“Super Size Me” was produced in 2004. Morgan Spurlock could NEVER make a movie like that today. He wouldn’t have the life savings to support eating at Mickey D’s for 30 days straight.

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HA! Good one.

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Well done Bubble.

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Our local Mac's steakhouse is now authentic mexican cuisine. They still offer Minnesota hot sauce to go with their steak and roll combos.

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Don Surber

it's the nature of the human genome to lie. sometimes it's for a person's own good and we've all done it. in general though we don't like the government lying to us unless it's concerning the safety of our country. so here's my all time favorite government lie that has been disproven, discredited, invalidated and admitted to as such by those with enough honesty left in their soul to pony up the truth....."you need to keep a distance of six feet". that one lie alone destroyed k-12, medical industry credibility and our short term american culture to an extent that we may never recover from.

but that's just me.

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And everyday we still see the imbeciles in masks.

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And driving alone in their cars with their masks on.

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Couple of years ago I saw a woman walking her dog on the beach with mask on. Hysterical!!

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I've seen joggers with masks. Nuts!

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got a neighbor who walks alone. not even a dog. every day. with a mask. haven't seen her face in four years...not that i care.

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Many imbeciles would take offence at being lumped in with that crowd.

Want to get them irate? There was a study done that shows people who are still wearing masks consider themselves to be ugly whereas those who ditched the diaper are more secure about their appearance.

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“A lie is a device for profit or escape.”

John Steinbeck

East of Eden.

I’d say that this one was for profit.

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i'd say you are on the money....no pun intended.

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I loved that book.

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Me too. I re-read it every decade or so and always find something new which amazes me. Timshel!

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May 28Liked by Don Surber

I just watched a you tube video of Biden interspersed with the scene from Blazing Saddles of Gabby Johnson speaking”genuine frontier jibberish”. Amazing how parallel that jibberish scene mimics what Biden’s genuine political jibberish is.

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Biden can’t help but imitate Gabby Johnson. After all, he was there when it happened. No joke.

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Wasn't he the one that Mongo knocked out in the street?

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I liken him to Walter, the mean old guy puppet of Jeff Dunham....exact copy. Look it up.

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Spot in!

I’ve Dunham to a bit with Walter dressed up as Biden. It’s hilarious.

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May 28Liked by Don Surber

surber could have listed a hundred lies and i would have voted for the entire lot.

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May 28Liked by Don Surber

And when they are not lying, per se, they are interpreting and “reporting” (using the term loosely) about things of which, they are utterly, factually ignorant and lack the capacity to understand.

This is chiefly the result of our decrepit education system, which has been in a nosedive since the perfect storm/contagion of John Dewey, the Frankfurt School emigrés, teachers unions and profligate gubmint funding and subsidies.

It’s ironic isn’t it, that modern “journalism” has embraced Critical Theory but rejected critical thinking?!

You, Mr. Surber, are a rare journalist, because you are intellectually curious and therefore knowledgeable. Add to that, your moral courage to call balls and strikes exactly as you see ‘em.

But men and women with your qualities are rare as hens’ teeth in the dominant media outlets, who covet and cherish their ignorance, delusion and mendacity.

Keep up the good work, Sir.

And let’s all thank God for His Grace and mercy.

“… for I have overcome the world”, He said.

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I picked the swimming and eating conundrum. That was the doctrine of summer back in the day.

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I well remember that agonizing hour when we had to sit in the sand on the beach waiting to go back in the water.

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I recall a Bill Cosby skit where he addressed that. He claimed it depends on what you ate. Cake? 20 minutes. A burger? 35. Beans? You can never go near the water again.

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I'm surprised "Insurrection!" isn't getting more votes, since it goes hand in hand with election fraud...

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I voted for "Insurrection!" because it was so obviously and undeniably part of a prefabricated plan to ruin Trump's reputation and his followers' -- who have been treated pretty much the way Russia treats its dissidents.

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Don is a student of his industry. He knows the ugly history of lies. The Spanish blew up the Maine. Bonnie & Clyde were lovable folk heroes. FDR saved the country during the Depression. Uncle Joe Stalin was our friend. The North Vietnamese launched an unprovoked attack against the US Navy in the Tonkin Gulf. Mueller conducted an impartial investigation. Paul Krugman is a brilliant economist. Epstein killed himself. Fauci knew best. Trump is a crook and traitor. The Two State Solution will solve all of the problems between Hamas and Israel. Having a PEACE sticker on your car means you're brilliant. *** MSM's basic stock in trade is unfiltered sensationalism. Given the opportunity to report truth, honesty and traditional values or the latest travails of Britney Spears, the MSM will pick Spears every time.

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You mention the PEACE sticker, but more prevalent are the nonsensical COEXIST stickers with the crescent of Islam prominently leading the way. Islam can no more coexist with the rest of the world than Joe Biden can string two coherent sentences together.

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There will be no co-existence. That's how Islam rolls.

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So true Jim.

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That is too big for a bumper sticker, but on a billboard would be okay if only Johnny could read.

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May 28Liked by Don Surber

And everyone ignored the counterpoint to SuperSize Me. Mark Haub, a KSU prof, ate mostly Twinkies for 10 weeks on a calorie restricted diet and lost 27 pounds. Now, he did do it to prove it was calories that drive weight, but no one really wanted to hear "eat less, move more." Easier to believe it's those nasty<fill in your pet hate>

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Always get a kick out of watching people work out in the gym for two hours and then going to Starbucks and ordering a doubly caramel latte.

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At one point in my life I worked out at a gym in the same shopping center as a Burger King. You guessed it.

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Yes, calories drive weight. You can exercise a lot, but if you don't watch your calories it is a match nul.

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May 28·edited May 28Liked by Don Surber

The lying Media/Government double-team has much more up their sleeve as large corporations continue to flex their muscle to expand censorship toward groups the government disagrees with. I'm talking about Jews, Christians, 2A, and conservative groups being destroyed by CORPORATE WOKENESS by banks and even Coca Cola. More will come as time goes on.

The Sherman Antitrust Act was passed in 1897 to restrict large corporations from using their power to unfairly control markets. Many firms found loopholes in the years after 1897 to exert some control which resulted in a series of additional related laws to close them. Despite the government's good intentions in 1897, it seems Corporate Wokeness is the new Anti-trust violation. I hope someone in Congress can pass a new law to close this emerging loophole. I have little faith our DOJ will prosecute it today.

Here's more if interested: https://randpaulreview.substack.com/cp/144980483

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Great article. Orwell and Huxley predicted the future.

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Yeah... There is no greater origin of lies than in me own Minnesota, starting with "Minnesota Nice." Perhaps NY or CA, but Minny is right up there. Embarrassing.

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Yes - "Minnesota Nice" - also known as "Norwegian Passive-Aggressive". I know, cuz I've lived here since 2016. (But retiring and leaving the state in three months; counting down!)

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Yes sir. Just got back from Texas visiting daughter's family in Houston; that city is gihugic, but still a completely different world than here. I love MN, but it is too far gone for guys like you and I to live through 'the fight' to make it normal I am sorry to report.

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Gihugic. Gotta remember that word. Kind of like bazillions.

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What does that word mean, please?

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Big. Really big.

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Thanks. I'd never heard that word before.

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Where ya headed?

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Importing Somalians to Minneapolis was a good idea (sarc). Now we need to import Palestinians to St Paul. That will really fix things. Outside of the college towns, rural Minnesota is still pretty nice. Heading up to our cabin in a week or so. Too damn hot in Texas.

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Yeah, Houston gets unbearable, but away from the coast is a little better. At least the citizens there share the same values as our family. Retiring in MN will cost 30% more than other places and it looks like it will not get better before I die. Still looking.

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Anything with a winter does not appeal to me and somehow north USA seems too rural but then I've never really been there, lol, except riding the train across country years ago and looking out the window. Trains could be nice but they aren't, too bad. I hate flying. It's even worse. Nothing much is nice anymore but maybe a private jet? Reminds me to buy a lotto ticket, lol, just kidding.

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The change of seasons is nice, but I am starting to dislike winter up here(5 months).

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