"...unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Natural Law. God gave us this. Let us forget the politics today and reserve this day for these thoughts.

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…and that we can KEEP them!!!

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Happy 4th of July to Don, and all his followers. Your posts are the first thing I read in the morning and really make my day. God bless America!

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Hear, hear!

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Hear, hear, too!

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Same here.

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“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.”

~ Psalm 33:12

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Blessed we are by you.

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Aw- thank you & God Bless you and all of yours!!

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Thank you Suzie.

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Amen Suzie. We own nothing & take nothing with us. It all belongs to God.

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Indeed, this is a day for reflection and remembrance. A commemoration of many things that have made us what we are today. Or rather, what some--many, I hope--are today, because there are also many among us for whom none of it means anything. Or worse, it is an occasion for forgetting because for them, it is always Year Zero. The leftist cabal that is currently ascendant in our Federal Capitol has nothing but contempt for what has gone before, and has been trying desperately to erase it from our memories. Or perhaps it is more accurately put that they wish to replace our treasured memories with their fictions. So "Independence Day" is shuffled aside for "Juneteenth." Forget that between 25,000 and 70,000 American Patriots died during active military service in The War for Independence. Slavery reparations are now the latest demand of the insatiable social justice warriors, ignoring the fact that 110,000 Union troops died and a quarter million suffered grievous, life changing wounds in the War Between the States that freed the slaves. Another 116,000 died to "make the world safe for democracy" in WW I and more than three times as many died freeing Europe from Nazi terror and freeing Asia and the Pacific from Japanese savagery in WW II. But since most of these deaths were of white Americans, we are no longer allowed to mention them because our armed forces were segregated. And that was worse than Nazism, don't you know. Now we are told to be ashamed of our history because we were/are colonial oppressors, racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes and all manner of things that the would-be usurpers of our Republic deem evil. But the child mutilators, baby killers, sexual perverts and assorted degenerates who comprise the modern democrat party and its supporters get their "Pride Month" and have their "rainbow flag" and other symbols of perversity draped over The White House and painted on our streets. And although it is perfectly acceptable--praiseworthy, in fact--to burn or trample the American Flag, God forbid you do the same to a LGBTQetc. flag, because that is a hate crime that will put you in jail. As will peacefully praying at an abortion clinic, or walking around inside the Capitol in opposition to a stolen election. But should you be a member of Code Pink or Antifa or the BLM cabal, you can go anywhere and do anything with utter impunity. The meaning of "Who/Whom" has never been clearer. Our system of "laws, not men" has never been so ignored, replaced by Beria's maxim, "Show me the man and I'll find you the crime." So by all means, let us celebrate our Independence Day, because unless we awaken to our plight and DO something about it, it may very well be the last time we have anything to celebrate.

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Well said sir. Dittos.

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Uh oh, I had to go look up what a "side-by-side" is, but I had no problem with "hold my beer". This has always been my favorite holiday of the whole year. We used to absolutely blow up the neighborhood when we were kids, and when we were adults too come to think if it. Anybody else used to make tennis ball cannons out of a stack of cans and duct tape? This is the day I use for my internet birthday, so I'm off to Starbucks to collect my annual birthday freebie. Happy Independence Day! Go do something independent. #MAGA #FJB

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Happy 4th Americans and foreign visitors! In 2 more years it’ll be 50 years after our family celebrated the Bi-Centennial….wow. And back then , so long ago, like yesterday though, I didn’t know our ATVs we used get to our duck blinds in the Texas' Costal Bend marsh would later be called SxSs. My favorite quote is from my visit to see the captured cannons at mortars near Surrender Field Yorktown VA, “I have the honor to inform Congress, that a reduction of the British Army under the command of Lord Cornwallis, is most happily effected” General George Washington October 19, 1781. Hoo-rah!

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Well I thought it was a double barrel shotgun

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It is but most young people wouldn’t know a certain shotgun type by that name. Actually, could also be a type of rifle.

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Oh man. The little town I grew up in no doubt celebrates the day I moved to another city. My two best friends and I were the Werner von Brauns of town growing up. I swear to this day some of our fourth of July “creations” explosions registered on the Richter scale one hundred miles away. I was blessed that my dad was good friends with the chief of police who he played cards with. Great times they were. Hope everyone has a safe and great Independence Day.

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Same here, about the side-by-side. Found it can be an ATV, but also a refrigerator.

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Where I grew up everybody knew how to make can cannons.

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How to make a potato gun. https://youtu.be/D5CKmeqaGtM?feature=shared

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I thought a side by side was a duplex house.

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It's all kinds of things, Jane-utv, sxs, f,ridge, stroller, bicycle.

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In my neck of the woods a side by side is a type of double barrel shotgun vs the over under the high mucky mucks use on ducks.

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We were in Charlottesville a few weeks ago to visit my wife’s 86 yo but acts like 26 cousin. Last time he taught her beekeeping. This year it was shooting off a potato gun.

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Stupidly, I thought I was the only person with an “Internet birthday.” From the mid-1990s I knew giving my real birthday on the internet was unwise. I also chose a date but wasn’t nearly as creative as July 4.

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God bless Donald Trump, who has pledged his life, his fortune and his sacred honor to set us free! Will the day come when we, too, can shout out, "Free at last! Free at last!"?

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At our house; two good friends will join us for the holiday evening. Wings in the air fryer; bar-be-cue style meatballs (from the slow cooker); Traeger smoked New Mexico Big Jim Peppers stuffed with a three cheese medley; finger food of all kinds; Pacifico Beer; Vodka Tonics and Wine. Then wander out back on the covered patio and relax and watch the fireworks 2 miles away blasting off from the platform on Watson Lake; perfect; don't have to put up with tons of people. That's how we do it in Prescott, AZ.

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Happy 4th everyone!

One other fact often overlooked concerning the holding and freeing of the slave population is every slave holder was a Democrat and every opponent of equal rights for the newly freed slaves was a Democrat.

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I saw an X post recently where some lefty was arguing that the republicans of today are the democrats of the 1800's to the 1960's, that is, roles have been reversed now and we must give today's democrats credit for all positive actions and accomplishments in racial equality. Tortured logic can be so entertaining.

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God bless America.

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………and elect DJT👍

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Great piece, Don. Am Reading "Grant" by Ron Chernow and hold Grant on equal basis with Lincoln if not higher. And I hold Robert E. Lee in absolute disdain, sorry Dixiecrats: Grant gave Lee the key to the 'kingdom' and Lee shyte on it leading the way to thousands of black and white republicans murdered over the next 80 years. The Democrat Party defined and is still racist to this day.

Further about the book: If you want to know how the government grew exponentially and how corrupt it is, this is a primer. Grants 'scandals'(1874/75) were of people that are similar to Trumps; chameleons like Pompeo, Meadows, etc.

If anyone wants this 1400 page book let me know(vandal5005@protonmail(dot)com). I will ship it to you. Should be required reading for adults: Grant is America defined, like Trump. Success and failure and how they dealt with it.

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Not sure I agree with your characterization of Lee. Im not a southerner, just an old Army guy who understands that sometimes good people have to reluctantly make a choice of their loyalty due to a societies inability to resolve fundamental disagreements. The events that led up to the first civil war and after are still some of the most misunderstood issues of that terrible conflict.

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An old Army guy too... I sympathize with the pressure Lee was under from the confederates and life was very different back then. However, Grant chose to not completely destroy the rebellion and honor the Soldiers code with Lee and Lee purposely ran from the agreement. I guess I need to read up more on Lee.

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I have curtailed my reading some. Still love history but dislike the rewriting of history that is going on today. I always wonder, what are these writers or rewriters afraid of? As I say here probably far too often, there is no such thing as the perfect conservative. There is no perfect human being. For some reason, too many people believe today that in order for a person, say a military leader, to be deemed a good American they have to be perfect, perfect that is in the publics view. History tells us that the way our ancestors were judged is not necessarily the same as they are today. So what changed? The ancestor didn’t, but our standards and views today have. Many people look at a character such as General Lee in todays norms and fail to understand that society changes how it views historical figures because they are ignorant. Not ignorant in terms of intelligence necessarily, but ignorant in terms of understanding history in terms of the era that it occurred. We no longer teach true American history in our public education system. If it is taught at all it is thru the lens of “America is bad”. And that is both disgusting and an insult. History, both good and bad, should be a lesson for us so we continue to do what is right and not make the same mistakes over again. Gen Lee was a brilliant but somewhat flawed man who I believe tried to do the right thing at the time. He went into the war knowing it would tear the country apart. He was right. He like do many others just didn't see a way out to avoid the conflict. But at least he could tell when it was time for peace. Flawed man but still an American.

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We are ALL sinners.

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Agreed. And some more than others as well.

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True. Hindsight 2020, et al. As a revered leader in the South he should have encouraged Reconstruction and he didn't.

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Agreed. I think Lee just wanted to get out of the limelight and try to forget about the war. He was a very tired soldier by that time, and no kid.

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Or call it commerce and taxation.

To those that expend a small amout of effort its not difficult to understand. But, one must take off one's PC revisionist glasses.

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Speaking of leading up to the civil war, I’m currently reading “the Demon of Unrest “ by Erik Larson.

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When you finish, I for one would be interested in your opinion of the book. Happy Independence Day.

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If your political protest (constitutionally protected) includes ‘death to America’ you should be stripped of citizenship and sent to Guantanamo as a reverse Ellis Island, and then to a third world country of your choice. You should then be ineligible for return for 2 years, after which you could return upon satisfaction of certain conditions.

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Right. Like a frontal lobotomy.

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I was thinking of an oath of penitent allegiance.

But thanks for reminding me of a bottle in-front-of-me.

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No need for a stop at Gitmo, just drop them in the middle of the Pacific with an inner tube and a compass. Maybe a hand pump to inflate the inner tube.

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Prayers of thanksgiving.

And hopefully getting the missus out of the hospital.

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WAR DAY 272. Thursday July 4th. To repeat my Dad, if you want to be alive on the 4th don't drink a fifth on the 3rd. Stay tuned. MAD DOG

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Here in the southwest NC mountains there will be a boat parade this morning, gubmint fireworks in many locations, and private homes who spend thousands of dollars on fireworks to show their love of our country. I'm flying two flags from our tritoon today, one American flag, and another with a stars and stripes motif that says "Take Back Our Country, Donald Trump 2024!"

Happy Fourth to all patriots!

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Some food for thought from Barbara Tuchman, a great historian and brilliant writer: "Every successful revolution puts on in time the robes of the tyrant it has deposed.”

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Love that...so true. Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes... don't know by whom..."hypocrisy is the compliment that vice pays to virtue".

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Have a Happy & Most Blessed 4th of July, America’s Birthday Celebration! ♥️🇺🇸🙏

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Thank you, Suzie, and the same to you!

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